Grade 11 [[Type text]
First SSemester Unit o of Study
Virginia and United S States Histo ory Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course Outline, Pacing Gui de, and Blueprint ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste
Standard of Le earning
1. Early Exploration VUS.2 The stu udent will describe how early EEuropean exploration and coloonization resulteed in and Colonization cultural intera actions among EEuropeans, Africans, and Amerrican Indians. udent will describe how the values and institu utions of Europeean economic aand VUS.3 The stu political life to ook root in the colonies and ho ow slavery resh haped Europeann and African liffe in the Americas. 2. Revvolutionary VUS.4 The stu udent will demo onstrate knowle edge of events aand issues of thhe Revolutionarry Period Ideas and Events by a) analyzing ho ow the political ideas of John Locke and those expressed in Coommon Sense h helped shape the Decclaration of Inde ependence; b) evaluating h how key princip ples in the Declaration of Independence grew i n importance to o become unifying ideas of American de emocracy; c) describing the political diffe erences among the colonists co oncerning separration from Greeat Britain; d) analyzing re easons for colon nial victory in the Revolutionaryy War. 3. Con nstitutional VUS.5 The stu udent will demo onstrate knowle edge of the issu ues involved in tthe creation and Era ratification of the Constitutio on of the United d States and ho ow the principlees of limited government, cconsent of the ggoverned, and tthe social contrract are embod ied in it by a) explaining the origins of the Constitution, including the Articles of Confedderation; b) identifying tthe major comp promises necesssary to produce the Constitutioon, and the roles of Jamess Madison and G George Washinggton; c) examining the significance of the Virginia D Declaration of R Rights and the V Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom m in the framingg of the Bill of Rights; he arguments off Federalists and d Anti‐Federalissts during the raatification d) assessing th debates and th heir relevance tto political debaate today; e) appraising h how John Marsh hall’s precedentt‐setting decisio ons established tthe Supreme Co ourt as an independent aand equal brancch of the national government.
Sugggested Insstructional Time e Weeks of: Sep ptember 6 Sep ptember 12 Sep ptember 19
Weeks of: Sep ptember 26 Octtober 3
Weeks of: Octtober 10 Octtober 17 Octtober 24
Grade 11 [[Type text]
First SSemester Unit o of Study 4. Early National Period d
5. Civiil War and Recon nstruction
Virginia and United S States Histo ory Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course Outline, Pacing Gui de, and Blueprint ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste
Standard of Le earning VUS.6 The stu udent will demo onstrate knowle edge of the majjor events from m the last decade of the eighteenth century through tthe first half of the nineteenth h century by a) explaining the principles an nd issues that prrompted Thomaas Jefferson to oorganize the first oppossition political p party; b) identifying tthe economic, p political, and geographic factors that led to terrritorial expansion and d its impact on tthe American Indians; c) examining the reasons whyy James Madison asked Congress to declare waar on Great Britain in 1812 2 and how this d divided the natio on; d) relating the e changing charaacter of Americaan political life iin “the age of thhe common man” (Jacksonian Erra) to increasingg popular particiipation in state and national poolitics; e) describing tthe cultural, eco onomic, and political issues that divided the naation, including tariffs, slavery, the ab bolitionist and w women’s suffragge movements, and the role of the states in th he Union. VUS.7 The stu udent will demo onstrate knowle edge of the Civil War and Recoonstruction Era and their importance ass major turning points in Amerrican history byy a) evaluating tthe multiple cau uses of the Civil War, including the role of the iinstitution of slaavery as a principal cau use of the conflict; b) identifying tthe major eventts and the roless of key leaders of the Civil Warr Era, with emph hasis on Abraham Linco oln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert EE. Lee, and Fred erick Douglass; c) analyzing th he significance o of the Emancipaation Proclamatiion and the prinnciples outlined in Lincoln’s Gettyysburg Address;; d) examining tthe political and d economic impact of the war aand Reconstructtion, including the adoption of th he 13th, 14th, an nd 15th Amendments to the Co onstitution of thhe United States; e) examining tthe social impacct of the war on African Americcans, the commoon soldier, and the home front, w with emphasis on n Virginia; f) explaining p postwar contribu utions of key leaaders of the Civil War.
Sugggested Insstructional Time e Weeks of: Octtober 31 Novvember 7 Novvember 14
Weeks of: Novvember 21 Novvember 28 Deccember 5 Deccember 12
Grade 11 [[Type text]
First SSemester Unit o of Study
Virginia and United S States Histo ory Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course Outline, Pacing Gui de, and Blueprint ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste
Standard of Le earning
Sugggested Insstructional Time e th 6. Latee 19 VUS.8 The stu udent will demo onstrate knowle edge of how the e nation grew aand changed fro om the Weeks of: January 2 Centu ury end of Reconsstruction througgh the early twe entieth centuryy by a) explaining the relationship among territorial expansion, w westward move ment of the pop pulation, January 9 new immigration, growth of ccities, the role o of the railroads, and the admisssion of new stattes to the January 16 United States; b) describing tthe transformattion of the Amerrican economy ffrom a primarilyy agrarian to a m modern industrial econ nomy and identtifying major invventions that im mproved life in thhe United Statees; c) analyzing prrejudice and disscrimination durring this time peeriod, with empphasis on “Jim Crow” and the responses of Booker T. W Washington and W W.E.B. DuBois; d) identifying tthe causes and impact of the Progressive Movvement, includinng the excesses of the Gilded Age, ch hild labor and an ntitrust laws, the rise of labor u unions, and the success of the w women’s suffrage move ement. 18 Weeeks of Instructtion|18 Weeks T Test
Grade 11 [[Type text]
Secon nd Semester Unit o of Study 7. Thee United Statess and Global Interaaction
8. Pree‐World War Two
9. Wo orld War II
10. W World War II:
Virginia and United S States Histo ory Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course Outline, Pacing Gui de, and Blueprint ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste
Standard of Le earning VUS.9 The stu udent will demo onstrate knowle edge of the eme erging role of thhe United Statees in world affairs b by a) explaining the changing policies of the Uniited States towaard Latin Americca and Asia and d the growing influe ence of the United States in foreign markets. b) evaluating U United States in nvolvement in W World War I, inclluding Wilson’s Fourteen Pointts, the Treaty of Versailles, and the n national debate over treaty ratiification and thee League of Nattions. VUS.10 The sttudent will dem monstrate knowledge of domesstic events of thhe 1920s and 30 0s by a) analyzing ho ow radio, movie es, newspapers,, and magaziness created populaar culture and challenged traaditional values;; b) assessing th he causes and co onsequences off the stock markket crash of 19229; c) explaining the causes of the e Great Depresssion and its imp pact on the Ameerican people; d) describing h how Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal relief, reecovery, and refform measures addressed the Greaat Depression an nd expanded th he government’ss role in the eco onomy. VUS.11 The sttudent will dem monstrate knowledge of World War II by a) analyzing th he causes and evvents that led to o American invo olvement in thee war, including military assistance to tthe United Kingd dom and the Japanese attack o on Pearl Harbor;; b) describing aand locating the e major battles aand turning poin nts of the war inn North Africa, Europe, and the Pacificc, including Mid dway, Stalingrad d, the Normandyy landing (D‐Dayy), and Truman’’s decision to use e the atomic bo omb to force the e surrender of Jaapan; c) describing the role of all‐minority military units, includingg the Tuskegee A Airmen and Nisei regim ments; d) examining tthe Geneva Con nvention and the e treatment of p prisoners of wa r during World War II; e) analyzing th he Holocaust (Hitler’s “final solu ution”), its impaact on Jews andd other groups, and th he postwar trialss of war criminaals. VUS.12 The sttudent will dem monstrate knowledge of the efffects of World W War II on the ho ome
Sugggested Instrructional Time Weeek of: Janu uary 31
Weeeks of: Febrruary 6 Febrruary 13
Weeeks of: Febrruary 20 Febrruary 27 Marcch 5
Weeek of:
Grade 11
Virginia and United S States Histo ory
[[Type text]
Secon nd Semester Unit o of Study Domeestic Issues
11. Orrigins of the Cold W War
Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course Outline, Pacing Gui de, and Blueprint ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste
Standard of Le earning front by a) explaining h how the United States mobilize ed its economic, human, and m ilitary resources; b) describing tthe contribution ns of women and minorities to the war effort; c) explaining the internment o of Japanese Am mericans during tthe war; d) describing tthe role of mediia and communications in the w war effort. VUS.13 The sttudent will dem monstrate knowledge of United d States foreignn policy since W World War II by a) describing o outcomes of Wo orld War II, inclu uding political b boundary changees, the formatio on of the United Nations, and the Marsshall Plan; b) explaining tthe origins of the Cold War, and d describing thee Truman Doctriine and the poliicy of containment o of communism, the American role in wars in Korea and Vietnam, and the role of the N North Atlantic TTreaty Organizattion (NATO) in EEurope; c) explaining the role of Amerrica’s military an nd veterans in d defending freed om during the C Cold War; d) explaining tthe collapse of ccommunism and d the end of thee Cold War, incluuding the role o of Ronald Reagan n in making fore eign policy; e) explaining tthe impact of prresidents of the United States ssince 1988 on fooreign policy.
Sugggested Instrructional Time Marcch 12
Weeeks of: Marcch 19 Marcch 26 April 2
12. Th he Civil Rights VUS.14 The sttudent will dem monstrate knowledge of the Civvil Rights move ment of the 1950s and Moveement 1960s by a) identifying tthe importance of the Brown vv. Board of Educa ation decision, tthe roles of Thu urgood Marshall and O Oliver Hill, and h how Virginia ressponded; b) describing tthe importance of the National Association forr the Advancem ment of Colored People (NAACP), the 1 1963 March on Washington, th he Civil Rights Acct of 1964, and the Voting Righ hts Act of 1965. 13. Modern US VUS.15 The sttudent will dem monstrate knowledge of economic, social, culttural, and politiical
Weeeks of: April 16 April 23
Weeeks of:
Grade 11 [[Type text]
Secon nd Semester Unit o of Study
Virginia and United S States Histo ory Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course Outline, Pacing Gui de, and Blueprint ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste
Standard of Le earning
developmentss in recent decaades and today by a) examining tthe role the Unitted States Supreme Court has p played in defini ng a constitutio onal right to privacy, affirming equ ual rights, and upholding the ru ule of law; he changing patterns of immigrration, the reaso ons why new im mmigrants choosse to b) analyzing th come to this country, their co ontributions to ccontemporary A America, and thee debates over immigration policy; c) explaining the media influe ence on contemporary Americaan culture and hhow scientific an nd technological advances affectt the workplace, health care, an nd education; d) examining tthe impact of th he “Reagan Revo olution” on fedeeralism, the rolee of governmen nt, and state and natio onal elections since 1988; e) assessing th he role of government actions tthat impact the economy; f) assessing the role of the Un nited States in a world confrontted by internati onal terrorism. 14 Weeeks of Instructtion|Final 18 Weeks Test
Sugggested Instrructional Time April 30 Mayy 7