A Key to the Louvre: Memoirs of a Curator

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In this riveting memoir of the former director of the Louvre, Michel Laclotte oΩers his vivid souvenirs of the triumphs and machinations of the international art world. Essential for anyone interested in art and the museums that display it. —Robert Rosenblum, Professor of Fine Arts, New York University

Michel Laclotte brings [to his recollections] a measure of humanity and of empathy. . . . “I am not an intellectual,” he says. . . . One has to agree: he is the opposite of the detached academic. He is a man of emotion and intuition. He is closer to artists or poets than to mathematicians.


s an art historian, curator, teacher, and museum director, Michel Laclotte has played a starring role in the cultural life of contemporary France. In this remarkable memoir, Laclotte, emeritus director of the Musée du Louvre, reveals the special combination of qualities that made possible his extraordinary career: political savvy, impeccable scholarship, and an ironic but generous sensibility. During his twenty years as chief curator of the Louvre’s Department of Paintings, Laclotte led the team that created the popular Musée d’Orsay in Paris and helped establish the exquisite Musée du Petit Palais in Avignon, while enriching the Louvre collections with masterpieces by Piero della Francesca, Georges de la Tour, and Vermeer. Later, as director of the Louvre, Laclotte oversaw the “Grand Louvre” project, which transformed the museum and made its glass pyramid one of the city’s most distinctive landmarks. Laclotte draws penetrating but balanced portraits of his mentors and contemporaries, whose ranks include André Malraux, a Resistance hero and culture czar of postwar France, the masterful Italian art historian Roberto Longhi, Anthony Blunt, a connoisseur and Soviet spy, and many others. Laclotte’s recollections of encounters with the leaders of France from the 1970s to the 1990s, including Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and François Mitterrand, illuminate the high-stakes interplay of art and politics behind France’s unparalleled museum culture. Throughout his career, Laclotte has remained a spirited advocate for public access to the artistic riches of the Louvre and France’s other great museums, benefiting present museum-goers, as well as future generations.


Mark Polizzotti is publications director at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the author of Revolution of the Mind: The Life of André Breton. 116 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011 1-800-Artbook (in U.S. only) Available wherever fine books are sold Visit us at www.abbeville.com Cover design by Misha Beletsky

Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-7892-0821-0

U.S. $19.95

51995 EAN


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A Key to the ouvre ouvre A Key to the

—Armelle Héliot, Le Figaro


b i o g r a p h y / a r t h i s t o ry

AAKey to the ouvre Key to the ouvre MEMOIRS OF A CURATOR MEMOIRS OF A CURATOR

Michel Laclotte Michel Laclotte

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A Key to the Louvre: Memoirs of a Curator by Misha Beletsky - Issuu