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Tax Seminar Wednesday, March 16 Noon–1 p.m. A&FRC, Building 656 Join the Legal team & the A&FRC to gain vital information and referral on preparing and fi ling your tax return.


Career Credentialing and Exploration (C2E) 2-Day Track Thursday, March 3–Friday, March 4 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. A&FRC, Building 656 This course off ers an opportunity to complete personalized career development assessments of occupational interests and aptitudes. Participants will then be guided through a variety of career considerations, including labor market projections, education, apprenticeships, certifi cations, and licensure requirements.

ded d ed on ns, ons, ns ns, TSP 101 Thursday, March 17 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. A&FRC, Building 656 If you are just learning about the TSP or looking for more information to advance your knowledge, you are bound to fi nd out something new in this TSP 101 workshop. Topics include fund options and Roth vs. Traditional, and it can count as the Planning for Retirement Planning Starter touchpoint for those seeding it. Feel free to bring your lunch.

10 Steps to a Federal Job Tuesday, March 8 9–11 a.m. A&FRC, Building 656 This workshop covers a variety of topics such as federal service, researching job announcements, pay scales, writing a resume and proper procedures for applying for positions through USAJOBS.

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