Invitation to Understanding Islam The Foundation of Islam The foundation of Islam is the shahadah or the declaration of faith. The translation of the meaning of the shahadah is "I testify that there is no other god to be worshipped except Allah and Muhammad is the final Messenger of Allah." It must be believed in the heart and declared verbally with sincerity, certainty or without doubt, understanding of its meaning, and acceptance of all its conditions. The first part of the shahadah begins in the negative ("no other god") and ends with the affirmation ^"except Allah"). Belief in Islam begins with rejecting everything that is not God. It includes Prophets, saints and false gods made by humans such as idols and deities. It also requires a rejection of attributing God-like qualities to created things such as trees, rivers, animals, fire, the stars, the sun, numbers, talismans and pieces of string! Attributing God-like qualities to humans or objects is the worst form of ignorance. All things exist by the Mercy of the One Supreme Unseen Creator Who alone deserves all worship and obedience. ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:î?4256 9800 Fax: î?42574500
Razumjeti Islam OSNOVA ISLAMA Temelj Islama je shahadah odnosno svečana izjava vjere. Prijevod značenja riječi shahadah je "Svjedočim da nema drugog boga kojem se treba klanjati osim Allaha i Muhamed je posljednji Glasnik Allaha." Mora joj se vjerovati u srcu i mora se izjaviti riječima iskreno, uvjerljivo odnosno bez sumnje s razumijevanjem značenja i prihvaćanjem svih njenih uvjeta. Prvi dio shahadah počinje negacijom ("nema drugog boga") i završava afirmacijom (osim Allaha"). Vjera u Islamu počinje odbijanjem svega što nije Bog. To obuhvaća Poslanike, svece i lažne bogove koje naprave ljudi, poput idola i božanstva Također zahtijeva odbijanje pridavanja bogolikih osobina onome što je stvoreno kao na primjer drveću, rijekama, životinjama, vatri, zvijezdama, suncu, brojevima, talismanima i komadima žice! Pripisivanje bogolikih osobina ljudima ili objektima najgori je oblik ignoriranja. Sve postoji po Milosti Jedinog Uzvišenog Neviđenog Stvoritelja Kojem jedinom pripada sva slava i pokornost. ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:+603-4256 9800 Fax: +603-42574500
Even those who worship multiple deities accept that there is one supreme God Who ensures order in the universe! But they persist with their ignorance and continue to worship the minor deities. Pleasing the minor deities is seen as the way to approach the Great God! The Qur'an describes these deities as "powerless" for they cannot create even "a single fly" and those who worship them as "feebleminded." [22:73] The One True Supreme Creator and Sustainer of all of Creation has no associates or partners. Not everyone who accepts this description is a true believer for the daily practices of some of them are mixed with belief in the "gods" of power, money, or drugs. Taking drugs in the belief that it will lead to a higher level of happiness or believing that more wealth will solve all their problems are examples of belief in "other gods." A Muslim who delays his obligatory prayers to attend to "a more urgent matter" has become more obedient to "another god." This "god" could be a live telecast or a committee meeting! It is to liberate mankind from being slaves to created things that Islam calls on the Believers to reject all forms of false gods. The shahadah redirects mankind from the false worship of created things to the true worship of The Lord of all created things. Man is incapable of knowing God on his own. He can know God only from what God has revealed about Himself. All the earlier revealed Books of God have either perished or been corrupted by alterations over time.
The only unaltered description of God is found in The Noble Qur'an which contains the exact Words of God. God is the One and only, independent of all things, has no child or parents, nothing is comparable to Him, and beyond the grasp of human imagination. He calls Himself "Allah" in The Qur'an. This Arabic name has no male or female equivalents, and has no plural. Arab Christians, Arab Jews and Muslims everywhere refer to God as "Allah". The word for God in the Arabic Bible is "Allah"! Allah is not the private God of Muslims. Allah in Arabic refers to The One and Only True, Universal God of all created things in the seen and unseen worlds. He created them to worship Him. The refusal of anyone to worship Him does not reduce His Majesty as He is independent of needs. Worshipping the only True God and living by His Commands is the only way to achieve success here and salvation in the Hereafter. Belief in the shahadah and converting this belief into action in all aspects of one's life is the way to attain freedom from servitude to all forms of falsehood and superstitions. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
Even those who worship multiple deities accept that there is one supreme God Who ensures order in the universe! But they persist with their ignorance and continue to worship the minor deities. Pleasing the minor deities is seen as the way to approach the Great God! The Qur'an describes these deities as "powerless" for they cannot create even "a single fly" and those who worship them as "feebleminded." [22:73] The One True Supreme Creator and Sustainer of all of Creation has no associates or partners. Not everyone who accepts this description is a true believer for the daily practices of some of them are mixed with belief in the "gods" of power, money, or drugs. Taking drugs in the belief that it will lead to a higher level of happiness or believing that more wealth will solve all their problems are examples of belief in "other gods." A Muslim who delays his obligatory prayers to attend to "a more urgent matter" has become more obedient to "another god." This "god" could be a live telecast or a committee meeting! It is to liberate mankind from being slaves to created things that Islam calls on the Believers to reject all forms of false gods. The shahadah redirects mankind from the false worship of created things to the true worship of The Lord of all created things. Man is incapable of knowing God on his own. He can know God only from what God has revealed about Himself. All the earlier revealed Books of God have either perished or been corrupted by alterations over time.
The only unaltered description of God is found in The Noble Qur'an which contains the exact Words of God. God is the One and only, independent of all things, has no child or parents, nothing is comparable to Him, and beyond the grasp of human imagination. He calls Himself "Allah" in The Qur'an. This Arabic name has no male or female equivalents, and has no plural. Arab Christians, Arab Jews and Muslims everywhere refer to God as "Allah". The word for God in the Arabic Bible is "Allah"! Allah is not the private God of Muslims. Allah in Arabic refers to The One and Only True, Universal God of all created things in the seen and unseen worlds. He created them to worship Him. The refusal of anyone to worship Him does not reduce His Majesty as He is independent of needs. Worshipping the only True God and living by His Commands is the only way to achieve success here and salvation in the Hereafter. Belief in the shahadah and converting this belief into action in all aspects of one's life is the way to attain freedom from servitude to all forms of falsehood and superstitions. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
Čak i oni koji slave mnoga božanstva prihvaćaju da postoji jedan vrhovni Bog Koji osigurava poredak u svemiru! Ali oni ustraju biti ignorantni i nastavljaju štovati manja božanstva. Ugađanje manjim božanstvima je grijeh, pa bio to i način da se približi Velikom Bogu! Kur'an opisuje ta božanstva kao "nemoćna" jer ona ne mogu stvoriti čak niti "običnu muhu" a one koji ih štuju kao "slaboumne." [22:73] Jedini Pravi Uzvišeni Stvoritelj i Branitelj svega Stvorenog nema drugova ili suradnika. Nije svatko tko prihvaća ovaj opis pravi vjernik u svakodnevici jer neki su zbunjeni vjerom u "bogove" moći, novca, ili droge. Uzimati droge u vjeri da će one dovesti do više razine sreće ili vjerovati da će više bogatstva riješiti sve probleme primjeri su vjere u "druge bogove". Musliman koji odgađa svoje obavezne molitve da bi obavljao "nešto hitnije" postao je pokorniji "drugom bogu". Taj "bog" može biti TV prijenos uživo ili pak službeni sastanak! Da bi se čovječanstvo oslobodilo od ropstva onome što je stvoreno, Islam poziva vjernike da odbiju svaki oblik lažnih bogova. shahadah preusmjerava čovječanstvo od lažnog štovanja stvorenog ka pravom štovanju Gospodara svega stvorenoga. Čovjek ne može sam spoznati Boga. On Boga može upoznati jedino iz onoga što je Bog objavio o Sebi. Sve su prijašnje Knjige o Bogu propale ili su bile pokvarene izmjenama kroz vrijeme.
Jedini nepromijenjeni opis Boga nalazi se u Plemenitom Kuranu koji sadrži točne riječi Boga. Bog je Jedan i jedini, neovisan o bilo čemu, nema djece ni roditelja, ništa Mu nije usporedivo, i nedohvatljiv je ljudskoj zamisli. On Sebe naziva "Allahh" u Kur'anu. Ovo arapsko ime nema muške ili ženske inačice, i nema množine. Arapi Kršćani, Arapi Židovi i Muslimani svagdje se Bogu obraćaju sa "Allah". Riječ za Bog u arapskoj Bibliji je "Allah"! Allah nije privatni Bog Muslimana. Allah na Arapskom znači Jedan i Jedini Pravi, Univerzalni Bog svega stvorenog na viđenom i na neviđenom svijetu. On ih je stvorio da Ga oni slave. Bilo čije odbijanje da Ga slavi ne umanjuje Njegovu Veličajnost jer Njemu ništa nije potrebno. Štovati Jedinog Pravog boga i živjeti prema Njegovim Zapovijedima jedini je način da se postigne uspjeh ovdje i Spasenje na Onome svijetu. Vjerovanje u shahadah i pretvorba te vjere u djelo u svim značajkama nečijeg života je način da se postigne sloboda od služenja svim oblicima lažnosti i praznovjerja. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
The declaration that "Muhammad is the (final) Messenger of Allah" complements and makes the shahadah complete. Belief in Muhammad (pbuh) as the final Messenger is to affirm belief in The Qur'an as the final revelation of God to man. [5:3] There will be no more new Messengers or another Book of God till Qiyamah (Doomsday). The shahadah guarantees that the status of Muhammad (pbuh) will never be changed in the way that the status of Jesus (pbuh) was changed after he was raised to The Lord. Muhammad (pbuh) is not to be worshipped or regarded as the founder of Islam. He was a Messenger who preached the only religion with Allah, Islam. The shahadah also affirms belief in all the earlier Messengers from Adam to Jesus (pbut). They were all given the same Islamic Message: worship The One True God. This message was perfected during the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh). The earlier Prophets were sent to particular communities. Muhammad (pbuh) was sent as "a mercy" to all of Creation. [21:107] The Almighty describes Muhammad (pbuh) as "the best model" to live the shahadah. [33:21] Liberate yourself from falsehood. Declare the shahadah now. Join the ranks of The Righteous and True Believers in The Straight Path of Islam. Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D
Izjava "Muhamed je (posljednji) Glasnik Allaha" dopunjuje i čini shahadah cjelovitom. Vjera u Muhameda (s.a.w.s.) kao posljednjeg Glasnika potvrđuje vjeru u Kur'an kao posljednju objavu Boga čovjeku. [5:3] Neće biti više novih Poslanika ili nove Božje Knjige sve do Qiyamah (Sudnjeg Dana). Shahadah jamči da status Muhameda (s.a.w.s.) nikad neće biti izmijenjen na način kako je status Isusa (s.a.w.s.) bio izmijenjen nakon što je bio uzdignut ka Gospodaru. Muhameda (s.a.w.s.) se ne slavi niti ga se smatra utemeljiteljem Islama. On je bio Poslanik koji je propovijedao jedinu religiju sa Allahom, Islam. Shahadah također potvrđuje vjeru u sve ranije Poslanike od Adama do Isusa (pbut). Svima je njima bila dana ista Islamska poruka: slaviti Jedinog Pravog Boga. Ova je poruka bila usavršena za vrijeme poslanstva Muhameda (s.a.w.s.). Raniji Poslanici su bili poslani određenim zajednicama. Muhamed (s.a.w.s.) je bio poslan kao "milost" cjelokupnoj Kreaciji. [21:107] Svemoćni opisuje Muhameda (s.a.w.s.) kao "najbolji uzor" da se živi shahadah. [33:21] Oslobodite se lažnosti. Otvorite se shahadah-i sad. Pridružite se redu pravednih i Pravih Vjernika na Pravom Putu Islama. Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D