Grade 10 [[Type text]
First Seemester Unit of Study
Worlld History frrom 1500 (C C.E.) to Pres sent Day Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course e Outline and Pa acing Guide ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste Standard of Lea arning
Sugggested Insttructional Time Weeeks of: Septtember 5 Septtember 12
1. The World at 1500 WHII.2 The stud dent will demonstrate an understanding of the po olitical, cultural, geographic, and d economic cond ditions in the worrld about 1500 A.D. (C.E.) by a) locating majo or states and emp pires; b) describing arrtistic, literary, an nd intellectual ide eas of the Renaisssance; c) describing the distribution of major religions; d) analyzing maajor trade pattern ns. e) citing major ttechnological and d scientific exchanges in the Easteern Hemisphere. WHII.15 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of the influen nce of Judaism, C hristianity, Islam, Buddhism m, and Hinduism m in the contemporary world by a) describing their beliefs, sacred d writings, traditiions, and custom ms. b) locating the ggeographic distribution of religion ns in the contemp porary world. 2. Refo ormation WHII.3 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of the Reformaation in terms of its impact on Weeeks of: Western civiliza ation by Septtember 19 a) explaining the effects of the theological, politiccal, and economiic differences thaat emerged, Septtember 26 including the views and actions of Martin Luther,, John Calvin, Hen nry VIII, and Elizaabeth I; b) describing th he impact of religious conflicts, the e Inquisition, and d the Catholic Refformation on society and govvernment actions; c) describing ch hanging cultural vvalues, traditions,, and philosophiees, and assessing tthe role of the prrinting press 3. Agee of Discovery WHII.4 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of the impact o of the European A Age of Weeeks of: Discovery and e expansion into th he Americas, Africa, and Asia by Octo ober 3 a) explaining the roles and economic motivationss of explorers and d conquistadors; Octo ober 10 b) describing th he influence of religion; c) explaining miigration, settleme ent patterns, culttural diffusion, an nd social classes iin the colonized aareas; d) describing th he Columbian Excchange, including its impact on nattive populations.. e) mapping and d explaining the trriangular trade; f) describing the e impact of precious metal exportts from the Amerricas.
Grade 10 [[Type text]
First Seemester Unit of Study 4. Regional Civilizaations
Worlld History frrom 1500 (C C.E.) to Pres sent Day Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course e Outline and Pa acing Guide ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste Standard of Lea arning
WHII.5 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of the status an nd impact of globbal trade on regiional civilizations of tthe world after 1 1500 A.D. (C.E.) b by a) describing the location and de evelopment of th he Ottoman Empire. b) describing India, including the e Mughal Empire and coastal trade; c) describing Eaast Asia, includingg China and the Jaapanese shogunaate. d) describing Affrica and its incre easing involvemen nt in global tradee; e) describing th he growth of Euro opean nations, inccluding the Comm mercial Revolutioon and mercantiliism. 5. Agee of Revolutions WHII.6 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of scientific, po olitical, economicc, and religious changes duringg the sixteenth, se eventeenth, and eighteenth centturies by a) describing the Scientific Revolution and its effe ects; b) describing th he Age of Absoluttism, including the monarchies of Louis XIV and Petter the Great; c) assessing the e impacts of the EEnglish Civil War aand the Glorious Revolution on deemocracy; d) explaining th he political, religio ous, and social ideas of the Enlighttenment and thee ways in which th hey influenced the ffounders of the U United States. e) describing th he French Revoluttion; f) describing the e expansion of th he arts, philosoph hy, literature, and d new technologyy. WHII.7 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of the Latin Am merican revolutioons of the 19th ceentury by a) describing the colonial system m as it existed by 1800; b) identifying th he impact of the A American and Fre ench Revolutionss on Latin Americca; c) explaining the contributions o of Toussaint L’Ouvverture and Simó ón Bolívar; d) assessing the e impact of the M Monroe Doctrine. th 7. 19 Century WHII.8 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of political and d philosophical deevelopments in Europeean Europe during tthe nineteenth century by Nation nalism a) assessing the e impact of Napolleon and the Con ngress of Vienna, including changees in political bou undaries in Europe after 18 815; b) describing un nsuccessful revolutions on the con ntinent and politiical reform in thee United Kingdom m; c) explaining evvents related to th he unification of Italy and the rolee of Italian nationnalists; d) explaining evvents related to the unification of Germany and the role of Bismarcck.
Sugggested Insttructional Time Weeeks of: Octo ober 17 Octo ober 24 Octo ober 31 Weeeks of: Novvember 7 Novvember 14 Novvember 21 Novvember 28
Weeeks of: Deccember 5 Deccember 12
Grade 10 [[Type text]
First Seemester Unit of Study 8. Indu ustrial Revolu ution
Worlld History frrom 1500 (C C.E.) to Pres sent Day Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course e Outline and Pa acing Guide ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste Standard of Lea arning
WHII.9 The stud dent will demonstrate knowledge of the effects o of the Industrial R Revolution during the nine eteenth century b by a) citing scientiffic, technological, and industrial developments and d explaining how w they brought ab bout urbanization an nd social and enviironmental changges; b) explaining th he emergence of ccapitalism as a do ominant econom mic pattern, and thhe subsequent development off socialism and co ommunism. c) describing the evolution of the nature of workk and the labor force, including its effects on families, the status of wome en and children, the slave trade, an nd the labor unio on movement; d) explaining th he rise of industriaal economies and d their link to imp perialism and nattionalism; e) assessing the e impact of Europ pean economic an nd military power on Asia and Afrrica, with emphassis on the competition forr resources and the responses of ccolonized peoples. 18 Weeeks of Instructio on|18 Weeks Test
Sugggested Insttructional Time Weeek s of: Janu uary 2 Janu uary 9 Janu uary 16
Grade 10 [[Type text]
Second d Semester Unit of Study 9. Wo orld War I
Worlld History frrom 1500 (C C.E.) to Pres sent Day Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course e Outline and Pa acing Guide ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste Standard of Lea arning
WHII.10 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of the worldw wide impact of W World War I by a) explaining ecconomic causes, p political causes, aand major events and identifying m major leaders of the war, with emphasis o on Woodrow Willson and Kaiser W Wilhelm II; b) explaining th he outcomes and global effect of the war and the TTreaty of Versaillees; c) citing causes and consequences of the Russian n Revolution. 10. Intterwar Period WHII.11 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of political, ecconomic, social, aand cultural developments during the Interw war Period by a) describing the League of Natio ons and the mandate system; b) citing causes and assessing th he impact of worldwide depression n in the 1930s. c) examining evvents related to the rise, aggressio on, and human co osts of dictatoriall regimes in the SSoviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan, and identifyingg their major lead ders, i.e., Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitleer, ni, Hirohito, and H Hideki Tojo. Benito Mussolin 11. Wo orld War II WHII.12 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of the worldw wide impact of W World War II by a) explaining ecconomic and polittical causes, desccribing major events, and identifyiing leaders of thee war, with emphasis o on Franklin D. Ro oosevelt, Harry Trruman, Dwight D.. Eisenhower, Doouglas MacArthurr, George Marshall, Winstton Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Hideki Tojjo, and Hirohito; b) examining th he Holocaust and other examples of genocide in the twentieth centtury; c) explaining the terms of the pe eace, the war crim mes trials, the divvision of Europe, plans to rebuild Germany and Japan, and the creation of in nternational coop perative organizaations and the Unniversal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). 12. Latte 20th Century WHII.13 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of major even nts in the secondd half of the twentieth century by a) explaining ke ey events of the C Cold War, includin ng the competitio on between the A American and Sovviet economic and p political systems aand the causes of the collapse of communism in thhe Soviet Union aand Eastern Europe; b) assessing the e impact of nuclear weaponry on p patterns of confliict and cooperatiion since 1945; c) describing co onflicts and revolu utionary moveme ents in eastern Assia, including thoose in China and V Vietnam, and their majorr leaders, i.e., Maao Tse‐tung (Zedo ong), Chiang Kai‐sshek, and Ho Chi Minh; d) describing major contribution ns of selected world leaders in thee second half of thhe twentieth centu ury, including Ind dira Gandhi, Marggaret Thatcher, M Mikhail Gorbachevv, and Deng Xiaoping.
Sugggested Instructional Time Week of: Januaary 31
Weeks of: Febru uary 6 Febru uary 13
Weeks of: Febru uary 20 Febru uary 27
Weeks of: Marcch 5 Marcch 12 Marcch 19
Grade 10 [[Type text]
Second d Semester Unit of Study
Worlld History frrom 1500 (C C.E.) to Pres sent Day Viirginia Standard ds of Learning a adopted 2008 Course e Outline and Pa acing Guide ed guide for ins structional pacin ng based on a cchronological se equence of histo orical events. Thiis is a suggeste Standard of Lea arning
13. Ind dependence Movem ments
WHII.14 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of political, ecconomic, social, aand cultural aspects of independence movem ments and devellopment efforts b by a) describing the struggles for se elf‐rule, includingg Gandhi’s leadership in India and the developmen nt of India’s democraacy; b) describing Affrica’s achieveme ent of independen nce, including Jom mo Kenyatta’s leaadership of Kenyya and Nelson Mandela’s role in South A Africa; c) describing the end of the man ndate system and d the creation of sstates in the Mid dle East, includin ng the role of Golda M Meir and Gamal Ab bdul Nasser.
14. Co ontemporary World
WHII.16 The stu udent will demonstrate knowledge of cultural, ecconomic, and soccial conditions in developed and developing natio ons of the contem mporary world b by ontemporary poliitical issues, with emphasis on miggrations of refugeees a) identifying co and others, ethnic/religious conflicts, and the impact of technologgy, including che mical and biological technologies. b) assessing the e impact of econo omic developmen nt and global pop pulation growth oon the environmeent and society, includin ng an understand ding of the links b between economic and political frreedom; c) describing ecconomic interdep pendence, including the rise of mu ultinational corpoorations, internattional organizations, aand trade agreem ments. d) analyzing the e increasing impaact of terrorism.
14 Weeeks of Instructio on|Final 18 Weekks Test
Sugggested Instructional Time Weeks of: Marcch 26 April 2 Weeks of: April 16 April 23 April 30 May 7