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Health Tips from Nutrition Coach Maggie Dickinson

Making changes each day can help you reach your goals, whether it’s to lose weight or eat healthier. Contact Coach Maggie to learn how to balance your day with the right foods and the right portions!

Simple Changes To A Healthier Lifestyle


1. Drink more water: Start your day with hot lemon water and drink at least 80 ounces per day.

2. Eat to lose: Eating the right combination of meals and snacks throughout your day plays a significant role with weight loss and healthy eating.

3. Snack on high-protein, high-fiber foods: When it’s time to snack, make your food work for you. Stay away from highcalorie foods like chips and crackers, and instead go for protein and fiber-rich foods that will fill you up.

4. Move more: Schedule your workouts into your week like an important meeting or appointment you must be at. Track your steps and set goals to reach each day.

5. Don’t drink your calories: Stop drinking soda, juice and limit alcohol –it’s not worth the extra sugar or calories. Stick to 80 ounces of plain water or flavor it with fresh ingredients like cucumber, lemon, ginger or mint.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Coach Maggie at weightlosscoachmd2014@yahoo.com

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