HOUR CARD ACCESS 24 hour access is available at Potter Fitness Center, Freedom Fitness Center and Iron Hand Community Fitness for ages 18+ Active Duty
DoD employees ees
MLC/IHA employees
Stop by Potter Fitness Center Centerr during nter e or FFreedom e m Fitness Fit Fi business hours to receive a 24 hour our ur aaccess ccce car card. aard d. There will bee separate sep se p at atee 24/7 access cards for each center, chh fitness t n , ho hhowever, owe weve ver, yyour Po Pott tter Fitness Center access card rd d can cca be be used uuss at Iron I n Hand Haa d Community Fitness. CACs ACs are not ccompatible mp p b with the Potterr FFitness tn Ce Center e teer system, y , butt can still b bee used for Freedom om Fitness Fit ess Center. Fit
Follow Misawa AB Fitness & Sports - 35 FSS on Facebook for updates about front desk hours and when you can get your access card
March h 2022 20 6 | March