Missouri Magazine Summer Issue 2019

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M i ssou r i M agazine Summer 2019

M I SSOURI 'S BEST Local Tel ev i si on Personal i ty and TV Sports A nch or

William Holtz Par adise is Callin g | Explor e St . Lou is | Let 's Go Glam pin g

In this


Summer Issue 2019


Missour i Magazine

Celebr ating Why We Love Missour i

L ak e T V W i l l i am H o l t z



Faces o f M i sso u r i

T i ed T h e K n o t

DEPARTM ENTS Publisher ?s Note 8 Staff 12


L et 's Go Gl am p i n g

Recipes 48 Events 62

On the Cover: Lake TV William Holtz

#M issou r iM agazin e


Summer ishere Thank you for reading our summer Issue. Our team had a lot of fun putting together our latest issue and we hope you enjoy it. This issue features Missouri's Best Local Television Personality and TV Sports Anchor, William Holtz at Lake TV. Celebrating why we LOVE Missouri and uplifting the community is a big part of our mission at Missouri Magazine. That's why we love #TheFacesofMissouri, which features a series of conversations with people who live and work in Missouri. Meet the heart and face behind Ozarks Amphitheater Mary Kay von Brendal. We are excited to welcome Contributing Writer, Tiffany Ash.. We hope you enjoy reading her articles throughout our magazine! Missouri Magazine continues to celebrate so many businesses, people and talent throughout the state of Missouri who were voted Missouri's Best 2019 by our readers. Check out our Missouri's Best Magazine 2019 at missourimagazines.com Congratulations again to the winners of Missouri's Best 2019! We have amazing local businesses featured throughout our current issue. We hope you will stop in and say hi to these businesses and other businesses throughout Missouri. Let them know you heard about them at Missouri Magazine. We love celebrating Missouri and local businesses.

Have a safe and wonderful summer. Enjoy all that Missouri has to offer!

Cherish Life,

Cheri Cheri Cranford 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Proverbs 3:5-6

M i sso u r i M agazi n e Pu blish er / Ow n er Cheri Cranford

Con t r ibu t in g Wr it er s Tiffany Ash Bennet Bodenstein

Layou t / Design CDM Media Group

Con t act M issou r i M agazin e 205 N Oak Street Stover, MO 65078 573-284-5406 hello@missourimagazines.com Missouri Magazine is published bi-monthly by CDM Media Group. T he opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or of Missouri Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. However, the publisher cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions. Š2018 CDM Media Group. Missouri Magazine welcome unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. Please email submissions to Cheri Bullard-Cranford at hello@missourimagazines.com

Proverbs 3:5-6

Getting to know the lake's new face in TV and multimedia who's taking the Lake of the Ozar ks National

Interview with Missour i's Best Local Television Per sonalit y and TV Spor t s Anchor

William Holt z There is a lot of talent throughout the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. One is Missouri's Best Local Television Personality and TV Sports Anchor of Lake TV, William Holtz. William sat down with Missouri Magazine to share his journey and the heart behind Lake TV. It is a pleasure to introduce the lake's new face in TV and multimedia who's taking the Lake of the Ozarks National. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us a little about yourself and your journey. William Holt z: Well I moved to the lake from Branson when I was 6 years old with my parents and 2 sisters (one older, Jenny & one younger, Ann Marie). My family has always been in restaurant and hospitality/food sales. My mom?s parents (my mama and papa) bought a Country Kitchen in Eldon, MO in 2000 and we followed them to join the family business. I grew up muting the Cubs games on WGN and dreamt & still dream about one being the voice of the Chicago Cubs. I did the same thing for my Buffalo Bills every Sunday. My dad and never miss a game. Since I was 10, there have been about 288 Buffalo Bills games and on a modest guess, we have watched at least 270 of those games together. Sports are something that are bigger than life itself to me. It's a platform which brings people together that otherwise wouldn't come together. I am a full-time resident of the lake and am continually enamored by the area, people, and culture surrounding the Lake of the Ozarks. I didn't think that 7 years ago when I accepted a job as a play-by-play guy for high-school football on a local leased access channel that we'd be where we are today. It's been an incredible journey and I firmly believe the best is yet to come. M issou r i M agazin e: How did you get started in multimedia? William Holt z: My first job was reading the half time reports on KS 95 out of Versailles with Hall of Famer Mike Bissell. I then accepted a job at The Versailles Leader Statesman as the Sports & General Assignment Reporter/Journalist. I did that for a little over a year and then I then returned to KS95 and served as the analyst to Mike Bissell for the 2013 Versailles Tigers Basketball Season. That was about the same time I took the play-by-play job in July of 2013 with Lake TV

for their inaugural season of High-School Football. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us about your day. Getting ready to film an event at the Lake of the Ozarks. William Holt z: My days are hectic and exiting. I wear many hats with Lake TV and the multimedia company (The William Holtz Media Group) and it typically is filled with desk work, phone calls, meetings, social media, finances, producing, email blasts, client relations, local events, video shoots, still photography, writing,

our team. The team that can buy in to a common goal while all serving in their own capacity has been the most important component for us. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite thing to do at the Lake of the Ozarks

directing, hiring, etc, etc, etc - It's really a combination of exciting, fun, and stressful tasks M issou r i M agazin e: What are your steps for success? William Holt z: A great team of incredibly talented and hardworking individuals that surround me. I think since the start of 2017 we really started to a culture shift and our crew started to buy in and see what we wanted to use this valuable tool and platform for and from there our team started to grow. I have some of the most talented and accomplished team members in the state of Missouri working with us. Now we have many of our key long-time crew members along with many new and promising faces recently joining

William Holt z: To be honest, nothing is quite like being at a concert at The Ozarks Amphitheater. Whether I'm there as an EmCee, a videographer or photographer, or just as a spectator, a ton of my favorite moments have come at that venue. It's very special to me and my relationship with their ownership team and Mary Kay in particular have played such a vital role in Lake TV's growth and even me personally here on a local level. Besides that, it's tough to beat Ha Ha Tonka State Park or being out on the water on a PWC. This place is paradise and I haven't run out of exciting things to do here. M issou r i M agazin e: Where does your inspiration come from? William Holt z: My family and Jesus Christ. My family has always played such a crucial role in my life. Look, I was born into an incredible family and maybe we didn't have a ton of money, but we had a solid foundation and more then needed. We (my two sisters and me) were afforded every single opportunity a kid would need to thrive (good school, married parents

who love one another, both parents have nice jobs, hardworking and good honest and integrity filled people) So I didn't really have to overcome anything except maybe myself. They are still a very active and important role in my life, and I couldn't imagine my life without my family. My dad is the greatest example of what a man should walk, act, and talk like. And then Jesus Christ because I cling to Him in my weaknesses. I can't tell you how stupid and selfish I have been in my past and how many times I've been beaten and bruised by the world, but I can ALWAYS find a fresh start and unmatched LOVE and peace when I lean on Him. Thankful to know Him. M issou r i M agazin e: What has been your most challenging project to date? William Holt z: Lake Race 2019, no doubt about it. We essentially put our life and company on hold for almost 4 1/2 months to pull off this project. We had a few slight kinks here and there but at the end of the day, our team along with many other talented individuals pulled off what we believe to be the # 1 LIVE event ever produced at the Lake of the Ozarks. M issou r i M agazin e: What has been your favorite project to date? William Holt z: It would either have to be working with Jason Bateman's crew for season 1 on the Netflix Series "Ozark" or my role and work in the Malibu "Ryder Experience Regional Championships" in the summer of 2018. For the "Ozark" series, I served as Jason Bateman's "Director of Extras Casting" and was in charge of finding, hiring, coordinating, and presenting 30-45 extras at a time to the team of lead producers & directors for selection. I also served as the liaison to the Production Lead and Emmy Award

Winning Locations Scout Director, Wes Hagen. In the Malibu "Ryder Experience", we covered the Malibu Boats & Iguana Marine Group Regional Championship Series at Lake of the Ozarks. It was epic. We shot drone, go pro, 4k footage from the boat and rocked out two of my favorite video projects we've ever done. On these projects I served as Executive Producer and host and also co-directed both pieces. Those and I ALWAYS enjoy calling LIVE sports. Any football or basketball is just a blast and I could do that all day every day and never get tired of it.

upon us, what does it mean to you being the official broadcast and media for the Lake Race at the Lake of the Ozarks William Holt z: Now that it's in the books, I'm thankful. It was such a blessing that Alvin Heathman, Mike Sheppherd, and the entire Lake Race Board of Directors showed this kind of faith and trust in The William Holtz Media Group and Lake TV. We had a ton of help from our radio partners 1079 The Coyote, to our partners at Speed

M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite part about your job? William Holt z: Getting to bless people with free tickets, meet & greets, VIP experiences, and celebrity encounters. I always remember as a kid that I wanted to be famous but not for the common reasons. I remember looking up the nicest celebrities that were always nice and genuine to their fans and were able to provide once in a lifetime opportunities to them. Now as a business owner in the media industry due to our services and platform, I get to do just that. It's so great getting to see people freak and get excited about what they've won or been gifted. That and calling LIVE sports in any capacity. M issou r i M agazin e: What drives you most in life and your career? William Holt z: Probably the fact that I always want my family, friends, and those I'm closest to be proud of me and to be proud of me more for the man that I am growing into and not just for my professional accomplishments. I've been fortunate to have the best supporting cast from my girlfriend, to my family, to my friends and associates, along with my community here at the lake. M issou r i M agazin e: The Lake Race is

On The Water and even our staff photographer Jacob Carola and Carola Pix. It took so many people to pull off this project and it was an overall roaring success. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite quote? William Holt z: It comes from the great Jimmy Valvano...... "We should do three things every day of our life. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is to think, we should spend some time in thought. And,

number three is you should have your emotions moved to tears. If you do those three things every single day, I guarantee you that you'l have something special" M issou r i M agazin e: You were voted by Missouri Magazine readers as Missouri's Best Local Television Personality and TV Sports Anchor. Congratulations again! What does it mean to you winning Missouri's Best and being the BEST in Missouri? William Holt z: It means a ton, to be honest. There are so man incredible sports anchors across the state of Missouri (Rod Smith in particular) and guys in KC, STLm, and Springfield. It was really cool. I LOVED seeing my face right next to Pat Mahomes on the 40 under 40. That was truly surreal M issou r i M agazin e: What choices have you made to invest in yourself and your own success? William Holt z: Well my dad has always talked to me about the importance of planning for the future and sacrificing things now so one day you can have what others won't. I think I have done a fair job of trying to be strategic in my personal

financial planning as well as planning for future growth of our brands and company. Also investing in my teammates and partners is a big part in ensuring that we have success in the future. M issou r i M agazin e: What is ahead for Lake TV? William Holt z: Good question. We have our first nationally televised LIVE production under our belt and can now finally catch our breath. We have some incredibly exciting local projects that are in the works that we can't get into at this moment. We have only begun to scratch the service with Lake TV and The William Holtz Media Group and what we plan to accomplish. M issou r i M agazin e: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice what would it be? William Holt z: Never burn bridges that you can't afford to lose the ability to ever cross again. As a matter of fact, never burn a bridge regardless. The most important thing that has allowed me to be successful has been being nice. I'm very serious too. If you are genuinely

nice and caring to humans, you will get incredibly overwhelming response and return. I wasn't always as aware of that statement as I am today, and it has certainly cost me in my past. M issou r i M agazin e: Anything else you would like to share with our readers? William Holt z: I truly am living my dream doing what I am doing. I never in a billion years thought 7 years ago I'd be here. We are growing incredibly fast and get to work with some of the most intelligent, successful, and talented people in Missouri. I get paid to hang out and cover events, live music, call and announce sports, and promote the most incredible place on the face of the earth, The Lake of the Ozarks. I'm truly blessed. I have a wonderful girlfriend Unique and I have three of the most wonderful fur babies named Rizzo Bacon Holtz, Santo Burger Holtz, and Stevie Ernier Iris Holtz. Find out more about Lake TV at www.mylaketv.com

M I SSOURI 'S BEST Local Tel ev i si on Personal i ty and TV Sports A nch or

28 | M i ssou ri M agazi n e

Faces of Missouri

Mary Kay vonBrendal Ozarks Amphitheater What a line up Ozarks Amphitheater has this summer. Meet the heart behind it all. From the first time I meet with Mary Kay it was obvious to me that she has great passion for everything she does. She brings amazing talent to the Ozarks Amphitheater. Mary Kay shows a labor of love for the amphitheater and the community. It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mary Kay von Brendel, the face and voice behind Ozarks Amphitheater.

Originally from Missouri, Mary Kay moved back to the Lake of the Ozarks in 2014. New to the area; she was out exploring one day and came across the Lake Ozarks Amphitheater sign. She decided to investigate Ozarks Amphitheater further, Mary Kay said, ?I trespassed onto the property. As I drove through the backstage gate, my line of sight opened to the seats in the amphitheater and I was overwhelmed at the site of a true amphitheater. I got out and went on stage; sang the National Anthem and was blown away by the acoustics at the venue. Decided right there on stage (as I like to call it my Oprah Winfrey ?light bulb moment?) that I needed to find out what was going on with the venue and that I needed to be a part of it. Went home; researched the property and located the owner. I sent him an email explaining who I was and that I would love to work with him on this project. Met him in person in January of 2015 and the rest is history. M issou r i M agazin e: WHAT DO YOU LOVE M OST ABOUT LIVING AT THE LAKE OF THE OZARKS AREA? Mary Kay: The beauty of the lake, the friendliness of its residents and the excitement of tourist season.


M issou r i M agazin e: WHAT ARE YOUR FAM ILY?S FAVORITE ACTIVITIES? Mary Kay: Hiking at Ha Ha Tonka State Park

M issou r i M agazin e: WHERE CAN SOM EONE FIND YOU WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT WORK? Mary Kay: Back in my Hometown of Washington, MO. M issou r i M agazin e: WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR GREATEST PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEM ENT? Mary Kay: The Ozarks Amphitheater celebrating its fifth season.

M issou r i M agazin e: WHAT ARE SOM E OF YOUR LOCAL FAVORITE PLACES? Mary Kay: Of course, the Ozarks Amphitheater, Ha Ha Tonka State Park, The overlook on Thunder Mountain and Bridal Cave.

The Ozark Amphitheater boasts more than 10,000 seats. In addition, there are between two and three thousand additional lawn seats. VIP deck offering the best seats in the house. The truth is wherever you sit in this beautiful venue you are going to have an amazing musical experience. Music under the stars in a venue tucked away in the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks hills? Can it get any better than that?

A night under the stars with music in the beautiful rolling Ozark hills, what else can you ask for? For more information about the Ozarks Amphitheater or for ticket information you can call 573-346-0000 or check out their website Ozarksamp.com.



Our Top5 FavoriteResorts

5 1

Old Kin der h ook at t h e Lak e of t h e Ozar k s 678 Old Kinderhook Drive

Camdention, Missouri 65020 573.317.3500



Big Cedar Lodge 190 Top of the Rock Road Branson, Missouri 65739 844-293-5829 BIGCEDAR.COM

Br an son Sh or es Resor t


1318 Stormy Point Road

Branson, Missouri 65616 417.862.0000



M ar gar it aville Lak e Resor t 494 Tan Tar A Drive Osage Beach, Missouri 65065



Ch at eau on t h e Lak e Resor t Spa & Con ven t ion Cen t er 415 State Highway 265

Branson, Missouri 65616 417.334.1161


Let'sGo Glamping

Escape t o Cam p Lon g Cr eek at Big Cedar Lodge Summer is in full swing; longer days, later nights and of course, sweeter moments. Between the hustle and bustle of daily life and the growing list of weekend engagements, it is easy to find yourself at

Camp Long Creek at Big Cedar Lodge is the perfect place for you to disconnect from your hectic lives and reconnect with the people that mean the most to you. There?s something about camping that refreshes the soul and reminds us to appreciate nature and the way it draws us closer through shared adventure. the end of summer wondering where the time has gone. Before summer slips away, take some time to getaway, unwind and relax in the great outdoors.

Imagine pulling up to a campsite where you are first greeted by friendly staff with genuine Ozarks hospitality. As you drive down the road you catch a glimpse of a beautiful infinity pool with a cabana. Not

Mountains, Big Cedar was originally a country retreat for two wealthy Missourians in the 1920?s. It wasn?t until 1987 when Johnny Morris, founder of Bass Pro Shops, purchased the land that it became the Premier Wilderness Resort that guests from all over the world have come to love.

too far off you see The Canteen in a vintage airstream buzzing with people enjoying their favorite summertime snack. Go a little further and there you find your Glamping Tent, your home for the next few days as you experience the Ozarks and all it has to offer.

Each glamp-site features its own outdoor living space, complete with privacy fence, stone patio and a free-standing soaking tub surrounded by candles and a fire pit. Inside, you are greeted by a king size bed crowned by a chandelier. Just a few feet from there, notice your outdoor deck with an unmatched view of Table Rock Lake. Welcome to your getaway, where camping and comfort truly meet.

Fir st , t h er e w as Big Cedar Lodge To understand Camp Long Creek, it?s important to know where it all began; Big Cedar Lodge. Nestled deep in the Ozark

Spreading across 4,600 acres in the wooded hollows, overlooking sprawling Table Rock Lake, Big Cedar has an endless list of amenities and attractions. One of the most treasured activities is the growing game of golf. With four courses designed by some of the top names in golf; Jack Nicklaus, Arnold

Palmer, Tom Watson, Gary Player, Tom Fazio, Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw, Big Cedar is quickly becoming known as America?s Next Great Golf Destination. A fifth course, Payne?s Valley, is well underway and will be the first public access course designed by Tiger Woods. Incorporating the beauty of the Ozarks into every shot, the golf experience at Big Cedar is one to add to your bucket list.

Another guest favorite is the 18,000 square-foot Cedar Creek Spa which features artisan details and nature-inspired dĂŠcor. A grand, double staircase will lead you to your luxurious treatment room complete with its own cozy fireplace. You?ll also find a full-service salon, indoor grotto pool, steam and ice room and private outdoor showers.

The fun doesn?t stop there! Big Cedar offers spectacular restaurants, two full-service marinas, a 50,000 square-foot activity center, unparalleled fishing and countless outdoor adventures. There are also many accommodations to fit any style, from private cabins surrounded by wooded beauty to grand lodges lined with rustic elegance. Now, with the new addition of Camp Long Creek, Big Cedar offers a completely new way to stay ? Glamping.

Glam pin g in t h e Ozar k s Located just minutes from the heart of Big Cedar Lodge, Camp Long Creek is an

outdoor paradise surrounded by thousands of acres of unspoiled wilderness. From handcrafted furniture to the s?mores kits waiting for you when you arrive, this glamp-site offers the signature creativity and attention-to-detail that noted conservationist, Johnny Morris, is known for.

Camp Long Creek offers 40 custom retreats that combine the rustic appeal of the great outdoors with the relaxing comfort of today?s modern amenities. The nature-inspired accommodations include open concept luxury Glamping Tents, Camp Huts perfect for a couple?s getaway, spacious One Room Camp Cabins, and family-friendly One Bedroom Camp Cabins. All of the accommodations are temperature-controlled and include a kitchenette and indoor plumbing. While the lodging is an experience in itself, you will also have access to a variety of amenities.

Located on-site, Bass Pro Shops Long Creek Marina offers boat and personal watercraft rentals, fishing guides and supplies and everything you need to get out on the water. To cool off, take a dip in the infinity pool or enjoy lake ?beach? access. In addition to the many restaurants at Big Cedar, Camp Long Creek offers three dining options: The Canteen Grill, The Cabana by the pool and Lady Liberty. Inside a vintage airstream, The Canteen offers camping favorites like cheeseburgers, hotdogs, and cold beer. While relaxing by the pool you can enjoy seasonal snacks and drinks

at The Cabana. For a truly unique dining experience, set sail on the Lady Liberty, a beautiful 62-foot luxury yacht. This two-hour fine-dining experience includes delicious food, live music and views of Table Rock Lake.

With so much to do, don?t let another day pass by without making time for the moments that turn into your favorite memories. So, take a break from your everyday routine and reconnect with the ones you love in the great outdoors. Book your glamping getaway at Camp Long Creek today! www.BigCedar.com


Love Letters designs and sells t-shirts for the city and sport you Love! We love how their line makes you feel beautiful and confident even in a t-shirt. When we came across Love Letters we knew we had to share ?Love Letters? t-shirts with our readers. There are so many t-shirts to choose from. You will fall in love with this line. Love Letters started in 2013 with two friends LeAnn and Amy. They both had a mutual passion and a whole lotta coffee and haven?t looked back since. Their major love for their city and the people who live there. They wanted to share that love and feeling with women everywhere. Love Letters pride their selves with special designs and an amazing fit all while striving to have a little something for everyone at a really sharp price!

Dress them up? Dress them down? Doesn?t matter, you?re going to look amazing either way! Love Letters is a labor of love and they?re loving every minute of it! Sh oplovelet t er s.com

41| M i ssou ri M agazi n e


Fun In The Sun Whether it?s swimming, skiing or boating, summer to many literally means diving in or taking to America?s great waterways. Here?s what?s happening this summer with all these activities.

adventure is head to Branson Shores Resort where you can play your vacation on Table Rock Lake and enjoy their pontoons, kayaking, paddle boarding and so much more.



No matter where you live or your summer vacation destination, water parks are always within reach. Many towns and cities feature water parks, as do all the major amusement parks dotted across the nation. For sure-fire family fun that will especially please the kids, water parks offer all sorts of exciting thrills, from flume rides and slides to sliding bodysurfing mats, pools and more. A few our favorites in Missouri are Big Surf Waterpark at the Lake of the Ozarks or White Water in Branson, Missouri.

Boating enthusiasts can?t wait for summer to pull up anchor and head out on the lake or seas for fun times on the water. If you?re new to boating or looking to buy as summer approaches, here?s some trends to be aware of that will enhance your experience. New boat models this year are more hi-tech and advanced than ever before. Boat.com outlined the following features sure to make your boating experience more enjoyable and secure:

RENTAL ACTIVITIES For the adventurous, there are many exciting, affordable activities available for rent. Among these are water mats, water skiing, jet skis, parasailing, paddle boarding and surfing. Some of these activities require at least some pre-instruction in order to ensure safety. But each is a fun way for people of all ages to spend time on a lake or at the beach. Iguana Watersports offers vacation rentals, boating, and PWC rentals on the Lake of the Ozarks. Another fun

Con n ect ivit y: Look for improved Wi-Fi streaming that goes above and beyond normal Bluetooth connectivity.

Secu r it y: More boat manufacturers are offering remote monitoring systems with smartphone apps that let you keep tabs on your boat?s location at all times. St abilizat ion : Advanced stabilizers that keep boats going smooth in rocky waters were once just available in larger craft. But now even smaller boats feature gyro systems that

counter the sea?s unpredictable chops. Pon t oon s: Ever-popular, these versatile craft are easy to clean and feature more innovative features and furnishings. Pow er : 200hp outboard motors were once the top standard, but no more. That horsepower has doubled, sometimes tripled in newer boats featuring motors from Mercury, Yamaha and Seven Marine. And you can always add multiple motors for supercharged performance. Con soles: New boats don?t forget the captain! Updated models now feature bigger multi-function consoles and docking cameras. Su n pr ot ect ion : Out on the water for hours? The sun can become blistering. Which is why new boats are now designed with coverage, even in smaller craft. Larger rigs can feature retractable awnings for shade. OTHER WATER JOYS There are numerous, inexpensive ways to enjoy the water this summer. From the simple joys of a rope swing by a lake to rafting, canoeing or tubing on the country?s numerous rivers.

YogaOnthe Lake

Yoga w it h

KaliseLischwe Kali's Maluhia SUP Yoga M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us a little about yourself and your journey. Kalise Lisch w e: My love for yoga and the water inspired me to combine the two and open a paddle board yoga business to share my passion with others. I completed my teacher training in April 2017 at SUP Yoga Center in Saint Augustine FL and in November 2017 I took a leap into Voler Aerial Arts in Kansas City MO and received my Aerial teacher training certificate. This will be my third season teaching on this beautiful lake and going into my second-year teaching aerial arts at Sqez Juice and Health! M issou r i M agazin e: How did you get started in yoga? Kalise Lisch w e: I have always been a mover, continuously taking classes in dance, aerial arts, gymnastics, paddle boarding and yoga when I lived in Saint Louis. When I moved to the lake area, there were no specialty fitness classes available. I decided to change that and bring the unique fitness methods I love to others who may not have experienced them before. M issou r i M agazin e: Tell us about your day. Kalise Lisch w e: Getting ready to teach a yoga class on the Lake of the Ozarks. A typical day getting ready for a SUP (stand up paddle board) class starts with checking weather radars, loading equipment in my truck, and arriving to the launch site early for setup. Boards are cleaned for all classes and paddles are setup nicely for launch time!

M issou r i M agazin e: Where do you teach classes? Kalise Lisch w e: I travel all over the lake for classes, but my favorite launch spot is in the Millers Landing Cove 28.5 mm. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite thing to do at the Lake of the Ozarks? Kalise Lisch w e: I love being outdoors, finding adventure in my backyard, paddling, hiking, boating! M issou r i M agazin e: Where does your inspiration come from? Kalise Lisch w e: My surroundings, bringing all levels of students together, teaching on the water, connecting to Mother Nature, breathing bliss, and opening the mind for serene peacefulness. M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite part about your job? Kalise Lisch w e: Being able to meet people from all over and sharing my passion with them! M issou r i M agazin e: What drives you most in life and your career? Kalise Lisch w e: Keeping my mindset on where I want to be, knowing my value as a teacher and what I bring to my community, what you manifest you create!

M issou r i M agazin e: What is your favorite quote? Kalise Lisch w e: ?Not all those who wander are lost? J. R. R. Tolkien M issou r i M agazin e: Who should take your classes? Kalise Lisch w e: My classes are for all levels of paddlers and yogis, a lot of my students have never tried paddle boarding or yoga. Any movement on the board can be modified! M issou r i M agazin e: What is ahead for Kali'a Maluhia SUP Yoga ? Kalise Lisch w e: This summer I?m co-hosting a weekend SUP Yoga Retreat, I?d love to continue adding more retreats possibly out of state or out of the country!


Missour i Magazine missour imagazines.com ADVERTISING Cher i Cr anfor d 573.284.5406 hello@missour imagazines.com




1 box vanilla cake mix 1 1/4 c. champagne, divided 1/3 c. vegetable oil 3 large eggs 2 tsp. orange zest, divided 1 c. (2 sticks) butter, softened 4 c. powdered sugar 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract Pinch kosher salt gold sanding sugar Orange wedges, for garnish

Preheat oven to 350° and line two cupcake pans with cupcake liners. In a large bowl, mix cake mix with 1 cup champagne, vegetable oil, eggs, and 1 teaspoon orange zest. Bake according to package directions. Let cool completely before frosting. Meanwhile, make champagne frosting: In a large bowl, using a hand mixer beat butter until light and fluffy. Add 3 cups powdered sugar and beat until no lumps remain. Add remaining 1/4 cup champagne, vanilla, remaining teaspoon orange zest, and a pinch of salt and beat until combined. Add remaining 1 cup powdered sugar and beat until light and fluffy.

Frost cooled cupcakes with an offset and garnish with gold sanding sugar and orange wedges


Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour 3/4 tsp. kosher salt 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 3/4 tsp. baking soda 1 tbsp. sugar 2 1/4 c. buttermilk 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract 4 tbsp. melted unsalted butter, plus more for serving 2 large eggs, beaten 2 c. fresh blueberries, plus more for serving Maple syrup, for serving

DIRECTIONS 1.In a small bowl, mix flour, salt, baking powder and soda, and sugar together with a fork. In a large mixing bowl, combine buttermilk, vanilla, butter, and eggs until well-mixed. Fold in dry ingredients and blueberries until just incorporated. Do not over-mix (batter should be lumpy). 2. Heat griddle or large non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Add dab of butter and scoop 1/3 cup of batter on griddle. Cook for 2 minutes (bubbles will appear), then flip and cook 1 minute more. Pancakes should be golden brown. 3. Repeat steps for remaining pancakes. Serve with butter, maple syrup, and blueberries

MangoGrilledHalibut INGREDIENTS FOR THE HALIBUT 4 (4-6-oz.) halibut steaks 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper

FOR THE M ANGO SALSA 1 mango, diced 1 red pepper, finely chopped DIRECTIONS

1/2 red onion, diced 1 jalapeno, minced 1 tbsp. freshly chopped cilantro Juice of 1 lime

Grill halibut until cooked through, about 5 minutes per side.

Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper

INGREDIENTS 1/2 c. blackberries

Preheat grill to medium-high and brush halibut with oil on both sides then season with salt and pepper.

Make salsa: Mix together all ingredients in a medium bowl and season with salt and pepper. Serve salsa over halibut.

Blackberry Mojito

handful fresh mint leaves Juice of 2 limes 1 tsp. sugar

blackberry mixture on top.

1/2 c. light rum

Add rum, sugar, and

Crushed ice

lime juice and stir to

club soda

combine. Top with crushed ice.

DIRECTIONS In a small bowl, muddle blackberries. Set aside.

Add club soda and garnish with mint leaves and more

Place mint leaves in bottom of glasses. Divide and spoon


Spinach-ArtichokeManicotti INGREDIENTS 1 (8-oz.) package manicotti 1 (16-oz.) container ricotta 1 package frozen spinach, thawed and drained 1 c. chopped artichoke hearts 2 c. shredded mozzarella, divided Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes 3 tbsp. butter 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour 1 c. milk 2 c. freshly grated Parmesan Juice of ½ a lemon Freshly chopped parsley, for garnish

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°. In a large pot of salted boiling water, cook manicotti until al dente, 5 minutes. Drain and let cool slightly. In a large bowl, combine ricotta, spinach, artichoke hearts, and ½ cup mozzarella. Season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Transfer to a piping bag or large resealable plastic bag and make a cut in the corner of the bag. In a medium skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Add garlic and cook until fragrant. Add flour and whisk until golden and bubbly, 1 minute. Slowly pour in milk and whisk until no lumps remain. Add Parmesan and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Reduce heat and let simmer until slightly thickened, 5 minutes. Spoon about ¼ cup of sauce on bottom of a 9"-x-13" baking dish. Pipe ricotta filling into manicotti, making sure to fill entire noodle and place in pan. Pour remaining sauce over noodles and top with remaining 1½ cups mozzarella. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil and bake until cheese is melty, 10 minutes. If you'd like the top to be golden, broil on high for 2 to 3 minutes. Garnish with parsley to serve.

By Bennet Bodenstein

The biggest, loudest and most fun of all the American patriotic holidays, the fourth of July, is rapidly approaching and the time to prepare for it is getting shorter. If you are planning a party or a family get-together to watch the fireworks, may I suggest some wines befitting the occasion? The wines I have in mind prove their dedication to our country by carrying a good old American name, The Federalist. The people at The Federalist chose the name out of respect for our country and the California birthplace of the wine. On some of their wines, they even go as far as putting the pictures of famous American patriots of old or a picture of some American icon. The only thing that could make The Federalist more American is for a flag to pop up when the bottle is opened. Beside all of the patriotic labeling, the wines behind those labels are some of the best coming out of California.

Th e Feder alist 2016 ?Alexan der Ham ilt on? Dr y Cr eek Zin f an del ($17.99). This wine comes from grapes grown in Sonoma?s ?Dry Creek Valley? an area famed for wines of superior depth of flavor and quality offering another view of this kaleidoscopic variety. This Zinfandel was constructed from grapes sourced from six different growing blocks in the Dry Creek Valley resulting in a wine that displays an inky dark garnet color and an aroma that features red fruits, plum, cherry, blackberries, and cinnamon spice. The flavor reprises these aromas and mingles with vanilla and oak ending in an impressive long lasting and, smooth finish. I must say that I have tried many, many Zinfandels in my carrier but few have come up to the quality and enjoyment of The Federalist ?Alexan der Ham ilt on? Dry Creek Zinfandel.

Th e Feder alist 2016 ?Geor ge Wash in gt on? Lodi Zin f an del ($17.99). A large picture of our first president adorns this wines label, because, like ?Geor ge Wash in gt on?, Zinfandel has become synonymous with the United States. The grapes to make this wine were carefully selected for specific characteristics that the Federalist winemakers were seeking. Their goal was to make a

Best winefor theSummer wine exhibiting the fruit flavors and aromas of raspberries, cherries, and a dusty background flavor that mingles with oak. The Federalist 2016 ?Geor ge Wash in gt on? Lodi Zinfandel is definitely the king, no, make that President of the backyard barbeque where it can perfectly accompany anything, from the grill including seafood and vegetables. Th e Feder alist 2016 ?Ben jam in Fr an k lyn? Lodi Caber n et Sau vign on ($17.99). With its dedication to the great American inventor and first ambassador to France, this Cabernet Sauvignon, is about as patriotic as a wine can get and a befitting homage to old Ben?s memory. The Federalist 2016 ?Benjamin Franklyn? Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon has an inviting deep red color, a medium body and presents a flavor and aroma of blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries with hints of cinnamon. These aromas carry over to the flavor where they mingle with a suggestion of oak and soft spices. There is also no need for any further bottle aging as is often the case with the better Cabernet Sauvignon?s, so it is ready to enjoy right now as an accompaniment to dinner or as a sipping wine while watching a fireworks display. Th e Feder alist 2017 ?St at u e of Liber t y ? Ru ssian River Valley Ch ar don n ay ($17.99). Th e Russian River District is known for some of the finest Chardonnay wines coming out of California. Big is the best term to describe this very fine ?Lady Liberty? wine. The Federalist 2017 ?Statue of Liberty? Russian River Valley Chardonnay is a refreshing new view of an old standard. This wine presents an up front and quite obvious full fruit aroma stressing lemon, pineapple, pear, and springtime flowers. These aromas carry over to the flavor where they mingle with tropical fruit, cinnamon and green apple. There is also a spicy, toasty under flavor that has just a slight hint of oak and vanilla. Here too the finish is incredibly long, fruity and sets new standards for an American Chardonnay.

M ike & G ail

TIED THE KNOT Apr il 13, 20 19 Weddin g Ven u e Hills Chapel at Big Cedar Lodge Recept ion Ven u e The Stables at Big Cedar Lodge Ph ot ogr aph y Sheri Holloway Photography Secon d Sh oot er Brooke Bulkeley Videogr aph er Michael Rogers Br ides Gow n Clarices Bridal St. Louis DJ B Sharp Entertainment Flor als Rosewood Floral Cak e Sugar Leaf Bakery Hair Heather Autry Jew eler Steve Quick Jeweler Can t or Jessica Hutchings Gr oom sm en At t ir e Men's Warehouse In vit at ion s Minted On sit e Coor din at or Erin Schroeter


Sw im su it Sea so n is h er e... By Tiffany Ash Swimsuit season is here and whether you love it or hate it, I?m here with a message to Love. Your. Body. This summer, my little girl and I have been to the water park not once, not twice, but a handful of times already! As we arrive, she literally strips off her clothes before I can even get my beach bag off my shoulder. Yesterday, she spotted some friends and ran to them arms wide open with laughter and a huge smile (her little belly jiggling all the way) so thrilled to see her friends outside of school. She leapt into the water without hesitation and drenched her hair and body before I even sat down on a beach chair. This park, this season, it?s her happy place. Me on the other hand. I slowly take my top off, then sit down, looking around to assess the people? evaluating whether anyone is present that I know. Or even worse, that I may have ever worked with. Horror! 15 minutes later I finally get down to just my bathing suit, but only for a quick minute. As soon as my daughter wants to move spots or go to the bathroom, I wrap myself back up in a full towel and shirt only to repeat the process again once we return to the water. And getting into the water? After removing a swimsuit wedgie, reassessing the crowd, and getting my hair all up in the proper pony? then I venture to the water with her. And before long, my defenses down, we are both splashing and swimming and making the best summer memories. So, why do we (grown up women) get so weirded out about swimsuit season? Why do we stress about our fat roles and cellulite and all the other imperfections that we dream up? My body gave life to three kids. And my daughter doesn?t look at it and see ugliness. She loves my squishy parts and just wants me to be PRESENT with her. And, as I stop and really take in the scene around me, all of us human beings are imperfect in some way, but so, so beautiful when we are living life full and free. The most beautiful women to me at the water park are those women owning their bodies (flaws and all). Rocking that swimsuit, fat roles and all. Drenched and tanned and happy. And I want to be one of them. Won?t you join me?

xoxo ? Tif f an y

If you haven't explored downtown St. Louis or if you have been before it's time to plan a trip to see the beautiful revitalization of downtown St. Louis. St. Louis, Missouri, famously known as the ?Gateway to the West?, is an independent city built along the western bank of the Mississippi River and has an estimated population of around 311, 404. St. Louis is the 19th largest city in the United States and is commonly identified with the 630-foot tall Gateway Arch located in Downtown St. Louis. Guests are now able to enjoy 11 acres of parkland, 5 miles of walking and biking paths, and an outdoor amphitheater. Before ascending to the viewing deck and being lifted 630 feet high to the arch's center, guests walk through the 46,000-square-foot Gateway Arch Museum showcasing six redesigned underground galleries arranged chronologically from the settlement of St. Louis to the building of the arch. The galleries commemorate 201 years, from 1764-1965, with topics such as colonial St. Louis, Thomas Jefferson's vision, Manifest Destiny, St. Louis's Riverfront Era, traveling to new frontiers and the building the Gateway Arch.

"We have multiple perspectives represented," said Erin Hilligoss-Volkmann, director of education of Gateway Arch National Park. "We want to tell history from all different sides of the story and we have experiences for all different learning abilities and interests."

Louis Science Center, Union Station, the Old Courthouse, the Missouri Botanical Garden, and the St. Louis Art Museum. If you?re looking for somewhere to take your family on a hot summer day, try taking them to either the City Museum or the Anheuser-Busch historical landmark. The City Museum is a play house museum, consisting of repurposed architectural and industrial objects and can be found in the former International Shoe Wearhouse in the

Most of the galleries include interactive and digital enhancements with enlarged text panels, touchable tangibles, audio descriptions, touchscreen games and short educational presentations by park rangers. The new experience at the

Gateway Arch is an unforgettable experience. Famous entertainment attractions to visit while in St. Louis besides the notorious Gateway Arch is the St. Louis Zoo, the St.

Washington Avenue Loft District. It?s an amazing museum for children and adults of any age to discover and explore on the multi-floored fun house. The Anheuser-Busch building is an amazingly beautiful landmark to visit as well as it offers tours of the Budweiser Museum fun for the adults and displays their incredible Clydesdale horses for your children to view and visit. The St. Louis Science Center combines experimentation, creativity and play to help people discover a passion for science and technology. Ballpark Village is the premiere

dining and entertainment district in the region. Located at the crossroads of the Midwest in the heart of St. Louis' central business district next to Busch Stadium, Ballpark Village is first ever sports anchored, multi-phased mixed use development. In future phases Ballpark Village will offer luxury residential units and over 750,000 square feet of office space. One of our favorite new rooftop bars and hotel is at Hotel St. Louis. Form Skybar offers sweeping views of downtown St. Louis, shareable plates and an extensive list of craft alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. The 2,480-square-foot bar is named after Sullivan's famous line, form follows function. This city, operating with more than 100 centerpiece parks located all around St. Louis, is a beautiful city to visit and has access to multiple historic buildings and attractions fun for the whole family. Whether you?re looking for a trip to the Gateway Arch or simply visiting Forest Park, make sure to drop in and dabble in all the beauty this city has to offer.



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SPOTLI GHT ON BRA NSON: HOLLYWOOD WA X M USEUM ENTERTA I NM ENT CENTER From water sports on Table Rock Lake, to golfing at Big Cedar Lodge, to climbing giant indoor treehouses at Fritz?s Adventure, there?s always plenty to do in Branson. But, when fun for all ages is on your agenda, you won?t want to miss one of the biggest attractions in Branson. Just look for the Great Ape of Branson towering over Highway 76, and get ready for some mammoth merriment.

The Hollywood Wax Museum Entertainment Center houses four exciting attractions: Hollywood Wax Museum, Castle of Chaos, Shoot for the Stars Mini-Golf and Hannah?s Maze of Mirrors. Buy one Ticket or get them all with an All Access Pass and enjoy all four for one ticket price. It?s the best entertainment value in Branson! Before stepping foot inside, the photo ops begin! Park in the free lot off Judy Street and snap some pictures in front of this Branson landmark. Climb into a two-passenger propeller airplane ready for takeoff, or get behind the wheel of the famous cruising machine, Greased Lightning.

Entering the attraction?s lobby, you?ll be greeted by the friendliest team in Branson. It?s clear this group loves what they do! Then, come face-to-face with the Great Ape and pose inside his grip for a photo unlike any other. Next, let the fun of four attractions begin!

Hollyw ood Wax M u seu m The world-famous Hollywood Wax Museum is a Branson staple enjoyed by guests of all ages who love celebrities, movies and pop culture. When they invite you to ?Come Play with the Stars,? they aren?t kidding. Visitors can walk right up to their favorite stars, try on props and costumes, and pose for fun photos. They also get to know the stars better through posted facts about their charities and side businesses, fluky details about their backgrounds, their likes and dislikes, and more.

?The idea is to make you feel like a star,? says General Manager Cameron Hansen. ?People love the Hollywood Wax Museum because it?s so close to having a personal experience with the stars?. Not only are today?s top movie stars represented in the museum, but guests can also step back in time and look into the eyes of legends from yesteryear. For fans of scary movies, find yourself surrounded by the greatest horror villains of all time. But, don?t worry, if frights aren?t your thing, this section of the wax museum is easily detoured. Cast le of Ch aos Feel the excitement of a whole new reality! Buckle up and grab your 3D goggles and laser blaster for a non-stop, shoot-em-up adventure that?s fun for all ages. You?re seated during this wild 5D adventure, but you?ll feel like you?re speeding through new worlds you never knew existed. You?re surrounded at every turn by crashing, roaring, squealing, skidding and so much more, all of which make you feel like you?re really inside the game.

Sh oot f or t h e St ar s M in i-Golf Take the 18 steps to becoming a Hollywood star while putting

through palm trees, parties and paparazzi. Along this course, you?ll tour the great landmarks of Los Angeles, such as Grauman?s Chinese Theatre, the Hollywood Bowl, Santa Monica Pier and Rodeo Drive. Your wisecracking agent, Marty McBooster, will guide you through the course with lots of fun photo ops along the way.

Han n ah?s M aze of M ir r or s A spell was cast on Princess Hannah of Savannah and she?s trapped in a mirror maze which seems impossible to escape. This reflective adventure takes you inside a modern fairy tale where you can be the hero. In order to rescue Princess Hannah, you?ll have to find your way through 288 potential turns and several sections where you?ll see infinite reflections in every direction. All four attractions open daily at 8 a.m. and stay open late. The fun can be experienced year-round at 3030 West 76 Country Boulevard.

M ixin g pat t er n s can be r at h er in t im idat in g t o m ost an d w ear in g solid color s can get qu it e r edu n dan t af t er aw h ile. St r ipes sh ou ld be a classic st aple in you r closet an d w h en I t h in k of pat t er n m ixin g m y m in d im m ediat ely goes t o st r ipes! Ever yon e h as st r ipes in t h eir closet , an d if you don?t - w h at ar e you w ait in g f or ? Tw o of m y f avor it e pat t er n com bin at ion s: st r ipes + f lor al an d st r ipes + leopar d! Flor al is a t r en d w e k eep seein g season t o season , an d leopar d is essen t ially a n eu t r al in m y closet . Th e k ey is st ayin g in t h e sam e color t on es w h en m ixin g pat t er n s an d n ever m ixin g 2 of t h e sam e, f or exam ple f lor al on f lor al cou ld get r at h er bu sy ver y qu ick ly! Pat t er n m ixin g isn?t ju st f or t h ose pr et t y In st agr am blogger accou n t s you f ollow , YOU can do t h is t oo! Have f u n m ixin g it u p an d t r yin g som et h in g n ew.

Th e Bu zz

things to do Old Kin der h ook For more details, go to www.oldkinderhook.com

Won der s of Wildlif e For more details, go to www.wondersofwildlife.org

Sigh t & Sou n d For more details, go to www.sight-sound.com

Sain t Lou is Scien ce Cen t er For more details, go to www.slsc.org

Gat ew ay Ar ch For more details, go to www.gatewayarch.com

Hollyw ood Wax M u seu m -Br an son For more details, go to www.hollywoodwaxentertainment.com

Walt Disn ey Hom et ow n M u seu m For more details, go to www.waltdisneymuseum.org

M issou r i St at e M u seu m For more details, go to mostateparks.com/park/missouri-state-museum

Visit ou r w ebsit e f or m or e even t s at m issou r im agazin es.com

M ISSO U RI'S BEST 2 0 19 RED C A RPET EV EN T Photo Credit : CarolaPix


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