Table of Contents Tigers!
Baby Cheetahs
Cheetahs Need Our Help!!
Leopards We Must Save LEOPARDS!! Body Parts Lions VS Leopards Lion VS Tiger Big Cats Eyes
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Nine types of tiger lived in Asia , three of them became extinct and we can save tigers , build conservation areas and reseves.
Tigers see very well at night , and tigers are very dangerous and big cat live in prides and big cats hunt zebras and mother hunt for babies but fathers just hunt for them selves!
Tigers are big cats , they have "王"sign on their heads. Tigers die because many people hunt them for their bones and also to make drogues and take out their fur and eat their meat , and the tigers are so little in the world!
Cheetahs run with legs together and then open. They run like a deers!
Cheetahs are big cats. They can run very fast but only little time and they often eat deers or any smaller animals than them . The baby cheetahs can say 6 sounds one is yip: call anther 2 chirp : a cub's version of a yip . Sound like a bird .3 Churr : a stuttered back , they vase this sound in social situations. 5 and 6 growls and hisses are use to express annoyance or fear.
Cheetah video - this video shows you how does a CHEETAH catch the deers!
Diagram of a Cheetah
This is the cheetah's body parts
Baby Cheetahs
When the baby cheetah grow up it loses the hair on its bake gets bigger because the bones grow . And when they run all the muscles in the head and the body contract so they can run very fast.
CHEETAHS need our help!!
Do you know ?
This lady is wearing a cheetah's fur !
Some leopards living on the trees. Some leopards living in the cave and some leopards live in the grass. Often live on the trees the leopards need to take they baby on the trees , but if they baby two years old and they must learn how to clime the trees. Often the leopards eat: deers, rabbits, horses, zebras and fish
This clothes was us the leopards fur make!
Body Parts click here to see body parts of the big cats
A cat large ears help it hear even the quietest sounds,and when a cat is net using its sharp claws for climbing or scratching, it pull them into pockets in its pacs. Cat can see well at night. The black slits in a cat's eyes, called pupils, widen to let in more light, a cat eyes seem to glow in the dark a layer in their eyes, called the tapetum, reflects light like a mirror. Cats cannot sueat. They let off extra body heat through their feet.
Lion Vs. Leopards Lions
Lions live in the hot land. On the neck has so many hairs. With the team sometimes the lion eats the cheetahs, and the lions do not hurt. How do lions catch the animals? First, it need to run fast then the animals and next it hold the animals head and broke its neck.
Leopards are bigger cats compared to cheetahs, but slightly smaller and more lightly built if compared with the jaguars.
Lion vs. Tiger Lion
Often lions are make one team, but in the this team only can have one male lion! Often the female lion catch the animals and the male lion just look and eat.
Often the tigers just do they own. If they see another tiger in this tiger own forest, they can fight together. So they are not with a team work. If it is team work then it is just mother tiger and baby tigers, and this team is not strong.
Big Cats Eyes
This eyes are from the cat family! Often tiger's eyes are yellow or green with yellow, but only white tiger can have blue eyes! And the female lion eyes are yellow, green or brown, and the make lion eyes are white. Some cheetah's eyes are red, brown, black, blue or green.
Glossary Asia Attack Cave Compared Conservation Contract Dangerous Drugs Extinct Fur. Large. Prides. Slightly. Sweat
China is in Asia. A group of countries. To jump on your body to fight. A hole made of stone. When you look at two things together. Are they same or not? To build a home to protect animals. Close (muscles close together) Not safe Medicine for when you are sick. They are not living anymore, Animal hair. Big Groups of tigers. A little bit Water on your body when you on your body.
This book is about the big cats, and let's see often what are they doing every day and how do they live and how do they catch the animals?