2018 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER Hayes Township 09195 Old US 31 N, Charlevoix, MI 49720
231-547-6961 hayestownship@hayestownshipmi.gov twitter
Hayes Township Board of Trustees
Ron Van Zee
09195 Old US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720 supervisor@hayestownshipmi.gov
(231) 497-4701 CLERK
Marlene Golovich 09195 Old US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720
clerk@hayestownshipmi.gov (231) 547-6961
Robbin Kraft
08346 Shrigley Rd Charlevoix, MI 49720 robbin0048@gmail.com
(231) 547-0048 TRUSTEES
Hayes Township Parks Clerk Marlene Golovich
and summer.
Located at the end of Eastern Avenue adjacent to the Pine Point subdivision the Township has a small sand beach park. The amenities at this park include, a fire pit, picnic tables, doggie bags and trash receptacle. It is a beautiful sandy swimming beach but it lacks adequate parking and a restroom. A special thank you to the Township residents and Pine Point residents that volunteer to keep the area at Eastern Avenue Beach pristine for all to enjoy.
Currently the Township has $912,000 in promised grant dollars and $25,000 in pending grant applications to help fund the Phase I road, boat launch, fishing pier and restrooms project estimated at 1.4 million dollars. The Township has committed $483,000 in matching funds. Again this year, we will have a park host living within the park to oversee light maintenance and greet our guests. In exchange for their volunteer maintenance work the hosts will live in the host house.
when it was purchased in 2014, 16 buildings have been removed and 4 more are slated to be removed this spring. Most of the buildings were sold for a nominal fee and removed so that most of the materials could be recycled. In addition to the removal of the buildings, septic systems were pumped, filled in or removed. The buildings being retained are maintenance storage buildings, host house and currently 7 cabins for future rentals. The Township received a DNR Recreation Passport Grant for $45,000 to renovate some of the existing cabins on the waterfront. The grant is for new foundations and to make the cabins ADA compliant. A group from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will begin the initial project this spring. After completion the cabins will be rented out to the public.
(231) 881-1533
Camp Sea-Gull continues to be the focal point of the Township parks. The design and bids for the proposed access road, boat launch, fishing pier and restrooms have been posted and we are waiting to receive bids. All permits from the DEQ and Corp of Engineers have been obtained and we hope to begin construction this spring
Other Contact Info
Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull Progress Update
2014 - Park purchased
Picnic tables purchased
Park opened to the public immediately
Fire pit installed
Park dedication held
New sign purchased with grant from great lakes energy peoples fund
$483,000 DNR Waterways Grant
Interior of host house painted
$234,000 Great Lakes Fishery Grant
Paul Hoadley
09195 Old US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720 trustee1@hayestownshipmi.gov
(231) 547-6986
Mat Cunningham 09195 Old US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720
Alisa Abiney
09195 Old US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720 assessor@hayestownshipmi.gov
Park master plan developed Park ordinance adopted
Larry Sullivan
Boat launch, fishing pier and road plan developed
Policy for on-site volunteer hosts developed
09195 US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720 (231) 497-9360 UNDINE CEMETERY SEXTON
Jerry Simpson
09195 US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720 (231) 675-6824 HALL RENTAL
Ron Van Zee
09195 US 31 N. Charlevoix, MI 49720 supervisor@hayestownshipmi.gov
(231) 497-4701
Park host chosen yearly to live on site and perform light maintenance Parks and recreation advisory committee formed Grants applied for road, boat launch, fishing pier, restrooms Cleaned out all buildings (33) Disposed of building contents Auction held to dispose of items not to be used by township Maintenance barn organized
The Township purchased a Kubota tractor to aid with grass mowing and other projects. This tractor will also be utilized at Undine cemetery for road maintenance. Of the 31 buildings that were on the old Camp Sea-Gull property
Host house deck repaired Exterior of host house stained New roof on host house Fence removed Trees trimmed Building demolition (16) Unused septic tanks pumped, crushed or removed Kubota tractor purchased Grant received to refurbish cabins for rental Summer get togethers planned and held Access road, boat launch, fishing pier and restrooms project put out for bids
$150,000 Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant $30,000 County Millage Appropriation $10,000 Great Lakes Energy People Fund Grant $5,000 Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians 2% Grant $45,000 Recreation Passport Grant* * Cabin Restoration Grant
2017 Hayes Township Planning Commission Report Trustee Matt Cunningham The Hayes Township Planning Commission has been working hard in 2017 updating ordinances, special use permits, and holding Public Hearings over the last year. The Planning Commission has worked with Professional Planner, Claire Karner, of Beckett & Raeder for updating ordinances and assisting at public hearings. There have been two major challenges for the Commission this year. The Board of Trustees needs to replace two
seasoned members, Pat Phillips and Steve Wilson, who resigned and secondly the Commission continues with the revision of the highly controversial waterfront ordinances. In February the Planning Commission elected Bob Jess as Chair, and Marilyn Morehead as the Vice Chair/Secretary. The Planning Commission resumed work on amending ordinances 3.14 waterfront regulations, 3.24 landscaping, 5.02 plot plan and 5.03 site plan review. On October 24, the
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the ordinance updates. One of the Planning Commission goals is to strengthen the shoreland protection strip and add some needed flexibility in the enforcement of ordinances. The Planning Commission granted two Special Use Permits in 2017. The first was April 18, for Northstar Development in order to build storage facilities. The second Special Use Permit was awarded on October 17 to Toyboxes Inc.,
changing the zoning to allow light carpentry at their facility. In December the Planning Commission re-elected Bob Jess as the Chair and Marilyn Morehead as Vice Chair/Secretary for 2018. Some of the issues the Planning Commission will attempt to tackle in 2018 are wood boilers, workforce housing, and non-conforming lots. The Commission will also work on a Planning Commission budget to submit to the Board of Trustees for approval.
Cemetery Committee Report
Deputy Clerk Annie Burnett
If you are looking for ways to give back to your community we need volunteers to help at the spring and fall clean up at Camp Sea-Gull. This year’s dates are Saturday May 12, 2018 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and Saturday September 15, 2018 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Last year the volunteers cleaned up the tennis court area, stained the Host House, removed buildings and a fence, and did lots of raking. We can find a job for all abilities. A light lunch is served and necessary equipment is provided. It is a fun day to bond with friends and neighbors while helping with the success of the park. Please join us.
The Hayes Township Undine Cemetery is located on the Boyne City Road and dates back to 1893. While it maintains its’ rural character, it needs a bit of sprucing up now and again. To that end, the Township Board appointed a three-person cemetery committee this past spring. The committee met twice and began working through a To-Do List that includes: compiling all records into one binder, locating all and replacing some lot markers, correcting part of the driveway and
meeting with contractors regarding upcoming improvements. These projects are in addition to regular maintenance, mowing and trimming performed by the Cemetery Sexton. The work focus last summer was mainly in the New section of the cemetery. The focus this summer should be in the Old section. The committee will meet this spring to review the Cemetery Ordinance and then present suggested updates to the Township Board. Future possibilities for the cemetery include replacing steps and benches, an information kiosk and an adopt-a-tree program.
An additional volunteer day will be scheduled for Eastern Avenue Beach. Date to be announced on the Township web page www.hayestownshipmi.gov.
Roads Clerk Marlene Golovich
Precinct Election Inspectors Clerk Marlene Golovich During an election, the township requires a staff of paid workers to work at the polls. Precinct inspectors are people who are paid to assist voters at the polls on Election Day. Registered voters interested in serving as election inspectors must submit an election inspector application to their local clerk. In addition to their name, address and date of birth, applicants must include their political party preference and qualifications to fill the position such as education or experience. For applications visit; http://www.michigan.gov/ documents/Elec_Inspec-Appl. A precinct inspector must be a registered voter of the State and cannot be a challenger, candidate, member of a candidate’s immediate
family, or a member of the local Board of Canvassers. Anyone convicted of a felony or an election crime may not serve. Election law states “For elections the election commission shall appoint at least 1 election inspector from each major political party and shall appoint an equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party (Current “major political parties” are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.)” Historically Hayes Township has struggled to fulfill this requirement for the Democratic Party. Please consider applying to work at the election polls. Questions? Contact the Township Clerks office clerk@ hayestownshipmi.gov or call (231) 547-6961.
Two road projects were completed in 2017. One mile of Quarterline Road from Boyne City Road south to the road’s end was paved. Townline Road, Division and Resort Streets in Bayshore were also paved. Slated for 2018 is a project initiated by then Supervisor Ethel Knepp to work with the Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians (LTBB) to receive a portion of their federal dollars to do necessary road work on Upper Bayshore. The work is scheduled to begin this spring and summer with the Tribe’s federal dollars to pave Upper Bayshore from Pincherry Road to Maple Grove Road. The savings to the Township by working with the LTBB is approximately $500,000. The Township is hoping to pave Upper Bayshore from Maple Grove Road to Old US 31, at the same time as the Tribe road work is being done, with Township road millage dollars. All roads will be inspected in the spring and a process known as “hot pour” will be applied as maintenance to prolong the life of the roads.
2018 ELECTION SCHEDULE MAY 8, 2018 SPECIAL ELECTION AUGUST 7, 2018 STATE PRIMARY NOVEMBER 6, 2018 STATE GENERAL ELECTION For specific information about ballot proposals and offices to be elected, visit; http://www.michigan.gov/sos/
Hayes Township Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Committee Member Tom Darnton The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee consisted of the following members as of the end of 2017 Jim Rudolph, Bob Jess, Tom Darnton, Warren Nugent, Jerry Simpson, Anne Kantola, Anna Harmeling, and Michelle RickBiddick. Paul Hoadley served as the board representative for most of 2017. The current board representative is Marlene Golovich. The committee met monthly through-out the year. We organized two community work days at Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull and held a joint work day with the Pine Point Association to clean up and maintain the beach at Eastern Avenue. The committee sponsored and put on a community picnic at Hayes Township Park Camp Sea-Gull on August 19, 2017. The event was well attended. The Lauchers, one of the summer host families, with committee support, presented
a “Family Fun Day” each Sunday evening of the summer season. Families and individuals were encouraged to come join in sing-alongs, games, and a group campfire where music filled the air along with good stories and lots of s’more consumption. Committee members have been working to develop restrooms at Hayes Township Eastern Avenue Beach. This project has significant community support and requires cooperation between Hayes Township, Charlevoix Township and the road commission, as well as the support from the residents of Pine Point. This work is continuing. The Committee was also active in advising the board about the role of the park host families at Hayes Township Park Camp SeaGull. The two host families for the summer of 2017, the Lauchers and the Stauffers accomplished a good deal of general clean-up and maintenance at the park. We anticipate having just one host family for the summer of 2018.
Trash Talk Every other year the Township sponsors a curb side pick-up of residents’ accumulated trash. A pick-up was held in the spring of 2017 and the next one will be in the spring of 2019. While there will not be one this spring, our county has a wonderful recycling program. For information on recycling and hazardous waste disposal visit; www.charlevoixcounty.org/recycling/ index.php. There are numerous area organizations that will take donated items in good condition such as clothing, household items, and furniture. The Rainbow Shoppe and the Bergmann Center are two of these. We encourage our residents to recycle, reuse, and donate.