1 minute read
24/7 access cards
24 hour access is available at Potter Fitness Center, Freedom Fitness Center and Iron Hand Community Fitness for ages 18+
Active Duty
DoD employees ees JASDF Dependents Dependents MLC/IHA employees employees
Stop by Pott er Fitness Center or Freedom Fitness Center during nter or Freedom Fitness Center duringe F m Fit re i business hours to receive a 24 hour access card. There will be separate our access card. There will be separateur ur accce e card. be e se sep at atea e 24/7 access cards for each fi tness center, however, your Pott er ch fi tness center, however, your Pott er h fi fi t n , h we eve veer, y Po Po ott tt erhoow Fitness Center access card can be used at Iron Hand card can be used at Iron Hand rd d ca be eus I n Ha du Community Fitness. CACs are not compatible CACs are not compatible A AC Cs s not c mp b with the Pott er Fitness Center system, r Fitness Center system, r F tn e Ce te er r y , but can still be used for t can still be used forbe r Freedom Fitness Center. essom Fitness Center.F Fitm tn s nter