1 minute read


D J Vu

Déjà vu’ literally means ‘already seen’ A weird sensation that you get like you've already experienced a particular situation.


Walking into a new place yet you have a strong feeling that you've been there before Or you are talking to someone and they mention something, which gives you a déjà vu sensation

Overall you can view this as a 'glitch in te matrix'. You have seen it or experienced this before; this is your conformation

The Same Over And Over Again

Don't confuse it with déjà vu! This is when something happens to you over and over again. For example; you stub the same toe every day Or when you hear the same song everyday at 11 am.

This is a crystal clar sign from the universe to keep an eye out The universe wants you to notice them so you stop living on autopilot and start consciously living

Breaking Or Losing Beloved Items

We love our possessions with some having special memories Losing something dear to your heart sometimes hurts, but it also acts as a sign.

Losing or breaking something you are attached to, is the universe telling you that you need to leave something behind to create space for the new And when you do so, perhaps it might find it's way back.

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