March 2014 Voice

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Published by the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League: A ffirming Each Woman’s R elationship With Christ submitted by Janice Rose

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For more than 65 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Women of all ages, ethnicities, and experiences are challenged to make a meaningful difference in the lives of hurting, helpless, and unbelieving people at home and throughout the world. The mission statement of the LWML encourages women to find personal opportunities in their daily lives and in their congregations to be nurtured in faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discover their unique gifts and value in God’s family. The LWML believes that women value the friendship, support, and encouragement of other women and strive to offer warm, welcoming opportunities

for women to grow in faith as sisters in Christ. In 1 Cor. 12:12 (NIV), we learn that “the body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.” So it is with women of the LWML within LCMS congregations. Societies consist of women of all ages, ethnicities, and experiences using their individual gifts or talents to serve the Lord with gladness (Ps. 100:2). Listed below are just a few of the ways women of the LWML serve LCMS congregations by providing muchneeded supplies to those less fortunate:

• Women gather together to make quilts of all sizes, warm throws, and/or clothing that are distributed locally to homeless shelters or donated to agencies of the LCMS such as Lutheran World Relief for use around the world. Thousands of quilts are made and distributed each year. continued on page 8

March—May 2014



of Missouri

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League/ Lutheran Hour Ministries: Your Partner in HIS Mission! submitted by Chad Fix

Of the nearly 7.2 billion people in the world, about a third—2.2 billion— profess to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Of the remaining 5 billion, there are perhaps 1.8 billion who have never had an opportunity even to hear the Gospel—together with many who are wandering in misconception, ignorance, or apathy. It’s God’s mission to enlighten all nations with His story of salvation. To Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), the claim to be your partner in HIS mission is more than just a slogan—it’s the core of what LHM is about.

Try typing “International Lutheran Laymen’s League” in your favorite search engine. The first thing that comes up will almost always be “Lutheran Hour Ministries.” Why? The organization now known throughout the church as Lutheran Hour Ministries began in 1917 when a group of Lutheran laymen came together to raise support for the ministry of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS). The organizers eventually formed an auxiliary called the Lutheran Laymen’s League, which today serves both the LCMS and Lutheran Church—Canada. Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod auxiliaries are not a part of the Synod’s constitutional structure but align themselves with the Synod and work to extend its ministry and mission. The LCMS also has a women’s auxiliary, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. continued on page 3

Beginning in 2014, the Voice will change to a quarterly print and electronic-issue schedule, with no internet-only issues. The next issue of the Voice will be published in June. This is part of a new strategy to help the district communicate with its members. The district is also in the process of creating a new website. Details will be announced as soon as the new website is ready!

The Missouri District Online

Regular Online Items: installations and ordinations, celebrations, anniversaries, obituaries, calendar and resources

In this issue:

Page 4 - Trinity Lutheran Church’s 175th Anniversary Page 6 - Donors Recognized at Green Park Lutheran School Page 7 - Senior High Youth Gathering Page 9 - LWML Convention Registration Information

Missouri District, LCMS 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

Non-profit Org. US Postage PAID St. Louis, MO Permit No. 4434

From the president’s desk Witness For Christ Mike, a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Detroit, Mich. shared the following story with me:

He said, “I attended a visitation at a funeral home. The deceased was a man I had worked with for more than 30 years. I did not know him well, but he and I did greet each other almost every day. We knew the names of each other’s wife and children. On occasions we socialized President Ray Mirly together. At the funeral home I learned that this man was a member of an LCMS congregation not far from Holy Cross. The reason I bring this up is, having known this man for a significant length of time, knowing his wife and children, and other things about him, I was amazed that not once in over 30 years did he ever tell me he was a Christian, nor a Lutheran.”

President’s Prayer List Please join me in prayer this month. God’s blessing upon the LCMS, President Harrison, First Vice President Mueller and all who have roles of responsibility to lead the Synod. God’s blessings and guidance for all congregations, pastors and lay leaders. The Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of all believers through the Means of Grace to strengthen them in their faith and Christian witness. The Holy Spirit to give all true believers in Jesus Christ hearts filled with generosity in their thoughts, words and activities. The Holy Spirit to guide the placement of the spring graduates of the Synod’s universities in their service as Commissioned Ministers of Religion. The Holy Spirit to guide the youth of the Missouri District toward full-time ministry vocations and congregations to support them in their years of preparation.

Then Mike said, from the language the man used at work (tool and die shop), from the stories he told during breaks, and from his general demeanor, he was totally shocked the man was a life-long Lutheran.

The Holy Spirit guide and direct the call committees and voter’s assemblies of Missouri District congregations currently in the process of calling pastors.

The difference between Mike and his deceased fellow worker is quite striking. Mike (an adult convert) organized a before work Bible study group in the locker room at work. At first only two other men participated. But over 30 years the group grew and became quite large. Mike also served as a Sunday school teacher at Holy Cross and assisted with the high school youth ministry. He served on various boards and was very engaged in maintenance and repairs of the church and Christian day school Mike’s life was a living Almost 90 percent of buildings. witness of his faith in Jesus Christ.

God’s blessings upon the hundreds who have attended the District Kitchen Sink Conferences to use what they learned for more effective service in their home congregations.

Almost 90 percent of all adult unbelievers who become Christians indicate they first learned about Jesus Christ from family, friends, neighbors, coworkers or those with whom they are engaged in recreational activities. I do not know how many men at Mike’s work came to know or believe in Jesus Christ because Mike chose to form and lead a daily morning Bible study, but I do know that wherever the Word of God is read, taught, proclaimed and studied God promises “His word will not return to Him void.”

Thank God for the chartering of Praise and Worship Lutheran Church, Branson, and pray to Him to bless this new congregation’s ministry.

all adult unbelievers who become Christians indicate they first learned about Jesus Christ from family, friends, neighbors, co-workers or those with whom they are engaged in recreational activities.

St. Paul, in Rom. 10:13-15 (ESV) writes, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’ ” And Jesus tells us we are His witnesses, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8 ESV). Researcher George Barna tells us less than 20 percent of the population of the United States attends church in a given week. My point in providing this statistic to you is to impress upon you the great opportunity you and I have to give our Christian witness. Perhaps your workplace does not provide a good opportunity to start a Bible study before the work day as Mike’s did, but your interaction with your fellow employees does give you ample opportunity to give a Christian witness to them. I encourage you to intentionally look for opportunities to speak about your personal faith, a word about Jesus or ask someone if you can pray for them.

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March—May 2014

God to raise up people to give generous financial offerings for the support of their congregations and through their congregations the Missouri District and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. God to bless the 40 mission initiatives within the Missouri District so they will continue to find ways to spread the saving Gospel message to those who do not currently know of or believe in Jesus Christ.

How will they know who Jesus is or what He has done unless we who do know and believe in Jesus tell them what we know and believe? God bless your Christian witness!

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8 ESV). Rural Churches Partner Together For Bible Camp Read the story at:

District News

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries: Your Partner in HIS Mission! continued from page 1

In 1930, the members of the Lutheran Laymen’s League determined to fund an innovative idea in evangelism: a weekly Gospel outreach program on radio. The program, called “The Lutheran Hour,” grew in popularity and influence, at first across the United States and then to other parts of the world. The program’s tag line began simply as “Bringing Christ to the Nation” but changed to “Bringing Christ to the Nations,” and, finally, to “Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church.” The Lutheran Laymen’s League adopted the final form of the tag line as its mission statement and, to reflect its worldwide reach, took the name International Lutheran Laymen’s League. God’s blessings of success for The Lutheran Hour program led the organization to adopt “Lutheran Hour Ministries” in 1992 as its public identity to best convey the essence of its mission. Thus, “International Lutheran Laymen’s League” is the corporate name under which the organization does its business; Lutheran Hour Ministries is the name under which it carries out its ministry activities around the world. Radio continues to be an effective medium to spread the Gospel! The Lutheran Hour program is now the longestrunning Christian outreach broadcast in the world, airing on more than 1,400 stations across the United States and Canada. But in addition to proclaiming the Gospel to about 800,000 North Americans weekly through The Lutheran Hour, Lutheran Hour Ministries also reaches people with radio broadcasts in South and Central America, Europe, Asia and Africa—including Arabic-language programming that reaches most of the countries in the Middle East. It was mentioned earlier that the International Lutheran Laymen’s League was formed as an auxiliary to extend

the ministry and mission of the church—and this ideal has always been reflected in the work of Lutheran Hour Ministries: LHM is here to support God’s mission through the church. LHM is here for you: we are your partner in His mission—and for LHM this means a commitment to providing congregations and individual believers with training and resources they can use to grow in faith and to witness to others. So what does it look like to have Lutheran Hour Ministries as your partner in His mission? Everyday evangelism. Jesus told His disciples—and us—that we would be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). It’s not always easy to recognize that “witnessing moment” … to step out in faith and take the initiative … to know what to say and when to say it. Lutheran Hour Ministries’ MISSION U training workshops are designed to help Christians build the sensitivity and skills to witness effectively in a variety of situations. High-energy five14 workshops are tailored to equip teens and young adults to witness to their peers. Want more? LHM’s biennial Regional Outreach Conferences and National Outreach Conference provide faith-sharing insights and networking opportunities in an intensive weekend format. Re-engaging men in the life of the church. Energizing men for lives of discipleship and leadership in their families and faith communities is the focus of LHM’s Men’s NetWork. The core of the Men’s NetWork is a growing library of Bible studies, many of which are award winning, on topics ranging from the trustworthiness of the Bible to fatherhood to Islam to evolution to fishing— and more. The Men’s NetWork also invites men across North America to come together—virtually—and participate in events like a National Work Day on which

local men’s groups serve a variety of needs. “… and the Nations to the Church.” Lutheran Hour Ministries supports international outreach through ministry centers in more than 30 countries worldwide. Ministry centers are staffed with committed indigenous Christians who design and implement evangelism strategies fine-tuned for their cultures. Staff and volunteers spread the Gospel through radio, television, text messages, the Internet, print media, music, drama, puppetry, film shows—and, of course, through the original form of outreach: one-on-one witness. Outreach through LHM’s international programs in just the last year has, by the power of the Holy Spirit, netted nearly 380,000 responses and 43,000 referrals to congregations. LHM invites North American congregations into International Ministries Partnerships with its outreach centers; a congregation can establish a direct, interactive relationship with a center and participate in its ministry through prayer, financial support, or even hands-on service by an International Volunteer Team. Lutheran schools can also partner with a ministry center by getting involved in LHM’s annual Online Mission Trip! There is more still: LHM’s Project Connect topical booklet ministry, the JCPlayZone website for children, LHM’s Daily Devotions and Seasonal Devotions— so many resources and tools to enhance your personal discipleship and equip you for witnessing. God is on a rescue mission to restore people who are separated from Him—and to renew them for holy living and service to others. God’s mission is yours too. Lutheran Hour Ministries stands ready to be your partner in it. For more information, visit

St. John Lutheran Church Installs New Pastor Check out these photos taken during the installation of Pastor Donaldo Sonntag in February at St. John Lutheran Church in Mexico, Mo.

The Voice of Missouri

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LLL and District News Trinity Lutheran Church Celebrates 175th A nniversary

On Valentine’s Day the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reviewed the city’s “250 years of faith tradition.” It gave credit to “C.F.W. Walther, a German immigrant pastor who was principal founder and the first president of what today is the 4 million member Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.” This year, Walther’s parish, Historic Trinity, St. Louis, celebrates its 175th anniversary, along with churches in Perry County, Mo. During a relatively low-key celebration throughout the year, Trinity members are musing about what makes Trinity, St. Louis, “historic.” Certainly its connection with the Walther brothers helps put it in the history books. Rev. O.H. Walther, Trinity’s first pastor, died suddenly at age 31, prompting the Saxon immigrants who stayed in St. Louis to call Rev. C.F.W. Walther from Perry County to be their second pastor. It was under his leadership that Trinity, St. Louis, began publishing—first a hymnal and then a newspaper, Der Lutheraner, which catalyzed Midwest Lutherans to create the Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States (today’s LCMS). We all know the rest—how Walther became professor and president of the Synod’s seminary and of the Synod itself, writing still-valued theological works and, with his colleagues, formed a generation of pastors who led dynamic synodical ministries. Less known is Trinity’s role in the epidemic of 1849 that killed a quarter of the population, including 46 members of the congregation. Walther was deputized to visit

homes of the infected to ensure they received appropriate care. The mass of papers in Trinity’s archive chronicle numerous milestones, including synodical worship services in Trinity’s sanctuary. In recent decades Trinity helped found a service center for homeless families and the national Downtown Lutheran Churches Association. Trinity’s Associate Pastor, Jason Rust, leads a Lutheran worshiping community in St. Louis’ downtown “loft district.” Trinity sponsors an ex-offender reentry ministry, sits on the board of Doorways Housing (for low-income people living with HIV-AIDS), and cooperates in a neighborhood homeless ministry with Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church. In the 1980s the congregation began renovating its entire campus. By this Easter, Trinity will celebrate the reinstallation of its pipe organ, restored and expanded, to be dedicated with concerts this fall. Seventeen pastors have served Trinity, St. Louis, since 1839, most recently the late Dr. Samuel Goltermann and the recently retired Rev. David Marth, pastor emeritus since 2013. Even more than their 175th anniversary, however, members of Trinity are excited by the prospect of their next senior pastor to be chosen at the end of their current call process. Historic Trinity asks for prayers by all fellow Lutherans for the Spirit’s guidance as the Lord shapes its future.

The Missouri District Lutheran Laymen’s League Vietnam Ministries—Get Involved!

Ministry Center:

Individuals and congregations can become actively involved, communicate directly, and/or give financial support through Lutheran Hour Ministries’ International Ministries Partnership program. Missouri District LLL is proud to partner with LHM in ministry efforts by working directly with the Vietnam LHM International Ministry Center. The benefits are amazing:

• Provide a one-time gift or ongoing support. • Form a volunteer team to participate in evangelism, building projects, VBS, children’s events, medical clinics, and much more. LHM oversees all logistical details and manages the project in the host country. • Communicate regularly with the staff and pray for the ministry daily. At whatever level of support you commit to, your involvement will be essential to the work of sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus Christ.

• First-hand knowledge about how God is at work in Vietnam. • Intimate insight into people and other cultures. • Satisfaction in knowing you are providing much-needed support to God’s people. Vietnam LHM uses puppet shows, drama, videos, musical performances, rallies and holistic ministry to open doors to the Gospel. Puppet shows are very popular and attract audiences with a wide range of ages. Musical performances and sports activities such as soccer competitions often have greater appeal for teens and young adults. In economically challenged rural areas, Vietnam LHM regularly provides milk to boost children’s nutrition that in turn helps families and builds relationships. People who respond to these outreach activities are invited to take LHM’s Bible correspondence courses. Vietnam LHM Equipping the Saints workshops help train lay Christian volunteers in personal witnessing.

Get involved! Your continued prayers and support for Vietnam LHM allows outreach programs to have an impact. For more information contact Polly Gregali at 1-800-944-3450, ext. 4164, or Jim Harms, Missouri District LLL President

New Bible Study From LHM The Great Deceiver This four-session study, hosted by Rev. Michael Newman, looks at the character of Satan as described in Scripture. Satan is sometimes characterized as an animal-like person in red with horns, a forked tail and carrying a pan flute. He may appear as a cartoon character, but in reality he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Peter calls him, “a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Satan’s fate is sealed through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Yet he has not given Vietnam’s constitution formally allows freedom of religion. Under the Ordinance up. Just as Jesus invites us to live eternally with Him, Satan also wants us to live on Religion and Belief, the government has control and oversight of religious orga- eternally with him in his domain. Jesus calls us with love; Satan entices us through nizations, which must be officially recognized or registered. Government approval desires and deception. was received to translate three LHM booklets (Lasting Promises, Why Do Bad Things Happen, The Gift of Forgiveness is for You) into Vietnamese. LHM coop- Go through The Great Deceiver Bible study from the Men’s NetWork and know erates with local congregations of Vietnam’s officially approved Christian churches, him better from the Bible’s point of view. providing the programs and resources mentioned. Questions or comments? Contact: Get involved! You determine your level of involvement with Vietnam LHM


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for the

M issour i D istr ict LLL:

March—May 2014

Concord ia Sem inar y, St. Lou is CONCORDIA SEMINARY PARTICIPATING IN ST. LOUIS’ 250TH CAKEWAY TO THE WEST In honor of St. Louis’ 250th anniversary, Concordia Seminary has been invited to participate in the signature public art exhibit Cakeway to the West. Organized by the nonprofit stl250, the Seminary was chosen as one of the most historically relevant locations in the St. Louis area. As part of the Cakeway to the West project, Concordia Seminary will be placing a custom painted four-foottall, two-tiered fiberglass cake sculpture in Chapel Plaza on the Seminary campus. The cake will include representations of the history and doctrine of Concordia Seminary and The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Janice Schoultz Mudd, a

local mixed media painter and collage artist (and wife to Concordia’s own Director of Facilities Planning, Stephen Mudd), is “decorating” the cake. It’s expected to be placed in Chapel Plaza by the end of March, where it will remain until the end of 2014. Arch Grant recipient Candy Lab has partnered with stl250 to develop a social media application that will share facts about each location. The app will provide the GPS coordinates of each cake, and the public will be invited to “check in” and take photos of the cake sculptures as part of a citywide scavenger hunt.



April 29


An event for high school students exploring God’s calling and direction.

june 21-26, 2014



Next Steps

An Event for Prospective Seminarians and Their Families

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis July 11-12, 2014

The Voice of Missouri

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Educationa l Ser v ices Daughters of the A merican R evolution Honors St. Paul Lutheran Teacher

Donors R ecognized at Green Park Lutheran School Jubel Family Recognized for Generous Gift

Don Jubel (front right) accepts the thank you honor on behalf of his parents, Henry and Elvira Jubel, for the generous gifts resulting in substantial gym/cafeteria improvements. Also pictured are his wife, Karen Jubel (front left) and daughter, Melissa Markwort GP '97. Back row: Pastor Jeff Cloeter, Principal Gary Spieler, and GP Board Chairman Dr. Bob Cunningham.

Dan Sterling, a seventh grade homeroom teacher at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Des Peres, was awarded the 2014 Daughters of the American Revolution Outstanding Teacher of American History Award by the St. Louis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Sterling is in his 23rd year of teaching at St. Paul’s Lutheran School and his 28th year teaching overall. In addition to teaching seventh grade, he serves as the athletic director, basketball coach, track and cross country coach, and history teacher for the upper grades.

Green Park Lutheran School’s morning chapel service in mid-Jamuary was followed by a special tribute to a generous family.

He has a passion for history and enjoys making it come alive through field trips, enrichment classes, Veteran’s Day events, summer field trips, interactive assignments, and geography bees.

Henry and Elvira Jubel’s generous donations throughout the years have resulted in fantastic capital improvements of Green Park’s cafeteria and gym. Updates include new flooring, window coverings, paint/refresh, as well as new tables and benches.

“It’s awesome that Mr. Sterling is being acknowledged for his exceptional historical knowledge and passion for teaching it to others,” said Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator Gretchen McGinley. “Everyone knows him as a huge history buff, and dedicated teacher, so this award is just a great confirmation of that.”

The original tables and benches were 53 years old. The new ones have improved the overall cafeteria space. New window coverings in the multipurpose - gym/cafeteria make fantastic improvements to the space. The new multi-purpose floor allows for great athletics, gym class, chapel with chairs AND lunch everyday.

Sterling received the award on Monday, Feb. 17, President’s Day, at the chapter’s meeting.

Everyone at Green Park sincerely thanks the Jubel Family for their continued commitment to the preservation and improvements at Green Park Lutheran School.

LESA Students Celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week Thousands of students in the St. Louis Metro area celebrated National Lutheran Schools Week 2014, Jan. 26—Feb. 1. The theme of this year’s week was Witness Always—Raising Up Faithful Disciples. In the St. Louis area, LESA schools celebrated with concerts, dress-up days, pizza parties, spelling bees, and pep rallies. Several schools also worked on community service projects.

River Roads students enjoy a Prayer Breakfast at St. Paul’s, Des Peres.

A Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Lutheran Elementary School Association (LESA) represents 30 elementary schools and four high schools, including three National Blue Ribbon schools and a National Lutheran Exemplary School.

St. Paul’s, Des Peres, students “dosey doe” during Special Persons Day.

Child of God, St. Peter’’s, students celebrate the 1970s - and 100 Days of School.

Immanuel, Wentzville, students stack up the first 100 days of school during National Lutheran Schools Week. Salem, Affton, Principal Rob Keller sees red on Spirit Wear Day.

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Zion, St. Charles, students show off their school colors.

March—May 2014

St. Mark’s, Eureka, students channel their favorite animals.

Fa m i ly Li fe and Youth Nominations Are Now Being Accepted for the Missouri Lutheran Youth Fellowship Team The Missouri District Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF) Team gives high school youth, who are members of LCMS churches in our district, the opportunity to grow in their service to the church and in their leadership in youth ministry. Each year, we bring four new young people on board as our seniors leave us to step into the future God has planned for them. These four new young people must currently be in their freshman year of high school. You are invited to nominate a young person from your congregation to serve in this important capacity. The LYF Team serves as the teen leadership team at several district ministry events: a spring and fall junior high youth retreat, a senior high gathering, a teen leadership initiative workshop, and other youth events as necessary. Many of these events are weekend-long and attendance by the LYF Team is expected at them – so please keep that in mind when nominating a young person. Priority in selection will go to those young people who exhibit maturity in Christian character, exhibit leadership qualities, and are able to attend the various ministry events described above. A young person’s ability to have a flexible schedule and occasionally miss a day of school is considered an asset by the selection committee. Other personal qualities highly sought are growing faith in Jesus Christ, a lifestyle that reflects the teachings and beliefs of our Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, a passion to be involved in youth ministry, the demonstrated ability to work with other youth and adults, and a positive, enthusiastic spirit. Benefits of selection to the team are wide-ranging, and include exposure to and participation in the work of the church-at-large, growth in leadership skills, and opportunities to share Christ with other youth. Nomination forms and three letters of reference are due to Sue Stiegemeyer no later than May 1. The forms are available on the Missouri District website at on the Youth and Family page. You may e-mail them to Sue at:; or you may mail them to her at: Sue Stiegemeyer, St. Paul Lutheran Church, 223 W. Adams, Jackson, MO 63755. If you have any questions about the nomination process, contact Sue at the e-mail above, or call her at 573-243-2236.

Missouri District Senior High Youth Gathering June 27-29

Quiet Nature Retreat on 23 Acres Private Eight Acre Fishing Lake Near Hermann, Mo. 573-252-4136 Members - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

at Missouri State University Springfield, Mo. Music: The Relentless Project

Bed & Breakfast

Main Presenter: Rev. Kristopher Morris

This year’s gathering will bring together congregations from all across Missouri to learn, fellowship, worship and be in service to the Springfield area. We are pleased to return to Missouri State University in Springfield. We are excited to have Rev. Kristopher Morris as our main presenter. Pastor Morris serves at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Lake Ozark, Mo.

Gulf Shores, A la. beachfront condo

Registrations will be entered online only (no paper forms will be mailed) at checkin.aspx?eventid=1471370&ResponseMemberId=&jID=1384364.

for rent Three bedroom, two bath, fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, indoor–outdoor pools, hot tub, tennis court, exercise, sauna; golf, fishing, children’s attractions nearby.

You’ll also be able to find more Gathering info and medical forms on our district web site at Space will be limited, so please register as soon as possible. The registration deadline is June 16. A $50 deposit per person will be required with registration, and balance due amounts are to be paid by registration at the gathering. No refunds will be given for cancellations after June 16.

R educed R ate for Voice R eaders! Members of The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens Call 314-843-6063.

The Relentless Project will provide music for the weekend. Many youth in Missouri may have heard this group at various district junior high retreats and in the Farmington, Mo. area. They have a great heart for ministry and love to share Jesus through their music. The registration fee is $159 per person, which includes housing (two nights), four meals (three on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday), servant events, program, evening free time choices and T-shirt.

The Voice of Missouri

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Lutheran Women’s Missionary League       President’s Penning Carry His Light

The other day I was having one of those “blue” days. The kind of day when you just can’t seem to lift Karen Drury your spirits. The weather’s cold, nothing seems to be coming together quite right, and you just feel blue. I was working with the 3-year-olds in our preschool when I observed one little girl just “bouncing” about with a smile on her face and her ponytail swaying. She was singing… “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart…. I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart. Down in my heart. Down in heart to stay.” My heart immediately lifted and I told her that she had a happy heart. She smiled and bounced away singing. She was carrying His light. The women of the Missouri District LWML will be coming together in Kansas City this summer to celebrate how they can Carry His Light. This is the theme for the convention June 20 – 22 at the KCI Expo Center. The mission speaker will be Patricia Main from the Haskell Indian Mission and the keynote speaker will be a representative from the Lutheran Hour Ministries sharing the Seven Styles of Faithsharing. LWML President Kay Kreklau will attend as our guest and share some exciting information… The Time is NOW. The weekend will include a mission fair, a mission walk, ingatherings, singing, and selection of the mission grants that we will support in the next biennium. Entertainment will be provided by the Hootin’ Annies on Friday following the opening communion service, and Saturday evening the BassLine Quartet will perform. “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven,” (Matt. 5:16 NIV). Invite a friend to join you in Kansas City this summer. Your heart will overflow with joy as you Carry His Light.

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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League: A ffirming Each Woman’s R elationship With Christ continued from page 1

• Women purchase and assemble items for backpacks, school kits, health kits and many other items, donating them to various agencies and schools locally. • Women knitting helmet liners for our troops serving on foreign soil. • Women of the LWML are encouraged to support missions regularly by placing offerings in their individual Mite Box. The Mite Box derives its name from the parable of “The Widow’s Mite” in Mark 12:41-43 when the widow gave all she had. The appearance of the Mite Box has been updated over the years, but the dedication of the missionminded members of the LWML remains the same. Into these small boxes, more than $100 million dollars has been deposited

Learn From Our Newest Members – Become a Mentor! Greetings to you from the office of Special Focus Ministries. In our office, we focus on ways to reach out to EACH woman of The Lutheran Vice President of Special Church—Missouri Focus Ministries Jackie Albers Synod (LCMS) as stated in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Mission Statement. Specifically we are focusing on the young women and women of other cultures in our congregations. In doing so we are encouraging all women of the LWML to become mentors and to learn from our newest members. Recently I traveled to St. Louis to attend a Bible study at the Christian Friends of New Americans. The study was on the book of Ruth. Over the years I have read through the story of Ruth several different times but have never identified with the story on a personal level. I have never truly

March—May 2014

since the Mite Box was introduced over 70 years ago. These contributions have supported and continue to support missionaries and mission projects (many of which would not have been funded) here in the Missouri District, throughout the United States, and around the world. Grant proposals are submitted before conventions and mission grants are selected at both the national and district LWML conventions. The first LWML mission grant in the amount of $15,000 was paid during the 1943- 45 biennium. Since then the LWML Mission Goal for each biennium has continued to grow and God continues to bless our offerings abundantly. For the 2011-13 biennium, the national LWML Mission Goal had grown to $1,825,000, which is only 25 percent of the mites collected in all districts of the LWML. By the grace of God, that goal was exceeded by several thousand dollars, allowing additional mission grants to be funded. Each LWML district retains 75 percent known hunger, I have never had to leave my homeland, and I have always known Christ. During the discussion portion of the Bible study I heard from a missionary’s daughter whose family served in Botswana during a seven year famine. She could identify with watching people suffer from true starvation. There was no food for them except for what was brought to her father to distribute. Another woman told of the atrocities she witnessed as she fled her country through Egypt and finally to America. Never has the story of Ruth clinging to Naomi and leaving her homeland struck such a chord with me. These women are in our communities, attending our churches or participating in programs offered by our churches and other Recognized Service Organizations in our community. Learning their stories can greatly impact your spiritual life. If you have ideas on how we can reach out to EACH woman in the LCMS please feel free to contact me at “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb” (Rev. 7:9 NIV).

of mite offerings collected. Those funds are used for the work of the LWML at the district level. The remaining 25 percent of the mite offerings collected are forwarded to national LWML to fund mission grants at the national level. Whether we are helping construct a quilt in our own society, providing a meal for someone, serving on a committee, or freely adding our mites to our Mite Box in order that someone near or far will hear about the love of Jesus, we have and will continue to serve the Lord with gladness. On a personal note, I have been involved in LWML for several years, having served on different committees and in various offices. The LWML has definitely impacted my spiritual journey. God has sent others to encourage me to use my gifts, continues to strengthen my faith, and has blessed me incredibly through my service in the LWML.

Don’t miss out on attending the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League’s 23rd Biennial Convention June 20-22 Registration information and form are on Page 9.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League      Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League 23rd Biennial Convention R egistration Information 1. Please read the form carefully before completing it.

Mission Walk For the Mission Walk you can either be an active walker or a virtual walker. Those who wish to participate by raising mite funds but who cannot actually walk in the event are invited to register as virtual participants. A confirmation letter and sponsor sheet will be sent to walkers and virtual walkers upon receipt of the convention registration form. The Mission Walk includes a special MISSION WALK T-shirt. No T-shirts will be mailed. They will be reserved for you to pick up when you arrive at the convention site. Be sure to include the correct amount (relates to your T-shirt size) on the REGISTRATION FORM, Line 9.

Housing Reservations for housing can be made by calling the hotels directly. In order to get the appropriate discounted room rates, be sure to let them know you are with the LWML convention. The Holiday Inn is right next door to the KCI Expo Center and should be very convenient for our LWML convention attendees. Rates are as follows and DO NOT include tax: Holiday Inn (816) 801-8400 $92 per night + tax Fairfield Inn (816) 464-2424 $89 per night + tax

Ingathering The following items will be collected. They may be taken to the area designated for the Ingathering. 1. Backpack Buddies – Gift Cards to Walmart, Sam’s or checks made payable to “LWML MO DISTRICT” and Backpack Buddies written on the memo line. 2. Hillcrest Ministries in Parkville, Lee’s Summit, Liberty and Platte City. Most needed items are paper towels, toilet paper and personal hygiene items.

Convention Photos/CDs A CD and photos of the convention will be available to be ordered at the convention. Watch for the photo table at check-in to reserve your memories.

Tours No official tours will be conducted. Information about sites to see will be included with the registration confirmation. “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matt. 5:16 (NIV).

6. If you require a special diet or have other special needs, be sure to indicate them on the form.

2. Before completing your form, please copy the page to share with others.

7. Be sure your form is complete and your check reflects the amount for “TOTAL REMITTANCE.” NOTE: Incomplete forms will be returned which will delay your registration process.

3. Complete your form and copy for your records. Mail the original to the Registration Chairman. 4. Be sure to include your LWML Zone name, your congregation name and its location. 5. Convention and mission walk T-shirts run small. Consider getting one size larger – NO REFUNDS.

8. Direct QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTRATION to Registration Chairman Vonne Oldehoeft at: or contact her at 816-436-7670.

* Convention costs have been increasing. If you would like to make a donation to help defray costs, your contribution would be most welcome. Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League 23rd Biennial Convention – June 20 – 22, 2014 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE CLEARLY






KCI Expo Center 11730 NW Ambassador Drive Kansas City, MO 64153







I will be attending as (Please check only one category)

_____General Registration (Non-voting member) _____LWML District Board Member _____Delegate _____Past Missouri District LWML President _____Alternate Delegate _____Clergy/Zone Counselor _____Young Women’s Representative (YWR) _____Guest You should make your own hotel reservation – See information in the box to the left

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12.


Registration postmarked on or before May 15 $70.00 LATE registration postmarked AFTER May 15 $85.00 Clergy/Zone Counselor/Vendor No Charge for Registration Friday Night Buffet $20.00 Saturday and Sunday Breakfasts $30.00 Saturday Lunch and Banquet/Entertainment $53.00 Banquet Entree: chicken or pork Saturday Banquet and Entertainment Only $35.00 circle choice ALL MEALS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Convention Polo Shirt S, M, L, XL $15; 2XL $16; 3XL $18 (CIRCLE SIZE) Mission Walk 6:00 – 7:00 A.M. Saturday Walk___ Virtual Participant___ T-Shirt S, M, L, XL $10; 2XL, 3XL, 4XL $12 (CIRCLE SIZE) Convention and Mission Walk Shirts run small – advise ordering one size larger – NO REFUNDS Convention Pin $4.00 Convention Charm $4.00 Voluntary Contribution (* see note above) TOTAL REMITTANCE

1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3. NO CHARGE 4.__________________ 5.__________________ 6.__________________ 7.__________________ 8._________________ 9.__________________ 10.__________________ 11.__________________ 12.__________________ _____________________

Check payable to: LWML 2014 District Convention Fund (Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope) Mail payment and registration form to: Our Savior Lutheran Church-LWML 14155 Highway N, 4th St. Platte City, MO 64079 Phone: 816-436-7670 – email:

Convention Choir Indicate if you will be singing in the Convention Choir. Music and information will be sent to you upon registering. Please wear pastel top and black skirt or pants when performing. Soprano I _______ Alto ________ Soprano II _______

Registration Information NO refunds after June 1, 2014 All registrations will be acknowledged. Registrations will not be processed until payment is made.

Special Needs Hearing impaired seating w/interpreter?________ Handicapped seating?_______________________ List all critical food allergies and/or special diet _________________________________________ _________________________________________

NO refunds for less than $1 will be processed.

The Voice of Missouri

Page 9

District News and Leadersh ip Tra ining Take A Risk – Share An Invite Submitted by Jennifer Freudenburg

Recently, my husband and I had some awesome young women over for dinner at our home. What incredible fun we had! We talked and laughed and shared. We explored some of the things that were difficult being “single” and being “new” to a place. If you are not in the state of singleness right now, sometime you forget what it was like. How does it feel walking into a new church alone? How hard is it to faithfully sustain the From left: Emilee Nieman, Rachel Ferry, Dana Outhouse, Sara Freudenburg-Puri- personal faith walk if you don’t have anyone to share, celli and Jennifer Freudenburg encourage and uplift you? How do you meet people? How do you explore the highlights of the area in which you live – and by yourself? Are you valued as a single person without a family? Who can be your advocate when you are new, single and not steeped in the “system”? And what if you are a single parent with children? Who wants to invite you and your children for dinner? One of the Concordia Center for the Family’s Prayer Partners sent me a prayer request this past month, and she asked that we pray for two specific women. One was a single mother of three children. Her request was that the Holy Spirit creates a desire in her heart to worship. The other was a prayer of thanksgiving for leading a woman to their new member’s class. Then she asked, “Could we please pray for those single moms and dads who do not yet know Jesus?” Then I received a prayer request from another Prayer Partner who is single and going through tests for multiple sclerosis. My single mother will NEVER go out to a restaurant to eat by herself. I find it intimidating to do that also, so I have identified a few restaurants where I feel reasonably comfortable being alone when my husband is out of town. When I’m alone and I don’t have anyone to converse with, I feel that I should hurry up and eat because I may be taking a table where they could seat more people. Crazy huh? I once worked with a man who had six children, and two of them had autism. His comment to me was, “People don’t invite our family over for dinner.” I’ve also talked with singles who have said pretty much the same thing, “I don’t get invited over to people’s houses for dinner.” What is the message? Could it be—I wouldn’t know what to say, what if the children messed up my house, would the single feel uncomfortable being with us as a couple?

Send Me St. Louis Training and Events For more information about Send Me St. Louis’ services, training opportunities, or volunteer management resources, visit its website at www.SendMeStLouis. org or contact Hannah Shanks by phone at 314-678-0015, ext. 3, or email

Volunteer Equipping and Management: Part 1 April 3, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our most popular training is back! This interactive workshop will provide tips and best practices to assess your volunteer culture, recruit volunteers, and place them in the right position. Cost: $25/person, $15/groups of three or more

Getting to Know Your Community May 6, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Join us for this hands-on session to learn how to get in touch with the needs and resources in your community and how to build and connect your new program to the community!

We sat behind a mother with her three children in church recently. Her husband was out of town and she was trying her best to keep her children engaged and quiet. After the service, she turned to my husband and me and said, “I’m sorry, my husband is out of town and I was trying my best by myself.” I was a little stunned that she said this, because we were behind them thinking, “Yea for this mom – she has her children in church, and they have their children’s Bibles they are paging through, and they are engaging in worship.” Isn’t church a practice ground for taking the hymns and prayers and liturgy back home? If that is so, then church WILL be a little messy. That is just part of what church is all about!

Cost: $15/person, $10/groups of three or more

So, as a church family, why don’t we step out of our comfort zone a little and approach someone we don’t know, someone who is alone, or a single parent with children and befriend and embrace them, and accept that we all make up God’s church. I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone!

Opportunity for congregation and agency volunteer coordinators to meet

In most churches today, there are greeters at the entrance doors, so I wonder if it doesn’t “relieve” us of introducing ourselves to people – because they got welcomed at the door. A Family Friendly Church embraces and includes people in all steps and stages of life. Would you be willing to join us and commit to consistently prioritize time to pray for specific needs? It does not matter in what format, in what place, during what time someone chooses to prayer. It does not matter if the prayers are long or short, or even if they are said daily, every other day, or once a week. The Concordia Center for the Family will send out – via email – on a regular basis (twice a month), needs to be prayed for. If you are willing to join us, please email Jennifer Freudenburg at your name, email, street address, city, state, ZIP and phone number.

Page 10

March—May 2014

Christian Volunteer Managers Network May 22, 9 to 11 a.m.

for a time of growth, support and encouragement. High value, no cost!

K itchen Sink Workshops—Save the Date! Saturday, April 5: Timothy (North Campus), Blue Springs

The workshop runs from 9 a.m. to noon with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m.

Com mun ications Who A re We? The Missouri District consists of 300 congregations. The Vision: Congregations of the Missouri District—LCMS partnering as one church, united in doctrine, ready, equipped and acting to fulfill the Great Commission in their unique setting with their unique people. The Mission: The Missouri District—LCMS is to serve and encourage congregations to fulfill the Great Commission and promote unity of the true faith.

Meet Your Missouri District Staff

The Voice of Missouri A quarterly publication produced under the guidelines of the Board of Directors of The Missouri District—LCMS, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

Please furnish sharply focused original photographs. JPEGs, GIFs or TIFFs may be emailed at 300 dpi at 5x3.5” size. Submission deadline: First day of month preceding publication. Upcoming deadlines and themes:

E ditor : I ndira Murray Editor’s email: President’s email: District website: Address changes: Send them to or call them into your church office or use the form on this page.

June 2

A look at Missouri’s newest mission starts

Sept. 1

Pastoral Formation: Where Do Pastors Come From?

Photos will not be returned. Identify all photo subjects (left to right, front to back); what they are doing; name and date of event depicted; why subject is there; include suggested caption. Please do not write on the back of a photo—write on a label and then affix it to back of photo. Get permission from the people in your picture(s) before submitting. Submission of pictures implies approval.

Advertising policy: It is the policy of The Voice of Missouri to accept advertising only from entities of, or affiliated with, the LCMS. Advertising must pertain to ministry-specific services. Scripture: All Scripture in The Voice of Missouri is from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise noted. Submissions: When submitting an article to The Voice, emails sent to are strongly preferred.

Missouri District Staff

Front (left to right): Martha Schellin, Ruth Ann Grebe, Donna Seipp, Sue Thompson, Peter Krege Back (left to right): Karen Siegel, Gene Wyssmann, Dennis Klussman, Stuart Brassie, Ray Mirly, Dennis Gehrke (not pictured, Indira Murray)

a famIly endoWmenT fund

Kirk Mueller

Research shows that upon your death, it will take 13 years or more years to replace you as a giving unit at your congregation.

Have you ever considered continuing your annual giving to your congregation or favorite ministries through a Family Endowment Fund? This could be funded during your lifetime or at your death. It will continue your giving long after you have gone home to heaven. For more information, please contact… Kirk Mueller, 11645 Benham Road, St. Louis, MO 63136-6112 314-704-4389 Email:

President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly 314-590-6200

Financial Specialist Ruth Ann Grebe 314-590-6213

Assistant to the President – Missions/Congregational Services Rev. Dr. Stuart W. Brassie 314-590-6205

Communications Specialist/Voice Editor Indira Murray 314-590-6219

Assistant to the President – School Ministry Dennis Gehrke 314-590-6209

Education Specialist Martha Schellin 314-590-6215

Vice President – Lutheran Church Extension Fund Dennis A. Klussman 314-590-6207

Pastoral Support Specialist Donna Seipp 314-590-6206 Office and Human Resources Manager Karen Siegel 314-590-6210

Assistant to the President – Financial Planning and Control Peter Krege 314-590-6200 Assistant to the President – Family Life and Youth Ministry/Congregational Health Rev. Gene Wyssmann 417-766-2183

Events Specialist Sue Thompson 314-590-6217

New Subscription/Change of Address Form The Voice of Missouri is provided free of charge to all Missouri District– LCMS congregation member households. Check with your church office to have your address added or changed. If you are not a Missouri District congregation member and wish to receive a copy, forward the completed form below to:

The Missouri District–LCMS, Attn.: VOICE Subscriptions, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 631418557 or send the same information by email to Please use this form for a change of address as well as a new subscription.  Please send a new subscription. Subscribe to  Please remove my name from your subscription list. receive The Voice  Please change my address to the one listed below.  electronically at (I have also provided my old address.) Name Church Name and City Current Address City



Old Address City

Telephone (



The Voice of Missouri



Page 11

A nnouncements Personnel Changes — Ordained

Calling Congregations For Sole Pastor: Alma, Trinity - Called Rev. Dr. Ken Wesemann of Concordia, MO. Accepted Belle/Owensville, Mount Calvary/ Zion - Requesting deferred vicar. Bourbon, Concordia Clinton, Trinity - Called Rev. Roger Mackie as Intentional Interim Pastor. Accepted Cole Camp, Trinity - Called Rev. Jeffrey Kuddes of Austin, MN. Accepted Cape Girardeau (Egypt Mills), Trinity Our Redeemer, Overland Republic, Hope Richmond, Faith - Requested a spring graduate from the seminary placement process. Rockville, Zion - Called Rev. Kevin Schnakenberg of McCook, NE. Declined St. Louis, Christ in the City Springfield, Faith Stover, St. Paul - Requesting placement of deferred vicar. Valley Park, Zion - Requesting placement of their Deferred Vicar. Washington, Faith Served by Intentional Interim Pastor or Interim Pastor: Clinton, Trinity - Rev. Roger Mackie Grandview, Holy Trinity - Rev. Dr. Rick Foss Our Redeemer, Overland - Rev. Steve Albers St. Louis, Epiphany - Rev. Dr. Martin Haeger St. Louis County, Immanuel

Chapel - Rev. Ron Jansen Slater, Peace/St. Paul - Rev. Douglas Dubisar Springfield, Faith - Rev. David Benson Ste. Genevieve, Holy Cross - Rev. James Kirk St. Joseph, St. Peter - Rev. Thomas Schoech Senior Pastor: Kansas City, Holy Cross - Rev. Frank Frye, Trinity, Fort Morgan, CO. Deliberating Immanuel, Olivette Old Trinity, St. Louis St. Andrew’s, Cape Girardeau - Requesting placement of its deferred vicar Associate Pastors: Columbia, Alive in Christ - Requesting placement of a spring seminary candidate St. Paul, Des Peres St. Paul, Des Peres - (Youth and Young Adult) Oakville, Faith St. Charles, Immanuel Webster Groves, Webster Gardens - Rev. Bill Geis, LaGrange, IL. Deliberating Pastors Considering Calls: Jameson, John (St. Mark’s, Eureka) to Trinity, Ironwood, MI. Declined Rosebrock, Stephen (Hope, St. Louis) to St. Martin’s, Winona, MN. Declined Seban, Timothy (St. Paul’s, Des Peres) to Immanuel, Cedarburg, WI. Accepted

Personnel Changes — Commissioned Ministers of R eligion Graduates Installed: Ahlman, Elizabeth (SL ’07) to LCMS Board for International Mission – St. Louis 12/8/13 by T. Booker Fishburn, Samuel (S ’13) to Christ Community – Kirkwood 1/19/14 by K. Hanke Hayter, Maryann (SL ’13) to New Beginnings – Pacific 1/19/14 by J. Sullivan Onnen, Kathrine (Colloquy S ’13) to Immanuel – Higginsville 3/9/14 by M. Jauss Preisz-Groh, Olga (RF ’13) to Lutheran Urban Mission Agency – Kansas City 2/2/14 by R. Mirly Prothro, Ashley (SL ’13) to LCMS Board for International Mission – St. Louis 12/1/13 by J. Mumme Szofran, Barbara (AA ’89) to Concordia Publishing House – St. Louis 2/12/14 by P. McCain Transferred from Other Districts: Bair, Cori (SI) to Salem – Affton 8/14/13 by W. Huebner Bond, Gillian (CI) to Concordia Seminary – St. Louis 11/13/13 by D. Meyer Hartje, Deborah (KS) to Lutheran Urban Mission Agency – Kansas City 2/2/14 by R. Mirly Johnson, Mireya (SO) to Non-Candidate 9/3/13 Kusel, Jill (CNH) to Candidate 12/11/13 Lewis, Heidi (SO) to Non-Candidate 10/15/13 Luckemeyer, Amy (CNH) to Concordia Publishing House – St. Louis 2/12/14 by P. McCain Teasdale, Zechary (OH) to Webster Gardens – Webster Groves 1/26/14 by J. Christiansen Wilson, Brianna (NW) to River Roads – St. Louis 8/25/13 by A. Schenk Reinstated: Golchert, Christina (Reinstated by COP 2/14) to Candidate Lieb, Trina (Reinstated by COP 2/14) to Candidate

Paul – Des Peres 1/26/14 by T. Seban Pedersen, Melissa (Candidate) to Word of Life – St. Louis 12/11/13 by P. Biber Candidate Status: Bird, Terry (Bethlehem – Raymore) 8/1/13 Hirsch, Juliana (LCMS World Mission – St. Louis) 9/1/13 Zielke, Trixy (LCMS World Mission – St. Louis) 7/1/13 Non-Candidate Status: Generally, Amber (Candidate) 1/10/14 Hansen, Catherine (Candidate) 1/3/14 Johnson, Kara (Candidate) 1/18/14 Johnson, Susan (Non-Candidate) 6/24/13 Keane, Kimberly (Zion – St. Charles) 1/1/14 Larsen, Sara (Non-Candidate) 7/31/13 McCain, Lynn (Candidate) 1/25/14 Nelson, Katie (Candidate) 1/16/14 Nutt, Elizabeth (Candidate) 1/27/14 Retired: Bossaller, Cindy (Non-Candidate) 1/1/14 Irwin, Deborah (Non-Candidate) 1/22/14 Wurdeman, Bruce (Lutheran Hour Ministries – St. Louis) 1/1/14 Deceased: Macke, Thomas (Emeritus) 6/18/13 Resigned/Removed from Roster: Adrian, Amy (Candidate) 12/18/13 Bockelman, Rebecca (Non-Candidate) 2/4/14 Engelhardt, Julie (Candidate) 1/16/14 Froehlich, Peter (Non-Candidate) 2/1/14 Kuhlman, Beth Ann (Non-Candidate) 1/20/14 Lessing, Lisa (Candidate) 1/27/14 Popp, Mary Beth (Non-Candidate) 1/28/14 Transferred to Other District: Wurdeman, Bruce (Emeritus) to TX 1/19/14

Changes Within District: Schlie, Penny (Bethlehem – Raymore) to King of Kings – Kansas City 11/24/13 by P. Schult Weiss, Andrea (Lutheran Association for Special Education – St. Louis) to St.

Page 12

March—May 2014

Ordinations/Installations: DeBeir, Jay (SL2014) ordained/installed as SMP Pastor at St. John’s – Ellisville, MO 1/12/2014 by R. Mirly Transferred to our District: Frith, Mark (KS) installed Program Director, Outreach Initiative for Lutheran Hour Ministries – St. Louis, MO 3/5/2014 by G. Seltz Gray, Roosevelt (MI) installed Director of Black Ministry, Offfice of National Mission, LCMS, 1/7/2014 by M. Harrison Harmelink, Daniel (PSW) installed Ex. Dir. Concordia Historical Institute – St. Louis, MO 2/14/2014 by M. Harrison LeClair, Edward (MI) installed part-time Hospice Chaplain, Lutheran Senior Services – St. Louis, MO 1/31/2014 by R. Mirly Riordan, Steve (NI) installed St. Paul – Wildwood (Glencoe), MO 12/1/2013 by R. Rall Schoech, Thomas (RM) installed as Intentional Interim Pastor at St. Peter – St. Joseph, MO 11/24/2013 by L. Block Sonntag, Donaldo (MDS) installed St. John – Mexico, MO 2/9/2014 by A. Simmons Transferred to other Districts: Deterding, Shawn (Trinity – Clinton) to KS 1/20/2014 Finney, Adam (Candidate Status) to NI 12/23/2013 Mehl, John (Synod Missionary Hong Kong) to NE 2/25/2014 Miller, Warren (Jack) (Emeritus) to FG 2/6/2014

Wilshek, David (Candidate Status) to SI 3/1/2014 Changes within District: Castens, Kyle (Concordia Seminary – St. Louis) installed Associate Pastor Immanuel – Crystal City, MO 2/9/2014 by R. Mirly Cloeter, Jeffrey (Associate Pastor, Christ Memorial – St. Louis) installed Senior Pastor of same 2/9/2014 by R. Mirly Candidate Status: Mekasha, Eddie (Timothy – St. Louis) 1/16/2014 Miller, William (Messiah – St. Louis) 12/31/2013 Schultz, Matthew (SL Outreach/Volunteer Coor. – St. Louis, MO 1/16/2014 Retired: Lange, Robert (Intentional Interim, St. Paul – Wildwood) 12/1/2013 Kriete, Robert (St. Paul – Union) 11/30/2013 Marth, David (Trinity – St. Louis) 12/31/2013 Deceased: Kienker, Paul (LCMS Foundation) 12/2/2013 Resigned/Removed from Roster: Armbrust, Kevin (St. Paul – Des Peres) 12/13/2013 Rueckert, Paul (Immanuel – Olivette) 1/22/2014 New Congregation in District: Praise and Worship Lutheran Church – Branson, MO 12/15/2013

No Greater Love Christ Memorial Productions is proud to present No Greater Love on April 4 and 5 at 7:30 p.m. and April 6 at 2:30 p.m. This will be the inaugural presentation of No Greater Love, an original dramatic stage production set in World War II and written specifically for Christ Memorial Productions by David Fiedler. Dave has written four books, including two that are based in World War II history. In No Greater Love, Dave utilizes his knowledge of the period to tell a story of love and sacrifice. For free reserved seating, email, visit our website at or call the church office at (314) 631-0304.

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Our Savior Lutheran Church and School, 1500 San Simeon Way, Fenton, MO 63026, will host a Red Cross blood drive on April 16 from 2:30 pm to 8 p.m. A free potluck dinner will be provided. For more information call 636-343-2192.

LEAD, SERVE, LOVE—YOUNG ADULT SERVANT EVENT Serve refugee and immigrant families in the St. Louis area during a three-day weekend volunteer event, May 29—June 1. Connect with other young adults as you lead games/crafts/Bible lessons for immigrant children and help improve the "Peace Center for New Americans" building. Join in an ethnic meal and inter-cultural worship! For additional information, contact Jessica Bordeleau at

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