Alanson Schools Fall/Winter 2020 Newsletter

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WElcome WElcome WElcome to to to the the the viking viking viking famil famil famil yy y WElcome to the viking yLanguage Mark Seymour | 6-famil Language Arts 8th Grade History Mark Mark Seymour Seymour |6 |-868Grade -Grade 8 Grade Language Arts Arts &&8th & 8th Grade Grade History History Mark Seymour | knew 6“I-knew 8something Grade Language Arts & 8th Grade History Why Why Why do doyou do you you teach? teach? teach? “I“Iknew something something was waswas missing missing missing ininmy my inown my own own education, education, education, sosoI returned so I returned I returned totoaato a post-secondary post-secondary post-secondary program program program to to attain attain to attain my my teaching my teaching teaching certificate. certificate. certificate. I felt I felt I I felt had I had I had something something something more more more to to offer offer toto offer society. society. Why do you teach? “I knew something was missing in my own education, so I returned asociety. And AndAnd I take I take I take great great great joy joyin joy inmentoring mentoring in mentoring students students students andand watching watching watching them them them grow grow grow inboth both in both their their their academic academic academic and and social social social post-secondary program to attain my and teaching certificate. I felt I in had something more toand offer society. skills. skills. skills. I teach I teach I teach with with with the the hope the hope hope of of making making of making a a positive positive a positive impact impact impact on on my on my community my community community and and and the the world.” the world.” world.” And I take great joy in mentoring students and watching them grow in both their academic and social skills. teach with the hopething of making aAPS positive impact my community and the world.” What What What has hasIbeen has been been your your your favorite favorite favorite thing thing about about about APSAPS sosofar? far? so “I far? “Iam am “Ion very am very very grateful grateful grateful for forthe for the strong the strong strong sense sense sense ofof of community community community I have I have I have found found found here here here so so far. far. so The far. The staff The staff staff and and and students students students are are wonderful!” are wonderful!” wonderful!” What has been your favorite thing about APS so far? “I am very grateful for the strong sense of

community I have found here so far. The staff are wonderful!” What What What are areyou are youyou most most most looking looking looking forward forward forward totoat at toAPS? APS? at APS? “Iand “Iam am “Istudents looking am looking looking forward forward forward totocontinued continued to continued growth growth growth ininmy my in my profession profession profession and and and really really really getting getting getting to to know know to know the the families the families families and and and the the greater the greater greater community community community to to better better to better meet meet meet the the needs the needs needs ofof of What are you most looking forward to at APS? “I am looking forward to continued growth in my our ourstudents.” our students.” students.” profession and really getting to know the families and the greater community to better meet the needs of our students.”

RjRjFriedriechsen Rj Friedriechsen Friedriechsen | Algebra | Algebra | Algebra I,I,Algebra Algebra I, Algebra II,II,Geometry, Geometry, II, Geometry, Math Math Math 12, 12,Math 12, Math Math Intervention Intervention Intervention Rj Friedriechsen |“IAlgebra I,I Algebra Geometry, Math 12, Math Why Why Why do do you do youyou Teach? Teach? Teach? “I“Iteach teach teach because because because have I have I have aagenuine genuine aII,genuine passion passion passion for for the for thesubject the subject subject ofofMath Math ofIntervention Math and andand the theway the wayway that that that itit it isisintertwined intertwined is intertwined into into into many many many different different different occupations. occupations. occupations. More More More importantly importantly importantly I love I love I love being being being able able able to to spend spend to spend my my days my days days with with with Why do you Teach? “I teach because I have a genuine passion for the subject of Math and the way that it these these these students students students and and and watch watch watch them them them grow grow grow and and and the the impact the impact impact I can I can I make can make make upon upon upon them.” them.” them.” is intertwined into many different occupations. More importantly I love being able to spend my days with these and watch them grow and the impact I can make upon them.” What What What has hasstudents been has been been your your your favorite favorite favorite thing thing thing about about about APS APS APS soso far? far? so “APS far? “APS “APS has has not has notonly not only only met, met, met, but butexceeded but exceeded exceeded my mymy expectations. expectations. expectations. My My favorite My favorite favorite thing thing thing is is how how is how tight tight tight of of a a community of community a community this this school this school school is. is. The The is. teachers The teachers teachers show show show genuine genuine genuine What has been your favorite thing about APS so far? “APS has not only met, but exceeded my care care care for foreach for each each and andand every every every student student student and and for for their for their their colleagues colleagues asaswell. well. as well. Itthis ItisisaItschool avery isvery a very welcoming welcoming welcoming environment.” environment.” environment.” expectations. My favorite thing isand how tight ofcolleagues a community is. The teachers show genuine

care for each and every student and for their as well. Itforward is aforward very welcoming environment.” What What What are are you are you you most most most looking looking looking forward forward forward totoat at toAPS? APS? at APS? “Icolleagues “Iam am “Imost am most most looking looking looking forward toto see see tohow see how how APS APS will APS willshape will shape shape me meme asasan an as educator an educator educator for for the for the years the years years to to come. come. to come. Being Being Being that that that I am I am I early am early early in in my my in teaching my teaching teaching career, career, career, I am I am I fairly am fairly fairly malleable malleable malleable and and What are you most looking forward to at APS? “I am most looking forward to see how APS will shapeand me could could could notask not askfor ask forafor abetter better a the better mold mold mold toto form to form me me than me than than the thestaff the and andand students students students atatAPS.” APS.” at APS.” asnot an educator for years toform come. Being that Istaff amstaff early in my teaching career, I am fairly malleable and This Thisnewsletter This newsletter newsletter serves serves asas an asinformational informational an informational piece piece piece only. only. only.the staff and students at APS.” could not serves ask for aan better mold to form me than ALANSON ALANSON ALANSON PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOLS SCHOOLS | ALANSONVIKINGS.NET | ALANSONVIKINGS.NET | ALANSONVIKINGS.NET | 231-548-2261 | 231-548-2261 | 231-548-2261 | FACEBOOK.COM/ALANSONPUBLICSCHOOLS | FACEBOOK.COM/ALANSONPUBLICSCHOOLS | FACEBOOK.COM/ALANSONPUBLICSCHOOLS This newsletter serves as an informational piece only. ALANSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS | ALANSONVIKINGS.NET | 231-548-2261 | FACEBOOK.COM/ALANSONPUBLICSCHOOLS

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