MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

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www.mirrorballs.info December 2009

Matt Schiermeier Purpose, Reason, Meaning

MIRRORBALLS December 2009 Publisher: Nhamo Editor: TheCygnet South African Correspondent: Exit Newspaper Cover Photo: Mark Jenkins (www.studiojenkins.com) Contributors: Colin Swan, Lucas Alexander, Kris Micallef

Š Copyright, MIRRORBALLS 2009. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an electronic or other retrievable system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Advertisers are reminded of their obligations under the 1984 Trade Protection Act. Advertisers are responsible for the content of their copy under the terms of the Act. The appearance or mention of any establishment, product, individual or organisation within this publication, should not be taken as an endorsement by the publishers of the same unless otherwise stated. The appearance, mention or likeness of any individual or organisation within this magazine should not be construed as an indication of either the sexual preference or political persuasion of the same, unless otherwise stated. Contributions are welcomed on the understanding that any unsolicited manuscripts that they may be published without further correspondence, with a fee (if applicable) paid at standard rates as specified by MIRRORBALLS. Work cannot be returned to the author unless agreed by the publisher.

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

Purpose, Reason, Meaning Words: Nhamo Photos: Mark Jenkins (www.studiojenkins.com)

MIRRORBALLS: Who is Matt Schiermeier. MATT SCHIERMEIER: I was born and raised in a small midwestern town in the United States. My grandparents were a big part of my upbringing. They taught me great values and to always keep a level head. Living in this area of the United States allowed me to appreciate the beauty of nature and wildlife. I feel these things help me in remaining a grounded person. Motivation in my modeling career has been brought on by people giving me positive compliments. Their desire for wanting to see and know more, gives me an opportunity to reveal the sexy, fun, real Matt Schiermeier. MB: Where are you from? MS: Born and raised in the United States. I am from New Melle Missouri. My family still lives in the small town I grew up in. Being family oriented, I chose to stay close to the ones I love. I am fortunate to be based in the center of the United States, which allows convenient travel arrangements from East to West coast. MB: What made you become a performer, actor, and model? MS: I have always appreciated art. I enjoy painting and drawing. Through this I found an appreciation for other creative arts such as: photography,

fashion, and modeling. I ultimately enjoy a combination of these ideas. This allows the minds of artistic people to collobrate and create strong, striking images. MB: What makes you choose the specific types of modeling and publicity you do? MS: I am a person who is driven by thinking outside the box. Working with Rufskin allowed me to feel creative, sexy, and masculine. Rufskin's artistic edge and fashion forward ideas inspired me as a model to push through conventional points of view. As a model, choosing this type of work allowed me to achieve a heightened sense of confidence in front of the camera. I enjoy working with creative people who are willing to break barriers and take their imagination to a new level. MB: Which other modeling companies do you work for? MS: As of now I have not signed with any specific agency. I am, however, willing to entertain the idea if the right opportunity presented itself. MB: To our readers, you are one of the key reasons they love RUFSKIN advertising.

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

MB: What preparation rituals do you employ to get yourself ready for a shoot such as RUFSKIN? MS: In preparing for a shoot such as RUFSKIN, I take into consideration that they are a top designer looking for a model to produce images that will best enhance their product. I then take a moment to focus my energy on details that will allow me to deliver a top notch photograph. MB: How do you keep your body in such great shape? What is your workout routine and diet considering you travel a lot with work? MS: Working out has been a passion in my life for the past ten years. I enjoy waking up early and taking my energy supplement, NO-Explode by BSN. I weight train seven days a week and each workout is about an hour long. I focus on training a different muscle group each day. My cardio regimen consists of zero days per week, lol. Keeping consistant workouts is very important to me. When I travel, I simply find the nearest gym and continue my training discipline. In keeping a healthy diet I eat five meals each day consisting of smaller portions. Doing this helps to maintain a faster acting metabolism. My diet consists of mainly lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains. I definitely enjoy high protein meats such as chicken, steak, and fish. Along with my diet I also consume two small protein shakes each day to help maintain muscle mass. Additional supplements included in my

diet are my energy drink, amino acids, and glutamine. MB: Excluding modeling and personal appearances what other ways assist you in keeping your fame levels as high as they are? MS: I have been dedicating a lot of time to my up and coming site. www.mattschiermeier.net My site will contain new released photos shot by internationally recognized photographers. I will also have a daily blog and video clips inviting you into my life as a model. These video clips will feature, traveling, working out, and my everyday life. Oh, and lets not forget the erotic. You can expect to see consistent updates of my site on a month to month basis. To keep my fame levels high, I include myself in computer social networking. I enjoy traveling places where I can enjoy new experiences and meet new people. I have an intense energy and love to keep a crowd entertained. MB: I noticed you have a passion for body art (tattoos) our readers would love to know which is your favorite art work and where is it on your body? MS: As I mentioned before, I enjoy art. All of my tattoos have significant meaning to them. I drew each design to be a one of a kind creation. Two of them happen to be my favorite. Each of them contain initials that represent specific people that have had great impact on my life. The tattoo around my left wrist is what I refer to as my

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

MIRRORBALLS - November 2009

"circle of love" ( BKJMCNRSE) These intials represent my true loved ones. The cross on my back contains two more very important initials standing for both of my grandparents. Jean and John. MB: How do you maintain balance in your life as a model, sex god, and icon? How do you manage to date without it affecting or getting in the way of your professional demands? MS: Loved ones and special relationships are things I cherish. I have positive people standing behind me supporting my dreams. I always make sure I successfully complete all professional demands, while still maintaining a high level of devotion to my personal life. I keep an equal balance and give my heart to both. MB: What is your view on the way the United States government is acting towards gay rights to marry and be teated as equals? How has this effected you as a successful man looking to settle down? MS: I personally am not a very political person. However, I do support gay rights and equality for everyone. I support the idea of LOVE regardless of a judgmental point of view on any certain idea. Living in a free country I believe it should be a persons choice verses one persons choice for all. MB: What are the future plans for Matt Schiermeier?

MS: My plans for the future include continuing on a successful path in the modeling industry. I am open minded to new experiences and ideas that would benefit my personal and professional growth. Everyone can look forward to new surprises and events that will continue to unveil themselves. I will continue to dedicate myself to achieving my own personal goals and dreams. I invite you to take a closer look into my life and get to know Matt Schiermeier by visiting my website.


spirit energie conviction


MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

Are You Ready for EuroSki Pride? The ski town of Saalbach, Austria is already preparing to play host to the 2010 EuroSki Pride ski week in March. Saalbach is a modern and stylish resort with a host of gay friendly venues, there’s much to do even for non-skiers and as for fans of boarding and skiing, the resort offers a layout of over 200 kilometres of well prepared ski slopes, 55 modern cable cars and lifts. Working in collaboration with the Austrian Tourist Board; EuroSki Pride is a unique pride event and gay ski week all wrapped into one with a host of entertainment including Mid-Station and Mountain dance parties, Club Nights, Fun Ski Runs, Cocktail Parties, Live Concerts and Mr Gay Snowman and Snow Lady Competitions with massive prizes and free gifts galore throughout the whole week from a host of big name sponsors. MIRRORBALLS is proud to sponsor Euroski Pride which will host a ‘Main Stage’ day with live performances, dance sessions, Charity Presentation and a fireworks finale. Amongst the acts, artists, DJ’s and performers already confirmed include Boy George Experience Live! who will be performing a special ‘An Audience With’ evening. There will also be DJ Phil Romano (Italy) - (Rapido Holland / Brussels / Tel Aviv / Rome Italy / Amsterdam) and joining Phil is DJ Rick

Parker, resident and favourite on Canal Street Manchester. C.W.A.C – Children With AIDS Charity Euroski Pride’s exclusive charity for 2010 is C.W.A.C (Children With A.I.D.S Charity). C.W.A.C has a host of high profile Patrons and Supporters including; George Michael, Christopher Biggins, Yasmin and Simon Le Bon. CWAC is a charity that helps children and their families in the UK, Europe and Worldwide improve the quality of their lives. The Euro Ski Pride 2010 event will help in a huge way to support activities and projects to enable Children with HIV and AIDS to do, see and experience quality in their lives. Partnering with the Tourist Board of Austria has enabled EuroSki Pride to offer some very special prices on a host of packages from event pass only through to inclusive accommodation offers with further discounts on already highly competitive prices available on bookings. Of course confirming a booking doesn’t mean that clients have to pay for it all upfront and with some great offers on flights there has not been a better time to confirm a booking. For more information, visit euroskipride.com.

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

Headlining at Euroski Pride will be the Boy George Experience. We caught up with him over a hot chocolate for find out what he was expecting from the week in the Alps. MB: How are you looking forward to performing in the mountains at EuroSki Pride 2010?

MB: What do you think is going to be the most fun thing happening while you are out there?

BGE: I’m looking forward to performing up there very much indeed, there is something about being up a mountain, just ask any Cow Boy !!!

BGE: The pride ski run is real fun and a right laugh too, seeing 100 drag queens skiing down a mountain, in enough to put the willies up anyone!!

MB: Have you ever been skiing before?

MB: What would be your top fashion tip for cavorting around in the snow?

BGE: I have been skiing 3 times before (all gay ski weeks) and will be going on a straight ski week in Jan 2010 MB: Why do you think gay ski weeks are becoming so popular? BGE: The quality of the hotels and ski resorts are 2nd to none, and they always provide a full programme of entertainment for every afternoon/ evening as well as having great après ski too MB: Is it a myth that gay men and women don't like the great outdoors? BGE: I know many a gay man that love the Great outdoors, as for the woman; I’m not the best one to ask! I’m sure Sandra Bernhard could tell you more MB: How do you think this event is going to differ from others that are taking place in 2010? BGE: I’m there !!!

BGE: Make sure you have a Great Ski Hat and gloves to match and if you really wanna show off, get matching ears muffs ! MB: Are you hoping all those Austrian snow man have big snow balls? BGE: I have met many a Snowman over the years and they all seem to be blessed in that area !! I’m sure when they see me in my full glory, there Snow Balls will start to melt !

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

During the 1980s and early 90s, the time when the HIV/AIDS was spreading all over the world, Hungary was able to keep infection rates low due in part to communism’s closed borders but also because of the quick reaction of the Hungarian health services. Since 1989 all blood donations are examined for HIV - a unique initiative among former communist countries. The opening of the borders, accession to the EU, increased mobility of people and a rapid growth in prostitution has since caused the rates of HIV infection in Hungary to rise drastically. Unfortunately, these reasons have been compounded by others, such as low level of development of sexual culture, lack of sexual and contraceptive education and failure of some Government programs (e.g.: DADA, MAB). As a direct result of these failures, infection rates among teenagers and young adults have reached unprecedented levels and today, gay men are still the most affected by HIV in Hungary. To directly address the obvious need for public awareness and education the Grand Safe Show seeks to emphasize the importance of prevention against HIV/AIDS, and includes many HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns and events. The purpose of each prevention project and event is to raise

attention for the importance of using of condoms. By this the campaign organizers hope that HIV/AIDS will no longer be the disease of homosexuals in Hungarian society. Experience has shown that use of condoms is still an embarrassing, untrendy thing, although it can save lives. The motto of the Grand Safe Show project (“Your life, your decision!”) is all about this choice. Maybe the utmost weakness of Hungarian prevention strategies to date has been the lack of authentic people as spokespeople and rolemodels. It seems like doctors, nurses or social workers cannot be authentic enough for teenagers and young adults. Tamas Eszterhazy’s years in the adult film industry and his awards, his films and exceptional ability of communication, his kind, nice and open personality are not just interesting but can also be authentic for this audience. The project concentrates on two focus groups. One – as already mentioned – are teenagers and young adults, while the other one is people living with HIV to help them with their re-integration into society. It is very sad, that people living with HIV/AIDS must lie and hide from public scenes as the general opinion about HIV/AIDS is very controversial. If somebody has a tumor, everybody can be sympathetic with them; but if somebody has HIV/AIDS, it remains a

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

stigma, a kind of a punishment for them that they have deserved as a result of sexual misbehaving. “We want to support existing or forming groups and communities where people living with HIV can find a healing and supportive environment.” Said Tamas Eszterhazy. “The different projects of the Grand Safe Show are there to serve these aims, especially in Hungary and later on in Eastern Europe.” First visible part of the campaign is the website of Grand Safe Show (www. grandsafeshow.com) as an informative and interactive homepage for the gay community with dynamic contents and 3D graphics. It will offer updated information collected about AIDS/HIV prevention , screening venues will be listed, and it will contain also blogs and forums . Later on the intent is to launch a chat channel for wider and quicker communication. Following the website launch is the first prevention project with the slogan of “Take it! Wear it!” The campaign will last for six months and focuses on the gay community of Budapest. 30.000. specially designed, single-packed condoms will be distributed in 6-8 gay bars and saunas in the coming six months.

Each package contains premium quality condoms, made according to the strictest EU quality directives. Packaging will feature seasonally changing graphics (red for World AIDS Day and Christmas, hearts for Valentine Day, eggs for Easter and a sunny pattern as closing for summer). The package will also include a leaflet in Hungarian and English with useful information and the address of the website together with the logos of partners and sponsors, including MIRRORBALLS. The condom packs will be distributed in selected places integrated into a show, and customers will be encouraged to to look for these condoms in the future. Tamas Eszterhazy will appear in the shows as the face of the campaign to emphasize the message and the importance of it. If you would like to support this project, or you would like to participate in this campaign, have any ideas, suggestions or questions, contact the campaign through their website. www.grandsafeshow.com

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MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

Protein, the building block Words: & Images: Lucas Alexander

Whey protein is the ultimate source of protein! It's the highest quality of protein available. Whey protein is a rich source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), containing the highest known levels of any natural food source.

Whey protein supplements generally fall into 3 categories. Whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate and whey protein blends. Whey protein concentrate powders are the cheapest, but have the highest levels of fat and lactose. Whey protein isolate powders have the most Whey protein is one of 2 types of protein amount of protein per serving and literally that comes from milk (the other being zero carbs, lactose and fat. These are casein protein). It's made during the generally priced higher than concentrate. process of cow's milk being turned into And finally, whey protein blends are the cheese. When the milk is being turned into most popular of the whey protein cheese, the whey protein is a by-product. powders. As the name suggests, these products combine whey protein isolate and Do any foods contain whey protein? concentrate to make a high quality No foods contain actual whey protein. product (with an awesome amino acid (edit: whey protein can be found in protein profile), at an affordable cost to the powders, protein bars and some drinks) consumer. However, many foods do contain high levels of protein. Here are the most What does whey protein do? common types of high protein foods: Whey protein is far superior to all other forms of protein. It provides the body with ◊ Lean red meat (20% protein) the perfect amino acid profile for muscle ◊ Chicken/turkey (20% protein) building, strength and recovery. ◊ Fish (20% protein) Bodybuilders and professional athletes all ◊ Eggs (6-8% protein) know the importance of using whey ◊ Cheese (10-30% protein, but high in fat) protein supplements to help increase size, strength and speed up recovery times. What types of whey protein are there? There are 2 major types of whey protein, Whey is also fast ingesting, meaning it whey protein concentrate and whey gets to where it's needed - fast! Whey protein isolate. Whey protein concentrate protein supplements play a huge roll in is low in fat, has a highest biological value post-workout nutrition, when your body is and is typically about 75% pure protein by in a catabolic state and needs a fast weight. Whey protein isolate is whey in it's injection of protein. purest form. Isolates are processed to remove fat and lactose. Typically whey On top of the muscle building and recovery protein isolate is about 90%+ pure protein benefits, whey protein also works as an by weight. antioxidant to boost the body's immune system. Scientific studies have shown that

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

regular supplementation with whey protein promotes a strong immune system.

People that need increased protein levels will get the most benefit out of supplementing with whey. These include:

Effects whey protein has on performance: ◊ Increased lean muscle mass ◊ Decreased recovery times and faster muscle repair ◊ Reduced post-workout muscle breakdown ◊ Increase metabolic rate Biological value of whey vs other protein sources. Biological value, or BV, is the measure of the efficiency of a protein and how it can be absorbed and used by the body for growth -- higher the number, the higher the efficiency. It’s a common term in bodybuilding and one that is used to classify whey protein. With BV, egg protein sets the standard with 100. Beef can be found at around 75, for example. With whey protein, however, BV can be as high as 170.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

Bodybuilders & strength trainers Endurance athletes Those on weight loss programs New to strength/weight training Vegetarians Team sports players

Does whey protein have any side effects? There are no documented side effects provided a person does not have an allergy to dairy proteins or does not need to restrict dairy products for medical reasons. If you are allergic to dairy proteins please consult with a physician prior to consuming any type of whey protein.

Whey protein isolate has the higest bioavailability of the whey sources, generally about 30-60% more than concentrate. Who can benefit from using whey protein supplements? Whey protein is traditionally used amongst bodybuilders and athletes for it's ability to promote muscle growth. But as new scientific studies are conducted, whey is being used in other applications. Some of these include: weight loss, cancer treatment, infant health, wound healing and the elderly. Practically everyone can benefit in some way from whey protein supplementation.

Learn more at www.lucasalexander.net

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

Karl B Pictures: Kris Micallef

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

MIRRORBALLS - December 2009

www.krismicallef.com MIRRORBALLS - December 2009


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