Invitation to Understanding Islam Reciting The Qur'an Is learning to recite The Qur'an very difficult? How should I approach the activity of reciting The Qur'an? How do I know whether my approach is correct? What is the purpose of reciting The Qur'an? What is the benefit of reciting The Qur'an? What obstacle will I face ! I when I begin to recite The Qur'an? What should I do to overcome this obstacle? What should I do when I face difficulty in understanding the verses that I read? What should I do after I have recited The Qur'an? What should I do to strengthen my bond with The Qur'an? ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:+603-425609822 Fax: +603-42574500
Razumjeti Islam UČENJE KUR'ANA Je li naučiti Kur'an veoma teško? Kako da pristupim učenju Kur'ana? Kako ću znati je li moj pristup ispravan? Koja je svrha učenja Kur'ana? Koja je prednost učenja Kur'ana? Na kakve ću prepreke naići kad počnem učiti Kur'an? Što trebam učiniti da prevladam te prepreke? Što da učinim kad naiđem na poteškoće u razumijevanju ajeta koje čitam? Što trebam činiti poslije učenja Kur'ana? Što trebam činiti da ojačam svoju povezanost sa Kur'anom? ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:+603-425609822 Fax: +603-42574500
Fluency in recitation Learning to recite The Arabic Qur'an is a lot easier compared to mastering Arabic. Many acquire reasonable fluency in reciting it over a period of one to three months. Correct recitation is just one part of the Believer's relationship with The Qur'an. Right approach Equally important is having the right approach to reciting The Qur'an so that one can receive the full measure of blessings from one's recitations. One must approach The Qur'an with the deep faith that it is the Word of Allah The Merciful. The Qur'an is Allah's gift to our plea to Him to guide us to The Straight Path. The best way to develop this deep faith is by reciting The Noble Qur'an. This is mentioned in The Qur'an itself: "The true believers' faith grows stronger as they listen to His revelations. "[8:2] Three questions Ask yourself these three questions to find out whether your faith is becoming stronger: Am I longing to recite The Qur'an? Am I working hard to understand it? Am I becoming more committed to obeying its message? To receive guidance The aims of your recitation should be to receive guidance from Allah The Merciful and to please Him.
Recite it with a desire to know The Truth. You should ask "What does The Qur'an say about ...?" instead of "What verses in The Qur'an support my views?" Recite The Qur'an to listen to Allah's words and not the echoes of you own thoughts. Be grateful There is great benefit in reciting The Qur'an with a deep sense of gratitude to Allah. You would not have found the guidance of The Qur'an had it not been for Allah's Mercy. The more grateful you are to Allah, the greater will be His blessings on you. "If you are grateful, I will bestow abundance upon you." [14:7] Seek refuge in Allah When you embark on reciting The Qur'an, be on guard against Satan who will "wait in ambush" [7:i6-i7] to distract you from receiving the great riches of The Qur'an. Satan will forever seek to make you postpone and eventually forget your longing to recite The Qur'an. Your best defense is to "seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the rejected." [16: 98] With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
TEČNOST PRI UČENJU Učenje Kur'ana na Arapskom je mnogo lakše nego temeljito naučiti Arapski. Mnogi postignu razumnu tečnost pri učenju za vrijeme jednog do tri mjeseca. Ispravno učenje je samo jedan dio vjernikovog odnosa prema Kur'anu. PRAVI PRISTUP Jednako je važno imati ispravan pristup učenju Kur'ana kako bi netko mogao primiti punu mjeru milosti od učenja. Kur'anu se mora pristupiti uz duboku vjeru da je to Riječ Allaha Milostivog. Kur'an je Allahov dar u odgovor na našu molbu Njemu da nas povede na Pravi Put. Najbolji način da se razvije ta duboka vjera jest učenjem Plemenitog Kur'ana. To je spomenuto u samom Kur'anu: "Vjera pravih vjernika postaje sve jačom kako oni slušaju Njegova otkrivenja." [8:2] TRI PITANJA Pitajte sami sebe ova tri pitanja da biste otkrili je li vaša vjera ojačala: Čeznem li za učenjem Kur'ana? Trudim li se jako da ga razumijem? Postajem li predaniji da poslušam njegovu poruku? PRIMITI UPUTU Svrha vašeg učenja treba biti da primite vodstvo od Allaha Milostivog i da Mu udovoljite. Učite sa željom da saznate Istinu.
Trebali biste pitati "Što Kur'an kaže o ...?" umjesto "Koji ajeti u Kur'anu podržavaju moje mišljenje?" Učite Kur'an da biste slušali Allahove riječi a ne odjeke svojih vlastitih misli. BUDITE ZAHVALNI Velika je dobrobit u učenju Kur'ana sa dubokim osjećanjem zahvalnosti Allahu. Ne biste našli vodstvo u Kur'anu bez milosti Allaha. Koliko ste više zahvalni Allahu, veće će biti Njegove milosti vama. "Ako si zahvalan, Ja ću ti obiljem darivati." [14:7] TRAŽITE UTOČIŠTE U ALLAHA Kad se upustite u učenje Kur'ana, pazite na Šeitana koji će "čekati u zasjedi" [7:16-17] da vas odvoji od primitka velikog bogatstva Kur'ana. Šeitan će uvijek nastojati da vas natjera da odgodite i možda zaboravite na svoju čežnju da učite Kur'an. Vaša najbolja obrana je da "Tražite utočište u Allaha protiv Šeitana odbačenog." [16: 98] With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
Reflect on the verses The Qur'an calls on the Believers to reflect on the verses they recite. Accept with humility that your failures to understand fully the verses is due to your own shortcomings. Pray to The Almighty to give you better understanding as this can be achieved only through His Mercy. Seek the assistance of mufassir to clarify your doubts. Obey what you recite Be committed to obey the commands of The Almighty found in the verses you recite. Faltering in one's efforts to obey due to one's weaknesses is different from having | no intention or not making any effort to obey. The Qur'an condemns those who ignore or turn away from its message as disbelievers who are doomed to burn in Hell. Strengthen your bond with The Qur'an It is only by Allah's Mercy that you can strengthen your bond with The Qur'an. In Allah alone you should trust, and towards Him alone you should turn for everything. You have been promised great rewards in this life and in the Hereafter for reciting, understanding and following The Qur'an. By Khurram Murad & Y Mansoor Marican vww.islamalways.corria,
RAZMIŠLJAJTE O AJETIMA (dokazima) Kur'an poziva vjernike da razmišljaju o ajetima koje uče. Ponizno prihvatite da je vaša nemogućnost da potpuno razumijete ajete prouzročena vašim vlastitim nedostacima. Molite Svemogućeg da vam da bolje razumijevanje jer se to može postići jedino Njegovom Milošću. Tražite pomoć od mufassir-a da razjasni vaše sumnje. POKORITE SE ONOME ŠTO UČITE Budite voljni da se povinujete naredbama koje je Svemogući utemeljio u ajetima koje učite. Oklijevanje u nečijim naporima da se povinuje prouzročeno njegovom slabošću nije isto što i nemati namjeru ili ne činiti nikakav napor da se pokori. Kur'an osuđuje one koji ignoriraju ili se okrenu od njegovih poruka kao nevjernici koji su osuđeni da gore u Paklu. JAČAJTE SVOJU POVEZANOST SA KUR'ANOM Jedino Allahovom Milošću možete ojačati vašu vezanost uz Kur'an. Jedino u Allaha trebate vjerovati i jedino se Njemu obraćati za sve. Obećane su vam velike nagrade u ovom životu i na Onom Svijetu za učenje razumijevanje i slijeđenje Kur'ana. By Khurram Murad & Y Mansoor Marican vww.islamalways.corria,