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Robin Matt Mikesbliss Cruising Fun

MIRRORBALLS February 2009 Publisher: Nhamo Editor: TheCygnet South African Correspondent: Exit Newspaper Cover Photo & Design: JamTrash Contributors: Richard, Philip Rham, Colin Swan, Philip Tsaras, Les Pratt, Steve Yates, Carlos Cogul

Š Copyright, MIRRORBALLS 2009. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an electronic or other retrievable system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Advertisers are reminded of their obligations under the 1984 Trade Protection Act. Advertisers are responsible for the content of their copy under the terms of the Act. The appearance or mention of any establishment, product, individual or organisation within this publication, should not be taken as an endorsement by the publishers of the same unless otherwise stated. The appearance, mention or likeness of any individual or organisation within this magazine should not be construed as an indication of either the sexual preference or political persuasion of the same, unless otherwise stated. Contributions are welcomed on the understanding that any unsolicited manuscripts that they may be published without further correspondence, with a fee (if applicable) paid at standard rates as specified by MIRRORBALLS. Work cannot be returned to the author unless agreed by the publisher.

Š Mikesbliss 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Mikesbliss aoraborealis of the north Words: Nhamo

Some have called him the modern Andy Warhol - but with better hair. His paintings and drawings certainly fit into the classification of Pop Art but with a smooth simplicity of line and subject matter that has that extra splash of sex appeal.

“Chimp Choking” is Gay Bashing and it was to recover from such an incident that Mikesbliss packed up everything he had and, like so many before him, sought solace, and a better life in the cosmopolitan surroundings of the nation's capital.

Viewed in isolation each image is bold and stark, reducing the scene to simple line drawings ñ not dissimilar to the emergency instruction cards on your holiday jet - but in removing the detail MikesBliss shows us the essential elements of his subjects. Viewed collectively we get a glimpse into the life and loves of the artist ñ like flipping through a personal photo album or reading a diary ñ only the names are missing.

He had been drawing from childhood but in London MikesBliss developed his style and used his art to explore his sexuality. Through his paintings this northern lad expresses the tears and joys, sorrow and successes of his life.

MikesBliss moved to London from the North East England sea port of Hartlepool - a town whose historical residents are reputed for their execution of a Monkey during the Napoleonic wars, believing the poor dumb creature to be a French Spy intent on keeping the Emperor's secrets rather than speak to them. The century may have changed but the Hartlepool populace's apparent ignorance and intolerance has not. Their modern day equivalent of

What motivates him to paint such beautiful men? “I am an artist who likes to capture the male figure in its full formation ñ as David was to Michaelangelo I aim to create a classic representation of the perfect man. Many of my pictures are deliberately monochrome ñ removing the ìcolourî of the subject and allowing the viewer to appreciate the beauty, balance and form of the subject without consideration for race or heritage.” “My early works were a clear expression of my emotional state at the time rather than a reflection of the

Š Mikesbliss 2009

Š Mikesbliss 2009

venue but dealing with the darker side of life; grief, loss, heartbreak & hopelessness.

“I have established a studio in my house - it is a sanctuary of isolation in this busy, crazy and impersonal city. I can detach myself from the hectic lives of those outside leaving me to concentrate on my work ñ often completing a painting of many hours in a single sitting. I love London for the social outlets it provides but being centered and focused is vital for my creativity and I have worked with a lifestyle coach to attain my goals.”

“The seeds of this radical departure was what can only be described as a nervous breakdown. The shift in subject matter was necessary for me to visualise the battle to regain my mental health. “

What prompted this radical change in direction for you?

The show at Adonis Art begins on 3rd February and runs right through till the end of the month. See advert elsewhere in this issue for details.

MikesBliss has been influenced by iconic figures of history which he has immortalized on canvas. His famous subjects also include the legends of tomorrow including recently elected President Barak Obama. (eagle-eyed readers will have spotted MikesBliss' picture of President Obama in our Jan 09 issue). MikesBliss' first public show was in 2006 at Adonis Art in West Brompton, London. That exhibition explored themes such as happiness, love, hope & well being. This year he has hung a new exhibition at the same

© Mikesbliss 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

vibe given off by my model. I have now fully self actualized and so the images now communicate the personalities of my subjects, with my emotions only coming through in the detail of the brush strokes. “

Š Mikesbliss 2009

MIKESBLISS @ ADONIS ART 3rd February 2009- 27th February 2009. Mikesbliss will be exhibiting all new work in a one man show at Adonis Art 1b Coleherne Road, Earls Court, London, SW10 9BS. All work will be exclusively for sale through the gallery http://www.mikesbliss.com/adonis_art.html

a powerful biopic of America’s first openly gay public official By Philip Rham. Photos courtesy of Momentum Pictures

© 2008 Momentum Pictures

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009


My name is Philip Rham and I’m here to recruit we think the battles have been won and in you …… to go and see “MILK” at all costs! some respects we have gained so much in terms of acceptance and civil rights and yet, My apologies for a shameless steal from one for example, in the USA at the moment, only of Harvey Milk’s intros to his campaign 2 states have legislated for a gay civil speech. I am old enough to remember the ceremony. Indeed the final irony about this documentary “The Life and Times of Harvey film is that, just as we celebrate Obama’s Milk” which profoundly affected me when I election, California has voted in favour of saw it. So hopefully this magnificently Proposition 8 which repealed gay marriage moving biopic about the first openly gay man legislation! So the campaign continues, to be elected to public office and guys, and I am convinced that this film will go assassinated for his pains will move a new a long way in firing up a new swathe of gay young generation to keep fighting and activists. hoping. The supreme irony, of course, is that

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Gus Van Sant – he of “My own Private Idaho”, “Elephant”, “Good Will Hunting” Drugstore Cowboy” and the infamous “Psycho” among others – has created a moving homage to this brave man. He is enormously helped, it must be said, by a superb screenplay by Dustin Lance Black (surely a shoe-in for the Oscar here) and a top-notch cast led by Sean Penn as Milk, James Franco as his lover Scott and Josh Brolin as the frustrated (in more senses than one) Dan White, Milk’s fellow politician and ultimate assassin.

© 2008 Momentum Pictures

The film is structured round Milk, aware that he could be killed at any moment, telling his story into a tape recorder. It starts with the 40 year old lawyer Milk picking up the oh- sosexy Scott in a New York subway and both start on a new life in San Francisco in the early seventies. They open a Castro Camera Shop – now a shrine , needless to say – before Castro had become synonymous with gay San Francisco, although the district was next to the free-loving hippy district of Haight Ashbury. Milk’s activism is fired up by the

humiliating police raids on gay bars and clubs that were filmed for posterity. Van Sant uses real footage showing men being handcuffed and bundled into the back of vans like common criminals . It made my blood boil to see it and as a result we are all inspired and activated to join in with Milk on his campaign journey and will him on, even though we know the heart-breaking denouement pretty early on (more amazing newsreel here announcing his and the mayor’s assassination). In fact it is a device which Van Sant uses all the way through, news footage of marches and interviews with the dreaded Anita Bryant , the rightwing religious anti-gay campaigner of the time. This is brilliant for the period feel already so lovingly recreated here and even surviving characters take parts in the film. Every year Milk tries to get elected as district superviser. Finally after five attempts he is successful in 1978, having been forced to change out from his tight T-shirt and his long hair for a suit and respectable haircut! On the way he has recruited the Teamsters Union in

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

return for successfully mobilising the gay community in an anti Coors beer campaign. But alas the handsome Scott, the partner, unable to take any more election campaigns has already left Milk to listen to Puccini on his own. His place is quickly taken by a very insecure , nay psychotic, Latino by the name of Jack (Diego Luna) – how many do we know of those!! At the same time Milk has inspired a strong campaign group of dedicated followers including Cleve Jones (Emile Hirsch unrecognisable in glasses and wig) and Anne Kronenberg (Alison Pill) – the only two survivors of this amazing period and still active in gay politics today. At this point I must say how magnificent Sean Penn is as Harvey Milk. You really feel in Penn’s protrayalthat Milk is a gay man driven by his desire for justice but also a gay man who loves sex and loves other men unconditionally, topped off by a canny sense of what will achieve his goals, all with a twinkle in his eyes. His slight awkwardness addressing the local Union meeting is beautifully captured by Penn as well as his chutzpah in his dealings with the rightwing senator John Briggs. It all makes for an Oscar-winning portrayal - Go, Sean, go!!!

© 2008 Momentum Pictures

It is Anita Bryant’s Proposition 6, banning any homosexual from teaching in California that mobilises Milk and his crew and brings

him to national prominence and ultimate victory over the forces of the Christian Right. The end, when it comes, is almost banal yet still excruciating to watch – the waste of this man and all that he had achieved and could have achieved if he had lived. Dan White a fellow district supervisor in the San Francisco legislature is a strong Catholic family man but in Josh Brolin’s portrayal we suspect there is more than just admiration for Milk’s campaigning qualities. There is a fantastic scene when the by now alcoholic White confronts Milk in the council. Brolin manages to convey the man’s insecurity and longing to be true to himself but a man who has to remain deeply frustrated, maybe even sexually. The unexpressed inner Dan White is there for Milk and for us to see – bravo Josh Brolin! The film ends as we knew it would but we have been on a journey, maybe slightly sanitised in terms of the promiscuity of Milk , but nevertheless we are deeply touched by this man and who he inspired and what he urges us to do in 2009, namely mobilise , keep fighting for our rights and as he so movingly says “Keep hoping, hoping, hoping” I hope I have recruited you to see this inspiring and moving film. Be prepared to be reborn and be taken up by a new faith!


MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Diary of a Recital

Carlos Cogul’s letter to MIRRORBALLS readers Dear friends and fans, I have been asked to share my experiences and feelings of how I prepare for a recital, concert or an opera performance. On this occasion I arrived in Spain on Mon 12th January with only a bit of time to settle, as soon as I got to my flat, Catalunya Musica Radio (this is the radio station devoted to classical music which belongs the national Catalan Radio Station, Catalunya Radio) got me on the telephone to have an interview about the recital programme and discuss several aspects of my career. The journalist was Pere Andreu for a programme called ‘Blog de Nit’ (Night Blog). This is the link of the interview, for those who understand Catalan: http:// audios.catradio.cat/multimedia/ mp3/7/0/1231940591407.mp3? programa=Blog+de+nit They played a few excerpts of my album Introduction (www.chironclassics.com) and talked about why and how I approach the music I choose to sing. After it was done I had a little dinner and went straight to bed.

lunch with my dear friend Rosa Mas who is a fabulous photographer (www.rosamas.com) Salou is a popular tourist destination in the Summer months but quite deserted in the Winter, so one feels the place kind of belongs to you. ‘Siesta’ is my favourite thing to do after eating while in Spain and then after a very well deserved one, I got onto the scores to practice what I had gone thru with my pianist in the morning. Then light dinner and watching a DVD (this time was Stallone’s ‘Rocky Balboa’ always loved the ‘Rocky’ series) before bedtime. Wednesday was a very peaceful relaxing day as I had plenty of time to walk around Salou’s beautiful promenade’s and beaches. Luckily, although cold, there was plenty of sun to enjoy. Listening to the silence, is one of my favourite things to do. Listening to the seagulls and the sea waves is a much longed pleasure and privilege for those who, like me, live in the city. Thursday was devoted to rehearsing again. This time the basis of the material I was singing was already there and it served us both, my pianist and I, to start re-creating these masterpieces. My main aim is always to serve the composer as well as I can. By the end of the rehearsal much food and rest was needed and that’s what I did. I had Press Conference to deal with as well in the evening, which I enjoyed very much.

On Tuesday morning I had my usual ritual (15 minutes of meditation and thoughts of appreciation in all I come to see and experience on the day), vocal warm up, quick breakfast and went into rehearsals, met my pianist, Marc Garcia and started rehearsing. A first rehearsal is always more about find the ebb and flow with the music I perform and deal with the tempos and the technical aspects of music, more I normally try not to sing the day before a than just singing. After three and a half performance but, alas, it couldn’t be grueling hours of rehearsal, I went to helped and had a final rehearsal of my

programme. It’s important to get a good night’s sleep the day before I perform. Watched another DVD, answered some emails and rested. On Saturday, the day of the performance, everything is focused on what I am gonna do in the evening, although I always try to get to a ‘normal’ feel to the day. In my case, it’s is always a joyful experience to get on stage and perform in front of an audience and I am rather impatient to to get on with it. I try to talk as little as possible and most certainly don’t answer the telephone! My dear friend Rosa M, stayed with me on the couple of hours before the concert. I love all the preparation process, the vibe all the staff in the Hall have, the expectancy of creating something magical, the putting on the make up, wearing the white tie tailcoat, etc. And finally little by little, they say to you: last call 5 minutes to go! I usually smile to myself in the mirror and say: It’s gonna be fun. Thru the darkness of the wings on stage, you can hear the audience whispering and being excited. The stalls go dark and… there we go. The spotlight is on you, one last deep breath and the voice starts to pour out… I sang to a full capacity hall, which made me very happy. Salou has this very beautiful Concert Hall, for those who wanna know more go to www.salou.org The programme included four baroque arias and songs, three ‘ariette’ (small arias) by V. Bellini, four songs by Tosti and an operatic aria from Verdi’s Un Ballo In Maschera (A Masked Ball). The second half opened with the Song cycle ‘Combat del somni’ (Fight of Dreams) by Catalan composer F. Mompou. Another song cycle followed, this time in Spanish Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas (Seven Spanish Folk Songs) by Manuel de Falla. And three Zarzuela ‘romanzas’ concluded the recital. All I can say is that I had a very joyful experience and after over 90 min of singing the audience asked for three encores. Click here to see video. Thank you to all those who listen. Thank you Mirrorballs. Much love C xx


MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Paul Lucien portrait of a recording artist The music industy is beginning to notice Paul Lucien. This 28 year old Manchester singer with musical influences as diverse as George Michael, Luther Vandross, Will Young, Gary Barlow, Anastacia, Celine Dion, and Kelly Clarkson has his own particular brand of contemporary rock influenced pop which is available now on a limited release album. We asked Paul to share with us some background of his career to date, tell us about the album and share with us his hopes and dreams for the future. Having grown up in household where music was played 24/7 I became interested at a young age in various vocal styles on pop tracks. I started singing quite late, aged 17. First performances were in college musical projects and festivals. Having trained classically until age 21 I was keen to develop more of a contemporary sound. In 2003, whilst working for HSBC bank I spearheaded a Charity project involving more than 20 HSBC employees and produced a CD of mixed songs raising more than £5000 for disadvantaged and disabled children in Scotland (where I lived at the time). I was keen to develop my voice further and became very frustrated with ‘standard’ singing teacher practices feeling that the techniques employed were hindrance rather than progress. In

2006 I met Dane Chalfin and started to explore new techniques and new approaches to pop vocal singing. Having attended his classes and workshops, I quickly became more confident. Dane pushed and guided me to trust in my ability and put myself out there. It wasn’t until Dane advised me to visit industry leading vocal coach and session singer Kim Chandler that I really felt confident enough to present myself to an audience professionally.

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

In Autumn 2008 I met with Kim, her inspiration and guidance I will attribute to all projects I take part in from now on. I got my first professional gig set as Gary Barlow in ‘Like That’ the acclaimed Take That tribute act. This ongoing project has proven invaluable in gaining live performance experience. During this time I decided to embark on another musical project, a debut album. I always knew that my first album would be a retrospective of my life so far. It would speak about my journey, each song representating a time, a place, or a feeling. Each song, although not my own, have struck deep sense of meaning inside and I feel this comes through in my interpretation of the lyrics and the exploration of the melody. I titled the album ‘Rearview’, as well as this being the title of a track on the album I think it represents the meaning develop my song ideas. My passion is of the album perfectly. Looking behind at performing and having the chance to what’s passed, at the same time looking perform these songs live would be life at oneself and analysing the way forward. changing for me. Music is not about money, it’s about being able to connect The album was recorded and produced in with people. I feel I can offer a sense of 4 days at Offbeat Music Production’s realism, a grounded sense of identity. recording studio in Edinburgh . Iain I’d to be able to get a commercial release McKinna, the sound engineer, worked of this album at some stage. amazingly hard getting each track produced from scratch. His experience and skill proved invaluable in creating an You can hear Paul’s music at http://www.reverbnation.com/paullucien album of which I’m truly proud. My ambition is to be a successful recording artist in my own right and

Photographs © 2009 Stephanie De Leng http://www.stephaniedeleng.co.uk

14 February - 1 March 2009 www.capetownpride.co.za

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Freedom Caribbean Gay Cruise 25th Jaunary-1st February 2009 Words and Photos: Steve Yates

Over the last few years friends of mine have been coming back with glowing reports of the gay cruises or,ganised by the Atlantis group. I have to be honest the idea of being cooped up on a cruise liner brought up visions of old fogies gorging themselves on unlimited buffets and being shipped ashore on far distant lands where they were fleeced from their pensions by the local tradesmen.

would find a vast open plaza on the 3rd deck with an atrium right up to the 13th deck enclosed by glass canopy letting in the glorious Caribbean sunshine. Those with vertigo should not use the glass lifts which whoosh up and down the inside. There are several open air swimming pools, one of which was adopted by us hairy boys and became known as the bear pond. Where else but on the largest ship in the world could you surf FlowRider, climb a How wrong I was! multi-course rock wall, spar in the boxing ring, have a splash at the The Freedom of the Seas cruise liner is outdoor water park or a skate around the biggest cruise liner in the world. the indoor ice rink, catch a game in the When I arrived at Miami docks I was sports pool or on the full-size blown away with the enormity of the volleyball court? ship. She is a vast beautiful liner sparkling in the aquamarine waters of On deck 3 are shops selling everything the Miami docks. She has 13 public you might need and photos of the decks, more restaurants than I was moments you wish you could forget able to find, loads of hot-tubs littered and of which your friends would around the upper decks open to the undoubtedly remind you later! There skies and lots more! It’s hard to are bars everywhere, even a bear bar imagine that when you board her you just for me, other bears, cubs and fur

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

lovers. A piano and salsa bar often had couples twirling to the live music. Two palatial cabaret lounges are the perfect locations to sip your cocktail serenaded by flamboyant drag queens strutting their stuff, ruffling their feathers in time to the sway of the seas. On the open air decks several bars serve booze 24 hours a day and they never run dry!

with more money than sense a substantial casino glitters on deck 2 though this was not really what most of the boys were looking for.

There is s a four storey theatre showing every night spectacular shows and some astounding acts. Being a slight party animal I only made it to see Patti LuPone and Andy Bell. I’m not really a musical fan so I took a How the boys managed to fit in to their large G&T and stash of cookies to pass outfits by the end of the week with the time as my mate Si dragged me to 24hr restaurants serving delicious see Patti. However, Patti was bloody food and, my weakness, every type of FANTASTIC! Andy Bell from Erasure cookie at the buffets heaven will only played a set of classic Erasure and know. But then again there was a good more recent songs in Studio B. For sized gym with every shape of guy some reason I found myself in the flexing their muscles (pumping their front singing along knowing all the disco tits) ready for the night time words. Oh the shame! shenanigans. You would not believe it but the Atlantis team had also arranged for various therapies to offered such a Botox and massage by very hunky masseur! The main restaurant is spread over 3 floors resembling the sumptuous sets of the Titanic with the only ice being in the wine coolers! Waiters serving as much food as you wish to order and a wine list the Ivy would die for! There is even a full size ice rink, which at night turned into Studio B, a fully functional nightclub bigger than the dance floor of the Coliseum in London. For those queens

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

The Atlantis Caribbean cruise has a reputation for one thing PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! And they definitely delivered with 2-3 parties every day. I can’t say night because the open air deck themed T dances often started mid afternoon only stopping to let everyone, without suppressed appetites, freshen up in time for dinner and the after parties often went on until late morning - thanks to Wayne G. If you dared peer into the roof top Jacuzzis late in the morning there were often a mix of trashed queens and tragic bears not willing to let the fun end. Every evening a fabulous themed party launched with the Atlantis crew decorating the decks with lasers, nightclub lighting and inflatables to bring the dance floors to life. It felt wonderfully surreal to be dancing with lasers, smoke machines, flashing lights & dancing

boys all about you only then to look up and see the stars! What also made every party special was that the majority of boys made an effort with everyone in the party spirit. What was also nice was to know was that you could dip in and out of each party, freshen up in your cabin a few decks below, introduce new friends to your etchings and then return to the party as though nothing had happened! The final party was the best - The White Party. Everyone came in fabulous outfits. You saw guys that you hadn’t even seen before but then again there were over 3600 boys on board! Some of the costumes were amazing and there was even a team of horny Rugby players! The other thing I must not forget to mention is that cruise does actually

go around the Caribbean! We visited Labadee, San Juan & St Martin. Each destination offered the chance to explore each location with excursions and activities to suit all tastes. I tried the snorkelling safari at Labadee (don’t bother) and a fab horse ride through the forests of San Juan. Fate was having fun that day as my horse, called BAMBY, was the farting master of the southern hemisphere!

I haven’t even touched on the variety of events and shows organised by the Atlantis team. If you get a chance to go I recommend that you read the daily schedules. There were so many things I missed you almost need a social secretary to keep track of them all. There was something for everyone and the Atlantis team were brilliant. You could find every shape and size of guy on board and feel at home. The Freedom staff were friendly, fun and seemed to enjoy them selves. I spoke to many of the staff about how they felt about having a boat full of screaming queens( I didn’t quite say it like that) but they said “You boys know how to have fun, your so polite, spend loads of moneys & tip well - what more could we want! “ I’m definitely coming back.

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Český Krumlov forgotten jewel of the baroque period By Les Pratt

If you follow the Vltava river south from Prague towards its head not far from the Czech border with Austria, you reach Cesky Krumlov in southern Bohemia. This is the site of one of Europe’s great medieval castles, which looms forbiddingly over the narrowing river. It’s not one of those great stone crenellated fortifications like the Tower of London or the Alcazar de Segovia in Spain, though. Cesky Krumlov is actually more like a city: thirty or forty buildings in a series of courtyards put up over several centuries, and all decorated with the most astounding trompe l’oeil paintwork.

In the fifth courtyard stands what is arguably the jewel of the entire complex – the astonishing Baroque theatre. Like so much else in that part of the world, it’s a product of Habsburg times – those Germanspeaking princes who for three centuries up until the First World War ruled what we now know as The Czech Republic. The first theatre was built in the 1680s by Prince Johann Christian von Eggenburg; his domains extended down into the Veneto, so he would have been a regular visitor to “La Serenissima”, frequenting the relatively new entertainment of opera that flourished in that city. Evidently,

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

those operatic evenings in Venice made quite an impression, so that back home in Bohemia the Prince employed a team of Italian architects to oversee the building of his own theatre, and there was soon a highly competent company of actors and musicians in residence, and a library stocked with the best literature, music and drama from throughout Europe. It wasn’t until nearly a century later, though, that the theatre really achieved its true glory. The Schwarzenburg family now owned the castle at Cesky Krumlov, and Prince Joseph Adam von Schwarzenburg had the entire place renovated. In 1768, the opera house was completely reconstructed to celebrate the

marriage of the Prince’s son – an event which was so lavish, it turned the whole town into a theatre! There were triumphal arches built in every square, colourful pageants through the streets, music and dancing long into the night - days and days of merriment for the townsfolk to enjoy. Inside the castle, there would have been vast

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

tables laden with roast goose, wild boar and venison, and the finest Moravian and Italian wines flowing as fast as the Vltava below. In that part of central Europe, they had never before seen a wedding quite as sumptuous as this one – it must have made Elton John and David Furnish’s nuptials look like a quick trip to the registry office and a glass of Emva Cream in the local boozer!

“Dove è amore è gelosia” (“Where there is love, there is jealousy”) – clearly the Schwarzenburgs were not short on irony! It was a production involving complex set designs, extravagant costumes and the usual convoluted operatic twists and turns of plot, but as wedding gifts go, it was quite an impressive gesture, compared with the usual array of rococo fondue sets and pewter espresso machines on Ye Olde John Lewis gift list!

The opening show in the newly refurbished theatre was a commission from the Vienna-based Italian For the next 20 years, the theatre, composer, Giuseppe Scarlatti, and complete with sophisticated systems librettist Marco Coltellini, entitled of ropes and pulleys and movable

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

footlights, the very latest in scenechanging technology resonated to the sights and sounds of Italian operaseria and opera-buffa, French operacomique and German singspiel, as well as a pot-pourri of danced and dramatised variations on the ancient myths. It must have been quite some task to keep the building in working order, and to maintain the salaries of nigh-on 50 full-time members of staff. In the late 19th century, though, the castle and theatre fell into disrepair, and it wasn’t until the early 1960s that the Czechoslovak authorities declared Cesky Krumlov a municipal preserve. It took another 25 years, and the fall of the Communist government, for the castle to become a national monument. Since 1992, the whole castle complex has been on the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Monuments, and the theatre has been lovingly restored and maintained by a dedicated team of historians, under the guidance of Dr Pavel Slavko. The under-stage area of the theatre resembles what you would

have seen below-deck on an 18th Century ship, with heavy wooden machinery used to operate the moving sets, trap-doors and a multitude of special effects. Most of the painted sets, which resemble the background of many a Gainsborough canvas, are original, and there is now a museum showcasing some of the hundreds of original costumes, setdesigns and props. Such care is taken to preserve the authenticity and integrity of the building, that the Baroque Theatre Foundation allows just a handful of performances every year. To see a production at Cesky Krumlov is to transport oneself back in time nearly 250 years, to indulge in the expertlyplayed 18th Century music and to wallow in the sheer grandeur of a Baroque theatrical world – all bathed in simulated candle-light, which casts a shimmering haze over performers and audience alike. It’s decadent escapism, rococo-style, and well worth the ticket!

Skydiving Starkers If jumping out of a perfectly servicable aircraft and trusting your life to a collection of silk and string wasn’t scary enough, how about doing it naked? Freefall parachute jumps normally start from an altitude of several thousand feet where the air is much colder but the chill factor is probably a small consideration compared to the effect of 120mph windspeed rushing past your “gentlemans region”. So, if you think your life just isn’t challenging enough, get yourself along to your local aero club and ask for their clothing optional freefall course. I’ll be on the ground looking after your kit!

Sydney Mardi Gras is three weeks packed full of culture, entertainment and social events including two of the most famous parties in the world and of course the jewel in the crown - the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade. It all takes place in Australia's beautiful harbour city, fringed by beaches, gayfriendly, cosmopolitan and tropical. Nations United is the theme for Mardi Gras 2009 and Sydney welcomes the world to be part of the world's most colourful gay celebration. This is a city that knows how to throw a party! No gay pride event in the world has been embraced by its local populations as much as Sydney’s. The city truly stops for Mardi Gras.

Key dates this year are: Season Launch at Fair Day 15th February Harbour '09 1st March Parade 7th March Party 7th March

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Relax! Release! Recover! By Colin Swan All Photos: Martin Kingston

We all know a good massage not only feels great but does you good too – but somehow – like skipping our daily 5-8 fruit and veggies - we don’t prioritise healthy relaxation in our lives. Yet our bodies need that time out. Modern living encourages us to push ourselves and then indulge in comfort food as a reward. Martin Kingston of bodyworkerslondon.com is a masseur and trainee physiotherapist. He says “in ancient times, the stress response was great for short bursts of energy – whether chasing game or escaping tigers. But these days we sit with our stress for long periods, and build up tensions in muscles designed for movement. Then the relaxation we choose often stimulates the same excitement, whether TV, clubbing or cruising. We need down-time to relax those muscles, release the stresses and pent up

feelings and recover our awareness in our naturally moving bodies.” So what sort of massage suits you? Thai Massage and Shiatsu are done on the floor where you keep your clothes on. Useful for people that need to rush off afterwards. Many people however, like the soothing feeling of oil and skin on their bodies. At bodyworkerslondon.com Martin and his colleagues practice a a fusion of old therapies with new science. Ideas from Thai and Swedish Massage have been updated with osteopathic techniques and NO HANDS massage, recently developed here in the UK. The result is a gentle but very powerful treatment where your cares are caressed away. Many people find it helps on a number

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

The therapist gently “falls” onto the client using weight rather than strength, so it is relaxed and gentle, though very powerful. of levels, emotional and spiritual, as well as physical. It is a feast for the senses where the therapist safely uses a lot of their bodyweight to compress and then release pressure, while the client just relaxes and breathes easily. It is like being slowlysquashed by a heavy teddybear, and it flows like lying in the surf at the beach. Where specific areas need remedial attention, trigger point work and other neuromuscular techniques can be incorporated to make for a more effective remedial experience. The secret is the therapist is not using their hands much, but the soft part of the forearms, the shoulders, the legs and can put a lot of weight through slowly without it feeling bony or uncomfortable. The therapist gently “falls” onto the client using weight rather than strength, so it is relaxed and gentle, though very powerful. The movements seem more like T’ai Chi or slow dancing rather than massage. Photographs don’t really capture the

effect – it looks like a wrestling bout so the bodyworkerslondon.com team are planning a video shoot to publicise the therapy. Martin says “Of course, the client is not really interested in the how, they just want to feel nice and be better for the experience, so all this talk doesn’t really explain or do justice to the therapy – why not go and sample it for youself!” Martin and the bodyworkerslondon.com team can be contacted on 020 8400 9712 or visit their website www.bodyworkerslondon.com

Café Coco 23 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 1HP Tel: (01865) 200232

The Daily Telegraph “Café of the Year”

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Non Surgical Miracles our grooming and beauty expert reveals the secret of regaining your youthful behind By Alistair

As part of my ‘non’ surgical miracles over the coming months, I’ll examine exactly what results we can expect from the varying procedures that are available to us. To make us inches thinner, our butts tighter, our faces appear younger (not a bad thing in my case) and how to firm our bodies up, without having to lift a finger – oh yes, this might just replace the obligatory solarium on a Saturday afternoon. The first instalment of my transformation brings me to a place of inner city delight. Just a minutes walk after leaving London Bridge Tube station, and in through the doors of a listed building, I’m in the beauty emporium that is STRESS EXCHANGE. I’m met by what appears to be the most attentive receptionist ever, and I enjoy coffee, but decline the biscuit. Start as one means to go on. My treatment is called LipoMassage, and claims that will make my butt tighter than its been in years. We’ll soon see. The LipoMassage

“When diet and exercise don’t work, Lipomassage will.”

technology and their trained practitioners are the winning combination for success. My butt, is in my practitioners hands as it were. Take me! I’m laid almost bare on a massage table in a very tranquil treatment room. I say almost naked, but I’m not. I’ve been striped of my clothes only to wear a very non flattering body suit. Body suit not birthday suit. We kick off, as the Endemology machine gets switched on and we begin. The machine itself is like a huge C-3PO that seems to know everything. Good job, my butt is in its hands. My practitioner begins, by using a handheld piece of equipment

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

that at first looks a bit intimidating, then gently yet thoroughly targets my buttocks in areas. With the training these guys receive, they know they’re way around my backside like a map. That map then transcends to a successful butt lift. While enjoying this constant touching and rubbing back there, its easy in this environment to close my eyes and start thinking about, actually, lets not or it could be a while before I leave.

Lipomassage decreases dimples and stimulates increased collagen in the skin, the result is smoother and more contoured look; it also stimulates lymphatic drainage and so rids the body of stagnant toxic waste. For optimum results it is recommended to follow a course of 14 treatments. Lipomassage will’ could well be true. Stress Exchange offer individual treatments at £60,alternatively £720 for 14 treatments that include 2 complimentary. Do note that you can indeed change the direction of the treatment, if you decide a little bit of a non surgical nip tuck on those love handles before Valentines, or on your chest and stomach. Its effectiveness on men is already proved, and I believe I’m about to add to that recommendation.

For further information: Stress Exchange, 130-132 Tooley Street, London Bridge, The treatment itself takes over half an SE12TU. hour, and I certainly feel like my bun’s have tightened up already. In fact Telephone: 0207 357 7007 while I examine my butt in the mirror bookings@stressexchange.co.uk I’m extremely pleased, and people call me vain? The complete service takes Please quote ‘Alastair of over half an hour and I’ve been warned MIRRORBALLS ’ when making an not to return for 24 hours. The tag line enquiry. ‘When Diet and Exercise don’t work,

Stress Exchange, 130-132 Tooley Street, London Bridge, SE12TU.

Telephone: 0207 357 7007 www.stressexchange.co.uk

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

RITUALS your body, your soul, your rituals By Carl Miller

Rituals cosmetics was formed in 2000 by Raymond Cloosterman from Holland who had been around the globe in search of essences and rituals for Unilever by whom he was then employed. In 2000 after gathering a style team of several experts he then went solo to form RITUALS. Currently running in Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain and the UK the concept of the company is pure indulgence in both body mind and home. Stunning products include the body ranges of Relaxing, Refreshing and Energising. These are cleverly colour coded to incorporate both men andwomen. Mens skin care range is based on smoothing the skin, shaving and luxury for the male face of today. Womens make up is all natural with traces of gemstones within foundation,lip colour and eye shadows.

UK Branches Of RITUALS can be found in; St Pancras London Westfield London St Christophers Place London Cambridge Blue Water Canterbury Leicester Walton On Thames Belfast Bristol

For the home there are scented candles of gorgeous fragrances scented sticks to relax and enhance the mood.

Carl Miller has been involved in the beauty and mens’ skincare industry for the past 15 yrs and trained with the Loreal group. He has worked in TV and film along with the fashion industry. Carl is currently running the Rituals store in Bristol in the south west of England and has homes in London, Cardiff and Miami. He was born in Islington in North London and is a qualified masseur and therapist . www.rituals.com

exclusive private beauty care +44 7766 940 214

Bari Goddard Art & Photography

www.barigoddard.co.uk +44 7907 998418

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Hot and Spicy! global warming for beginners By Richard

No so long ago, I was sat in an Indian restaurant with one of my oldest friends Pete. We were celebrating his 40th birthday. I first met Pete 15 years ago, when we were both mature students studying for our degrees. Despite Pete cultivating a facade that would have you believe his role model was that arbiter of middle England bigotry Jeremy Clarkson, somewhere beneath his gruff, bearded and somewhat unkempt exterior it seems that he retains the faint beating pulse of curiosity that I had first seen when we were both students. I had begun to think that years carrying the corporate millstone and watching endless repeats of Top Gear on Dave had dulled his senses somewhat, so imagine my surprise, when over the crisp white table cloth and mango chutney and other assorted dips he asked me to explain in very simple terms what global warming was all about. After I got over my initial shock, over another bottle of lager and a very tasty chicken jalfrezi, I did my best to answer his question.

them...and maybe you find yourself in the same situation?? I know that in an article such as this I won’t be able to engage and enthuse everyone, but with even the American government now accepting the threat form global warming is real, I thought I could pay my part in helping some of you who find yourself not knowing or unsure of what I believe is going on way above our heads. Global warming for beginners Light from the sun, passes through the earths atmosphere and hits the surface of the planet. Some of the light is reflected (for example off snow and also some from clouds) the rest is absorbed by the land and sea. When you lay on a beach and it feels warm, this is because the suns light has been absorbed and converted into heat.

This heat is then released back into the atmosphere. If the atmosphere didn't trap some of the heat, our planet would Over the next few days I began to wonder be cold and inhospitable. Life may not why an intelligent person like my mate have started on the planet without heat Pete needed to ask this question. Surely being trapped. someone had explained the basics, as I had over dinner, at some point in his past? One of the key gasses in the atmosphere After a very quick and dirty straw poll that helps trap this heat is carbon dioxide amongst my other friends it quickly (CO2). CO2 occurs naturally and is what became apparent that no one had ever puts the sparkle in your sparkling mineral taken the time to explain the basic water! processes of global warming to

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

The greenhouse gas effect or global warming is caused as the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses increases and traps more heat, thus disrupting the balance that has taken hundreds of millennia to achieve. It is the CO2 and other green house gasses that form a layer in the atmosphere that gives the green house effect its name, as the process can be best illustrated by the way glass traps heat in a green house. Still confused? Have a look at the clip on You Tube called “None like it Hot”. At the end of dinner with my friend Pete, I am not altogether sure that he was convinced, but then it wasn't my intention to convince him, and its not my intention to convince you. It’s up to you

as an individual to make your own mind up. The last thing I asked Pete to do was look at a clip on You Tube when he got home. Whether you believe climate change is happening or not, it’s hard to argue against this guys logic. YouTube “The most terrifying video you’ll ever see”.

Have you got an environmental story or an issue that you think we should be discussing? Get in touch with us as info@mirrorballs.info

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009 Š Nhamo 2009

Robin Fanteria my private dancer Words: Nhamo Photos: Jamtrash & Nhamo

© Jamtrash 2009

Š Nhamo 2009

© Jamtrash 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Robin Fanteria, another Suzie Krueger stud, was unleashed from her stable and burst into my life on my last visit to Hard On. London’s monthly fetish club, HardOn has become THE stud farm for the worlds most exotic dancers with past and present stars like global talent of Cristian Torrent and Greg Mitchell - one of the Butch Dixon men and who is soon to grace the stages the South African Club scene. When Robin Fonteria, the Gallic Gladiator, took to the stage dressed in a leather Romanesque kilt, he had me under a hypnotic hallucinogenic trance within moments. I found myself being transported into an erotomania state of heightened sexual awareness. With each of his fluid, joyous moves, we glimpsed all too briefly beneath the kilt, just enough to capture the imagination but too little to fulfil our desires. This stud recently let loose his enormous talent on the Atlantis Cruise (22nd Jan-2nd Feb) where rumour has it that he fulfilled the desires of 2 chiselled all American guys during one of his mind-blowing performances. There is plenty more to CUM from the boys in Suzie's HardOn rosta in future issues of MIRRORBALLS, so watch this space‌ www.robinfanteria.com

© Jamtrash 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

© Jamtrash 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

© Jamtrash 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

M A T T COLMAR Matt Colmar is a European model who has completed photographic projects for books, calendars, advertisements and magazines. He has worked with many famous photographers including Tom Bianchi, Henning Von Berg, Christopher Browen and many more.... Matt’s skill as a model also draws on his experience as a professional photographer working in portraiture and events. As a go-go dancer and stripper Matt prefers uniform costumes including, Marine (white/black), Army, Fireman and he also works in leather for S&M shows. Matt’s has worked for many different studios in the adult film industry. He has done movies for COLT Studios (Reload), Hot House (Perfect Fit), Eurocreme (Sweat and Meat), Raging Stallion (Assquest, Part 2). Lucas Entertainment (Barcelona Nights), Man Size (Freaky). Privat (Desperate Househusbands) His most recent movie was Ride Em Rough, also for Privat. What you see is exactly what you get with Matt Colmar. He has zero attitude and enjoys what he does. Giving and receiving pleasure is his profession. He is also extremely easy on the eye! Photos: Henning Von Berg

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Mr SAleathermen 2008 Words: Nhamo

It was apt that when the SAleathermen organization decided to choose its first contestant to the Mr. Gay SA competition, they selected a man who represented the “new face” of leather in South Africa – a member who was not only bright, young, and articulate, but embodied the core values of the Johannesburgbased group. As Mr. SAleathermen 2008, Q brings a new voice and point-ofview to the Mr. Gay SA competition. One that is strongly individual yet ardently inclusive, contributing time and energy to causes that benefit the LGBT community-at-large. Born in Cape Town, Q resides in Northriding (JHB) and works as a Business Development Executive at Freshly Ground Insights. He joined SAleathermen in 2007, determined to help change the perceptions that often dog the gay leather/fetish community. Armed with unflagging wit and vigor, Q strongly believes that “leather may not be for the faint-hearted, but definitely for those who know how to have safe, masculine fun."

leather º neoprene º harnesses º jockstraps º dildos º lube º chaps º cock rings º collars º restraints º whips º floggers º paddles º slings º sex enhancers º leather jeans º leather waistcoats º bar vests


MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

Buck-scapade! Dillon Buck at the SAleathermen party By Gavin Hayward

TitanMen adult film star Dillon Buck made an appearance at the SAleathermen Hellfire Club Party at Station Bar in Centurion on Friday, 30 January 2009. The appearance was scheduled in advance of two Dillon Buck releases: Blue Movie co-starring gay adult film legend Zak Spears and Uncensored, the much-anticipated male photography book by Joe Oppedisano. The 32-year-old Buck, who is based in the U.K. and was featured in the January edition of MIRRORBALLS, has had a meteoric rise to leading man status since signing an exclusive contract with TitanMen in 2007, with

top-selling titles such as Telescope and P.O.V. With his rugged good looks, relaxed sexuality, and famed 9-1/2" endowment, Buck is the very embodiment of the TitanMen ideal. His appearance in Johannesburg will likely only have increased his fan base, expanding an appeal that satisfies both mainstream and hardcore audiences. "I absolutely adore South Africa," says Buck. "Having travelled and visited many countries around the world, South Africa is by far my favourite. I hope that my appearance at Hellfire Club has helped to promote a sense of community and diversity, while raising

MIRRORBALLS - February 2009

awareness and financial support to benefit vital gay charities."

Hellfire Club is the first collaboration To this end, SAleathermen and between Station Bar are donated R20 from SAleathermen each R60 ticket sold for the party to and Station Bar, the Dibanani AIDS Project in Cape the popular action bar/dance club Town. Founded by Jaco Lourens - who owned by entrepreneur Johan May. was with the now-defunct “Joy for The up-market venue offers a Life” AIDS charity and is a longsprawling dance floor with a roster of standing member of the South African top local DJs, a spacious open-air leather community - Dibanani offers terrace, a comfortable chill lounge, a home-based care and counseling steam room, and the always-packed support in partnership with Robbie Underwear Bar with arguably some of Nurock Hospital. hottest barmen in Gauteng. "What Dillon's participation highlights is our goal to reach out to the larger LGBT community," said SAleathermen spokesman Jeremy Martin. "It's why we're thrilled to have someone of Dillon's calibre supporting SAleathermen and our initiatives. His call for openness, responsibility, fun, and a non-judgmental attitude is at the very heart of what of our organization is about." SAleathermen was founded in 2007 to promote the image of the South African leather community through visibility, advocacy, community outreach, and social and educational events. In 2008, the U.K.-based RECON Magazine proclaimed that "with SAleathermen, the African continent has its first communitybased leather organization."

“We were proud to host Hellfire Club,” says May. “Having Dillon involved only confirmed what we already knew - that there’s room for diversity not only within the club scene, but the community as a whole. That we’re able to support Dibanani at the same time… made it all the better.” In addition to Buck's appearance, there was a raffle of Dillon Buck titles and goods, including both of his latest releases and signed copies of the TitanMen 2009 calendar. Buck was on-hand to sign autographs and meet with fans. Sponsors of the event included Bondage Warehouse, 61 on First Guest House in Melville, the Pink SA Guide, KINX fetish, EXIT Magazine, Cape Info Africa, and www.male-orderonline.com


Model/Actor : Greg Mitchell +44 (0) 7808 226702


Bootylicious, London - Jan 2009 Photos: TheCygnet

Taboo, London - Jan 2009 Photos: TheCygnet

Peter Tatchell ‘s Human Rights Fund - Benefit Party Phonenix Artists Club, London - Jan 2009 Photos: TheCygnet

MIKE SHERIDAN champion bodybuilder personal trainer www.uniquebodiesgym.com

+44 (0) 1865 247716


Competitions Grab some goodies! Last month we had dinner for two up for grabs in our competitions.

The winner of a meal for two at Cafe CoCo in Oxford, UK is: Innocent Chidzero, Washington DC, USA Congratulations Innocent. We will contact you in the next couple of days to tell you how to claim your prize.

This month we have some Treasure Island Media DVDs which could be yours if your name is drawn from those who can correctly answer the following simple question. In which club did we find Robin Fanteria dancing? a) The Hoist. b) Fist. c) HardOn Send your answer by email before 20th February with “DVD� as the subject to info@mirrorballs.info . All correct answers will be placed in the draw which will take place at MirrorBalls offices on 26th February.

Winners will be notified by email. Results will be published in the next editon of MIRRORBALLS

spirit energie conviction


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