Transmedia storytelling

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Course: Advanced Course Transmedia Storytelling Date: 31-10-2016 Teacher: Philip Corsius Name: Diede van de Vries, Mirre van Tankeren Studentnumber: 2334941, 2205967 Examcode: 25XGAO639A




We both were very excited for this course: we wanted to know more about a transmedia concept and how to create a good story.


When we had to pick a brand we wanted to write this story for, we wanted something we didn’t have an immediate connection with, we wanted a challenge. Ben & Jerry’s is a brand we knew, ofcourse, but we didn’t felt like it was a brand that fitted our values. Also their way of designing their products and communication outings weren’t something we did ourselve. And finally, they already have such a specific point of view, that creating something that fits to this perfectly is also a bit of a challenge. Is this paper you can read about the transmedia story we developed for the brand Ben & Jerry’s.





















Brand identity HISTORY: THE BEGINNING Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield met each other when they’re at highschool during gymclass. Both loved food, but when once they were graduated they both did go their own way. In 1978 they met again and they started their own icecream company and that’s how the little icecream shop in a gasstation started. The rest of the history, you can find on the next page in our designed timeline. (Wikipedia, 2016) LOGO

The logo of Ben & Jerry’s is not a typographic logo but with a little banner behind it. It’s very simple and authentic and that’s the power behind the brand Ben & Jerry’s. The colours are clean but the yellow colour gives a fun touch to the logo. CORPORATE IDENTITY The corporate identity of Ben & Jerry’s is very colourful, playful and young. They use a lot of primairy colours and simple illustrations, such as a cow or a sun. Cows are a little mascot of the brand. They use the designs not only on the website, but also on the packages of the products.

PERSONALITY Ben & Jerry’s is a fun and out-going brand. They want to be youthfull throughout their fun, colourfull and humourous design. TARGET AUDIENCE Basically what Ben & Jerry’s said is that everyone who loves really good icecream is part of the target audience. But that’s a very wide range of people. What they further say is that with everything they do they want to make the world a better place. Further we found out that they mainly targetted on children and families, school and college students and last but not least the middle age group. The target audience has a sense of humor, are concerned about the their well-being and are attracted to healthy products. Mostly they have a fun and busy lifestyle. This is what they also want to achieve with their personality and corporate identity, so that’s a good thing because here we have a connection between target audience and what they want to radiate. PRODUCT Ben & Jerry’s is a worldwide known brand which focusses on making ice cream. Using Fairtrade products and contributing to a better world and a better environment is something the brand really sets a great store by. The ice cream is sold in supermarkets in so called pints of 500 ml. They also sell it at gas stations, cinemas, theaters and so on in smaller packages of 150 ml. They also created Scoopshops, where you can buy the ice cream per scoop and choose your own flavors.


OPPORTUNITY The children from now, are the adults of the future. So if we want the world to change in the future, we should start by educating the kids. And because children have a huge connection with ice cream, we feel like there is an opportunity to teach the kids about a serious topic through a product they feel already close to. That’s why we want to connect with this target audience.




1991 The flavour 'Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough' is released in pints. This flavour is stil the most popular-in-pints list.

Eight mil ion cups of Ben & Jerry's has the message 'Support Farm Aid' written on it, to support the movement Farm Aid, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to protect family farms.

1978 Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield opened their first scoopshop in Burlington, Vermont.


1979 Because of the first birthday of Ben & Jerry's they gave away free ice-cream. Up until this day Ben & Jerry's stil delive free ice-cream when it's their birthday.

1998 After 20 years Ben & Jerry's are provided with a whole new look.



Ben & Jerry's is now a subsidiary of Unilever. But the brand integrity wil be maintain.

With a gift of Ben & Jerry's build up the Ben & Jerry's Foundation to finance special projects. The foundation wil get 7,5% of the annual profits.



Eight mil ion cups of Ben & Jerry's has the message 'Support Farm Aid' written on it, to support the movement Farm Aid, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to protect family farms.

From now on Ben & Jerry's only purchases Fairtrade ingredients, because they really think they can make a change with improving the life of farmers and protecting the environment.

2013 Everyone has the right to know what's in their food, so Ben & Jerry's made a foodlabel with information about GGO.



VISION Because Ben & Jerry’s is the subsidiary of Unilever we use the overarching vision from Unilever:

‘work to create a better future every day’ MISSION Ben & Jerry’s has three-part missions and they want that everyone that’s connected to the business can be linked to it So this could be suppliers, employees, farmers, franchisees and customers. The three-part missions are Product Mission, Economic Mission and Social Mission.

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PRODUCT MISSION Ben & Jerry’s wants to make and sell the best quality ice cream. All ingredients need to be natural and with all busi ness practices they want to show respect the Earth and the Environment.


WHAT STORY ARE THEY ALREADY TELLING? Ben and Jerry’s is a company that already pays a lot of attention to serious topics and brings them to attention. All these topics are united in the campaign ‘Peace, Love & Fairtrade Ice Cream’. The first one is Fairtrade. They think it’s really important that small, local farmers get a fair price for their product and can participate in the global trade. With the usage of fair products and making people aware of that, they want to give these farmers a real chance. The second topic is marriage equality. They feel like that everyone in the world should be able to love whoever they want. To support this, they connect with relevant non-profit partners to support this. The final topic is global warming. In 2015 Ben and Jerry’s started a world-wide petition where they asked the worldleaders to create a solution for the global warming. WHAT DOES THE AUDIENCE NEED TO KNOW BEFOREHAND? The only thing what the target audience needs to know is that Ben and Jerry’s is from origine an ice cream brand and that they bring heavy, important topics to the public.

ECONOMIC MISSION With this mission Ben & Jerry’s want to manage financial growth. They have a own Company for sustainable financial growth for this. The main reason behind this mission is to increase value for stakeholders and creating opportunities for development. Also career growth for employees of Ben & Jerry’s is part of this mission. SOCIAL MISSION Ben & Jerry’s is with this last mission all about making the world a better place. They want to find innovative ways to make this possible. They are aware of the central role busi ness are playing in this society and they want to improve the quality of life. Not just locally or nationally but internationally.

SLOGAN The slogan of Ben & Jerry’s is: Keep it Cool with Ben & Jerry’s (Wikipedia, 2016) (Ben & Jerry’s, 2016)




STORY PER MEDIUM List of media - Interactive comic - Game/app - Event - Educational cartoon FUNCTION OF THE MEDIA - Interactive comic: inform and interact - Game/app: Interact - Event: connect with the target audience, create brand awareness - Educational cartoon: inform The overall theme we want to work with is global warming. It matches the topics Ben and Jerry’s already pays attention to, and it’s also a current problem. The goal we want to reach is to create awareness by younger children in the age group from 6 till 12 years old, that they know that they have to take care of our earth to save it. We came up with 4 different stories that support our concept. For this campaign a special edition ice cream flavor will be invented: Polarbearry-Vanilla Twist. The package will be showing our different characters we created for our transmedia story, even as a little story about global warming. INTERACTIVE COMIC Firstly, there is an interactive comic. It will be a mix between a color book, reading and small assignments. The main characters are Billy and Sunny. The story starts with Billy buying ice cream at one of Ben and Jerry’s scoopshops. When he walks outside he sees that his ice cream is melting. Mr. Ben Jerry walks by and tells him that Billy’s ice cream isn’t the only ice which is melting. He explains to him that the earth is warming up and that the Polar Ice is melting as well. Billy talks to Sunny about this, and Sunny is really sad that everyone blames him for it. Together Billy and Sunny go on an adventure trying to solve this problem. A problem they will bump in to is for example is a man who parks his car and let’s his motor running. Together they will go all over the world to make people understand that they have to protect the earth, and make sure Sunny can shine bright again.


We want to leave Billy blank in our comic. The kids have to color him in for themselves. In this way they really are able to connect with him and becomes our hero, their hero as well. When Billy makes his appearance in the game, we also want to make him blank so that they can use their own colors again. There will also be little assignments like connect the dots, to make the comic more interactive and fun to do for the kids. GAME/APP The games’ main character is Monty the polar bear. Monty lives on the North Pole and went on a holiday visiting his family in Alaska. When he came home, he found out his house was gone: it melted away because of the global warming. In this game he goes looking for a new home together with his friend Pip. Together they will travel all over the world to find objects so that they can build a new house for Monty. The game will have 15 levels and every level will contain different assignments, for example ‘search and find’ games, sliding puzzles, ‘find the difference’, quizzes and more. During their journey they will meet our different characters as well. In a level they will for example meet Billy, and the player has to give Billy their own colors. If they have read the comic, they can make the connection between those two, but when they haven’t read the comic that’s fine as well. During this game Mr. Ben Jerry will pop up at some points to give information about a topic or to give instruction about a game. In the end they will have different objects and they can start building the new house. When the house is built, you finished the game. With this game we can let children know the after effects of global warming. EVENT The name of the event is “Time-out, cool down!” With this event, Ben and Jerry’s will go to their target audience their selves. They will visit different primary schools with a promotional team. They will come with several workers and an ice cream truck, loaded with ice cream and games to play. They will organize an afternoon full of games with the theme global warming. What is important to know is that the schools only need to sign up. Organizing the day is done by Ben and Jerry. During this event the special edition ice cream flavor will be handed out to the kids. Schools can sign up to host this event themselves and Ben and Jerry’s can make a selection out of these sign ups to actually visit these schools. The day will start with a short presentation in the class room. The presentation will be held by one of the promotional workers and they will give information about global warming. This won’t take very long, because we don’t want to bore the children. We just want to give them information about the topic. They also are going to tell what the day is going to look like. After that they will play several games with the theme global warming. An example can be a relay race, where the


children have to bring stuffed animals in the shape of polar bears and penguins to an iceberg made of Styrofoam. EDUCATIONAL CARTOONS The final medium we will use is an online educational cartoon series. During five weeks, every week there will be posted a new cartoon on YouTube. Every cartoon will explain a different topic. We want it to be short, fun to watch but still be educational. The topics we want to explain to the kids are: What is Global Warming?, Polarbears, How is Ben & Jerry’s ‘Polar-bearry Vanilla Twist’ being made?, Penguins and the Sun. Every episode will give information about this topic. So, every episode is a very short documentary. What also is a fun add to these educational cartoons, is that kids can apply for an informational package for when they have to do an speaking engagement or have to hand in a project. The cartoons will be posted on the YouTube channel of Ben and Jerry. NAME OF OUR CAMPAIGN Keep it cool Not only because of the Global Warming we chose this name for our campaign. But also because we wanted to make it fun and cool and our target group, kids from 6 years - 12 years will be part of our campaign. TAGLINE Cool down Cool down is about that we have to cool down the earth, but also the kids. They get a cool down by the ice cream they eat but also when they play the game, they have fun but we also want them to learn something. SYNOPSIS (SUMMARY) The main goal of our campaign is to learn our target group, kids from 6 years - 12 years something about Global Warming, which is our overall theme. It matches Ben & Jerry’s because they already pay attention to this theme. We want the kids to be aware of this world wide problem. We made several characters, with one main character which is Billy. He will be the constant factor so the kids will have someone they recognize through the several platforms. We made four platforms: an app/game, an event, a comic book and educational cartoons on YouTube.



1. MONTY, THE POLAR BEAR Monty the Polar bear is the most friendly and kind animal you’ll ever meet. He’s the big, fluffy bear that everyone wants to cuddle. He hopes everyone will get along and that the world we be a better place eventually. His biggest fear is people screaming, fighting and yellow against each other. His behaviour is always friendly and a little naive because he expect everyone to act this way.

2. SUNNY, THE SUN Everyone sees Sunny as a villain, but he doesn’t mean to. He can’t shine at his fullest because the earth is already warming up and if he shines brighter than he now does, global warming will be even worse. His fear is that everyone will see him forever as the scapegoat, because he really doesn’t mean to. He hopes that everyone will see him as the big, happy sun he is and that people will see the good in him. His behavious is sometimes a little bit sad because everyone is angry at him because they blame him for the global warning even if he doesn’t mean to and he want to be happy again.


3. PIP, THE PINGUIN Is the best friend of Monty the Polar Bear. At first, they didn’t know each other but when Monty needed help Pip was there for him and now they are besties. His looks are cute and everyone wants to be friends with him because he’s always happy and fun and has a great sense of humor. His fear is that people will fight with each other and he hopes that the world will be a better place and that the other ones stops blaming Sunny The Sun for global warming because he know that it isn’t his fault.

4. BILLY, THE KID He’s the hero of the story. He’s very kind and wants everyone help out everyone with their problems. Billy will be our main character. Kids have to colour them and in the app they can choose the colours in the app. He isn’t afraid of anything and his behaviour is as how a kid will behave: he doesn’t think about the consequents too long, he just goes for it and hopes at the end he has done the right thing. He hopes he can fix the in general problem of the story: global warming.


5. WALLACE, FRIEND OF BILLY Wallace is Billy’s friend and follows him wherever his best buddy goes. He’s the helping hand of Billy. As a side kick he is very sharp-eyed and his fear is that Billy will do something stupid. He will watch out for Billy and be there for him whenever Willy needs help.

6. MISTER BEN JERRY’S This is the wise man that is giving signs to Billy and his friends to come up with solutions. When Billy doesn’t know what to do anymore, he’ll be there with some good advice. He hopes that Billy will solve the problem and that the world will be a better place before it’s all warmed up.




GOAL IN GENERAL The main goal of our campaign will be creating awareness of global warming by children within the age of 6 years until 12 years old. We believe that if we want something to change in the future, we should start educating the kids because they will be the adults then. By creating awareness in this age group with the help of a product they feel already similar with, we can make them change the way they take care of the world and the environment.

The Target Audience of our transmedia story will be kids at primary school. We will targeting on the age of 6 years till 12 years. These kids are living in The Netherlands. Kids these days are watching a lot of YouTube. But that don’t have to be a bad thing. A study of Radboud University revealed that watching YouTube video’s can help kids with studying. Who watches video at this online platform knows the content that they have to know better than kids who just studies at the old fashioned way like only with textbooks. (RTL Z, 2016)

ECONOMIC GOAL The economic goal from the point of view from Ben and Jerry’s is to create a brand the children can relate with at a young age. Therefore the children develop a commitment towards Ben and Jerry’s, so when they are older and able to buy stuff for themselves, they will choose for Ben and Jerry’s. The main goal of the campaign isn’t making profit, but we do want to sell enough of the limited edition ice cream and the comics to be break even at the end.

The kids are growing up with a lot of animated visuals everywhere around them. They get bored pretty easily because they are used to many incentives. That’s why we also have an app added to our storymedia. We don’t want any of these kids feel shut out, because we want the feeling Ben & Jerry’s is creating implementing in our story. Ben & Jerry’s is really fun and with caring for each other and the world and we want the kids to remember that.

USER GOAL The user goal we set is that the children get to know more about global warming in general, without having the feeling that the information is forced. We want them to have fun with our comic, game and the school event but when they used one of more of these products, they are willing to change their behavior towards the world themselves.

We did choose kids with the age from 6 years till 12 years because we know that these kids can read and they understand problems like global warning if we will explain it to them in a good and understandable way.

CREATIVE TEAM GOAL The main creative goal is to create a story which fits the interests and needs of our target audience. We want the individual stories to be strong so when you use only use one of the products you are able to get the message. In total, we want to sell 5000 comics, have 5000 app downloads, 25 school applications for the event and 5000 weekly views on the online educational cartoons during the whole campaign.

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EXT. – South Pole – Day We see a big, white, landscape full of snow. There are white mountains, no trees or bushes, caves, rocks and the ocean on the side. In the sky we can see the sun shine very bright. There are birds in the sky. In the water we can see an orca. Laying on the land we can see walruses and penguins. The point of view shifts from left to right, from the very blue ocean till the white, snowy landscape. When the camera stops, we see Monty with a brown suitcase. Monty is wearing a scarf and is happy. Monty will walk further to the left with the suitcase in his hand. Monty Oh boy, what a trip! I went on a holiday To visit my family and now I am happy to be back again. Monty looks up, towards the sun. Monty It feels warm though. The sun sure is shining bright today! (Monty waves) Hello mister Sun! Nice to see you out on such a lovely day! Camera shifts to the sun Sun (The sun winks) Hello Monty! Nice to see you too! Monty continues walking. He suddenly stops at the edge of the land.


Monty (Monty scratches his head and looks around) Wait a minute. I can’t remember the sea Being here already. It should be over there At my cave… (His eyes getting big and he looks around again) Where is my cave? It should be over there! Monty continues walking next to the shore. He looks confused. He drops his suitcase and throws his hands into the air. Monty (while walking back and forth next to the shore) I don’t get it. My cave should be here, but it looks like it is gone… Pip, Monty’s best friend who is a penguin, pops up out of the water. He shakes himself dry and start walking back and forth after Monty. Pip (Smiling, very happy) Hi Monty! You’re back! What’ya doing? Monty (Still looking very confused) Hi Pip! I am looking for my cave. It should be over there, but it isn’t. Do you know where It is? Pip stops suddenly with walking and looks sad. Pip


I am sorry Monty, I thought you knew.

Monty stops with walking too. Monty Knew what? Pip Your cave is gone Monty! The sun is war ming up now, and the ice is starting to melt now. Your cave melted too, Monty. It melted because of The heat of the sun. I tried to stop it, but I couldn’t… Camera makes a close up to Monty’s face. He looks sad and confused Monty But where do I have to live now? Screen goes to black and the name of the game pops into the screen.


User need The User Need is why our target audience actually would use our transmedia project. Our target group are kids from 6 till 12 years at primairy school. So we want school to be involved, because this is where kids learn a lot. If we make them aware at a young age about sharing and caring, they’ll have benefits from this project later on. They think about problems in a fun way and when they’re older and they’ll understand the problems on a more adult leven, they will think about the time where they were first acquainted with global warning. Why our target audience will use it because they can learn something about it in a really fun way and they will feel sympathize with some of our characters. Kids can participate our story in multiple ways, and that makes it more fun. We have a lot of little games throughout the comic or app. They can create their own Billy, also known as our hero, by choosing the colours that you want your hero to wear. You can colour it by yourself in the comic and use the same colours in the app. The main thing we want the kids to remember is that global warning is a problem we can all work on if we stand up for it together. The change of our climate isn’t just about little animals and the sun, but we think that’s a fun and good way to start for the kids.





There are many facets of this campaign: there is the creating of the comic, the designing of the new app, organizing the event and animating the cartoon. We split it up in topics and looked into the costs.

Although the main goal of the LET’S CHILL campaign isn’t making money but creating awareness underneath the children, we do have some incomes. We are selling the limited ice cream for the regular price, which is €5,25 per pint (, 2016).

ICE CREAM We want to release for this campaign a new, limited edition ice cream flavor for Ben and Jerry’s. They already have a factory for this production, so no equipment needs to be purchased. The estimated costs for the production of 1 liter of ice cream is about €2,62 (Misset Horeca, 2012). COMIC We both have knowledge about graphic design, we know more than just the basics about Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign, but we are not able to illustrate a whole comic book. Therefore we would hire an illustrator for €45, - an hour (Mijn ZZP, nd). We also need to print the comics. This is possible for about €7.500, - per 1000 pieces (EZ book, 2016).

We are also planning on selling our comic for the price of €7,95. With this price we are able to compete with the other comics, because they are at the same price range (Bart Smit, 2016). Also, we are able to make a little profit out of it. Next to this, we want to create a bond between our target audience and the Ben and Jerry’s brand. At this point they can’t buy stuff for themselves yet because they are too young, but when they have the opportunity to do so, we want them to have a connection with the brand so they will choose our product instead of the competions one.

APP BUILDING Because we don’t have someone with the skills of designing and building a game app, we have to hire someone to do that as well. The estimated costs would be €24.000. (itnext, nd) Event For the event we want to plan, we have two big expenses: the purchase of an ice cream truck and hiring the promotion team. We are planning to go to schools, and if we want to have enough people to serve the whole school, we have to hire enough promotional workers. If we would buy a second handed ice cream truck, it would cost about €6.500, - (Marktplaats, 2016). A promotional worker would cost €11, per hour per person (Young Capital, 2016). EDUCATIONAL CARTOON For the educational cartoons we need to hire an actual animator, because we both lack of the skills. An animation will cost approximately €750, - per minute (Webshop Commercial, nd).



Hi! I’m Billy! Please, can you give me some nice colors?

Please, can you give me some Hi! nice I’m Billy! colors? Please, can you give me some nice colors?

Thank you, me? friend! Thank you, friend! Would you like to Would you like to buy ice cream with me? buy ice cream with me?

Platform and channels INTERACTIVE COMIC We are going to make an interactive comic with a fun but informative storyline. You can read about this in our Chapter ‘Story’. Kids will meet Billy, our main character, in all of our mediaplatforms. In this interactive comic we will leave Billy blank. The kids have to colour him themselves. They can connect with them and give them the colours that they want their hero to wear. They can pick their favourite colours if they want to. Their will also be little assignments like puzzles and connecting dots so they don’t know what will appear and they have to do the assignments to keep on going and come further in the comic. Billy will be the returning one in all of our platforms, but this comicbook will be where he’ll be shining the most. We did choose for a comic


An example of a page out of our comic book:

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5 32 6 i want strawberry 31 7 30 flavor with chocolate 8 29 sauce! Can you help me 38 39 37 91 36 28 get what i want? 35 i want strawberry 10 2 27 flavor with chocolate 34 37 38 39 11 26 1 36 sauce! Can you help me37 38 39 12 33 2 25 1 35 i want strawberry 36 get what i want? 15 14 13 22 3 24 34 223 32 35 i want strawberry flavor with chocolate 16 33121 4 flavor with chocolate sauce! Can you help34me 33 20 17 30 4 5 25 sauce! Can you help me get what i want? 33 32 19 18 295 6

get what i want?

GAME/APP For the game we have another main character and that’s Monty the Polar bear. This will also be a very interactive medium with a lot of little games to do. The game consists of 15 levels with fun things to do such as sliding puzzles, a quiz, find the differences, etc. At one point Monty will meet Billy again so they can combine their knowledge and strengths to finish the games. We did choose for a game/app because we like the fact that it’s really interactive and that the kids really have to challenge themselves, but with a learning twist. Also out of our research we did before, we knew that kids learn a lot because of games and little movies and kids now a days are spending a lot of time on their or their parents’ smartphone so that’s why we think it would be a perfect match to create a app.

Mister Be n Jerry’s helping yo u out

Billy n w o your e t a e r C


Beg in of Monty’s story

EVENT This event will be called ‘Time-out, cool down!’ and it will be a workshop on schools. This is something Ben & Jerry’s will organise, but the school have to provice a space in school, for example the auditorium. Their will be a couple of teammember from Ben & Jerry’s actually go to the school and bring games with them to organise the most fun and learningful evening for the kids. It will be an experience with the overall theme ‘Global Warning’. Because Ben & Jerry’s isn’t Ben & Jerry’s if they don’t bring icecream. That’s why they want to hand out a special edition ice cream flavour. The goal of this event will be to learn kids in a fun way about global warning and to bring all the kids and teachers together. Not every school can attempt, they can sign up for it and Ben & Jerry’s select a couple of school they will going to visit for this event. We have chosen for an event because we think it’s a really fun way. It’s not a typicale schoolday for the kids, but they will still learn something. As a treat they get the limited edition icecream.


EDUCATIONAL CARTOONS Our last medium will be a informative cartoon. This is online on YouTube, because we founded out in our research phase that YouTube can be used in a very good way to teach kids something. Also is YouTube a really populair medium for youngsters, they watch more YouTube than they watch television, that’s why we did choose for educational cartoons on YouTube to be our last medium. Every cartoon will explain a different topic so the target group will learn more about mutliple subjects. They will be fun, short and educational to watch. Our characters will play a really important role in these short cartoons because they are the ones guiding the kids through the subjects.

Terms and conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE Welcome to our Keep It Cool campaign! Ben & Jerry’s and it’s associates provide their services to you to the following conditions. If you visit or shop within this website, you accept these conditions so please read them carefully. PRIVACY STATEMENT You need to registrate to Ben & Jerry’s when you want to be part of our ‘Time Out, Cool Down!’ event. This is because you need to fill in a couple of things, such as your schooladres and with how many children you want to attend. We are committed to protecting our and your privacy. We only use information collected from individual customers and we review our data to ensure the best possible service to our customers. COMMUNICATIONS When you visit Ben & Jerry’s, you are communicating with us. This can through e-mails, social media or when you comment on our website. We will be responding to this electronically, so this means by e-mail, social media or we will write a comment to you on our website. You agree that all agreements, notices and other communications satisfy any legal requirement. COPYRIGHT All content included on this site are property to Ben & Jerry’s. This contains text, graphic design, logo, icons, software and images and audio. We are protected by the international copyright laws.



RESOURCES For some parts of our story the user will need access to any website, tablet or mobile advice with internet connection. This is because you can download our app or go to our YouTube channel.



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Our production team consists of two communication specialists with both their own expertise. Mirre van Tankeren is the creative designer. She knows her way with designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign and creates our visions into designs perfectly. Diede van de Vries is the creative producer. She makes ideas into action points and makes sure everyone hands in their products on time. Both of them are the creative brain behind the transmedia story. No decision is being made without consulting each other first and agreeing on it both. Something what is missing in this team is a marketing adviser who keeps track of the budget and a technical specialist for the digital products. Both of them signed up for the course because they were really interested in transmedia storytelling. They wanted to know what it was exactly and how to come up with a total concept and how to make it into reality.


Our target group can be part of our story through multiple platforms. They can spot the poster in the city and say it to their teacher and participate our event. They can spot it on social media and download the app, go to our YouTube page, participate our event or buy our comic book.


All of our touchpoints leads to one of our platforms where a part of our story will be told. Also can you buy our new invented flavour in one of the selling points of Ben & Jerry’s. There will be information on the packaging about our new game, comic book, event and educational YouTube cartoons.

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Hi! I’m Billy! Please, can you give me some nice colors?

Hi! I’m Billy! Please, can you give me some Hi! nice I’m Billy! colors? Please, can you give me some nice colors?

Thank you, friend! Would you like to buy ice cream with Thank you, me? friend! Thank you, friend! Would you like to Would you like to buy ice cream with me? buy ice cream with me?


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2 35 3 34 4 33 5 32 6 i want strawberry 31 7 30 flavor with chocolate 8 29 sauce! Can you help me 37 38 39 91 36 28 get what i want? 35 i want strawberry 10 2 27 3 flavor with chocolate 34 11 38 39 26 37 1 4 36 sauce! Can you help me37 38 39 12 2 25 1 3533 i want strawberry 36 5 get what i want? 15 14 13 22 3 24 34 223 32 35 i want strawberry flavor with chocolate 21 6 16 331 4 flavor with chocolate sauce! Can you help34me 33 20 7 17 30 4 5 sauce! Can you help me get what i want? 33 32 8 18 295 19 6 get what i want? 32 31 9 286 7 30 31 10 277 8 30 29 11 268 9 29 28 12 259 10 27 28 15 14 13 24 23 22 10 11 27 26 21 16 11 26 17 12 20 25 24 1223 22 19 15 14 25 18 13 21 16 15 14 13 24 23 22 21 17 20 16 17 20 19 18 19


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TIMELINE AND KEY EVENTS The Keep it Cool campaign will start in May, in the last months of school for the children and when the temperature is rising again. The campaing contains 4 different media outlets.

The app will be available on this day. Because this is a game with a limited amount of levels, we don’t want our audience to go through these levels too quickly. Therefore during the 5 weeks the campaign will last, every week 3 levels will be released. In this way the audience keeps on using the app and doesn’t stop using it after one week.

February 12th

Sending out information documents to the school. We want to start the campaign with the first ‘Time-Out, cool down!’ event at one of the schools who signed up. To inform the schools what the day is going to look like and what’s in it for them, we are going to spread document with information. In the document is also an explanation how schools can sign up. Underneath the applications one school will be chosen where the event is going to start.

May 19th App release

May 19th

May 19th Comic release

The new ice cream flavor ‘Polarbearry Vanilla Twist’ will hit the stores and the scoopshops. The scoopshops will be given more attention to this with hanging posters around the shop with a visual of the limited edition flavor.

May 12th First event

The first ‘Time-out, cool down!’ event is taking place at one of the schools. Here the first samples of the new ice cream flavors will be given away to the children. The ice cream won’t be in stores yet, so the children are the first to taste this. Also many games will be played. During the next 5 weeks the Ben and Jerry promotional team will go through all the country and visit several schools.


The comic we created will be hitting the stores. They will be able for purchase during the whole campaign.

May 19th Educational cartoon release

The first educational cartoon will be released on May 19th on the medium YouTube. During the 5 week-campaign, every week at the same week day at the same time, a new cartoon will be released.




Our transmedia production fit well with the brand Ben & Jerry’s. This is because Ben & Jerry’s wants the world to be a better place. They do this with serveral subjects and we chose ‘Global warming’. Because kids have a lot with ice cream, we wanted them to be our target group and because when they learn about topics like this at a young age, they will make the connection between Ben & Jerry’s and topics in a good way. All of our content, platforms and expressions are in the style of Ben & Jerry’s. We did a lot of research about the brand and we found out that at one day Ben & Jerry’s give away free ice cream each year so we wanted to do that also, but than with an event and a learning goal. Our visuals and text are all in the style of Ben & Jerry’s. We created our own background, comic book, app, etc. but we wanted to have the look and feel of Ben & Jerry’s so really colourful, fun and with a lot of cows because they stand for nature, the environment and the pureness of Ben & Jerry as a brand. We invented our own Ben & Jerry’s flavour with the name ‘Polarbearry Vanilla Twist’. We thought this would be a fun name because Ben & Jerry’s always come up with fun names. Polar stands for the Polarbear in our story and about Global Warning and it’s a fluffy animal that will go through major impact if the Global Warning will get no attention. Bearry stands for the berries that we want to use, it’s about the flavour Blue en red berries in combination with vanilla. We made everything with keeping the identity of Ben & Jerry’s in mind. Our story is with a lot of animals and with language that kids understand. Ben & Jerry’s always do a lot with kids, so we wanted to extend that. We think that those little illustrations we made of our characters are a good example of how Ben & Jerry’s would’ve done it because they use illustrations as well on their packaging and throughout their expressions.


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Learning about global warming in a fun way Time-out, Cool Down Event

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Unified, co-ordinated entertainment experience



MEANINGFULL MOMENTS Meaningfull moments in our story are moments that move our story further along. This is our overall theme, Global Warming. Because this is not a problem for one day, Ben & Jerry’s can use this format we created multiple times and in more countries, because Ben & Jerry’s is an international brand. The moments we created contribute to the storyworld and the backstory, because Ben & Jerry’s want to make the world a better place and that’s what we also wanted to create with our story. We want to make the audience feel something. So that’s why we created our event. They are connected to the brand for the whole afternoon. When they see the poster we want to make them feel like they want to be participate. We want them to learn something and at the end they get our new limited edition icecream so they feel like they really learned something that afternoon and they get a reward for it. We also want to make them feel something when they play the game. Again, they learn something but when the target audience go a level up they feel joy because they won. They also feel pity for some of the characters now and than, but when they can help them out they feel joy again.


C F N R 39

Tips & Tops van de student: Tips 1. Don’t complain, just go to the lessons

1. Critical


2. Determinted


3. Can say anything to her without she feeling hurt


Bovenstaande uitgedrukt in cijfer:




Onderstaande evaluatieformulier vul je per student uit je projectgroep in. Bij ‘naam student’ vul je de naam van de student in voor wie het formulier geldt. Bij ‘ingevuld door’ vul je je eigen naam in. Leg uit waarom je een bepaalde waardering aan iemand geeft. Afsluitend geef je de student een cijfer.

Peer-to-peer evaluatieformulier PROJECTEN Jaargang: Leerjaar: Semester: Naam project*: Transmedia Storytelling

2016-2017 4 1

Naam student: Mirre van Tankeren Ingevuld door: Diede van de Vries Klas: Inhoudelijk begeleider: Philip Corsius

Tips & Tops van de student: Tips 1. Don’t do all the work in the middle of the night, but make some time during the day 2.

1. Critical


3. Great sense of design


2. Determinted

Bovenstaande uitgedrukt in cijfer:


*Zoals gegeven door opleiding.

Feedback ten aanzien van de kwaliteit van de deelproducten en het eindproduct: zeer onvoldoende (1-2-3) / onvoldoende (4-5) / voldoende (5,5) / ruim voldoende (6-7) / (zeer) goed (8-9-10)


After such a long time of knowing each other and working together, we know each others weaknesses and strengths. Mirre worked very hard, as usual without any complaints.

Feedback ten aanzien van de individuele bijdrage van de student aan de producten: > verantwoordelijkheid voor en zichtbare bijdrage aan producten > kwaliteitsgerichtheid m.b.t. producten (kritische houding) TOELICHTING:

zeer onvoldoende / onvoldoende / voldoende / ruim voldoende / (zeer) goed zeer onvoldoende / onvoldoende / voldoende / ruim voldoende / (zeer) goed Mirre knows her way with designing so well, so just in minutes she created the corporate identity. She is also very critical and made sure nothing was missing.

Feedback ten aanzien van de individuele bijdrage van de student aan het proces: > samenwerking (afspraken nakomen, aanwezigheid) zeer onvoldoende / onvoldoende / voldoende / ruim voldoende / (zeer) goed > vergaderdiscipline (zakelijk, effectief, houding en gedrag) zeer onvoldoende / onvoldoende / voldoende / ruim voldoende / (zeer) goed > verantwoordelijkheid voor proces zeer onvoldoende / onvoldoende / voldoende / ruim voldoende / (zeer) goed > algemene houding in projectgroep afwachtend / actief / proactief / aanjager TOELICHTING: Mirre really motivated me to come to every class and I think we made each other work harder and wanting to get the best out of ourselves.


Peer-to-peer evaluatieformulier Projecten / Collegejaar 2013-2014


SOURCES Albert Heijn (2016). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. Bart Smit (2016). Retrieved at 21-10-2016 . EZBook (2016). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. IT Next (nd). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. Marktplaats (2016). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. Mijn ZZP (nd). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. Webshopcommercial (nd). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. www.webshopcommercial. nl/animatiefilm Misset Horeca (nd). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. Wikipedia (2016) Wikipedia: Ben & Jerry’s. Retrieved at 26 oktober 2016, van Wikipedia: Young Capital (2016). Retrieved at 21-10-2016. beroepsgroepen/promotiewerk-vacatures?gclid=Cj0KEQjwqMHABRDVl6_ hqKGDyNIBEiQAN-O9hDd9M9BBDWnslUWVkyKGwJ-B8z2VFXqffc8Y4LbFgbYaAjg88P8HAQ Z, R. (2016, March 25). Onderzoek: YouTube Maakt Kinderen Slimmer. Retrieved at Oktober 19, 2016, van RTL Z:!/z-today344915/8c7463f1-9920-42c1-97c1-79d3463ea89f


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