Left Brain Linguistic Intelligence

Page 1

n i a r B t f e L ster Boo rkbook

What is your

name ?

My nam Alice. And wehis at is ?

c i i of Lingu st e n c e g i l e l Int Free! o W e h T



Left Brain

Right Brain Booster


• Mathematical Skills

• Visual Perceptual Skills

• Linguistic Intelligence

• Shapes and Figures

Ability to learn numbers counting, addition, subtraction and math problem solving.

Ability to identify things of what children see and focus on.

Ability of learning basic vocabulary, phrases and sentences to raise bilingual children.


• Spatial Intelligence Skills

Ability to understand the logical connections between ideas and related things to solve problems.

Ability to modify surroundings based on perceptions to further children's learning.

• General Knowledge

• Creative Thinking Skills

Ability to understand information on various subjects all around yourself in daily life such as biography, animal facts and amazing things in the world. Age 2–6 1



59 Thai Baht

Ability to create something new and different in order to think outside the box.

Right Brain Booster : Linguistic Intelligence

Critical Thinking Games


Ability of learning about patterns and external things to identify similarities and differences.

• Critical Thinking Skills

Children Book

BBL) : g n i n r a d Le e s a B n i n Bra o d e s a B (


+ ั แจกัน

Eco-friendly Smile

printing inks

Left sBtrearin Boo orkbook

c i i of Lingu st e n c e g i l e l nt I The W

BBL) : g n i n r d Lea e s a B n i n Bra (Based o







......................................... สงวนลิขสิทธิ์ตามพระราชบัญญัติลิขสิทธิ์ (ฉบับเพิ่มเติม) พ.ศ. 2558 โดยส�ำนักพิมพ์เอ็มไอเอส ห้ามน�ำส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดของหนังสือเล่มนี้ไปลอกเลียนแบบ ท�ำส�ำเนา ถ่ายเอกสาร หรือน�ำไปเผยแพร่บนอินเตอร์เน็ตและเครือข่ายต่างๆ ไม่ว่าจะในรูปแบบใดๆ นอกจากจะได้รับอนุญาตเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษรจากทางส�ำนักพิมพ์เท่านั้น ชือ่ ผลิตภัณฑ์และเครือ่ งหมายการค้าต่างๆ ทีอ่ า้ งถึงเป็นของบริษทั นัน้ ๆ

คณะผู้จัดท�ำ บรรณาธิการส�ำนักพิมพ์ ชิดพงษ์ กวีวรวุฒิ | บรรณาธิการ ชนาภัทร พรายมี | เรียบเรียงเนือ้ หา กองบรรณาธิการเอ็มไอเอส | ออกแบบปก ชนิกานต์ กิตติปฎิมาคุณ ออกแบบรูปเล่มและภาพประกอบ ชนาวิชญ์ กิจสมุทร | พิสจู น์อกั ษร บุหลัน จิตวงศ์ | ประสานงานสือ่ สิง่ พิมพ์ ชนาภัทร พรายมี | ฝ่ายการตลาด วราลี สิทธิจินดาวงศ์ พิมพ์ที่ บริษัท พิมพ์ดี จ�ำกัด | ผู้พิมพ์/ผู้โฆษณา เสริม พูนพนิช จัดพิมพ์โดย : ส�ำนักพิมพ์เอ็มไอเอส 213/3 ซอยพัฒนาการ 1 (สาธุประดิษฐ์ 34 แยก 6) แขวงบางโพงพาง เขตยานนาวา กรุงเทพฯ 10120 โทรศัพท์ 0-2294-8777 (สายอัตโนมัติ) โทรสาร 0-2294-8787 www.MISbook.com จัดจ�ำหน่ายโดย : บริษัท ซีเอ็ดยูเคชั่น จ�ำกัด (มหาชน) ถนนบางนา-ตราด แขวงบางนา เขตบางนา กรุงเทพฯ 10260 โทรศัพท์ 0-2739-8000 โทรสาร 0-2739-8609 www.se-ed.com

Brain is an important organ of the human body which controls over the other organs of the

body, shows how we feel, think, and move. The key of learning comes from the brain’s ability. Therefore, boosting a child’s brain growth (2-6 years old) is the basis of learning. It’s based on the left brain and right brain dominance which both sides work together.

Right brain characteristics include:

Left Brain characteristics include:

-Feelings -Rhythm (Beats) -Tune of songs -Art -Imagination - Holistic Thinking -Spatial Intelligence -Creative Thinking

-Language -Logical -Numbers & Computation -Sequencing -Critical thinking

To develop your child’s brain effectively, Brian-Based Learning (BBL) is the essential engagement of strategies based on how your child’s brain works. It’s the method that the brain involved in, and connected with things. As a publisher, we realize the significant of boosting left brain and right brain based on Brain-Based Learning Strategies to help your child explore his/her own brain power with the idea of learning by doing . The brain-boosting activities are specially created for young learners as follows:

Numbers & Computation : Be able to learn

numbers counting, and math problem solving.


Directions : Know about directions and be able

to follow them correctly and get out of a maze.

Matching : Be able to match objects to their

Logic : Be able to describe how something

Order : Be able to consider which something

Rules : Be able to prove something that is always true and apply it to your daily life.

Classification : Be able to classify to arrange

Reading comprehension : Read the stories and be able to understand the context, point of view, hidden messages and the moral of the stories.

corresponding pictures such as people, animals, objects and sequence of events. that comes before or after something else. things in groups.

Observation : Be able to notice something carefully.

Probability : Be able to predict things or events how likely they are to happen.

Comparison : Be able to compare two or more things in similar or different ways.




Imagination : Practice fine motor skills through connecting the dots, tracing letters, drawing basic lines and coloring. Kids learn how to create their own shapes as well.

สัObservation งเกต Reward sticker


Put a cross on the thing that is not mentioned in each sentence.

I sit on the sofa watching TV. I find a top in the bag.

I see a butterfly on the flower.

My pig loves carrots.

I put a pencil on the book.

I like bread with butter.


Logicผล เหตุ

I ride a bike to buy the spring onions.

สัObservation งเกต

Comprehension จัReading บใจความ

Rearrange the letters in the correct order to make a word. Then complete the sentences.

Reward sticker





Johnny wakes up at 7 o’clock.

The dog



s a blue T-shirt.

s the cat.

s her room.

Observation สังเกต

Reward sticker

Read and complete each sentence.

Kate comes to school in the early morning. She sees her friend Bella and says...

In the afternoon, Kate sees Jenny at the cafeteria and says...

After school, Kate sees Ray and says...

At night, Kate’s mom comes in her bedroom and says...

------- --- -

------ ------




เหตุผล Logic



สัObservation งเกต

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the correct words or sentences.

Reward sticker









Ex. 1. 1. 2. 2.


Logicผล เหตุ

This is an airplane This is an airplane This is a This is a This is This is

3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.

This This

Is it a tiger? Reward sticker

Is it a zebra? Is it a sheep? Read and choose the correct answer. Is it a octopus?


Is it a tiger?



Is it a zebra?



Is it an octopus?

Yes 32

Is itObservation สังaเกตrabbit?


Is it a cat?

Is it a rabbit?



Is it a sheep?



Is it a cat?



Rules กฎเกณฑ

n i a r B t f e L ster Boo rkbook

What is your

name ?

My nam Alice. And wehis at is ?

c i i of Lingu st e n c e g i l e l Int Free! o W e h T



Left Brain

Right Brain Booster


• Mathematical Skills

• Visual Perceptual Skills

• Linguistic Intelligence

• Shapes and Figures

Ability to learn numbers counting, addition, subtraction and math problem solving.

Ability to identify things of what children see and focus on.

Ability of learning basic vocabulary, phrases and sentences to raise bilingual children.


• Spatial Intelligence Skills

Ability to understand the logical connections between ideas and related things to solve problems.

Ability to modify surroundings based on perceptions to further children's learning.

• General Knowledge

• Creative Thinking Skills

Ability to understand information on various subjects all around yourself in daily life such as biography, animal facts and amazing things in the world. Age 2–6 1



59 Thai Baht

Ability to create something new and different in order to think outside the box.

Right Brain Booster : Linguistic Intelligence

Critical Thinking Games


Ability of learning about patterns and external things to identify similarities and differences.

• Critical Thinking Skills

Children Book

BBL) : g n i n r a d Le e s a B n i n Bra o d e s a B (


+ ั แจกัน

Eco-friendly Smile

printing inks

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