June July 2013 Voice of Missouri

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VOICE June/July 2013



Published by the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Three Candidates on Ballot for Missouri Synod President Voting Takes Place in June

The names of three men will appear on the ballot for Synod president during voting to be conducted this June in advance of the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, held in July. In order of nominations received, the candidates are: • Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, incumbent LCMS president, 1,111 nominations • Rev. Dr. Herbert C. Mueller Jr., LCMS first vice president, 140 nominations • Rev. Dr. David P.E. Maier, president of the LCMS Michigan District, 126 nominations

To read their bios, visit www.lcms.org/convention/nominees. Election of the Synod president will take place electronically (via the Internet only) during a four-day period — June 22–25 — by each LCMS congregation/ parish’s two voting delegates to its 2012 district convention. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, the candidate with the least number of votes will be dropped from the ballot and a second vote will be taken one week later. No other nominations will be accepted. Two weeks before the convention starts on July 6, — the Synod secretary will share the results of the election first with the candidates, and afterward with the public. The candidate receiving the majority of votes will become president-elect of the Synod. For more about the system for electing president, read: http://blogs.lcms. org/2013/new-system-for-electing-president.

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison

Rev. Dr. Herbert C. Mueller Jr.

Rev. Dr. David P.E. Maier

Where: Hope Lutheran Chapel, 1027 Industrial Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065; off Osage Beach Parkway – .25 mile from Lake Regional Hospital (approximately 1.2 miles from the Case Road exit or one mile from the KK exit). Worship Experience When: 7:30 a.m. every Sunday, from Memorial Day through Labor Day, with communion immediately following each service. (A 10 a.m. service is also held indoors with communion using the Lutheran Service Book.) What: Hope Chapel members greet worshipers with smiles, words of welcome, worship

Come as You Are, Worship in Your Car — A Unique

of Missouri

LCMS ‘National Offering’ Designated for ‘Witness, Mercy, Life Together’ Work

Congregations, individuals invited to participate in the offering

Congregations and individual members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) are invited to take part in the church’s life and work in a personal way: by participating in the 2013 National Offering. “This National Offering will support five of the church’s most significant initiatives,” said Mark Hofman, executive director of Mission Advancement for the LCMS. “Gifts received will be used to strengthen our Lutheran Witness, Mercy, Life Together efforts at home and abroad. By combining our resources, we vigorously make known the love of Christ by word and deed to everyone.” 2013 National Offering gifts can be designated to support one or more of the five target areas: 1. Together as Synod – supporting the church’s work together as a Synod wherever the need is greatest as determined by the LCMS Board of Directors. 2. Global Mission – strengthening Witness, Mercy, Life Together efforts at home and around the world. 3. Lutheran Malaria Initiative – contributng to the goal of ending malaria deaths in Africa. 4. Joint Seminary Fund – direct support for the Synod’s two world-class seminaries as they prepare future LCMS pastors, deaconesses and other church leaders for service. 5. Global Seminary Initiative – building the capacity of LCMS partner churches around the world to prepare solidly Lutheran leaders and clergy. • Following a tradition set during past conventions, gifts to the National Offering will be gathered ahead of and during the 65th Regular Convention of the LCMS July 20–25 in St. Louis. Gifts will continue to be encouraged in the triennium leading up to the 2016 Synod convention. • Sunday, June 2, has been designated for LCMS congregations to gather their members’ gifts for the offering. A free bulletin insert for congregation use to promote the offering is available for order, while supplies last. Orders can be placed online or by calling 800-325-7912, ext. 1696. • LCMS congregations received a packet this spring that includes additional resources for participating in the 2013 National Offering, including a responsive prayer card, promotional flier and offering envelopes. • Learn more about the 2013 National Offering at www.lcms.org/nationaloffering. • Learn more about the 2013 Synod convention at www.lcms.org/convention.

materials and directions for parking. Each drive-in service begins with an invocation and special music from lake area singers or choirs. Worshipers are invited to join in worship by listening to God’s Word in Scripture, sermon and joining in song. Following the service, everyone is invited to enjoy coffee, rolls, and fellowship under the carport and to stay for Sunday school and Bible class. For more information, call 573-348-2108 or email hopechapellcms@att.net.

The Missouri District Online

Regular Online Items: installations and ordinations, celebrations, anniversaries, obituaries, calendar and resources www.facebook.com/MissouriDistrictLCMS

In this issue: Missouri District, LCMS 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

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June/July 2013

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Page 3 - Mission Fair Successful Page 5 - Correction - RSOs Page 6 - Convention Delegates Page 10 - Circuit Youth Collaboration


From t he president’s desk The Seventh Day

“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done” (Gen. 2:2-3 NIV). Farming is hard work. As mechanized as it has become, farming remains a difficult, arduous vocation. In the 1950s much of what farmers did required a lot of physical labor. For example, bales of hay were loaded from the field to a wagon, placed on President Ray Mirly an elevator or hay fork to hoist them into the barn loft and then finally stacked by hand until they would be moved from the loft to feed the cattle in the winter. Neighbors often shared in this hard work. Such was the case on my Uncle Dick’s farm. Hay hauling was as much a social occasion as it was work. As many as 15 or more men and boys worked together to get the bales into the barn. Wives and daughters from the various families came along for the day, spending their time cooking a huge noon meal as well as mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks that were brought out to the hay field along with cool, fresh water. What I remember is that after the smorgasbord-type noon meal was eaten and dessert was finished, Uncle Dick and the other adult men moved from Resting on the the kitchen to rest under a large shade seventh day, God tree. They laid down for a nap! Yes, these hard-working men took time every day had more in mind to rest following dinner. It was almost a than a nap at noon! ritual. What was amazing to me is that the noon nap took a half hour or more but the work still got done! Resting on the seventh day, God had more in mind than a nap at noon! The seventh day (Sabbath) God set apart, blessed it, made it holy! He rested from His labor. In the Old Testament, the seventh day, the day of rest, was Saturday. Today, in the New Testament era, the holy day for us Christians is Sunday (the first day of the week). For us, Sunday is a celebration and remembrance of Christ’s resurrection and the new life we have in Him. Our old sinful life has died! God in His grace through His gift of faith in His Son Jesus has given us a new life, a right relationship with Him. As modern farmers with all their high-powered, modern, sophisticated equipment seem to never have time to “rest” until the crop is planted or harvested, so it seems many of the rest of us do not take time to “rest” either. We are always on the go! We have little or no time to rest in the Lord! There is precious little time for Bible reading, daily personal, couple and family devotions, let alone attendance at corporate weekly worship services. The Third Commandment says, “Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.” The explanation in the Small Catechism says, “We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it.” Uncle Dick insisted all the men helping him put his hay crop into his barns would take time for rest. God, in giving us the Third Commandment, exhorts us to take time every week for spiritual rest and renewal. How foolish we are when we permit ourselves to become engaged in so Remember the many activities that there is no time left for spiritual rest through devotions or worship. Sabbath Day by God invites us to come on Sundays to receive keeping it holy. His Divine Service. He wants to bless us with His Holy Spirit to nurture and strengthen our faith in Jesus through hearing His Word and receiving the Sacraments. Jesus invites, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).

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June/July 2013

President’s Prayer List Please join me in prayer this month. Pray for your pastor and his ministry among you and your community. Pray that the Holy Spirit will bless district congregations currently calling full-time workers. Pray that the Holy Spirit works faith in the hearts of the youth of your congregation and community. Pray that the Holy Spirit blesses the Word and Sacrament ministry, the ESL classes and the human care efforts by the missionaries serving in the Missouri District. Pray for God’s protection for the men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces, especially for the ones stationed in places where there is active hostility. Pray for God’s blessings upon the delegates, floor committees and leaders attending the 2013 Synod Convention July 20–25, 2013. Pray that God will bless the upcoming elections at the 2013 Synod Convention. Pray that God will protect the many innocent citizens of Missouri, the United States and the world from terrorists and natural disasters. Pray that God will bless the Lutheran schools of our district and their congregations with new families to enroll children for the upcoming school year. Pray God to bless the National Youth Gathering that will meet in San Antonio, Texas. Pray that God will grant safe travel and spiritual growth for all participants. Pray God to bless the International LWML Convention being held in Pittsburgh, Pa. Pray for your immediate and extended family! Pray God to bless the Lutheran Malaria Initiative! Thank God for blessing the farmers of our district with the ability to plant their crops. Ask Him to bless these crops to maturity and harvest. Thank God for the new pastors and vicars who have been assigned to Missouri District congregations.

Trinity, Jefferson City, Celebrates Baptisms, Confirmations This spring, 11 people were baptized at Trinity, Jefferson City. They had just finished an adult instruction class taught by Trinity’s Associate Pastor, Rev. Sam Powell. Because not all were able to be in church on Easter weekend, they asked if they could be baptized together after their class finished during Holy Week. Those baptized included families of school students, extended family members of current Trinity families, and the spouse of a member who just transferred into the congregation. Just days before, Trinity confirmed 25 young people on Palm Sunday and just a few days later, two children were baptized at the Easter Vigil. This school year, a number of students from Trinity’s school have been baptized, including an exchange student from South Korea.


Distr ict News Second A nnual Easter Egg Hunt for the Hispanic Community

So many things were going on in and around Our Redeemer, Overland, leading up to Easter. One event was the Second Annual Easter celebration, hosted by our Hispanic outreach together with the Hispanic Festival, Inc., which blossomed into a great success! About 150 Hispanic children and adults attended this year; that is three times the number who attended last year! To begin, the children were entertained by volunteers dressed as Dora and Diego, with whom many of the children had their photo taken. While everyone was inside, the eggs were quickly hidden on the lawn outside Our Redeemer Lutheran School. The hunt went quickly with the older children helping the little ones. Back inside the gym, the children played while the adults talked. There was lots of food and more candy to be handed out. At the suggestion of a volunteer and the children, the

candy was tossed like candy from a parade float. One girl said, “Catching the candy was my favorite part!” People ate and visited, getting to know one another better. A DJ played music, which got many of the kids, young and old, up to dance. Several boxes of clothing donated for the rummage sale were left over and offered for free to anyone attending the Easter celebration. Quite a few teenage girls were very happy to take purses and party shoes! Next year, the congregation plans to combine the clothing give away with the Easter celebration and also add other activities like board games, face painting, and a cake walk. All donations of time and goods were greatly appreciated!

Our Savior Lutheran Church’s Mission Fair A Huge Success Guest Preacher Abel Caesar T. Villos Delivers Sermon / Many Church Members Mingle Among Twelve Booths This spring, Pastor Abel Caesar T. Villos spoke at both services to a packed congregational audience at Our Savior, St. Charles, while members mingled among the 12 booths set up by different LCMS groups and the Gideons International between services. One group, Thrivent Builds—Habitat for Humanity, said it received financial donations, while the Malaria Initiative group was happy to report that Our Savior’s VBS program offered to partner with it. Villos, a professor at the Lutheran Seminary in Baguio, Philippines, currently is a masters candidate at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. Pastor Abel, as members of the congregation called him, also presented a PowerPoint message about mission and ministry in the Philippines during the Bible study hour. Several members of the church made comments like, “I really appreciated your message,” and, “I never heard such a good sermon before about sheep and its comparison to us as sheep and Jesus as our Shepherd.” Villos said, “It was a privilege to be able to preach for Our Savior and the warm reception of the congregation certainly made it even more special. I pray that Our Savior will have a greater role in the Church’s joy of carrying out the task of bringing Christ to more people, not just here in the United States, but even to the ends of the world, to bring ‘Our Savior’ to the people who need His life-giving message.” Villos went on to say, “I thank the congregation, together with its pastor, Rev. Dr. Mike Ianelli, for the wonderful opportunity to share my joy of serving in the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, to talk about its struggles and challenges. I hope it gave the congregation the excitement to partner with us for the sake of the Gospel, to bring the good news to the Philippine Islands. The best is yet to come!” Indeed, Pastor Abel’s contribution to Our Savior’s Mission Fair Sunday was an inspiration to all. Between the two services, groups representing Christian Friends of New Americans, Gideons International, Malaria Initiative, LWML, Thrivent Builds, C.O.M.E. with Dr. Loum and the Ministry to the Muslims, Apple of His Eye’s Ministry to Jewish people, Lutheran Senior Services, and others set up booths for people in the congregation to browse and see which group they might wish to join. “The Lutheran Hour,” an arm of the Lutheran Laymen’s League, and Heit’s Point were unable to attend on Mission Sunday, but set up booths between services on another date. At the fair, Dr. Al Buckman with Christian Friends of New Americans had many sign up for its newsletter. Everyone hosting a booth indicated they also enjoyed the opportunity to share with members of Our Savior Lutheran Church, St. Charles, Mo.

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June/July 2013


Distr ict News A Dozen Confirmations

On Palm Sunday, the pastors and members of Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Louis, were blessed to receive 12 confirmands into membership. Of the 12, eight were New Americans from the African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Cameroon. Most of these new arrivals also have been linked to Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) during the past several years through its adopt-a-student scholarship assistance program. Interestingly, the families of most of these new members are themselves either members or frequent participants at Timothy. Their acceptance into membership followed two years of weekly confirmation instruction provided by the pastors at Timothy. It also followed an examination held the Saturday evening before the service; a special event that was heavily attended by family, friends and others from the respective ethnic communities. Rev. Ron Rall, Senior Pastor at Timothy, commented on how well prepared the students were for the examination, with eight or more raising their hands to answer every question asked.

Concordia Theological Seminary Student Assigned to Missouri District

We are pleased to announce the following Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., student was assigned to serve in the Missouri District: Candidate: Jacob A. Mueller to St. John’s Lutheran Church (Stringtown), Lohman, Mo. We will continue to keep Jacob in our prayers as he begins the next part of his journey in service to Christ and His Church.


by Pastor F. E. Eberhart, vacancy pastor, Jesús El Buen Pastor Lutheran Church, Kansas City Jesús El Buen Pastor Lutheran Church is now a separate organization from the Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA). In January we began the process to be a chartered church under Missouri law and in the following weeks set up our own bank account and received an EIN number. God provided us with a wonderful friend and lawyer, William Hubbard, to make that happen. His generous giving of his time was such a blessing. Thanks, Bill. Many people saw LUMA as being just about El Buen Pastor since the two, church and social outreach, were together as Good Shepherd Mission for 43 years before LUMA came into being. We are still associated with LUMA but only in the way that others are associated with LUMA as partners in ministry. For the present we continue to rent space from LUMA for worship. The vacancy pastor and recent members of the congregation continue to do outreach through the Thursday Breakfast Outreach, which coincides with LUMA’s Harvesters Day. We also try to be supportive of LUMA’S Women’s Bible Class and let the two events support each other spiritually. Our own Bible classes at El Buen are taught on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. A new Church Council is encouraging and leading a changing membership to be active in outreach wherever they are. Together, the council, pastor and members are developing personal outreach materials to be used in the many neighborhoods from which our commuting congregation comes. Continue to pray for us and with us: In thanksgiving to God for the many blessings He has given us through our supporters these many years; For our volunteers in our congregation as we develop and teach Sunday school; For our VBS the last week of July; For the stewardship of our people as it is increasing; For the best leaders to work with our congregation and its ministry; For LUMA as we partner together to be in mission for Christ; For your own congregations to be in mission in your own neighborhoods. Thanks be to God!

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June/July 2013

President Ray Mirly, Dalas Mueller, Jacob Mueller


Distr ict News

Holy Trinity, St. Clair, R eceives $5,000 Economic Outreach Bridge Grant

Holy Trinity, St. Clair, Mo., received a $5,000 Lutheran Community Economic Outreach Bridge Grant from the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation. The funding was awarded to Holy Trinity based on its effectiveness in addressing basic needs of the local community with weekend food for students through its backpack program. “Difficult economic conditions and high unemployment rates have caused many Americans to seek support for basic Holding the check is Mark Koch from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation. needs such as food and clothing from local nonprofits,” said Pictured with him is Sandy Meyer and other members of Holy Trinity congregation. Kathy Larson, grants program manager for the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation. “This grant program is designed to help effective organizations maintain their financial stability in the face of increased demand on their resources.” Holy Trinity also participated in a complementary two-to-one challenge grant sponsored by the Foundation. For every dollar that Holy Trinity raised from donors by March 31, the Thrivent Foundation provided an additional 50 cents – up to an additional $5,000 – in support of Holy Trinity’s community ministry. Anyone interested in making a contribution to this ministry can contact the church office at 636-629-3355 or by mail at 1500 S. Outer Road, St. Clair, MO, 63077.

Correction - RSOs

In the April/May edition of The Voice of Missouri, we highlighted several Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs) in Missouri and then provided a list of other RSOs. Unfortunately, the only RSOs listed in that edition were service organizations, and accidentally omitted were education, mission, camps and schools. Here you will find the rest of the RSOs listed:

Education Lutheran High School Association of St. Louis Timothy Hipenbecker, President 5401 Lucas and Hunt Road Suite 103 St. Louis, MO 63121 314-382-6650 thipenbecker@lhsastl.org www.lhsastl.org

Camps Heit’s Point Lutheran Ministries Inc. 28345 Heit’s Point Ave. Lincoln, MO 65338 660-668-2363 info@heitspoint.com www.heitspoint.com

Schools Information is listed in the school sections of the Lutheran Annual.

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Missions Christian Friends of New Americans Allan R. Buckman, Chairman 4019 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63118 314-351-1740 www.cfna-stl.org

Lutheran Deaf Mission Society Dennis Konkel, Executive Director 9907 Sappington Road St. Louis, MO 63128 989-400-9404 dennis.konkel@idwlcms.org

Family Shield Ministries Inc. Kay L. Meyer, President PO Box 230015 St. Louis, MO 63123 314-772-6070 fsmkmeyer@yahoo.com www.familyshieldministries.com

Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism Inc. Kevin Parviz, Executive Director 6327 Clayton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63139 314-645-4456 www.lije.org

Lutheran Blind Mission 9700 Mackenzie Road Ste. 225 St. Louis, MO 63123 314-544-3100 blind.mission@blindmission.org www.blindmission.org

The Apple of His Eye Mission Society Steve M. Cohen, Founder PO Box 6977 St. Louis, MO 63123-6977 636-326-4040 steve.cohen@appleofhiseye.org www.appleofhiseye.org

Lutheran Campus Mission Assoc. Kent Pierce, Chair Campus Lutheran 304 S. College Ave. Columbia, MO 65201 www.lcmscampusministry.org

Footprints Christian School Counseling Henry Raedeke, Executive Director 2486 Annapolis Way St. Charles, MO 63303-2905 636-219-2378 h.raedeke@sbcglobal.net

June/July 2013


Com mun icat ions Who A re We?

The Missouri District consists of 299 congregations. The Vision: Congregations of the Missouri District—LCMS partnering as one church, united in doctrine, ready, equipped and acting to fulfill the Great Commission in their unique setting with their unique people. The Mission: The Missouri District—LCMS is to serve and encourage congregations to fulfill the Great Commission and promote unity of the true faith.

World R elief Quilts Faith, Warsaw, dedicated 21 Lutheran World Relief mission quilts. With materials donated by members and friends of Faith, the “Monday LWR Quilt Workshop” went into operation last January. Quilters plan to resume their work this fall. The quilts will be delivered to the LWR warehouse in South St. Paul, Minn., for distribution.

eNJoy iNCoMe aND tax BeNefitS toDay, proviDe for faMiLy aND MiNiStry toMorroW Since 1969, Americans have used Charitable Remainder Unitrusts to benefit themselves, their families and, ultimately, charity. Simply put, you Kirk Mueller transfer assets into a unitrust created with the LCMS Foundation, and the unitrust makes payments to you. This transfer often allows you to increase your income and enjoy tax advantages. When the trust terminates, the remainder of its value is distributed to your designated ministries. This information is provided to help you create a Lifetime Plan for GivingTM that provides for the people you love and ministries you care about. Kirk Mueller, 11645 Benham Road, St. Louis, MO 63136-6112 314-704-4389 E-mail: Kirk.Mueller@lcms.org

The Voice of Missouri A bimonthly publication produced under the guidelines of the Board of Directors of The Missouri District—LCMS, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 E ditor : Jennifer K rupp Editor’s email: movoice@mo.lcms.org President’s email: ray.mirly@mo.lcms.org District website: http://mo.lcms.org

Submissions: When submitting an article to The Voice, emails sent to movoice@mo.lcms.org are strongly preferred. Please furnish sharply focused original photographs. JPEGs, GIFs or TIFFs may be emailed at 300 dpi at 5x3.5” size. Submission deadline: First day of month preceding publication. Upcoming deadlines and themes:

Address changes: Send them to or call them into your church office or use the form on this page. Advertising policy: It is the policy of The Voice of Missouri to accept advertising only from entities of, or affiliated with, the LCMS. Advertising must pertain to ministry-specific services. Scripture: All Scripture in The Voice of Missouri is from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise noted.

July 1

Aug/Sept District Services to Congregations How has the district been able to serve you?

Sept. 1

Oct/Nov Reformation - How does your congregation, school, organization, etc observe the Reformation? ** denotes online only issue Photos will not be returned. Identify all photo subjects (left to right, front to back); what they are doing; name and date of event depicted; why subject is there; include suggested caption. Please do not write on the back of a photo—write on a label and then affix it to back of photo. Get permission from the people in your picture(s) before submitting. Submission of pictures implies approval.

Missouri District Staff Assistant to the President – Family Life and Youth Ministry/Congregational Health Rev. Gene Wyssmann 417-766-2183 gawyssmann@hotmail.com

President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly 314-590-6200 Ray.Mirly@mo.lcms.org Assistant to the President – Missions/Congregational Services Rev. Dr. Stuart W. Brassie 314-590-6205 Stuart.Brassie@mo.lcms.org

Financial Specialist Ruth Ann Grebe 314-590-6213 RuthAnn.Grebe@mo.lcms.org

Assistant to the President – School Ministry Dennis Gehrke 314-590-6209 Dennis.Gehrke@mo.lcms.org Vice President – Lutheran Church Extension Fund Dennis A. Klussman 314-590-6207 Dennis.Klussman@lcef.org

Publications Specialist/Voice Editor Jennifer Krupp 314-590-6219 Jennifer.Krupp@mo.lcms.org movoice@mo.lcms.org Education Specialist Martha Schellin 314-590-6215 Martha.Schellin@mo.lcms.org Pastoral Support Specialist Donna Seipp 314-590-6206 Donna.Seipp@mo.lcms.org

Assistant to the President – Financial Planning and Control Peter Krege 314-590-6200 Peter.Krege@mo.lcms.org

Office and Human Resources Manager Karen Siegel 314-590-6210 Karen.Siegel@mo.lcms.org

St. Louis Social Service Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Rev. Matthew Schultz 314-590-6211 Matthew.Schultz@mo.lcms.org

Events Specialist Sue Thompson 314-590-6217 Sue.Thompson@mo.lcms.org

New Subscription/Change of Address Form The Voice of Missouri is provided free of charge to all Missouri District–LCMS congregation member households. Check with your church office to have your address added or changed. If you are not a Missouri District congregation member and wish to receive a copy, forward the completed form below to:

The Missouri District–LCMS, Attn.: VOICE Subscriptions, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 or send the same information by email to movoice@mo.lcms.org Please use this form for a change of address as well as a new subscription.  Please send a new subscription.  Please remove my name from your subscription list. Subscribe to receive  Please change my address to the one listed below.  The Voice electronically at mo.lcms.org (I have also provided my old address.) Name Church Name and City Current Address City



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June/July 2013






Distr ict News

Special thanks to those serving at the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as delegates of the Missouri District. Voting Lay Delegate Mr. Steven Alexander – De Soto, Grace Mr. Mike Becker – Glendale, Glendale Mr. Aaron Brandt – Knob Noster, Faith Mr. Erik Burgdorf – St. Charles, Immanuel Mr. Jeff Craig-Meyer – St. Louis, Trinity Mr. Dallas Dieckman – Cole Camp, Mount Hulda Mr. Dave Drewes – Bellefontaine Neighbors, Grace Chapel Mr. Robert Hecht – Altenburg, Immanuel Mr. Ronald Hinchman – St. Robert, Faith Ms. Vicki Howell – Scott City, Eisleben Mr. Mark Koch – New Haven, Bethlehem Mr. Robert Kurth – Alma, Trinity Mr. David Lininger – Bolivar, Zion Mr. Phillip Mahsman – Louisiana, Trinity Mr. John Marquardt – Rockville, Zion Mr. Peter McDonnell – Affton, Salem Mr. Matthew Palisch – Jackson, St. Paul Mr. Don Pappert – Platte City, Our Savior Mr. Stanley Proctor – Chesterfield, King of Kings Mr. Dennis Saugstad – Farley, St. John’s Mr. Robert Scheu – Arnold, Good Shepherd Mr. Herb Schnitker – Wellsville, Grace Mr. Kurt Swanson – Blue Springs, Pointe of Hope Mr. David Thomas – Columbia, Alive in Christ Mr. Ron Watts – Maryland Heights, Zion Mr. Jim Weber – Jefferson City, Faith Mr. Jim Wiegel – Chillicothe, St. John Ms. Lisa Williams – Kansas City, Immanuel


Voting Pastor Rev. David Boisclair – Velda City, Faith / Pine Lawn, Bethesda Rev. Ryan Buchmueller – Freistatt, Trinity Rev. Keith Clow – Wellsville, Trinity Rev. Doug Gaunt – St. Charles, Trinity Rev. James Gier – Excelsior Springs, Mount Calvary Rev. Kevin Golden – Ladue, Village Rev. Glen Gutz – Salisbury, Immanuel Rev. David Kettner – Salem, Salem & Houston, Holy Cross Rev. James King – Farmington, St. Paul Rev. Brian Lemcke – Mound City, Concordia Rev. David Lukefahr – Kirksville, Faith Rev. Matthew Marks – Perryville, Immanuel Rev. William Marler – Springfield, Trinity Rev. Mark Martin – Cape Girardeau, St. Andrew Rev. Timothy Miille – Blackburn, Zion Rev. J. Patrick Niles – Concordia, St. Paul’s Rev. Scott Patschke – Independence, Messiah Rev. Ryan Peterson – Ellisville, St. John Rev. Leonard Poppe – Lincoln, Zion Rev. Samuel Powell – Jefferson City, Trinity Rev. Matthew Priem – Raymore, Bethlehem Rev. Ronald Rall – St. Louis, Timothy Rev. Matthew Roeglin – Florissant, Blessed Savior Rev. Gary Schulte – Hillsboro, Zion Rev. William Simmons – St. Louis, Christ Memorial Rev. Brian Thieme – Columbia, Trinity Rev. Alan Wollenburg – Sikeston, Concordia Rev. William Zastrow – Leslie, Ebenezer

Commisioned Minister of Religion – Advisory Mr. John Bobzin – Concordia, SPLHS Mr. David Buchholz – Platte Woods, Christ Mr. Richard Cohrs – St. Louis, Lutheran Hour Ministries Ms. Janyce Duesenberg – Kirkwood, Concordia Mr. John Engelbrecht – Jefferson City, Calvary LHS Mr. Michael Flandermeyer – St. Peters, LHS of St. Charles Co. Mrs. Lorraine Flenner – Concordia, St. Paul’s Mr. David Frank – Blue Springs, Timothy Mr. John Frank – Sunset Hills, Resurrection Dr. Ralph Geisler – Kirkwood, Concordia Mrs. Carole Kleiboeker – Freistatt, Trinity Mrs. Ruth McDonnell – St. Louis, Concordia Seminary Ms. Denise Rice – Des Peres, St. Paul Mr. Richard Schneider – Kansas City, Martin Luther Academy Board of Directors Mr. Paul Snyder – St. Louis, Concordia Plans Vice President Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan – Concordia, St. Paul’s Staff Mr. Dennis Gehrke – St. Louis, Missouri District

The Missouri District Lutheran Laymen’s League

Faithful Christians to do the LORD’s Work God has a job for each of us to do. Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) needs local congregation Ambassadors. The LHM Ambassador Program is a partnership between LHM and congregations where LHM helps the congregation in its various outreach and ministry opportunities. Do you fit this calling? Through the power of the Holy Spirit, LHM shares the Gospel message. Can you work side-by-side with LHM to cultivate a relationship with your congregation, thus helping grow the Kingdom of God? Do you meet these LHM Ambassador characteristics? 1. Being passionate about outreach and the ministries of your congregation. 2. Self-starter who is motivated and dedicated to the work of the Lord. 3. Possess strong communication skills to share LHM programs. 4. Access to email and internet so LHM can easily communicate with you on new ideas, programs, tips, etc. What do LHM Ambassadors do? 1. Create awareness for LHM programs within the congregation. Share up-to-date information on new outreach programs and ministry opportunities through bulletins, newsletters, bulletin boards, displays and handouts. 2. Encourage your congregation to participate in the work of LHM’s ministry through volunteering, giving and prayer. 3. Thank donors who support LHM’s ministries and remind them of how their donations help LHM reach hundreds of thousands of people with God’s Word every year! LHM provides: 1. Information about current LHM programs so you can help your congregation take advantage of LHM outreach resources.


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Ordained Advisory Rev. David Dissen – Gordonville, Zion Rev. Frank Greene – Kansas City, King of Kings Rev. Vern Gundermann – Kirkwood, Concordia Rev. Martin Hoyer – California, St. Paul’s

for the

M issour i D istr ict LLL:

2. Necessary materials to create interest in LHM programs within your congregation. 3. Training online through web-based LHM training sessions and downloadable training material. LHM needs your help to work side-by-side and partner with your congregation in mission. Together we can open a world of outreach opportunities to congregations and help people come to know the love of Jesus! Will you step up to the plate and volunteer to be an LHM Ambassador for Christ? To sign up as your congregation’s LHM Ambassador or if you have questions, please contact Brian Mitchell, Missouri District LLL Ambassador Coordinator, at mkbmitch306@sbcglobal.net or 816-525-6016. Jim Harms, Missouri District LLL President

R egional Outreach Conferences Regional Outreach Conferences (ROC) encourage and equip God’s people to be mission-minded witnesses for Jesus Christ. Consider attending a Lutheran Hour Ministries Regional Outreach Conference (ROC) Sept. 6-7 in Nashville, Tenn., or Oct. 18-19 in Omaha, Neb. These lively conferences feature leading speakers on ministry, instructive break-out sessions, takeaway resources to use at home, and inspiring worship, all designed to empower attendees to share their faith in word and deed. Enjoy fellowship with other Christians? ROCs are led by well-known specialists in their ministry fields and are well worth the time and energy for people of all ages whether you’re a pastor or a layperson.

Student Assistance Grants Available Grants are available for students attending a synodical school to pursue a churchrelated vocation. Application forms are available at the district website. The deadline for submission is July 1. Questions or comments? Contact: jack1422@mchsi.com


June/July 2013


Educat iona l Ser v ices Lutheran North A nnounces New Athletic Director

OASIS Tutoring Expands to Cape Girardeau

Lutheran High School North, St. Louis, is pleased to announce Jonathan Mueller as its new athletic director. Mueller replaces Mike Russell, who is retiring after 41 years of dedication and service to Lutheran North. Mueller is a 2003 graduate of Lutheran North, where he played football, basketball, and baseball. He earned a B.S. degree in secondary education, with emphases in business and physical education from Concordia University in Seward, Neb., in 2007. After teaching at Seward High School and Lutheran High School in New Orleans, Mueller joined the staff at Lutheran North in 2011. Besides teaching business classes, he is currently Varsity Football Offensive Coordinator, Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach, and Business Department Chair. He and his wife, Jamie, have a 1-year-old son. Lutheran North Principal Tim Brackman stated, “Jon is a Christ-centered servant who has spent much of his life in and around Lutheran North. He has already demonstrated both the aptitude and the desire to be very successful as our next athletic director. We are blessed to have him!” Current AD Mike Russell is pleased with the choice. “Jon is highly qualified to run Lutheran North’s athletic program. He loves sports, is very energetic, very bright, tech savvy, and knows what it takes to field successful sports teams. Jon grew up around Lutheran North, attended Lutheran North and a Lutheran university. He has a clear understanding of our school and our mission to prepare young men and women for further Jonathan Mueller, Lutheran High education and Christian service.” Mueller believes that athletics can play a great role North’s new athletic director. in the overall development and maturation of young people. “From personal experience, I know that many of the life lessons I learned and many of the traits and habits necessary for success, I developed on the athletic field under the watch of my coaches in high school. I am excited to have the opportunity to help aid in this development in our student athletes and carry on the rich tradition of Crusader athletics.” Mueller will be only the third AD in Lutheran North history (est. 1964), following Wayne Vogelsmeier and Mike Russell. It is hoped that his tenure is as long and as successful as that of his predecessors. Lutheran High School North is a diverse educational community whose unity is in Jesus Christ. It exists to nurture young Christians for further education and Christian service. The campus is located at 5401 Lucas & Hunt Road. For more information on the school’s mission and programs, go to www.lhsn.org.

Lutheran Family and Children’s Services continues to support the OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring Program in Lutheran grade schools in St. Louis and the surrounding areas. Our program has been expanded to include four schools in the Cape Girardeau area, bringing the total number of participating schools to 22. We also hope to add additional schools for the 2013-14 school year. Within elementary schools, OASIS pairs older adults with young children who have underdeveloped reading and language skills. These caring adults work one-on-one with students for about an hour each week as their tutors, mentors and friends. During this past school year, about 125 tutors worked with more than 130 students in kindergarten through fourth grade to build their reading and language skills. Chloe, a third grade student at Abiding Savior, St. This spring, some of our tutors were recognized Louis, is holding a bookmark she made during a session. It says, “Reading gives us a place by OASIS for five years of service, while others tutoring to go when we have to stay where we are.” With were honored for 10 and 15 years of service. We her tutor’s help, Chloe has gained confidence, give praise to God for the valuable time and improved reading abilities and was able to sign her experience that all our tutors give to our schools bookmark, “Love OASIS.” to help them meet the needs of their students. If you would like to share your knowledge and experience to enrich the life of a student, please consider participating in our fall tutor training classes. You will learn activities, techniques and strategies that complement and support the reading programs used in our schools today. You will also receive ongoing training through newsletters and continuing education meetings that will help build your teaching self-esteem. A two-day training class will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 28, and Thursday, Aug. 29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Church, 505 S. Kirkwood Road, Kirkwood, MO 63122. A one-day training class will be held on Thursday, Sept. 5, beginning at 9 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran School, 55 N. Pacific, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Completing a training class will allow you to volunteer at one of our schools beginning in October and tutor until the end of the school year. For more information and to register for a class, please contact Luanne Beumer at 314842-4826 or at blbeumer@gmail.com.

United in Christ Lutheran School Installs New Teachers

The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens in Webster Groves happily celebrated with Mrs. Janet Heller as she marked her 20th year teaching its Parents and 2’s Sunday school class. Heller has been a blessing to hundreds of little ones and their parents as they pass through her class, the first in Webster Gardens’ “Kingdom Quest” Sunday school curriculum.

United in Christ Lutheran School (UCLS) in Frohna, Mo., an association school whose members include Concordia in Frohna, Salem in Farrar and Trinity in Altenburg, called two teachers who are on the faculty but recently completed their colloquy program through Concordia University in Chicago. Both teachers were installed and commissioned in their home churches this spring: Nelda Koeberl at Trinity, Altenburg, by Rev. Steven Dressler and Debbie Lichtenegger at Concordia, Frohna, by Rev. Rod Benkendorf. A reception was held in their honor at the UCLS gym following their installations. Koeberl teaches kindergarten and Lichtenegger teaches fifth and sixth grades. UCLS is completing its second year as an association school and is currently enrolling students from preschool through eighth grade. During the 2012-13 school year, its enrollment reached 114 students with seven faculty members, six of whom are called, and eight part-time staff members. From left: Rev. Steven Dressler, Nelda Koeberl, Debbie Lichtenegger and Rev. Rod Enrollment and part-time staff numbers are expected to increase for the 2013-14 school year. Benkendorf.

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June/July 2013

Celebrating 20 Years of Smiles and Hugs


Educationa l Ser v ices Salem Lutheran Teacher R eceives Special Education Award

New award recognizes teachers who go “above and beyond” to help students with disabilities Kathy Brown, a fourth-grade teacher at Salem Lutheran School, Affton, has received the first-ever Jeremiah Award from the St. Louis-based Lutheran Association for Special Education (LASE). The new award honors general education teachers who go “above and beyond” their teaching duties to meet the unique education needs of students in their classroom, especially students with disabilities. Lori Christiansen, LASE’s executive director, presented the award to Brown during a special ceremony attended by Salem’s students and staff. Christiansen praised Brown for achieving excellence in inspiring students to become lifelong learners, for her collaborative efforts with LASE special education teachers, and for giving her students “hope and a future.” Salem Lutheran School is located at 5025 Lakewood Ave., Affton. For more information, contact Rob Kellar, principal, at 314-353-9242, or visit www.slcas. org. LASE partners with Lutheran schools in the St. Louis area to meet the educational needs of children with disabilities and special needs. For more information, contact Lori Christiansen, executive director, at 314-268-1234, or visit www.lutheranspecialed.org.

Christ Community Lutheran School R aises Funds for Ugandan School Clinic

The students and staff of Christ Community Lutheran School raised funds to support their sister school in Kawete, Uganda, a Lutheran school educating 425 students which was built with funds raised in large part by the Christ Community Lutheran School, St. Louis, community in 2009 and 2010. Students and staff supported “Casual for a Clinic” day by dressing down and bringing a donation for the cause. Christ Community Lutheran School-Uganda is completing a 55-bed dormitory and medical clinic to further serve the needs of the school community. Students and staff participated in the fundraiser by dressing down and bringing a donation of at least $1. The school raised nearly $1,000 through this effort alone. Christ Community Lutheran School, St. Louis, plans to send a check for nearly $20,000 to its sister school early this summer. Every dollar is donated by family, friends and staff of Christ Community Lutheran School, St. Louis. The goal of the ongoing project is to work in service for the survival of God’s children who have the least, bringing to them human resources and Christian education for a better tomorrow. For more information, contact Rob Cooksey at rcooksey@ccls-stlouis.org or call 314-822-7774.

Salem Lutheran teacher Kathy Brown celebrates with her students after receiving the first annual “Jeremiah Award” from the Lutheran Association for Special Education.

Gerald and Vera R app receive Sower Award from Concordia University, Nebraska

Concordia University, Nebraska presented Gerald and Vera Rapp of St. Louis, Mo., with the Sower Award at Concordia University’s annual Donor Day celebration on March 23. The Sower Award is awarded “for prolonged and significant service or giving to Concordia University, Nebraska” and is recognized as Concordia’s premier philanthropic award. “God calls His people to be joyful givers,” said Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, president of Concordia University, Nebraska. “For decades Gerald and Vera Rapp have given generously of their time, talent and treasure to support the mission of Concordia University, Nebraska. Whether for scholarships, capital projects or endowment Gerry and Vera give joyfully, faithfully and regularly so that God’s work is done.” Gerald graduated from Concordia High School in 1953 and from Concordia Teachers College, Seward, Neb., in 1957. The Rapps established an endowment at Concordia that provides scholarships each year for students. In addition, Gerald and Vera have served for nearly six years on the Concordia University, Nebraska Alumni Council. “Their giving is a personal inspiration to me and a great blessing to our students,” said Friedrich. “We thank God for the Rapps and celebrate the wonderful ways in which God has blessed them to be a blessing to others.” Concordia University, Nebraska, founded in 1894, is a member institution of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Concordia University System and is located in Seward, Neb. Concordia currently serves over 2,100 students and offers more than 50 professional and liberal arts programs in an excellent academic and Christcentered community that equips men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership in the church and world. For more information, visit cune.edu.

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June/July 2013

Gerald and Vera Rapp of St. Louis, Mo., received the Sower Award, Concordia University, Nebraska’s premier philanthropic award, at Concordia’s annual Donor Day celebration on March 23. Pictured from left: Janice Koopman, director of alumni, university & church relations, Concordia University, Neb.; Gerald and Vera Rapp; and Rev. Dr. Brian L. Friedrich, president, Concordia University, Neb.


Fa m i ly Li fe a nd Yout h A Baking Dozen!

Twelve (or so) members of the St. Paul, Des Peres, Senior High Youth Group cranked up the heat in the church kitchen. The tasty results of their labors — oodles of chocolate chip, gooey butter, and iced sugar cookies — didn’t stick around long! By the end of the 11 a.m. service the following morning, only a few crumbs remained. Praise the Lord! Proceeds from the bake sale will support a two-fold cause. Half will help send St. Paul’s youth to the National Youth Gathering this summer in San Antonio, Texas, and half will do the same for a youth from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Joplin, Mo. Torn between a meaningful, yet costly, trip and a community still reeling from a devastating May 2011 tornado, Immanuel put out a nationwide plea for churches willing to help pay its youth group’s way to San Antonio. St. Paul’s is one of many that answered the call, freeing the Immanuel youth to focus on giving back to their local community. The St. Paul’s youth would like to thank members of the congregation for all their baked goods donations, for stopping by to satisfy their sweet tooth and for their continued prayers as preparations for the gathering continue! Cookie sales were used to raise funds for the National Youth Gathering.

St. Louis area DCEs at their monthly gathering.

N a t i o n a l Yo u t h G at h e r i ng Updat e

This summer we will enjoy “Live Loved” – the 2013 LCMS National Youth Gathering in San Antonio. Once again, our district has made available a T-shirt designed exclusively for the Missouri District! The prices are $14-$16, and can be personalized with your church name and city for an additional $2 per shirt. Order here. The district event is Monday, July 1, at Sea World! The cost is $40 per person, which includes all-day access to Sea World and a private picnic lunch at Ports of Call covered pavilions. Order tickets here.



Front of T-shirt

Updates will be posted on the district web site.





Back of T-shirt

Kirkwood Circuit Churches Youth Ministry

The youth in the Kirkwood Circuit churches are blessed to come together several times each year for joint events for both high school and middle school students. Six years ago, plans began for focused efforts for ministry events among the nine churches. Since that time, the youth have come together for a variety of events including laser tag, lock-ins, ice skating, SkyZone, service and Christian Underground. These circuit events are planned by a variety of DCEs and pastors in the circuit and provide opportunities for all youth to connect across the congregations. This year, the high school youth served together packaging food for “Kids Against Hunger.” Rev. Rudy and Dorothy Schaser led the packaging event that included teens from Glendale, Glendale; St. Paul, Des Peres; Concordia, Kirkwood; and Mount Calvary, Brentwood.

Youth from across the Kirkwood circuit packaging food for “Kids Against Hunger.”

All the teens and adults with all the boxes of food that were packed. There are 36 bags in each box … and each bag serves six.

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June/July 2013


Leadersh ip Tra in ing

Peacemaking in Our Parishes

Contributed by Rick Marrs, Concordia Seminary I like to ask Christians (pastors, seminarians and laypeople) what is in Matthew 18. Most biblically knowledgeable Christians respond: “That is the chapter about what we are supposed to do if our neighbor sins against us. Jesus teaches us to follow the three-step process of going to them individually, then with one or two others and then, if they still won’t listen and confess their sin, to tell it to the church.” We American Christians are often quite good at remembering these three steps of admonition. But then I follow up with the question, “What else is in Matthew 18?” People are normally stumped. We remember the three steps, but not the rest. And the rest of Matthew 18, the context of the three steps (which are actually only three verses in a 35-verse chapter) is incredibly important. The rest of the chapter includes Jesus teaching about humility (“whoever humbles himself like this child”), the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the authority of the church to bind and loose sins. The chapter ends with Jesus’ emphasis on horizontal forgiveness between Christians, as he teaches Peter to forgive “seventy- seven times” and then blesses us with the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. In that parable, the first servant owes his master 10,000 talents (probably of gold). This was a HUGE amount. When the Queen of Sheba presented her exorbitant gift to King Solomon (1 Kings 10:10), it was only 120 talents of gold. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs notes in the Concordia Commentary on Matthew that it would take the first servant at least 1,000 years to pay off such a debt. Yet his gracious master forgives the debt entirely. Then the first servant comes across a fellow servant who owes him money — 100 denarii — about three months’ wages (perhaps equivalent to $10,000 for us today). This is a significant amount of money, yet it pales in comparison to what the first servant owed, like comparing billions to thousands. When we Christians find ourselves in conflict with others, it is often over something significant. In church it may be whether or not to continue funding a particular ministry as stewardship revenues decline, a harsh snub by someone in another family or a business deal that has gone sour with a fellow member. Yet we are called by our Lord Jesus to love everyone, even those we are in conflict with. Even if someone has sinned against us in some significant way, their sin still pales in comparison to what our Lord Jesus has forgiven us. When we realize the scope of what Jesus has done to forgive us for “billions” and to vertically reconcile us to His Father, then it should always be possible for us to forgive our fellow humans horizontally for “thousands.” We can use sincere, explicit, Gospel-focused language to seek reconciliation (e.g., “I’m sorry that I said what I did. Would you please forgive me?”). May our Lord grant us the grace to show His forgiveness through our forgiveness of others. LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission supports and encourages rural and small town congregations in engaging their communities and growing together in Christ through Word and Sacrament. If you have a good idea for outreach or a story you’d like to share with us so that we can share it with others, please contact us at amy.gerdts@lcms.org. Learn more about us at www.lcms.org/rstm or by calling Amy at 888-463-5127.

LESA Honors David Binder, R aises $131,000 for Lutheran Elementary Schools The St. Louis-based Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) honored founding board member David Binder and raised more than $131,000 for Lutheran elementary schools during its ninth annual “A Night for Kids” dinner-auction, held Friday, April 12, in south St. Louis County. Donations to the event were matched dollar-for-dollar by the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. The Clara & Spencer Werner Fund of the Lutheran Legacy Foundation also matched 20 percent of the gross proceeds, bringing the event’s total to $309,000. David Binder, who has served on the boards of the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis and Lutheran Altenheim, was recognized for his dedication and service to Lutheran elementary education. Since 2004, LESA has awarded 8,739 scholarships totaling nearly $6 million to children of all faiths in the St. Louis area. More than 7,000 students attend LESA member schools in the St. Louis metro LESA honoree David Binder with his family. area.

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June/July 2013

Send Me St. Louis Training and Events

For more information about Send Me St. Louis’ services, training opportunities, or volunteer management resources, visit its website at www.SendMeStLouis.org or contact Hannah Shanks by phone at 314-678-0015 ext. 3, or email at Hannah@sendmestlouis.org. Equipping Everyday Servants June 4, 8:30 - 11 a.m. Concordia Seminary Cost: $15/person, $10/person for groups of three or more. Light breakfast and materials included. Churches are full of leaders! Den parents, carpool coordinators, and party planners are in the pews every Sunday, but many do not know how to connect their faith life with their everyday service. Join us to learn how to mobilize your congregants for discipleship in the places they already serve! We will discuss easy, low/no-cost ways to identify, train and recognize the people in your congregation who are out serving your community, regardless of where that service takes place. Learn effective tools for communication and conversation starters to pass on to your congregants that will help them turn their everyday service into opportunities to build relationships in your community and in your church! http://sendmestlouis.org/content/events.php

United Way Volunteer Center Training This comprehensive, four-session series is appropriate for new staff and seasoned professionals. Gain better insight your organization’s volunteers more effectively. Sessions are in May, July and August in a variety of locations throughLouis metro area. Sessions include:

into using available out the St.

• Understanding volunteers and planning a volunteer program • Recruiting and placing volunteers • Orienting, training, supervising & recognizing volunteers and • Evaluating volunteer programs https://www.stl.unitedway.org/Portals/0/uploadedfiles/VMTS%20 Visit Flier%201.2013%20-%20Update2.pdf to download the series brochure and registration.

Coaching Services LCMS congregations are eligible to receive free coaching services from Send Me St. Louis to support their efforts to create or strengthen their volunteer management practices or social service outreach ministry efforts. Coaching can focus on the following areas: • Determining a congregation’s assets • Identifying potential outreach ministries • Developing an outreach ministry • Evaluating/strengthening an existing outreach ministry • Developing or strengthening volunteer management system • Encouraging congregants’ growth in their faith life as they volunteer • Offering volunteers opportunities for growth/skill building, recognition, and faith reflection • Moving from a “have to” serve to a “get to” serve church culture


Concord ia Sem ina r y, St. Lou is

Concordia Seminary celebrates Call Day 2013

Pastors Called to the Missouri District Anderson, Luke: St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Lee’s Summit Elfe, Chad: New Beginnings Lutheran Church, Pacific Engle, Tristan: Trinity Lutheran Church, Park Hills Kohn, Elden: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Macon Larson, Mark: Holy Cross Lutheran Church for the Deaf, St. Louis Walker, Andrew: St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, La Grange Deaconess Called to the Missouri District White, Sylvia: Messiah Lutheran Church, St. Louis

Vicars A ssigned to the Missouri District Cox, James: Zion Lutheran Church, Valley Park Dehne, John: St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Cape Girardeau Grebing, Barrett: Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, St. Louis Krueger, Kenneth: Concordia Lutheran Church/LFCS, St. Louis Kurka, Gerald: St. Paul Lutheran Church, Stover Letsche, Jason: Our Savior Lutheran Church, St. Charles Longman, Eric: Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Charles Nickel, Jeffrey: Resurrection Lutheran Church, St. Louis Palmer, Joshua: Salem Lutheran Church, Affton Riley, Benjamin: LCMS Office of International Missions, Hong Kong, Asia Pacific

Rolf, David: Blessed Savior Lutheran Church, Florissant Schlund, Thomas: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Concordia Schweigert, Jon-Michael: Lutheran Senior Services CPE, Webster Groves Steinbrenner, Adam: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Washington Wagner, Jacob: St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Liberty Missouri Calls: Front row, from left: Sylvia White, Debbie Larson, Audrey Walker, Sarah Anderson, Molly Kohn, Jenna Elfe, Debbie Mirly; back row: Tristan Engle, Mark Larson, Andrew Walker, Luke Anderson, Elden Kohn, Chad Elfe, Dr. Ray Mirly.

Missouri Vicars: Front row, from left: Jill Dehne, Chrysta Grebing, Margie Kurka, Melissa Schweigert, Rachael Steinbrenner, Rachel Nickel, Lindsay Letsche, Debbie Mirly, Carole Cox; middle row: John Dehne, Barrett Grebing, Gerald Kurka, Jon-Michael Schweigert, Adam Steinbrenner, Amy Krueger, Jason Letsche, Dr. Ray Mirly, James Cox; back row: David Rolf, Donna Longman, Eric Longman, Thomas Schlund, Jeffrey Nickel, Kenneth Krueger, Jacob Wagner.

Next Steps to be held in July

Next Steps is an admissions event geared toward prospective students and their families. This two-day event on July 12-13, will provide an opportunity to connect with the Concordia Seminary community. From visiting the campus to experiencing life with seminary families, we hope you will find answers to your most nagging questions. During the relocation orientation on Friday afternoon, you will learn a lot of useful information about housing, moving companies, how to find employment, healthcare and childcare information, schools, and much more. Children will have supervised recreation time during the informational sessions. The panel discussion will feature current seminary families, answering your questions with honest answers,

Carillon Concerts will be presented on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Seminary quad on the following dates: June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 Page 12

since they have been in your position! On Friday night, you are invited to attend an informal BBQ in the Woods (the nickname for married student on-campus housing). BBQs in the Woods are held every Friday night from spring through fall, and that’s just one example of the many activities geared toward seminary families. Saturday will include fun events for your whole family. A farewell picnic in Forest Park will conclude the formal events. There is no registration fee. Housing and meals during the event will be provided by Concordia Seminary. Participants are responsible for their own transportation. Registration deadline is June 21. For more information, contact the admissions office at 314-505-7227 or email admissions@csl.edu.

Faith and Writing Workshop on July 23-25

A workshop called “Faith and Writing” will take place July 23-25 on Concordia Seminary’s campus. This workshop explores and experiments with all kinds of creative writing — from starting a blog, to creating a sermon or devotion, to all the forms of “traditional” creative writing (story, nonfiction, drama, poetry) … to everything in between. Attention will be given to social media and new forms of expression, as well as ample time for workshops and creative exercises. The primary focus will be on what it means to create and communicate as a person of faith. What makes for effective communication? How do we cultivate creativity in our lives? What role does faith play in the creative process? Participants

June/July 2013

are encouraged (but not required) to bring their own work, as well as favorite works by others. The workshop will be led by Rev. Travis Scholl, managing editor of Concordia Journal, and Peter Mead, Christian editor, publisher, and writer. It begins at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 23 and ends at 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 25. The cost is $150 per person with a maximum of 15 participants. All meals are on your own. On-campus housing is available ($25 per person shared room; $40 per married couple or non-shared room). The registration deadline is July 9. To register, call continuing education at 314-505-7286 or email ce@csl.edu.



theran Women’s Missionary League

President’s Penning Two Very Small Copper Coins The Bible story of the widow’s offering found in Karen Drury Luke 21 is familiar to the women of the LWML. A few simple verses recount the story of Jesus observing the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury and He also sees a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. Jesus says, “This poor widow has put in more than all of the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on.” I find this story very interesting on a few points. The widow’s mite has become the basis on which the LWML has collected the mites offerings of women in the Lutheran church for more than 75 years. These mites have been used to spread the Gospel message throughout the world. But a key point of the story is the widow giving all that she had to live on. How many of us during difficult financial times would be willing to give that much? Isn’t it easier to give when the gift doesn’t require a sacrifice? The story tells of Jesus observing the hearts of the givers and their willingness to give. The truth is that God doesn’t need our money, but what He desires is our willingness to give and to serve. Once we are willing, we are able to step out in action. The LWML reflects our “willingness” as an organization through the league pledge, whereby we “pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us.” The women demonstrate their willingness to use their treasures by financially supporting the national and district mission grants. And most importantly, “We consecrate to our Savior … our will to do His will … to the great task of bringing the lost and the erring into eternal fellowship with Him.”

Convention Time

Summer is convention time for the LWML: June 27-30 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Having attended LWML conventions in the past, I would like share my experiences. For me the convention starts with the opening communion service. The worship service for this convention has been prepared by Dr. Dien Taylor, first vice president of the Atlantic District. Being in a setting with several thousand Lutheran women singing songs of praise, hearing an inspiring message and receiving the body and blood of our risen Lord is truly awe-inspiring. Feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit while greeting one another indicates more good things to come. The Bible studies interspersed throughout the event are uplifting and thought-provoking. The leader in Pittsburgh, Donna Pyle, founder of Artesian Ministries, has partnered with the LWML on the DVD-based Bible study, Your Strong Suit. Being in the Word colors reactions to standing in line for meals, elevators or even at the airport. These times have turned into opportunities to meet women from other parts of our country. The theme for this convention is “Quenched by the Water,” John 4:14. The Bible studies will reflect just how true this is in our lives. There are always several presenters who may be grant recipients. It is exciting to see and hear how the MITES of LWML have been used and helped others learn the Good News of Jesus. It brings home how our individual coins or dollars have joined with those of other women to make this possible. The keynote speaker, Dr. LuJuana Butts, will inspire and uplift with her message of encouragement. Butts has been a professor of education at Concordia College, Alabama; Concordia University, Chicago; and Concordia College, New York. For me, attending an LWML convention is spiritually Alice Troyke uplifting and strengthens my desire to share the love of Vice President of Communications Christ with others. If you can attend, it might change your life. If you are not able to attend the LWML Convention June 27-30, you still have ways you can support and participate in the convention. You can remember the convention in prayer. You can contribute by giving a donation to an attendee who is participating in the Mission Walk or you can send a donation for one of the convention offerings with an attendee. If you send a donation please note your check or money order with 2013 Convention Offering and the number. There are four designated recipients selected by the LWML Board of Directors for the convention offerings collected in Pittsburgh: • Convention Offering #1 – LWML Mission Goal 2013-2015 Biennium • Convention Offering #2 – Camp Bethesda, Bethesda Lutheran Communities, Cypress, Texas, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Lutheran Center for the Blind • Convention Offering #3 – LCMS Disaster Response - Hurricane Sandy Relief • Convention Offering #4 – LWML Heart to Heart Sister Program

Live Streaming

The LWML is again pleased to announce the live streaming of the convention opening worship service. For those not able to attend the convention in person, the streaming will also allow an opportunity to catch up on all the convention sessions via the World Wide Web using home or office computers. The opening worship service folder will also be available for download when it is posted on Convention Central at www.lwml.org/conventions/2013-pittsburgh. This will provide an opportunity for people to gather at their church to join in worship with those attending the convention in Pittsburgh. Live Streaming Information: Viewing of the opening worship service online will be available by just clicking on the link on the home page, or by going to www.lwml.org/conventions/live. Computer viewing will require adequate Internet speed from your Internet provider (Broadband or DSL connection of at least .765 Mb/s is recommended) and Adobe Flash installed on your Internet browser you will be using to view the stream. To test this, go to www.lwml.org/conventions/live and follow the instructions on that page. If you are unable to view the convention online, or if the video has a number of pauses in it, it is likely that there is not enough speed to support the live stream.

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June/July 2013

Counselor’s Corner



Rev. Gary Griffin

LWML conventions can be compared to family reunions whereby sisters in Christ all around the world gather to hear and learn what other LWML groups are doing. The LWML convention scheduled for June 27-30 will be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., centered on the theme “Quenched by the Water!” (John 4:14). The Missouri District LWML Convention is scheduled for June 19-22, 2014, in Kansas City, based on the theme of “Carry His Light” (Matt. 5:16). What do you do at these conventions? Naturally, there are designated times to handle LWML business. Reports are given of the mission work that was accomplished by the LWML in each biennium and new LWML projects are voted upon as well as officers elected to serve. Much encouragement is generated within each person and group as everyone sees the work of the church in action. Lest you think conventions are just business, think again. Each convention begins with an opening worship service on a grand scale with mass choirs, brass ensembles and other instruments. Inspiring sermons are given reminding us who we are in Christ Jesus and then through the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper participants are strengthened in faith toward God and in fervent love toward one another. Throughout the convention, old acquaintances are renewed and new ones created. Bible study is often led by the LWML counselors, special speakers are featured, and small group sessions encourage, strengthen and equip participants for service in their own setting in their local congregation. It’s a time when LWML women are uplifted, equipped, and recharged to serve God with joy. Have you ever been to an LWML convention? If not, go and attend one. You will be glad you did. Go to the Missouri District LWML web page or the LWML webpage to learn more about all the current events of LWML happenings! The LWML, in service to God and His Church. Thanks be to God.


A nnouncements A nniversary R ecognitions

Personnel Changes — Ordained Transferred to our District: Schnelle, Paul (KS) emeritus status 4/15/2013 Wilshek, David (SW) candidate status 5/1/2013 Changes within District: Foss, Richard (Int. Interim Our Savior, Fenton) installed as Intentional Interim Pastor, Holy Trinity, Grandview, MO 3/10/2013 by C. Otto Kollbaum, Todd (Trinity, Cole Camp) installed as Dir. of Rural/Small Town Mission, LCMS, St. Louis, MO 4/1/2013 by R. Mirly Shaw, Jason (Faith, Springfield) installed as senior pastor St. Paul, Jackson, MO 4/20/2013 by R. Mirly Stark, Paul (Redeemer, Springfield) installed Zion, Diggins, MO 4/21/2013 by G. Wyssmann Wise, Rodney (Our Redeemer, Overland) installed at Glendale, Glendale, MO 4/7/2013 by R. Rall

Transferred to other Districts: Andrus, David (Lutheran Blind Mission, St. Louis) to partner ministry Lutheran Braille Workers in Pacific Southwest District 3/26/2013 (but remains in St. Louis) Ficken, Jock (LCEF, St. Louis) to Texas District 3/27/2013 Meyer, Richard (candidate status) to Southeastern District 4/26/2013 Olson, Kevin (Trinity, Egypt Mills) to Indiana District 5/15/2013 Candidate Status: Tessaro, Eric (Trinity, Springfield) 4/9/2013 Deceased: Schrader, Denver (emeritus) 5/7/2013

Personnel Changes — Commissioned Ministers of R eligion Resigned/Removed from Roster Ankerson, Keri (candidate) 4/1/13 Dynneson, Lane (candidate) 3/25/13 Since, Julie (non-candidate) 4/10/13 King, Melissa (Immanuel, Olivette) 4/1/13 Larson, Lisa (non-candidate) 4/1/13 Meyer, Elizabeth (candidate) 4/1/13 Seeman, Trista (candidate) 4/1/13

Transferred to Other Districts Harris, David (Concordia International School Shanghai) to NOW 3/27/13 Wall, Bruce (LCMS World Mission, St. Louis) to NEB 4/13/13 Wall, Sarah (non-candidate) to NEB 4/13/13 Non-Candidate Status Peuster, Barbara (candidate) 3/23/13

Calling Congregations For Sole Pastors: Cole Camp, Trinity Egypt Mills, Trinity LaGrange, St. Peter – seminary candidate Andrew Walker assigned Lohman, St. John – seminary candidate Jacob Mueller assigned New Haven, Trinity Park Hills, Trinity – seminary candidate Tristan Engle assigned Rockville, Zion St. Louis, Ascension – Rev. Dr. Charles Spomer retiring Springfield, Faith – called Rev. David Benson of Columbia, MO (accepted) Stover, St. Paul – deferred vicar Gerald Kurka assigned Valley Park, Zion – deferred vicar James Cox assigned Washington, Faith Served by Intentional Interim Pastor or Interim Pastor: Bourbon, Concordia (Rev. David Burge) Glencoe, St. Paul (Rev. Robert Lange) Grandview, Holy Trinity (Rev. Dr. Rick Foss) Macon, Zion (Rev. Roger Mackie) Seminary Candidate Elden Kohn assigned Mexico, St. John (Rev. Mike Gallagher) Pocahontas/Shawneetown – Zion/ Trinity (Rev. Virgil Kelm) St. Louis, Epiphany (Rev. Dr. Martin Haeger) St. Louis County, Immanuel Chapel (Rev. Ron Jansen) Slater, Peace and St. Paul (Rev. Douglas Dubisar) For Associate or Assistant Pastor: Cape Girardeau, St. Andrew – deferred vicar John Dehne assigned Crystal City, Immanuel Kirkwood, Concordia – called Rev. David Meggers of Rockford, IL (accepted) Lee’s Summit, St. Matthew – seminary candidate Luke Anderson assigned Pacific, New Beginnings – seminary candidate Chad Elfe assigned St. Charles, Immanuel St. Louis, Holy Cross Deaf – seminary candidate Mark Larson assigned

Page 14

Vacant on Hold – But Being Served: Ashland, Family of Christ Bethany, Hope Center, Trinity Diggins, Zion – called Rev. Paul Stark of Springfield, MO (accepted) Elk Prairie (Rolla), Peace Isabella, Faith Knob Noster, Faith Memphis, St. Paul Milan, Peace Oak Grove, Shepherd of the Valley Princeton, Immanuel St. James, St. John St. Louis, Holy Sacrament St. Louis, St. Paul Sarcoxie, Trinity Shelbyville, Mount Hope Sweet Springs, Christ For Senior Pastor: Jackson, St. Paul – called Rev. Jason Shaw of Springfield, MO (accepted) Kansas City, Holy Cross – called Rev. Clint Poppe of Lincoln, NE (declined) Overland, Our Redeemer St. Louis, Historic Trinity – Rev. David Marth retiring Pastors Considering Calls: Bayer, Timothy (Faith, Oakville) to Missionary/Mission Strategist, New Jersey District (declined) Bayer, Timothy (Faith, Oakville) to Lead Pastor, Concordia, Pullman, WA (accepted) Bereuter, Bryce (Calvary, Kansas City) to Our Savior, Winchester, VA (declined) Cloeter, Jeffrey (Christ Memorial, St. Louis) to University Pastor, Concordia, St. Paul, MN (declined) Ellul, Gary (St. Paul, Jonesburg) to Trinity, Paola, KS (declined) Pierce, Kent (Campus, Columbia) to Concordia, Toledo, OH Utech, William (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) to Our Savior, Nashville, TN Utech, William (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) to Mission Executive for the Minnesota South District

June/July 2013

The Missouri District recognizes full-time professional church workers who are presently serving in Missouri District congregations and schools for total years of service in LCMS entities. Congregations and administrators were asked to submit the names of workers who reached anniversary years between Sept. 1, 2012, and Aug. 31, 2013. Thank you to the churches and schools that provided the list of names below.

Ten Years Rev. Lawrence Bradt – Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Sainte Genevieve Tammy Eckhoff – Lutheran School Association, Cole Camp Rev. Jason Hoerth – Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, St. Louis Angela Kaemmerer – Immanuel Lutheran School, Washington Jen Koenig – Messiah Lutheran School, St. Charles Rev. Brian Lemcke – Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Mound City Teresa Meyr – Trinity Lutheran School, Cape Girardeau Elizabeth Slavens – St. John Lutheran School, Ellisville Jennifer Spieler – St. Paul Lutheran School, Jackson Rob Tebbenkamp – Trinity Lutheran School, Alma Trudy Tunnell – Springfield Lutheran School, Springfield Rev. Bill Wilson – Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Louis

Twenty Years Lisa Bangert – Immanuel Lutheran School, Washington Mary Buchholz – Christ Lutheran Pre-Kindergarten, Platte Woods Laurie Folken – Calvary Lutheran School, Kansas City G. Warren Hunt – St. John’s Lutheran School, Arnold Robyn Koenig – United in Christ Lutheran School, Frohna Leah Kortmeyer – Trinity Lutheran Church, Cape Girardeau Rev. Mark Martin – St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Cape Girardeau Deb Mourey – Trinity Lutheran School, Alma Rev. Brett Mueller – Zion and Immanuel Lutheran Churches, Corder and Waverly Laurie Persich – Calvary Lutheran School, Kansas City Samuel Sommerer – Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles Rev. Brian Thieme – Trinity Lutheran Church, Columbia

Twenty-Five Years Rev. Bryce Bereuter – Calvary Lutheran Church, Kansas City Rev. Douglas Breite – Trinity Lutheran Church, Cape Girardeau Eric Brofford – Grace Chapel Lutheran School, Bellefontaine Neighbors Sammye Elliott – Immanuel

Lutheran School, Rolla Carol Hodgson – Calvary Lutheran School, Kansas City Sherrie Marty – Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles Rev. Jeff Sippy – Redeemer Lutheran Church, Springfield Rev. Dr. W. Mart Thompson – Zion Lutheran Church, Pevely Lisa White – St. Paul Lutheran School, Jackson

Thirty Years

Rev. Joel Christiansen – Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens, Webster Groves Michael Kehe – Grace Chapel Lutheran Church, Bellefontaine Neighbors Judy Olson – Martin Luther Academy, Kansas City David Steinbacher – Lutheran High School of St. Charles County, St. Peters

Thirty-Five Years David Buchholz – Christ Lutheran Church, Platte Woods Rev. Thomas Handrick – Immanuel Lutheran Church, Perryville Orlyn Heimsoth – Saint Paul Lutheran High School, Concordia Rev. Harold Luckritz – Zion Lutheran Church, Pevely Rev. Duane Maas – Redeemer Lutheran Church, Springfield Dr. Rebecca Schmidt – Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles Dr. Cary Stelmachowicz – Lutheran High School of Kansas City, Kansas City

Forty Years Paul Baker – Springfield Lutheran School, Springfield Karen Beaty – Zion Lutheran School, St. Charles Ken Hartman – Trinity Lutheran School, Jefferson City Al Loesel – Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles Lee Rudzinski – Lutheran High School of Kansas City, Kansas City Rev. Allen Schade – Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Charles

Forty-Five Years Rev. Dr. Mark Appold – St. Paul Lutheran Church, Memphis John Bobzin – Saint Paul Lutheran High School, Concordia William Gasau – Saint Paul Lutheran High School, Concordia Tom King – Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles


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Gulf Shores, Ala.


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condo for rent

Pastor Hagen from St. Paul’s, Concordia is the guest speaker

Attendance challenge Church with most attendees: $300 off event at Heit’s Point 2nd with most attendees: $200 off event at Heit’s Point 3rd with most attendees: $100 off event at Heit’s Point

ur g yo s! n i r r B hai nc w la

Festival Agenda

“Hearts of Praise” from Springfield will be leading us in glorious song.

9-10:30 Cinnamon rolls, coffee, water, milk 10:30 Contemporary opening 11:00 Service Liturgist ( Pastor Lampe ) Speaker (Pastor Hagen ) 12:00 Announcements MC (Welcome. Thank you, recognition) Past board recognition Installation of officers 12:30 BBQ Dinner 1:30 Afternoon Activities Youth …...Lots of Games!!! Adult …….Concert welcoming the “Hearts of Praise Band” Live Auction Concert welcoming the ”Lucas Trio” Silent Auction 4:00 Ice cream social & pie contest (homemade Ice cream)

Train rides for the little ones!

Members of The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens

Call 314-843-6063

Who is that clown?

Get your throwing arm ready to get the Director all wet! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

Fellowship, Auctions & Dessert

Three bedroom, two bath, fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, indoor–outdoor pools, hot tub, tennis court, exercise, sauna; golf, fishing, children’s attractions nearby. Reduced R ate for Voice Readers!

Bed & Breakfast Quiet Nature Retreat on 23 Acres Private Eight Acre Fishing Lake Near Hermann, Mo. woodmere@ktis.net Woodmerecabin.members.ktis.net 573-252-4136 Members - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

Feel like nosing around with Don-Key!


Hand made t-shirt quilt Gift baskets Meal Deals Craft items And more!

Homemade Pie & Ice Cream! Yum Yum!

Branson Condo for Sale How are your egg tossing skills, grab a partner and join in!

This is Love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us We also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:10-11

Lot’s more kid’s games! Yahoo! Heit’s Point Lutheran Ministries 28345 Heits Point Ave. Lincoln, MO. 65338 660-668-2363 info@heitspoint.com Www.heitspoint.com

North Branson; 2 BD/2 Bath; garden level; 1,000 sq. ft. Freshly painted. All appliances stay. Less than ½ mile from future Mercy surgical center. Just off Highway 65 by the new Walmart & Kohl’s. Use it yourself or for rental income of $700 per month. Call 573-747-8705. Member Faith Lutheran Branson

Children’s Music Leaders Workshop

We R emember: 1 Rev. Denver Schrader, emeritus, who passed into glory on May 7, 2013. Memorials can be made to Christian Friends of New Americans. Page 15

• Voice technique for youngsters • Teach children to play chimes • Music resources for preschool through high school • Music reading session • Group sharing session • Understand worship planning • How to schedule special music and activities • Learn the logistics and techniques of using a sound system Contact Norma Muller at 918-344-6200 or norma.john8@gmail.com. Additional information and registration form will be available July 1. Save the date for a workshop to inspire ordinary people, parents, pastors, as well as other leaders of your church to encourage children. • Saturday, Aug. 10, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. • Immanuel Lutheran Church, 400 N. Aspen Ave., Broken Arrow, Okla. (Immediately east of Tulsa) • Presenters: Rev. Jonathan Schultz, Mary Schultz, Nicole Schultz • Registration fee: $48 (includes lunch)

June/July 2013


District News Immanuel School, Olivette, Students Learn at Forest Park

Immanuel Lutheran School, Olivette, worked with Forest Park Forever this spring on two projects by Brenda Hente, their seventh grade teacher, who took part in Forest Park Forever’s “A Voyage of Learning Teacher’s Academy” this past summer. The first project is a series of outdoor education opportunities for our fifth to eighth grade students. Five visits were scheduled for April and May and the students studied prairie ecology, forest ecology, aquatic ecology, grassland ecology, nature and art, and will also participate in a service project focused on “giving back.” The second project is an exhibition of artwork completed by Immanuel’s seventh and These sixth grade students of Immanuel Lutheran School, Olivette, found owl pellets, and remains of a successful predatory attempt by a Great Horned Owl in Forest Park. The eighth grade students of Immanuel Lutheran School, Olivette, Mo., look at a couple of Great Horned Owls on their fourth day of outdoor education as they study grassland ecology.

The fifth through eighth grade students of Immanuel, Olivette, study prairie ecology on their first day of outdoor education in Forest Park, St. Louis, Mo. Each of the seventh and eighth grade students used acrylic paint on a 5” square canvas to create this image by wildlife photographer Danny Brown titled “Thirsty Bluebirds in Winter.”

The fifth through eighth grade students of Immanuel Lutheran School in Olivette reflect on their first day of outdoor education in Forest Park, St. Louis.

God Works Through His People by Becky Shaw (names are changed to protect those who do not wish to be revealed) “Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). The believers at Light of Christ Chinese Mission, Olivette, have been scattered due to changes in visa status, new jobs, family obligations, etc. Here are some snippets of how God’s Word is reaching abroad to many. Y went to the same university as T’s wife. When T’s sister TY came to the United States to have a second baby (special rules make it difficult for a family with more than one child), she was interested in attending worship. Y, a member at Light of Christ, invited them to Light of Christ. During TY’s six months in the United States, she attended worship, Bible study, and English Bible study. She was baptized at Light of Christ, and when her mother came to help with the baby, her mother was baptized also. Seeds planted in the past were being harvested. X was baptized and attended worship before coming to Light of Christ. After she arrived in St. Louis to do research at Washington University, she found out about Light of Christ from the website. She became active at Light of Christ quickly: she played piano for worship, attended worship and Bible study faithfully, and served in other ways. She faced a crisis just before leaving St. Louis, but with God’s wisdom and strength, she was able to put her life back together. Her parents visited her several times, and she shared the Gospel with them. They were baptized in China. When they come to the United States to visit, she and her parents attend worship together and the parents continue to grow in their faith. X also invites others to church, providing transportation, and answering questions. God’s Good News of Jesus is spread through the Body of Christ working together in bringing Christ to individuals. During a recent free health fair held at Immanuel, Olivette’s gym, a small team of members from Light of Christ staffed the registration table. They also handed out Gospel tracts and invited people to attend Light of Christ worship and activities.

Page 16

eighth grade students which opened on the evening of April 8, at a reception hosted by Forest Park Forever in the Trolley Room of the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center. The event, “A Rendezvous with Danny Brown,” also provided the students and opportunity to meet Danny Brown, biologist and photographer, and listen to him speak about the photography on which the students had based their work. Some of the artwork remains on display in the entry of the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center and some is on display at Immanuel.

June/July 2013

Light of Christ Lutheran Chinese Mission acquired the programs of St. Louis Christian Chinese Community Service Center on Jan. 1, 2013. The services include activities for seniors and consultation on a variety of community service questions. This has brought an average of 75 different people to the building each week. Pastor Shaw is pro-active in meeting and conversing with them. As a result, several have begun to attend worship, elderly fellowship, and Bible study. God’s Good News of Jesus is spread through ordinary people in St. Louis, sometimes unsuspecting, sometimes on purpose. The stories below reflect how anyone can be a catalyst in bringing Christ to the nation of China or anywhere else in the world. B and D attend a Bible study together on Monday evening. D is Chinese American, originally from Malaysia. He lives and works in St. Louis. He speaks and reads Chinese, but doesn’t know all the religious terminology. When he went back to Malaysia to visit his family last summer, he wanted to share the Gospel with his father, but he did not know how to translate or explain the word “grace”—very important to the Christian faith. B invited D to attend a joint service (Immanuel and Light of Christ) and found out about Light of Christ. He is hoping to learn more “church” vocabulary in Chinese so that he can share the Gospel with his family. Janice and Jim often eat at a Chinese restaurant in University City. Frequent visits have allowed them to become acquainted with T. She has attended Immanuel worship with them a few times and went to the end of a service at Light of Christ. J works with a Chinese woman whose father just came from China. J told them about the activities at Light of Christ Chinese Community Service Center. The woman’s father likes to sing and dance and paint, all activities offered at the Center. And, now that he is in the United States, she encouraged her father to attend the English classes also. Norb has a neighbor who is Chinese. When they meet each other outside, they are cordial and chat. Norb has invited the neighbor to Light of Christ several times. Fill in your name. How can you introduce Christ to someone you know?

The Voice of Missouri

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