Portfolio 02

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pr ologue

It is an interesting journey to recognise myself by revisiting the works I have done thus far. The improvement of designing is not as exciting compared to achieving the greatest gain of all; ways of thinking and a deepened thought process. Having consciousness in social relationships and how it affects the architectural designing process has been embedded into my mind from these projects. Architecture is more than just visual art.


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p r o .t


l e

education singapore polytechnic diploma in architecture


shuqun secondary gee 'o' level


ski11s adobe photoshop adobe illustrator

autocad revit

sketch up photography

experience cpg consultants, singapore

architectural intern


interests graphic design, photography, brush lettering,visual arts, horticulture, travelling

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at ree exi stwi t hi nt he soi l ,t he ai r ,t he sunshi ne & t he nat ure, j ustas archi t ect ure wi t hi ni t s cont ext . t he t ree wi l ldi e wi t houtt hese,so wi l larchi t ect ure.


l i nes

pl anes

vol umes



rhyt hm and l i nearqual i t y were t he key desi gn dri vers behi nd t he desi gn oft he crypt ex. t hese mai ni deas are port rayed wi t ht he pl acement oft he rods arranged paral l el t o each ot her .t he posi t i on of t he ‘ L’ shape pl anes of i ncrement alsi ze depi ct st he i dea ofgrowt h whi ch suggest rhyt hm i nt he f orm of movement . Shadow st udi es f urt her enhance t hese t wo i deas of rhyt hm and l i neari t y when t he l i ghthi t st he crypt ex model . Thi sf i rstproj ecthas been an expl orat i on ofcorrespondi ng desi gn i deas i nt ot angi bl e qual i t i es t hatcan be seen and appl i ed i nt o real archi t ect ure.



di st i l l i ng “remembrance� i nt ot hree consecut i ve approach; af f l i ct i on hope val or



Af f l i ct i on,hope and val or are narrat i ve i nt erpret at i ons oft he t hree spaces i nt he memori al desi gn. t he f i rstspace ref l ect s on prol ong pai n and mi sery hence t he narrow st ai rs and l i ghtsl i t s. t he second space has no ext ernalvi ews exceptt o l ook up t ot he skyl i ght above commemorat i ve t o t he i dea ofhope i na seemi ngl y di smal at mosphere. t he t hi rd and l astspace, val or ,i s wi de,bri ghtand i nvi t es t he vi si t oroutt ot he open green. The archi t ect uralpi ece ai ms t ot ri ggert he senses oft he vi si t ors and provi de a meani ngf ulspat i al experi ence f ort hem t o cogi t at e whatci vi l i ans had previ ousl y undergone as t hey j ourney t hrough t he archi t ect uralpi ece.





Chal ayan' s works revol ve around t he not i on off ol di ng & unf ol di ng and t he i dea oft ranf ormat i on.accent uat i on ofangl es and corners i s a by productoft he f ol di ng process “ai rmai ldress” addresses t he conceptofgradualchange t hrough t he mot i on ofunf ol di ng. I n archi t ect uralt erms,i trepresent s t he f l ui di t y ofone si ngul arel ement . I nt he course ofunf ol di ng,f orms and spaces are reveal ed creat i ng an experi ence f ort he home owner . a cont i nuous ri bbon ofmonol yt hi c concret e def i nes t he bui l di ng' s f orm,hi ghl i ght i ng si ngul ari t y and cont i nualmot i on. I nt eri orspaces uses neut ralst one & concret e whi ch revi ses Chal ayan’ s mi ni malapprach.





The conceptofVerdantResi dence i st o preserve t he hi st ori calbackground of Commonweal t h est at e whi l ei nj ect i ng greenery and vi gourt o rei nf orce t he nei ghbourhood’ s st at e oft ranqui l l i t y. t he el ementofvi sualconnect i on t owards t he nat uralsurroundi ng t ake precedence and t he cul t i vat i on ofcommuni t y gardeni ng al ong t he corri dors addresses t he i deal s ofproduct i ve communalspace. l ush and verdantgreenery sat i sf i es t he psychol ogi calneeds oft he dwel l ers ( mai nl yt he el derl y) .They are gi ven t he f reedom t o choose t he t ype ofpl ant s, edi bl e orornament alt o grow out si de t hei r doorst eps. Each corri dori s uni quel y cust omi sed and ref l ect st he charact ers ofpeopl el i vi ng i n t he uni t s.





t he key ai m oft hi s proj ecti st o desi gn an of f i ce envi ronmentt hatwi lhel p nurt ure a heal t hy communi t y of mi l l enni al ,f rel ances and SMEs. Breaki ng convent i onalrul es t hatmay pert ai nt oat radi t i onalof f i ce, t hi s proj ecti s desi gn wi t ht he i nt entt o ref l ecta f ut ure workspace t hatwi l l change t he cul t ure ofwork. The t ype ofi ndust ry t enant st hatwi l l work i nt hi s of f i ce t ypol ogy are mai nl y: graphi c desi gners,archi t ect s, event curat ors,advert i si ng and pri nt


Work,Repose,Ki n + COl l ect i ve. The Wrk & Co.i s a col l aborat i ve of f i ce where a communi t y ofmi l l enni al s operat e wi t h cross pol l i nat i on ofi deas f rom archi t ect ure,graphi cs,curat i on and art i sanalcreat i ves. ed ata hi st ori c Chi nat own shop Locat house di st ri ct ,t he conceptf ocuses on t ransi entboundari es;amal gamat i ng t he ol d and t he new,t he prof essi onaland t he pl ayf uland t he t ransi entand t he st at i c. The desi gn ai ms t o creat e an of f i ce envi ronmentt hatcapt ures emergi ng needs ofa more l i f est yl e ori ent ed workpl ace f or t he ambi t i ous and creat i ve cohort . The spaces are pl anned i n a concent ri c f ashi on where spaces t hatsust ai n great est t ransi ence,ci rcul at i on and movementare pl aced around spaces t hatare more st at i c i n nat ure.Movementbecomes l ess apparentas one approaches t he pri vat e spaces.A preparat ory f orwork. l s wi t houtdoors oropeni ng di vi de and W al reuni t et he publ i c and pri vat e spaces. Space Fl ows,and t hi si s pri mari l y experi enced i nt i me.Thi s narrat i ve and sequenci ng ofconnect i ons creat es a poet ry ofmovementf orwork and col l ect i ve.










Coaland Wat ercel ebrat es t he rel at i onshi p bet ween man and t he i nf i ni t e by present i ng i t sel f as a f l oat i ng st ruct ure t hat enabl ei nhabi t ant s ofPi t t wat er t o congregat e upon t he surf ace oft he wat erf orcampf i res.

Symbol i cal l y,t he campf i re si gni f i es t he nat ure oft he si t e where l and i st ypi f i ed by coal , f rom t i mber ,i s broughtt ot he wat ert of i nd renewed meani ng f ori t s exi st ence.

Coaland Wat erf ul f i l si t s cardi nalpurpose ofdeepeni ng rel at i onshi ps as i tsuggest st hat i t s purpose i s bestexperi -enced when dusk set si n – when t he deepestsecret s are shared, heart -t o-heartconver -sat i ons t ake pl ace and i ndi vi d-ual ref l ect i on ensues.
























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