Change Agents Change The World A M A N DA SAU C E DA MS, RDN, CLT CHAIR
Imagine a Slinky at the precipice of a set of stairs. All it takes is one little push for that Slinky to slink fluidly down the steps. That first little push is all the energy a Slinky needs to get going and once it does, it will keep going until it reaches the end of the stairs. That first burst of energy is kind of like a change agent. A change agent is someone who helps to bring about change or transformation. We can become change agents when we are volunteering, working in advocacy, researching, speaking and mentoring.
As the chair of NE I am trying to be a change agent for our membership, trying to get that first burst of energy going. To be honest, sometimes this feels effortless (that’s due in large part to the amazing board that we have) and then there are other times it takes a lot of effort to get things going (like when I am trying to navigate the ins and outs of the Academy). The beautiful part about being a change agent is that the initial push can help inspire people to bring their own energy and gifts to the mix. Just like a Slinky going down the stairs, everyone can come together to make meaningful change within their organizations. Not sure what steps to take? The first step is to identify something that would benefit from a change.
One of the easiest ways to see where you can act as a change agent is to start with something you are passionate about. It could be something small or big. Then find people who can also add their gifts and energy to the mix. Together we can change the world! Amanda Sauceda, MS, RDN, CLT, loves pizza. She has a running list of her favorite places and places that she wants to try. Her number-one pizza place used to be a luggage room in the golden days of Hollywood and has a fermented sourdough crust that is to die for. | 3