August September 2013 Voice of Missouri

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Published by the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

August / September 2013



of Missouri

Consecrated Stewards: R aising A nnual Giving by R aising Christian Stewards

Someone once said, “Congregations that fail to talk about Christian stewardship on a regular basis often find themselves talking about money all year long.” Many congregations do talk about stewardship, but only in the context of the annual budget. These efforts rarely raise more than what is needed to meet the budget. Stewardship is much more than just giving to a budget: it is the Christian’s entire approach to life. It is for this reason that Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) created Consecrated Stewards for use in the Missouri District. Consecrated Stewards is a stewardship education tool that: • Focuses on the Biblical principle of grace-motivated giving, not on church budget shortfalls. • Urges Christian stewards to take a step forward in faith in light of God’s grace. • Raises people to a new level of spiritual commitment and annual giving. Consecrated Stewards is founded on our Lutheran understanding of biblical stewardship principles. It is easily organized (four to six weeks of preparation) and can be used any time of the year. It includes four weeks of Bible studies, sermons, and celebrations

Is the CARE Process Right for You? Is your congregation challenged to find a direction in ministry? Is it a challenge to get congregation members on the same page in mission and ministry? Are there signs of disharmony in the congregation at this time? If so, perhaps the Missouri District might be able to help your congregation through the CARE Process. The CARE Process was developed by Dr. John Hirsch of the LCMS Texas District to help congregations. A few years ago, President Mirly wanted to provide an affordable opportunity for congregations to have this type of resource available in Missouri, and so Dr. Hirsch came to Missouri and trained several individuals to facilitate the CARE Process. Today that process is being used in our district through several trained facilitators. “CARE” is an acronym for “Congregational Assessment and Renewal.” The process provides congregations with the opportunity to grow spiritually, deal with challenging situations, discover the attitudes and opinions of the members, and chart a course forward for renewal. During the “CARE Process,” the focus is on Bible study and prayer, along with providing valuable information to inform the process. The process takes not less than three months and typically lasts about six months, depending upon the time of year the process is initiated. The cost is $2,000, plus expenses incurred by facilitators for travel, meals, and lodging. For more information, contact Rev. Gene Wyssmann at gawyssmann@hotmail. com or 417-766-2183.

of ministry within the congregation leading up to a “Consecration Sunday” at which time financial commitments for the coming year are received. LCEF has developed three separate sets of Consecrated Stewards material so congregations may use Consecrated Stewards in successive years. While the success of any given use of Consecrated Stewards will vary, an average increase of 15-25 percent in pledged income is typical. In addition to developing materials for use in the Consecrated Stewards process, LCEF has also trained a number of guest leaders in the Missouri District who are available to help lead the process in your congregation. For more information about Consecrated Stewards, including costs, scheduling, and the like, please contact LCEF Vice President for the Missouri District Dennis Klussman at 314-590-6200 or by email at

Send Me St. Louis: R eaching Out. Building Within.

R each Out. Two words that encapsulate our Lord’s Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20). Send Me St. Louis, a partner ministry of the Missouri District and the Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis, serves the St. Louis area churches and faith based non-profit agencies by helping them engage their community and meet the real world needs of individuals through concrete acts of mercy. Send Me St. Louis accomplishes this by offering regular large group training sessions, individualized training for congregations, and ongoing coaching services. Topics such as Asset Mapping, starting a new mercy ministry, and effective church-community partnerships are just a few of the trainings that Send Me St. Louis makes available to congregations looking to live out the Great Commission where they are. But community ministry takes dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ who are connected with the ministry opportunities that best fit their gifts and abilities. In other words, congregations also have a need to build their strength within. Send Me St. Louis also offers training and coaching focused on effective volunteer management to ensure that disciples of Christ are equipped, connected and deployed in a way that honors the servant as much as the service. Due to its unique position between both the non-profit and congregational worlds, Send Me St. Louis also works to connect like-minded ministries and agencies for greater community impact. Through a number of these connections, disciples of Jesus Christ have expanded their reach to those who may not yet have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ while learning how God has uniquely gifted them as individuals or as a church. While Send Me St. Louis is mainly focused on the St. Louis region, the services provided are available to all congregations of the Missouri District by request. For more information about Send Me St. Louis, its upcoming event calendar, or the services provided, please contact Matthew Schultz at or visit The voice of God is still calling. Now, more than ever, the church must answer, “Send me.”

The Missouri District Online

Regular Online Items: installations and ordinations, celebrations, anniversaries, obituaries, calendar and resources

In this issue: m s .or g

Page 3 - Armed Forces Event Page 5 - Sundresses and Malaria Tents Page 8 - Blankets and Pillows Page 16 - Demographics

Missouri District, LCMS 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141-8557

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From t he president’s desk Serving

Jesus said, “ ... the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28). Jesus’ words were addressed to a mother wanting her sons to be given positions of prestige. Jesus’ words are relevant to our day and age as well. Would you rather be in the penthouse or the . . . ? Would you rather have someone color your hair for you, cook your meal/serve it to you, clean your house, mow your lawn, wash your car ... ? I ask this long question to cause you to stop and think about how President Ray Mirly you feel about serving vs. being served? There is a long-standing principle known as the 80-20 principle. The principle is that twenty percent of the members of a congregation give 80 percent of the offerings. Twenty percent of a congregation’s members do 80 percent of the volunteer work in the congregation. The 80-20 principle, I believe, illustrates how averse many people are to serving others. Our basic sinful human nature is concerned with “self” rather than “others.” In children, it begins with an argument over who received the largest cookie, piece of pie or best gift at Christmas. In adults it can be jealousy over the promotion of a fellow worker to a position we coveted. The examples are endless, aren’t they? As Lutheran Christians, we know our service does not merit our salvation. We receive eternal life (forgiveness of sins, life and salvation) from God’s unconditional love through His gift of faith in Jesus Christ. As Christians, what we think, say, or do flows out of our relationship with Jesus. Our faith-driven response includes our life of service to others. Jesus said, “‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me’” (Matt. 25:40). The Holy Scriptures also say, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:11). Through these two passages Jesus identifies the foundation from which flows a Christian’s life of service. As Jesus won the victory for us over our sinful flesh, Satan and the world, so His victory has freed us for a life of service. I encourage each of you to prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to direct you into areas of service that best align with how God has created you. You are connected by your Baptism to Jesus Christ. You have your new life in Christ. As Jesus came to serve, God grant you to find ways to serve in the name of Jesus Christ. A simple prayer from Lutheran Service Book, Hymn 783, v.1: “Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise.”

We know our service does not merit our salvation

President’s Prayer List Please join me in prayer this month. Praise and thank God for His gracious gift of forgiveness, life and

salvation. Praise and thank the Holy Spirit for guiding the LCMS as we strive to preach, teach and confess the truth of the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. Pray God’s blessings upon newly re-elected President Matthew C. Harrison. Pray God’s blessings upon the LCMS as we move forward in enacting the resolutions passed at the 2013 Synod Convention. Praise and thank God that He provides all that you need to support your body and life. Pray for God’s blessings upon all the Lutheran preschools, Lutheran elementary schools, Lutheran high schools, Concordia universities and the seminaries as they begin new academic years.. Pray God’s blessings upon the many new pastors, teachers, DCEs, DCOs, directors of church music and all other new workers called and contracted to serve in district congregations and their ministries. Pray that the Holy Spirit creates and/or strengthens faith in the hearts who attended vacation Bible school this past summer. Pray that God will bless the VBS follow-up ministry of all district congregations. Ask God to protect the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Pray that God will bless all of us, but especially our farmers, with seasonable weather and a bountiful harvest. Ask God to bless the outreach ministry of the district Lutheran Laymen’s League at the Missouri State Fair. Pray that God will bless all efforts in this district to start new missions and ministries. Pray that God guides and directs the work of the district Board of Directors, the four service boards and district committees.

2013 Synod Convention

The 2013 convention ran from July 21 to 25 in St. Louis, Mo. More than 70 voting and advisory delegates from Missouri attended. Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison was re-elected President and Rev. Dr. Herbert Mueller was re-elected First Vice President. Rev. Dr. Daniel Preus and Rev. Dr. Robert Kuhn, both on the Missouri District roster, were also elected as Vice Presidents. Others elected from the Missouri District include Rev. Dr. Raymond Hartwig, Secretary; Mr. Robert Beumer and CPH Board of Directors; Mr. Gregory Miller, LCMS Foundation Board of Trustees. Be watching for the arrival of your copy of the proceedings where you will find a complete report of the resolutions that were adopted. Other news can be found at Rev. Brian Lemcke, pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Mound City, Mo., and a delegate representing the Missouri District, looks over his notes during Committee 3’s (Life Together) report. Photo by LCMS Communications.

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August/September 2013

Armed Forces Event, Immanuel, New Wells

Immanuel Lutheran Church, New Wells, held its sixth annual Armed Forces Appreciation event on June 30, with a patriotic worship service followed by a recognition program honoring veterans, widows of veterans, active duty soldiers and families of those serving in our armed forces. The guest speaker was LCMS Air Force Chaplain Matthew Franke. who was just assigned to serve as Cadet Wing Chaplain at the United Sates Air Forces Academy, Colo. The patriotic worship service included a bugler and an original song written and performed for the occasion. Other features were American flags lining the street, patriotic indoor and outdoor decorations, military vehicles display, veterans’ memorabilia, a tribute wall of

Distr ict News

Immanuel’s past veterans and a reception with refreshments following the program. The purpose of the event is to draw unchurched veterans closer to Jesus Christ through participation in this patriotic worship service. Total attendance for the event was 285, including 79 veterans, with 20 of them participating for the first time. More than 150 area veterans have participated in the past six years. Immanuel’s website,, has more pictures of the event.

Serving the Lord with Arch Gladness Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Lemay, continues its mission to serve the community of Lemay by helping others. Congregation members just completed their 17th servant event, called Serving the Lord With Arch Gladness. Gethsemane, in coordination with Lemay Housing Partnership, various Lemay businesses and Lutheran High School South, played host for youth and chaperones from throughout the Midwest. The commitment, first started after the flood of ’93 by Pastor Ken Sievers, has continued on even though Sievers has retired. This year, 34 participants from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wisner, Neb., Trinity Lutheran Church, Mountain Lake, Minn., Zion Lutheran Church, Naperville, Ill., and Grace Lutheran Church, Columbus, Ind., traveled to Lemay to paint and stain decks, garages and sheds, paint inside and outside of houses, landscape and clear brush and remove trash and junk from vacant lots. Many of these projects are for older individuals and those less fortunate who could not do the work themselves nor pay to have others do it. More than 40 volunteers from Gethsemane cooked and donated food and time to make the event a success. The week-long event culminated with the youth visiting to senior citizens and shut-ins and performing in-home tasks while often hearing the life stories from these people.

The week was very meaningful not only for the people of Lemay who were served, but also for the youth who participated in the servant event. One youth commented that he was very moved when the home owner came out and prayed after they finished their work. She was so thankful she had tears in her eyes. Another youth stated that this was her first servant event and even though the work was hard at times, she would definitely attend another event as it made her realize all that she has and how good it feels to help others. Under the leadership of Pastor Paetow, Derek Gethsemane looks forward to continuing the event and Serving the Lord With Arch Gladness in the years to come!

The Voice of Missouri

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Distr ict News Christ, Platte Woods, Welcomes Members Three adults and four children were baptized into the faith at Christ Lutheran in Platte Woods. Five adults total were received into membership by adult confirmation. We give thanks to God as He continues to grow His church in Platte Woods. Pictured with the new members are Pastor B.J. Froiland and Pastor T.C. Arnold.

Village Lutheran, Ladue, was blessed to host new missionaries in training and their families this summer. Among the topics of the day was training on photography of the church in action.

International Student Ministry Furniture Give-Away

Join International Student Ministry, St. Louis in welcoming new students to St. Louis with our Furniture Give-Away. Volunteers collect used furniture and household items in “ready to use� condition on Aug. 16. Then, students are invited to a covered parking garage at Washington University to pick up articles for their apartments and meet new friends at the Furniture Give-Away on Aug. 17. Last year, more than 250 international students joined in this festive event. If you have things to donate, please email your name, address, phone number and list of items to Vicki Jameson at wufurnituregiveaway@ or call 314-452-6406. If you would like to volunteer to help with Friday pick-ups, Saturday set-up, distribution or delivery to student apartments, please contact Vicki for more specific information.

Suggestions for Apartment-Size Furniture/Household Item Donations: dressers, desks, beds/futons, mattresses, small tables, chairs, small sofas, book cases, pots and pans, rice cookers and other small kitchen appliances, dishes, cups, glasses, silverware, bowls, lamps, bed linens, towels, rugs and bicycles. Please, no large, heavy items, sleeper sofas or TVs.

Missouri District Member Attends Christ Academy John Palmer, from Christ Lutheran Church, Platte Woods, Mo., attended Christ Academy High School at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., June 16-29, 2013. Christ Academy High School offers young men the opportunity to delve deeper into their faith, enjoy the seminary experience and make friendships that will last a lifetime. For information on Christ Academy, go to

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August/September 2013

Distr ict News

Sundresses and Malaria Tents

Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid at Prarie City, Mo., made sundresses to send to Africa. Zion Lutheran School collected $700 in chapel offerings to accompany the dresses. The financial donation will supply tents through the Lutheran Malaria Initiative.

Bottom row from left: Delores Bracher, Sally Bauer, Terry Heiman, Linda Lee, Aylesa Hammons and Elda Bauer. Back row: Paulette Rapp and Cynthia Hammons.

Zion, Maryland Heights, Creates Life Team Inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Church’s observation of Life Sunday this past January, Zion Lutheran Church, Maryland Heights, created its first-ever “Life Team,” a life-affirming ministry. The mission of this ministry is to inform and encourage the congregation and the community to recognize and promote the Sanctity of Life in many different areas. Among the areas of concern are abortion, eldercare, post-abortion counseling, euthanasia, adoption and sexual integrity, to name a few. Guided by the ministry of Lutherans For Life (LFL), Zion Life Team members attended several workshops and training sessions conducted by Churches for Life (CFL) this spring to become more aware of the prominence and motivation of the Gospel as the basis for reaching out to those in need. When we “fix our eyes on Jesus,” the “giver of life,” we cannot help but have a life-affirming perspective. Indeed, because of the gracious mercy of our Savior, we become “Rescued Rescuers,” according to Rev. Doug Merkey, president of CFL. Churches for Life is a St. Louis-based organization that, in partnership with Lutherans For Life, trains church members of various denominations to become life-affirming. Life Team members attend a four-hour training session, thereafter becoming certified as “Rescued Rescuers,” better equipped to lovingly share the Gospel with those in need. After the training, members are encouraged

Life Team Presentation in June. Pictured from left: Rev. Mark Femmel, Dr. Laverty, and Prof. Jeff Gibbs.

to continually focus on Scripture, Jesus and prayer as they pursue their lifeaffirming ministries. One of the first events sponsored by the Zion Life Team was a presentation on Saturday, June 1, by Prof. Jeff Gibbs of Concordia Seminary, who is the Life Team Leader at that institution. The title of his program was, “Calm, Loving and True: How Lutheran Christians Can Think and Speak about Abortion,” and was attended by approximately 20 people from Zion and other area congregations. Also in June, the team sponsored a fundraising plant sale. Other events planned are to attend the LFL National Conference in Iowa and a Concert for Life at Zion in November. In addition, Pastor Mark Femmel, with the assistance of Word of Hope, is working to create a ministry to those who suffer from the spiritual and emotional aftereffects of an abortion.

Life Team Members pictured from left: Rev. Mark Femmel, Sandy Myers, Dr. Mark Laverty, Life Team Leader, Mary Johnson, Debi Johnson and Dan Johnson.

The Voice of Missouri

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Com mun ications Who A re We?

The Missouri District consists of 299 congregations. The Vision: Congregations of the Missouri District—LCMS partnering as one church, united in doctrine, ready, equipped and acting to fulfill the Great Commission in their unique setting with their unique people. The Mission: The Missouri District—LCMS is to serve and encourage congregations to fulfill the Great Commission and promote unity of the true faith.

Senior A dult Services – A dulthood and Aging by Jennifer Freudenburg, Project Manager for the Concordia Center for the Family

The average age of LCMS Lutherans is 68 years old. There are 10,000 baby boomers reaching the age of 65 every day, and this rate will continue for the next 17 years. What is the church, as a Christian intergenerational organization, doing in the critical area of adulthood and aging? How can professionals with a career in Family Life as a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE), with a concentration study in adulthood and aging, affect the church? There are endless possibilities! Concordia University Ann Arbor’s Family Life program sees the need for workers in God’s kingdom to serve this population – within that Christian intergenerational organization and the social service agencies. The Family Life team is interested in adding a “major” to its Family Life program to assist the church and the community in this area. The church often out-sources all services for our aging population. Would they be willing to employ a Director of Family Life Ministry (DFLM) who has training in the area of adulthood and aging? Would your church? Just to remind you, this is a called, rostered position in the LCMS. The Family Life program at Concordia University in Ann Arbor produces Certified Family Life Educators some of whom wish to put their emphasis in the church and become a DFLM. Would you welcome a Certified Family Life Educator from Concordia University to walk alongside you to help your family or congregation?

WhY ConsIdeR A ChARItABLe gIft A nnuItY? 1. Receive a regular fixed payment for life 2. Save on taxes 3. Earn a higher rate of return 4. Make a future gift to ministry Rates Age One Life Two Life 60 4.4% 3.9% 65 4.7% 4.2% 70 5.1% 4.6% 75 5.8% 5.0% 80 6.8% 5.7% 85 7.8% 6.7% 90 9.0% 8.2% Enjoy a higher rate of return while you help your favorite ministries!

The Voice of Missouri A bimonthly publication produced under the guidelines of the Board of Directors of The Missouri District—LCMS, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 E ditor : Jennifer K rupp Editor’s email: President’s email: District website:

Submissions: When submitting an article to The Voice, emails sent to are strongly preferred. Please furnish sharply focused original photographs. JPEGs, GIFs or TIFFs may be emailed at 300 dpi at 5x3.5” size. Submission deadline: First day of month preceding publication. Upcoming deadlines and themes:

Address changes: Send them to or call them into your church office or use the form on this page. Advertising policy: It is the policy of The Voice of Missouri to accept advertising only from entities of, or affiliated with, the LCMS. Advertising must pertain to ministry-specific services. Scripture: All Scripture in The Voice of Missouri is from the English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise noted.

Sept. 1

Oct/Nov Reformation - How does your congregation, school, organization, etc observe the Reformation?

Nov. 1

Dec/Jan** Christmas - How does your congregation, school, organization, etc observe Christmas? ** denotes online only issue Photos will not be returned. Identify all photo subjects (left to right, front to back); what they are doing; name and date of event depicted; why subject is there; include suggested caption. Please do not write on the back of a photo—write on a label and then affix it to back of photo. Get permission from the people in your picture(s) before submitting. Submission of pictures implies approval.

Missouri District Staff Assistant to the President – Family Life and Youth Ministry/Congregational Health Rev. Gene Wyssmann 417-766-2183

President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly 314-590-6200 Assistant to the President – Missions/Congregational Services Rev. Dr. Stuart W. Brassie 314-590-6205

Financial Specialist Ruth Ann Grebe 314-590-6213

Assistant to the President – School Ministry Dennis Gehrke 314-590-6209 Vice President – Lutheran Church Extension Fund Dennis A. Klussman 314-590-6207

Publications Specialist/Voice Editor Jennifer Krupp 314-590-6219 Education Specialist Martha Schellin 314-590-6215 Pastoral Support Specialist Donna Seipp 314-590-6206

Assistant to the President – Financial Planning and Control Peter Krege 314-590-6200

Office and Human Resources Manager Karen Siegel 314-590-6210

St. Louis Social Service Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Rev. Matthew Schultz 314-590-6211

Events Specialist Sue Thompson 314-590-6217

New Subscription/Change of Address Form

Kirk Mueller

The Voice of Missouri is provided free of charge to all Missouri District–LCMS congregation member households. Check with your church office to have your address added or changed. If you are not a Missouri District congregation member and wish to receive a copy, forward the completed form below to:

The Missouri District–LCMS, Attn.: VOICE Subscriptions, 660 Mason Ridge Center Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141-8557 or send the same information by email to Please use this form for a change of address as well as a new subscription.  Please send a new subscription.  Please remove my name from your subscription list. Subscribe to receive  Please change my address to the one listed below.  The Voice electronically at (I have also provided my old address.) Name Church Name and City

Kirk Mueller, 11645 Benham Road, St. Louis, MO 63136-6112 314-704-4389 E-mail:

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August/September 2013





A Special Invitation to Visit with R ev. Michael R edeker, A dmissions Officer Director of A lumni R elations, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Missouri Itinerary: Oct. 20-25, 2013 You are invited to meet with Rev. Michael Redeker, Admissions Officer at Concordia Seminary, to discuss preparation for the pastoral ministry and deaconess studies. Below you will find the itinerary for the visits to your area. Please call Rev. Redeker at 314-505-7225 or email him at for an appointment.* Sunday, Oct. 20 Campus Lutheran Church 304 S. College Ave. Columbia, MO 65201 573-442-5942 • 8:30 a.m.-noon Faith Lutheran Church 2027 Industrial Dr. Jefferson City, MO 65109 573-636-4602 • 2:30-4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 21 Calvary High School 2523 Rte. B Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-638-0228 • 10 a.m.-noon

Monday, Oct. 21 (cont.) Trinity Lutheran Church 104 E. Butterfield Trail Cole Camp, MO 65325 660-668-2364 • 4-6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 23 (cont.) Saint Paul Lutheran Church 4715 Frederick Ave. Saint Joseph, MO 64506 816-279-1110 • 3:30-6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 22 Saint Paul Lutheran Church 401 S. Main St. Concordia, MO 64020 660-463-2291 • 8:30-10 a.m.

Lutheran Campus Center 624 College Ave. Maryville, MO 64468 660-582-3262 • 8:30-9:30 p.m.

St. Paul Lutheran High School 205 S. Main St. Concordia, MO 64020 660-463-2238 • 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Timothy Lutheran 425 NW R D Mize Rd. Blue Springs, MO 64014 816-228-5300 • 4:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23 Kansas City Lutheran HS 12411 Wornall Rd. Kansas City, MO 64145 816-241-5478 • 10-12:30 p.m.

LLL a nd Distr ict News

Thursday, Oct. 24 Zion Lutheran Church 32405 Business Hwy. 36E Macon, MO 63552 660-385-4433 • 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Saint John’s Lutheran 1201 Lyon Hannibal, MO 63401 573-221-0615 • 4:30-7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25 Grace Lutheran Church 528 W. Hudson Wellsville, MO 63384 573-684-2106 • 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

*While specific appointments are strongly encouraged by calling Rev. Redeker, he is also very happy to meet with you without a prior appointment.

The Missouri District Lutheran Laymen’s League

Bringing Christ to the Nations…A nd the Nations to the Church

For 83 years The Lutheran Hour has brought the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to people around the world. Oct. 30, 1930, marked the beginning of the radio ministry with the now familiar words, “Bringing Christ to the Nations—The Lutheran Hour.” The powerful messages of first speaker Dr. Walter A. Maier set the theme for subsequent programs. Over the years, speakers have changed but the message never has. The Lutheran Hour is certainly a faith strengthening program that shares the Gospel. The next step is to encourage the listeners, either on the radio or in their churches, to share this same saving Gospel with those they meet in their daily lives. In 2011 Lutheran Hour Ministries started the Regional Outreach Conferences (ROC). A regional conference makes it easier for people to attend without extended travel time. More than 2,000 attended the conferences in 2011. This year, eight conferences will be held across North America. Learn more at The ROC encourages and equips God’s people to be mission-minded witnesses for Jesus Christ! ROCs are designed to empower you to live every day in the joy of the Gospel. These lively conferences feature leading speakers on ministry, instructive break-out sessions, takeaway resources to use at home, and inspiring worship– all designed to empower attendees to share their faith in word and deed. There are two ROCs close to Missouri. The first is in Nashville and the second is in Omaha. The Nashville ROC will be Sept. 6-7, 2013. The highlights are: • Practical outreach helps for everyday situations from keynote speaker, Rev. Mark Zehnder. • Rev. Karim Baidaoui shares his story of converting from a Muslim to a Christian, and ultimately becoming a Lutheran pastor. • Breakout sessions on hard-hitting topics to reach our communities with the Gospel. • Idea exchanges with outreach consultants in the “Guru Room.”


for the

M issouri D istrict LLL:

Mini-workshops and one-on-one technological advice in the “Technology Center.” • Age-appropriate training events for children and teens, and more! While in Nashville you won’t want to miss some of Tennessee’s best-known hot spots! The Grand Ole Opry is an American icon and Nashville’s number-one attraction. You can catch a live music show at Ryman Auditorium, which is one of country music’s premier concert halls, or walk through the Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art. You can also visit The Hermitage, the mansion of President Andrew Jackson. This property includes more than 1,100 acres, dozens of archaeological sites, two springs, a formal garden, and more. The Omaha ROC will be Oct. 18-19, 2013. The highlights are: • Practical outreach helps for everyday situations from the Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, Rev. Gregory Seltz. • Presentation by Rev. Robert Newton to inspire Christ’s witnesses. • Breakout sessions on hard-hitting topics to reach our communities with the Gospel. • Worship music led by Kip Fox. • Idea exchanges with outreach consultants in the “Guru Room.” • Mini-workshops and one-on-one technological advice in the “Technology Center.” • Age-appropriate training events for children and teens, and more! You can explore Omaha’s history and take in other exhibits at the Durham Museum, trek a swinging rope bridge over a tropical rainforest at Henry Doorly Zoo, stroll acres of botanical beauty at Lauritzen Gardens, and enjoy the weird and wonderful works of art at the Joslyn Art Museum. You can also visit El Museo Latino, the first Latino art and history museum in the Midwest, or stop by Love’s Jazz and Art Center to learn about the rich cultural heritage of this musical form. Questions or comments? Contact: The Voice of Missouri

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Educationa l Ser v ices Blankets and Pillows

This spring, students in fifth to eighth grades from Trinity Lutheran School, Friestatt, Mo., made a special delivery to Cox Health Ozarks Dialysis Clinic in Monett, Mo. For the previous four-five weeks students cut, sewed, and tied pillows and lap blankets for patients at the clinic.

This project was done under the direction and supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Melissa Wolf. Donations from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, parents, and members of Trinity Lutheran Church made this project possible.

From Des Peres to D.C.

Twenty-eight students in grades six, seven and eight with five staff members from St. Paul’s, Des Peres, recently went on an eight day field trip to the Washington, D.C., area and other nearby cities. This trip takes place every other year, and this is the fourth time they have ventured through cities like Baltimore, Philadelphia, Valley Forge, Hershey, Gettysburg, and Washington, D.C. This trip, however, was a little different from the three that preceded it. Each of the previous times they have gone on this trip, Mrs. Denise Rice, eighth grade teacher and coordinator for the trip, applied for their group to be part of a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Until now, her request had been denied due to the sheer volume of requests received. This year was a different story though, and they were presented with this unique opportunity. Mrs. Rice, as well as three student participants randomly drawn, were able to take part in the wreath-laying ceremony as the rest of the St. Paul’s group silently looked on. It was an experience they will never forget and a highlight of the entire trip. Other highlights included meeting Missouri Senator Roy Blunt, who was more than gracious and happy to take several pictures with the students, making (and eating!) chocolate bars at Hershey’s in Pennsylvania, and touring the many memorials and museums in each city. Praise God for their safe travels and the many wonderful opportunities this trip presented!

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August/September 2013

Educationa l Ser v ices

EAGLE College Prep and Compass Educational Programs When Educational Enterprises Inc. chose to bring EAGLE College Prep and Compass Educational Programs to St. Louis, it needed partners. The Missouri District of the LCMS stood ready to help. Educational Enterprises Inc. (EEI) is a nonprofit organization relentlessly focused on providing world-class learning opportunities that are accessible and affordable to all children. Their model of public charter schools with Christian wrap-around programs is breaking ground in St. Louis this fall on the campus of St. John’s Lutheran Church at the corner of Chippewa and Morganford Road.

The Missouri District and other congregations have been excellent partners in the endeavor to serve the children of St. Louis city. The Missouri District has provided a start-up grant to support Compass Educational Programs, the Christian programing of EEI. Send Me St. Louis has provided guidance, mentorship, and connections to the organization. LCMS congregations have provided volunteers to help prepare the classrooms, furniture and supplies to help keep purchasing costs low, and VBS offerings to support the healthy food program. Without this type of support a program of this magnitude would not be possible. “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is unique in its structure and ability to help others.” says Jennifer Prophete, director of Compass Educational Programs

in St. Louis. “Our Compass programs in other cities are envious of the support the Missouri District is providing to us! The Missouri District has shown a strong commitment to ministry in St. Louis city and we are extremely grateful for their support.” Compass Educational Programs will open a Christian preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds as well as a before- and afterschool care program for the children of EAGLE College Preparatory School. The preschool will be able to serve up to 25 children. The before- and after-school care program could serve as many as 149 students. The goal of these programs is to help children learn and grow in their identity as children of God and to provide an environment that is an extension of the family setting, helping children academically and providing them unique extracurricular activities. Prophete shared, “I once had a non-Christian friend tell me ‘Lutherans know how to care for kids.’” Thanks to the Missouri District and its congregations, that reputation is continuing in south St. Louis. If you are interested in learning more about Compass Educational Programs and its ministry to children in south St. Louis, visit www.CompassEdPrograms. org or contact Jennifer Prophete at 314-329-5482 or

Lutheran High School North Presents Christian Character Awards The faculty of Lutheran High School North presents Christian Character Awards to members of the graduating class whose lives exemplify the qualities and characteristics of some of our greatest Biblical examples. These awards carry great significance in the Lutheran North community, which finds its unity and hope in Jesus Christ and strives to live as He desires. The picture of this outstanding group of Christian leaders was taken outside the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the campus of Concordia Seminary, the site of the Baccalaureate service for the LHSN Class of 2013. Recipients and their respective awards are pictured left to right: (Seated): Ariel Williams – Ruth … shows a great love and care for others and great loyalty to the betterment of the lives of others; Margaret Jones – Paul … shows a growing zeal and conscientious spirit for the work of Christ and the church, despite many difficulties and challenges that may come along; Asha Hammons – Esther … accepts the role of leader, is strong and courageous and puts God first in her life. (Standing): Hannah McFarland – Samaritan … is a good servant, helpful, giving, and willing to do more than what is required and not complaining when asked to serve; Evan Dalton – Isaiah … demonstrates outstanding scholastic achievements in many subjects, but especially shows a keen interest and zeal in the study of God’s Word and demonstrates that by going the extra mile to seek that knowledge; Alliyah Beeks – Esther … accepts the role of leader, is strong and courageous and puts God first in her life; Andrew Mueller – Daniel … trusts the Lord, uses the gift of prayer, and is a bold witness to his faith; Mackenzie Burnett – Isaiah … demonstrates outstanding scholastic achievements in many subjects, but especially shows a keen interest and zeal in the study of God’s Word and demonstrates that by going the extra mile to seek that knowledge; Jacob Brackman – Nehemiah … is a hard worker, sticks to the task until it is completed, and is not easily distracted; Alex

Schutte – Peter … shows great improvement in understanding God’s Word; Tanner Branneky – David … is a Christian example through the use of his/her gifts and talents in athletics; Bryce Davis – Joseph … keeps a positive attitude and optimistic outlook, trusting that God is working through the ups and downs of school life; Dan Gierse – Paul … shows a growing zeal and conscientious spirit for the work of Christ and the church, despite many difficulties and challenges that may come along; Rachel Seiler – Ruth … shows a great love and care for others and great loyalty to the betterment of the lives of others.

The Voice of Missouri

Page 9

Fa m i ly Li fe a nd Yout h 2013 National LCMS Youth Gathering

Smiles and enthusiasm were in abundance as the 1,892 youth and adults from the Missouri District joined 23,000 other youth and adults at Live Love(d), the 2013 National LCMS Youth Gathering, held July 1-5 in San Antonio, Texas. The Missouri District hosted a booth at the convention center and was swamped with requests for application of temporary tattoos of the Live Love(d) logo and opportunities to play challenging one-minute games. Before the gathering, the Missouri District hosted a district event at Sea World, where 835 participants representing 47 Missouri congregations enjoyed a picnic lunch and all Sea World had to offer. After the closing service, 1,892 smiling and tired youth and adults boarded planes, buses, vans and cars to return to their home congregations—ready to Live Love(d) in their homes, churches and communities. One-minute games at the district booth.

Fourth of July in San Antonio.

Made it to Sea World!

The district booth was busy.

Some were just thankful for a place to rest at the district booth, too.

Page 10

August/September 2013

Leadersh ip Tra in ing Lutheran Hispanic Ministry Conference to Grow Capacity for Greater Local Outreach

The Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute (LHMI), a Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS, is hosting its first national “PArtners in Latino Ministries CONference” (PALMCON) Oct. 23-25, in El Paso, Texas. The conference seeks to bring together a broad spectrum of Anglo and Hispanic ministry workers. This includes both veterans and neophytes and from the already fully engaged to those just starting to think about doing more. Registration information and all other conference details are available through the PALMCON link at or by contacting LHMI’s Executive Director, Richard Schlak, at 915-790-2300. PALMCON organizers anticipate that a cross-section of local, regional and national workers will gather to share effective strategies, learn from each other’s experience and worship together. Through a table discussion format, ideas will be exchanged in small groups and then reported to the larger group. All participants are expected to leave with practical suggestions and more information about resources available to help local ministry efforts. Bart Day, executive director of LCMS National Missions, will kick off the conference. Another highlight will be a regional Reformation worship service inclusive of the LCMS congregations in the El Paso area. The first day’s keynote speaker, Rev. Tardelli Voss, will address first generation Hispanics. Voss is a missionary church planter for the LCMS Mid-South District. He currently leads and serves Iglesia Luterana Cristo para Todos (Christ for All Lutheran Church), a satellite worship site of Salem Lutheran Church, Springdale, Ark. The second day’s keynote speaker to address multigenerational ministry is Daniel A. Rodriguez. He is the author of “A Future for the Latino Church: Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations.” Dr. Rodriguez is a professor of Religion and Hispanic Studies at Pepperdine University, Malibu, Cali. He will also address the third day’s topic regarding the training needs of workers and training resources.

Witnessing and With-Nessing Grandparents A young boy came home from Sunday school all excited about his new teacher. “What’s her name?” his mom asked. “I don’t know,” replied the little lad, “but I know who she is. She is Jesus’ grandma!” When asked why he thought she was Jesus’ grandma, he excitedly said, “Because she has pictures of Him all over the walls, and she can’t stop talking about Him!” What a great story about the joy and privilege we grandparents have of telling the Good News of Jesus to our grandkids and to people of all ages! Even if we are not grandparents, we are still empowered by the Spirit to share God’s love and forgiveness in Christ with all people, as Ps. 145:4 proclaims, “One generation shall commend your works to another.” If we grandparents and other older adults are not telling the story of Jesus and His love, who is? A friend of mine says, “Whoever tells the stories owns the culture.” In the midst of all the other stories that seek to grab the attention of young and old alike in this world, we as the Church continue to loudly and boldly proclaim that “He is risen — He is risen indeed!” We go about Easterizing people, as His Easter people! Let us continue to encourage each other to witness intentionally to our grandchildren. Sing hymns with them, pray with them, help connect each day’s activity with the presence and promise of Christ. Help them see that they are “Jesus with skin on” as they love and forgive their friends and family as well. Perhaps one of the best ways to witness to our own grandchildren is to allow them to see us as sinners who mess things up and make many mistakes, while at the same time showing them that we,

Missouri District Pastors’ Conference

October 13-15, 2013 Inn at Grand Glaize, Osage Beach, MO

Koinonia: Life Together in Holy Communion Verses: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 and Acts 2:42 Registration: Pastors: $90 Emeriti and Vicars: $60 Spouses: $30 (lunch and banquet) Registration fee includes program, lunch on Monday, banquet on Monday evening and break refreshments. Deadline: Sept. 13 Available the first week of August: • Conference info and schedule on our web site • Online conference registration: http://www. Housing reservations can be made now: Housing: Please note that you are to make your own housing arrangements by Sept. 13 at: Inn at Grand Glaize: 800-348-4731 Rooms are available at the group rate of $61 per night plus tax when using our group code MDLC13. (Note: to get room as tax exempt you must provide exemption letter and pay with a church check or credit card issued in the name of the congregation.) too, are forgiven in Christ and become saints in the Lord, just like they are! Witnessing to Christ in all that we do and say is crucial, and while we are at it, let us also sense the importance of being “with-nesses” to them as well. Spend time with them, play with together, talk with them, do a project with them and, even if they are many miles away, email with them, Skype with them and pray with them over the phone. One other crucial blessing and gift we can give our grandchildren is the gift of listening. Too often in my life experiences, I have tended to focus on me “telling the story” rather than on encouraging and waiting for them to also tell their story of how the Lord is working in and through them. Help them to verbalize their faith by listening, asking questions and allowing the Spirit to empower them to share their stories in their ways and in their words. Together may people of all ages continue to share the gift of faith in a Lord who loves and forgives people, from generation to generation, as we continue to sing, “Thank the Lord and sing His praise; tell everyone what He has done!” Come to think of it, in a way we all are Jesus’ grandma!

Contributed by Dr. Rich Bimler, Ambassador of Health, Hope and Aging, Lutheran Life Communities,,, www.,

LCMS Rural & Small Town Mission supports and encourages rural and small town congregations in engaging their communities and growing together in Christ through Word and Sacrament. If you have a good idea for outreach or a story you’d like to share so we can share it with others, please email Amy Gerdts at Learn more about us at www.lcms. org/rstm, call our office at 888-463-5127, email or “like” us at

The Voice of Missouri

Page 11

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YOUR IRA TO CONCORDIA SEMINARY? Seminary Guild Meeting Dates September 13 October 11 December 13 February 7 March 21 May 2

Bach at the Sem Concert Dates October 20 December 1 February 16 April 6 Page 12

24th Annual Theological Symposium to Focus on Creation “From the Creation to the New Creation: Seeing All Things in Light of the Entire Story” is the title of the 24th Annual Theological Symposium, to be held Sept. 24-25 on the campus of Concordia Seminary. The main presenters for the event are Concordia Seminary professors David Schmitt, Jeffrey Gibbs, Charles Arand and Paul Raabe. Sectional presenters include Joel Biermann, Charles Geischen, Beth Hoeltke, Joel Okamoto, Joel Kurz, Paul Robinson and Leopoldo Sánchez. We live in a world that has been shattered into fragments. The 20th century saw the fragmentation of art, education, politics and society. People today live fragmented and isolated lives at work, family, home, church. Even the biblical stories we hear on Sunday are often a collection of fragments for many Christians. How do we put the pieces together? It may lie in the recovery of God’s grand story that spans from the first creation to the new creation, centered in Christ’s resurrection. This bigger picture of God’s story can help us when we see how the individual pieces fit together: How do we read and preach the individual texts of Scripture as part of the grand story? How does the church fit into God’s work in the world? How do we live our individual lives of vocation as participants in this story? As a special gift to symposium attendees, there will be an Advent sermon series giveaway that will be connected to the themes of the symposium. Full registration is $130 per person ($140 after Sept. 6) and includes program materials, Tuesday’s buffet reception, and refreshments. Other registration fees come at ala carte pricing. Registration deadline is Sept. 6. For more information, contact the office of continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7286 or To register online, please visit the seminary’s website at

August/September 2013

President’s Penning Praise God! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, O heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Karen Drury Son and Holy Ghost. LW 461 In January, my family and I moved from our house in town to a lovely log home in the country. I find myself outdoors now more than ever. Some of the things I truly enjoy are the sounds of all the creatures, the cattle, the crickets, the bull frogs and the coyotes. I find myself softly singing “ ... Praise Him all creatures here below.” And when I sing “ ... Praise Him above, O heavenly hosts;” it reminds me of all my loved ones who are in heaven praising God eternally! This simple song of praise just seems to fit so many circumstances in our lives. Lutheran Women in Mission delegates and members from all over the country came together in convention in Pittsburgh, Pa., in June to celebrate mission goals reached and to set a new goal for the 2013 – 2015 biennium. Several times during the convention the voices of more than 3,100 attendees were raised in praise to God through the singing of the doxology. The familiar hymn of praise is frequently sung by the LWML to worship and thank God for all that He has done and will do through the mission work supported by this organization. There was much to celebrate. During the previous biennium, the goal of $1,825,000 for missions was reached and surpassed by $24,000! Praise God! The Missouri District contributed more than $83,000 toward this goal. Praise God! A new mission goal of $1,830,000 was adopted and mission grants were chosen for the next two years. Praise God! The Missouri District LWML is more than halfway through our biennium and on target to reach our goal of $360,000. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

LWML Sunday 2013 Traditionally, the first Sunday in October is LWML Sunday. Materials have been sent to each congregation to help with the worship for LWML Sunday. Rev. Dr. Dien Taylor is the author of this year’s LWML Sunday materials based on the theme “You Are My Witnesses.” The service focuses on scripture verses from Luke 24:44-53. You can download information at

A h, Summer... Ah, summer. So much to do, so little time. How did you spend your precious moments during the last week of June? Some of us chose to go to the LWML Convention in Pittsburgh, Pa. What an uplifting and joy-filled experience! Joining with thousands of other women in sharing our faith, singing praises to the Lord, being encouraged by the inspiring mission speakers, and choosing how to direct the million plus dollars that will be collected throughout the biennium for mission purposes. It is an experience that is hard to explain. It is exciting, wonderful and empowering all at once. Each of the mission grants proposed and on the ballot were worthwhile in its endeavor to help someone learn of Christ. Much thought and prayer went into choosing those grants to be on the ballot. Much thought and prayer went into the selection by the delegates of which ones were to be granted the funding to carry out their mission for Christ. In our LWML Missouri District, we have this opportunity coming up next summer at our convention in Kansas City. We are in the process of accepting mission grant proposals to be considered for inclusion on the ballot. The Gospel Outreach committee along with LWML District President Karen Drury, LCMS Missouri District President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly and Rev. Dr. Stuart Brassie, Missouri District advisor of the Board for Mission Services, will work together in studying, praying over and deciding which proposals will be offered on the ballot for consideration. It is a true blessing to have the input of our Synod’s district leaders to be advising us in these matters. If you are thinking about submitting a mission grant proposal, please visit the LWML Missouri District website and look for the form labeled Scholarships/Grants: Guidelines for Submitting a District LWML Mission Grant Proposal. The deadline for submission is Oct. 31, 2013. Our LWML Missouri District is proud to be involved in helping Vice President of spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people, and we Gospel Outreach are thankful for the opportunity to use the mites we collect Sally Handrick in doing so.

2013-2015 Biennium Mission Goal: $1,830,000 1. Training K-9 Comfort Dogs for LCMS Chaplains 2. Lutheran Children’s Books for Southeast Asia 3. Training Indigenous Pastors/ Deaconesses – Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. 4. Rebuilding Nord Est Haiti Lutheran School 5. Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Schools – Winnebago Tribe, Neb. 6. I CAN–Serving At-Risk Children with Learning Needs 7. Bible Story Books in Sign Language and Written Text 8. Native American Outreach Training Center–Fairbanks, Alaska 9. Strengthening and Expanding Campus Ministry 10. Worship for Shut-Ins 11. Preparing Leaders for a Diverse World – Concordia College Alabama 12. Voice of Care Ministry to the Developmentally Challenged 13. Christ-Centered Tutoring Through Rebecca’s Garden of Hope 14. Student Scholarships for MOST Ministries Mission Trips 15. Building Homes and Hope in Haiti 16. Support for Lutheran Public Radio 17. Christian Educational Support for Children–India 18. Mission Outreach at St. Paul Community Lutheran Church – Pontiac, Mich. TOTALS

$30,000 $72,000 $100,000 $100,000 $58,553 $99,000 $100,000 $95,000 $100,000 $80,000 $50,000 $50,600 $100,000 $20,000 $100,000 $40,000 $85,000 $65,559


The Voice of Missouri

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League     Counselor’s Corner Partnership of LWML and the Missouri District

Rev. Gary Griffin

St. Paul voices his appreciation for the Philippian’s partnership in the gospel. “Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble. And you Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving, except you only. Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again” (Phil. 4:14-16). The Missouri District and the LWML Missouri District partner in Gospel ministry. Every two years, the LWML Missouri District meets in convention to fund Missouri District mission projects. Some projects helping local LCMS congregations include funding for a children’s ministry, food pantry, supporting a new mission start, scholarships for students at the seminary, bus ministries, etc. The funding source comes from LWML mite box offerings collected by each LWML society throughout the state of Missouri. Those offerings to fund mission work in Missouri through local congregations have been in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Missouri District staff spends hours on the road visiting congregations, leading workshops on ways to plan for growth, attending evening meetings to help conflicted congregations find reconciliation, meeting personally with pastors and key leaders in congregations to plan for new mission starts and considering ways to revitalize the congregation’s ministry. Specifically helping congregations receive new ministerial staff, President Mirly paves the way for congregations to call and install vicars and pastoral candidates. Dennis Gehrke assists congregations in the calling process of teacher candidates and Stu Brassie helps congregations plan and implement mission starts. And all the work mentioned above only scratches the surface of the monumental task set before our district staff. Through this partnership of financial planning of giving and receiving and the “hands on” approach of our Missouri District to help congregations in a very personal way, much Gospel ministry is occurring! Praise God! As St. Paul thanked the Philippian Christians for their partnership in the Gospel by supporting him (Paul) in his “hands on” preaching and teaching and starting of new churches, so we thank God for the partnership between the Missouri District and the LWML. By God’s grace, may this partnership continue in the years to come for the sake of the Gospel.

Page 13

A nnouncements Personnel Changes — Ordained

Ordinations/Installations Haugen, Peter (FW ’13) ordained St. Mark, Waco, TX 6/16/13 by W. Albers; installed LCMS Bd. for International Mission (Missionary, Ghana West Africa) 6/25/13 by R. Golter Mueller, Jacob (FW ’13) ordained and installed St. John, Lohman, MO 7/7/13 by K. Golden Walker, Andrew (SL ’13) ordained Zion, Georgetown, TX 6/23/13 by J. Beyer; installed St. Peter – LaGrange, MO 7/14/13 by K. Schamber Williams, Jonathan (FW ’13) ordained Village, Ladue, MO 7/7/13 by K. Golden; transfer to Lutheran Church of Australia (associate pastor, Horsham Parish, Victoria, Australia) Transferred to our District Kirk, James (MDS) emeritus status 6/5/13 Krohe, Wayne (MNS) noncandidate status 6/3/13 Schave, Steven (OH) installed Associate Exec. Dir. LCMS Office of International Mission, St. Louis, MO 6/10/13 by M. Harrison

Transferred to other Districts Bayer, Timothy (Faith, Oakville) to Northwest District 6/23/13 Manz, Michael (Zion, Rockville) to Ohio District 7/7/13 Peterson, Ryan (St. John, Ellisville) to Michigan District 7/1/13 Schaum, Charles (candidate status) to Southern District 6/19/13 Change within District Benson, David (Campus, Columbia) to sole pastor Faith, Springfield, MO 6/9/13 by D. Maas Moore, David (St. Paul, St. Joseph) from Associate Pastor to Senior Pastor of same 6/23/13 by R. Mirly Weinhold, Terry (St. Paul, St. Joseph) from senior pastor to associate pastor of same 6/23/13 by R. Mirly Deceased Becker, Norbert (emeritus) 5/29/13

Retired Brandt, Warren (St. John, Lohman) 6/30/13

Calling Congregations For Sole Pastors Alma, Trinity Bourbon, Concordia Cole Camp, Trinity Cape Girardeau (Egypt Mills), Trinity New Haven, Trinity – called Rev. Jacob Ehrhard of Dwight, IL (accepted) Rockville, Zion St. Louis, Ascension – Rev. Dr. Charles Spomer retiring Washington, Faith Served by Intentional Interim Pastor or Interim Pastor Glencoe, St. Paul (Rev. Robert Lange) Grandview, Holy Trinity (Rev. Dr. Rick Foss) Mexico, St. John (Rev. Mike Gallagher) Zion, Pocahontas / Trinity, Shawneetown (Rev. Virgil Kelm) St. Louis, Epiphany (Rev. Dr. Martin Haeger) St. Louis County, Immanuel Chapel (Rev. Ron Jansen) Slater, Peace / St. Paul (Rev. Douglas Dubisar) For Senior Pastor Kansas City, Holy Cross Overland, Our Redeemer St. Louis, Historic Trinity – Rev. David Marth retiring St. Louis County, Christ Memorial Rev. Gregory Smith retiring For Associate or Assistant Pastor Crystal City, Immanuel Ellisville, St. John Oakville, Faith St. Charles, Immanuel

Vacant on Hold – But Being Served Ashland, Family of Christ Bethany, Hope Center, Trinity Elk Prairie (Rolla), Peace Isabella, Faith Knob Noster, Faith Memphis, St. Paul Milan, Peace Oak Grove, Shepherd of the Valley Princeton, Immanuel St. James, St. John St. Louis, Holy Sacrament St. Louis, St. Paul Sarcoxie, Trinity Shelbyville, Mount Hope Sweet Springs, Christ Pastors Considering Calls Koester, Kevin (Mount Calvary, Belle/ Zion, Owensville) to St. Paul (associate), Brookfield, IL Lessing, Reed (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) to St. Michael, Fort Wayne, IN Peterson, Ryan (St. John, Ellisville) to Concordia University, Ann Arbor, MI (accepted) Pierce, Kent (Campus, Columbia) to Concordia, Toledo, OH (declined) Seban, Timothy (St. Paul, Des Peres) to Associate Pastor, Beautiful Savior, Plymouth, MN Utech, William (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) to Our Savior, Nashville, TN (declined) Utech, William (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis) to Mission Executive for the Minnesota South District (accepted)

We R emember: 1

Rev. Norbert Becker, emeritus, who fell asleep in Christ May, 29. He was a retired missionary of 27 years in the Philippines. He was also a parish pastor in East Wenatchee, Wash., and Jefferson City, Mo.


Karl Birnstein, emeritus, who passed into glory May 21. He served as a teacher, coach, and administrator in elementary and high schools at congregations in Connecticut, California, Oregon, and Missouri. Birnstein was executive director from 2005-2010 for Lutheran High School of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo.

Page 14

August/September 2013

Personnel Changes — Commissioned Ministers of R eligion Graduates Installed Corrow, Eleanor (FW ’12) to Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod 6/10/13 by M. Harrison White, Sylvia (SL ’13) to Messiah, St. Louis 6/23/13 by M. Hoehner Transferred from Other Districts Bowers, Sandra (SI) to Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, St. Louis 6/10/13 by M. Harrison Homan, Megan (CI) to candidate Upchurch, Amy (SO) to Lutheran Senior Services, St. Louis 5/17/13 by V. Gundermann Schave, Kimberly (OH) to Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, St. Louis 6/10/13 by M. Harrison Deceased Birnstein, Karl (emeritus) 5/21/13 Transferred to Other Districts Gledhill, Kristin (non-candidate) to MI 6/5/13 Schaum, Martha (non-candidate) to SO 7/1/13 Sommerer, Samuel (Immanuel, St. Charles) to NE 7/1/13

Retired Anderson, Ruth (Zion, St. Charles) 6/8/13 Arnold, Richard (Lutheran High School South, St. Louis) 7/1/13 Cochran, William (Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod, St. Louis) 7/1/13 Dreessen, Charles (Christ Community, Kirkwood) 7/1/13 Gehrke, Dorothy (Word of Life, St. Louis) 6/1/13 Grass, Larry (St. Paul’s, Concordia) 6/1/13 King, Dorothy (Immanuel, St. Charles) 7/1/13 King, Thomas (Immanuel, St. Charles) 7/1/13 Kollmeyer, Judith (Trinity, Jefferson City) 6/7/13 Leech, William (Immanuel, Jefferson City) 7/1/13 Lucas, William (Lutheran High School North, St. Louis) 7/1/13 Mangels, Verlin (Saxony Lutheran High School, Jackson) 6/1/13 Meyer, Jeaninne (Lutheran High School South, St. Louis) 7/1/13 Reiss, Richard (Lutheran High School South, St. Louis) 7/1/13 Rudsinski, Calvin (candidate) 6/8/13 Schroll, Norma (Christ Community, Kirkwood) 7/1/13

Music at St. Paul’s begins its 2013-14 season with a Hymn Festival featuring

Dr. Martin Jean, guest organist, Professor of Organ, Professor in the Practice of Sacred Music, and Director of the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale University —

This free event begins at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Des Peres 12345 Manchester Road, Des Peres, MO 63131 314-822-0447 Dr. Martin Jean has risen to the highest ranks of the world’s concert organists and is recognized widely as a brilliant, warmly communicative artist and readily appealing personality. As the winner of two of the most prestigious organ competitions in the world, he has concertized extensively throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. In 1986, Jean was awarded first prize at the international Grand Prix de Chartres competition, held biannually at the Chartres Cathedral, France. As part of this prize, he was invited several times for concert tours of France, England and Luxembourg, where he played at the cathedrals of Poitiers, Chartres, Orléans, Chichester, Oxford and St. Alban’s. He also appeared in concert at Radio France in Paris as part of a recital series commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Louis Vierne, a performance which was broadcast live over much of western Europe. A testament to the respect which he has earned in France because of his win there, he was invited by the competition’s board of directors to be one of the judges for the 1998 Chartres competition. He was a featured performer at the 2004 national convention of the American Guild of Organists held in Los Angeles and was at the organizations’s 2006 national convention in Chicago. In 1992 he won first prize at the National Young Artists’ Competition in Organ Performance, held biannually by the American Guild of Organists, in Atlanta, Ga., at its national convention. Since then, he has played more than 40 recitals, including appearances at the 1993 International Congress of Organists in Montréal, the Meyerson Symphony Hall in Dallas, the Naples Performing Arts Center in Florida, the Riverside Church in New York City and as soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.

A nnouncements

Christ Memorial to Present ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, St. Louis County, will present the musical “Fiddler on the Roof” this September. This will be Christ Memorial’s ninth year presenting quality, award winning musicals to the community as a part of its mission of being a 21st century mission and discipleship center. Christ Memorial members and people from the community will gather to present “Fiddler” Sept. 20, 21, 27, 28 at 7:30 p.m. and Sept. 22 and 29 at 2:30 p.m. “Fiddler” embraces the universal themes of hope, love and tradition that will speak to all in attendance. The production will move and entertain with memorable music and characters, including a beautiful score by Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick, and familiar songs like: Sunrise, Sunset, If I Were A Rich Man and Matchmaker. The family friendly production with be complimented with a full orchestra. The musicals bring Christ Memorial members and others from the community together. Members, the community, young and old, new and some familiar faces come together and everyone is made to feel welcome and join together so that all witness God’s love through Christian fellowship, care and concern. All seating is reserved and ticket prices range from $10 to $20. Beginning Aug. 10, tickets may be purchased at the church at 5252 S. Lindbergh Blvd., Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Saturdays and Sundays before all services. Tickets may also be reserved online at Visit the website, call the church office at 314-631-0304 or email for more information.

Gulf Shores, Ala. beachfront condo for rent Three bedroom, two bath, fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, indoor–outdoor pools, hot tub, tennis court, exercise, sauna; golf, fishing, children’s attractions nearby. Reduced R ate for Voice Readers! Members of The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens

Call 314-843-6063

Bed & Breakfast Quiet Nature Retreat on 23 Acres Private Eight Acre Fishing Lake Near Hermann, Mo.

Hope Lutheran Church, Republic, Mo., would like to donate 64 red hymnals to a church or mission. Contact the church at or 417-732-7046 if you would like them.

Seeking Golfers

We are seeking golfers for the first annual CFNA Golf Benefit. Come on Wednesday, Sept. 25, to the Probstein Golf Course in Forest Park in St. Louis. Starting at 11 a.m., the golf benefit will include a deli lunch, 18-hole scramble, hospitality hour and the World’s Fair buffet dinner. Don’t golf? Have a date conflict? Donations are welcome. This is a fun way to support refugee crosscultural evangelism in St. Louis city. Questions: or call Carol at 314-527-8513.

The Voice of Missouri 573-252-4136 Members - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

Branson Condo for Sale North Branson; 2 BD/2 Bath; garden level; 1,000 sq. ft. Freshly painted. All appliances stay. Less than ½ mile from future Mercy surgical center. Just off Highway 65 by the new Walmart & Kohl’s. Use it yourself or for rental income of $700 per month. Call 573-747-8705. Member Faith Lutheran Branson

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District News Congregation Services

Who serves as the cheerleader for our Missouri District congregations? Congregation Services does! This arm of our district provides many tools and helps congregations as they seek to strengthen and maintain dynamic ministries. Here are some examples of our cheerleading and what we offer ministries in Missouri. SPIFE/Rural Small Town Institute was once a district initiative that has now become the LCMS national center for rural small town ministries. Many resources and materials have been developed to assist our congregations. A District Rural Small Town task force works as a liaison between the national center, our district and congregations. The district provides stewardship help for congregations through the LCMS Stewardship Department, and its many online resources and Concordia Seminary-St. Louis Center for Stewardship. The Congregation Planning Process is another regularly used service that helps congregations assess and survey congregation members and leaders to determine current situations and future goals. No one model fits all congregations, so the needs and aspirations of the individual church determine the tools that would be most helpful. For some congregations, a specific issue or concern needs to be addressed and worked through. For others, a short-term process allows for a few goals to be selected and attained. Long-term strategic plans help a congregation lay out new, clear direction and vision for a number of years down the road. Planning entails some time and effort. But the rewards of working together as leaders and members of a congregation to determine a roadmap for future ministry are great. It is exciting that so many of our congregations, large and small, rural and urban, are thinking through future directions to take, and are becoming intentional as they connect with their neighborhoods and communities, bringing them the love and joy of Jesus.

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Demographics: Getting to Know Your Community

For many years, Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) has been a source of demographic information for congregations and schools that wanted to learn more about their local communities in order to provide a greater level of service and outreach. LCEF has partnered with MissionInsite, a major provider of demographics information to churches, schools, and businesses and is now able to offer this information directly to congregations and schools at no cost. MissionInsite obtains its information from a variety of sources such as the U.S. Census, state and local public records, and other consumer reporting agencies. The typical report made available to congregations and schools includes information regarding: • Population and Household Trends • Racial and Ethnic Trends • Age Trends • School Aged Children Trends • Household Income Trends • Households and Children Trends • Marital Status Trends • Adult Educational Attainment • Employment and Occupations • Charitable Giving Practices • Religious Practices In addition, each report includes unique information about household types (known as Mosaic) which provides detailed information about how households view the world and spend their time and money. A consultant to MissionInsite has taken this information about each Mosaic group and further detailed how each group views church and what forms of outreach are best suited reaching each group. The Missouri District regularly asks each congregation that is vacant and preparing to call a new pastor to request and study demographic information as part of the call process. The benefits associated with knowing more about the people in a community go far beyond calling a new pastor. This information can help congregations develop ministry plans that will more effectively reach people with the Gospel. For more information about requesting demographic information about your community, contact Dennis Klussman, LCEF Vice President for the Missouri District, at 314-590-6200 or by email at

Mission Services

The Missouri District is blessed to have some highly motivated congregations, pastors, laypeople and mission groups busily at work creating mission opportunities among us. The Lord is blessing those initiatives, and the district’s Missions Department is able to provide guidance, encouragement, support and training. Currently there are about 35 missionaries serving in a variety of settings, including congregational satellites, ethnic settings, rural small town partnerships, campus ministries and urban engagements. Each one is a gift from God, and evidence of His hand at work extending the kingdom in our midst. In order to help these dynamic activities, the district provides a process that helps congregations and church planters fulfill their mission. Pieces of this process include: Conceiving the Mission: providing assessment tools to pastors and congregation leaders as well as meeting with them to discuss the opportunity and responsibility of mission work. Preparing for the Mission: working with our seminaries to seek out candidates who are in the mission track, or encourage pastors in the field who may be interested in serving as church planters in the Missouri District. Along these lines, the district works with Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to provide missionary assessments and training. C-Pac is a method to identify potential missionaries. MissionShift provides urban mission exposure to seminary students and allows them to engage in urban mission projects. The Center for Stewardship helps develop good stewardship foundations and tools for funding the mission. The district has developed two mission agencies, Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA) in Kansas City, and Align in St. Louis which coordinate mission activity in each region. In addition, a working arrangement has been established with The United States Center for Mission out of Concordia-Irvine to provide quarterly training and equipping events for our missionaries in Missouri. An arrangement is also established with FiveTwo, a Lutheran mission agency in Texas which provides an annual conference for LCMS mission planters nationwide. Both the Center for Mission and FiveTwo provide coaching for our church planters and help them with planning, evaluation, encouragement and personal support. Implementing the Mission: The Mission Board processes grant requests for seed money which helps begin the mission initiative. A “One Plan” is developed, reviewed, and funds are provided to accomplish the goals. Evaluating the Mission: A monthly mission report is provided to the district by the mission. On-site visits allow for follow-up and encouragement to the missionary and his supporters. The Missouri District stands ready to help and work with congregations, circuits and mission groups in carrying out the desire to bring the Gospel to people right here in Missouri who do not yet know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

August/September 2013

The Voice of Missouri

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