-------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION 1 (cover page): Introduction (in English) Name of the Case
Maker Space (RADIONA) Abstract Association for Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture was founded to enhance the visibility of makers’ open source culture and self-sustainable production, and was aimed at connecting all possible fields of art, science and technology. focuses its activities on education, research processes, artistic projects, curatorial practices, international and domestic inter-sector collaborations, renewable systems and social awareness related issues. Website Contacts (SIKE team) SIL Zagreb researcher Mirna Karzen
SECTION 2: Case description
MAKER SPACE (RADIONA) Objectives The objective here is to create new realities of networked and collaborative intermedia and new media practices in line with DIY (do-it-yourself) and DIWO (do-it-with-others) cultures. focuses its activities on education, research processes, artistic projects, curatorial practices, residencies, international and domestic inter-sector collaborations, renewable systems and social awareness related issues… Clients, audience Artists, hackers, makers, DIY people, technicians, enthusiasts, engineers and scientists in shared playgrounds. As they say on their web site, their activities are for “Human beings of all generations”. Position along the SI Spiral One of the following: - Identify Opportunities & challenges - Generate ideas - Develop & test - Making the case - Deliver & implement - Growing & scaling - Changing systems. Relationship with HEI(s) (High Education Institutions) • •
They cooperate with a number of Universities and faculties in their workshops, exhibitions, labs etc. Fierce Women representative held a presentation at VERN’ University on May 7, 2019 during the SIKE Croatia site visit.
Finance model and resources Methodology Their strategy is to support: ((( S T E A M = Science – Technology – Engineering – Art – Mathematics ))) ((( ART + CULTURE + SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY ))) // Shareable & Collaborative Cultures via Workshops // Creative and Affordable Opportunities for Everyone // DIY & DIWO Practices including High-Low Tech Integration // Innovative Approaches Based on Practice and Lifelong Learning They offer a variety of workshops to name some: International Workshop Series – for them, the most important educational activities aimed at educating and introducing to their members and wider public new fields and possible intersections in new media and intermedia arts, DIY / DIWO practices. They offered various workshops from biology and biohacking through beginnings of electronics all the way with the support of solar and renewable energy to complex electronic circuits, microcontrollers, 3D printing, wearables, robotics, circuit bending, interactive design and programming. The future of this section is strategically oriented towards development of interaction design, robotics, device hacking and sound art. Domestic Workshop Series – are aimed at fostering and supporting domestic capacity by engaging local and regional experts and enthusiasts into the process of sharing their knowledge. Through this methodology, Radiona wants to ensure sustainable and strategic development of the lab. Hidden Secrets Workshop Series – they aim at discovering people that “secretly and shyly” work on their own projects and bringing them in the public’s attention. Soldering Picnic Workshop Series – Through this series of workshops they demonstrate what you can do with less, as well as how you could spontaneously include people into the process of learning or to conduct mini workshops in the cafes.
Radiona Kids & Youth Program They have a special program designed for kids and youth exclusively. They stimulate youngsters to join their lab not only from Zagreb but also from other cities by giving them a honorary membership and a participation in their regular programs. Products, results Besides providing educational and other activities, RADIONA also has their own products. One of them is called Synthomir and is They also have several different activities: Sections: • • • • • • • • • • •
Microcontrollers and hands-on electronics DIY Prosthetics Robotics and hacking BIOsection Audio section FPGA 3D Print – CNC – 3D Scanning Wearables and eTextiles Programming (Processing, Python…) Flying Objects Gamification
Subgroups: • • •
Band MMessy Oscillators 2.0 Restoration of vintage electronic organs and audio synthesizers Modular synthesizers
Impact and results They have participated at various international and domestic exhibitions, hackathons, conferences and other events as presenters or lecturers etc. 4 As one of the only such a maker space in Croatia, they receive a great press attention: