He Saved Me—Samuel Cavin
He Saved Me—Samuel Cavin HE SAVED ME………..
I was born and raised in church, the true church of God. All my childhood years I attended church 3 and 4 times a week. My mother (Thank God for praying mothers) also hosted prayer meetings in our house on every Tuesday evening for years. My childhood was strict, no TV, movies, dances, or any of the entertaining and sinful things most other children did. Many people thought my family was Jehovah Witness because they also don’t allow their children to participate in a lot of entertaining and holiday activities.
fire. I simply made some comments and gave him what he asked for.
At that meeting, God dealt with me and I seen where I could have been killed and out of fear of almost going to hell, I got saved.
I didn’t last long and just as the bible says in Matthew 12.43-45, the unclean spirit and others came into me and lived for the next 17 years.
I do not intend to brag or boast of the lifestyle God allowed me to live, if I had it all to do over again, I would fight the good fight of faith and I say all that to say this; I knew better than STAY SAVED!! I want to show how wonderful the way I chose to go! I was trained up in a way to keep me from the many habits and ad- God is and give him the glory for delivering my soul from the jaws of hell. dictions the devil lured me into.
I got saved the first time at the age of 21, at the annual Springfield [Ohio] fellowship meeting. I think back on this time of my life and realize I only got saved because I was face to face with death, and it scared me. Around December 15, of 1991 I went out to a nightclub. I was finally legally able to go out, even though I had already been going out for years, using my brother’s ID. I had bought a new gold rope chain and bracelet, very nice and impressive jewelry at that time.
I was blessed with a good job, then with my own company. I began to party; I acquired a lust spirit; I was an alcoholic; I was addicted to pornography; I was an adulterer, a liar; I found myself doing things I didn’t want to do, and going places I didn’t want to go. Sin will take you further than you want to go and further than you realize you’re going.
I travelled all over the U.S., all over the world. I went to many sporting events, concerts, sat in the box seats, or front row. I was V.I.P. at I went to the restroom and some guys came in many night clubs, in many parties. I partied behind me. One guy complimented me on my with stars, famous people, I had made a name chain, I thanked him, and then he pulled out a for myself and was living what looked like on the outside “the dream life,” but on the inside gun and pointed it in my face and told me to give it up. I was too intoxicated at the time to I was miserable, unhappy, unsatisfied and I prayed that God would continue to deal with realize how close I was to death and eternal Copyright 2013 Mission Globe
He Saved Me—Samuel Cavin
He Saved Me—Samuel Cavin my soul. Every night I prayed, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul he’ll take.” I thank God, as the psalmist writes in Psalms 107.12 that he brought me down with labour.
While the message was still being preached, I asked my brother to excuse me and went out the back and around to the side door where Brother Ron (Pastor of Ohio Congregation) was standing. I grabbed his arm and he asked me “what’s wrong, do you want to be saved”, thru my tears I was able to shake my head and say yes!
The devil tried several more times to take my life; I totaled my car after a night of drinking. In another car I went off the road and was unaware of where I was, a tree stopped me from Oh Praise the Lord; he delivered me that day plunging down into a ravine where no one from everything that had me bound. I couldn’t would have found me. break thru at first. You never truly know how All this and God was still merciful. “Oh I praise bound you are until its time to be delivered. I God for his Love and everlasting Mercies!! was prayed for and asked if I felt a change, I said I don’t know. Then I requested my mother to come into the study where we were. My December 27, 2008 I went out to a nightclub. mother came and she just said “Samuel, just Just as other times, I was in the V.I.P. section. let it go”. That was all it took (Praise God for I was bored, it was so unfulfilling. God was Saved Mothers), God opened heaven and dealing with me and I couldn’t get any rest. I poured the blood out all over my soul. I felt had become ashamed of who I was. The devil the weights being lifted off of me, Hallelujah, was really dragging me further and further Praise God! He broke every chain that had me down. He was trying to destroy my marriage, bound in an instant. and I knew I didn’t want to lose my wife.
December 28, 2008 I woke up late after a night of partying. It was Sunday, the last day of the Springfield fellowship meeting. I knew I wanted to go, I had never missed one, but the devil was trying to persuade me not to. I ended up going with my brother and cousin. I sat all the way in the back, as it was a full service. The message was brought forth by Bro. Lee Hampton; “Sleeping in the Bed That You Made.” The Lord sent that message directly to me! My heart was under conviction so heavy; I had tears knocked out of my eyes. My heart was pounding as if it were going to come out of me. Copyright 2013 Mission Globe
God could have left me alone in this cold world; he didn’t have to forgive me for all the wickedness I had involved myself in. I thank God for his mercy, love, and kindness towards me. I owe him my life!
I hope my testimony helps 1 poor lost soul to realize ‘even if you have everything, you still have nothing without Christ in your life’ – Bro. Samuel J. Cavin