March 2014 Voice

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Published by the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League: A ffirming Each Woman’s R elationship With Christ submitted by Janice Rose

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For more than 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Women of all ages, ethnicities, and experiences are challenged to make a meaningful difference in the lives of hurting, helpless, and unbelieving people at home and throughout the world. The mission statement of the LWML encourages women to find personal opportunities in their daily lives and in their congregations to be nurtured in faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discover their unique gifts and value in God’s family. The LWML believes that women value the friendship, support, and encouragement of other women and strive to offer warm, welcoming opportunities

for women to grow in faith as sisters in Christ. In 1 Cor. 12:12 (NIV), we learn that “the body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.” So it is with women of the LWML within LCMS congregations. Societies consist of women of all ages, ethnicities, and experiences using their individual gifts or talents to serve the Lord with gladness (Ps. 100:2). Listed below are just a few of the ways women of the LWML serve LCMS congregations by providing muchneeded supplies to those less fortunate:

• Women gather together to make quilts of all sizes, warm throws, and/or clothing that are distributed locally to homeless shelters or donated to agencies of the LCMS such as Lutheran World Relief for use around the world. Thousands of quilts are made and distributed each year. continued on page 8

March—May 2014



of Missouri

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League/ Lutheran Hour Ministries: Your Partner in HIS Mission! submitted by Chad Fix

Of the nearly 7.2 billion people in the world, about a third—2.2 billion— profess to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Of the remaining 5 billion, there are perhaps 1.8 billion who have never had an opportunity even to hear the Gospel—together with many who are wandering in misconception, ignorance, or apathy. It’s God’s mission to enlighten all nations with His story of salvation. To Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), the claim to be your partner in HIS mission is more than just a slogan—it’s the core of what LHM is about.

Try typing “International Lutheran Laymen’s League” in your favorite search engine. The first thing that comes up will almost always be “Lutheran Hour Ministries.” Why? The organization now known throughout the church as Lutheran Hour Ministries began in 1917 when a group of Lutheran laymen came together to raise support for the ministry of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS). The organizers eventually formed an auxiliary called the Lutheran Laymen’s League, which today serves both the LCMS and Lutheran Church—Canada. Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod auxiliaries are not a part of the Synod’s constitutional structure but align themselves with the Synod and work to extend its ministry and mission. The LCMS also has a women’s auxiliary, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. continued on page 3

Beginning in 2014, the Voice will change to a quarterly print and electronic-issue schedule, with no internet-only issues. The next issue of the Voice will be published in June. This is part of a new strategy to help the district communicate with its members. The district is also in the process of creating a new website. Details will be announced as soon as the new website is ready!

The Missouri District Online

Regular Online Items: installations and ordinations, celebrations, anniversaries, obituaries, calendar and resources

In this issue:

Page 4 - Trinity Lutheran Church’s 175th Anniversary Page 6 - Donors Recognized at Green Park Lutheran School Page 7 - Senior High Youth Gathering Page 9 - LWML Convention Registration Information

Missouri District, LCMS 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

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