Lasswade High School Curriculum for Excellence – Learner Journeys Colin Colin has Additional Needs. He is supported through the Primary Transition Programme by Principal Teachers of Pastoral Guidance & Additional Needs support staff including the school’s Youth Worker and attends the Lasswade Associated School Group Transition Camp. He is also helped by support staff in Community Learning & Development and Children’s Services to develop his confidence prior to High School. He enjoys working with S5 students who will become his Buddies at the High School. They show him the Lasswade Video and one of them is in the Army Cadet Force and Colin is interested in finding out more about this opportunity in the High School. Colin is placed in the School’s Literacy Group (A Reading Recovery Programme) and benefits from Learning Assistants support in classes and a limited time in the Learning Support Base for a few curriculum areas when following the Broad General Education. In S1 & S2, Colin also joins a ‘Boys Group’ organised by the Youth Worker and Community Learning & Development Staff working in partnership with the School’s PE Department to develop confidence through sport & physical activity. In S3, Colin is identified by Pupil Support staff for support in his ‘personalisation and choice’. He joins the Lasswade School of Rugby which is a sport that he is increasingly interested in and helps with his confidence. In Social Subjects, Colin chooses the Travel & Tourism option. Colin is withdrawn to the Pupil Support Base in the Science Curriculum Area to support his learning in Literacy and Numeracy in order for him to be more able to complete his qualifications in the senior phase at Level 3 leading to National 3. In the Senior Phase, Colin enters the English and Maths departments to work on his Literacy and Numeracy Qualifications at National 3 in a mainstream class supported by talented Learning Assistants. His Pastoral Guidance PT set up a Work Experience placement in the Leisure Centre that Colin worked on with the ‘Boys Group’ in S2. This leads him to choose the School’s Skills for Work ‘Sport & Recreation’ Course. He continues with PE at National 4 and undertakes National 3 Awards in Social Subjects and Business. He also gains an ASDAN Bronze Award gaining formal recognition for his achievements in the School of Rugby. Given his Additional Needs, Colin is likely to stay on into S5 where he will complete his National 3 Awards or progress to National 4 in some of the subject areas and he will also start an Edinburgh College placement with a focus on Lifeskills or join the BASE Rugby Course in Galashiels. Positive Destination: Edinburgh College, Life-skills City & Guilds Course or Borders College, Galashiels – BASE Rugby Course.
Alan Alan is a bright pupil who is in the top Maths set following Primary Transition. Alan’s parents are local farmers. Alan excels in the Broad General Education and opts for the most challenging areas of choice within the school’s English and Maths Personalisation and Choice options as part of the Literacy & Numeracy Curriculum. He is in the Lasswade Science Club and is a good sportsman, joining extra-curricular activity clubs including gymnastics, basketball and athletics. In S2, Alan is in the top sets in English, Maths and Modern Languages. In S3, Alan opts for the Modern Languages choice of two Languages picking up German on top of his French. In Social Subjects he chooses to focus on Geography with elements of Modern Studies. He initially continues in all three sciences but takes the option closely related to Chemistry and Biology later in the S3. Alan considers spending more time in the School’s Gymnastics Academy option in S3 but decides, in consultation with his Pastoral Guidance Principal Teacher and parents to keep this option open as an extra-curricular interest. He has pursued learning in depth via Business Studies and Computing options under ‘Technology’ in S3. Alan’s parents are concerned that he has little interest in any of the options available in the Expressive Arts column until the School Information Evening when he learns that he can pursue a Music Technology Option which complements his other studies. As he approaches the Senior Phase, Alan is enjoying PE, Design & Technology, Sciences and Computing. Following a Careers session in PSE with Pastoral Guidance Staff, Alan decides to keep his options open but has now expressed an interest in Veterinary Science. He spends his Work Experience Placement at a local Veterinary Practice, organised by a member of the School’s Parent Council. In the Senior Phase, Alan enters National 5 Courses in Maths and English, Chemistry and Biology, Geography, German and Computing Science. He continues with his interest in PE in the core column and hopes to take the School’s Sports Leadership Qualification to help out in the Gymnastics Academy as an extra-curricular activity. He is also keen to join the School’s Duke of Edinbuergh Award Scheme to help with his UCAS application. In S5, Alan sits his Higher English, Maths, Geography, Chemistry and Biology. In S6, Alan studies Advanced Higher Chemistry and Advanced Higher Biology and picks up his Higher Physics. Alan has also enjoyed his Core RME in the Senior Phase and decides to sit an additional Higher in RMPS. He sits the Science Baccalaureate with other senior students via a virtual learning programme and school partnership with an Edinburgh School. He finds the limited teacher contact difficult at times but accepts it is good preparation for university. Positive Destination: University of Edinburgh - Veterinary Medicine
Jamie Jamie has global learning difficulties, SEBN and a Co-ordinated Support Plan is in place. Prior to attending Lasswade High School he was educated in a partnership between a specialist behaviour unit and his Primary School and had significant input from an early age from Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Educational Psychology and Social Work. His move to secondary education was supported through a series of individualised transition meetings involving staff from several establishments, external agencies, parent and Jamie himself. A placement at Saltersgate was considered but Jamie’s parent was keen for him to attend Lasswade. A Learning Assistant who worked with Jamie in primary transferred with him to Lasswade High School. Throughout S1-3, Jamie followed a personalised timetable targeting his strengths and individual needs. Initial relationships with new staff were built through various short term projects, including his involvement in the CLD led Friday Night Music Project. He attended mainstream PE classes with his year group and other practical-based subject areas but also undertook a lot of his learning in the Lasswade Support Base. During S3 Jamie was involved with the Educational Psychological Services in a Video Interaction project which was used to inform a personalised learning passport. In S4, Jamie achieved a range of SQA Unit passes at National 1 & 2 Levels in ‘English & Communication’ and ‘Using Maths in Everyday Situations’. He also undertook a Personal Development SQA Award & an Employability Award with his Pastoral Guidance Teacher who involved support from community stakeholders and an extended Work Experience Placement. In S5, Jamie undertook a further weekly work experience placement in a local cash and carry warehouse, supported by a Community Mentor. Jamie’s timetable included Introduction to Horticulture Industries, run by the Learning Support Base. Through this he also gained accreditation in Managing Environmental Resources. He continued to develop his practical, interpersonal and life skills through classes in PE and Home Economics. Jamie also took part in an Outdoor Education Programme, developing leadership skills working with other additional needs pupils. He achieved further National 3 passes in English and Maths Unit Awards. In his final year at Lasswade High School, he continued to consolidate his learning from previous years and one day per week participated in an Edinburgh College Employability Skills Programme. Jamie was supported for most of the session by the school with this mainstream option and was eventually able to attend on his own successfully for the latter part of the course. Completion of this course resulted in an offer of a full-time college place. Positive Destination: Edinburgh College, Workwise Course
Fiona Fiona moves smoothly through the Broad General Education, doing particularly well in English, Modern Languages and Social Studies. In S2 Fiona particularly enjoys her time in Expressive Arts Courses. In S3, Fiona specialises in History and Modern Studies through the opportunities for personalisation and choice in the Lasswade High School Curriculum. In the technologies column Fiona enjoyed the Hospitality option within Home Economics and the Computing Science Course. Fiona is an active member of the Crown Estates IDL Mentoring Group and loves learning with the iPad provided by the school. She also completes a Dance Performance course within the Expressive Arts option and attends the extra-curricular dance club in the Lasswade Centre. Fiona also continues with her music reaching Grade 4 in Piano with support from the Midlothian Music Instructors. She continues to really enjoy learning French. She has studied this modern language since Primary School. In the Senior Phase, Fiona enters National 5 Courses in French, History, Food Technology, Dance and Computing Science and begins National 5/Higher Courses in Maths and English. She completes her work experience in a local law firm via contacts in the Lasswade Parent Council and the school’s Community Link Programme. In S5, Fiona sits Higher English, Maths, French, History and Computing Science. Fiona manages to maintain her involvement in extra-curricular musical activities, playing the cello in the Lasswade School Band and is chosen to play a lead role in the Midlothian Festival of Music with the Secondary School Orchestra. Having gained entry requirements for her preferred university course in S5, in S6 Fiona is able to dedicate more time to her role as Head Girl and opts to pick up some new subjects instead of pursuing Advanced Highers. She studies Higher Photography in the Lasswade Art & Design Department, Higher Modern Studies and a National Course in Mandarin. She is inspired by the Mandarin Course and becomes actively involved in leading the School’s Extra-curricular China Club. Through her active role in this club, she is chosen to be a keynote speaker at the annual SCEN Conference in Gleneagles. Throughout S6, Fiona works after school at the law firm where she worked in S4. However, she has a late change of heart and decides not to pursue a UCAS application in Law but now wants to keep her options more open in terms of future career and employment. She is involved in the school’s Shanghai School-Link Programme and travels to China at the end of the year to study at Lasswade’s Partner Exchange School. Positive Destination: University of Edinburgh – Mandarin & Social Anthropology
Jayne Jayne copes well with most aspects of the Broad General Education. She is an able pupil but can be easily distracted and prefers practical activities. Jayne particularly enjoys when she is able to make choices of topics/activities within curriculum areas. In S3, she chooses Home Economics and Art & Design options and manages to combine these two areas of interest in a Design option within the Expressive Arts. In S4 she follows a mixture of National 4 and National 5 Courses but her real interest remains in Food Technology and the Fashion & Fabric IDL Certificated Course (Creative Industry Award) between Home Economics and Art & Design. Jayne really enjoyed the challenge of recycling clothes from charity shops as imaginatively and as quickly as possible to create outfits for the Lasswade High School Fashion Show at the end of the Course. Jayne’s confidence was boosted greatly by participating in the photo shoot with an award-winning local professional photographer set up by the School’s Community Programme. As she moves into the S5 and S6 progression route through the Lasswade High School Senior Phase, Jayne follows the Queen Margaret University Hospitality Skills Course offered to Lasswade High School senior students. Jayne considered leaving to pursue an Edinburgh College Course and a part-time job offer in a local restaurant but was persuaded by her Pastoral Guidance Teacher to consider the vocational pathway on offer via a partnership between Lasswade High School and Queen Margaret University. As well as her work in the QMU Hospitality Restaurant as part of the Senior Phase University Course, she also helps at a local restaurant in her spare time and is really pleased that she can also spend one day each week on formal Work Experience pursuing this interest as part of Lasswade’s flexible senior phase options. Jayne receives additional support from the School’s Community staff in relation to the Employability Qualification. Jayne’s class teachers are initially concerned at the impact missing this time will have on her attainment in National 5 & Higher courses but Jayne manages to balance her studies fairly well and catch up on work missed. Through personal support from her Pastoral Guidance teacher and close monitoring of the school’s Tracking system, she manages to complete all the relevant course work. Her efforts pay off when she receives the Curriculum Learner of the Year Award from Queen Margaret University and progresses through her HNC Qualification in Hospitality. With regular encouragement from school staff and her parents, as well as her Schoolbased University Qualification, she also achieves good passes in Higher Maths, English, Food Technology, and Art & Design.
As part of this schools-based university award she is given an automatic scholarship to Year 2 of the Queen Margaret University Course. Jayne really benefitted from her local mentor, set up by the School’s Community Partnership, to support her academic & vocational studies. Jayne’s parents and her Pastoral Guidance Teacher believe she was right to stay on at Lasswade in S5 and S6 via the QMU Programme, making the most of her academic ability while pursuing a specific vocational interest. Positive Destination: Automatic Place Granted at Queen Margaret University from passing the School-based Award in S6, Edinburgh – Year 2 - Hospitality HND.