Invitation to Understanding Islam Prayer in Islam No pictures, no idols, no symbols, then what do Muslims pray to? No burning of incense or paper money, no lighting of joss sticks, no flowers, then what do Muslims use for prayer? No priests, then who guides the Muslims in their prayer? Is the Imam an intermediary between God and man? No holy water, no peacock feathers, then how are Muslims blessed? No chairs in mosques, then where do Muslims sit when they pray? They don't speak in Arabic here, then why do Muslims here pray in Arabic? A big prayer hall, but why are only a few Muslims praying here? ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:î?4256 9822 Fax: î?4257 4500
RAZUMJETI ISLAM Molitva u Islamu Nema slika, nema idola, nema simbola, čemu se onda Muslimani mole? Ne spaljuje se tamjan niti novčanice, ne pale se mirišljavi štapići, nema cvijeća, čime se onda Muslimani mole? Nema svečenika, tko onda Muslimane vodi u molitvi? Je li Imam posrednik između Boga i čovjeka? Nema svete vode, nema paunovog perja, Kako se onda Muslimani blagosiljaju? Nema stolica u džamijama, gdje onda Muslimani sjede dok mole? Ovdje oni ne govore Arapski, zašto onda Muslimani mole na Arapskom.? Velika je dvorana za molitvu, zašto onda tek nekoliko Muslimana moli u njoj?
ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:+603-4256 9822 Fax: +603-4257 4500
The Unseen Creator Muslims pray to The Unseen Creator Who created everything. His power to create is limitless. All He has to say is "Be" and it comes into existence. Everything came from Him and will return to Him. He does not have a son, and was not fathered by anyone. He has no partners, and is unlike anything that the human mind can imagine. The Unseen Creator calls Himself by the personal name of "Allah" in The Noble Qur'an Some say that when we drink water, we must remember the person who dug the well. The aims of a Muslim's prayer are to remember and be grateful to Allah Who created everything, including the water and the person who dug the well! Environment-friendly prayer Prayer in Islam is a simple activity that consists of a series of body posture and •ecitation of verses from The Noble Qur'an. It is an environment-friendly prayer in that it does not require the burning of paper or other substances. The practice of making "offerings" to God is unacceptable in Islam. God is self-sufficient and has no needs. No priests The person who leads the prayer
is called Imam in Arabic. A person who has good knowledge of Islam and is able to recite The Qur'an well and lecture to the gathering during the Friday noon prayer is appointed as the Imam of a Mosque. The Imam is not like a priest. He is not an intermediary between God and man. Muslims seek the Mercy of God directly. Reason and logic Islam calls on the Believers to base their faith on reason and logic and not on blind beliefs such as believing that sprinkling holy water on the body or stroking the body with peacock feathers or other objects will drive away bad luck and bring prosperity. To receive the Mercy and blessings of God, Muslims are commanded to base their life on what is permitted, and keep away from the things prohibited (such as intoxicants, gambling and adultery) in The Noble Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet [pbuh]. Furniture-free The Muslim prayer positions consist of standing, bowing, sitting and placing the forehead on the floor. It is not possible to do these while sitting on a chair. Thus all Muslim prayer places are furniture-free. There are no reserved places in the Mosque. All Muslims pray as equals. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
NEVIĐENI STVORITELJ Muslimani se mole Neviđenom Stvoritelju Koji je sve stvorio. Njegova moč stvaranja je bezgranična. Sve što je potrebno je da On kaže "Budi" i to nastane. Sve je došlo od Njega. I vratit će se Njemu. On nema sina, i nitko Njemu nije otac. On nema partnere, i nijee poput ičega što bi ljudski um mogao zamisliti. Neviđeni Stvoritelj seba naziva osobnom imenom "Allah" u Plemenitom Kur'anu. Kažu da kad pijemo vodu, trebamo misliti na onoga tko je iskopao izvor. Cilj muslimanskih molitvi je sjetiti se i biti zahvalan Allahu Koji je stvorio sve, uračunavši i vodu i onoga tko je iskopao izvor. MOLITVA PRILAGOĐENA OKOLIŠU Molitva u Islamu je jednostavna aktivnost koja se sastoji od niza položaja tijela i citiranja stihova iz Plemenitog Kur'ana. To je ekološki-prihvatljiva molitva jer ne traži spaljivanje papira niti drugih tvari. Praksa "činjenja ponuda" Bogu neprihvatljiva je Islamu. Bog je samodostatan i nema potreba.
BEZ SVEĆENIKA Osoba koja vodi molitvu na Arapskom se zove Imam. Osoba koja dobro poznaje Islam i može dobro recitirati Kur'an i predavati skupljenima pri podnevnoj molitvi petkom može biti imam u džamiji. Imam nije poput svečenika, on nije posrednik između Boga i čovjeka. Muslimani traže milost od Boga izravno. RAZUM I LOGIKA Islam poziva vjernike da svoju vjeru temelje na razumu i logici, a ne na slijepom vjerovanju da će škropljenje tijela svetom vodom ili udaranje paunovim perima ili drugim stvarima, odnijeti zlu sreću i donijeti napredak. Da bi primili milost i blagoslov od Boga, Muslimanima je naređeno da temelje svoj život na onome što je dozvoljeno i da se drže daleko od zabranjenih stvari (kao što su opojna sredstva, kockanje i preljub), Plemenitim Kur'anom i tradicijom Poslanika [pbuh]. BEZ NAMJEŠTAJA Muslimani mole stojeći, klanjajući se, sjedeći i spuštajući čelo na tlo. Sve se to ne može činiti sjedeći na stolici. Zato susva muslimanska molitvena mjesta bez namještaja. U džamiji nema zauzetih mjesta. Svi Muslimani mole kao jednaki.
-------------------With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan) --------------------
Prayer in Arabic Muslims use the words of God when praying to Him. They recite from The Noble Qur'an which is in Arabic. Praying in the language of The Qur'an ensures uniformity. A Muslim can go to any Mosque in the world and join the prayer without any difficulty. Praying in the language of The Qur'an ensures accuracy. Translations of the meanings of the verses in The Qur'an are not used in prayer. At the end of the formal prayer, Muslims can seek the forgiveness and blessings of God in their own languages. This is called du'a or supplication. Prayer in any clean place Muslims can perform their prayers in Mosques, homes or in any clean place. In some places, only a small number pray in Mosques, and they are usually those staying near the mosque and visitors. Muslims are required to perform the Friday noon prayer in the Mosque. The Mosque is packed during this prayer and in some places, Muslims pray in the compound of the Mosque due to lack of space inside. Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D.
MOLITVA NA ARAPSKOM Muslimani koriste Božje riječi kad mu se mole. Oni recitiraju iz Plemenitog Kur'ana koji je na Arapskom. Moljenje na jeziku Kur'ana osigurava ujednačenost. Musliman može ići u bilo koju džamiju svijeta i bez ikakvih se poteškoća pridružiti molitvi. Moljenje na jeziku Kur'ana osigurava točnost. Prijevodi značenja stihova Kur'ana se ne koriste pri molitvi. Na kraju formalne molitve, Muslimani mogu tražiti oprost i milosti od Boga na svojim jezicima. To se zove du'a ili molba, dova (supplication). MOLITVA NA BILO KOJEM ČISTOM MJESTU Muslimani mogu moliti u džamijama, kod kuće ili na bilo kojem čistom mjestu. Ponegdje, samo ih nekoliko moli u džamiji, i to su obično oni koji stanuju blizu džamije i posjetitelji. Muslimani trebaju učiniti svoju molitvu petkom u džamiji. Tijekom te molitve džamija je krcata, i ponegdje, Muslimani mole u dvorištu džamije jer unutra više nema mjesta. ---------Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D. ----------