2 minute read
Room for life experiences and beliefs that are not yours
For me personally it does not matter -at all- what belief, religion or lifestyle a person has It does matter to me what intention a person has and actually does and show in behaviour
A person can talk, plead or preach a lot, but the actions speak more truth. Also, the body does not lie. I remember vividly situations during my childhood with a catholic based group I grew up in There was no room for my early childhood life experiences with multidimensional beings and spirits. Yes, like a particular movie; I have seen dead people too. But that is not the interesting part here I want to focus on the way people can deny someone the freedom to talk about a subject that has meaning and value
I have seen demon-like figures, experienced loving and caring beings that guided and protected me. I have had poltergeist-like experiences too in a house I grew up in And "touched on shoulder" feelings in old monestaries I have met suïcided persons in houses. Even walked through a 'ghost' on the stairs outside to my front door. Felt and heard a cat-spirit jumping of my bed and running down the stairs I have visited different realms, received visions and lessons This and more but hey! It is just part of the Universe and Life
But as I wrote above, these experiences were absolutely not welcome in the groups I was partially raised in during my childhood And honestly my parents did not actually know how to deal with my experiences either. Sometimes my father knew something to say but most of the time I was on my own in this matter
At this catholic group, called The Focolare, I wanted to talk about my experiences because they were part of my daily life Sadly I was told by an elder not to speak about this in the group And secondly - very contradicting - I had to share my experience of the past week(s). The group was formed to talk about good deeds and about struggeling we encountered in doing good deeds and being a good brother, son, friend, person in general Love eachother as if they were your borther or sister in the name of God or Jesus. Etcetera.
My stories frightened the other children So I had to shut my mouth even though I still had to participate in the group I call these sessions: "My first Contradictions". It was very confrontational because the group was so called "open for other beliefs and religions" But in fact, they were not (and stil are not able to open up)
So when I became older and went into adulthood I said a definitly goodbye forever to this 'community'. For this and for more reasons So this is an example of a dilemma I encountered at a young age when having a conversation with others about matters they do not understand or do not experience And it made me very clear that if something does not "exist" for a person, it is very hard to be heard and accepted.