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President’s Column

Ican’t believe I am writing my very last Cherry Diamond article as President. It’s been an honor to serve the Missouri Athletic Club membership for the past three years on the Board of Governors and I’m especially grateful for the opportunity to lead this amazing organization this past year. Working with other outstanding leaders on the Board has been lifechanging. The Governors have led with passion and a Memberfirst focus. They have made an impact on the Club’s future, and I would like to thank each one for their dedication and selfless service to the MAC. The past year has been full of exciting events, great camaraderie and lasting memories. At our April board meeting, the Governors and I discussed this past year’s accomplishment. I’m very proud of what we have accomplished and wanted to share our list with you. Focused on Member improvements: F Membership: Made positive changes in membership approach including implementing a 2500-Member cap F Events: Created a Speaker Series and successfully executed three events F Capital project: Initiated Jack Buck Grille and 1903 dining room and patio projects; West Clubhouse HVAC and

Downtown Clubhouse Life safety upgrades F Amenities: Re-felted pool table; installed new tennis court curtains F Athletics: Increased racquetball leagues participation vs. previous years; upgrades to equipment in both Clubhouses F Security: Enhancements made throughout both Clubhouses Provided sound financial stewardship: F Strengthened our financial position by creating a cash reserve F Currently executing a pension plan liability elimination strategy F Evaluated Club’s Cyber Security plan Implemented quarterly board work session designed to focus on key initiatives: F Branding Strategy


F Gained best practice insights by visiting Detroit Athletic Club

F Created new vision and mission statements Vision: To be the foremost private club in St. Louis known for attracting exceptional people and enriching lives for generations.

Mission: To create extraordinary experiences in all aspects of Club life in the spirit of excellence, service, and tradition.

F Approved revisions to our Strategic Framework

F Gathered feedback via a Member Satisfaction Survey to guide long term planning F Succession Planning

F Successfully launched Club’s succession planning efforts F Civic Engagement

F Develop strategy outlining targeted priorities to enhance Member engagement/Member experience, expand Member recruitment opportunities and increase visibility and strengthen reputation of MAC within the community

F Identified and began working with key partners, including the St. Louis Metropolitan Urban League, STLYouth.com, Urban Golf of Greater St. Louis, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, SLU Chaifetz Business School partnership, and PCs for People I hope you personally have felt the positive impact of our accomplishments. If you have, please congratulate the Governors on a success year the next time you see them around the Club. I’d also personally like to thank the staff who have been tremendously supportive of the Board of Governors and myself this year. I’m grateful for the time I’ve been able to spend with them and thankful for what I have learned from them. I’d especially like to thank Wally Smith for his partnership this year. He and I have had a lot of fun working to gain alignment on many initiatives at the Club. I’d also like to thank Gena Willis for the patience and kindness she has show me during this past year. I tend to ask a lot of questions and she always has the answer and is willing to lend a helping hand. We are blessed to have an amazing staff at the Missouri Athletic Club and I’m grateful I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside them. May is always an exciting and important month with regards to the Governance of our Club with the election of a new class of Board of Governors. Please get to know the candidates and attend election night on May 5 at the Downtown Clubhouse. It’s a fun night and such a great Club tradition. Also on May 19, the 2022/23 Board of Governor Officers will be inducted. Many have viewed this process as a transfer of power. However, I have always viewed the process as a passing of the MAC torch, Olympic Style! (I’m sports girl, so of course I put things into sports terms!). The focus of the Board has always been to evolve our Club to meet the needs of our members. I have no doubt the 2022/23 Board of Governors, under the leadership of President-elect Brent Beumer, will continue to deliver exceptional experiences for our members. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for the members this coming year and wish them nothing but success! Member Highlight: This month, I would like to highlight those Members who have been a huge support to me during my term as President. First, I would like to thank Past President Kevin Cantwell for meeting with me years ago to encourage me to run for the Board of Governor. I value his mentorship. I’d also like to thank Past President Dan Lett for being a trusted advisor and friend. I had big shoes to fill following these two President’s and I am grateful for their willingness to show me the way. To my friends, Anna DeSaix, Pam Jordan, Becky Kingston, Emily McCartney, Jodi Peterson, and Natalie and Ryan Weber, who have been extremely understanding of my busy schedule and personally helpful in so many ways, thank you for your friendship. And last but not least, I would be remised if I did not thank my family, Jennifer and Nathan McKean, for their encouragement, unwavering support and love during my term at the MAC and throughout my life. I’m extremely blessed to have such an amazing support network and am grateful for them. Please join me in thanking these Members who have been helpful to me during my term. I am¬ a better person because of each one of them! Even though my term is coming to an end, if you see me around the Club, please continue to stop me and introduce yourself. I truly am excited for the future of the Missouri Athletic Club, proud of what the board has been able to accomplish this year and honored to tell everyone I am a Member of this exceptional Club.

Angie Minges, President Missouri Athletic Club

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