M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T Pearl River Community College is a public institution committed to providing quality educational and service opportunities for all who seek them. S T R AT E G I C G O A L S • To prepare students to complete a degree or certificate program and to be competent in careers for which they have been prepared. • To provide quality student services. • To provide access to college courses and programs using various instructional methods, including online and dual enrollment/credit courses. • To employ qualified faculty and staff, compensate them well, and provide opportunities for their professional development. • To provide facilities, technology, and support staff in order to improve student learning, enhance faculty and staff performance, and augment community services. • To provide adequate communication among campus personnel and community members regarding the college goals, outcomes, and activities. • To recruit and retain students from a diverse population. • To provide workforce training programs that meet requirements of business, industry, educational, and public service agencies for basic skills, specific job skills, and technical skills training. FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE: PASSPORT TO SUCCESS The FYE Mission is to enrich the learning environment wherein students ENHANCE self-efficacy skills, ENGAGE with the college culture, and ESTABLISH academic goals.
Checklist Be sure to take care of the following steps while on campus today:
¨ Meet with an Advisor and Register for Classes ¨ Obtain your PRCC Student ID in the Business
¨ ¨ ¨
Office (Poplarville) or Student Services Office (FCC) ¨ Download the Wildcat Way app to access our campus map ¨ Check out all our campus resources that you will have access to as a student Find out about Welcome Week and how you can get involved on campus Once you have your schedule completed, walk around campus to find where all of your classes will be held. · See pages 24 and 25 for a self-guided tour of campus Give us your feedback by completing the ROAR survey
Remember these final items to do before classes start:
¨ Purchase Parking Decal Online at: ¨ Log In to RiverGuide & Check your Email
· Go to è Click on “RiverGuide” · Call Information Technology at (601) 403-1800 or 1-844-292-3214 for assistance
¨ Check your ROAR Canvas course for helpful information about
PRCC and access our live discussion board. · Access to Canvas can be found in RiverGuide
Hello New Wildcat !
We are so excited to serve you as a new student here at Pearl River Community College. We’ve created a unique experience just for you. PRCC’s exciting new First Year Experience program is designed for entering students and focuses on success. Our goals are to help you transition to college, get connected and engaged on campus, and achieve your academic goals. All the information provided in this booklet will help you get started on those goals. Another way Passport to Success helps you is through our First-Year Experience Newsletter: A Guide to PRCC. Each month you will receive an email from me that provides insight to your first year at college, helpful tips and important reminders. Keep an eye out for these emails! This is one of the most exciting times in your life, and to make sure you get started on the right foot, here are a few tips I’d like to share: 1. Many studies show that class attendance is strongly correlated to academic success. So tip #1 is to GO TO CLASS! 2. Learn how to study differently. What worked in high school might not work in a lecture-based classroom. Not only will you be tested on lecture material, but you will also be required to read the textbook and be tested on that as well. 3. Make sure you get enough sleep. Transitioning to a new environment can be challenging, but don’t let your physical health fall to the wayside. 4. Get a planner. Having a planner will allow you to keep track of when assignments are due and what times you have available to study. 5. Enroll in the PRCC First-Year Seminar Course. This is a 3-hour elective that counts towards graduation and helps you get acclimated to college life. The main goal of this class is to prepare you to be successful during your entire college career and beyond. 6. Find a mentor or advisor. In your first semester, seek out someone that you feel comfortable with, either an instructor or advisor, and go to them for advice. Whether it’s getting help in picking out a major or just talking about a situation, a mentor could really be the key in your success. I look forward to seeing you around campus and you being successful at this whole college thing. As Orientation Coordinator, I am here to help you meet your goals and feel at home while you are a student here. Please do not hesitate to come by my office for help or just to visit. I can’t wait to meet you! Sincerely, Emily Sheckells FYE Orientation Coordinator Office of Student Success 4
Table of Contents Academic Calendar 6 Campus Resources 9 Student Life 12 Welcome Week 13 Financial Aid 14 Academics 16 Business Office 17 Computer Recommendations 18 RiverGuide 19 eBooks 20 Bucket List 22 Campus Maps 24 Tear out Coupons 26
Academic Calendar Fall 2017 8/7/2017 8/7-9/2017 8/10-11/2017 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 8/18/2017 9/4/2017 10/4/2017 10/5/2017 10/6/2017 10/9/2017 10/10/2017 10/30/2017 11/6/2017 11/13-16/2017 11/20-24/2017 11/30/2017 12/4/2017 12/5-7/2017 12/11/2017 12/11-15/2017 12/14/2017 12/16/2017 12/18/2017 15 Week Term 8/18/2017 8/21/2017 12/1/2017 1st 8 Week Term 8/18/2017 8/21/2017 10/13/2017 2nd 8 Week Term 10/13/2017 10/16/2017 12/8/2017 September (4 Week Term) 9/15/2017 9/18/2017 10/13/2017 November (4 Week Term) 11/10/2017 11/13/2017 12/8/2017 6
Faculty Return Professional Development Registration at All Locations Day and Night Classes Begin Last Day to Drop/Add First Short Term Classes Last Day to Drop/Add Full Term Classes Labor Day (Night Classes DO Meet) Short-term 1 Campus Classes Final Short-term 2 Campus Classes Begin Progress Grades Due Columbus Day (Night Classes DO Meet) Last Day to Drop/Add Second Short Term Classes Registration for Spring 2017 Classes Begins Last Week for Night Classes Night Class Final Exams Thanksgiving Week Last Day of T/R Classes Last Day of MWF & MW Class Day Class Final Exams Final Grades Due by 9 a.m. Winter Term Christmas Holidays begin at 4 p.m. Winter Term Final Exam Winter Term Grades Due Calendar for Online Classes Registration Ends at 4 p.m. Classes Begin Last Day of Classes Registration Ends at 4 p.m. Classes Begin Last Day of Classes Registration Ends at 4 p.m. Classes Begin Last Day of Classes Registration Ends at 4 p.m. Classes Begin Last Day of Classes Registration Ends at 4 p.m. Classes Begin Last Day of Classes
spring 2018 1/2/2018 Staff Return 1/3/2018 Faculty Return 1/3/2018 Registration – Hancock 1/4/2018 Registration – Forest County Center 1/5/2018 Registration – Poplarville 1/8/2018 Day and Night Classes Begin 1/10/2018 Last Day to Drop/Add First Short Term Classes 1/12/2018 Last Day to Drop & Add Classes 1/15/2018 ML King Day (Night Classes DO Meet) 2/12-13/2018 Mardi Gras (Night Classes DO Meet) 3/2/2018 Short-term 1 Campus Classes Final 3/5/2018 Short-term 2 Campus Classes Begin 3/6/2018 Midterm/Progress Grades Due 3/7/2018 Last Day to Drop/Add Second Short Term Classes 3/12-16/2018 Spring Break 3/30/2018 Good Friday 4/2/2018 Begin Summer 2018 & Fall 2018 Registration 4/9/2018 Last Week for Night Classes 4/16-19/2018 Night Class Final Exams 4/26/2018 Last Day of TR Classes 4/30/2018 Last Day for MWF & MW Classes 5/1-5/3/2018 Day Class Final Exams 5/7/2018 Final Grades Due by 9am 5/11/2018 Graduation Calendar for Online Classes 15 Week Term 1/12/2018 Registration Ends at 4 p.m. 1/16/2018 Classes Begin 4/27/2018 Last Day of Classes 1st 8 Week Term 1/12/2018 Registration Ends at 4 p.m. 1/16/2018 Classes Begin 3/9/2018 Last Day of Classes 2nd 8 Week Term 3/9/2018 Registration Ends at 4 p.m. 3/12/2018 Classes Begin 5/4/2018 Last Day of Classes February (4 Week Term) 2/9/2018 Registration Ends at 4 p.m. 2/12/2018 Classes Begin 3/9/2018 Last Day of Classes April (4 Week Term) 4/6/2018 Registration Ends at 4 p.m. 4/9/2018 Classes Begin 5/4/2018 Last Day of Classes 7
summer 2018 5/21/2018 5/28/2018 6/4/2018 6/26/2018 6/27/2018 6/28/2018 7/4-5/2018 7/25/2018 7/26/2018 7/27/2018 7/27/2018 8 Week Term 5/25/2018 5/29/2018 7/20/2018
Summer Night Classes Begin Memorial Day Holiday (Night Classes DO meet) First Term Day Classes Begin Last Day of 1st Term Day Classes First Term Day Class Finals Second Term Day Classes Begin Independence Day Holiday Last Day of Second Term Day Class Second Term Day Class Finals All Day & Night Classes Finished Summer Grades Due Calendar for Online Classes Registration Ends at 4 p.m. Classes Begin Last Day of Classes
Campus resources PRCC has a wide range of free resources available to students. Our resources range from the
to online
Wildcat Den
e v e r y t h i n g in between.
Wildcat Den Bookstore Located on FCC and Poplarville Campuses
PRCC’s Wildcat Den is a local bookstore serving the students, faculty and staff and community of Pearl River Community College with pride. Their primary goal is to ensure students are able to obtain the course materials they need at reasonable prices. They also provide many other items to support your academic career and school spirit. Please browse the website or stop by the store anytime!
Student Support Services
Located on Poplarville Campus
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program (Federal TRIO Programs, U.S. Department of Education) designed to provide academic support and personal motivation for students to be successful in higher education. Services Available: » T utorial Services — Peer tutoring in all academic subjects, individual and small group sessions » E ducational Counseling Services — Academic Advisement, Educational Counseling, Career Counseling, and Transfer Assistance »A ssistance with Financial Aid — Apply for and receive the aid for which students are eligible »A ssistance and Support to Students with Disabilities — Provide advocacy and learning opportunities for the academic success of students with disabilities. Telephone: (601) 403-1266
Campus resources There are many advantages of taking online classes. Online classes are available 24/7, and are available anywhere there is internet access. Online courses can help traditional students with schedule conflicts that may occur. While they might not be for everyone, online classes help many people earn a degree, which may not be possible due to military service, work, or other personal circumstances. Carefully consider whether online classes are right for you. An online student should be: self-motivated, responsible, independent, and organized. To be successful, it is imperative that you have a personal computer and internet access at home. Online students are encouraged to check their course and email daily. For more information on online classes, please visit the Office of eLearning website at:
e-Learning Online Class Information 10
math lab Math instructors and student workers from all levels of math are available to assist students with math assignments, studying and testing. Calculators, headphones, and printers are also available. The Testing Lab, located inside the Math Lab, is for taking math tests (including tests for online math courses). Calculators are provided. Blue books are required for testing and can be purchased in the bookstore only.
student success
The SSC offers free services to all students including basic tutoring. The SSC also houses a computer lab with printing and a Quiet Zone that provides a place to study. Other services provided include learning style and career assessments, degree evaluations to see if you are on track to graduate, and transfer assistance such as advice, guidance, and instruction regarding transferring to another college.
Cafeteria Poplarville Campus only
parking You can purchase a parking decal on our website at: Click on the “purchase a parking decal” link and you will be directed to the fillable form.
Breakfast: 7:00am to 9:00am (Monday-Friday) Lunch: 10:30am to 1:00pm (Monday-Friday) Dinner: 4:30pm to 6:00pm (Monday-Thursday) Dinner (Friday): 4:30pm to 5:30pm Brunch: Dinner: Brunch: Dinner:
**SATURDAY** 10:00am to 11:00am 4:00pm to 5:00pm **SUNDAY** 10:00am to 11:00am 4:00pm to 5:00pm
**These hours of operation will be followed unless otherwise posted.** Dormitory Meal Plan: All dormitory students have a seven-day meal plan included in room/board charge. Commuter Meal Plan: Commuter students must go to the business office to purchase a commuter meal plan.
Campus Mail Poplarville Campus only
For students wishing to have an on-campus mail box, please contact the Business office. Campus mail is located in the Post Office building next to Crosby Hall.
POLICE DEPARTMENT The PRCC Police Department is a fully certified police department staffed with full time, state certified police officers who have full arrest powers and are granted full enforcement authority for college, city, county, and state laws, regulations, and ordinances. The Police Department is here to provide you with a safe and friendly environment, which fosters education, protection, and service. They are committed to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property, which will make for a better college experience for you. You can contact the Police Department at 601-403-1300 (Poplarville) or 601-554-5513 (FCC).
Health Services Poplarville Campus only
The on-campus registered nurse is located in Crosby Hall from 8am-3pm, Monday – Friday.
student life There is always something going on at Pearl River. At Pearl River Community College we realize students have to get involved outside of the classroom if we expect them to excel in the classroom. PRCC has built a foundation to support the academic and recreational needs of our students. We have a wealth of clubs and organizations for students who seek professional, religious, and social activities.
Poplarville Campus: Baptist Student Union College Republicans DECA Fellowship of Christian Athletes Honors Institute Phi Theta Kappa PRCC Gaming and Strategy Club River Navigators
Skills USA STEM Club (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Student Government Association Student Nurses Association Wesley Foundation Wildcat Watch Young Americans for Liberty
Forrest County Center: American Dental Hygienists’ Association Baptist Student Union Fellowship of Christian Athletes Forrest County Center Science Club History and Humanities Club Mu Alpha Theta
Phi Theta Kappa-Beta Tau Gamma Chapter Sigma Kappa Delta National English Honor Society Student Government Association Travel Club
Hancock Center: Baptist Student Union
Phi Theta Kappa
The Student Life Center (Poplarville Campus only) is a welcoming place for students to relax, de-stress and hangout with your classmates. All PRCC Students are welcome. Please bring your student ID when you enter the facility. The SLC is open Fall and Spring semesters, Monday-Thursday 2:00pm-10:00pm.
We Offer: Basketball Volleyball Dodgeball Pool Tables Ping Pong 12
Air Hockey Board Games Movie Night Bingo Night
Our intramural program is available through the SLC.
Intramural sports include: Flag Football Basketball
Softball Volleyball
Financial Aid The Office of Financial Aid is dedicated to helping students and families reach educational and career goals through the various financial aid programs available at Pearl River Community College. Financial aid helps students and their families pay for college and is available through a variety of federal, state and institutional programs. Students may receive assistance through scholarships, grants, loans, and/or part-time employment.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Contact Information: Main Office Number-Poplarville (601) 403-1029 Main Office Number-Hattiesburg (601) 554-5534 Main Office Number-Hancock Center (228) 252-7001
Steps to Apply for Federal Financial Aid Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Step 2: Students who want to apply for federal student loans must complete the Federal Direct Student Loan Application. The completed student loan application must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid. Parents of Dependent students may also apply for the Federal Direct PLUS loan. Deadlines may be applicable. Step 3: Students who want to apply for federal and institutional work-study must complete the Federal and Institutional Work-Study Application. The complete work-study application must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid. All loan and work-study applications can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid. Important Note: Students must be regularly admitted and seeking a degree or certificate from Pearl River Community College in order to qualify for any type of federal student aid. The PRCC Financial Aid staff is available to answer questions about the application process and understanding policies. Although the main financial aid office is located at the Poplarville campus, staff at the Forrest County and Hancock Centers can answer general questions for students.
Scholarships State Grants The Mississippi Resident Tuition Assistance Grant, or MTAG, offers up to $500 per year for freshmen and sophomores who are residents of Mississippi who do not qualify for a full Pell 14
Scholarships cont. Academic Scholarships Grant and have a high school grade point average of 2.50 and an ACT of 15 or above on the national test. Students who have prior college coursework, other than that earned during dual enrollment while in high school, must have a 2.50 grade point average on all prior coursework. The Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant, or MESG, offers up to $2500 per year for students who are residents of Mississippi, and who graduate from high school with a high school grade point average of 3.50 and an ACT score of 29 or above on the national test. To complete the online application for state aid through the Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid, please access the state website at www.
Service Scholarships Service scholarships are awarded to students who are involved in athletic and/or service endeavors. For additional information regarding how to apply for these scholarships, please contact the appropriate office (i.e. athletic, band, cheerleader, etc.) at Pearl River Community College.
Foundation/Development Scholarships These scholarships are made available to students through gifts from individual, corporate, and organizational supporters of Pearl River Community College. Applications for these scholarships are available through the Office of Financial Aid at PRCC, or through high school counselors in the PRCC six county districts. The priority date for application submission is April 3. Awards are made based on students meeting eligibility requirements, the submission date of the application, and on the availability of funds. Please refer to the current PRCC Financial Aid Consumer Guide online for a list of available scholarships and their respective eligibility requirements.
Based on students’ composite ACT score Presidential Scholarship · Tuition, Room, & Board · 29-36 ACT Score Vice Presidential Scholarship · Full Tuition · 25-28 ACT Score Honors Scholarship · Half Tuition · 21-24 ACT Score Valedictorian/Salutatorian Scholarship · Tuition, Room, & Board · R ecipients must graduate from a high school in PRCC’s district. · S tudent must apply separately for housing. Full Career/Technical Scholarship · Full Tuition - Mississippi Only Half Career/Technical Scholarship · Half Tuition - Mississippi Only Scholastic Excellence Scholarship · Valued at $350 ·M ust have a minimum high school GPA of an 80 (B) or a 3.0 and an ACT score of 18-20. Leadership Scholarship · Valued at $350 · O ffered to high school graduates who have been officers in student organizations while in their senior year. Letters of recommendation from faculty sponsors of student organizations are required. · A minimum ACT score of 17 is required. *Other scholarships are available for out of state and district students. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to see which scholarships you qualify for. 15
Academics There are two types of degrees that PRCC offers. If you’re planning to graduate and then transfer to a 4-year institution, you would be seeking an Associate of Art degree. The second option is an Associate of Applied Science. This degree is offered through our Career-Technical Education (CTE) Programs. Below are the programs that are offered:
Associate Degree Nursing Automotive Mechanics Technology* Biomedical Equipment Repair Brick, Block and Stone Masonry* Business Management Technology Computer Networking Technology Dental Assisting Technology* Dental Hygiene Technology Drafting and Design Technology Early Childhood Education Technology Electrical Technology* Electronics Technology Health Information Technology Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology* Instrumentation Technology Marketing and Management Technology Medical Billing & Coding Medical Laboratory Technology Medical Radiologic Technology Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology Physical Therapist Assistant Technology Precision Manufacturing and Machining Technology* Respiratory Care Technology Surgical Technology Utility Lineman Technology* Welding and Cutting Technology*
Poplarville Poplarville Forrest County Center Poplarville Forrest County Center/Poplarville Poplarville Forrest County Center Forrest County Center Poplarville Poplarville Poplarville Forrest County Center/Poplarville Poplarville ForrestCounty Center/Poplarville Poplarville Poplarville Forrest County Center/Poplarville Forrest County Center Forrest County Center Forrest County Center Forrest County Center Poplarville Forrest County Center Forrest County Center Poplarville Forrest County Center/Poplarville/ Hancock Center
CTE programs offering only Career Certificate include: Barbering, Commercial Truck Driving, Construction Equipment Operation, Cosmetology and Practical Nursing *PRCC also offers Technical Certificates (45 hours) and Certificates of Proficiency (30 hours) for the indicated programs.
Business Office The Business Office offers the following services to students: » PRCC Student ID » Billing/Refunds Billing – Tuition and fees are due at the start of each term. Anything that is NOT covered by your financial aid or scholarships will be due out of pocket. You can enroll in an interest free payment plan through Nelnet to pay your out of pocket expenses. This payment plan allows you to pay in smaller, monthly amounts instead of one large, lump sum. You can sign up for the Nelnet payment plan through RiverGuide. Refund Policy – During add/drop week tuition and fees will be refunded 100%. If you have withdrawn from school during the first four weeks of school, your tuition will be refunded based on the week the withdrawal occurs. You can contact the business office to find out how your refund would be calculated. Poplarville The Business Office is located in the Administration Building. Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm. 601-403-1204, 1205 or 1130 Hancock Center: 228-252-7000 Forrest County Campus The Business Office is located in the Allied Health Building. Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm. 601-554-5500 Please refer to the PRCC Catalog for any questions not covered in this information booklet.
Payment Methods • Automatic bank payment (ACH) • Credit card/debit card Cost to Participate • $35 enrollment fee per semester (Fall & Spring) • $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned Simple Steps to Enroll • Go to • Click on River Guide • Select the Nelnet Icon • Click on the Nelnet Payment Plan link Before you click the Submit button, please read carefully through the Final Review and the Terms and Conditions. An immediate e-mail will be sent (if an email address was provided for the person responsible for payment) confirming enrollment.
Target Dates to Enroll By:
Fall 2017 Early Registration-Payment plan available April 3, 2017
Last day to enroll online
Required down payment
Number of payments
Payments on the 5th 20% 6 30% 5 40% 4 50% 3 Payments on the 20th 20% 6 30% 5 40% 4 50% 3
May 24 June 23 July 27 Aug 24 June 9 July 11 Aug 10 Sept 9
Months of payments June - Nov 5th July - Nov 5th Aug - Nov 5th Sept - Nov 5th June - Nov 20th July - Nov 20th Aug - Nov 20th Sept - Nov 20th
Fall 2017 Regular Registration-Payment plan available August 1, 2017
Last day to enroll online
Required down payment
Number of payments
Payments on the 5th 20% 4 Payments on the 20th 20% 4
Aug 24 Sept 10
Months of payments Sept - Dec 5th Sept - Dec 20th
Spring 2018 Early Registration-Payment plan available October 30, 2017
Last day to enroll online
Required down payment
Number of payments
Payments on the 5th 30% 5 40% 4 50% 3 Payments on the 20th 30% 5 40% 4 50% 3
Nov 23 Dec 23 Jan 25 Dec 9 Jan 10 Feb 8
Months of payments Dec - Apr 5th Jan - Apr 5th Feb - Apr 5th Dec - Apr 20th Jan - Apr 20th Feb - Apr 20th
Spring 2018 Regular Registration-Payment plan available January 3, 2018
Last day to enroll online Jan 25 Feb 8
Required down payment
Number of payments
Payments on the 5th 20% 3 Payments on the 20th 20% 3
Months of payments Feb - Apr 5th Feb - Apr 20th
Payment Plan Availability Availability of the payment plan is determined by Pearl River Community College. Please be aware the college may elect not to have the payment plan available during specific times and dates during registration.
computer recommendations Here at PRCC, we know that many of you want to bring your own computer to campus. Here are some helpful recommendations to ensure that your device is optimized for use on all of PRCC’s campuses.
We have what you need at the Wildcat Den!
The Wildcat Den (PRCC’s bookstore) offers several laptop configurations which are known to work well with the educational software and electronic textbooks in use at PRCC. Some forms of financial aid can also be used to purchase computers from the bookstore.
Make sure you have the right web browser & software
We recommend that Firefox, Java and Adobe Flash Player be installed. The Firefox web browser should be installed first. You should then use Firefox to download and install Adobe Flash Player. » F irefox is available for free at » J ava is available for free at » A dobe Flash Player is available for free at (the download link can be found to the bottom right of the webpage)
FREE Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 365 is available to PRCC students. Once you have your PRCC email account, you can register for and install this software package. » Office 365 can be accessed for free at information-technology » T his offers a savings of roughly $80/year » T he registration link can be found to the bottom left of the webpage
Computer Specifications
If you do not wish to purchase a computer from the Wildcat Den bookstore, the following list of hardware should be used as a guide to ensure the hardware you plan to use meets the recommended minimums. » Dual Core Processor » 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz RAM » 802.11 BGN Wi-Fi Adapter » Webcam » Windows 10 64 Bit » 128 GB HDD » Bluetooth
STAY COVERED WITH A WARRANTY Due to how often a personal computer is used as part of the higher education learning process and because accidents happen, we recommend an upgraded warranty that includes coverage for accidental damage. 18
RiverGuide Welcome to Pearl River Community College!
While you attend PRCC you will use a variety of technology resources. Below is some information to help you learn about accessing those resources. RiverGuide is the Portal used at PRCC. This serves as a single stop shop for students to access everything they need. Once you login to RiverGuide, the Student homepage contains links for Canvas, GradesFirst, Wildcat Web, and Student Email that are single sign-on so you do not have to login to each service separately. RiverGuide also contains many pages with information regarding your Student Account, Financial Aid, eLearning, Academics, and Campus Activities in one convenient location.
You will be provided with a single set of credentials that include: » Student ID Number » Username » Password » Email Address
These credentials will be used to access: » RiverGuide » Student Email » Canvas » GradesFirst » Wildcat Web » Wireless
Your account has been automatically setup when you were accepted to PRCC with a default password. When you receive your account information, it is important that you change your password to one of your choosing. Passwords can be changed on the RiverGuide homepage ( Office of Information Technology Website: If you need assistance, technical support is available 24 hours a day, every day. There are three ways to submit a support ticket: » Email – » Phone number – On Campus: 601-403-1800 Toll Free: 844-292-3214 » Online Chat – Link on Information Technology website
PRCC Quick Start
How Do I Access My eBook? PIN
PRCC Quick Start
How Do I download My eBook?
PRCC bucket list
forrest county center
PRCC bucket list
poplarville campus