Invitation to Understanding Islam The Call to Prayer Islam's call to prayer or azan is unique in that it is an oral call. Others beat drums, blow horns or ring bells. Azan is a call to the Believers to hasten to worship Allah The Merciful. The 15 lines recited loudly in azan are: 1 Allah is Greatest (4 times) 2 I testify that there is no god to be worshipped except Allah (twice) 3 I testify that Muhammad is His final Messenger (twice) 4 Come to Prayer (twice) 5 Come to Success (twice) Prayer is better than sleep (twice this call is for the dawn prayer only) 6 Allah is Greatest (twice) 7 There is no god to be worshipped except Allah (once) ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Teh+603-4256 9822 Fax: +603-4257 4500
Razumjeti Islam POZIV NA MOLITVU Islamski poziv na molitvu, tj. azan, jedinstven je u tome što je to glasovni poziv. Drugi udaraju u bubnjeve, pušu u rogove ili zvone zvonima. Azan je poziv vjernicima da požure na službu Allahu Milostivom. U azanu se glasno recitira 15 redaka: 1 Allah je Najveći (4 puta) 2 Svjedočim da nema boga osim Allaha (2 puta) 3 Svjedočim da je Muhamed (a.s) Božji poslanik (2 puta) 4 Dođite na Molitvu (2 puta) 5 Dođite na spas (2 puta) Molitva je bolja nego spavanje (2 puta ovaj poziv je samo za jutarnju molitvu) 6 Allah je Najveći (2 puta) 7 Nema boga osim Allaha (jednom) ISLAMIC OUTREACH-ABIM 3402 Jalan Ampang Hilir 2 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Teh+603-4256 9822 Fax: +603-4257 4500
The azan combines both the Testimony of Faith in Islam that identifies the Believers from others as well as an inspirational call to achieve success in this world and the Hereafter through prayer. The Caller to Prayer or mu'azzin must be in wudu or a state of purity for prayer, and face the Qiblah (the direction of the Ka'bah in The Sacred Mosque in Makkah). The mu'azzin places his two fingers in his two ears to raise the loudness of his voice. The use of amplifiers in many mosques has removed the need to make the Call loudly. The mu'azzin turns to his right when reciting "Come to Prayer" and to his left when reciting "Come to Success," and pauses after each line of the azan. The azan is recited in Arabic, which makes it easy for Muslims to recognize it in all places in the world. The playing of audio or video recordings ^ of azan is accepted as a way of reminding the time of prayer but not as a substitute for the actual azan by the mu'azzin. In some places, the mu'azzin receives training in the art of reciting the azan. Many have accepted Islam after listening to the message of the azan and the inspirational melody of the azan. Though the azan is a call to the prayer in congregation, Muslims staying in locations where it cannot be heard or praying alone are required to recite the azan themselves before the prayer.
It is the religious duty of the Believers to respond to the azan by stopping all things that may impede
others from hearing the azan. Muslims repeat softly the lines in 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 of the azan immediately after the mu'azzin has completed each of the 11 lines. They recite softly, "There is no protection and power other than Allah," immediately after the mu'azzin has completed each of the two lines in 4 and 5 respectively. | They recite softly, "You said the truth | and you did good," immediately after the mu'azzin has completed each time the special recitation for the dawn prayer. At the end of azan, dua or supplication is made which consists of the following: "0 Allah, Lord of this complete call and prayer of ours, grant Muhammad the right of intercession and the highest position, and raise him to the praiseworthy place that You have promised him and bestow on him the right of intercession on the Day of Resurrection, for You do not fail in Your promise." [Bukhari] After allowing a few minutes for Muslims to complete the tasks at hand, the second call to prayer or iqamah is made to call the gathering to prayer in a lower voice than that for the azan. The iqamah is a shortened version of azan. In iqamah, after the "Come to success," call, the mu'azzin recites twice, "Prayer has begun." The musallis (persons performing the Prayer) reply, "May Allah establish it and make it permanent." With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
Azan kombinira oboje, Svjedočanstvo Vjere u Islam koje razlikuje Vjernike od drugih kao i nadahnjujući poziv da se kroz molitvu postigne uspjeh na ovom i Onome svijetu. Pozivatelj na Molitvu, tj. mu'azzin, mora biti čist, stanju čistoće za molitvu, i licem prema Qiblah-i (prema Ka'bah-i /Kabi?/, u Svetoj džamiji u Makki ). mu'azzin stavlja svoja dva prsta u svoja dva uha da pojača svoj glas. Upotreba pojačala je u mnogim džamijama otklonila potrebu da se Zove glasno. Mu'azzin se okreće desno kad izgovara "Dođite na Molitvu", i na lijevo kad izgovara "Dođite na Uspjeh", a zastane poslije svakog retka azan-a. Azan se izgovara na Arapskom, što olakšava Muslimanima da ga prepoznaju svuda po svijetu. Sviranje audio ili video snimke azana prihvaćeno je kao podsjetnik da je došlo vrijeme za molitvu, ali ne kao zamjena za stvarni azan mu'azzin-a. Ponegdje mu'azzin prima poduku o umjetnosti govorenja azana. Mnogi su prihvatili Islam nakon slušanja poruke azana. i nadahnjujuće melodije azana. Dok je azan poziv na molitvu u zajednici, Muslimani koji stanuju tamo gdje ga ne mogu čuti ili mole nasamo, sami trebaju recitirati azan prije molitve. Religiozna je dužnost Vjernika da odgovore na azan prekinuvši sve što bi moglo spriječiti druge da slušaju azan.
Muslimani tiho ponavljaju retke azana u 1, 2, 3, 6 i 7 azana odmah nakon što je mu'azzin završio svaki od 11 redaka. Oni tiho recitiraju, "Nema zaštite i moći do li Allaha", odmah kad je mu'azzin završio svaki od dva retka u 4 i 5 za svaki. Oni tiho izgovaraju, "Rekao si istinu i dobro si učinio", odmah nakon što mu'azzin završi svaki put posebnu recitaciju za jutarnju molitvu. Na kraju azana, čini se dua tj. dovu koja se sastoji od sljedećeg: "O Allah, gospodaru ovog našeg završenog zaziva i molitve, daruj Muhammadu a.s pravi zagovor i najviši položaj i uzdigni ga na hvale vrijedno mjesto Koje Si mu obećao i daj mu pravo na zagovor na Dan Uzdizanja jer Ti držiš Svoje obećanje." [Bukhari] Dozvolivši Muslimanima nekoliko minuta da završe trenutne zadatke, drugi poziv na molitvu tj. iqamah čini se nižim glasom nego onaj za azan. Iqamet je skraćena verzija azana. U iqamah-i, poslije poziva "Dođite na Uspjeh", muazin dva puta kaže, "Molitva je počela." Musallis-i (osobe koje mole) odgovaraju, "Allah tako ustanovio i učinio postojanim." Pozivatelj na iqamah-u također se mora okrenuti prema Qiblah-i. Iqamah se recitira brže nego azan. With compliments: BAITULMAL (Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan)
The caller of iqamah must also face the Qiblah. The iqamah is recited at a faster pace than the azan. The person who recites it need not be the same person who recites the azan. The azan is a communal obligation (fard kifayah) in that in all places where regular prayer is established, Muslims have to appoint a person to do it properly at the appropriate times. There are two azan for the Friday congregational prayer. The second azan is recited before the imam addresses the gathering. As the times for the five daily obligatory prayers vary within and between time zones, there is never a moment on our planet when the azan is not being recited, as the end of azan is one place is the beginning of azan in another place. The azan is the world's only non-stop call that acknowledges the sovereignty of The One True God and urges mankind to hasten to worship Him. When the proclamation that "Allah is Greatest" is sincerely felt in the heart, it reinforces the Believer's resolve to live by His Commands, which includes combatting the tyranny of the powerful and refraining from the ways of the greedy rich. The azan is a revolutionary proclamation of Islam that sovereignty rests with Allah alone. Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D
Osoba koja je izgovara ne mora biti ista koja recitira azan. Azan je vjerska obveza (fard kifayah) time što u svim mjestima gdje je ustanovljena redovna molitva Muslimani trebaju odrediti osobu koja će to izvršavati uredno u određeno vrijeme. Postoje dva azana za zajedničku molitvu petkom. Drugi azan se recitira prije nego imam zove na okupljanje. Pošto se vremena za pet dnevnih obveznih molitava razlikuju prema vremenskim zonama, nema trenutka na našoj planeti u kojem azan ne bi bio recitiran, jer završetkom azana na jednom mjestu počinje azan na drugom mjestu. Azan je jedini svjetski non-stop poziv koji priznaje vladavinu Jedinog Pravog Boga i poziva čovječanstvo da požuri da Ga slavi. Kad objava "Allah je najveći" iskreno uđe u srce, ona potkrepljuje vjernikovu odluku da živi prema Njegovim Zapovjedima, što ubraja suprotstaviti se tiraniji moći, i uzdržati se od načina pohlepnog bogatstva. Azan je revolucionarna objava Islama koja jedino Allahu prepušta vladavinu. Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D