EUSI 2018 Scorecard-first round

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“Innovation: either disruptive or incremental (building on what has been done before). Critically, the idea must be innov “Impact: the potential of the proposed idea to tackle the issue outlined in the challenge statement. The entrant should d “Sustainability: the financial and environmental sustainability of the idea, as well as the potential for adequacy and upta "Scale: the idea's growth potential and potential to scale and be replicated throughout Europe." For the first phase of the Competition the following weighting will apply to the judging criteria: Innovation 40%, Impact 2 Submissi on ID

Name of Project

Country of Origin

Innovation 1-5

Sustainab Impact 1-5 ility 1-5 Scale 1-5

1E+07 Business Gate Academy

Czech Republic





1E+07 Bye Bye Stuff






1E+07 Coworking islands - Where social Croatia impact meets environmental 4 responsibility 2



1E+07 eurekawe – brake professionalGreece barriers





1E+07 High Tech Pre-Accelerator forBulgaria students





1E+07 Innovative Decision for Employment Bulgariain Agriculture (IDEA) 4




1E+07 KiberZona Code Camp




1E+07 OPEN Resources - Urban regeneration Italy through social innovation 5




1E+07 PLUCK - Permaculture Learning Greece and Upcycling Campus for3Kids




1E+07 RESC: Re-elaborate the sewingItaly cafè







1E+07 REvive Greece











1E+07 U-rban farming STARrter kiT for Greece young refugees (#U-START) 4




1E+07 Ulisse - esperienze nel mondoItaly in lingua internazionale dei 5segni




1E+07 Youth Smart Village




9974827 Secondo Principio



e before). Critically, the idea must be innovative at least within its given socio-economic and geographical context.� challenge statement. The entrant should demonstrate a clear definition of the problem their idea aims to solve, an understanding of how that fits with well as the potential for adequacy and uptake stemming from the development of the idea carried out with users, from first concept, through testing, va

e judging criteria: Innovation 40%, Impact 20%, Sustainability 25%, Scale 15% Total Score Comments

Project is not innovative altough the franchise concept and adoptability to the local context is adding an innovative aspect of it in addition to a fully prepared and tested methodology. One concern is on how to pitch the concept to other universities as many of their have similar programmes already in place with their own methodology - this could impact sustainability and scalability. It is not clear what would be a real benefit to the universities. This needs more work. Also are they thinking of registering BGA as a start up - a company to create more sustainability? Not clear on the financial/business plan.



The project makes no sense as it is not providing a background date on how and why was decided on the creation of upcycled home-designer pieces. There are no hard evidence that there is a market for these items at least not in Croatia. It is also not clear what kind of platform are they talking about - a virtual or other kind? It is also not clear how would they reach their target of 500 artists/craftspeople from all over EU in three years if they are currently working with 5 artists. Financial plan is not well explained. The project is overall vague and lacks sound basis for the realisation.

Project has a potential and considering a very challenging situation on the islands with depopulation, brain drain, lack of mobility and other issues, it offers an interesting concept for local economic development. One key issue is a lack of relevance - it has no direct impact to young people since the focus is on bringing digital nomads to the island and offering them a space to work/integrate with the community. This provides a boost to the tourism and local economy but potentially has no connection with the local youth - or at least the project has not explained how will coworking impact this target group (e.g. through education, mentoring, skills exhange etc). Digital nomads could have in a way no interaction with the local youth and provide no benefits to them. The project has a potential but since this was not well explained, scoring is lower.

33.5 Interesting concept but has many challenges in terms of realisation especially with GDPR now in place protection of personal information and data, which may also impact dating sites. Development of such an application is also fairly expensive (at least 25.000 EUR just to build an app plus than there is a cost of maintainace, marketing etc). Although they have thought of a business model it is not clear how would that work (i.e. selling recruitment tools to expanding business). Also, why focusing only on creating start ups and not on the matchmaking employees and employers? Not clear.

30 Well developed project with detailed methodology targeting high school youth, which are usually underrepresented and connecting them with students and potential universities, as well as giving them new skills for the future careers. It is quite expensive so one question and concern is related to sustainability (will the universities pay for the equipment) and on how will they approach/pitch the idea to universities. This was not explained. Project definitely has a potential and I would recommend to enter the next phase. It is correct that this kind of a tool will be more attractive to young people but what is a potential success rate of start ups? The project is considering an evaluation as well as testing of prototypes/modifications. One question that was not well addressed is how are they going to reach out to target groups (young, marketing, legal experts etc.)


Project is interesting although not very innovative as there are many platforms that connect potential employees with employers. However it is targeting a niche that is not fully covered in terms of job market. It is not well researched in terms of a potential interest among farmers and also about their IT literacy - usually this target group is not using mobile apps and technology so there is a question of impact as well as sustainability and scalability - e.g. the farmers need to conduct an online evaluation of their employees - how realistic is that?. But this is an assumption (perhaps they are using it more than it is a common knowledge - however this is not mentioned in the project. It is missing a background data that will be convincing enough that this project has a potential for sustainability and scalability. How feasible is it for the applicant to maintain the app with new data solely based on the ads. It is also not well explained how will young people gain knowledge from the farmers.



It seems that the concept, which in itself is innovative was just transfered from the US and other countries without adopting to local context. The method is not well explained - it is not clear how long the camp lasts (three years?) Also it is not explained how will they connect with "real employers". It is also not clear why would somebody pay 15% of their future income to get this kind of education. Is the job at the end guaranteed? Interesting concept but needs more work.

Very interesting project that targets both marginalized groups (refigees and the youth). Any project that deals with property and urban regeneration is very challenging because of the ownership issues but also in this case funds for the actual renovation. However since they have potential partners and are going for a pilot project, they could start small and then develop a model that would in a way follow the Habitat for humanity approach. There are creative ways to approach the actual renovation - voluntersim, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing etc. It also addresses an innovative management aspect of joint managmeent of the abandoned or empty spaces - a kind of a pop up concept.

41.5 Not the most innovative concept but the project has a sustainability since the team lives on the 2500 m2 of land and has experience in conducting these kind of programmes. It is a bit confusing in terms of methodology and solutions (e.g. what type of regenerative solutions will they offer?) but it offers different programmes that potentially develop and empower the youth. It is also not clear how will they equip the facility, which impacts the sustainability. Concept is explained in a very broad sense without explaining the actual implementation. It also offers the "contributionism" concept which carries an innovative aspect. It is a bit hippy community :) oriented but has a potential if there is a team with a capacity to implement all the activities mentiond in the project.



Very interesting concept that has a potential for scalability as tested with the knitting cafe. It is also targeting both some forgoten skills as well as failed industry, which leaves many uneployed. It also combines creative industries with textile industry and sewing skills. Some concerns: a price of a final product; how many young people really have sewing skills and interest for this kind of jobs; how to attract potential customers? Sustainability is potentiall a real issue. In order to move to the next phase, it would be good to learn more about the results of the knitting cafe.

This project, which is well researched and explained could have a potentially high impact to target groups (unemployed youth, refugees, migrants‌). Some concerns: a great problem of languange (Greek) - many refugees/asylants that come to Greece don't speak local languange and many do not speak or understand English. It is not explained how wil they tackle this very real issue. Many language courses and programmes for this target groups are usually sporadic, not consistent and take a very long time. Second is an issue of motivation and interest - it is not clear if target groups would be interested in these kind of courses and they do not provide any evidence on that. How would they motivate people to join the course? It is very beneficial that the applicant has reached out to key NGOs and potential funders, which presents a good basis for the implementation and potential sustainability of the programme.






Interesting concept especially because the applicant has an experience in this kind of work. Not well explained. High competition rate and potential costs of products, which can affect the sustainability. Interesting project, well explained and backed up with data. Concerns: language issues - Arabic has many languages, dialects etc. How will they ensure that refugees understand the language and use the platform; there is an assumption that young refugees are interested in urban farming - is there any evidence of that?; how would they also ensure that refugees have access to computers, mobile phones etc. In terms of sustainability there is a concern in terms of funding for future maintainance. It has a great potential for scalability if done well. Excelent project, simple and effective. Very much needed as the deaf people are isolated and are often considered equal to peple with physical disabiities although they are often phisically fit and interested in exploring new countries and cultures. It is well developed and provides options for funding. It is also highly scalable. It is not clear however who will provide training and how would they approach young people to train them. Interesting project targeting unemployed, highly educated youth and preventing a brain drain. There is a question of an impact as well as on sustainability as there are many start ups that fail and it takes up to five years for the company to succeed. It is good that there is a Technology Lab which will continue providing trainings after the completion of the project which provides some sustainability of the model as well as scalability. The project is offering a potentially demanding market niche for micro-engineering, and based on their experience it could have a potential for success. It is a low impact as there could be three business start ups.

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