1 minute read
Designed by German philosopher Dr J Oberach It may look a little weird, but the Biotensor is amazing at examining bodies. From physical to emotional disturbances, aura leaks or igniting medicine damage.
Essentially a Biotensor reverberates any vibration
Everything in the universe is made up of vibrations, so a sensitive measuring instrument like this one, will pick up any vibration. It will add or release energy blocks or storage, which makes it a healing-process
How it works Connect
Start by holding the tensor in front of you, with your dominant hand. Make the connection and ask if you are connected to the biosensor Your unconsciousness will respond with yes (nodding of tensor) or no (left-right shaking of tensor) Now you are ready to start examining and healing!
Since the tensor is in connection with your unconsciousness, in your head words or areas that you need to heal will come up Think about that area and watch the biotensor starting to heal. Clockwise turning is adding energy. Counter clockwise turning is releasing energy
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the Biotensor will do the work. Don't think about it; just let it flow and happen! Your unconsciousness is super strong and will connect to the tensor almost immediately
So, turn off your brain and listen to your inner voice.