GMP Supplement

Page 1

Sports venues of the world


gmp 路 von Gerkan, Marg and Partners 路 Architects

Contents 04

Volkwin Marg

“Through my grandson, I have developed a completely new feeling for a stadium.”


Hubert Nienhoff

“We want to create stadiums that become a living part of the city”


Stephan Schütz

“A stadium in China is still a stadium”


Christian Hoffmann

Elegance and economic efficiency in stadium construction


Markus Pfisterer

What follows after major events? Evolution in stadium building


Martin Glass

World famous roofs


Knut Göppert

Roof and design: sbp and gmp – A successful tandem

Imprint Editor-in-chief Michael J. Rennschmied,, Publisher Media Activities BVI, P.O. Box 211, Road Town Street, Tortola 1150, British Virgin Island,

gmp The practice

gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners · Architects The practice

“The development of appropriate and acceptable answers and solutions for problems demands an openness for dialogue and the adaptation of one’s standpoint to changing conditions. Society and its complex political and economic mechanisms decide what is being built in what fashion. We architects have not only the obligation, but the responsibility to lay ourselves open to this dialogue and take part in the discussions with a firm conviction.”

The architectural practice von Gerkan, Marg

major German cities. They have designed

Amongst others in China, the exhibition

and Partners was founded by Meinhard von

small scale homes, hotels, museums, the-

and convention centers in Nanning and

Gerkan and Volkwin Marg in 1965. Since its

aters and concert halls, office buildings,

Shenzhen, the Shanghai-Pudong Museum

inception it has grown to include four addi-

commercial centers and hospitals as well as

and the Zhongguancun Cultural Center in

tional partners, one partner for China, elev-

research, educational and sports facilities,

Beijing as well as the Foshan Sports Park

en associate partners and more than 500

buildings for transportation, trade and in-

have been built. Further projects are the

employees in ten offices in Germany and

dustry buildings and master plans.

opera houses in Chongqing and Qingdao as


gmp became internationally known as a

well as the Chinese National Museum in

gmp is one of the few practices with a

team of airport architects when, in 1975,

generalist position, which takes responsibil-

the Berlin-Tegel building with its drive-in air-

In the year 2006 in Hanoi/Vietnam the

ity for a project from the design idea and its

plane terminal for “stacked parking” was

National Conference Center was finished.

realization right through to the interior

established. This innovative design has

The Museum for Urban History of Hanoi and


been further developed to transform the

the Headquarters of Ministry of Public Se-

departure and arrival halls at Stuttgart and

curity were realized in 2010 and 2011.

Hamburg airports.

In South Africa three World Cup stadiums, in

Their architectural interpretation is characterized by the Vitruvian ideals of solidity,


longevity and beauty. Based on the under-

They are internationally recognized not

standing, architecture earns the quality of

only for their projects like the New Trade

sustainability in the sense of permanence,

Fair in Leipzig, the Rimini Exhibition Center

Von Gerkan, Marg and Partners have

when not only the climatic conditions and

or the Christ Pavilion for the EXPO 2000, but

demonstrated town-planning competence

the corresponding use of materials are

also for their designs. Key examples are the

with their visionary proposals for “Stuttgart

accounted for, but also when the house, as

designs for the reconstruction and roofing

21” for the Deutsche Bahn, HafenCity Ham-

an envelope for the diversity of human exis-

of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin or Berlin

burg, and the urban master plan of Bucha-

tence, is designed in an obvious manner.

Central Station, which was completed in

rest/Romania, as well as many urban pro-

Above and beyond these demands, they

2006. gmp has succeeded in winning more

jects in China, including the planning of

build in different cultural circles in accor-

than 460 prizes in national and internation-

Lingang New City for 800,000 inhabitants.

dance with certified guidelines and in con-

al competitions, among them more than

Aside from Germany gmp is currently in-

sultation with the client.

260 first prizes and a large number of

volved in projects in China, India, Vietnam,

In the past 45 years Meinhard von Ger-

awards for exemplary architecture. More

Brazil, Italy, Romania, Poland, the Ukraine

kan, Volkwin Marg and their partners have

than 320 buildings have been constructed

and Latvia, to name but a few.

planned and constructed buildings in most

by gmp worldwide.

Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth were finished in 2009.


“Through my grandson, I have developed a completely new feeling for a stadium.” He is perhaps the most experienced stadium architect worldwide: Professor Volkwin Marg along with his gmp team has created a think tank on sports-cities knowledge that has no equal. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied

Volkwin Marg, founding partner, born 1936 in Königsberg/East Prussia, Prof., graduate architect, 1965 co-founder with Meinhard von Gerkan of the architectural partnership of gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners, 1980 to 1985 president of the Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA), 1986 professor at the Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen, member of the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung, member of the Freie Akademie der Künste, Hamburg, 2007 principal of the Academy for Architectural Culture (aac). Numerous awards include 2006 Fritz Schumacher Prize, 2007 bronze plaque of the Freie Akademie der Künste, 2008 Grand Prize BDA Hamburg, 2009 Federal Cross of Merit, Germany, 2010 Akademie der Künste Berlin

Volkwin Marg gmp founding partner

Mr. Marg, you seem untiring with your work, and at the age of 74 I suppose pension is also not an issue for you.

great triumph, to be able to join the interna-

to stage marches. At the end of the Maifeld

tional architecture scene and to take part in

was the high tower with a bell for the

the first league. As a young office we achie-

planned hero’s death, on which was written

Absolutely. It is really fun. It is running like

ved a lot of success from other projects too. “I call the youth of the world”. This invoca-

never before. We have a lot to do around

At about the same time we won other com-

tion of the mortuary temple for those who

the world.

petitions, for example the Diekirch Sports

died in World War I was an evil necrophilia

How is gmp actually organized today?

No, not at all. For us placing second was a

on the Maifeld, which was created in order

Center and the University Sports Forum in

staging. The challenge in rebuilding this

Kiel. These are now already historical mon-

area was to make sure that the stadium

uments. And another competition project

could be modernized to overcome history.

In addition to Meinhard von Gerkan and me

that we have already built was the Berlin-

as founding partners, gmp has four other

Tegel Airport. These projects kept us so bu-

partners, a regional partner for China, as

sy working on them that we did not have

well as numerous associate partners for

time to mourn.

How did you approach this task? You had to get a feeling for the place first too. Did you go to Berlin?

sub-areas. Outside of Europe we act as gmp international GmbH, and in Europe as general planning corporation mbH. Each of our projects is vertically organized with one of the founding partners and one of the four main partners of gmp: Hubert Nienhoff, Nikolaus Goetze, Jürgen Hillmer and Stephan Schütz.

Your career in stadium architecture is very interesting. Very soon after you founded the office in 1965 with Prof. von Gerkan, you had to deal for the first time with a major stadium architecture project; the Olympic Games in Munich.

The competition for the Olympic stadium in Berlin has brought you back to the stadium. Now this is a very personal, very emotional story for you. You experienced the Nazi regime as a child. Now you have made it your task to embellish their place of propaganda, the Berlin Olympic stadium. We imagine this as no easy job. On the other hand, gmp has perhaps ascended to the world’s market leader in stadium design after this project.

We first did something that we were not assigned to do at all. We looked at the stadium as part of the whole, the so-called Reichssportfeld, instead of just as the Olympic Stadium for the 2006 World Cup. It would have been obvious to close the tribune of the old athletic stadium completely. But we have not done so; we kept the line of sight on to the Maifeld open and instead established a place of enlightenment about the stadium story. We did that with Langemarckhalle, after we obtained the money

To me it was not about beautifying the Nazi

outside of the construction budget for it.

architecture, but about enlightenment and

One should not overlook the fact that

transformation. I am of the opinion that ar-

approximately 300,000 visitors from all

Yes, exactly. This was an open competition

chitecture is a very political art. Why? As a

over the world visit the Berlin Olympic Sta-

for all German architects. The theme en-

contractor, you always design something

dium every year in addition to the football

compassed not only the Olympic Stadium

for the client that must be socially respon-

games. And everybody sees this issue. We

itself, but also the entire Munich Olympic

sible. I must go back a little. The work in

cannot overcome or master history archi-

Park, including the Olympic Village, the

Munich in 1972 had a very different political

tecturally by hiding or distorting it. We need to enlighten it. We decided on an architec-

“My grandson who is a passionate football player and also a trainer in the youth team teaches me a lot. He has explained to me over and over again how for example an offside trap works. Through him I have learned to see new things and with him I developed a different perception of the game in a stadium. What goes on there has fascinated me. I like going there with young people.”

tural artifice to build a lightweight floating tribune roof, which floats like a shiny ring above this monumental stadium. All other changes such as the 120 lodges, restaurants, gym, garages, etc. were placed underground so that they are barely noticeable. This monument was supposed to look and stay as original as possible, and because it can play a role in our democratic society not only for sports fan, we decided to build a chapel for contemplative retreat in the

swimming and cycling stadium, and so on.

goal. At that time it was a matter of produc-

stadium at a central location, which has the

Thus it was also an Urban Planning Compe-

ing Olympic Games not for a dictatorship

oval shape of the stadium itself, through do-

tition. At that time we submitted two drafts/

but for a democratic, free society. Not for

nations gained outside of the building pro-

designs. One of them won the second prize

marching columns and coordinated masses,

gram. Today, it is the most visited chapel

and the other received a purchase. With the

but for free-swinging groups in the moving

used for baptisms and weddings in Berlin –

Games in Munich we really set ourselves

urban landscape of the Olympic Park. The

and that not just for the Hertha-Berlin fans.

apart, for the first time, with the stadium

Olympic Stadium in Berlin with the sur-


rounding sport towns of the Reichssportfeld were influenced from the Games in 1936, a

Was the disappointment from earning second place so bad that you needed a thirty year break from stadium design? 6

You once said that you prefer an empty stadium rather than a full one?

power demonstration of National Socialism. Everything was immense, everything was

Yes, I have said this a little bit vainly. If one is

difficult and histrionic. The stadium opens

photographing a stadium and just wants to

Volkwin Marg gmp founding partner

show the architecture alone, of course, the

nations and all skin colors in a compatible

structure is more evident when one has a

community. Someone said: “We are a rain-

the cricket stadium there. None of us had

completely open space. But in reality there

bow society. Just think of something for it”.

practical experience with cricket. So we got

Sports City in Dubai we also had to design

is only one thing at a stadium, not empty,

As a symbol of the multi-cultural society in

information from a South African. One fine

not half full, but completely full. Only then

Durban, we have built a symbolic rainbow

day the same man contacted us and said, “I

the right mood starts.

arch design for the roof construction. And

have given you advice in cricket, now you must advise us in the FIFA rules for foot-

Do you visit stadiums? Do you go to games? Can you get carried away? My grandson who is a passionate football player and also a trainer in the youth team teaches me a lot. He has explained to me

“In the future one will try to lay out a stadium not only for football arenas but also for more different uses under one roof.”

over and over again how for example an offside trap works. Through him I have learned to see new things and with him I developed

ball”. No sooner said than done … Thus, we went as an advisor to South Africa, were invited to the competitions in Cape Town and Durban, won the job and then built.

You have accumulated an immense knowledge about stadium architecture. What trends do you see for the future?

similar as in Berlin, we have also opened

a different perception of the game in a sta-

the stadium to the city whereby you can

In the future one will try to lay out a stadi-

dium. What goes on there has fascinated

look at the city from the inside of the stadi-

um not only for football arenas but also for

me. I like going there with young people.

um and vice versa, so the optical connec-

more different uses under one roof. The ob-

tion is made to the city. This is why we have

vious, of course, are mass events, but also

The 2006 World Cup in Berlin, Frankfurt, and Cologne was for you a bit of a kickoff to the stadium architects. Today, you have more than twelve international stadium projects parallel in work. As we have learned, you always approach a stadium project under three aspects; the function, the construction, and special relation to the place. Exactly. This design attitude can be explained very well using the example of Durban in South Africa. The organizer has given us a very clear mission, “put us on the map!” Durban wanted to gain major sport-

won the competition.

conference facilities, using the lodge and

The enthusiastic owner wanted even more

restaurant areas, sometimes accompanied

from us. Today you can drive up that arch

by various hotels and sports facilities. Thus

with a train and get off it at 104 meters

the costly infrastructure can be used for the

above the stadium and look across the

traffic and parking more efficiently.

entire city. This stadium has become a political symbol for the city.

How does one as an architect become an internationally known specialist in stadium construction, not only for the World Cup 2006 in Germany, in 2010 in Africa, and in 2014 in Brazil, but also for the European Championship in 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine?

ing events like Commonwealth and Olympic Games from the beginning. One needed a

What is happening in your home markets of Germany and neighboring countries? We have just received an appealing job for the renovation of the local athletics stadium in Udine, Italy. Our client Signore Pozzo has received the athletic stadium from the city and used it for thirty years. For his football club “Calcio Udine” it is of course unsuitable. We will transform this empty vast-

Quite simply, we are constantly learning,

ness into a compressed football jewelry box, of course for multipurpose uses as we just

stadium that can do everything and creates

besides, we creatively develop and provide

a character. The skyline of Durban should

a distinctive unique specimen at every new

said. The smaller stadiums in our European

be upgraded, especially through the stadi-


countries are the challenge for the multifunctional renewal in the next few years.

um, to overcome the history of apartheid

Even though we are good trained architects,

and deliver the message that the popula-

we have to find a new solution for each

tion in Durban is a colorful mixture with all

location. While we were planning for the

Olympic Stadium, Reconstruction and Roofing, FIFA WC 2006, Berlin, Germany Competition 1998 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff Managers of planning partnership Kemal Akay, Uwe Grahl General project manager Jochen Köhn Project leaders Martin Glass, Ivanka Perkovic, Alexander Buchhofer Client City of Berlin Concessionaire and general contractor Walter Bau-AG associated with DYWIDAG Seats approx. 76,000 Construction period 2000–2004 The master plan proposed by Werner March in 1936 remains under urban historic preservation. All additions have been placed underground, outside of the stadium. The new roof structure with its open-ended ring towards the Marathon Gate sets itself apart from stadium typology with its simple construction and choice of surface material. The roof is designed as a light cantilevering steel construction with an upper and lower membrane. From the interior, the roof rests on 20 steel columns, which each have a slim profile of 25 cm in diameter.


Photo: Heiner Leiska

Hubert Nienhoff gmp partner

“We want to create stadiums that become a living part of the city” Hubert Nienhoff, a partner at gmp and decisively responsible for the stadium constructions in South Africa and Brazil, wants to create stadiums as places that people will remember and experience special moments in, and that respectfully complement a city. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied

Hubert Nienhoff, partner, born 1959 in Kirchhellen, graduate architect, partner at von Gerkan, Marg and Partners since 1993, management of the gmp offices in Berlin, Frankfurt and Rio de Janeiro, projects include Leipzig New Trade Fair; Berlin Olympic Stadium (FIFA WC 2006); Commerzbank Arena, Frankfurt (FIFA WC 2006); World Cup stadiums in Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth (FIFA 2010); Jawaharlal Nehru Stadion in Neu Delhi (Commonwealth Games 2010); Berlin Brandenburg Airport “Willy Brandt”, World Cup stadiums in Manaus, Belo Horizonte and Brasília (FIFA WC 2014)


Photo: Bruce Sutherland

It was not as long ago as the 80’s that German stadiums were, at their best, filled half way. Even the FC Bayern Munich only had an average of about 30,000 fans per year. The big change started in the second half of the 90’s as the stadiums were all of a sudden filled. This is a change that benefits you as a stadium architect, isn’t it?

Fundamentally, we as architects can contribute to making people feel more comfortable in a place. When we obtained the contract for the restoration and reconstruction of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, people in the Anglo-American cultural space had pictures in their minds of Hitler neglecting to shake hands with Jesse Owens in 1936 because of his skin color, as well the stag-

I was born in 1959 in Westphalia, and I have

ing of the masses for ideological purposes.

always been a Schalke fan. In my youth,

So in an interview with the BBC in 2000, I

soccer counted as a sport for workers, the

was confronted with the question of why

simple men, and it had no acceptance yet

we could not simply tear down the old sta-

in society. This was reflected in the stadi-

dium that carries a heavy burden with this

ums at the time, even the ones that were

negative imagery from the past. Yet, we

developed for the World Cup ’74. Except for

decided against this, and believed that it

the Olympic Stadium in Munich, all other

was our task to give this place some cheer-

stadiums at the time could be described as

fulness again, by treating the architecture

industrial plants in their appearance. In

of the place respectfully.

comparison to the past, sports have a much

And now I am coming back to your ques-

higher status in society nowadays, and

tion: We foresaw that soccer would hold a

their whole image – in the stadiums as well

different place in society and created every-

as in the audience – has risen tremendously.

thing based on our draft philosophy: ‘The best of the simple’. In the meanwhile,

So you have the opinion that architecture has also helped to promote a fairer image of sports, and that is why stadiums are filled more and more?

cheerful pictures are in the minds of the people when they think about the thoroughly positive effect of the soccer World Cup

Cape Town Stadium, FIFA WC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa Consultancy 2006 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Robert Hormes Project leaders Robert Hormes, Martin Glass Project management Michèle Rüegg Co-operation with Louis Karol architects, Point architects, Cape Town Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Thomas Moschner Structural engineers BKS (Pty) Ltd, Ilisio Consulting, Henry Fagan & Partners, KFD Wilkinson, Arcus Gibb, Cape Town Client City of Cape Town, spv 2010 Construction period 2007–2010 Seats 68,000 Cape Town Stadium is situated as a solitary body, embedded in Green Point Common at the foot of Signal Hill and is ordered into the landscaped complex. The shell of the stadium was designed as an abstract, linearly arranged membrane construction, which transforms the stadium into a sculpture and intensifies its integration in the existing landscape. The roof construction is a combination of a suspended roof with radial truss structure. It is outfitted with laminated safety glass elements and its interior is clad with a diaphanous membrane.

2006. Here in Germany, we experienced 11

Tashkent Sports Park Uzbekistan

Moses Mabhida Stadium FIFA WC 2010 Durban, South Africa

RheinEnergieStadium FIFA WC 2006 Cologne, Germany

Slaski Stadium UEFA EURO 2012 Chorzów, Poland

Olympic Stadium UEFA EURO 2012 Kiev, Ukraine

Estádio Nacional de Brasília FIFA WC 2014 Brasília, Brazil

Cape Town Stadium FIFA WC 2010 Cape Town, South Africa


Commerzbank Arena FIFA WC 2006 Frankfurt, Germany



Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium FIFA WC 2010 Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Lia Manoliu Stadium Bucharest, Romania

National Stadium Tripoli Libya

Olympic Stadium FIFA WC 2006 Berlin, Germany

Jože Plečnik Stadium Ljubljana, Slovenia

National Stadium Warsaw UEFA EURO 2012 Poland

Estádio Mineirão FIFA WC 2014 Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Photos: Heiner Leiska

Arena da Amazônia FIFA WC 2014 Manaus, Brazil

Hubert Nienhoff gmp partner

very impressively and for the first time

planning, 25 employees in our office in Ber-

what soccer can accomplish in society. I can

lin were involved in these projects. If you

kets are realized together in solidarity, by

agree with Mr. Blatter, who says that soccer

add the employees that were involved on

all within the partner circle. Here in Berlin, we then decide from case to case about the

is something that connects us to one anoth-

location, you come to a total of 40 employ-

er and that is why those stadiums are full,

ees that were busy with the three stadiums,

respective location. Among these locations

as the audience can experience their emo-

simultaneously. Altogether, 200 architects

are India, Russia and Qatar. In Russia we

tions together in a group setting. But, also

work in Berlin, with a total of 400 gmp

have offered to be advisors; for instance,

the German comedian Mario Barth, and the

employees in Germany.

sensational world records of Usain Bolt durin 2009 filled the Olympic stadium to the very last seat.

How was your personal relationship to the stadium in Berlin? Your senior partner had a burdensome relationship to the project. I liked the place. I have seen the Rolling Stones there and several Cup Finals. I also

the development of the first studies was concerned with the feasibility of the proj-

ing the World Championships in Athletics

ects, such as whether the locations for the

“We have already worked out several special concepts for Qatar. Our main concern is that we leave a place in 2022 that could be a part of an existing city, or part of a city that will evolve there in the future.�

stadiums correct and the infrastructure sufficient.

What are your thoughts concerning the topic of Qatar? Qatar is a special topic, because of the stadiums, traffic buildings, hotels, offices, apartments and the respective infrastruc-

did not find the place to be burdensome. I

ture are needed over there. We have al-

guess that’s because I grew up in another

ready worked out several special concepts

generation. Both senior partners had experienced the Nazi regime when they were children. The task was very exciting and we

What was it like being one of the driving forces at gmp as they became stadium specialists?

saw the stadium as a part of the environIn 2006 and 2007, I was the one who had to

vinced Volkwin Marg in his own architectur-

get the stadium planning in South Africa on

al and city constructing attitude and he

its way. At this time I flew over 40 times

decisively influenced the whole project.

within three years to South Africa. Other projects were, of course, in development

The capacity of our office shifts, depending on the level of completion of our projects. In the high phase of the South African stadium

for Qatar. Our main concern is that we leave a place in 2022 that could be a part of an existing city, or part of a city that will evolve there in the future.

mental landscape. This total approach con-

Right now you have about 20 sport venue projects that are being built or that are in their planning phase. How much is this in percentage from the total gmp sales, and how many employees are involved?


Strategic decisions concerning new mar-

too; it was a very extreme time. I am not doing it this way anymore. Many great colleagues have evolved during this time. So now the work can be divided up amongst my colleagues, too.

There is a wide range of many new countries that need sport venues. Who decides what projects gmp will work on tomorrow?

You are building rooms, stadiums, for people. In the Middle East, it is not just about building stadiums; it is about encouraging people to come to the games. In the UAE, in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait etc., the stadiums are empty most of the time. In the past the audience was even paid to come visit the games. As an architect, do you think it is possible to get down to the root of the problem, to promote sports education in the schools, to create the opportunity for local children to play sports with the so called expat-kids, etc?

Hubert Nienhoff gmp partner

Photos: Marcus Bredt

Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, FIFA WC 2010, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Competition 2005 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Holger Betz Project leaders Holger Betz, Silke Flaßnöcker Co-operation with DBA Architects; ADA; GAPP; NOH Architects, RSA Project management BKS (Pty) Ltd/BTKM-PMSA, RSA General contractor Grinkaker-LTA /Interbeton Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Lorenz Haspel Structural engineers SDD8E / KV3 Joint Venture; KV3; Exstrado; Ilisio; BKS Client Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Construction period 2007–2009 Seats 46,000 seats Designed as a football and rugby stadium, the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium is located beside North End Lake in the middle of Prince Alfred’s Park. As a landmark building, rising from the edge of the lake like a flower, the silhouette of the stadium indicates the clear design of the structural members. The roof structure is oriented to local climate conditions and protects spectators not only against the sun but also against frequent, violent onshore winds. The protection takes the form of aluminum cladding carried on triangulated trusses with white PTFE membrane surfaces in the interstices. The construction of the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium provides Port Elizabeth with a highquality sports facility that revitalizes the whole urban area providing a maximum use after the World Cup.

Of course we have to stay modest when it comes to the way we deal with our influ-

How would you describe the upcoming stadium generation?

ences as architects. We cannot change the world, but of course we still see great

Basically, we want to create places where

responsibility and we are referring to impor-

people often meet. A stadium that can only

tant developments, such as sports edu-

reached in good traffic connections, that is

cation in schools. Before we start a project

situated in front of the city gates on a green

we intensively try to find out more about

meadow, and every visitor has to rely on

local conditions. The more we know about

public transportation or the car; in this case

this, the better. One example: The area that

it will be difficult to accomplish this aspira-

surrounded the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadi-

tion. Our stadiums should be accepted for

um was not very attractive. With our work,

diverse events of city culture and society

we were able to improve the entire city dis-

life. This will increase the acceptance of

trict. Private initiatives were founded, plan-

society and the stadium can become a self-

ning for new sports faculties was initiated,

evident and lively part of a city. With our

and new sports fields were established.

stadiums we want to create places that

Similar initiatives could also be suggested

become popular meeting places for people

for the Arabic world.

of a city and region.

Moses Mabhida Stadium, FIFA WC 2010, Durban, South Africa Competition 2006 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Holger Betz Project leaders Holger Betz, Elisabeth Menne, Burkhard Pick Co-operation with IBHOLA LETHU CONSORTIUM, Theunissen Jankowitz Architects, Ambro Afrique Architects, Osmond Lange Architects, NSM Designs, Mthulusi Msimang Architects, RSA Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Markus Balz Structural engineers BKS Client Municipality of Durban (eThekwini Municipality), Stategic Projects Unit Construction period 2006–2009 Seats 70,000 The Moses Mabhida Stadium is situated on an elevated platform in the central sports park on the shore of the Indian Ocean, and is accessed from the city via a broad flight of steps. A 105 m arch rises high over the stadium as a landmark visible from afar. It carries the weight of the inner membrane roof. The shape of the bowl results from the interaction of the circular roof structure with the triple-radius geometry of the arena. The facade membrane of perforated metal sheeting provides protection against driving rain, strong winds and direct sunlight without excluding the outside world.


Hubert Nienhoff gmp partner

Arena da Amazônia, FIFA WC 2014, Manaus, Brazil Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Martin Glass Project leaders Martin Glass with Maike Carlsen and Burkhard Pick Project leaders (Brazil) Burkhard Pick and Sander-Christiaan Troost Co-operation with STADIA, São Paulo; schlaich bergermann und partner, Stuttgart Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Knut Stockhusen Client Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Estado do Amazonas Construction period 2010–2013 Seats 43,500 With the design of the new Manaus stadium, the aim was to come up with a very simple but highly efficient stadium that would at the same time specifically symbolize the location, particularly the fascination and natural diversity of the tropical rain forest. The roof structure is made up of mutually supporting cantilevers, whose steel hollow core girders function simultaneously as large gutters to drain the immense run-off of tropical rainwater. The fields of the roof and facades consist of translucent fibreglass fabric, whose low-emittance coating reflects heat radiation and thus has a cooling effect.


Estádio Nacional de Brasília, FIFA WC 2014, Brazil

Estádio Mineirão, FIFA WC 2014, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Martin Glass, 2008 Project leaders Martin Glass, Lena Brögger, Maike Carlsen Project leader (Brazil) Robert Hormes Co-operation with schlaich bergermann und partner; Gustavo Penna Arquiteto e Associados, Belo Horizonte Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Knut Stockhusen Client Departamento de Obras Públicas do Estado de Minas Gerais Construction period 2010–2013 Seats approx. 66,000

Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff, 2008 Project leaders Martin Glass, Stefanie Eichelmann Project leaders (Brazil) Holger Betz, Robert Hormes Co-operation with schlaich bergermann und partner; Castro Mello Arquitetos, São Paulo Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Knut Stockhusen Construction period 2010–2013 Seats 70,000 gmp designs the surrounding esplanade of Brasília’s new National Stadium with its characteristic “forest of supports”, containing all access elements, and a suspended roof with the ideal circular geometry, a double-layer structure held in place by a concrete compression ring. An optional movable inner roof means the 70,000-capacity stadium can be used in all weathers. The clear and simple gesture of circular surrounding with the resting roof is reinforced by the strongly minimalist, almost archetypal design of the individual structural members. The key material is concrete, wholly in keeping with Brasília’s architectural culture.

The design for the modernization and renovation of the Mineirão stadium for the World Cup in 2014 basically pursues the objective of preserving the character of the existing expressive concrete structure. The historical building will be functionally, technically and from an infrastructure viewpoint adapted to the modern requirements of a football arena. A lightweight roof structure will add to the existing fairfaced concrete of the upper tier.


Stephan Schütz gmp partner

“A stadium in China is still a stadium” gmp started an architectural success story in China; no other German agency was more successful in Cathay. Stephan Schütz, partner of the management, is the forerunner in situ, and China expert. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied

Stephan Schütz, partner, born 1966 in Duisburg, graduate architect, partner at von Gerkan, Marg and Partners since 2006, management of the gmp offices in Berlin, Beijing and Shenzhen, projects include New Weimar Hall; New Tempodrom, Berlin; Christian Church, Beijing; CYTS Plaza, Beijing; Qingdao Grand Theater; National Museum of China, Beijing; Shenzhen Universiade Sports Center (Universiade 2011)


Stephan Schütz gmp partner

Photos: Christian Gahl

Mr. Schütz, you are a managing partner of gmp.

In Germany, there is a saying ‘never stay too long in the company, where you have learnt’. Why are you still with gmp?

Exactly. Together with Hubert Nienhoff I

place. In the beginning, I did not realize, because we were only working in Germany, I mean, cultural differences were not so evident. Then it changed, all of a sudden,

manage the office in Berlin. Besides Ger-

During my studies, I worked in other offices

thanks to overseas activities and projects

man projects, my emphasis is focused on

as well as at gmp. That time helped me to

became more and more focused on the dialogue and communication with the place.

the Chinese market. From 2002 until 2004,

be able to figure out which architectural

I lived in Beijing and established the first

approach was best suited to my ideas.

gmp office in Asia. That means the Chinese

gmp’s approach inspired me the most: the

stadium projects have come under my ma-

concept of freedom in conjunction with a

nagement. Most recently, our project the

clear architectural language. I have been

Universiade complex in Shenzen has been

captivated by the philosophy of attaching


the utmost importance to the function of a

gmp is very successful in China, compared to other regions. Is this because of your understanding of the market and the culture of that country or is it just a question of mentality?

Universiade 2011 Sports Center, Shenzhen, China Consultancy 2006 – 1st Prize Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke Project leader Ralf Sieber Chinese partner practices SADI; CNADRI; CCDI; BLY Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Sven Plieninger with Wei Chen Client Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality Construction period 2007–2011 Planning area 870,000 m² Seats stadium 60,000 Seats multifunction hall 18,000 Seats swimming hall 3,000 The Universiade sports center has to satisfy the functional requirements of both international sports events and the organization of other smaller and larger-scale events and concerts. The design is inspired by the surrounding undulating landscape. An artificial lake connects the stadium at the foot of the mountain with the circular multifunctional hall in the north and the rectangular swimming hall west thereof. The central sports plaza is accessed via a raised promenade from the individual stadia.


Stephan Schütz gmp partner

“gmp’s approach inspired me the most: the concept of free- dom in conjunction with a clear architectural language.” Well, I think that cities like Shanghai or Beijing won’t need any more sport cities in the next few years. But, just imagine that in China there are umpteen cities with over one million inhabitants, all of which continue to grow. Some of our planned sport cities Well, at the moment of course, it’s because

I believe that this is because alongside our

we have been active there for twelve years,

China projects, there exists a concrete

been inaugurated. Now, we just have to

we know the market and the players. At

event, a demand, like the FINA World Cham-


that time it was an important choice on my

pionship in Shanghai or the Universiade in

part, going to live in China and building up

Shenzhen. From another perspective, the

the office there. I don’t know if today, in

towns have grown in size and with such

in China are now ready and have already

What makes you feel so sure about it?

China, there is any architecture company

speed in China in a way unlike anywhere

China has finally started to understand the

which has employed almost 100 people. We

else in the world.

costs of the constructing sport cities. Such expensive and spectacular stadiums won’t

have made ourselves known in the country and we went looking for building owners and clients.

Which other stadium or arena projects is gmp working on?

going to think more efficiently and be more

I am still involved in a multi-purpose stadi-

with our strategy and way of thinking. This

be planned or approved anymore. They are budget-conscious. This is very much in line

So, in China you did not only build stadiums, but also whole sport cities. If I remember rightly, there are three now and your developments there are open and successful. If we take a look at other sports city developments, like in Saudi Arabia or Dubai, we have to say, unfortunately, that they did not come into operation in the right way. What does that difference depend on? 20

um in Shenzhen, which has lately been com-

is why we are very confident that in the up-

pleted and we are also opening a basketball

coming years there will still be a lot of

arena in Dongguan, next year.

things for us to do in China.

Chinese people are very well-known sport fanatics.What are your plans for the future there? Are you expecting further orders in the short term?

How is the situation in China as regards the new trend of creating stadiums and arenas which include everything from shopping centers to cinemas, hotels, food courts in addition to the stadium?

Photos: Christian Gahl

In my opinion the commercialization and marketing of stadiums and arenas has not yet come to China at all. Take as example the stadium in Beijing, or any of our stadiums, they still are pure sport cities, not integrated commercial centers. This development has just started in a very modest way. The commercialization has been introduced to the extent that the Beijing stadium has become an important magnet for tourists. Exactly. The stadium has a big impact as symbol and radiates immense energy. It’s not, however, a commercial institution, but more of a historical monument.

You are, of course, working on developing new business for gmp in China as well. Which kind of building owners do you deal with and what is your strategy? We often work for public building owners like town and regional bodies. Thanks to our strong partnership with schlaich bergermann and partner engineering office and thanks to our references, we are in a totally different league for our clients, compared to other offices. We bring together ideas which are frequently very impressive.

Bao´an Stadium, Universiade 2011, Shenzhen-Bao´an, China Competition 2007 – 1st Prize Design Meinhard von Gerkan with Stephan Schütz and David Schenke Project leaders David Schenke, Li Ran Chinese partner practice SCUT South China University of Technology Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Sven Plieninger with Wei Chen Client The Sports Bureau of Bao’an District Construction period 2009– 2011 Seats 40,050 Designed as an athletics stadium holding 40,000 spectators, the stadium stands on a grassed plinth, which incorporates on the inside the lower tiers of seating and internal functional areas. The geometry of the spectator seats involves a modulation from the oval of the athletics track into a perfect circle. The undulating upper tier of the stands is the result of this modulation, creating a large number of seats on the long sides of the pitch and fewer seats on the short sides. The curved line of the upper edge of the stands is repeated by the overall shape of the stadium. The extensive bamboo forests of southern China were the inspiration for the design. It reflects the character of the region, and thus creates identity. And it serves as a structural concept for both the load-bearing frame of the stadium stands and the supports for the wide-span roof structure. The outermost part of the stadium unites facade, structure and overarching architectural theme in a single feature.


Christian Hoffmann gmp associate partner

Elegance and economic efficiency in stadium construction Christian Hoffmann has been with gmp for 25 years. As an associate partner, he has collaborated on the Sport Cities in Foshan, Bucharest, Chorzow, Kiev and Katowice. Together with the quality promised by the “made in Germany” epithet, economic efficiency in terms of use of materials and optimization of the construction plays an essential role in his approach. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied

Christian Hoffmann, associate partner, born 1958 in Werdohl, graduate architect, associate partner at von Gerkan, Marg and Partners since 2009, management of gmp’s Aachen office, project management of Century Lotus Sports Park, Foshan; A380 Maintenance Shop, Frankfurt; National Stadium, Bucharest; Olympic Stadium, Kiev (UEFA 2012) etc.


You have collaborated on several projects during your 25 years practicing within the Aachen gmp office. What kind of projects have you worked on?

brane roofing construction of the swim-

Kiev stadium will be used for the final

ming stadium, designed for a subtropical

match, and the Bucharest stadium should

climate, was in terms of production a real

be playing host to next year’s UEFA Cup

challenge. Looking back, the project in Fos-


han was one of the most important of my I took part in the RheinEnergieStadion in


Cologne, one of the first of gmp’s stadium projects. With this project we have had consistently positive feedback; fans welcomed

You were and still are very active in Eastern Europe as well.

the new venues with enthusiasm, and build-

Which leads me to ask you about materials; do you foresee any trends or new building materials which are going to become more used in the construction of stadiums?

ing owners and users have been very satis-

Yes, at the moment we are working on sta-

fied. It’s a successful project and a wonder-

dium projects in Bucharest, Kiev and Kato-

There are some very interesting new devel-

ful recognition of our commitment.

wice. Not only has the Polish Silesian (Slas-

opments in this field, especially regarding

One of the most important stadium projects

ki) Stadium in Katowice, with Europe’s big-

synthetic materials, for instance. They have

for me was the one in Foshan, in Guang-

gest polycarbonate roofing, been chosen as

been slowly introduced in engineering pro-

dong province, southern China. It’s a sports

the venue for the next EURO, but also the

jects and for us it’s more a matter of

center with an athletics arena that can seat 45,000 people and a swimming pool installation for 2,500 spectators. This was the first step abroad for our Aachen team, and so the beginning of our international activity. It is a unique stadium project with a bold and uncompromising membrane roof. The Chinese customers have enthusiastically welcomed the competition project as those from Cologne did with their stadium. The name “Century Lotus Stadium” was thought up by the Chinese customer and fully represented the originality of the concept. Not only was the stadium roofing, created in cooperation with our collaborators, engineers schlaich bergermann und partner, a technical highlight, but also the mem-

RheinEnergieStadion Cologne, FIFA WC 2006, Germany Competition 2001 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg with Joachim Rind, Marek Nowak, Stefan Nixdorf Structural engineers schlaich bergermann und partner General contractor Max Bögl Client Kölner Sportstätten GmbH Construction period 2002–2004 Seats 46,200 The new stadium offers a capacity for up to 51,000 spectators. The steel roof structure spans like suspension bridges between the 70 m high illuminated masts and allows for the column-free roofing of the four stands, which directly adjoin the playing field. On both sides of the central axis the hovering roof element is divided into an inner ring, transparent for ultraviolet light, and an outer, covered ring. The stand structure is designed as a cubic, open framework from precast concrete components and added to with a lightweight glass facade.


Christian Hoffmann gmp associate partner

“Synthetic materials have been slowly introduced in engineering projects and for us it’s more a matter of sustainable use of them.” sustainable use of them. Of course we have recently developed a trend, together with our partners at schlaich bergermann und partner, of using light-cable and membrane structure for the roofing of big stadiums. In the past, there was a general belief that conventional stadium roofing, with classic steel construction, represented the most profitable solution. Nowadays, the development of structure projects clearly shows that, for vast expanses, light cable structures are, thanks to their low tonnage, profitable competitive.

However, steel still plays a crucial role in stadium construction. Yes, since steel, compared with load-bearing capability due to its lighter weight, par24

Photos: Christian Gahl

Century Lotus Sports Park with Stadium and Swimming Hall, Foshan, China Competition 2003 – 2nd Prize and Commission Design Volkwin Marg Partner Nikolaus Goetze Project leader Christian Hoffmann Chinese partner practice South China University, Architectural Design and Research Institute Structural engineers schlaich bergermann und partner Client Foshan Sports Site Construction Center for the 12th Provincial Sports Event Construction period 2004–2006 Seats stadium 36,000 Seats swimming hall 2,800 The stadium is situated in the park like a flourishing water rose in a lake. Being situated on a hill, it forms the new landmark of the park on the river and adds an imposing and monumental shape to the southern cityscape of the new Foshan. The stadium roof unfolds itself with its white membrane like a radiant bloom. With 120 × 180 m being the biggest retractable roof in the world it turns the stadium into one of the biggest fully-covered arenas in the world within twelve minutes. When the stadium is uncovered, the whole inner roof disappears in a big video-cube that is floating above the center of the sports field. The second venue in the sports park, the swimming pool, reflects the architectural language of the stadium, allowing the two buildings to appear as an ensemble without undermining the unquestioned dominance of the stadium.

Christian Hoffmann gmp associate partner

Olympic Stadium Kiev, UEFA EURO 2012, Kiev, Ukraine Consultancy 2008 Design Volkwin Marg with Christian Hoffmann and Marek Nowak Project leader Martin Bleckmann Co-operation with Personal Creative Architectural Bureau Y. Serjogin Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Markus Balz and Thomas Moschner Client National Sport Complex “Olympiysky” Construction period 2009–2011 Seats 68,000 The design for the rebuilding of the Olympiysky Stadium for the final of the European Football Championships in 2012 respects the historic fabric with its important filigree prestressed concrete upper tier built in 1968, the frame of the new roof structure being detached and placed clear of the existing bowl. This most distinctive feature of the “Kiev Central Stadium” is therefore being encased in a new filigree glass facade, which acts almost as a kind of showcase, and will be duly illuminated with appropriate lighting.

ticularly for large-range constructions, re-

be evident in the construction elegance and

the Sports Complex, while in Cape Town we

mains the ideal building material. Steel is

its respectful reserve. For example, if we

made a gravity suspended roof in the set-

not only uncomplicated and workable, but it

consider that they have both approximately

ting of the powerful silhouette of Table

is also suitable for constructions which are

the same size, 3,500 tonnes of steel were

Mountain. And in Port Elizabeth a cantilever

used in the construction of the Berlin Olym-

roof was made from a mix of metal and

pic Stadium, while for the so-called Beijing

membrane, while in Durban the construc-

“As architects, we should try to be resource-efficient. That is, in terms of economic efficiency, we have a duty towards our buildings’ owners.”

Bird’s Nest, 39,000 tonnes were used. As

tion has been shaped like a monumental

architects, we should try to be resource-


efficient. That is, in terms of economic efficiency, we have a duty towards our buildings’ owners. Seen from this perspective, every location requires its own specific solution, according to its historical and land-

Location has always had a big influence on gmp’s stadiums projects. If you were asked to spontaneously draft a stadium for Doha, what would it look like?

scape context. Accordingly, gmp has so far mostly prefabricated or which have to be

created very different constructions in its

During my visit to Qatar, I came across its

assembled in a very short time. However,

stadiums. While in Berlin a two-part, cov-

dominant contradictions. On one side, there

issues such as fire protection, vibration be-

ered cantilever construction is combined

is big-city Doha, with its business towers,

havior, corrosion and deformation preven-

with a historical monument, the Frankfurt

and on the other side, there is the vastness

tion, noise abatement and capacity of ther-

stadium works on a performance-optimiz-

of the desert. I could imagine a stadium like

mal insulation all have to be considered as

ing spoke wheel concept with a foldable

an environment that creates the atmo-

well. gmp’s projects place emphasis on the

interior roof. The RheinEnergieStadion was

sphere of an oasis for human beings!

economical use of materials, which will also

designed as in the shape of a bridge inside 25

Markus Pfisterer gmp director

What follows after major events? Evolution in stadium building He was decisively involved in one of the first new stadium construction projects of gmp, the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt. As a project manager, he was responsible for the Dubai Sports City and is currently responsible for the new sports venue in Ljubljana and the European Championship Stadium in Warsaw. Additionally, gmp director Markus Pfisterer is active worldwide as an advisor for stadium operators, and intensively concerned with new possibilities of site related usage during and after major sporting events. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied Photo: Annette Koroll

What was the biggest leap from the already existing stadium in Germany to the one you had planned for the World Cup 2006 in Germany?

shops we had analyzed the existing arenas.

today a stadium should represent a land-

trying to avoid the mistakes of the past. In

mark for a city.

the past few years there have been many discussions about lines of sight, as the run-

The existing stadiums were not adjusted to

ning tracks have been omitted and the

the needs that arise over time; they were

stands are built steeper nowadays than in

Do you still have contact with the former customers who now operate the stadium that you have planned?

organized and arranged in a different man-

the past. Do you still remember the four

ner. Loges, VIP areas and mixed-zones did

shadows that a player would cast in the

Of course. The ongoing dialogue with the

not exist yet. Many technical and usage ori-

shine of the floodlights? Today, the flood-

operators is enormously important for us –

ented demands had changed since the sta-

light masts that disturbed the audience and

if the needs of our clients are known to us,

diums were built. Press boxes, for example,

the media are gone – the ‘Ring of Fire’

preferably at a very early stage, we can let

have to meet different requirements these

makes sure that illumination is distributed

this knowledge flow into our planning. Just

days compared to 30 years ago, because of

evenly. All of these further developments

a little while ago, I met the operators of the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt directly in

the development in the media.

had effects on the entire framework and

Ten years ago, when we became active in

the roof of a stadium. Additionally, more

the stadium. Together, we discussed what

stadium constructing, we visited numerous

attention is paid nowadays to the outer

should be improved for the future. Our cus-

stadiums on location in Europe, America

appearance of an arena. In the past, event

tomers are satisfied if they are asked about

and Japan, and in the internal gmp work-

and sports venues were defined by con-

their usage needs.

Markus Pfisterer, director, born 1969 in Kirchheim unter Teck, studied in Stuttgart and Chicago, Dipl.-Ing. Architect since 2000 in the office of von Gerkan, Marg and Partners, project management includes Commerzbank Arena Frankfurt (2006); Porsche Customer Center Leipzig; Dubai Sports City; Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi (Commonwealth Games 2010); Jože Plečnik Stadium in Ljubljana, Slovenia; National Stadium Warsaw (UEFA 2012); and Sport and Concert Complex in Baku, Azerbaijan


crete stands and an unpleasant back view;

This way, we learned a lot and we are now

Photos: Heiner Leiska

Commerzbank Arena, FIFA WC 2006, Frankfurt on Main, Germany Now we have talked about the recent past, how about South Africa?

What is already forgotten is that two of the stadiums that we had planned for South Africa were already equipped with revers-

The projects that we have realized there are

ible stands. Therefore, you can find flexible

based on our experiences during the World

upper stands in Cape Town and Durban that

Cup 2006. We have, for example, devel-

have been removed after the World Cup.

oped our own tool to optimize the lines of

This way it is guaranteed that both home

sight. We are not reinventing the wheel

clubs can fill the stadium stands with a live-

every four years, but we are improving the

ly energy, even if not as many fans support

stadium drafts in a meaningful way.

their favorite team as during the World Cup with the Vuvuzelas. By the way, the stadi-

“The ongoing dialogue with the operators is enormously important for us – if the needs of our clients are known to us, preferably at a very early stage, we can let this knowledge flow into our planning.”

um in Cape Town has developed into a popular event venue for concerts, and Durban is an important factor for the Olympia application.

You are also active in India. India is a very interesting market and we

Competition 2000 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Hajo Paap Structural engineers Krebs und Kiefer; schlaich bergermann und partner General contractor Max Bögl Client Waldstadion Frankfurt am Main Gesellschaft für Projektentwicklung mbH Construction period 2002–2005 Seats 48,000 In order to prepare the stadium for the Football World Championship in 2006 and provide a roofing system quickly adaptable to changing weather conditions, a steel cable membrane roof, which spans of up to 240m, is developed. Compressive rings consist of 2 × 44 radial cables connect the steel element as the outer compressive ring and the tension ring at the inner roof. Another 2 × 36 radial cables are positioned between the tension rings and the central knot. Located centrally above the pitch a multimedia cube is suspended from this central knot, which simultaneously houses the inner roof membrane.

were able to gather very valuable experience there. Every country holds special and specific challenges for all of the participants involved. Of course, this also includes the handling of different political contexts.

Can you give us some examples of this development, or, let’s say, stadium evolution?

The stadium in New Delhi was opened last year for the Commonwealth Games. Just like the stadium in Durban, it has a running 27

Markus Pfisterer gmp director

National Stadium, Warsaw, UEFA EURO 2012, Poland Competition 2007 – 1st Prize Design Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Markus Pfisterer Project leaders Markus Pfisterer, Martin Hakiel Co-operation with J.S.K. Architekci Sp. z o.o. and schlaich bergermann und partner General contractor Konsorcjum ALPINE BAU DEUTSCHLAND AG, ALPINE BAU GmbH, ALPINE Construction Polska Sp. z o.o., HYDROBUDOWA POLSKA S.A. i PBG S.A. Structural concept and design roof schlaich bergermann und partner – Knut Göppert with Knut Stockhusen and Lorenz Haspel Client Narodowe Centrum Sportu Sp. z o.o. Construction period 2008–2011 Seats 55,000 The duality of a solid historic stone base and the new structure made of steel, glass and PTFE membrane gives the design of the football stadium with a 55,000 capacity its character. Also unmistakable as a feature visible from a distance is the facade, made up of expanded metal panels in the Polish national colors of red and white. This translucent layer unites the very diverse areas within the stadium into a single large-scale shape. Even with low incidental light, the crisscross elements of the facade set up a fascinating pattern of light and shadow. At night, the coloration and distinctiveness of this facade are reinforced by the integrated illumination.

track and therefore it can also be used as a

Since the stadium is not regularly used

venue for track and field.

by a soccer club, we planned to reserve

Let’s talk about the next market, Eastern Europe.

usage. This guarantees an economic usage

large spaces for office and conference throughout the year, next to concert and

Because of your daily work with stadiums, you have gathered enormous knowledge. Normally, are you primarily an architect, or has this shifted towards business development and consulting for the customer?

sports events. This way the stadium beYes, particularly Kiev, Slaski and Warsaw. I

comes an attractive address for office and

In fact, I really am travelling quite a lot. But

am responsible as a project manager for

conference sectors within Warsaw. The fa-

of course, the knowledge that we bring back to the office from our customers has

Warsaw. The facade here represents an

cade is a big contributing factor here, as it

enormous step in stadium development.

is equally suited for office usage, for a plan-

to be converted individually in each team.

The translucent surrounding facade in the

ned fitness center and restaurants, as well

We are working here in Berlin with 200

national colors of red and white, made of

as for the normal functional areas of a sta-

architects who are being provided with all

extended metal panels, unites the different

dium. Also, the membrane roof which can

of this information. An important compo-

areas of the stadium into one great shape.

be closed during the winter time and the

nent of these teams is always the architects

During the day it works as a sculptural relief

two levels of the underground garage con-

from the respective countries we are work-

for light and shadow, and during the night it

tribute to the flexible and all year round

ing in. Together with them, we are further

is illuminated as a colorful, gleaming body.

usage. The construction of the mobile roof

developing the stadiums and we can pro-

is similar to the Frankfurt Stadium; but the

fessionally deal with specific intercultural

What areas do you exactly mean? How are the utilizations different in Warsaw than in other stadiums and what is so special about the facade? 28

biggest difference, next to the all year

features. To answer your question: There is

round usage, is the size of the roof, which

always a continuum of work between acqui-

is twice as large as the roof in Frankfurt.

sition, consultation and convertibility within our team.

Martin Glass gmp director

World famous roofs With a stadium roof an architect can accentuate certain features and put a whole city on the map. Martin Glass focuses specifically on the development and design of roofs. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied

Photo: Annette Koroll

In the last several years you have been working mainly on stadium constructions. Can you give us an inside view of your work?

could bring in our long-term experience and

other attempts, for example the Arena auf

subject knowledge of roof and facade struc-


tures. Here we are responsible from the first draft to the realization of the project, as well as for the interface between the archi-

While working at gmp, my special field of

tectural sketch and structural planning

work has moved towards hall structures,

which is developed through professional

starting with the project management for

team work by the engineers at schlaich

the roofs of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin

bergmann and partner. That is right. However, this is a cost-benefit

and the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt. Next to roof constructions for Dubai, Cape Town and Warsaw, three projects for Brazilian stadiums for the Soccer World Cup 2014 can be found on my table.

Yet, Schalke has the advantage that the arena can also be used for events in the winter time. Frankfurt does not have permission to close the roof in the winter season.

The roof of the Commerzbank Arena Frankfurt is known to be the biggest convertible roof in the world and represents the beginning of a new kind of stadium roof as the roof can be completely closed.

decision. The client consciously decided against the winter usage of the extendable roof. For gmp the optimal and appropriate solution of the task ahead was the highest priority. For instance, we have further devel-

How does the development work for the roof and facade structures in these kinds of projects?

With this kind of roof, the stadium in Frank-

roof construction in the Warsaw stadium. In

furt has reached the first step towards

Warsaw, the roof can be closed during the

being a multifunctional arena, therefore the

winter months, and therefore the stadium

They all work out differently. For example,

management has more opportunities to

can be used throughout the whole year.

in Brazil we were involved at a relatively

host various events in this venue. But none-

oped the roof concept of Frankfurt for the

early stage, because we were already work-

theless it is important for us to preserve the

ing as external advisors during the applica-

stadium characteristics and atmosphere of

tion process. Even at that early stage we

an open stadium in a venue with a closed

worked with an interdisciplinary team and

roof. This is quite a different approach from

Next to the building envelope, the roof is the most important element of an arena. How do you develop the facade and roof so that it fits to the stadium?

Martin Glass, director, born 1969 in Pforzheim, Dipl.-Ing. Architect, since 1999 in the office of von Gerkan, Marg and Partners, project managements (roof) include the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Commerzbank Arena Frankfurt (FIFA 2006), Dubai Sports City, roof and facade of Cape Town Stadium (FIFA 2010), sub-project management for the passenger terminal at Berlin Brandenburg “Willy Brandt” Airport, and Estádio Nacional de Brasília, Estádio Mineirão, Belo Horizonte, Arena da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil (FIFA 2014)


Martin Glass gmp director

Estádio Nacional de Brasília, FIFA WC 2014, Brazil systems section of existing inner stands and external colonnade with suspended roof and closeable center part (retractable membrane)

Estádio Nacional de Brasília, FIFA WC 2014, Brazil interior with translucent roof ring and central mobile roof in the video cube

“Not only the dismantling of the arenas, but also the possible usage of existing structures after major events gain more importance in our concepts.”

Arena da Amazônia, FIFA WC 2014, Manaus, Brazil systems section of base platform, stands and roof structure

For us, it is important to create a relationship to the place, to give the building an identity and create a distinctive one of a kind stadium. This unique appearance should have a good media presence, without being

In Durban the mayor approached us, and

over the top. When considering stadiums,

said right from the beginning, “I want you

the roof and facade leave the most room for

to put Durban on the map.” At this time

creativity, and therefore they take a special

Durban had no recognizable and distinctive

place in the planning of the constructions. If

landmark that would have been perceived

you look at the stadium in Durban for ex-

internationally in accordance with the World

ample, you can see how much power of ex-

Cup of soccer. Cape Town however already

pression such a roof construction can have.

has a wonderful, fascinating and dominat-

perspective. If such a highly technical effort

The memorable pictures of the characteris-

ing element of its city panorama its own:

comes into play, you have to ask yourself if

tic bow which can additionally be illuminat-

Table Mountain and its skyline. It was very

such a concept is ecologically, technically

ed at night went around the world and gave

important to us to be a little bit more reser-

and functionally sustainable. Principally, we

We are rather looking at this from a total

Durban a totally new international recogni-

ved with the stadium design, and to not add

at gmp are reserved when it comes to inte-


another component to this beautiful natural

grating too much technology into a stadium.


The roof design of the stadium in Cape Town seems to be more conservative than in Durban, by way of comparison. What is the cause of this? Is it only the fact that it is another location? 30

think about the height-adjustable lawn in Düsseldorf that, in turn, would have closed the stadium in its elevated condition and transformed it into an arena. Would this have been a legitimate method?

In the case you have described, I personally do not see any benefits that can justify such

It is not unusual for architects to build in some smaller or bigger refinements into their drafts to improve their chances of winning the competition. I just have to

effort. Ultimately, this concept has also not been realized in Düsseldorf; they also have a roof now that can be closed.

Martin Glass gmp director

Estádio Mineirão, FIFA WC 2014, Belo Horizonte, Brazil systems section of existing concrete structure and tensegrity roof structure

Estádio Mineirão, FIFA WC 2014, Belo Horizonte, Brazil interior view of translucent suspended inner roof

Arena da Amazônia, FIFA WC 2014, Manaus, Brazil interior with cantilevered stand roof

But it is the case that stadiums have to be used in multiple ways, hence a technical effort is needed in order to perform such a transformation.

lian architect Eduardo Castro Mello. Where-

tropical rain forest.

as Castro Mello was mainly responsible for

This is a roof construction made up of inter-

the stadium bowl, our focus concerned the

acting, stiffening cantilevers whose hollow

Stadiums that can be transformed in the

outer appearance of the building. While we

steel-box girders serve at the same time as

long term are, of course, also an important

were developing the sketch for the roofing,

gutters to consume the huge amounts of

Brasília we are working together with schla-

reference to a unique place and reflects the

ich bergermann und partner, and the Brazi-

fascinating natural variety of shapes of the

topic for us. Especially in countries like

and the revolving esplanade with its ramps

water from the tropical rainfall. Considering

Qatar, for instance, many stadiums are not

and bridges, the intense examination of the

the hot and humid climate of the Amazon,

needed anymore after an event in their cur-

architectural and urban surrounding as well

the roof turns into a facade that provides

rent form, or at all. Not only the dismantling

as the scale of Brasília were decisive for us.

shade for the audience corridors and the

of the arenas, but also the possible usage of

It is the aim of this sketch to find a proper

vertical closures.

existing structures after major events gain

solution for the architectural and historical

The interplay with the facade openings cre-

more importance in our concepts.

Which roofs from gmp will capture the attention of the media during the next World Cup in Brazil? In order words, which pictures will be manifested into our minds in 2014?

significance of the city; a solution that

ates natural ventilation and provides for a

clearly relates to the tradition of the place

comfortable micro-climate. Under the mot-

that is the only new city foundation of the

to of an eco-friendly World Cup, it will be

20th century to be designated as a World

one of the first stadiums that will be certi-

Heritage Site by UNESCO; and that appears

fied on the basis of the criteria given by the

at the same time in its independent and

US Green Building Councils LEED (Leader-

contemporary appearance. In Manaus, at

ship in Energy and Environmental Design).

the Arena de Amazônia, the idea was to We have planned three stadiums for Brazil,

design a very simple but nonetheless highly

in Manaus, Belo Horizonte and Brasília. In

efficient stadium that is at the same time a 31

Knut Göppert partner schlaich bergermann und partner

Roof and design: sbp and gmp a successful tandem Active for 22 years working for schlaich bergermann und partner, Knut Göppert’s first stadium project was the Stuttgart Neckarstadion. His expertise focuses on the design of roofs, ideally of light construction, optimized using the latest materials. Interview Michael J. Rennschmied

Photo: sbp

Mr. Göppert, schlaich bergermann und partner has a close relationship with gmp that goes back a long way. How and when did this relationship start? It was a long time ago, in 1989. At that time we were both involved in the roofing of the

at that time had 105 staff members in four locations) have worked together on more

power stations. The classic synergy effects

than 40 projects.

of a multidisciplinary engineering team

Before talking about stadium roofs, it would be interesting to know in which fields sbp is still active.

methods that are very meaningful for build-

help them to explore solutions and develop

courtyard at the Museum of Hamburg History. The office founders Prof. Marg (of gmp)

We cover all the classic engineering servic-

and Prof. Schlaich (sbp) worked together to

es from high-rise buildings to bridges. In

ing projects.

Is it an imperative necessity for a German engineering company to become active abroad?

determine how this project should be devel-

bridge construction, for tasks with the easi-

oped to reflect the historical context. Since

est of functions, we design structures that

then the relationship has grown continu-

can be applied in every other field of struc-

tation. Our office is active in several spe-

ously. In the last few years both offices (sbp

tural concept. In addition we deal exten-

cialist fields; this encourages us to look

Knut Göppert, graduate engineer, born 1961 in Triberg, company manager since 1989 in schlaich bergermann und partner, partner since 1998; roofs and facades in Hall 6 in Düsseldorf Expo, glass roofs and facades for the main offices of Boehringer Ingelheim, Porsche-Arena in Stuttgart, SPM swimming stadium in New Delhi, sport stadiums among others in Rio, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Manaus (FIFA 2014), in Warsaw, Breslau, Chorzow, Kiev, Bucharest (UEFA 2012), in Vancouver, as well Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town (FIFA 2010), in Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg (FIFA 2006), Wolfsburg (FIFA 2011), Bremen, Leverkusen, Kuwait and Dubai


sively with the planning of thermal solar

It depends on the company size and orien-

Knut Göppert partner schlaich bergermann und partner

National Stadium Warsaw, UEFA EURO 2012, Poland section through the earthen rampart stadium with new arena above

outside of Germany and Europe in order to

We have been busy in this field for a

receive interesting offers. At the moment

long time. The roof tent for the Olympic

tors, in terms of temperature and wind,

our foreign market makes up seventy per-

Games in Munich 1972 was designed by

grass growth and many other parameters.

cent of our business.

Let’s talk about stadiums. Can you describe the cooperation between sbp and gmp when a new project starts?

Jörg Schlaich and Rudolf Bergermann, who

Obviously the roof is always an issue. The

were the engineers responsible for the proj-

roof is hugely important for building owners.

ect (at that time with Leonhardt, Andrä).

Roofs provide an easily recognizable fea-

This is still considered a milestone in Ger-

ture that can help stadiums and their own-

man architecture as well as in civil engi-

ers to win design awards and gain further

neering construction. Surprisingly, the Mu-


There isn’t a standard procedure, but there

nich stadiums were purely functional build-

is an ideal which both of us aim to achieve.

ings. From the point of view of design, the

This means we start working together from day one. We analyze the building owners and the location guidelines, the cultural environment and the financial conditions, and our partners at gmp start conceiving the fundamental central ideas of the projects. Mostly these settlements are still gen-

lity of the stadium experience for specta-

“It is a constructive ping-pong game and ideally the construction idea adds significantly to the project design.”

Shall we say in simple words, that you have more opportunities as a roof engineer in the field of lightweight construction? That’s somehow true, but it is not valid in every situation. Take Beijing for example; The Bird’s Nest has a very heavy roof. Also our stadium in Cape Town is not one of the

eral and give us, during the first coopera-

lightest, although the glass creates the

tion phase, just a direction, not the result.

impression of the opposite. Basically we fol-

The earlier we start the job together, the

functions were still very simple. There were

low a very practical approach to the con-

bigger the profit we can gain from the proj-

dressing rooms, the spectator’s areas and

struction, and the central idea that the

ect. It is a constructive ping-pong game and

the pitch. Nearly everything has changed

function of structure must be optimized is

ideally the construction idea adds signifi-

since then. The building itself has become a

key to our work. We have developed con-

cantly to the project design.

representative object of growing impor-

struction systems that are particularly suit-

tance. Many stadiums today are used daily

ed to the building of stadiums and the

When you review all the stadium projects you have worked on, what has changed in your job?

and designed for multifunctional roles. We

development of improved materials has

deal with the physics of the buildings,

contributed to a new range of choices. In

dynamic terraces vibrations, and the qua-

addition, modern calculation methods allow 33

Knut Göppert partner schlaich bergermann und partner

LoNG seCTioN x-x

Estádio Nacional de Brasília, FIFA WC 2014, Brazil longitudinal section

Moses Mabhida Stadium, FIFA WC 2010, Durban, South Africa cross section

us now to realize projects without the com-

obviously has a direct effect on the roof,

promises we had to make in the past.

because more adaptive roofs will have to be worked on.

The stadium builders move from town to town and country to country. Do you always show in tandem?

Does the perfect structure exist? Is it necessary to cultivate such a close relationship between architects and engineers, like gmp and sbp, to be able to deliver an attractive and cost-efficient stadium?

combination for building owners. Together

include the place and the environment.

Basically you can overcome difficult phases

in Eastern Europe or Brazil, but sometimes

Together with gmp we look for worthwhile

of any project more effectively if you cher-

we go our own separate ways, such as the

solutions and in many instances we tend to

ish an amicable relationship and it’s within

current stadium project in France. In this

end up using lightweight construction. How-

the project. The gmp-sbp collaboration also

market we have different opinions.

ever this is not on principle. We just want to

shows that we are economically indepen-

Actually there is no perfect structure, since each one is a result of marginal conditions. Here many aspects play their role. For example the climate or the ground conditions speak for themselves. We must

minimize expenses, time and costs. To

dent from one another, that creative minds come from two different houses and moti-

develop and make the construction details that, the long spanning roofs for example, have been created with both a sure instinct and an aesthetic eye.

Do you see any cardinal trends in stadium building?

“We are obviously independent, but we have decided that together we are an attractive combination for building owners.”

I don’t see anything completely new,


we have more punchy arguments when we sit at the table with the building owners. We have many joint activities, like for example

clearly show the observer how it works. To visible. The spectator can easily recognize

We are obviously independent, but we have decided that together we are an attractive

Lastly, I would like to talk again about the Munich Olympic Park. gmp won the 2nd prize. For sbp’s two founding members, it was also the beginning of stadium building for the company. A nice coincidence. Some construction milestones were achieved in the building of the Olympic Park. The use of steel casting in civil engineering was introduced, cable clamps and fixing heads for totally closed cables were developed, to mention just a few. But the greatest out-

though there are things that I can see will

vate us to achieve excellence. Many things

come was not yet visible: the huge success

come into effect more and more frequently

have been born through this collaboration.

of our cooperation with our friends, gmp,

in the future. For example stadiums will

This facilitates processes and accelerates

which is not, in any way, confined to the

become increasingly multifunctional. This

many things.

stadium pitch.

gmp executive board

Jürgen Hillmer

Hubert Nienhoff

Volkwin Marg

Meinhard von Gerkan

Nikolaus Goetze

Stephan Schütz

Wu Wei







Partner China



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