C&P digital product

Page 1

Mirre van Tankeren

Creativity & Personality



I’m so glad you’re reading my digital product for the Advanced Course Creativity & Personality. First we had to think about our fascination. If you know me, it wouldn’t be a surprise that I chose ‘Fashionblogs’. Is the one thing I don’t just like, I’m literally obsessed with it. I like beautiful things and images. That’s the main reason why I started a blog myself like two years ago. Now I write for a much bigger blog than mine was. I’m lucky that I can write for Gift Avenue and do what I love to do most. We had to choose four keywords and I choose: influencers, Amsterdam, articles and Instagram. I would like to explain why I did choose these four words, because they have a much bigger meaning to me than just being words.

PART I: RESEARCH AND THEORY Lesson 1 Page 4 Lesson 2 Page 10 Lesson 3 Page 12 Lesson 4 Page 16 Lesson 5 Page 18 Lesson 6 Page 20 High Art Page 22 Pinterest Page 26 Biography Page 28 PART II: CONCEPT Truism Page 30 Statement Page 31 Creative canvas Page 32 Final concept Page 34 Analogy Page 42 3D product Page 44 PART II: REFLECTION Reflections Page 46 Sources Page 49

Also I hope you’ll get inspired and I can let you be part of my process to come to the output of this all: my concept. Lot’s of love,

Mirre van Tankeren



The first lesson we had to think about our fascination. Well, for me, it wasn’t that hard. I’ve been obsessing about fashionblogs as long as I can remember. Before internet was populair, I read magazines and books and I always made collages with pictures out of magazines.

on paper and blogs are online, because internet is now really populair. I also did choose the food section because bloggers are now not only beauty-, or fashionbloggers. They also tell about their personal life, share their favourite dishes and recipes, etc. They are now a mix of everything and they can post about whatever We had to make a little wordfield by every keyword. they like because most of the time you follow someI did choose influencers, Amsterdam, articles and one because you like the person behind the bloggers. Instagram. In the upcoming pages you’ll find these It’s getting more and more personal. wordfields. Than we moved on to the city Tilburg. We had to go to a vintage store and my buddy, Kylian Dirkse, and me did go to La Poubelle, a secondhand store in Tilburg. We did go by bike. I discovered an old Elle Food magazine. It reminded me of my fascination because magazines are the old fashioned blogs, I think. And it’s







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keyword 2: Amsterdam

keyword 1: influencers style


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keyword 4: Instagram

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Kylie Jenner 9

The second lesson we did go to Antwerpen. Every student has to go by themselves to two musea: MuHKA Museum and MAS. The first one on the planning was MuHKA. MuHKA is a museum about modern art and MAS is more about Antwerp and with much more history. In the two musea we had to implement multiple assignments. First one was to do the buddy assignment, and the second one was to make pictures for your key words for the High Art part in your dummy. We also had to make a picture of a piece of art we do and we didn’t like. I really loved MuHKA. It wasn’t a really big museum, but I really liked the art. It’s more arty and alternative and I liked the rawness of the exposition about Raving. I’m also crazy about white and open spaces and it was perfect for my assignment I created for myself, which was making Instagram pictures that are perfect for you feed, because fashionbloggers do this all the time. There were also a lot of old ID magazines, which

is one of my favourite magazines to read so that was really inspiring and nice to see. I also liked MAS, but I’m not that much into old art. It was really dark and sometimes it scared me because it was really dark and with dark sounds everywhere. I don’t know, I didn’t feel that comfortable walking around. My buddy Kylian gave me the assignment to photograph a duo and tell something about their clothingstyle. Which name would I gave this style. I had to make sure I keep an eye on everyone and look for a certain style I liked. Eventually I choose a duo with a cool style. I named the style ‘Classic Vibes’. You can also find it in my dummy. It’s nice to think about the style that people are wearing, because it express themselves. What did they think when they did put this combination of clothing on in the morning? It’s nice to think about it.




The third lesson was about Truïsm and making an altar and do assignments with the class and your buddy. It was a really fun and informative lesson. Together with Kylian we’re discussing about our truïsm. I’m always a bit hesitantly about these things. I really want to come up with something good, but I read a lot of poems and little stories on Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. so for me coming up with something other than a quote was kind of hard. Finally I came up with the truïsm ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself ’. For me, it’s about that you can be whoever you want to be. Creating is about wearing whatever you like, because the way you dress often says a lot about you, and says a lot about how you’re feeling that day. You can create yourself everyday again, I think. We also had to come up with a statement, but this was more of a process for me. I wasn’t able to finish this at this lesson, because I want it to be good enough and not come up with something that makes no sense.

rounds and you had to display your items different each time. During this lesson we also had to write a story for your buddy with all the items in it. This was really fun. I had to think about it, but when I started I think I really wrote a funny story for Kylian and about her fascination which is Backpacking. Other students also wrote several questions about my items. You can find them in my dummy, but the most fun one I think was ‘Can you imagine a world where everyone wears the same clothes?’ Because I can. My mother lived in Africa for a long time when she was a kid and teenager, and there they always wore the same clothes like everyone else, they had school uniforms. We talk about it a lot because sometimes I don’t think is such a bad idea. You don’t have seperation or people being bullied because their clothes aren’t that expensive. But on the other hand, I love wearing clothes that express how I feel and what I like to wear. So it’s a fun question to think about and to discuss with others. I also liked that Hannah came to me after class and told me that We also had to bring 15 items with us that was so- even if she didn’t know that I was sitting over there, mehow related to your fascination. You had to display she’d still know that this altar were mine because these your items howevery you liked and we had several items described me so really well she said.

First time displayin g it



ugly o t l u f i t u a Be

avy e h o t t Ligh

Old to new 13

I also did choose my favourite item of my exposition. That is for sure this painting. Sella Molenaar is a famous fashion illustrator. I was invited by Bol.com to watch the show Spijkers & Spijkers at Amsterdam Fashionweek with them and afterwards there was a afterparty with Sella. I had to stand in the line for over an hour, but it was more than worth it. This painting is now on my wall next to a little poem written by Versjes van Lars and some other paintings. I love it so much. I

like that she painted my curls and my eyeliner, because those are features that are really characteristic for me. Besides it’s the perfect souvenir for Fashion Week, it reminds me everytime about fashion and making your dreams come true. I named this ‘Curly liner’ because these two are the most outstanding for me and it was made on 8 July 2016. The subscription was ‘Her life is her art’. Because this is kind of me and my life and I love that’s in made into a little piece of art.

Curly liner 8 July, 2016 Her life is her a rt



This lesson was all about thinking and creating your concept. It’s about problem solving. We get three papers: ‘The Creativity Canvas’. This was really helpfull with thinking about your concept, because you had to fill in multiple things. First you had to think about the key partners. So what is your truïsm again, who inspires you, think about an analogy for it, etc. Than you had to fill in a little to-do list. So what are the key activities you have to do? Also your key resources, value proposition, witch is your statement and proposition and the customer relationships are involved in this process about creativity canvas. I like to think about the relationship with the target group, because that’s when it’s getting interactive and you have to think about what works and if people actually wants to buy or use your concept.



To be honest I had to think about it for a long time sometimes. My first idea is now the idea that I worked out and is my favourite. I really want to make it work when I’m graduated because I think it’s a fun experiment, but for that you’ll find out more later on in my concept chapter. But for this concept the canvas was really helpfull actually, because without I was still thinking about a lame idea I think. Because my fascination is already a medium and you had to choose a medium I had to think about something completely others, so I came up with a chain letter. I remember I have written so many to my friends when I used to be a little kid. I wanted it to use it for my concept but than in a more adult and fashionable way. The only thing that it will cost is time, research, effort en of course getting out of your comfortzone. Not only for me, because when I have to write the bloggers I will be terrified, but also for the bloggers themselves but

maybe they have to combine an item that they normally wouldn’t buy. But for that, later on more. What this concept will bring me will be experiment, identity, happiness and sharing. And of course it will me more famous as a online marketeer and concepting professional. The other two canvas ideas that I had were a serie of lessons. So that a lot of bloggers will tel their secrets and all the ins and outs of their blog and professional life. But I don’t know, I’ve been feeling like this has been done so many times. Maybe not with bloggers, but on TV you can watch documents like all the time and people already know so much about bloggers and their life because they write about it everyday and you can follow them on every possible social media platform. The other thing that I was thinking about was a competition between multiple bloggers. So they get a certain theme and they’ve to come up with an outfit that will suits the theme perfectly. I would communicatie this with YouTube and made a little competition video in a really fun way. I was thinking about really fighting like girls do, that they steal clothes from each other and pulls hair out of each others head. Not that would be my kind of competition, but I think it’s a fun way of getting attention. They have to make outfit pictures and the one that gets the most votes of the viewers will be the winner. You’ll have different rounds and the one that is the winner gets a exclusive outfit. Maybe I can create a co-creation with a brand that will sponsor the pieces of clothing. This idea I didn’t choose either, but it was really fun to think about it.


Almost the last lesson was all about presentating. We were in class with only seven people, but that was a good thing I guess. Everyone was really listening to each other and helping each other out. We were critical but not in a bad way. We were just helping each other to create the best version of her concept as it could possible be. We had to listen to the presentation and after that we had to fill in a ‘Imagination Matrix’. This was a little paper with five questions on it. So if Kylian had her presentation, I had to fill in one Imagination Matrix for her. When Susan had her presentation, I had to fill it in for her. The question on this matrix were: 1. This is a gift from (you will in your own name) 2. This spontaneously makes me think of (fill in an emotion) 3. Analogy this resembles (help the person that’s presenting out with an image you think will be a good analogy for the concept) 4. Plus (here you can fill in extra information or whatever you want to mention) 5. To improve this I would (write your imagination of the future, so what would you do if you were the person that’s presenting his or her concept)



I found out this was really helpful. It makes your listen with more attention to the presentation and you’ve

to think about a lot more than if you just like it or not. You also had to think about the way it made you feel. For the other person is this really helpfull because they can think if this is the right emotion that you want to create with your concept. I also liked that people actually really helped me. As I did mention I was still struggling with my statement. I finally had come up with a truïsm but finding a good statement that goes along with it was kind of hard for me. Lize helped me because she thought of the statement ‘Create your own identity!’ And that’s exactly what I wanted to say, but I didn’t find the right words. This lesson was really helpfull for me and I think the Imagination Matrix is a good and fun way of really help each other and yourself out. I did get quite good feedback and positive vibes from the other students. They said it was a really original and creative idea and that really made me feel so happy. The emotions that the girls get were sharing, generous, creative, joy, charity and nice sharing. So those are only positive, good vibes that I like to accomplish with my concept! Improvements they said were if there will be a deadline for the bloggers, and what the pricerange will be. So will there be a minimum and maximum for the items that you’ll send to the next blogger? Good things to think about and I’m definitely going to use this in my concept.


This lesson we did go through the Critical Stage with fellow students to enchance our concepts. I did choose the shooting holes technique.



Again really good things to think about. The purpose I know, but I didn’t tell when I was telling about my concept to my teammates. But the main purposes are sharing and getting out of your comfortzone. SHOOTING HOLES TECHNIQUE Another question was what if the clothes don’t fit. But For the cynics, the sceptics, the destructive characters. I want to make a list before so every bloggers knows Now is the time to vent all this bottles-up criticism. to which he has to sent an item. So I would taking All those swallowed negative comments can be spat consideration to who will be the next blogger so they out. The two of you shoot the complete concept to has kind of the same sizes. bits. You will notice that at one point the maker will shout out: “stop!”. At one point it is enough, and the Another question was what would I do if someone essence becomes clear, which must be left intact. The sends something really ugly. But I think that’s their maker now knows what he really relates to and, on the own responsibility because if they send something basis of this, can reconsider his further choices. ugly, they create a bad name for themselves. Because the blogger they did sent is to is of course referending I described my concept to my teammates, and they be- to the person who they get the item from. gan shooting. Because the week before I had also get feedback. But the feedback question where I should For me this lesson was helpfull, but I already did get think about was: feedback the lesson before and I discussed a lot with - What’s the purpose? Kylian during our creative process. - What if it don’t fit? - Someone send something really expensive and the other one send something cheap?


Fascinatie: Fashionblogs

Contaxt Form

Function Content Model

CONTEXT You see four outfits from people that they have worn to a rave party. This wall was at the exposition about raving in MuHKA Museum and it was at a really arty part of the museum and exposition with lot’s of colour on white walls and with fake drugs hanging everywhere throughout the space. FORM These are clothes hanging on the wall with a little poster so you know which kind of rave style kind of clothes the outfit is. It’s pinned on the wall like someone just had taken off his jacket and put it on a little hook on the wall. FUNCTION I think it’s about making people aware of that they’re are more ways of dressing yourself and that there’s not just one type of raver. CONTENT You see an oldskool raver, a candy raver and an outfit of someone who is into trance music. I think this is about that you dress the way you want and that you can say something with your clothes, for example in this case you can tell people without saying anything about the music you listen to just by dressing a certain way.



Keyword 1: influencers

Barbara Kruger, We Are Not What We Seem, 1988

Keyword 3: Articles I-D, no. 100, January 1992, Glossary, Wolfgang Tillmans

CONTEXT I think it’s about media and about that people pretend to be someone they’re actually not. It looks like me if the lady want to take out her lenses out of her eyes. Maybe she can than see it clearer because she doesn’t wear an extra layer that maybe symbolises for the extra layer people are wearing.

CONTEXT I-D is a British magazine about fashion, music, art and the youngsters. It has a street style kind of feeling. FORM it’s a magazine and for me and that’s art. The way text and images come together and complement each other and make a stronger version of it is what I like to look at the most. If you look at which images they used and the way the maker of it placed them on the page says a lot. I think it’s a bit arty but also a bit alternative because it’s not how other magazines

FORM It’s a large sized piece of art. We see a black and white photo with text written on it. Red is a dangerous colour so that’s why I think she used it to make us aware of something. FUNCTION I think it’s kind of a warning because of the colours she used. She is warning us about the media and the influence they have on us. CONTENT It’s about warning us for the media I think and that’s why I thought it would be a perfect match with my keyword ‘Influencers’ because we get influenced by the media and by bloggers all the time, and not always in a good way.

Keyword 2: Amsterdam Het oude en het nieuwe stadhuis, Utrecht, 1865-1900, ceramic CONTEXT This is how the townhall used to look like a while ago. It’s the heart of a city and since we’re in Antwerp in MAS Museum it will make sense, because this museum is about the city Antwerp. I did choose this because the blue white tiles made of ceramic I thought is really Dutch to me and since Antwerp is a really big city and Amsterdam is also I thought it would be a perfect match for my keyword Amsterdam. FORM This are little tiles made out of ceramic. FUNCTION I think it has a historical function. To let people know how the townhall used to look like back in the days. CONTENT On this piece of art you see the architecture from back in the days and you see people walking or standing at the square. I think this was daily life for the people who lived like one hundred years ago.


will do, because they will not place it criss cross like I-D does here. But it ensures a more raw feeling to it. They used images of naked people and red colours and a font that’s a bit computerlike to me. FUNCTION I think the way they placed the images and which images they used, like with blood and naked people are a lot for youngsters. Especially if you think about this is a magazine from 1992. This was number 100 so maybe they want to make it extra more controversial. CONTENT It’s controversial, made for youngsters and because of the words they use ‘Wise Up’ and ‘Earthling’ I think they want to let us know that we don’t have to be insecure because we’re all people and without our clothes we’ll all look the same and are all people from the same planet and they want to make us aware of that.

Keyword 4: Instagram

Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, 1996, Variable dimensions, acrylic paint CONTEXT Moby’s last album as a techno artist is called ‘Everything is Wrong’. The exposition was about Raving and techno is part of that. FORM It’s a acrylic painting on the white wall with a lot of colours and with text in the centre of it. FUNCTION I think that everything in this world are the circels around the centre and that we, people, are the centre of it and that everything we are doing is wrong. Like we are not kind to each other and we don’t protect our environment like we used to do and that the maker of this painting wants us to be aware of that. CONTENT I did read that Moby did write two essays to get along with his album about reflecting on his feelings on that moment.



Am dam Instagram


meaningful images

Influencers Articles 26

@ mvantankeren

Anna Nooshin isn’t just a random blogger for me. I’ve started following her years ago. Back in the days Lookbook was very populair en that was when I noticed Anna. Later when I studies journalism for one year I read a lot of online magazines like Froot and NSMBL. Anna is founder of NSMBL and that’s when I started to follow her more. I liked her Instagram page because every picture looked so put together and I’m a sucker for beautiful images and especially on Instagram, it’s definitely my favourite social media platform.

Anna Nooshin On Top


Another quote that really speaks to me is “Hoe meer je het over mensen hebt aan wie je een hekel hebt, hoe meer macht je hen verleent”. I couldn’t agree more. I think that if you think about positive things, you’ll attract them. It’s simple, if you don’t have a good day you’ll keep thinking like this day sucks, I can’t do anything good. The day will keep on getting bad and that’s because you attract negative things. I think that’s where this quote is about. You know back on high school where the mean girls where talking about you behind your back, when you paid attention to it they would I did choose five quotes but when I think about it the keep continuing with spreading rumours because whole book is very inspirational to me. The first one they feel like they had power over you. is the quote: “Als je alleen luistert naar de mensen om je heen, blijven je dromen altijd klein”. This one is so “Ken je klant/lezer, luister naar hen en zorg dat je recognizable to me. My mother is from Amsterdam weet hoe je gratis marketing kunt krijgen”. This quoand it’s like my favourite city in the whole world. I te is very meaningful to me whenever I’m writing or think that everything happens there, especially here posting on my Instagram. I think that it’s important to in The Netherlands. When I have a day of free time know what your readers want to read about because I mostly go to the capital and just walk around and without them, you didn’t have an income and they’re go search for new little conceptstores or places to eat. your target audience and that’s one of the most imBut my father isn’t that much of a fan. In matter fact, portant things if you want to be succesfull. So always he hates Amsterdam. It’s too busy, too expensive, the- listen to them and use the people you know to become re only live bad people, etc. When I had to choose a better. college I didn’t choose a school in Amsterdam, even though I really wanted too, but my father was like no The last quote I did choose is “Ik heb geen idee wie you can’t choose a college because of the city. Now, ik ben, still trying to find out”. And that’s exactly me. years later, I still want to go and I wish I didn’t listen I kind of know who I am and what I want in life, but to him that much. But now when I’m graduated I can’t sometimes I get so nervous. When I see some of my wait to move to this beautiful place. I think this quote friends, they have a boyfriend, a job, they have a beauis very related to this personal story, because if I will tiful house with furniture all for themselves. And I’m keep on listening to him, even though I know he do it still here, in my little house in Tilburg sharing with with the best intentions, I will never live in the place three other people. Of course I know that I’m crazy where I feel most alive and my dreams to become a about graphic design, dainty jewellery, fashion blogs, writer/graphic designer for a fashionmagazine will magazines, etc. I have a nice job for the weekends. But never come true. I want more but what I’m missing I’m not exactly sure of and that’s why I’m still trying to figure it out. The second quote is “Ik wil dat mijn komst nooit de sfeer voor mijn werknemers verpest”. If you ask peo- This book is definitely one you should read when ple how I am, they will say that I’m a kind person. I you’re into fashion, biographies and learning more of want to help everyone with everything, sometimes so the story behind a person, in this case Anna Nooshin. much that I get in trouble myself. I want everybody She’s getting more populair each day. I mean, she’s to feel fine. I started working when I was 12 years old jury member of Hollands Next Top Model, has two because I wanted to buy nice things. Ever since I have books on her name, you can watch her in Expeditie had multiple little jobs. From working in a restaurant Robinson and she had her own collection for Hunketo the place where I work now: customer service at moller. It’s really inspiring to learn more about becoPrimark. I really like my job right now where I work at ming succesfull. the weekends and I want to make everybody feel comfortable. Because I have a permanent contract I see a lot of people come and go. When there’s a new kid I’m really happy to help them and to make them feel good and welcome in a place that’s mostly really chaotic. 29

Life isn’t about


uourself, life is about

Create your own






Creative canvas of final concept KEY PARTNERS KEY INSPIRATORS & VALUES Truïsm: ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself ” Analogy: post through bottles, clothes swap party, vintage store Inspiration:


- Getting bloggers on board - Start with an item - Making a planning with deadlines for each blogger - Finding a publisher for the book - Marketing such as brand awareness and social media

KEY RESOURCES I do already know a lot about bloggers and YouTube. I used to have my own blog and now I write for online magazine Gift Avenue. In my dummy I collected a lot of images and did assignments about Instagram, style and for the book of Keri I did choose assignments that had to do a lot with images and how to use them and make everything fit together.


Personal short term: time, research, effort, being creative Personal long term: getting out of my comfortzone, being creative, thinking about other concepts 32


Truïsm: ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself ’ Statement: ‘Create your own identity!’ Proposition: I want to give myself the position of being behind the scenes. I don’t have to take a lot of credits with this idea, but I want to use it for when I go apply for a job when I’m graduated. This idea has to be on the blogs of bloggers and I want to be part of it behind the scenes. But when it comes to take a proposition I want to make it personal and get the attention on sharing.


The relationship with the target group will be very close. People can comment in the comments what they think of the outfit and about that specific item that the bloggers gets from another blogger.

CHANNELS Instagram, I did a lot with this in my dummy such as creating a picture perfect feed. I’m in love with images, pictures and lay-out. YouTube, explain the concept and triggle the target group, also you let the audience feel something by choosing the right music.

CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Time: every week another bloggers shows an outfit with an item. To begin with I want to do this for half a year, so that makes 25 bloggers that will participate. Target group: the target group will be girls from 13 - 25 years who reads blogs and are interested in the latest trends, lifestyle- and fashion related articles.


Experiment, identity, happiness and sharing, brand awareness of begin Mirre/myself as a brand, I hope eventually money when I can sell the final book with all the outfits together. 33

What and who? I think you now know that my fascination is Fashionblogs. I’m crazy about clothes and the personalities behind the blogs. No wonder that I love it when people combine it in a fashionblog. Because my fascination is already a medium, I wanted to go for something really crazy and wanted to give it a try to see if it could work. I come up with a chain letter. In my ‘creative canvas of final concept’ you already saw that my main reasons behind my concept are sharing, thinking outside the box and creating nice content.



item from

me to you


So, what is a Chain Letter? A chain letter consists of messages to make a number of copies of the letter and then pass them on to as many recipients as possible. Sometimes they threaten in the letter you’ll get bad luck or sometimes even dead when you break the chain and don’t pass it to the next on. Now a days, chain letters are send through social media or e-mail (wikipedia, 2016).


My target group for me will be fashionbloggers, because I have to reach them and make them want to join my concept. I want to do that by e-mailing mediabureaus and telling them about my concept. Of course I would do that with a beautiful lay-out so that they have to read it. The other target group, of the bloggers and the people that will actually read the outfit posts and the outcome of my concept are girls from 13-25 years that actually read blogs. They are interested in the latest trends, lifestyle- and fashion related articles. People can talk about it and discuss the outfit in the comments on the blog, but of course they can also talk to the blogger on Instagram. I want to ask if the blogger want to put the outfit also on Instagram and tagging my Instagram account that I want to make for this concept, so this concept is getting more exposure.

In my concept I will use this concept from passing something to someone else, but of course I will make it more fashionable.



ger. So it’s a little video to explain the concept and to advertise with it so bloggers want to participate more quickly. Below you find screenshots I found in vlogs from Lizzy and Yara but I used it to make it more visible so you’ll get an idea what the little lookbook YouTube video will look like. INSTAGRAM It’s the number one medium if you’re into fashion and bloggers and if you want to get a look of behind the scenes. Especially when Instagram has come up with Instagram Stories, where anyone can make short video’s. I want to make a sponsored Instagram post and an Instagram page with a nice, good looking and well put together feed. A little example of what a post like that would be can you see on the right. I want to make it sponsored so I reach more people and I hope that bloggers wil post little teasers about this secret new concept if they are participating. We will start with a small group but bloggers can gave the challenge to any blogger they want so the group will be bigger and bigger.

My fascination is Fashionblogs and the main reasons you want to read sometimes when you feel like you behind my concept are sharing, thinking outside the want to get inspired with a story. Think about the laybox and creating nice content. out of the book from Alexa Chung called It. Or Little Black Book from Sofie Valkiers. I want to sell the book THE CONCEPT: SECRET ITEM FROM ME TO YOU to stores like Urban Outfitters. Blogger A, for example Lizzy van der Ligt, picks out one piece out of her wardrobe. It has to be with a value of €20 - €100. That item can be anything, think about a hat or a T-shirt or maybe a little handbag. Anything that blogger B, for example Yara Michels, can incorporate in an outfit. Lizzy has to fill in a little passport of the item with questions like: where did you buy this item, when did you buy it, when did you wear it and what was the most special memory about it? Yara receives the item and makes a blogpost with it. The main reason behind this is that she has to think outside the box because it could be that the item that she received isn’t her style. Yara has to pick out a piece of her own wardrobe and send it to blogger C, for example Negin Mirsalehi and she has to do the same thing as Yara. And the list goes on. So you have a lot of bloggers that will participate with this project.


1. Lizzy rings the doorbell of Yara’s house


The reason why I want to start this concept is because I think that people need to share more. Not only their clothes, but also their stories. I like that people have to be creative with things that they maybe wouldn’t normally wear. They can be creative in a way that they maybe never have been and come out of their comfortzone. And you have to share memories, clothes and stories with others.


YOUTUBE I will make a little lookbook video for YouTube because YouTube is one of the fastest growing platforms on the internet. I will make a little commercial with a small group of bloggers. Lizzy goes to the door of Yara and rings the doorbell, you see that Yara opens the door and accepts the item and than you see Yara At the end I want to collect all the stories, quotes, inside her house standing in front of her closet and pictures, behind the scenes material and make a little picks out some pieces from her own wardrobe. Than book out of it. Think about a book that you will dis- you see that Yara shoots outfitpictures and goes back play on your bookshelf and grab one in a while. It’s to her wardrobe to pick something for the next bloglike a book that you don’t need to read at once but that 36

2. Yara picks out an outfit from her wardrobe to match the item she got from Lizzy

3. Yara takes outfitpictures with the item for her blog 37




This is a little example of how the final result of the book will look like


a similarity between like features of

two things, on which a

Analogy 1: Vintage store

Analogy 2: Clothes swapping pa rty

The first analogy I thought of was a vintage store. I love vintage shopping. My favourite denim jacket is a truckerjacket from Levi’s and I bought it at Episode. I think it’s a good analogy because people buy second hand because they like the story behind it and it’s good for the environment and usally it’s cheaper than buying a brand new item. And with my concept I also want people to experience what it’s like to wear something that once had a meaning to someone and make it part of your own style. It’s a little challenge maybe for that person but I really think you can get out of your comfortzone because of it.

I think we girls all can relate to having too much clothes. Like we don’t even wear them, they’re hanging in the closet for months and we didn’t even think about them. That’s why clothes swapping party’s are so populair right now. You bring all of the clothes you don’t wear anymore to a little party and you can exchange them with others. So maybe you’ll find something you love at one of your friends or someone you didn’t know before and they’ll find something they like from your clothes. It’s a new way of getting your hands on new clothes without paying for it and it’s a fun way. It’s also very green because you re-use clothes. You also have the website ‘We love swoppen’ which is a very good example for this but that on the internet. I think it’s a good analogy because it’s also about exchanging clothes, just like my concept. Because I wanted to learn more about this subject I’ve been to a party like this with my friend. We did go to Fair Fashion Pop-up, which is like an exchange for clothing and it was really fun. We didn’t exchange anything because we didn’t bring our old clothes but you could also pay for it if you didn’t want to exchange. But it was a really good concept on a perfect location in Utrecht. I think this trend will become bigger and bigger the upcoming years because a lot of people are going more green and are more concerned about the environment.


may be based



capture your concept in

one strong

object made

by yourself.

I made a envelop, because it symbolises the way people used to send something to someone. I made it more like a love letter, because I think everyone deserves to be loved a little more and with my concept I want to make people happy and have a smile on their face when they receive a item or when they send something to the next blogger. It symbolises chain letters in the most pure way, because this is how I remember a chain letter from when I was a little kid. We used to write it and send it to another friend, and they have to write one and send it to the next one, etc. I remember I write it with the most beautiful handwriting I was capable of. It was so much fun and it always made me happy to do and to receive one and I want to create that feeling with my concept, but also with this 3D product. In the envelop you’ll find glitter and little pieces of fabric. This symbolises that everyone can send whatever they like to someone. It doesn’t matter what colour it is and it could be every kind of brand because the challenge is to make it work for yourself when you are the one receiving it. I mean, you don’t know when you look at these fabrics of which brand it was before, do you? And that’s the same when you receive your package with that single item from another blogger, because you don’t know what she’ll be sending to you.



Process reflection


IN WHAT WAY DID THE MEANING OF CREATI- written someting and we wanted feedback so we did VITY CHANGE FOR YOU, DURING THIS COUR- send it and we gave each other feedback. It’s great to SE? work with someone who is as motivated as you are. I think we reflected a lot of times and it was really helpI’m really into creativity myself. I do play the violin full. If I had to choose again, I would definitely choose myself, I love being creative and creating magazines, Kylian again. posters or things like that. But because of all these assignments I’ve learned to look differently. I like art, CREATIVE FIVE POSITION MODEL but I never looked to it as I did in Antwerp. I try to On the right page you see my creative five dispotion think about it on another level, so what did the artist model. I think I was already on a okay level, because really wanted to say? I tried to use the Context, Form, I really liked concepting, visuals, mediadesign etc. I Function and Content model. think that because of this course I am more wondering about things. I find beauty in little things and I Through the process I collected several things to came love being outside now more than I did before. I’m to a concept at the end. What really helped me was the sometimes still insecure when I create something, but book of Anna. I did read it two years go, but now that I think that’s something that has to do more with me I did read it again I looked with another vision to it. I as a person than with the work I’ve been creating. But tried to think ‘what can I use myself?’ So I choose five overall I think I’ve been growing the last couple of quotes that are really meaningfull to me. Also one of weeks, but I really liked this course as well so maybe the things that were really usefull to me was the fifth that will be part of it. lesson where we get to listen to the concepts of the others and gave each other feedback. I’m always a bit GOAL MATRIX nervous when I have to give a presentation, so that I You can find my filled in goal matrix in my dummy, had such positive feedback was really nice and moti- but I’ll explain here some things to make it more clear. vated for me. I will also apply the what, so what, now what reflect methode on this goal matrix. WHAT ABOUT THE LESSONS? What I thought is a really positive point of all these WHAT lessons is that you get through it from the beginning The last seven weeks we had a couple of things that we to the ending. So, you’ve started with a fascination have to work on. These were: inquisitive, persistent, and here you are with a whole concept that you can imaginative, collaborative, disciplined and three perpresentate to someone from a mediaplatform if you sonal goals. My personal goals were ‘focus, start earwant. Of course it was a lot of work to work in your lier and think more outside the box’. dummy and to create this digital product, but I had so much fun working on it that it didn’t really feel like SO WHAT working but more like being creative in a good way. I What I tried to improve these words, is to make the also liked that you could make and choose your own assignments every week. For the inquisitive part of assignments. Not only in the Keri Smith book, but this project I tried to go back every now and than. I also when I had to create an assignment for my buddy tried to think about my fascination and I want to get Kylian. as many information about is as I could get. I wondered if my concept could actually work and if people WORKING WITH MY BUDDY would love to read about it. About the persistent part I think Kylian and me are a really good team. I know I was already quit good in. I mean, I’m someone who Kylian for a couple of years now, we met in the first doesn’t stop and I always am a go-getter. I think this class of IEMES. And she really motivates me and we has a lot to do with the how disciplined you are. And really connect. A couple of times we sit down with I’m always very disciplined about school. When I start each other and were just brainstorming. Or we had something, I want to make it as good as I think it can 46


be. I don’t want to rush anything so sometimes I work my and I hate it when it would turn out bad, because for hours on something. you have just that one chance. My favorite assignment was the one where I have to wander. I did choose A personal goal of me was to stay more focused. Be- Amsterdam, not only because it’s my favourite city in cause I work a lot on my things for school. If I check it the whole world, but also because it was one of my with my friends, I think I’m the most disciplined girl. keywords because for me that’s the city here in The But sometimes when I work in class, I have to be more Netherlands where everything happens and a lot of focused. I always want to hear another song, I want fashionbloggers that I follow living there. I also liked to know the lyrics of it, or I want to check if someone the Found Paper assignment, because I love colours have liked my new Instagramphoto for example. Even and I love images and making them combine in a nice though I spent a lot of time on school, I want to be way. more focused and have a better concentration. I think I had improved that the last couple of weeks, because NOW WHAT now I can put away my phone and just begin with my I want to do things like this more. I also bought the schoolwork. Another personal goal of me was to start book Wreck This Journal. I wanted this book for ages earlier. Well, I never rush anything and I’m always on but I never actually bought it. My sister has the book time with handing in my stuff, but I want to create and she liked it, but she didn’t do a lot with it. So I more peace for myself and do everything with fun and never thought I would do it either, but now I liked this care. book for the assignments, I would gave it a try. So I really hope that I would do assignments, because I really NOW WHAT think it helps when you want to wander more. Now I want to keep on improving myself. I really, really liked this course and I’m happy with the outcome of THEORY it. I worked together with Kylian and that was a really In the classes we’ve been presented theory concerning good choice. Together we’re going to the Kunsthal in the process. We have to reflect on the theoretical moRotterdam to a fashion exposition because we really dels through the What, So what, Now what methode. liked watching art and thinking about it. We also like We had a couple of models: making photo’s together and brainstorming together. A. Model: Content/Form/Function/Context (Daniel I think that’s because Kylian is also really motivated Samama) about school and she liked this course as well. I want B. Problem solving vs problem finding and lateral to keep wondering more because I always watch for thinking (Edward De Bono) beautiful stuff on Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram but C. The key-model of the Course Creativity and PerI want to take it outside and wonder more about the sonality: the pyramid model of Problem-finding/Proworld and nature because that’s maybe even more be- blem solving (Monique Zijp, Chris Gribling) autiful than the things on my computerscreen. D. Creativity Canvas (Based on Alex Osterwalder, by Chris Gribling and Monique Zijp) E. Five dispositions-model (Bill Lucas) KERI SMITH F. Research in Four Domains of Reality (Monique I did six assignments in my dummy. They were all Zijp) from Keri Smith - How to be an explorer of the world. G. Imagination Matrix (Based on the divergency Matrix of David van der Kooij, Chris Gribling) WHAT H. Laddering Technique Means/End Chain (Jonathan I made the assignments: Gutman) #43. Found paper #16. Survey WHAT #59. How to wander aimlessly The 4 models that were novel to me, were A, D, E and #37. Time observation F. #46. Found patterns #1. Right where you are sitting SO WHAT I really liked the content/form/function/context moSO WHAT del. I always looked at art like do I think this is beauSo, I have to make a plan before I started to do the tiful or not? And that’s it. Of course it made me feel assignments, because I did make them in my dum- something and of course I was thinking about the 48

meaning behind it. And of course I saw what things I liked that because than you could see the progress they used to come up with the end result, but I never that you’ve made. thought about it so concrete. So I really liked this assginment. The research in four domains I thought was fun to do. Sometimes it was difficult, especially the science part Methode D, Creativity Canvas, has helped me a lot because fashionbloggers and science. I mean, my faswith my concept. I knew that it was going to be the cination is not that high standard, it’s just my fascinafirst concept, so the other two were a little bit more tion and something I really like. difficult for me to fill in because I already liked my first idea, but it helped me a lot with thinking about NOW WHAT things like the target group and what kind of effort I I go to a fashion exposition with Kylian next week have to put in it and I what would get from it. in Kunsthal Rotterdam and I want to apply methode A on it. Also the Creativity Canvas model will I use The five disposition model I think was nice. You have again if I have to come up with a new concept in the to fill it in. Not every week, but from time to time and future. I find this model really helpfull.

Sources Pinterest borden van Mirre, geraadpleegd in september en oktober 2016, https://nl.pinterest.com/mvantankeren/?etslf=3925&eq=mirre%20van%20tankeren Wikipedia, geraadpleegd op 24 oktober 2016, https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Chain_letter


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