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architecture masterclass

P i t t w a t e r, S y d n e y, Au s t r a l i a

OZETECTURE 11-20 September 2016

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ozetecture masterclass

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Tu t o r s

Georges Head lookout Public Ablutions Lovett Bay Client’s House Avalon Headland PSA Studio


Design Process


The proposals


YHA Pittwater


Sydney City

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P r o l i f i c Tu t o r s


0 1 Clockwise front left Siong Peter Stutchbury Fergus Scott Richard Leplastrier Lindsay Johnston Karen Lambert.


index 01

Georges Head Lookout


index 02.1

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Georges Head Lookout


Ge o r ges h e a d l o o ko u t Richard Leplastrier An historic headland on the north side of Sydney Harbour, a place of Aboriginal habitation. Our first sight of what’s to come.


index 02.1

Public Ablutions


index 02.2

P u b li c A b lu t i o n s Richard Leplastrier Equisitely detail public toilet cum courtyard around a tree.


Public Ablutions


index 02.2


Lovett Bay


index 02.3

L o v e t t B ay Richard Leplastrier “The small room we inhabit, in turn, inhabits a greater room whose walls are cliffs and floors the tidal level of the bay.�


Lovett Bay


index 02.3


Lovett Bay


index 02.4


Peter’s Client’s House


index 00


Avalon Headland


index 00


Peter Stutchbur y Architecture Studio


index 02.5



Design Process

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Design Process

Under the cathedral of trees. And so we set out reconciling our charcoals and papers; documenting our trails.


It was through rigorous sketching that we made a dialogue, a connection with the site’s genius loci.

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Design Process

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“If you see things that move your heart, draw it.� Richard Leplastrier



Design Process

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Immersive site study

Design Process

The Proposals

index 03

“The life of a line if for you to see.� Pe t e r S t u t c h b u r y


Immersive site study

Design Process

index 03

P r i v a t e Po r t a l s Two other private jetties adjacent to Morning Bay Wharf.


Immersive site study

Design Process

index 03


Immersive site study

Design Process

The intervention. With many serendipitous discoveries and a flexible project brief, the city kids set out their schematic design plans.

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Wo r k i n g I d e a s

Design Process

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Wo r k i n g I d e a s

Design Process

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Critique Sessions

Design Process

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Critique Sessions

Design Process

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The Proposals

Group Projects

Pa n a n i a [an aboriginal word] “Sun rising in the east and shining on the hills.�

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Group One: Mathilda

The Proposals

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M AT H I L D A Land scars. Land scars because life dances upon the earth; land scars because streams of water cascade over rocks; land scars because it just simply lets go. Land wounds and land heals. It is indeed a miracle to behold. But if land is wounded too deep and too wide, does it still scar beautifully?


index 04.1

Group One: Mathilda

The Proposals

index 04.1

The eroded gash used to be the footpath for man. The rainwater runoff that rolls down the hill is channelled through this footpath and erodes the walls of the gash, leaving it to widen and deepen.


The Proposals

Group One: Mathilda

The land slowly heals itself.

index 04.1

To simply cover up the gash would be unnatural, to help the land heal itself is beautiful. The old footpath can be more than just a path. It can be a place of movement and rest; it can be a place of contemplation or congregation; it can be a viewing deck or a cosy cave.

By adding a series of stone retainers, the water is slowed and the sediments it carries are deposited into the pockets.

All this can happen while alongside the miracles of the land.


Group One: Mathilda

The Proposals

index 04.1


Group One: Mathilda

The Proposals

index 04.1

T h e Te a m Joey Khou Victoria Tan Fermi Toh Hao Yang


G r o u p T w o : C o a l a n d Wa t e r

The Proposals

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C o a l a n d Wat er “Bound is a boatless man.� Where land meets water, the jetty at Morning Bay Wharf posits itself as an architectural abstraction of a bridge that bears the complete responsibility of actually and metaphorically bridging finite man with infinite expanse of the ocean.


index 04.2

G r o u p T w o : C o a l a n d Wa t e r

The Proposals

Coal and Water fulfils its cardinal purpose of deepening relationships as it suggests that its purpose is best experienced when dusk sets in – when the deepest secrets are shared, heart-to-heart conversations take place and individual reflection ensues.

Coal and Water celebrates the relationship between man and the infinite by presenting itself as a floating structure that enable inhabitants of Pittwater to congregate upon the surface of the water for campfires.

index 04.2

Symbolically, the campfire signifies the nature of the site where land is typified by coal, from timber, is brought to the water to find renewed meaning for its existence.


G r o u p T w o : C o a l a n d Wa t e r

The Proposals

index 04.2


G r o u p T w o : C o a l a n d Wa t e r

The Proposals

index 04.2


G r o u p T w o : C o a l a n d Wa t e r

The Proposals

index 04.2

T h e Te a m Mabel Khaw Amanda Kwek Adrian Han Mirrah Najihah


Group Three: Confluence

The Proposals

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C o n f l u en ce C ro s s i n g Pa t h s . When the sea meets the beach. When the sunlight hits the trees. When the animals coexist h a r m o n i o u s l y . Inspired by the abundant flora and fauna of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park; the project hopes to achieve a balance of both nature and men by observing and respecting nature's “Meet and Greet�gestures. .



The Proposals

Group Three: Confluence

“The finger pointing to the moon.� Should you look at the finger or the moon? In this project, the almost invisible architecture becomes the finger and guide people to appreciate the surroundings. Serving as an expansion of the existing jetty, two parallel platforms provide private spaces that allow visitors to observe the forest and the sea while immersing themselves in the atmosphere of nature.

index 04.3

The original jetty is left untouched. The columns mirror the verticality of the trees onto water, almost as if the water is reflecting the forest above. The pitched roof and different ceiling heights emphasizes the proportions of the trees and gradient of the hill behind. This would create an almost invisible architecture that does not overpower nature, instead shift one’s focus back to nature itself.


Group Three: Confluence

The Proposals

index 04.3


Group Three: Confluence

The Proposals

index 04.3


The Proposals

Group Three: Confluence

T h e Te a m Brandon Hong Chelsea Lee Sharyl Ng Thaddeus Wang

index 04.3

Symbolically, the campfire signifies the nature of the site where land is typified by coal, from timber, is brought to the water to find renewed meaning for its existence.


G r o u p Fo u r : N a n g a - Yi

The Proposals

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index 04.4

n a n g a-y i at Morning Bay Wharf To look at infl. verb root (nanda); past (yi); Gadigal aboriginal language


The Proposals

Wa l t z i n g { H a i k u }

G r o u p Fo u r : N a n g a - Yi

Under the low moonlight lustrous shimmering of dancing water: glorious ocean ballroom The water calmy beckons for attention; a promontory of the sea, against which though the waves beat continually, about it those swelling waved stilled and quieted. .

Now in silence she lingers beside him all night - to wash her long fingers in silvery light. The water presents itself as a spirit of an absolute being. Measureless. And so Man fears the omnipotent - the unpredictable wrath and meekness of it. So much so we tread water without worshipping; as though we don’t belong to the same spirit. We scorn and submit but never e m b r a c e . To embrace means to let go of any encumbrance: to depart from sorrow and joy on earth to simply be with it.


index 04.4

G r o u p Fo u r : N a n g a - Yi

The Proposals

Nanga-yi is a proposed lookout to lift Man away from soil; to depart from one’s ways. To become. He deviates towards the infinite. He trembles as his feet leave ground. Thinner and thinner. He emerges to the edge unwary - departed from earth. He’s





index 04.4



G r o u p Fo u r : N a n g a - Yi

The Proposals

index 04.4


G r o u p Fo u r : N a n g a - Yi

The Proposals

index 04.4

T h e Te a m Emily Lai Samuel Tan Isaac Tan U jin Seah


Group Five:

The Hidden Planes

The Proposals

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t h e h i d d en p l a n es the non existent Hidden in the dense vegetation of Pittwater, the project serves as a place of gathering for both the local community and visitors arriving at morning bay. It also aims to preserve the vast nature of the site by blending in, creating a non-existent structure, retaining the sense of arrival to the untouched landscape of morning bay jetty.

index 04.5


. Tucked aside from the main path of circulation and constructed with minimal building elements; the project blended in with the landscape , hidden away from the boats’ eyes.

index 04.5

Group Five:

The Hidden Planes

The Proposals

The multifunctional design provides a series of meeting spaces which includes a central sheltered space and two open to sky gathering spaces which could host various events in both dry and wet weather. Both open to sky meeting decks could also function as a lookout for users. The hiding place also consists of a fireplace to warm the outdoor verandah to allow users to continue using the space even when it is cold.


The Hidden Planes

The Proposals

index 04.5

Group Five:

. The project also provides extra space for storage, allowing canoes and the buggy (used for maintenance of the site) to be stowed away leaving a clear and uncluttered view of the landscape.

Symbolically, the campfire signifies the nature of the site where land is typified by coal, from timber, is brought to the water to find renewed meaning for its existence.


Group Five: The Hidden Planes

The Proposals

index 04.5


Group Five:

The Hidden Planes

The Proposals

index 04.5

T h e Te a m Samantha Soh Bryan Png Lim Wei Chungseng


O u r h o m e i n t h e Fo r e s t


index 05

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O u r h o m e i n t h e Fo r e s t


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O u r h o m e i n t h e Fo r e s t


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O u r h o m e i n t h e Fo r e s t


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O u r h o m e i n t h e Fo r e s t


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O u r h o m e i n t h e Fo r e s t


index 05

Symbolically, the campfire signifies the nature of the site where land is typified by coal, from timber, is brought to the water to find renewed meaning for its existence.


Sydney City


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Exploring the City

Sydney City

index 06


Bus tours

Sydney City

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The Last Breakfast

Sydney City

index 06


21 men.


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Serendipity Let it find you.

Ozetecture Masterclass 11-20 September 2016 Pittwater,NSW, Australia.

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