I want to start this note off with a giant THANK YOU to our members and supporters - we truly could not do our work without you. The patient, generous support you have given our work during several difficult years has kept us working to provide safe outdoor recreation opportunities at a time when they are needed more than ever. Your support enabled our success in 2023, and you’ll soon be seeing visible evidence of progress across our 325-mile trail network.
One thing I’ve learned in my four years at the Trails Council is that trail projects are a lot more complicated than they seem, and that everything takes a little bit more time than you think it will. That is why I’m so gratified to report that 2023 saw a lot of forward momentum on longstanding projects, with much more to come in 2024. Last year the Trails Council partnered with Charlevoix County and the Charlevoix
I have been associated with the Top of Michigan Trails Council since the 1990s when, as a Cheboygan resident, I began advocating for the creation of what is now the North Central State Trail. The “Rails to Trails” movement had begun under the leadership of the national Rails to Trails Conservancy. Its mission was, and is, to convert disused railroad corridors to public recreational trails. Having ridden the initial cross-state Michigander bicycle tour in 1992, I witnessed first hand southern Michigan corridors being converted to rail trails. With that experience I followed the lead of the snowmobile clubs in northern Michigan in advocating for state purchase of area rail corridors. However, to make the corridors suitable for cyclists and walkers, removal of rail ballast and laying a surface of compacted crushed stone was necessary. I sought the assistance of the Trails Council in this effort. The Council’s emphasis up to that point had been west of I-75 but its board enthusiastically endorsed my efforts. From that point it was getting buy-in from the local governments within
County Trail Team to get the Boyne City to Charlevoix Trail back on track after several years of delays.
As a result engineering was completed and funding was secured for construction of Phase 3, connecting Young State Park and Phase 1 to Horton Bay, which will begin in April 2024 - right around the time this annual report hits your mailbox. Charlevoix County decided to capitalize on this momentum and push to finish the trail by allocating FY24 funding for the engineering design of Phases 4 and 5. Stay tuned!
After years of work mostly behind the scenes, restoration of the washed out Miracle Mile on the Little Traverse Wheelway made huge progress in 2023. The City of Petoskey hired an engineering firm to study the washout area and create a plan to rebuild the slope and restore the trail. We should have a plan by the end of 2024! Meanwhile our CREW campaign (Committee to REstore the Wheelway) has started raising the private dollars that will be vital seed money for state and federal grants. These efforts were
recognized by the Michigan Trails Fund with their grant of $50,000 to support the project.
The Nakwema Trailway connecting Charlevoix and Traverse City also moved forward in 2023 when Torch Lake Township approved routing for the 3.5 mile “Torch to Bay” segment which will run from just north of Eastport through Torch Lake Village. When built this trail will be a vital new community connection for local residents and eventually a key link in the 46-mile Nakwema corridor.
All of this progress takes time and money, and the need for more of both is growing all the time because our projects in the pipeline are more complex than ever and the costs of engineering and construction continue to be dynamic in the wake of a changing economy and unprecedented infrastructure investment. That’s why the vote of confidence in our work shown by your generous giving is so important.
Thank you and see you on the trails!
Brent Bolin Executive Directorwhose boundaries the trail would run from Gaylord in the south to Cheboygan to Mackinaw City. That buy-in meant resolutions of support and funding to assist the state in covering the costs of surface improvements. Financial support also meant requests to businesses throughout the area, an effort which again met with success, demonstrating further support for the trail. The endorsement of the Trails Council for these efforts was invaluable.
The efforts of the Trails Council, many businesses, and numerous individuals, along with the support of the DNR, paid off. The North Central State Trail’s 65 miles were opened to the public in 2008.
With the completion of the NCST, area residents, local governments, and businesses had a concrete example of the recreational and economic benefits of trails. This made public support much easier to get for the funding necessary to surface the 70-mile corridor from Cheboygan to Alpena. The North Eastern State Trail opened in 2012. Once again the support of the Trails Council was invaluable.
The last of the three DNR owned trails in northern Michigan, the North Western State Trail, was opened in two segments, 2012
and 2015. The 32-mile trail runs from Mackinaw City to M-119, where it joins the Wheelway. All but 7.5 miles of these three trails are maintained by the DNR’s field office in Cheboygan.
The Trails Council has actively supported the addition of amenities to the three DNR trails. Benches, historical markers, wayfinding signage, air pumps, fix-it stations, trailheads, and portable restrooms have all received financial and/or consulting support through the Trails Council. Presently we are working with individuals undertaking projects to illustrate the history of Mullett Lake Village on the NCST and Ponshewaing on the NWST. The trail experience is enhanced by these amenities. The Trails Council was also instrumental in securing the funding necessary to install bicycle racks on many of the Straits Area Regional Ride buses. The system services Cheboygan, Emmet, and Presque Isle counties.
The Top of Michigan Trails Council’s reach is truly “lake to lake.” Whether you are on the Wheelway in Petoskey, the NEST in Alpena, the NCST in Gaylord or the NWST in Alanson, the Trails Council has been involved.
Jim Conboy TOMTC Board President
An uptick in trail program activities was evident during the Trails Council’s very busy 2023. Programs, partnerships and scheduled events yielded a number of great opportunities to showcase our trails and those who use them.
The eighth annual Top of Michigan Festival of Races again kicked off the season, drawing hundreds of runners and walkers from all over the Midwest. We continue to tweak our routes for a better runner experience, like utilizing the Petoskey State Park so participants can see more of what the region has to offer.
Director Bill Prall continues to aggressively pursue trail improvements that enhance safety for trail users and motorists near the trails. Bill and his dedicated band of volunteers
installed new Little Traverse Wheelway signage in the Bay View area and elsewhere. Working with business owners, Bill and company installed new signage and paint markings that help define trail/road boundaries and dangerous intersections where the Wheelway skirts busy M 119. Bill has doggedly pursued safety improvements in this bustling area, and his efforts could yield profound improvements in the future. Stay tuned!
Cindy Okerlund and her Kids Pedaling with a Purpose program continued on full-steam ahead in 2023, serving hundreds of Emmet County fourth graders while engaging over 100 enthusiastic volunteers.
Strategic planning represents a big step forward for this organization, its future, and future of our trail network. We developed a basic strategic plan in 2023, and we will continue advancing our vision. Put simply, our vision is “people engaging in a world-class trail system that connects northern Michigan’s thriving communities.” We think that’s a great place to plant the Trails Council flag as a starting point for our evolving strategic plan.
Presentation of the annual Max Putters Trail Champion Award took place at our annual meeting in June. Trail Ambassador Patrick Affholter (shown receiving the award from Putters himself) was the recipient. Affholter’s years of service as a Trail Ambassador and his dedication to the Kids Pedaling with a Purpose program earned him the award. Past recipients include Putters (2017), Dennis Schanski, Paul Moultrup and Rob Monroe (2018), Michael Sheean (2019), City of Petoskey (2020), Bob Boch (2021), and Lisa Loyd (2022).
Leadership Charlevoix County partnered with the Trails Council on a project to steer foot and bike traffic through Boyne City. New municipal signage safely directs Boyne City-Charlevoix Trail users through Boyne CIty to the nearby Boyne Valley Trailway. Such community partnerships draw more people to Trails Council projects while creating safer trail systems for everyone.
We published two new trail maps in 2023. A colorful map for the Burt Lake Trail and another for the Boyne City area highlight the trails, trail amenities, and nearby attractions for trail users. Consistent with the design of our other maps, these new guides help complete the Trails Council’s stable of print media helpful to those who use our network. These maps were made possible by Cheboygan County Community Foundation and Charlevoix County Community Foundation. Their support continues to enhance what we do to make our region thrive.
Kids on bikes always bring lots of smiles. That’s why in June we were happy to co-sponsor the inaugural Lynn Duse Memorial Kids’ Bike Fest in Petoskey’s Bayfront Park. Over 100 kids participated in this bike decorating and riding contest, which occurred at the Petoskey History Museum and on the Little Traverse Wheelway.
Little Traverse Wheelway Trail Ambassadors and Trail Center Ambassadors are invaluable volunteers who assist trail users throughout peak trail season. From providing directions and recommending restaurants to sharing local history and handing out maps, our ambassadors provide a critical public outreach service. Each spring, ambassadors receive training so they can better inform visitors about the trails, our area, and Northern Michigan points of interest. In this photo, Trails Council Associate Director Becca Nelson (standing) helps volunteers understand the history of the Little Traverse Wheelway.
STATUS: Halfway done
COMPLETE: Phase 1 (3 miles at south/Boyne City end) and Phase 2 (3 miles at north/Charlevoix end)
CURRENT: Phase 3 (2.4 miles from Phase 1 to Horton Bay) is being built summer 2024.
FUTURE: Phases 4 & 5 (6 miles) will complete the trail and go into design engineering in 2024.
After a long COVID delay held up completion of Phase 3, advocacy by the Trails Council and the local trail team paid off in 2023 when funding was secured and construction scheduled for Summer 2024. Charlevoix County is hoping to speed up completion of the trail and allocated money in FY24 to begin engineering Phases 4 & 5 at the same time.
STATUS: Early development
COMPLETE: Feasibility study
CURRENT: Fundraising for engineering work
FUTURE: Engineering design development
In 2023 the Trails Council and the local trail team successfully engaged MDOT as a partner in the next phase of engineering and began fundraising for that work. When complete this trail will connect the villages of Central Lake and Bellaire with a 6.2 mile non-motorized, separated trail that will not just be an alternate means of travel but will also serve as a linear park offering unique amenities and programs for residents and tourists.
STATUS: Almost ready to bid for construction
COMPLETE: Engineering design
CURRENT: Pending MDOT approval of design changes
FUTURE: Construction anticipated in 2025
Almost shovel ready, in 2023 a final tweak to the engineering design was proposed to MDOT and the project will move forward in 2024 upon their approval. About 1.5 miles long, this trail is a critical connection in the Top of Michigan Trail Network that extends the Little Traverse Wheelway from its current terminus at Waller Road into the City of Charlevoix. Closing the gap is also vital to achieving the Nakwema Trailway’s vision of connecting our trail network to the TART Trails network around the Traverse City area.
STATUS: Shovel ready
COMPLETE: Engineering and construction documents
CURRENT: Fundraising for construction costs
FUTURE: Construction within the next five years, dependent on fundraising
Last year saw the completion of engineering for the longdesired extension of the Little Traverse Wheelway from its current terminus on top of the bluff into downtown Harbor Springs. MDOT approved use of an existing stormwater spillway as an underpass to get the trail safely under M-119 and down the bluff before making a shared roadway connection to the harbor.
STATUS: Feasibility evaluation
COMPLETE: Alternate trail routing was studied and rejected
CURRENT: Engineering team collecting field data to design solution
FUTURE: Concept plan for repair of the trail expected late 2024
The best, most scenic section of the most popular trail in Northern Michigan was lost in April 2020 when the Miracle Mile experienced a catastrophic washout. Since that time the trail has been closed while the Trails Council, City of Petoskey, and other partners have explored the feasibility of rebuilding the trail. Perched up a bluff along Lake Michigan, a changing water table and fluctuating lake levels create a complicated engineering project. In Fall 2023 the City of Petoskey entered into a million-dollar engineering contract that will cover 12 months of data collection and the design of an appropriate solution for rebuilding the trail.
STATUS: Active development
COMPLETE: Acme Connector, first 2 miles
CURRENT: Four sections in active development
Future: Build trail one segment at a time!
Our most ambitious project to date, Nakwema spans over 45 miles and will connect Charlevoix to Traverse City - linking our Top of Michigan Trails Network to the TART Trails system and making it possible to travel from Alpena to Suttons Bay on dedicated trails. In 2023 we completed schematic design on the “Torch to Bay” segment, covering 3.5 miles from just north of Eastport to Torch Lake Village. Also in 2023 we continued to engage DNR on routing of the trail through Fisherman’s Island Park, conducting an extensive site walk in preparation for active development of the trail.
Charlevoix County
Community Foundation
Cheboygan County Community Foundation
The Peco Foundation
The Melvin Family Fund
Louis and Nellie Sieg Fund
Network for Good
Petoskey Harbor Springs Area
Community Foundation
Rob and Janet Carr Family Foundation
The Offield Family Foundation
The WMR Family Foundation
William A Fisher II Family Foundation
4Front Credit Union
Animal Medical Clinic
Awakon Federal Credit Union
B.C. Lanes & Venue Grill
Back Lot
Back to Black
Bay Pines Veterinary Clinic
Bearcub Outfitters
Beards Brewery
Big Canoe
Brummeler & Associates
Burt Lake Preservation Association
Center City Gym
Charlevoix Lion’s Club
Citizens National Bank of Cheboygan
Crooked Tree Breadworks
Cross Country Ski Headquarters, LLC
East Jordan Family Health Center
EJ USA, Inc.
Evening Star Joinery, Inc.
Forbush Corner Nordic
Gurney’s Bottle Shop
Harbor/Brenn Insurance Agencies
High Gear Sports
Indian River Family Dentistry
Indian River Golf Club
Inspired Living
League of Michigan Bicyclists
Lions of Michigan
Long Point Property
Owners Association
McLane Blatchford CPA Firm
Michigan Mountain Mayhem
Mount Bohemia
Northbound Outfitters
Northern Michigan Sports Medicine
Nub’s Nob Ski Area
Oleson’s Food Store
Paint the World
Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau
Petoskey Harbor Wear
Presque Isle Electric & Gas
Rotary Club of Charlevoix
Rotary Club of East Jordan
Rotary Club of Petoskey
South Arm LLC
Stafford’s Hospitality
Stephanie Jones Real Estate
Sturgeon River Paddlesports
The Grain Train
The Outfitter
Ture Balance Life
W.W. Fairbairn & Sons
Wheeler Motors, Inc
(Gifts of $1,000 or more)
Anthony and Elizabeth Abbattista
John and Nancy Anderson
Brian Nicholas Bachynski and Elizabeth Angus Bachynski
Ron and Sandy Baldwin
Steve and Kathy Biggs
Paul and Lisa Blanchard
Wayne and Cheryl Blomberg
Randall and Carol Crow
Allen and Jane Damschroder
Barbara Darnell
James and Linda Demmer from The Canton Community Foundation
Mark and Margaret Eustis
Jerry and Eileen Fhaner
Jeff and Karen Ford
Brenda Frey
Patrick and Joyce Garrett
Ruth Gee
Susan and Brian Griffith
Margo Hodder
Bill and Wendy Holmes
Ann Irish
Sarah Kallman
Luther and Mary Kurtz
Mary Jane Kuschinski
Phyllis Ledyard
Daniel Linnenberg and Ginny
John and Linda Linnenberg
Paul and Barb Malloure
Frederick and Barbara Malpass
Paul Abbott McCartney
Harriet and Vaughn McGraw
Donor Advised Fund
Charles and Norma McKinley
David and Amanda Meyers
John and Tamara Miller
David and Suzu Neithercut
Mark and Helen Neithercut Fund
from the Grand Traverse Regional
Community Foundation
John and Susan Paul
James and Kathy Schroeder
Oliver Schwab
Steve and Jean Van Dam
Steve and Connie Vorenkamp
Clayton and Mary Jo Warner
Celebrating their annual “girls’ weekend”, this grinning gang of intrepid cyclists, braved the rain and cooler temperatures. Rhonella, Elaine, Peggy, and Jeanne lodged in Petoskey, rented bikes locally, and spent a few days exploring our trails. They said that while the entire area is beautiful, they particularly enjoyed riding through the Bay View area.
Don and Jan Weir
Nick and Betsy White
Vincent and Antoinette WinklerPrins
Pamela and William Yates
(Gifts from $550 to $999)
Annie Bobilya
Barbara Brett
William and Shannon Brower
Bonnie and Michael Brunett
Douglas and Linda Busk
Reed Crow
David and Libby Domann
Michael and Rhea Dow
David and Linda Elmer
Jim and Laurie Ford
Reed and Janet Freidinger
John Fuelling and Andrea
Brault Fuelling
Herbert B. Gedge
Arnold and Dawn Geldermans
George and Phyllis Googasian
Mark and Patricia Grace
Patti and Balky Grannis
Mike and Chris Grant
John and Tracy Gravlin
Paul Hagan
Ada Hall
Terry and Michelle Harmala
Andy and Cindy Hayes
Kristin and Bob Hinshaw
Kathleen Horrocks
John and Robyn Iacoangeli
John Jordan
Victor and Caroline Knowlton
Mike and Nancy Kota
Kathleen Kurtz
Daniel and Mary Ledingham
Myron and Lisa Lewis
Eric and Lisa Loyd
John Marohn
August Matuzak
Karen McCue
David and Julia McIntosh
Bradley and Susan Moffatt
David and Ginny Monroe
Rob and Debra Monroe
Bob and Betsy Monroe
Beth and Joe Moran
John and Sharon Myers
Bradford and Lisa Nelson
Dennis and Margaret Paull
Mary and Tom Peterson
Holly and Jim Rader
Margery and Steve Reh
Linda and William Rehor
Mary Anne Reilly
Bryan Rellinger
Jim and Linda Ries and Family
Sally and Jim Rogers
John and Deborah Rohe
Skip and Ann Simms
Stafford and Janice Smith
B. R. and Judy Smith
Erik and Carmany Thorp
Rick and Michelle Tromble
Todd Twichel
Ed Usewick
Joyce and John Williams
Gary and Ann Young
Gregory and Diana Young
(Gifts from $250 to $499)
Patrick and Susan Affholter
Michael and Holly Angileri
Douglas and Linda Bacon
Steven Barney and Gretchen Olsen
Lenny and Rose Mary Barrette
Peter and Diane Basso
David and Cathy Beier
Joe and Lyn Bianco
Neil and Marsha Bidwell
Dick and Verne Binder
Richard Bollinger
Martha Bowman
Bradford Brett
Buzz Burrell
Mary Campbell
Russell and Christine
Carpenter Polly Cheney
James and Susan Conboy
Gary and Deborah Cooper
Jeff and Peggy Cyphert
Deborah and David Deal
Giving level reflects total amount given in 2023.
... Continued from previous page
Standing with TOMTC Trail Ambassador Susan Affholter (left) are Bill and Liz from Caledon, Ontario, Canada, who visited us while they were camping at Petoskey State Park. This friendly couple, who appreciate and use the trails near their home, used the park as a starting point for their Northern Michigan adventure. They said their favorite part of the Little Traverse Wheelway is the area between Petoskey and Harbor Springs.
Cliff and Jane Denay
Michael and Debbie Esposito
John and Sue Esser
David and Heidi Finley
George and Gail Foster
Elizabeth and Lee Gahagan
Wick and Gardiner Garrard
Luci Gernot
Jeffrey and Ann Gerow
Fred and Kay Geuder
Alan and Leanne Gillespie
Robert C. Grove
Tina Harlan
James and Jesseca Haslock
Thomas Hickner
Eugene and Carolyn Hodulik
Timothy Inglis
Henry and Karen Jallos
Carl and Vicki Janssens
John and Elaine Kurtz
Hal and Betsy Lawrence
John Lehman and Maureen
Ron and Tricia Leng
Thomas and Mary Ling
Patrick and Martha Maloney
Robert and Barbara McCue
Tracy and Jeff McMath
Dr. William Meengs
Mark and Michelle Melvin
Katy and Hal Messacar
Dale and Betsy Meyer
Emily Meyerson and Harry Kitchen
Peggy and Phil Millard
Gregory and Marion Milward
Charitable Gift Fund at Blue
Grass Community Foundation
Al and Jean Moberly
Jim and Susan Monton
Tim and Katie Moskalik
Peter and Cammie Moss
Alice Nasif
James Neff
Dennis Oneil
Constance Osters
Peter Patrick
Kay and David Powell
Roy Pulaski
James and Patricia Radlick
Marilyn Randall
Kay Rankin
William and Nancy Rybolt
Elizabeth and Frank Sapio
Daniel Scherman
Gary and Colleen Shaw
Jim and Laura Shirilla
Nikki Skrocki
Brian Slater
John Smith
Scott and Dibby Smith
Malissa Sparks
David Spitzli and Maureen Engle
Carolyn and William Stark
Gary and Mary Street
Chris and Susan Stroud
Matthew and Alexandra Trecha
Nancy and Bruce Turner
Michael Vacketta
James and Rachel Votruba
Brian and Dawn Wagner
Jon Walker
Mary and Thomas Weinland
Karen and Steve Weiss
Laurie and Kevin Welsh
Tim and Peg Wilcox
Jeff and Julie Winegard
Jack Woudenberg
Brian Wright
(Gifts from $100 to $249)
Karrie Abbitt
Bruce Alexander
Jorja Allen
Dr. Kit Anderson and Mrs. Janel Anderson
Robert and Cherri Anthony
Mark and Denise Antonishen
Mike and Catherine Atchison
Dick and Annette Babcock
Lois Bahle
Craig Bailey
Richard Baldwin, MD
Michael and Sally Bales
Dann and Jeanne Balesky
Nancy and Paul Barker
Devra and Mark Barrett
Dave and Robyn Barrie
Earl and Sherry Bash
Robert Bauman and Lucie Audette
Mary Baxter
Robert and Sharon Bence
Norman and Kathryn Bennett
Dr. Jeffrey A. and Mrs. Laura L. Bennett
Laurence and Linda Bernhardt
Jeffrey and Katherine Bischoff
John Blair
Matthew and Nancy Blandford
Scott and Cathy Blumenstein
David Blumenthal
Barbara Bohls-Graham and James Graham
Curt and Diane Bolin
Douglas and Sue Bouwense
Daniel Branson
Janet Brautigam
Steven and Holly Brown
Ernest Brumbaugh and Carole Mueller Brumbaugh
Noel Bufe and Mary Tyson
Walter and Nancy Byers
Don Caird
Vincent Call
Greg and Becky Carpenter
Steven and Marilyn Carpenter
Bruce and Kay Cartford
Daniel and Linda CasaSanta
Kathleen Charboneau
Peggy Child Smith and David Smith
Jon and Janet Child Chism
Charles Clark
Susan Clarke
Richard and Margaret Clary
John Clifford
Sylvia Cofer
Marc and Jayme Collier
Brendan and Leah Conboy
Maureen Conklin
Ann Couture
Micheal and Joanne Cromley
Lanny and Bobie Crongeyer
Chad Crow
Kelly Crow
James and Marilyn Cusenza
Doug and Luann Damm
Evan Daywell
Adriane De Windt
Lynne Demoor
Linda Denton
Alan Dika and Cynthia Rutherford
Thomas and Trisha Dobias
Josie and Bill Doherty
Karen and Michael Donnelly
James and Susan Douglas
James and Maureen Doull
George and Kathleen Dubro
Yvon Dufour
Bruce and Nancy Dunn
Michael and Elizabeth Durbin
Bill Kunst
Carson Hilbert Ederle
Gerald Ellman
Michael Emmerd
James and Kathleen Erbeck
Steve and Kathy Erber
Michael and Marcia Etienne
Michael and Kathryn Farrimond
Lloyd Fell
Kurt and Kate Feller
Barbara Fisher
Michael and Rose Fitzgerald
Peter and Sarah Ford
Mary and Bill Foster
Mark and Patricia Fralick
Michael and Geri Frederixon
Richard Frutiger and Sara Wassenaar
Victoria and David Fuger
Doug Fuller and Martha Lancaster
Karen Gaides
Charles and Fran Gano
Julia Gerlach
Seth Gernot
Nichole Gernot
Nanci Gernot
Patrick and Georgianna Gibbons
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gietzen
John Heiam and Lois Goldstein
Owen Goslin
Rosemary Grable
William and Louise Graham
Eric Grandstaff and Alexis Kaczynski
Lawrence B. and Sue A. Graves Junior
Emma Green
Robert and Candace J. Greene
Jerome Gregory
Tim Gulden
Sue Haadsma-Svensson and Kjell Svensson
Robert Hameister
Joseph W. Hance
James R. Hanchett, D.D.S, PC
Jacquelyn Hanna
George Harbison
Jeff and Deb Hardcastle
Jenny and Todd Hayden
Dale Hecksel
Gretchen Herold
Frances B. Higley
Gus Hillenbrand
Max and Diane Hinkley
Richard and Perry Hodgson
Doug and Shari Hoek
David and Ellen Hofacker
William and Marla Hofmann
John Holder and Julie Fasone Holder
Christine Hollister
Leslie and Chris Homan
Josephine and Russell Hopkins
Jane Horal
Scott and Jill Hotchkiss
Robert Howse
David and Patricia Hubbard
Barbara and Jerry Huey
Ruth Hurvitz
Janet Ivory and Frank May
Tim and Carol Jarvi
Katy Johnson
Catherine and Gordon Johnston
Johnston’s Marine
Dr. Martin Jones and Mrs. Ellen Jones
John and Kathleen Jorgensen
Robert and Mary Keedy
Kimberlee Kelley
Audrey Kelly and Dave Posthumus
Barry Kempa
John Keyser
Kim Kihnke and Dan Laninga
William and Maryanna Klatt
Josephine Klingler
Alicia and Steve Knudson
Jane Korthase
Charlotte Kosanke
Kenneth and Elizabeth Koss
Al and Evelyn Kozleski
Debra Soverinsky and David Kraus
Roger and Barbara Kromm
Jason and Margaret M. Kromm
Larry and Marlene Kuzdal
Thomas Lagerstrom and Mary Anne Griffin
Bill Laitner
Karen Langs
Craig and Susanne Larrabee
Lynn Laughlin
Jack Laurent
James and KC Leh
Jessica Leonard
Deborah Lewis
Frederick and Kathy Liederbach
Wayne and Georgia Lindstrom
Robert Linnenberg
James Little
Dianne Litzenburger
Leonard and Carrie Lohman
Kristin and Kirk Lufkin
Lorraine Lund
Charles and Kathleen MacInnis
Robert and Miranda MacLean
David and Juanita Mallmann
Mary Masson
Lisa Maxson
Richard and Janet May
Mac McClelland and Mac
Consulting Service, LLC
Tamara McGovern
Phil and Karen McKinley
Maureen and James McLeod
Jim and Diane McMahon
Mark and Laurie McMurray
Tina and Greg McPherson
John and Denise M. McQuillan
Connie Mendyk
William and Jane Millar
Robert and Carol Miller
Thomas and Deborah Miller
Linda and James Miller
David and Deborah Miller
Lee and Carma Milner
Jeffrey Minkwic and
Cynthia Johnson-Minkwic
Jeffrey Moore
Susan Moore
Diane Morand
Fred Mulhauser and Paula Welmers
Marcia Mumbrue
Sheila Murphy
Michael and Karen Neill
Kevin Neill
Troy Neill
Howard Newkirk
Bruce Nichols
Maureen Nicholson
David and Joan Niewiadomski
Julie Norcross
Bruce Nyberg
Tom and Linda Oelke
Sally Olds
Kerry and Ann O’Tool
Ted and Lori Pall
John and Mary Jo Parker
Liz Patterson
Butch and Shelley Paulsen
Barry Petersen
William and Jane Petzold
Jeffery and Denise Phillips
Mary Pickett and Rich Teets
Eric and Julie Pierpont
Kristin Plumb
Scott Pulaski
Mark and Catherine Pumford
Max and Mary Putters
David Rabahy
Steve Radecki and Lauren Walsh
Douglas Radtke
David and Mary Randall
Thomas and Nancy Rea
Craig and Deborah Redder
Judy Revallo
Paul Revard
Jennifer and David Rice
Mary Riegle
Ted Robinson
Larry and Elaine Rochon
Michael Rodenberg
Gerald and Joan Rogers
Reed and Georjeanne
Romain Aaron Rustad
Philip and Patrice Ryan
Paulina Ryan
Molly and Tom Saeli
Jane and Ed Sandri
Tom and Nancy Sarowski
Timothy Scherman
Jane E. Schneider
Steve and Elizabeth Schnell
David and Jo Ann Schopp
Catherine Courtney Scollin
Alan Scott
Christina Shanti
Bud and Nancy Shear
Michael Sheean
David Shepard
Allison K. Short
Carol Short
Michael and Charr Skirvin
Linda and Mark Slater
Craig and Sue Smigiel
Solomon and Deborah Smith
Jacob Snider
Ronald and Donna Snyder
Marianne and Larry Sorensen
Allen Sorgenfrei
Pam Stahl
Tom Stanley
Jason Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
Gwenn Stevenson
Gary and Susan Stewart
Ken Stewart
Mark and Kristi Stormzand
Thomas Striggow
Skip and Paul Summers
Michael and Peggy Supernault
Robert Swanson
Jeffrey Tapick
The Ryan Knight Family
Tony Torti
Larry and Susan Turnage
Mary Ann Uznis
Kent and Kay Van Allen
Michael and Mary Ann Van Lokeren
Dave and Penny VanDam
Paula Vaughan
Bill and Marty Walker
Sara Ward
Paul and Melanie Weaver
Donna Weber
Gary Kaleita and Linda Weeks-Kaleita
Marcus and Sharon Wegmeyer
Jeff Wellington
James and Marjorie Wessinger
Greg and Donna Wheeler
Robert and Rosita White
Rob and Michael Whittaker
Dee and Dan Wickham
Floyd and Anne Wilkinson
Jennifer Wilson
Dr. Brian Wittenberg
and Mrs. Gina Wittenberg
Helen Wolfgang
David and Mary Wood
John and Anna Young
Dan and Cathy Zaenglein
Joseph and Kendra Zielinski
Tom and Cindy Zipp
(Gifts up to $99)
Dwain Abramowski
Daniel and Carol Adams
Gail Aho
William and Bonnie Ahrenberg
William Albert
Gregory Allan
Renee Allen
Sarah Amling
Susan Aspinall
Claude and Barbara Avery
Charles and Jennifer Badgero
Jim Bartlett
Sally and Steve Bataran
Ken Bates
David and Karen Beauchemin
Marshall and Raey Beck
Doug Bedell
Harry and Roberta Begley
Carolyn Belknap
Walter Beusse
Mary Biagini
David and Martha Birkhold
Sally and David Birkmeier
Sanford and Susan Birnholtz
Michelle Bison
Robert Bitterman, MD
Judith Blackburn
Ellis Boal and Luanne Kozma
Herm and Darlene Boatin
Kay Bohls
Kerry Bogataj
Brent Bolin and Danielle Schopp
Sherry and David Bondy
Donna and Craig Bonk
The smiles always tell the story! The Lowe family, from Ohio, stopped in the Packy Offield Trail Center. “The trails bring us so much joy,” said Mr. Lowe. “We ride these trails every day that we’re up here. We enjoy the isolation from the road and the greenery is very beautiful. Really, the trails make our vacation. If there’s one distinguishing feature about this area that keeps us coming back, it’s these trails.”
... Continued from previous page
Connie Booth
Ed and Michelle Boyer
Richard and Christine Brodhead
Jennifer Brown
Christine Brown
Cameron Brunet-Koch and Bruce Koch
Maureen Burke
Tim and Lonnie Calloway
Donald Camp
Nicholle Cardinal
Pam and Rusty Carpenter
Elizabeth M. Carr
Brian and Laura Champion
Pete and Judi Chimner
Budd and Sandra Cicciarelli
Kevin and Janet Clarke
Marilyn Cobb
Karma Common
Hugh and Susan Conklin
Diane Cookinham
Trish Corliss
Bill Courtney
John Cowan
Eric and Stacy Cox
Robin Crahan
George Cripps
Stephen and Mary Crusoe
Rick Cunningham
John Darnbrook
Cynthia Davis
Ryan Deery
Dan and Robbe DiPietro
William and Janice Dodge
Cynthia Donahey and Art Schoolmaster
Tammy Dumez
Lynne Duncan
Thomas and Denise Erhart
Tracy Farris
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Farrugia
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fawcett
Julie Feldpausch and Henry Ryan
Linda and Mark Ferguson
James and Raeanne Fielder
Gabriella Fine
SJ Flann
Elizabeth and Paul Foley
Chip and Jean Frentz
Sonja Fritzsche
John and Christine Fulford
Ronald and Denise Fusina
Josh Galle
Rafael Garcia
Byron and Sheila Gay
Bruce Geffen
Marlene George
Mary and Jack Gergel
Thomas Gideon
Judith A. Gillow
Ira and Deborah Ginsburg
Michael Glusac
Kathy Godfrey
James Gracy
Dean and Nancy Graham
Deb Greene
Matt Greer
David Guanci
Peter and Sarah Gurney
William and Kathy Haefner
Liane Hagerman
Gary and Laurianne Hannan
Betsy Loyd Harvey
Dan Heckman
Albert and Myra Heffley
James and Carol Helmer
Hashem Hilal
David and Karen Hill
Sharon Hofbauer
John and Judy Hoffman
Thomas Hopp
Mark and Katherine N. Hramiec
Jennifer Huder
Jack and Sue Hufford
Bruce and Jan Hunting
Bret Huntman and Katherine Melby
Sue Hutchinson
Robert and Sharlene Ingmand
Paul and Denise Janness
Mary Johnson and Kenneth Allen
Charles Johnson
John and Dorothy Johnson
Mark and Rebecca Jones
Loyce Jones
Kathy Karenko
Tim and Lynn Keck
Deborah Keller
William Kelly
Robert and Sheryl Kendrick
K. E. Kenyon
Norm and Bonnie Kern
Matthew and Rosemary Kevnick
Chelsey Kimball
Carol and Dave Klun
James and Judith Kohl
Mary Kohl
Harold Koviak
Kathryn Krecke
Victor and Toni Krisko
Paul Kuehl
Robert and Suann Kughn
Mary Kunst
Mark Kurz
Anne and Don La Barre
William and Cynthia Labadie
Kendra and Ryan Lake
Harold Lassers
Neil O. Leighton
Jerry and Pamela Lesperance
Nancy and Stephen Lindsay
Vickie and Jack Lyon
Genevieve Lyon
A group of full and part-time Petoskey residents illustrated their love for the Little Traverse Wheelway by pooling donations aimed at boosting the Little Traverse Wheelway repair effort. All residents of Water Street Condominiums in Petoskey passed the hat and collected $4,000. The group’s generous donation was given in support of the Trails Council’s CREW (Committee to REstore the Wheelway), where it will be used to supplement soft costs associated with the Wheelway repair project.
Stephen and Carolyn Madden
Janet Mancinelli
Robert and Joan Mandell
Martin and Julie Manker
Max and Jeanette Marker
Carol Marston-Foucher
James Martin
Mary and Donald Trout
Patrick and Norma May
John McCahan
Leonard and Martha McCallep
Peggy McCormick
Katherine Melby
Connie Messner
Kevin and Marcia Meyer
Valerie Meyerson
Mary Michno
Jess and Pam Miller
Phil Miller
George and Carol Miller
Johnetta and James Miller
Scott Miller
Joey Moppert
John and Connie Morgan
Rochelle Morrish
Blair and Yvonne Moulthrop
Dave and Pamela Moyer
Arthur Mullen
Linda Mullens
Mark and Rose Muniak
Jennifer Murphy
Melanie Myers
Samir Nazir
Thomas and Deborah Neidhamer
Trevor and Becca Nelson
Thomas Newberry
Edward and Pamela M. Newcomb
Patricia Nolan
Molly Noland
Mike and Susie Nuorala
Patrick O’Connor
Thomas and Mary O’Hare
Chuck and Cristina Omahen
James and Beverly Osetek
Janet Pankey
Lawrence and Marnie Parrott
Jordan Peck
Samantha Persons
Lyn Petty
Stephanie Pierce
Sandy Planisek
Phillip Possanza and Mary O’Halloran
Amy Powell
Jeffrey and Carol E. Powers
Greg, Annie, James and Grant Rankin
Dr. John Rasmussen and Mrs. Barbara Rasmussen
Dan and Lisa Rasmussen
Grahm Reinhard
Casey Ressl
Howard Richards
Robin Riseng
Gary Ritz
Sarah Roche
Gary Roe
Holly and Edward Russell
Patricia Ryde
Jean Scates
Kerry and Maura Schoo
John Schulz
Jamie Schwartzfisher
Beth Senecal
Andy Shane
Jeff and Elsa Shrader
James Shrader
Susan and Steven Sikkema
Henry and Naomi Singer
Doug Sink
Mark and Christine Smith
Stanley and Marilynn Smith
Valerie Snyder
Mary and Al Southwood
Dawn Staley
Gary Stauffer
Dan and Patricia Steffes
Josephine Step
Midge Stewart
Geoff Surkamer
Shirlee Suter
Marti Swiger
Bill and Kooch Takalo
Brent Taylor
Ken and Brenda Tewel
Michael and Nancy Thibideau
Karen Thomson
Kris and Mike Timko
Miles Trumble
James and Barbara Van Dam
A. Van De Car
Willem and Kristin Van Reesema
Nikki Vanden Heuvel
Nicole Vanklompenberg
Paul and Joanna VanRaaphorst
Dean Vanston
Carole Vial
Rick and Therese Vorraber
Linda Wacyk
Jennifer Walker
Martha Walker
Luanne Watt
Jim White
Bob and Sue Whittaker
Kim and Brian Wills
Roger and Katherine Winslow
Ken Winter
Barbara A. Wiseman
Ken and Carol Woodhurst
Joel and Dorothy Wurster
Deborah and Jeffrey Young
Mallory Zink
In Honor of Birkmeier-Dushane Families
Given by Sally and David Birkmeier
In Honor of Gary and Darla Rellinger
Given by Bryan Rellinger
In Honor of Jim Conboy
Given by Brendan and Leah Conboy
In Honor of Great Lakes
Capital - Maple Block Flats
Given by Mac McClelland and Mac Consulting Service, LLC
In Honor of John Stephens
Given by Jason Stephens
In Honor of Karen Langs
Given by Frances B. Higley
In Honor of Mark and Patty Grace
Given by Christine Hollister In Honor of Matt Greer and LCC
Class Project Given by Sara Ward
In Honor of Michael Sheean
Given by Joe and Lyn Bianco
and Shirlee Suter In Honor of My neighbors at Water Street Condos. We hope other associations and neighbors will join us! Given by Brian and Dawn Wagner
In Honor of Nancy Hoefer
Given by Gary and Mary Street
In Honor of Our Water Street
Condo friends Given by Alicia and Steve Knudson
In Honor of Pedaling With A Purpose
Given by Catherine Courtney Scollin
In Honor of Ric and Lisa Loyd
Given by Robert Hameister
In Honor of Seth Gernot’s 300 mile bike ride
Given by Doug Bedell, Rosemary Grable, Luci
Gernot and Timothy Inglis
In Honor of Seth Gernot and Rebecca Rankin
Given by Doug Bedell, Luanne Watt
In Honor of Steve Biggs
Given by Ron and Sandy Baldwin
In Honor of Steve Trecha
Given by Matthew and Alexandra Trecha
In Honor of the Affholters
Given by Karma Common
In Honor of Wayne and Cheryl Blomberg Given by Patricia Ryde
In Honor of Wildwood Volunteers
Given by Katherine Melby
In Honor of our son, Dr. Connor Welsh, avid runner
Given by Laurie and Kevin Welsh
In Honor of LCC Class of 2015!
Given By Jack Laurent
In Honor of Mullett Village
Given by Holly and Jim Rader, Ethan and Hillary Rader Feuer, Derek and Mackenzie Rader Fuhrmann, Nate and Chelsea Rader Amendola
In Honor of Rebecca Rankin
Given by Mary Kohl
In Honor of Water Street
In Honor of Rebecca Rankin
Given by Mary Kohl
In Honor of Water Street
In Honor of Ms. Jessica Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Craig Sincock, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gettel, Mr. Nick Liebler, Mr. Ben Doornbos, Mr. Fred Ball, Mr. Kevin Serba, Ms. Michelle Kruzel,
Mr. & Mrs. Chase Offield,
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crawford
Given by Evening Star Joinery, Inc.
The Gengler family from St. Louis, Mo, are former Michiganders from downstate. The group - all on bicycles - still visit Northern Michigan annually. According to Mr. Gengler, the family always makes a bike ride part of their holiday. This time, they chose the Little Traverse Wheelway, and they reported that their favorite part was at Bayfront Park in Petoskey.
In Memory of Bob and Char Blumenstein Given by Scott and Cathy Blumenstein, Kurt and Kate Feller, Craig and Sue Smigiel, and Pam Stahl
In Memory of Bruce Allard
Given by Bruce and Jan Hunting
In Memory of Bud Laughlin
Given by Lynn Laughlin
In Memory of Carolyn Sue Leighton
Given by Neil O. Leighton
In Memory of Charles R. Step
Given by Josephine Step
In Memory of Chris Weingartz
Given by Jeffrey Moore, Amy Powell. and Gwenn Stevenson
In Memory of Daniel J. Horal
Given by Jane Horal
In Memory of Diana Heron
Given by Loyce Jones
In Memory of Donald A. Dawkins
Given by Daniel and Carol Adams
In Memory of Donna
Given by Christine Brown
In Memory of Doug Brautigam
Given by Janet Brautigam
In Memory of Earl and Amy Oliverio, and Loretta Gernot Given by Luci Gernot
In Memory of Elaine Hameister
Given by Robert Hameister
In Memory of Howard Hanson Given by Ken Bates
In Memory of Jack and June Myers Given by John and Sharon Myers
In Memory of James and Joyce Bellmer Given by Kimberlee Kelley
In Memory of Jim Beno Given by Roger and Katherine Winslow
In Memory of Jim Soubly Given by Lanny and Bobie Crongeyer
In Memory of Jim Valrance
Given by James and Judith Kohl and David and Mary Randall
In Memory of John and Margaret Kelly
Given by Audrey Kelly and Dave Posthumus
In Memory of KayCee Shane Given by Andy Shane
In Memory of Kelsey Manker
Given by Martin and Julie Manker
In Memory of Lawrence Kestner
Given by David and Heidi Finley
In Memory of Leland J. Crow
Given by Randall and Carol Crow, Chad Crow, SJ Flann, Mark and Patricia Grace, Marianne and Larry Sorensen, and Jennifer Wilson
In Memory of Lois Fettis
Given by Claude and Barbara Avery, Steven and Marilyn Carpenter, Thomas Hickner, Mark and Katherine N. Hramiec, Tim and Lynn Keck, David and Julia McIntosh, Blair and Yvonne Moulthrop, Michael and Karen Neill, Kevin Neill, Troy Neill, Karen Thomson, Allison K. Short, Carol Short, Mary and Al Southwood, Bill and Kooch Takalo, and Kim and Brian Wills
In Memory of Margaret and John Kelly/Burt Baker Family
Given by William Kelly
In Memory of Michel S. Nasif Given by Alice Nasif
In Memory of Nancy Heyser Given by Jim and Linda Ries and Family
In Memory of Neal McCue Gary and Deborah Cooper, Karen McCue, and Robert and Barbara McCue
In Memory of Neal Pasciak
Given by Connie Booth
In Memory of Nicholas Klingler
Given by Josephine Klingler
In Memory of Patty Forster
Given by Beth and Joe Moran
In Memory of Regina McGovern
Given by Tamara McGovern
In Memory of Robert B. Foster
Given by George and Carol Miller
In Memory of Robert Brower
Given by Gabriella Fine
In Memory of Robert Meyers
Given by David and Amanda Meyers
In Memory of Ross E. Roeder
Given by Mary Anne Reilly
In Memory of Russ Langs
Given by Ronald and Donna Snyder
In Memory of Sharon J. Waterman Given by Sherry and David Bondy, Donna and Craig Bonk, Thomas Gideon, Judith A. Gillow, Dean and Nancy Graham, Karl and Deb Lewis, Eric and Laura Lewis, and Kirsten Lewis, Max and Jeanette Marker, Cole, Jessica, Ian & the Moroch Family, Liz Patterson, Mary Pickett and Rich Teets, Jennifer and David Rice, and Molly and Tom Saeli
In Memory of Terry Wiseman Given by Barbara A. Wiseman
In Memory of Tim White Given by James and Patricia Radlick
In Memory of Tom Anderson Given by Bill Laitner
Patrick and Susan Affholter
Douglas and Sue Bouwense
Buzz Burrell
Hugh and Susan Conklin
Seth Gernot
Luci Gernot
James Gracy
Loyce Jones
Kendra and Ryan Lake
Eric and Lisa Loyd
Joey Moppert
Bruce Nichols
Aaron Rustad
Brian Slater
Nancy and Bruce Turner
Barbara A. Wiseman
1687 M-119 Petoskey, MI 49770 www.trailscouncil.org | 231.348.8280
Stafford’s Hospitality Top of Michigan Festival of Races Bayfront Park, Petoskey
2nd Annual Lynn Duse Memorial Kids’ Bike Fest Bayfront Park, Petoskey Kids bike parade, judging, prizes, art activities, bike decorating, vintage bikes
Top of Michigan Trails Council Annual Meeting Packy Offield Trail Center
Indian River Kayak/Bike Biathlon Burt Lake/DeVoe Beach, North Central State Trail
Cheboygan Tap Into the Trails 5k & 10k Festival Square, Cheboygan