October November 2013 voice web

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Published by the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

R eformation R emembered

It’s that iconic time again for Lutherans as images abound. Reformation Day, Oct. 31, Ninety-five Theses and the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, with all that followed. And a lot followed, driven by theology, to be sure, but by other factors as well—politics, personalities, and more, because that’s how life goes. Nearly 500 years later, the episode looms large as we gear up to remember. Luther’s theses started as typical university fare, posted on that era’s version of an in-house bulletin board, offered for debate to prove their worth with rough edges knocked off in the process. But word got out, and the German lands were abuzz. Luther hit a nerve with front-burner issues. Indulgence-sale economics, the contrition-repentance approach, and poor pastoral practice from Rome on down all grabbed headlines, but behind these are issues of sin and grace. From just another “monkish squabble”— Rome’s mistaken estimate — events exploded until Luther found himself before Emperor Charles in what one historian called “the hinge of history,” a turning point for faith and authority. “Unless I am convinced by Scripture or by clear reason …” Luther declared. “Clear reason” is no precursor of later rationalism, but rather, as Luther explained, a conscience, a mind, bound by the Word of God. Method matters. How a reader unpacks Scripture shapes both the message and a Christian’s mind. As a professor of biblical theology, Luther was obligated not simply to repeat what others had said but to contribute to a growing body of knowledge. But a newly minted professor has nothing in the can, so to speak. Luther knew well the standard method: dialectic (discussion) using logical arguments, a timeworn approach based on Aristotle: if …, if …, therefore …. So if God makes no mistakes, and if God gives the Law and says keep it (or else), therefore …. Ergo (therefore) was the operative word. But this gave no peace. Instead, logic brought a sense of impossible obligation. (The Law does work!) But as Luther scrambled to do lectures, he hit upon an alternative approach using Renaissance humanism—not modern secular humanism, but a revival of the liberal arts with an emphasis on language, texts, and history. Grammar told him “righteousness” was not a quantity he amassed but a quality God gave in Christ, not because of (ergo) but in spite of how I am—the German dennoch or “nevertheless” Christ loves. That’s undeserved mercy. Grace!

of Missouri

A month before his Ninety-five Theses, Luther did himself one better—well, two better—with his Ninety-seven Theses, aka, the “Disputation Against Scholastic Theology.” Luther junked the old method: “It is only without Aristotle that one becomes a theologian,” and “Aristotle is to theology as darkness is to light.” Luther pressed for change in the university with “reformation” meaning curriculum reform: ergo logic is out and a new method of biblical study is in. And here lies a lesson: the foundation is key, and method matters. Luther did not shy away from the new but evaluated, assessed, and then used the approach, because sin and grace, because life through faith came clear. A reason to remember—and celebrate. Robert Rosin, Prof. of Historical Theology Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Coordinator for Theological Education in Eurasia LCMS—Office of International Mission

Clergy Appreciation Month

Clergy appreciation month is a special time that a congregation sets aside each year to honor its pastor(s) and his family for their hard work and sacrificial dedication. You might consider a special service of affirmation, a potluck event or planting a tree in his honor. The sky is the limit! This event is usually scheduled in October, but can be held at any time that is convenient for the church. More ideas: • Ask your pastor how he is doing. Be genuine and sincere. What has he been working on lately? What has he been enjoying? • Send him a thank you card. • With his permission, start a prayer group that will commit to regularly praying for him. Ask him

October / November 2013



for specific prayer requests (and make sure you honor his trust and confidentiality with what he shares with you)! • Invite the pastor and his wife over to your house for lunch or dinner. Play board games afterwards. He’ll be encouraged by the time of rest and his wife will enjoy not having to cook. • Remember the pastor’s wife! Send her cards, befriend her, ask her to go shopping or for a walk with you. She can feel alone and “different” from others in the congregation because she is married to the pastor. • Bring a meal to him. This could be a hot lunch during the week, or a supper for him and his family. It doesn’t have to be fancy. • Is his car in working order? If not, do you know how to Appreciation: continued on page 6

The Missouri District Online

Regular Online Items: installations and ordinations, celebrations, anniversaries, obituaries, calendar and resources www.facebook.com/MissouriDistrictLCMS

In this issue:

mo.lc m s .or g

Page 3 - Backpack Program Page 5 - New members at Faith, Dexter Page 9 - A Transformational Summer Page 16 - Prayer Shawls

Missouri District, LCMS 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

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From t he president’s desk Tension in the Church

President Ray Mirly

Tensions exist in many aspects of life. There is a tension between needing an income and unhappiness with a person’s employment. Some desire an excellent education but don’t have the financial ability to attend school. A congregation desires a pastor but believes it is unable to financially support one. Tensions are a normal part of life, aren’t they? In this issue of The Voice of Missouri, I would like to address a tension that exists in many congregations. There is a tension between clergy and non-clergy. Many of these occur due to

unfulfilled expectations. Laity want a pastor who is 30 years old and married with two beautiful, well-behaved children. It is expected this pastor will minister effectively to children, high school youth, young adults, singles, married, retired, and a host of other demographic groups. Of course, he must deliver exceptional, interesting, relational sermons with good Law and Gospel and with relevant application to all members in 10 minutes (or less). Members also want their pastor to be available when needed, day or night. Pastors are expected to preach against the sins of others, but deep down hearers hope he will not preach a sermon that has law applicable to the sin or sins with which they are struggling. They want their pastor to bring in many new members, but they do not want changes that might encourage people of their community to consider joining their congregation. On the other hand, pastors want all the members of their congregation attend church every Sunday. They He must deliver exceptional, to also long for every child to attend the Christian day school, Sunday school, interesting, relational vacation Bible school and eventually sermons with good Law and junior confirmation class. They may be passionate to personally go Gospel and with relevant even out into the community to touch the application to all members lives of residents with the love of God in Christ Jesus but want those who in ten minutes (or less). come into the congregation to immediately be mature Christians and committed followers of Jesus Christ. Heaven is not found here on earth. Lay members are not perfect. Pastors are not perfect. The expectations of lay members are not always holy. Likewise the expectations of pastors are not always holy. Because of member expectations not aligned with the pastor’s and vice versa, tensions develop. Tensions can also arise because a group of lay members or lay leaders have expectations different from other members within the congregation. We draw lines in the sand that heighten tensions. When we do, tempers become short, arguments develop, attendance declines and finances are inadequate. A body is healthy when all of its members work in harmony with each other. A congregation is healthy when all its members work in harmony with each other. A Christian congregation’s harmony comes about through its unity with Christ. We are one in Christ Jesus our Lord. He is the head. We are His body. Brothers and sisters in Christ, “we are all one in Christ Jesus.” In 1 Cor. 12:14-15, St. Paul writes, “For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body.” He continues, “But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body” (1 Cor. 12:18-20). Paul’s conclusion is this, “But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Cor. 12:24-26).

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President’s Prayer List Please join me in prayer this month. Pray that the Holy Spirit gives receptive hearts to the Gospel to all the children attending Sunday school and confirmation classes. Ask God to protect the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Pray that God will bless all efforts in this district to start new missions and ministries, especially the efforts underway in Branson, Columbia, Jackson, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Springfield. Pray that God guide and direct the work of the District Board of Directors, the four Service Boards and district committees. Praise and thank God for the bountiful rain, excellent crops as well as to provide for the farmers who lost crops due to storms, the wet spring, floods or summer drought. Praise and thank God for the Gospel, Lord’s Supper and Holy Baptism. Pray God to bless President Harrison and First Vice President Mueller as they carry out their duties on behalf of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Pray God to bless the men and women enrolled in LCMS universities and seminaries preparing for full-time service in the church. Pray God to bless you in your personal management of time, abilities and finances. Pray God to create a right spirit within each of us. Pray God to bless the ongoing efforts of congregations and individuals within the district planting new congregations. Ask God to bless the service of the lay leaders currently serving in Missouri District congregations.

Think then of your congregation in this way, “For the congregation does not consist of one member but of many. What if one member of the congregation should say, ‘Because I am unique I do not belong to the entire body’ (1 Cor. 12:14-15)? “But as it is, God arranged the members in the congregation, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many members, yet one congregation” (1 Cor. 12:18-20). A congregation Paul’s conclusion is this, “But God has so composed the congregation in such is healthy when a way that there may be no division in it, but that the members may have the all its members same care for one another. If one member work in harmony suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Cor. with each other. 12:24-26).

October/November 2013

Delegates from the Missouri District who attended this year’s Synod convention. Thank you for your service.

Backpack Program R eceives Grant

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, St. Clair, Mo., applied for and received a $7,000 development grant from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). The congregation requested this grant to help support the Weekend Food Backpack program. This program began in 2009 and has grown to 130 food backpacks per weekend of the school year. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is looking forward to working with teachers from the St. Clair Elementary School, Edgar Murray Elementary and the Franklin County Special Education Cooperative School to resume the program for students in the 2013-14 school year. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is one of the some 6,200 member congregations of the LCMS, a biblical, confessional, witness-oriented Christian denomination with 2.3 mission baptized members. Through acts of witness and mercy, the church strives to make known the love of Jesus Christ around the world. In the last five years, the LCMS has provided more than $6.4 million for domestic and international development efforts. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, founded in 1963, exists to invite all people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more at htlcsite.com.

Come Lift High the Cross


Distr ict News

“Lift High the Cross” is a favorite Lutheran hymn. St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Liberty, Mo., held an open house on Sept. 15 to celebrate its new sanctuary. There were refreshments and guided tours. The new sanctuary seats 330 people, offers a state of the art sound system, has a beautiful view overlooking the west side of Liberty and at the center of the sanctuary is a seven foot cross suspended above the altar. St. Stephen’s building is modern in style but built with the same missionary spirit of the founding church members. The congregations feels blessed to serve the community. St. Stephen’s is very excited about the new facility but that is all it is without friends and family. St. Stephen’s is located at 205 North Forest Avenue on the east side of 291 Hwy. near the intersection of 291 Hwy. and Kansas Street in Liberty, Mo. Come and join St. Stephen’s “Lift High the Cross.” For more information visit: www.ststephensliberty.org.

Concordia Publishing House A nnual Warehouse Sale Concordia Publishing House, 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, announces its annual Warehouse Sale—the largest sale of the year—on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 8 a.m. to noon. For one day only, excess inventory from the nonprofit Christian publisher is sold at deeply reduced prices. Sale items include Bibles, curricula, music, adult and children’s books, boxed greeting cards, and church resources at savings of up to 75 percent. Concordia Christian Books and Gifts, located in the Concordia Publishing House building, offers its own savings during the Warehouse Sale. Customers save 20 percent on nearly every item in the store. Store hours during the sale are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Bonus For Early Arrival If you arrive before the tent opens, you can pick up a colored and numbered line sticker at the event (one per person) to be eligible for the Warehouse Sale Line Gift Certificate drawing that will take place 10 minutes before the tent opens. Line Gift Certificates are redeemable in the tent only from 8 a.m. to noon. Concordia Publishing House and Concordia Christian Books and Gifts are located at 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., south of Interstate 44 and north of Interstate 55. Free parking is available on Miami Street, east of Jefferson. For more information about the Warehouse Sale, call 314-268-1303. For more information about the Concordia Christian Books and Gifts Sale, call 314-268-1268.

The Voice of Missouri

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Distr ict News Missouri District Musicians Attend 2013 Lutheran Summer Music Academy

The 2013 Lutheran Summer Music Academy (LSM) was held at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, from June 23 to July 21. These students from the Missouri District were chosen to participate in the program: * Austin Betts of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Mo. * Alexandria Betts of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Mo. * Margaret Mueller of Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Chesterfield, Mo. * Emily Robinson of Glendale Lutheran Church in Glendale, Mo. Founded in 1981, the mission of Lutheran Music Program is to transform lives and connect people through faith and music. Lutheran Music Program offers programs for young people that teach and celebrate the extraordinary musical heritage of the Lutheran church, as inspired by the words of Martin Luther: “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music.” In doing so, Lutheran Music Program trains and inspires the next generation of musicians for the church. Our largest program is the Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM), a four-week residential camp for talented high school musicians. Music and worship are at the center of our intentional, supportive community. Lutheran Music Program’s national offices are located year-round in Minneapolis, Minn., and LSM has rotated its location among various Lutheran colleges. Since LSM began in 1982, more than 4,000 students have attended. Hundreds of these alumni have pursued careers in music education, church music and performance. LSM 2014 will be held June 22 to July 20 on the campus of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. Extending Mission through Partnerships Lutheran Music Program has developed two partnerships for congregations and colleges that want to join in our mission of supporting young musicians as they grow in their musical gifts and in service to the church. These partnerships represent Lutheran congregations and higher education institutions across the country. The Young Musicians Partnership (YMP) encourages congregations to set up local scholarships for youth interested in attending the Lutheran Summer Music

Academy. In return, students in “partner” congregations receive an exclusive 10 percent tuition discount plus matching dollars for church’s scholarship. This partnership includes nearly 90 congregations nationally. The Collegiate Partnership brings together colleges and universities that join LSM faculty and staff to encourage our students to consider studying music at Lutheran institution. LSM prepares students through our pre-college training and performance program and Lutheran colleges/universities enhance their recruitment efforts by acknowledging their work when they reach those institutions. Now more than 23 schools have established collegiate scholarships exclusively for alumni of LSM at those colleges and universities. For more information about Lutheran Summer Music or the Young Musicians and Collegiate Partnerships, please visit www.lutheransummermusic.org, call director of admissions Sue Olstad at 612-879-9555, or email solstad@lutheransummermusic.org.

Seminary Guild The next meeting of the Seminary Guild is Friday, Oct. 11. The theme, “A Time for Everything ... A Time for Preparation” continues. We will attend the Seminary Community Chapel Service at 9:15 a.m. The chorus will treat us to a short concert after. Then we will proceed to Koburg Hall for brunch followed by the Rally Day Speaker, Professor Jeffrey Kloha. New members are always welcome to join us achieve the goal of helping students. One of the groups the guild sponsors is the Seminary Wives Association. This group is active in helping families with meals, support, retreats and Bible studies. If you would like to attend the October meeting, send a check in the amount of $10 payable to Seminary Guild, Alice Kastens, Treasurer, 5101 Kings Park Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129.

Peace Lutheran Church Celebrates 19 Years of the Boar’s Head Christmas Festival

Peace Lutheran Church in South County will again offer the St. Louis community an opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus by re-creating one of Christianity’s oldest traditions: the Boar’s Head Christmas Festival. It has been almost 500 years since the Reformation, and although the Word of God has remained steadfast, individual churches still go through changes. For the past 18 years, the Boar’s Head Christmas Festival has been presented in the chancel of Peace Lutheran Church, the chancel that has been there since the early 1960s. However, the 19th presentation will be the last in that chancel, as Peace is in the process of building a new sanctuary which will be ready for the 20th anniversary of the Boar’s Head Festival in 2014. Although change can be sometimes stressful, it is also sometimes necessary. And change is always manageable because we have the assurance that God is always in control. He has blessed Peace Lutheran Church for more than 60 years, and we know He will continue to bless our efforts. In 2013, the members of Peace will come together for the 19th time to rejoice in God’s gift of a Savior. His daily blessings will be proclaimed in rich music, through three vocal choirs and various instruments. His glory will be symbolized in visual splendor. The telling of the traditional Christmas Nativity story will be woven throughout the medieval Christmas Festival. King Wenceslas, beefeater guards, lords, ladies, jesters, knights, servants, and peasants will feast together as the community of believers. The feast’s steward will again present King Wenceslas with the boar’s head, symbolizing the defeat of sin, death, and the devil by our Savior. The baker with his “figgy” pudding will remind us of the richness of all the gifts from God. Free tickets for the 19th Year Celebration of the Boar’s Head Christmas Festival will be available starting at 8 a.m. Friday, Nov. 1, by calling the church office at 314-892-5610. The Festival is Dec. 5, 6, 7, and 8 at 7:30 p.m. with an additional service at 4 p.m. on Dec. 8. More information is available by clicking on the Boar’s Head Tab at www.peacelutheranstl.org. Peace Lutheran Church is located at 737 Barracksview Road, 63125, in South St. Louis County. From left: The shepherds, here portrayed by Zach Kreitler and Jason Stevens, wonder in amazement at the angels’ message about the birth of Christ.

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October/November 2013


Distr ict News Annual Turkey and Sausage Dinner Sunday, Nov. 17 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church 115 S. Sixth St. Saint Charles, Mo. Adults - $10 Children - $5 (5 to 10 years old)

Faith Lutheran, Dexter, Welcomes New Members

Faith Lutheran Church, Dexter, Mo., is delighted to announce that it received new communicant members this fall. Nine baptized members confirmed their faith in Christ Jesus after receiving instruction in our Lutheran Confession of the Christian faith from Luther’s Small Catechism. The new confirmed members are CeCelia Meyer, John Fortner, Patty, Kelsey and Alexis May, Kathy and Rilee Jones, Susan Barber and Don May. Evie Fortner was received into membership by transfer from St. Johns Lutheran Church, Sparta, Ill. Four new members were received by Affirmation of Faith: John and Dorothy Barrett, Mark Meyer and Robin Stanfield. We thank God for sending His Spirit, working through Word and Sacrament, to create and sustain faith in God’s great promises that are all yes in Christ! Please pray for the congregation and especially the new members, that all remain faithful followers of Christ and set their hope on nothing less than His Kingdom and His righteousness.

Zion Lutheran Church 2500 N. 21st St. St. Louis, MO 63106

Harvest Home Festival Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Dinner: Noon to 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10 Dinner reservations no later than Nov. 5 to 314-231-0382.

Annual Pork Sausage Dinner Sunday, Oct. 20 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. St. Paul Lutheran Church 150 W. Highway D New Melle, Mo.

Adults - $10 Children (6-12) - $5 (under 6) free Country Store: Fresh sausage, baked items and crafts. Carry-outs available For more information call: 636-828-5616

64th Annual Sausage and Sauerkraut Dinner Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 9153 E. Milton, Overland, Mo. Sunday, Oct. 20 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Door price $9.50 Adults, $4.75 (5-12) Meal includes drink and dessert Bazaar items available quilts and crafts

Front row, from left: John ‘Butch’ Barrett, Robin Stanfield, Dorothy ‘Dotty’ Barrett, Rilee Jones, Kelsey May, Alexis May, CeCelia Meyer and Mark Meyer. Back row: John Fortner, Evie Fortner, Kathy Jones, Pastor Justin Sponaugle, Patty May and Don May.

Music at St. Paul, Jackson

Music at St. Paul, Jackson, begins its 2013-14 season with an organ concert featuring David Baskeyfield. This event begins at 4 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 6, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Jackson, 223 Adams St., Jackson, MO 63755. David Baskeyfield, the guest organist, is the winner of the first prize and audience prize at the St. Albans International Organ Competition, 2011. Following success in a number of earlier competitions (first prize, audience prize, Miami International Organ Competition 2010; first prize, Mader Memorial Organ Competition, LA, 2010; second prize, Dublin International Organ Competition 2011, first prize, Rodland 2011; and first prize and audience prize, AGO National Competition in Organ Improvisation 2011) he launched a performing career encompassing both interpretation and improvisation. He was most recently a finalist in the improvisation competition at St. Albans, 2013. Currently a doctoral student at the Eastman School of Music under David Higgs and William Porter, Baskeyfield read Law at Oxford as organ scholar at St. John’s College, studying with John Wellingham and David Sanger. Between Oxford and Eastman he spent a year as organ scholar of Christ Church Cathedral and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. Some recent and upcoming recital engagements include Washington National Cathedral, National City Christian Church, St. Thomas’ 5th Avenue, King’s College, Cambridge, St. Albans Cathedral, St. Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, Birmingham Town Hall, St. Bavo, Haarlem, Chartres Cathedral and St. Sulpice. A recording project with Priory is planned to take place this year, tentatively comprising lesser-known works of the French symphonic school, at the Cavaillé-Coll organ of St. Étienne, Caen. Aside from solo performance Baskeyfield is active as an accompanist, and continuo player. As an outgrowth of his interest in classical organ improvisation, he has taken to accompanying silent movies; recent engagements have featured The Phantom of the Opera (1925) and Nosferatu (1922). Prone to occasional bouts of wanton selfindulgence on Wurlitzer organs, he has given theatre organ recitals in Rochester, N.Y., and Worcester, Mass. He has been broadcast a number of times on American Public Media’s Pipedreams, playing repertoire and improvisations. Contact the church at 573-243-5360, mpalisch@stpauljackson.com or www. stpauljackson.com for more information.

The Voice of Missouri

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Com mun ications Who A re We?

The Missouri District consists of 299 congregations. The Vision: Congregations of the Missouri District—LCMS partnering as one church, united in doctrine, ready, equipped and acting to fulfill the Great Commission in their unique setting with their unique people. The Mission: The Missouri District—LCMS is to serve and encourage congregations to fulfill the Great Commission and promote unity of the true faith.

Appreciation: continued from page 1

fix it or do you know a professional who could fix it at a discounted price? • Ask him when his last day off was. Pastors don’t get a Sabbath on the Sunday like you do. But they still need to take one on a different day of the week. Encourage him to be faithful in obeying God’s command to honor the Sabbath. • Invite the pastor and his wife to go out with you and other couples. Keep in mind that they live on a budget! Fun ideas include: a picnic in the park, a bicycle ride, bowling, a drive to a nearby town for ice cream, or watching a video (with popcorn!) together. • Raise the idea of the church sponsoring the pastor and his wife to attend an annual pastors retreat or conference. Meeting and sharing with other pastors can be a time of

great strengthening, spiritual refreshment, and renewed passion for his ministry. • When you benefit from a sermon (are refreshed, enjoy a laugh, understand a Bible passage in a new way) tell him or drop him a note! Be specific about how God has used his work or his ministry in your life. • Organize a party for him after church. Order a cake, have congregation members write notes of appreciation to him, collect donations for a gift. • How are you talented? What are you good at doing? Consider how you can share this gift with him (i.e. baking, sewing, mechanics, yard work). • Ask God to give you specific guidance and direction of other ways that you can encourage and befriend your pastor.

a family endoWment fund

Kirk Mueller

Research shows that upon your death, it will take 13 years or more years to replace you as a giving unit at your congregation.

Have you ever considered continuing your annual giving to your congregation or favorite ministries through a Family Endowment Fund? This could be funded during your lifetime or at your death. It will continue your giving long after you have gone home to heaven. For more information, please contact…

The Voice of Missouri A bimonthly publication produced under the guidelines of the Board of Directors of The Missouri District—LCMS, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

Please furnish sharply focused original photographs. JPEGs, GIFs or TIFFs may be emailed at 300 dpi at 5x3.5” size. Submission deadline: First day of month preceding publication. Upcoming deadlines and themes:

E ditor : Jennifer K rupp Editor’s email: movoice@mo.lcms.org President’s email: ray.mirly@mo.lcms.org District website: http://mo.lcms.org Address changes: Send them to or call them into your church office or use the form on this page. Advertising policy: It is the policy of The Voice of Missouri to accept advertising only from entities of, or affiliated with, the LCMS. Advertising must pertain to ministry-specific services. Scripture: All Scripture in The Voice of Missouri is from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise noted.

Nov. 1

Dec/Jan** Christmas How does your congregation, school, organization, etc., observe Christmas?

Jan. 6

Feb/March Auxiliary organizations (different than RSOs): LHM and LWML

** denotes online only issue Photos will not be returned. Identify all photo subjects (left to right, front to back); what they are doing; name and date of event depicted; why subject is there; include suggested caption. Please do not write on the back of a photo—write on a label and then affix it to back of photo. Get permission from the people in your picture(s) before submitting. Submission of pictures implies approval.

Submissions: When submitting an article to The Voice, emails sent to movoice@mo.lcms.org are strongly preferred.

Missouri District Staff President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly 314-590-6200 Ray.Mirly@mo.lcms.org

Financial Specialist Ruth Ann Grebe 314-590-6213 RuthAnn.Grebe@mo.lcms.org

Assistant to the President – Missions/Congregational Services Rev. Dr. Stuart W. Brassie 314-590-6205 Stuart.Brassie@mo.lcms.org

Publications Specialist/Voice Editor Jennifer Krupp 314-590-6219 Jennifer.Krupp@mo.lcms.org movoice@mo.lcms.org

Assistant to the President – School Ministry Dennis Gehrke 314-590-6209 Dennis.Gehrke@mo.lcms.org

Education Specialist Martha Schellin 314-590-6215 Martha.Schellin@mo.lcms.org

Vice President – Lutheran Church Extension Fund Dennis A. Klussman 314-590-6207 Dennis.Klussman@lcef.org

Pastoral Support Specialist Donna Seipp 314-590-6206 Donna.Seipp@mo.lcms.org Office and Human Resources Manager Karen Siegel 314-590-6210 Karen.Siegel@mo.lcms.org

Assistant to the President – Financial Planning and Control Peter Krege 314-590-6200 Peter.Krege@mo.lcms.org Assistant to the President – Family Life and Youth Ministry/Congregational Health Rev. Gene Wyssmann 417-766-2183 gawyssmann@hotmail.com

Events Specialist Sue Thompson 314-590-6217 Sue.Thompson@mo.lcms.org

New Subscription/Change of Address Form The Voice of Missouri is provided free of charge to all Missouri District–LCMS congregation member households. Check with your church office to have your address added or changed. If you are not a Missouri District congregation member and wish to receive a copy, forward the completed form below to:

The Missouri District–LCMS, Attn.: VOICE Subscriptions, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 or send the same information by email to movoice@mo.lcms.org Please use this form for a change of address as well as a new subscription.  Please send a new subscription.  Please remove my name from your subscription list. Subscribe to receive  Please change my address to the one listed below.  The Voice electronically at mo.lcms.org (I have also provided my old address.) Name Church Name and City

Kirk Mueller, 11645 Benham Road, St. Louis, MO 63136-6112 314-704-4389 Email: Kirk.Mueller@lcms.org

Current Address City



Old Address

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October/November 2013


Telephone (






LLL a nd Distr ict News Ninth A nnual Christmas Country Church Tour

The Ninth Annual Christmas Country Church Tour: Dec. 19 and 20, from 3 to 9 p.m. are dates to mark on your calendar! This is the ninth Annual Christmas Country Church Tour to be held in Perry, Cape Girardeau and Bollinger Counties. You will experience riding through beautiful rolling hills as you travel to more than 20 country churches decorated for the Christmas season. German caroling will be held on Friday at 6 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Church in Frohna. You will be greeted by members of each church as refreshments will be served. Maps and descriptions will be available at churches on tour. As always, you may begin your tour as far north at Zion Lutheran Church, Longtown, on U.S. Highway 61 or south at Pocahontas, Zion, and St. John’s Lutheran just off State Highway C. For more information about the tour contact Janet Fiedler at 573-8336188 or janetfiedler45@gmail.com or visit www.immanuelnewells.org and click on events.

The Missouri District Lutheran Laymen’s League

Toolbox Tools for Christians

God has given each and every one of us a mission: “To do God’s will.” Is your toolbox fully equipped or are you missing a few important tools? Are your toolbox tools bright and polished or dull and rusty? Whether at work or play, every day there are evangelism opportunities for sharing Christ. Do you feel comfortable being a Christian witness during times of crisis? Can you recognize and identify with a person to connect with his or her heart to witness in a brief encounter? Do you know the importance of being Spirit-led to be an effective witness? Are you willing and currently using your toolbox tools in doing your part of sharing the Gospel with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers who long for answers, love, and meaning in their lives? If not, why? Resources are available. Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) can provide you with the tools and training to confidently accept your mission of reaching people with the real news of Jesus Christ. Contact LHM via the internet at www.lhm.org; telephone toll-free 1-800876-9880 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST); via email lh_min@lhm. org; or write Lutheran Hour Ministries, 660 Mason Ridge Center, St. Louis, MO 63141. No one person or organization can reach the world’s entire unreached population on its own, but Lutheran Hour Ministries wants to partner with LCMS individuals and congregations to reach out together. The Lord makes an impact through Lutheran Hour Ministries by calling upon the ministry to give individuals and congregations here in the United States and around the world the resources and encouragement needed to proclaim Christ’s name. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Lutheran Hour Ministries shares the Gospel through ministry programs such as The Lutheran Hour – longest-running Christian outreach radio program; International Ministries – ministry centers in more than 30 countries proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ using a variety of culturally appropriate venues and media with local staff working hand-in-hand with dedicated volunteers and church partners; Men’s NetWork – Christ-centered web-based ministry designed to equip and motivate men to greater levels


for the

M issour i D istr ict LLL:

of commitment, leadership and service as they become stronger disciples of Jesus Christ; MISSION U - witnessing-training courses trains lay people to share the Gospel in the 21st century at various levels on diverse topics; Regional Outreach Conferences (ROC) - lively conferences feature leading speakers on ministry to encourage and equip God’s people to be mission-minded witnesses for Jesus Christ! ROCs are designed to empower you to live every day in the joy of the Gospel; five14 - witnessing-training program specifically designed to equip and inspire teenagers to share Jesus with their peers; JCPlayZone - safe online website play space for children ages 2-6 and their parents; and others. Lutheran Hour Ministries is calling our communities, our country and our world back to God and is ready to meet the challenges by bringing “The message of Hope” in Jesus Christ to millions of people (both locally and abroad) who desperately need to hear it. Lutheran Hour Ministries continues to explore new media and to expand its use of others to serve congregations as a partner in God’s mission. Choose a tool from the LHM Christian toolbox to help you in your witness “To do God’s will.” Please pray for God’s continued blessing on the mission and work of Lutheran Hour Ministries as it reaches out into our local communities and the world that desperately needs to know Jesus. God answers prayers. Please prayerfully consider giving a gift to Lutheran Hour Ministries and become a part of the mission of “Bringing Christ to the Nations and the Nations to the Church.” Jim Harms, Missouri District LLL President

New Bible Study Available By: R ev. Gregory Seltz Lost Books? Ever wondered if some texts were intentionally excluded from the Bible and why? The Men’s NetWork looks at why some ancient writings failed to make the cut for inclusion, why other texts most definitely met the standard, and why others, including those “gospels” found in the last century, came up short? Find the answers in the Lost Books? study at www.lhmmen.com. Questions or comments? Contact: jack1422@mchsi.com

www.lutheransonline.com/missouridistrictlll The Voice of Missouri

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Educationa l Ser v ices Students Begin New School Year

Salem, Affton, fifth-grader Katherine Mattson shows her new locker to Principal Robert Keller.

Thousands of LESA Lutheran school students in the St. Louis area are settling into new routines and lessons. Students at St. Paul’s, Des Peres, Green Park, and Salem, Affton, smiled and posed for photos on their first day back. Most schools began the new year with opening chapel services; at St. Mark’s, Eureka, senior students led the way for their preschool chapel buddies. Early childhood students at CCLS’s Kirkwood campus began the new year with storytime; at Trinity, St. Charles, and Salem, Affton, students got down to business, setting up lockers and starting new assignments. More than 7,000 students attend LESA member schools in the St. Louis metro area. For enrollment and scholarship information, visit www.metrolutheranschools.org. Trinity, St. Charles, firstgrader Avery Payne works on a writing assignment. First-graders at Green Park have fun with chalk on their first day back. St. Paul’s, Des Peres, students Sophie Lindeman and Benjamin Long strike a pose on their way to class.

St. Mark’s, Eureka, students walking their chapel buddies to opening services.

CCLS preschool teacher Beth Kiessling starts the new school year with a story.

Brew in the Lou to Benefit LESA Schools, Programs

St. Louis-based Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) and the St. Louis Brewer’s Guild present “Brew in the Lou” Saturday, Oct. 19, from noon to 5 p.m., at Koburg Hall at Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105. “Brew in the Lou” will showcase St. Louis’ best beer, wine, coffee and good eats. Proceeds benefit the Lutheran Elementary School Association. Jeff Bernthal, KTVI FOX2 and KPLR CW11, will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Festivities include the Waterloo German Band and other live entertainment, arts and craft vendors, and special food exhibits. Wristbands are $50 each and include tastings for beer, wine and coffee, along with a commemorative glass. Varying levels Jeff Bernthal, Master of sponsorships of Ceremonies. are available for the “Brew in the Lou” event, as well as food/ beverage vendor opportunities. For more information or to purchase a wristband, please call 314-268-1525 or visit www.lesastl.org. Waterloo German Band

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LESA A ppoints Interim Director for 2013-14 School Year The St. Louis-based Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) has appointed Lutheran educator Laura Montgomery to serve as Interim Director, Educational Resources Division, for the 2013-14 academic year. Montgomery replaces Deb Schmich, who retired in July after eight years of service and more than four decades in Lutheran education. Montgomery, a 2011 Van Lunen Fellow, will direct and oversee professional development, curriculum development, student services, technology resources, and infrastructure resources for the education organization, which serves more than 30 Lutheran elementary and high schools in the St. Louis Metro Area. “At this time of transition, we feel very fortunate that God has blessed the LESA ministry and mission with Laura’s leadership and servant heart,” said Sue Nahmensen, LESA’s Chief Executive Officer. Before joining LESA, Montgomery served as principal of Abiding Savior Lutheran School in south St. Louis County. A graduate of Lutheran High School South, Montgomery holds a Master’s in Educational Administration from Lindenwood University and a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood & Elementary Education from University of Missouri-Saint Louis. She earned her Colloquy (Lutheran teaching certification) from Concordia University Chicago. Montgomery is also a past Fellow (2011-12) of the Van Lunen Center for Executive Man- Laura Montgomery, Interim agement in Christian Schools, based at Calvin Director, Educational Resources College in Grand Rapids, Mich. Division of LESA.

October/November 2013

A Transformational Summer

While many students were busy playing sports or hitting the swimming pool, one St. Louis student spent her summer not only continuing to learn, but also giving to others. Emma Page, a fifth grade student at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Des Peres, took this past summer to learn how to sew. While many may consider sewing to be a lost art, Emma took to it with ease with the help of her grandmother, Carol Page. Carol comes in every summer to spend two months with her grandchildren. It was Emma’s plan from the beginning to make pillowcases after reading an American Girl book about a girl who made pillowcases and donated them. She wanted to do the same. Emma and her mother, Beth Page, researched St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s website and discovered it accepted pillowcases and provided the instructions to complete them. Emma and her grandmother worked on the pillowcases throughout the summer. First they selected the fabric and the trim, making sure the pillowcases would be for boys and girls of all ages. Then the work of transformation to pillowcases began by cutting and sewing the pieces together. They set up an assembly line with Emma cutting out the pattern and sewing while Grandma ironed the seams. They spent many hours together over the course of the summer and in the end were able to donate 15 pillowcases to St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Kimber Wilcox, a Special Events Project Coordinator from Children’s, was presented with the completed pillowcases at the end of the summer. When asked why she wanted to learn to sew, Emma replied, “I liked the idea of taking something and transforming it into something else.” She went on to say that sewing is like that – taking a piece of fabric and making it into anything you want. She also made pajamas for herself and an exchange student who lives with them. Emma knew from the beginning she wanted to make something for others. Her mom credits this dedication to giving and service to her school, St. Paul’s Lutheran, “Molding caring servant leaders in everything they do, and instilling the desire to give to others.” It was a unique and fun summer project – learning a new talent, spending time with family, and serving others – and transformational in more ways than one. Emma has already declared that she would like to do it again. For 163 years, St. Paul’s Lutheran School, located at the intersection of Ballas Road and Manchester Road in Des Peres, has created a legacy of providing excellent Christian education for children ages 6 weeks through eighth grade. St. Paul’s is committed to sharing Christ’s love and providing an environment and opportunity for students to develop their God-given potential: spiritually, academically, physically, emotionally, and socially as they strive in their mission toward developing caring servant leaders. Visit us at www.stpaulsdesperes.org.

Abiding Savior Lutheran School Welcomes Interim Principal


Educationa l Ser v ices

The students at Abiding Savior Lutheran School, St. Louis, started their school year with a new but familiar face at the helm. Dr. Joseph Bordeaux will serve as Interim Principal for the year as the church and school conduct a nation-wide search to call a new leader. Dr. Bordeaux is no stranger at Abiding Savior Lutheran School. He was called to St. Louis from the east coast to help start Washington Lutheran School, from which Abiding Savior Lutheran School developed. Located on the corner of Kerth and Butler Hill, where Orchid Terrace now sits, Dr. Bordeaux served for seven years as the original principal of the school. His wife, Betty, was the original Director of Early Childhood. Since his original call to ASLS, Bordeaux has enjoyed a respected career in both K-12 and collegiate administration. His experience includes teaching and administrating at Lindenwood University, a second calling to Washington Lutheran School for three years, and then a move across the country to serve as Dean of the School of Education at Concordia University in Irvine, Calif. He returned to St. Louis in retirement, but has since served as Interim Principal at St. Paul Lutheran in Des Peres, Mo. Bordeaux continues to lend his talents by leading seminars for the National LCMS school administration to train Interim Principals for Lutheran Schools. He also currently serves as the Chairman of the Board for the Lutheran Association for Special Education. Assisting Bordeaux as an Interim Assistant Principal is Abiding Savior Lutheran School’s Director of Early Childhood, Mrs. Beverly Gruenwald. Principals at Lutheran schools serve as called leaders much as a pastor does for a church. The church will lead a nation-wide search for a new principal, which reviews certified Lutheran administrators and teachers. There are more than 2,000 Lutheran schools worldwide including K-12, and 10 Concordia universities. Lutheran schools are currently ranked top in the Nation’s Report Card as reported by the National Assess- Dr. Joseph Bordeaux ment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Immanuel, Wentzville, Principal Chops Locks for Charity Students at Immanuel Lutheran School in Wentzville celebrated the start of school with an opening chapel service and new “do’s” for two of their favorite administrators. Principal Allison Dolak and Preschool Director Shirlee Nolting decided to kick off a new year of service by chopping their locks for charity. The “proceeds” from the cuts will go to Children with Hair Loss, a non-profit that provides free hair replacement services to children affected by illness or serious accidents. Immanuel Lutheran School serves students of all faiths from preschool through eighth grade. Immanuel is located at 632 E. Highway N in Wentzville.

The Voice of Missouri

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Fa m i ly Li fe a nd Yout h Fall Junior High R etreat Oct. 18-20 at Camp Windermere

Peer Ministry Training

Looking for a great youth ministry leadership opportunity? Peer Ministry Training (PMT) is an opportunity to come together with high school youth and youth counselors who want to learn additional/intentional skills in counseling/disciSpring 2014 Junior High R etreat March 28-30 pleship to serve in their youth ministry – in their For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: congregation, their school, their community and their family. The Missouri District Family Life “You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself.” and Youth Board invites you and/or your youth to Peer Ministry Training Feb. 14-16, 2014, at Galatians 5:14 the Sojourn Retreat Center, Dittmer, Mo., or at Based on the Ten Commandments, the 2013-14 Junior High Retreats are Heit’s Point in Lincoln, Mo. focused on Gal. 5:14 around the theme, “LOVE is the Word.” This year’s Peer Ministry Training consists of Peer Ministry Training 1 (offered at The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 7, by 3 p.m. both locations). The entry level course is designed to teach participants: Rev. Greg Bearrs is the presenter for our weekend-long retreats this year. Greg is Quality training in caring skills a church planter and the founding pastor of LakePointe Lutheran Church. Greg, Commitment to growth in faith and values his wife, Kristi, and their four children live in Hot Springs, Ark., where they Christian service to other people started LakePointe. Greg is a lifetime Lutheran committed to helping leaders grow Welcoming others and make an impact in their Listening with care respective communities. He is a How to ask questions nationally known speaker who Help bring the hope of Christ into the lives of their peers has presented at the National LCMS Youth Gatherings. You Peer Ministry Training 2 (only at the Sojourn Center): This is the follow-up can follow Pastor Greg on course to Peer Ministry Training. Participants must have been through PMT 1. Twitter @Pastor_Greg or go to The focus of PMT 2 is: www.lakepointefamily.com for Learning how to validate others more information. How to deal with sensitive issues The band for the retreat will Discovering our spiritual gifts feature a new form of the band Learning to share our faith and personal faith stories previously known as “Parallax Our training teams will be led by Rev. Gene Wyssmann, assistant to the district View” called The Relentless president for Family Life and Youth Ministry, and Rev. Mark Martin and Christina Project. Stackle, members of the Missouri District Board for Family Life and Youth. The Who can go? Youth: Youth members of the teaching teams are certified instructors in Peer Ministry. primarily in grades six, seven Your cost for the entire weekend is $75 per person. The actual cost for the and eight. Adult counselors: training is more than $200 per person which includes staff, materials, housing and Approximately one for each meals. However, the Missouri District Board for Family Life and Youth Ministry is seven youth (male counselors providing funds to pay the balance per person for youth and counselors. for male youth and female counselors for female youth). Medical forms should be brought to the training and NOT sent to the district Encourage your youth to invite office with your registration. Please duplicate forms as needed. Call us at 314-590-6217 or email Sue. their unchurched friends who Thompson@mo.lcms.org for more information. Information is also on our website participate in youth group. at http://mo.lcms.org. https://www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?eventid=1272467 Registration suggestion: A team of two or three youth and an adult leader is ideal. Individuals who come alone may find themselves missing the support needed to grow together and Peer Ministry Training (PMT) R egistration Form support one another at home. Yes, I want to attend Peer Ministry Training!  Bring your Bible and supplies to take notes, plus recreational and personal Name: needs. You can bring items for evening activities, like table games, cards, etc. Address: Sleeping arrangements at Heit’s Point City, State, ZIP: are “camp style” on bunk beds. You need to bring sleeping bags and towels Phone: ( ) Email address: since these are not provided. Peer Ministry Training is an outMale Female T-shirt size: Small-2XL (Youth Only) Grade: Age: standing experience with great training/ I am registering for: Peer Ministry Training 1 Peer Ministry Training 2 at Heit’s Point or  Sojourn Center leadership teams and great youth and Congregation Name and City: counselors coming together to learn, Mail registration form and $75 fee (please make checks payable to the Missouri District) to: grow and serve. Share this opportunity Missouri District LCMS – Peer Ministry Training, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 with everyone in your youth ministry. Questions? Please email: Sue.Thompson@mo.lcms.org. Registration and $75 fee (payable to the Missouri District) is due by Feb. 1, 2014.

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October/November 2013


Leadersh ip Tra in ing Marriage ‘Insurance’ What if your church could provide marriage insurance for couples seeking to get married? That’s right, provide marriage insurance to the one man and one woman desiring a lifelong union. Considering the fact that the average couple is going to spend more than $30,000 on the wedding, marriage insurance is a great investment. But the investment is not about money, it’s about time. By investing 25 to 30 hours of time over six months and following six simple steps, marriage insurance can raise any couple’s chances of success from a mere 50 percent to more than 98 percent. While the divorce rate in the United States hovers around 50 percent, with your marriage prep, couples can decide to divorce-proof their marriage. Marriage is not simple fate or odds, like flipping a coin. The choices made in the time of preparation make that big of a difference. God’s blessing for holy marriage is not about getting married in church by some pastor, but it’s seeking God’s presence in Jesus Christ and following His direction in His Word. Guess what? It works.

Here are the steps for this successful marriage insurance program: 1. Teach them to pray together. Some studies show that couples who pray together have a 99 percent success rate. Marriage, at its heart, is a spiritual institution. 2. Live in separate households before marriage. Cohabitation is a cancer on the institution of marriage. Statistically, it is a trial divorce. More than 90 percent of cohabiting relationships fail. 3. The couple should be over the age of 20. Couples under 20 have a dismal track record of success. Besides, waiting shows a strong ethic of commitment and strengthens the marriage union. 4. Put in place a six-month waiting period used for solid preparation including a commitment to sexual abstinence. 5. Use a marriage preparation inventory like Zoe (www.zoescore.com), with at least three advising or mentoring sessions. Consider training successfully married couples as mentors or advisors. Studies show that when steps #3 and #4 are in place, the marriage is essentially inoculated against divorce for seven years. 6. If one of the partners is divorced, make sure that all avenues of reconciliation have been pursued, an appropriate amount of time for recovery has occurred (18 months) and recovery activities have been pursued (divorce-care programs). I’ve been using these steps for more than 15 years now and have designed a program around them. It works. I suppose I can’t say it any simpler than that. Everything you need is available for free at www.clcop.org. Click the “ministries” tab and look under “marriage and family.” Go ahead and download these materials. Have a good look at what a marriage insurance policy looks like. One of the most rewarding moments in ministry for me comes when I see the look of fear and insecurity change in a couple’s eyes to a look of confidence and security in the wonderful divine institution of marriage. By following these simple steps and committing time to learning the skills of a lifelong love, couples will experience the joy, wholeness and healing God intends for marriage. Contributed by the Rev. Jeff Meyers, Christ Lutheran Church, 11720 Nieman Road, Overland Park, KS 66210, 913-345-9700 LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission supports and encourages rural and small town congregations in engaging their communities and growing together in Christ through Word and Sacrament. If you have a good idea for outreach or a story you’d like to share so that we can share it with others, please contact email Amy Gerdts at amy.gerdts@lcms.org. Learn more about us at www.lcms.org/rstm, call our office at 888-463-5127, email rstm@lcms.org or “like” us at www.facebook.com/lcmsrstm.

Kitchen Sink Workshops - Save the Date! Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014: Saturday, March 8, 2014: Saturday, March 22, 2014: Saturday, April 5, 2014:

Faith, Springfield St. Paul, Jackson King of Kings, Chesterfield Timothy (North Campus), Blue Springs Each workshop runs from 9 a.m. to noon with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m.

Send Me St. Louis Training and Events For more information about Send Me St. Louis’ services, training opportunities, or volunteer management resources, visit its website at www.SendMeStLouis.org or contact Hannah Shanks by phone at 314-678-0015 ext. 3, or email Hannah@ sendmestlouis.org. Community Meeting #1: Lutheran Foundation’s New Strategic Funding Plan Oct. 1, 2013 – 8:30 a.m. Lutheran Hour Ministries, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141 Join with other leaders to learn about Lutheran Foundation’s recently updated strategic funding plan and impact on our philanthropic efforts over the next five years. Three community meetings will be offered, each of which will present the same information. Organizations only need to attend one of these meetings. We ask that no more than two people from the same organization attend. Registration is limited to 75 people. Community Meeting #2: Lutheran Foundation’s New Strategic Funding Plan Oct. 1, 2013 – 3 p.m. Lutheran Hour Ministries, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141 Community Meeting #3: Lutheran Foundation’s New Strategic Funding Plan Oct. 2, 2013 – 8:30 a.m. CRAVE Coffee House, 3500 Caroline St., St. Louis, MO 63104 In-Depth Meeting: Services to Ex-offenders and Their Families Oct. 29, 2013 – 3 p.m. CRAVE Coffee House, 3500 Caroline Street, St. Louis, MO 63104 This workshop will provide in-depth information about the Services to Exoffenders and Their Families funding focus area and strategies for submitting a strong funding request to Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. The session will cover the funding focus area’s goals, Impact Areas, and recommended outcomes. Participants will also learn about developing a quality logic model. In-Depth Meeting: Christian Volunteerism and Congregation Outreach Oct. 30, 2013 – 8:30 a.m. Lutheran Hour Ministries, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141 This workshop will provide in-depth information about the Christian Volunteerism and the Congregation Social Service Outreach Ministry funding focus areas and strategies for submitting a strong funding request to Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. The session will cover the funding focus areas goals, Impact Areas, and suggested outcomes. Participants will also learn about developing a quality logic model. In-Depth Meeting: Older Adults Maintaining Independence Oct. 30, 2013 – 3 p.m. Lutheran Hour Ministries, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141 This workshop will provide in-depth information about the Older Adults Maintaining Independence funding focus area and strategies for submitting a strong funding request to Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. The session will cover the funding focus area’s goals, Impact Areas, and suggested outcomes. Participants will also learn about developing a quality logic model. In-Depth Meeting: Supporting Foreign-Born Populations Oct. 31, 2013 – 8:30 a.m. CRAVE Coffee House, 3500 Caroline St., St. Louis, MO 63104 This workshop will provide in-depth information about the Supporting Foreign-Born Populations funding focus area and strategies for submitting a strong funding request to Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis. The session will cover the funding focus area’s goals, Impact Areas, and suggested outcomes. Participants will also learn about developing a quality logic model.

The Voice of Missouri

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Concord ia Sem ina r y, St. Lou is 137 New Students Welcomed to Seminary at Opening Service

On Friday, Sept. 6, at 11 a.m., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, began its 175th academic year with a special worship service in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the seminary campus. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary, served as preacher. The incoming class is comprised of 137 students, including all those newly enrolled in residential and distance programs: 67 residential M.Div. students; three residential alternate route students; seven deaconess students; seven EIIT (Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology) students; 24 SMP (Specific Ministry Pastor Program) students; and 12 CHS (Center for Hispanic Studies) students. Concordia Seminary’s Graduate School has 17 new students: four M.A. (Master of Arts) students; eight Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) students; and five S.T.M. (Master of Sacred Theology) students. The 24 new SMP students received vicarage assignments during the opening service as well. In addition, three new faculty members were installed: Rev. Benjamin Haupt as Director of Library Services and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology; Rev. David Johnson as Director of Musical Arts and Associate Professor of Practical Theology; and Rev. Todd Jones as Director of Resident Field Education and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology. Current faculty and staff members were installed in new positions: Dr. Charles Arand as Dean of Theological Research and Publication; Dr. Wallace Becker as Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program; Rev. Jason Broge as Curriculum Design Specialist; Rev. Tony Cook as Director of Curriculum Design and Development and Continuing Education; Dr. Jeffrey Kloha as Provost; Mr. Michael Louis as Executive Vice President; Dr. Richard Marrs as Director of the Master of Divinity and Alternate Route Programs; Dr. David Maxwell as Director of the Graduate School; and Dr. Paul Robinson as Dean and Marshal of the Faculty. For more information, please contact communications@csl.edu or call New students at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, on Sept. 6. 314-505-7379.


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October/November 2013


Lutheran Women’s Missionary League     President’s Penning Thank You for M aking Me a Christian I love my Bible. Several years ago I purchased the Karen Drury Concordia NIV Self-study Bible. I especially like this Bible for the study notes included to help the reader with more in-depth meditation on individual verses. And of course I love my Bible for the words of forgiveness, the words of redemption and the words of life through Jesus, my Savior. But I also love my Bible because of the treasures I’ve slipped inside the pages down through the years. I have bookmarks of all kinds, greeting cards and notes carefully placed there for safe keeping … they are my treasures. As I sat down to write this article, I came across a hand-made card my son, Daniel, gave me. From the look of his artwork, I would say he was about 8 years old when he gave his dad and me this very simple card. The front of the card read, “Thank You for Making Me a Christian,” and inside was a solitary cross and signed “From Daniel.” My son is now 16 years old, tall, with broad shoulders and a deep voice. He just started his junior year at Saxony Lutheran High School. I witnessed Daniel visiting with other students and some of the teachers when he didn’t know I was watching! I had some proud mommy moments and I would like to take the credit for the person he is becoming, but the truth is, I didn’t make Daniel a Christian, God did. His father and I made sure that he was baptized as a baby, we took him to church, and we sent him to Lutheran schools, but it was the Holy Spirit that has introduced him to Christ and made him a Christian. As Christian mothers and fathers, we want to teach our children about Jesus. Through the mission work of the LWML, let us help all mothers and fathers educate their children in the most important lessons of this life, life eternal through Jesus Christ.

R eformation – Should We Celebrate? When I found out the theme for this article I thought, oh my, how can I write about teaching and celebrating reformation, my husband is not a pastor and I’m not a teacher. The more I thought about it the more I became excited. I thank God for using, leading and filling Martin Luther with the Holy Spirit. He was so deeply troubled that even the thick monastery walls were no help in giving him peace for all his fasts, whippings, vigils, and penances. Then he turned to the Bible. Luther knew that God is a forgiving and loving God, and wrestled and searched the scriptures for the answer. There it was – grace alone. Luther then translated it so it could be shared by everyone. What a wonderful blessing we have knowing that we have the gift of forgiveness and it’s free through faith – no paying for it or depending on our friends and relatives to pay for us. I’m going to confess something. When I was in high school my chemistry teacher caught me doing something in the hallway that I shouldn’t have been doing and I lied about it. He was an older teacher and I thought I could convince him that he didn’t hear or see what I did. He took me aside and shared with me that he believed in always telling the truth and being as honest as possible and as a result could sleep well at night. That night I didn’t sleep a wink, I wrestled with what he told me all night. The guilt was tearing me up. First thing, the next day I went to talk to him. I apologized for what I had done and to this day have tried my best not to lie. That was such a small thing I had to wrestle with compared to Martin Luther’s tremendous troubles. It was wonderful to know that I was forgiven not only by my teacher but also by my Lord and Savior. I am forgiven and go on with my life knowing I am cleansed. God will forgive me no matter what because of what He earned for me on the Cross. I don’t have to rely on my good deeds. I don’t have to rely on anyone else. There He is – Christ alone. When celebrating Reformation we shouldn’t dwell on the negative things that happened in the past but dwell on the amazing grace that has been delivered to us. There are so many people in the world who don’t know about that amazing grace that God offers us and are carrying around so much baggage and wrestling with it. Through LWML, as Christian women of faith, we have such a fantastic opportunity to share this message of grace, hope and forgiveness to others all over the world through Bible studies, missionaries, clothing, meals, quilts, food, mites, etc. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can Recording Secretary boast.” What a great reason to celebrate! Myra Weber

Mark Your Calendars….. June 20-22, 2014

We are committed to helping every woman find personal opportunities in her daily life and in her congregation to be nurtured in faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discover her unique gifts and value in God’s family.

We’re making plans for you to……….. Carry His Light at the


www.MissouriLWML.org www.lwml.org

2013-2015 Primary Targets Nurturing Faith in Christ

Biennial Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Missouri District Convention To be held at the Kansas City Expo Center Watch for more details in The Voice “Let your light shine before me, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matt 5:16

Making Our Mission Meaningful

We challenge and equip women of all ages, stages, ethnicities, and experiences to make a meaningful difference in the lives of hurting, helpless, and unbelieving people at home and throughout the world.

The Voice of Missouri

Counselor’s Corner By Grace Through Faith “For it is by grace you have been saved, Rev. David Moore through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast” (Eph. 2:8-9 NIV). Every year when I begin my confirmation classes I like to start with one simple little question: How are you saved? As you might imagine, I get all kinds of different answers. “You need to come to church.” “You need to be good and help other people out.” “You need to read and know the Bible.” A lot of what I hear confirms the fact that we as sinful human beings want to think that we can somehow have a hand in our own salvation. This error, that we have to do something in order to be saved, is one that has persisted throughout the generations and unfortunately is still with us today. One way that I work to move my kids away from this kind of thinking is to have them memorize the above passage from Ephesians. This persistent little error is also why it is imperative that we continue to teach and preach the truth of Scripture. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Christ Jesus. Our salvation is not about what we do, but instead it is all about what Christ has already done for us through his life, death and resurrection. I don’t know about you, but I thank God that my salvation does not depend on anything that I do because I know for sure that I would figure out a way to mess it up. We can never be good enough, do enough good works, or be religious enough to make ourselves worthy to stand in the presence of God. What a great comfort and blessing is it to not only know, but to share with others the truth of our salvation. We are saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, and that is God’s gift to us. To Him be the glory.

Sharing Encouragement

We believe that women value the friendship, support, and encouragement from other women and strive to offer warm, welcoming opportunities for women to grow in faith and relationships as sisters in Christ.

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A nnouncements Personnel Changes — Ordained

Calling Congregations For Sole Pastors Alma, Trinity Belle/Owensville, Mount Calvary/Zion Bourbon, Concordia Cole Camp, Trinity Cape Girardeau (Egypt Mills), Trinity Republic, Hope Richmond, Faith Rockville, Zion St. Louis, Ascension – called Rev. Matthew Clark of Waterloo, IL (accepted) St. Louis, Christ in the City St. Louis, St. Trinity – called Rev. David Lewis of Hernando, MS (accepted) Vandalia, St. John Washington, Faith Pastors Considering Calls Ellul, Gary (St. Paul, Jonesburg) to Our Redeemer, Marlette, MI (declined) Froiland, Brandon (Christ, Platte Woods) to Glory of Christ, Plymouth, MN (declined) Greene, Frank (King of Kings, Kansas City) to St. Mark’s, Tucker, GA (declined) Jameson, John (St. Mark’s, Eureka) to Trinity, Ironwood, MI Johnson, Jeremiah (Faith, Richmond) to Grace, Dodge Center, MN (declined) Johnson, Jeremiah (Faith, Richmond) to Glory of Christ, Plymouth, MN (accepted) Koester, Kevin (Mount Calvary, Belle/ Zion, Owensville) to St. Paul (associate) Brookfield, IL (accepted) Lessing, Reed (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) to St. Michael, Fort Wayne, IN (accepted) Rathje, John (Christ in the City, St. Louis) to Concordia University, Ann Arbor, MI (accepted) Seban, Timothy (St. Paul, Des Peres) to Associate Pastor, Beautiful Savior, Plymouth, MN Thieme, Brian (Trinity, Columbia) to St. John’s, Ladysmith, WI (declined)

Ordinations/Installations Anderson, Luke (SL ’13) ordained Immanuel – Fairmont, MN 6/4/13 by W. Daul; installed Associate Pastor St. Matthew – Lee’s Summit, MO 8/11/13 by R. Mirly Broge, Jason (ordained Webster Gardens, Webster Groves, MO) 8/18/13 by J. Christiansen; installed Curriculum Mgr. Distance Education Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO 9/6/13 by D. Meyer Elfe, Chad (SL ’13) ordained and installed Associate Pastor/Missional Planter New Beginnings, Pacific, MO 8/4/13 by R. Mirly Engle, Tristan (SL ’13) ordained St. Paul, Concordia, MO 7/7/13 by L. Hagan; installed Trinity, Park Hills, MO 8/4/13 by A. Wollenburg Genthner, Glenndon (FW ’13) Dept. of Defense, Navy Personnel Command Millington, TN ordained S.U.N.Y. Maritime Ft. Schuyler, New York City, NY 7/28/13 by D. Taylor; installed Chaplain US Navy Active Duty 7/28/13 by M. Schreiber Hopkins, Theodore (SL ’11) ordained Concordia, Maplewood, MO 8/24/13 by R. Rall; installed teacher Lutheran H.S. South, St. Louis, MO 8/26/13 by R. Mirly Kohn, Elden (SL ’13) ordained and installed Zion, Macon, MO 7/14/13 by R. Mirly Larson, Mark (SL ’13) ordained and installed Assistant Pastor/Worker Priest Holy Cross

Served by Intentional Interim Pastor or Interim Pastor Glencoe, St. Paul (Rev. Robert Lange) Grandview, Holy Trinity (Rev. Dr. Rick Foss) Mexico, St. John (Rev. Mike Gallagher) Pocahontas/Shawneetown – Zion/ Trinity (Rev. Virgil Kelm) St. Louis, Epiphany (Rev. Dr. Martin Haeger) St. Louis County, Immanuel Chapel (Rev. Ron Jansen) Slater, Peace & St. Paul (Rev. Douglas Dubisar) For Senior Pastor Kansas City, Holy Cross – called Rev. Brent Kuhlman of Murdock, NE Overland, Our Redeemer St. Louis, Historic Trinity – Rev. David Marth retiring St. Louis County, Christ Memorial – Rev. Gregory Smith retiring For Associate or Assistant Pastor Crystal City, Immanuel Ellisville, St. John Oakville, Faith St. Charles, Immanuel Vacant on Hold – But Being Served Ashland, Family of Christ Bethany, Hope Center, Trinity Elk Prairie (Rolla), Peace Isabella, Faith Knob Noster, Faith Memphis, St. Paul Milan, Peace Oak Grove, Shepherd of the Valley Princeton, Immanuel St. James, St. John St. Louis, Holy Sacrament St. Louis, St. Paul Sarcoxie, Trinity Shelbyville, Mount Hope Sweet Springs, Christ

(Deaf), St. Louis, MO 8/11/13 by R. Moody Williams, Jonathan (FW ’13) ordained Village, Ladue, MO 7/7/13 by K. Golden; officially transferred to the Lutheran Church of Australia 9/5/13 by M. Harrison Transferred to Our District Bernet, Ernest (TX) candidate status 7/1/13 Ehrhard, Jacob (NI) installed Trinity, New Haven, MO 8/11/13 by K. Golden Greene, John (SE) installed teacher Grace Chapel, Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO 8/18/13 by N. Ruback Haupt, Benjamin (FG) installed Dir. of Library Services Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO 9/6/13 by D. Meyer Jones, Todd (MDS) installed Dir. of Resident Field Education Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO 9/6/13 by D. Meyer Meggers, David (NI) installed Associate Pastor Concordia, Kirkwood, MO 8/4/13 by S. Seidler Meyer, Michael (RM) Manager, Disaster Response Ofc. National Mission, LCMS, St. Louis, MO 8/19/13 by M. Harrison Schaefer, Henry (NOW) emeritus status 9/5/13

Donations Sought A Fun Way to Give Needed Help: Trivia/Bingo/Silent Auction and Supper, Saturday, Nov. 16, at Webster Gardens Lutheran Church. Christian Friends of New Americans’ benefit supports the sharing of Christ’s love through English classes, sports, after school tutoring, home Bible study and leadership formation classes, furniture distribution, medical care, and more for St. Louis’ refugees/ immigrants. Can you and/or your favorite organization contribute a silent auction item or theme basket? Contact Carol at 314-517-8513 or buckmancal@aol.com or visit www.cfna-stl.org for more information.

Personnel Changes — Commissioned Ministers of R eligion Graduates Installed Abel, Breenna (RF ’13) to Immanuel, Rolla 8/4/13 by S. Kamprath Chrismer, Emma (S ’13) to Child of God, St. Peters 8/25/13 by C. Mizel Collier, Cody (S ’13) to Immanuel, Wentzville 8/11/13 by J. Auringer Conkling, Stephanie (B ’10) to Child of God, St. Peters 8/25/13 by C. Mizel Gersman, Abby (Colloquy RF ’12) to Immanuel, Wentzville 8/11/13 by J. Auringer Gray, Shelly (Colloquy RF ’13) to Immanuel, Perryville 8/18/13 by T. Handrick Hente, Ellen (S ’11) to Immanuel, Perryville 8/18/13 by T. Handrick Keane, Kimberly (RF ’13) to Zion, St. Charles 8/10/13 by M. Rouland Martin, Dawn (S ’13) to Lutheran High School South, St. Louis 8/26/13 by R. Mirly Nelson, Rebecca (colloquy S ’13) to Saint Paul Lutheran High, Concordia 8/18/13 by P. Mehl Patton, Cara (RF ’13) to Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, St. Louis 9/9/13 by M. Harrison Persich, Danielle (M ’13) to Immanuel, Perryville 8/18/13 by T. Handrick Salzberg, Elizabeth (S ’13) to Immanuel, Jefferson City 7/28/13 by J. Schanbacher

Resigned/Removed from Roster

Oldre, Alicia (Zion, St. Charles) 7/9/13


Rivers, Ronnie (emeritus) 5/1/13

Page 14

Transferred from Other Districts Bartel, Terri (SW) to non-candidate 8/11/13 Dehne, Jill (SI) to St. Paul, Jackson 8/11/13 by J. Shaw Dreessen, Jean (SI) to emeritus 8/1/13 Duensing-Werner, Audrey (KS) to Concordia, Kirkwood 8/4/13 by S. Seidler Gomez, Elin (TX) to Lord of Life, Chesterfield 9/8/13 by M. Below Hohnstadt, Steven (SO) to Calvary, Kansas City 8/11/13 by B. Bereuter Kusel, Mark (CNH) to Trinity, Alma 8/25/13 by F. Hertwig Lunak (nee Zeddies), Brooke (MI) to Messiah, Independence 8/18/13 by S. Patschke Lunak, Robert (TX) to Messiah, Independence 8/18/13 by S. Patschke Pitman, Bethany (NI) to Lutheran High School South 8/26/13 by R. Mirly Schroll, George (IN) to Immanuel, Wentzville 8/11/13 by J. Auringer Steffens, Pamela (RM) to St. Paul, St. Joseph 8/15/13 by D. Moore Tarr, Grace (PSW) to non-candidate 6/17/13 Tietz, Joan (IE) to candidate 6/6/13 Verner, Elizabeth (PSW) to noncandidate 5/22/13 Wegner, Daniel (AT) to Lutheran High School North, St. Louis 8/23/13 by K. Golden Wilshek, Gail (SW) to candidate 6/10/13 Wright, Lisa (RM) to Salem, Florissant 8/18/13 by A. Filipek Yochum, Lawrence (IE) to St. John’s, Arnold 9/15/13 by J. Schultz

Changes Within District Busseau, Craig (Good Shepherd, Columbia) to Immanuel, Higginsville 8/11/13 by M. Jauss Charlton, Kaitlyn (Immanuel, Higginsville) to River Roads, St. Louis 8/11/13 by A. Schenk Domsch, Allison (non-candidate) to Immanuel, Olivette 8/11/13 by R. Karg Ernstmeyer, Dr. Craig (Saxony Lutheran High School, Jackson) to Lutheran High School of St. Charles County, St. Peters 8/11/13 by A. Schade Flenner, Lorraine (St. Paul’s, Concordia) to St. Paul, Farmington 8/11/13 by J. King Golchert, Kent (Immanuel, Rolla) to Immanuel, Rosebud 7/14/13 by A. Kotila Jorgensen, Steven (candidate) to Pointe of Hope, Blue Springs 8/18/13 by B. Hetzel Krato, Kimberly (Our Redeemer, Overland) to Grace Chapel, Bellefontaine Neighbors 8/18/13 by N. Ruback Leible, Deanna (St. Paul, St. Joseph) to St. Paul, Jackson 8/11/13 by J. Shaw Montgomery, Laura (Abiding Savior, St. Louis County) to Lutheran Elementary School Association, St. Louis 9/19/13 by D. McBurney Scheller, Sara (Grace Chapel, Bellefontaine Neighbors) to Immanuel, St. Charles 8/11/13 by A. Schade Schroeder, Bobby (St. John’s, Ellisville) to St. John’s, Arnold 7/14/13 by J. Schultz Shaw, Joy (Springfield, Springfield) to St. Paul, Jackson 8/11/13 by J. Shaw Shudy, Amy (candidate) to St. Paul’s, Sedalia 7/28/13 by J. Freeman

October/November 2013

Candidate Status Bayless, Ashley (Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis) 7/26/13 Fish, Cynthia (Immanuel, Rolla) 8/1/13 Generally, Amber (Our Savior, Fenton) 8/1/13 Kassebaum, Tina (LCMS World Mission, St. Louis) 7/3/12


Brown, Kathryn (Salem, Affton) 6/1/13 Hartman, Kenneth (Trinity, Jefferson City) 8/1/13 Mangels, Verlin (Saxony Lutheran High School, Jackson) 6/1/13 Otten, Carl (Immanuel, Rosebud) 6/15/13 Otto, Arlo (Ascension, St. Louis) 2/1/12 Schlesselman, David (Lutheran High School of St. Charles County, St. Peters) 7/1/13 Schmich, Deborah (Lutheran Elementary School Association, St. Louis) 8/1/13 Steffens, Allyn (Immanuel, Perryville) 8/1/13

Transferred to Other Districts

Cooksey, Robert (Christ Community, Kirkwood) to NEB 7/31/13 Halter, Lois (Abiding Savior, St. Louis County) to ND 8/19/13 Hohnstadt, Rebecca (Immanuel, Lockwood) to MI 8/16/13 Loomis, Megan (LCMS Office of National Mission, St. Louis) to SE 9/3/13 Stahlecker, Brianne (St. Paul, St. Joseph) to NEB 7/19/13


A nnouncements

Gulf Shores, Ala. beachfront

Saxon Lutheran Memorial Annual Fall Festival


Back Again!

Silent Auction! Featuring many specialty items.

Saturday, October 12 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

for rent Three bedroom, two bath, fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, indoor–outdoor pools, hot tub, tennis court, exercise, sauna; golf, fishing, children’s attractions nearby.

1800’s demonstrations:

Reduced R ate for Voice Readers! Members of The Lutheran Church

blacksmith * apple butter

of Webster Gardens

cooking * quilting *

Call 314-843-6063

butchering * cross-cut sawing * shingle making * spinning * horse & buggy rides * cider pressing * broom making * cooking soap * bread baking

We invite you to join us for this grand celebration and fun family day. Gather your friends and bring them all to enjoy the beauty of fall while taking a walk back in time. Everyone will have a great experience filled with treasured memories. There is no charge for the event or parking, however an opportunity to make a free-will donation for continued preservation will be offered.

Activities for the day: p Schnitzelbank Skit p Musical entertainment p Attendance prizes p Hand-made crafts p Delicious food p Guest speakers p Horse and buggy rides p Silent auction

This event is sponsored by Thrivent Financial with matching funds.

Donations can be made and sent to: Saxon Lutheran Memorial 296 Saxon Memorial Drive Frohna, MO 63748

Connecting Generations On Saturday, Oct. 12, come visit the 1800s at an historic log cabin home and farmstead in Frohna and watch the pioneer ways come alive. You will experience first hand many of the tasks and skills that the pioneers depended on for survival. Watch the blacksmiths shape and mold metal, the broom makers with their tools, help make a rope, split fence rails, stir some apple butter, wash clothes in a wooden wash tub, help with some quilting, watch a farrier shoe a horse, cook in a dutch oven, take a ride in a horse-drawn wagon, do some cross-cut sawing, learn about shooting a muzzleloader, buy accessories for your period clothing and devour a freshly popped bag of kettle corn. Explore the heritage and customs of the German immigrants who settled here in 1839 to make East Perry County, Mo., their home. There will be music on stage, a silent and oral auction, a pumpkin contest, more than 60 crafters with unique and beautiful handmade crafts, pastries and fresh baked bread, fresh canned vegetables,

Contact the curator for more information: Phone: 573-824-5404 Email: slmlynda@att.net Web: www.saxonlutheranmemorial.org Friend us on Facebook

 Sharing Faith homemade pie and, of course, quarts and pints of kettle cooked apple butter for you to take home. This is a family friendly event, so invite everyone to join you for the day. It’s a treat to be in a truly picturesque, original, old-fashioned setting that is free for your enjoyment. A free-will donation will be taken at the gate. The Saxon Lutheran Memorial is a non-profit organization and the festival is its major fundraiser for the preservation and maintenance of its 15 buildings on site. It is owned by Concordia Historical Institute. New things to look for this year include an oral auction featuring items made from the SLM site or council members. This will specifically raise money for a building expansion planned for the Visitor Center. The expansion includes a new kitchen, handicap accessible restrooms, storage area and larger lobby. For more information please call 573-824-5404. The address is 296 Saxon Memorial Drive, Frohna, MO 63748.

The Voice of Missouri

Bed & Breakfast Quiet Nature Retreat on 23 Acres Private Eight Acre Fishing Lake Near Hermann, Mo. woodmere@ktis.net Woodmerecabin.members.ktis.net 573-252-4136 Members - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

Fresh, Cafeteria Style Pork Sausage Dinner Sunday, Oct. 20 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Peace Lutheran Church 737 Barracksview Road (½ Mile West of Telegraph and I-255) Mashed Potatoes - Gravy Sauerkraut - Green Beans - Applesauce - Dessert Adults $10 Children (5-12 yrs.) $5 under 5 free Carry-outs and bulk sales available For information call 314-892-5610 Sponsored by Peace Lutheran Men’s Club and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans #30663

We R emember: 1 Ronnie Rivers who passed into glory May 1, 2013.

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District News Blessing of the Prayer Shawls

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a vital mission work project of Trinity Lutheran Church, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Women of the congregation and friends gather each Wednesday for fellowship and to pray as they knit or crochet shawls for individuals. Several times a year, the prayer shawls are blessed in a church service and then

bestowed on the ill, people grieving or individuals with difficulties in life. More than 400 prayer shawls have been lovingly knitted or crochetted and nearly 300 have been distributed to individuals in the last four years. Christian material accompanies each prayer shawl delivered.

All glory be given to God for so richly blessing this ministry. For more information on forming this mission work in your congregation, contact Carol Schmidt or Patti Beard at Trinity Lutheran Church, 100 N. Frederick St., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701, 573-335-8224.

Rev. Nathan Burgell blesses 65 prayer shawls.

Return to Bethlehem – 21 Years A nd Still Going Strong

This year marks the 21st year that Lord of Life Lutheran Church and Preschool in Chesterfield, Mo., has presented a very special gift to the surrounding communities: A living drama surrounding Jesus’ birth called Return to Bethlehem. The first few productions were both inside and outside. However, due to the unpredictable Missouri weather and having to chase down sheep that had gotten out of their corral at 2 o’clock in the morning, the whole production is now inside. Although this event is done in December, planning is year round and recruiting begins in September. It takes more than 100 people from characters, props, scenery, food, costume, entertainment, etc., to produce this drama. One of the most difficult tasks is recruiting expectant and new parents to volunteer themselves and their newborn to play the roles of Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. We have been very fortunate to a have had a newborn acting as Baby Jesus in all our performances. There are many church members who have participated in every production since the beginning. Cecil, the donkey, has also appeared in ever performance. Several members have had their children portray Baby Jesus and are now in adult roles. Some even have their grandchildren performing. Many of the men stop shaving after Halloween and allow their beards to grow, lending more authenticity to their roles. Many of the various musical groups that perform in the sanctuary, before the beginning of the tour, have returned year after year. For many, Return to Bethlehem, is a labor of love, an expression of faith and a chance to present the true meaning of the Christmas season. For Return to Bethlehem, the fellowship hall is transformed into the narrow streets of the Bethlehem marketplace. Visitors to the city are presented with a souvenir shekel and given an ancient family name so they may register for the census and enter the city. As they walk through the narrow streets, they experience ancient sights, sounds and smells. They will interact with the shopkeepers, soldiers and town-folk, all in period costumes, as they talk about daily life and the rumors about a baby born in a stable. This amazing tour of Bethlehem culminates with a visit to the lowly stable where the Christ child and His parents can been seen. Come, Return to Bethlehem and enrich your Christmas experience with the emotions and splendor that settled over the city with the birth of a tiny baby named Jesus. It is an experience not soon forgotten. This year’s presentations will be Friday, Dec. 6, from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 7 and 8, from 2 to 5 p.m. The free walking tour takes approximately 15 minutes and begins every four minutes. The tour is for all ages, inside and is wheelchair and walker accessible. Free-will offerings will be given to several charities. Again this year, we are asking visitors to bring a can of food, which will be given to the Circle of Concern Food Panty. Last year we donated almost 500 cans. For more information, call 636-532-0400 or go to www.lordoflifelcms.org. Lord of Life Lutheran Church and Preschool is located at 15750 Baxter Road, at the corner of Baxter Road an Clarkson Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

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October/November 2013

The Voice of Missouri

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