Invitation to Understanding Islam Becoming Muslim How do I become a Muslim? Do I have to register? Do I have to change my name? What is the difference between 'born Muslims' and those who embraced Islam? Is a male required to circumcise to become a Muslim? Do I have to stop eating pork meat immediately? What is halal food? Do I have to learn Arabic? Do I have to perform the daily prayers and other obligatory duties in Islam mmediately after becoming a Muslim? ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia shî?42569822 Fax: î?42574500
Razumjeti Islam POSTATI MUSLIMAN Kako da postanem Musliman? Moram li se registrirati? Moram li promijeniti ime? Kakva je razlika između rođenih Muslimana i onih koji su prihvatili Islam? Mora li se muškarac obrezati da bi postao Musliman? Moram li odmah prestati jesti svinjsko meso? Što je halal hrana? Moram li učiti Arapski? Moram li izvoditi dnevne molitve i druge obvezujuće dužnosti u Islamu odmah pošto postanem Musliman?
-------------------ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia sh+603-42569822 Fax: +603-42574500 --------------------
Testimony of faith Becoming a Muslim is a lot easier compared to getting a visa or a passport! You become a Muslim when you accept that there is no god to be worshipped except Allah and Muhammad is His final Messenger. The Noble Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet (pbuh) will be the basis of a Muslim's efforts to achieve the good life here and salvation in the Hereafter. Proof of testimony As proof of your status as a Muslim is required for certain things such as marriage or applying for a Hajj visa, it is better to register your testimony of faith. You may do this in a mosque or with the appropriate organization in your country. A certificate from the appropriate authority is the formal proof of your Muslim identity. Change of name There is no requirement in Islam to change your name when you embrace Islam. However it is better for you to have a Muslim name as well as it will be easier for others to identify you as a Muslim. Choose a name that reflects your desire to lead a life in the way of Allah. According to a tradition of the Prophet (pbuh), the best names in the sight of Allah are Abdullah (Slave of Allah) and Abdur Rahman (Slave of The Merciful). Brothers and sisters
In Islam there is no difference whatsoever between born Muslims and those who embraced Islam. In Islam the believers are differentiated only on the level of their piety.
When a person embraces Islam, he returns to his original sinless state like a newborn. When a person embraces Islam, he becomes a Muslim. All believers are brothers and sisters in Islam. You become a Muslim by the Mercy of The Almighty. Tradition of the Prophet Circumcision is a tradition of the Prophet (pbuh). It is mentioned as fitra or a rule of cleanliness. It is obligatory for Muslims to follow the tradition of the Prophet. It is exempted if it poses a health risk. Not just pork meat Those embracing Islam must ensure that their food consumption conforms to what is accepted as 'pure' in Islam. It is not just pork meat and intoxicants that are prohibited in Islam. The rule is that all food consumed must be halal. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
SVJEDOČANSTVO VJERE Postati Muslimanom je mnogo lakše nego dobiti vizu ili putovnicu. Muslimanom postanete kad prihvatite da ne postoji bog za štovanje osim Allaha i da je Muhamed Njegov posljednji Glasnik. Plemeniti Kur'an i predaja Poslanika (pbuh) bit će osnova nastojanja Muslimana da postignu dobar život ovdje i spasenje na Onom Svijetu. DOKAZ SVJEDOČANSTVA Pošto je za neke stvari poput vjenčanja, ili dobijanje vize za Hadž potreban dokaz vašeg statusa kao Muslimana, bolje je da registrirate svoje svjedočanstvo vjere. To možete učiniti u vašoj Džamiji, ili u odgovarajućoj organizaciji u vašoj zemlji. Potvrda određenog autoriteta formalan je dokaz vašeg Muslimanskog identiteta. PROMJENA IMENA U Islamu nema potrebe da promijenite ime kad prihvatite Islam. Ipak, za vas je bolje da imate muslimansko ime, jer će drugima biti lakše da vas prepoznaju kao Muslimana. Izaberite ime koje pokazuje vašu želju da vodite život na putu Allaha. Suglasno predaji Poslanika (pbuh), najbolja su imena u pogledu Allaha Abdullah (Rob Allaha) i Abdur Rahman (Rob Milostivog). BRAĆA I SESTRE U Islamu nema razlike između rođenih Muslimana i onih koji su prihvatili Islam.
U Islamu vjernici se razlikuju jedino po razini njihove vjere. Kad osoba prihvati Islam, vraća se u svoje početno bezgrešno stanje kao novorođena. Kada osoba prihvati Islam, ona postane Musliman. Svi su vjernici braća i sestre u Islamu. Muslimanom postajete milošću Svemogućega
PREDANJE POSLANIKA Obrezanje je predanje Poslanika (pbuh). Spominje se kao fitra ili pravilo čistoće. Obveza je Muslimana da slijede tradiciju Poslanika. Izuzeto je ukoliko predstavlja zdravstveni rizik.
NE SAMO SVINJETINA Oni koji prihvate Islam, trebaju osigurati da njihovo uzimanje hrane odgovara onome što je u Islamu prihvaćeno kao "čisto". Svinjetina i intoksikansi nisu jedini koji su zabranjeni u Islamu. Pravilo je da sva konzumirana hrana mora biti halal.
-------------------With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan) --------------------
Meaning of halal and haram Halal means permitted or lawful. Haram means prohibited or unlawful. To be halal, food products must be clean, pure and safe for consumption. In Islam, halal and haram apply not only to food products but to all aspects of life. The original is The Word of Allah It is not mandatory to know Arabic
to become a Muslim. As The Qur'an is recited during prayers, one has to memorize a few chapters. The shortest chapter has only three verses. Learning Arabic will be an advantage as there is a big difference between reading the translations of The Qur'an and the original text in Arabic. Allah knows what is in your heart Obligatory duties in Islam are not "chores" that are performed reluctantly but a part of the joy of submission to Allah The Merciful. They must be performed without delay in the spirit of gratitude to Allah The Merciful for the blessings that each of us has been given. Remember that you perform these duties not to please others but to submit to Allah The Merciful Who knows what is in your heart. Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D
ZNAČENJE HALAL I HARAM Halal znači dozvoljeno ili zakonito. Haram znači zabranjeno ili nezakonito. Da bude halal, hrana mora biti čista, nezagađena i sigurna za konzumaciju. U Islamu, halal i haram se odnosi ne samo na hranu nego i na sve aspekte života.
Nije obvezujuće znati Arapski da bi se postalo Musliman. Pošto se Kur'an recitira za vrijeme molitve, potrebno je zapamtiti nekoliko odlomaka. Najkraći odlomak ima samo tri stiha. Učenje Arapskog bilo bi korisno jer velika je razlika između čitanja prijevoda Kur'ana i izvornog teksta na Arapskom.
Obvezujuće dužnosti u Islamu" nisu nekakvi "poslovi" koji se nevoljko obavljaju, nego su dio radosti pokoravanja Allahu Milostivom. Moraju se izvesti bez odgode u duhu zahvalnosti Allahu Milostivom za milosti koje su svakom od nas dane. Sjetite se da vi ne obavljate te dužnosti da bi zadovoljili druge, nego da se pokorite Allahu Milostivom Koji zna što vam je u srcu.
--------------------Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D ---------------------