Beyound potfolio

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“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist� - Pablo Picasso



“It’s supposed to be hard ... it’s supposed to be fun” Thinking, researching, analyzing, building a concept are hard tasks because it is all about paying attention to little details. you are soppused to see what others don’t, and you have to carefully read between the lines. And honestly, that what makes it exciting, interesting, and fun ... you knowing that you are able to communicate and promote the right message and avoiding all paths that might lead you to miscommunication.

Thinking Relaxes us ! We love thinking, we find it relaxing, and we practice it in our free time as a hobby. Yes,we believe a one must practice thinking in order to achive good ideas, and good ideas Do Not come from Revelation. We love to think about the source of things. We like to dig deep to find the origin of an idea, the reasoning behind a particular action done by us or others. This method of thinking had helped us develop our Decoding skills which we believe is essential to communication then the implementaion on design. With great thinking comes great Decoding, and with great Decoding comes great Communication.


What We Are Best At Branding


We treat brands as human beings. We care for what it likes, dislikes. How does is it want to talk to the market. How does it want the market to talk to it and perceive it. It is where we build a full identity for a brand.

A dedicated team of creatives and designers to generate design ideas and execute it in all applications .


Web & App

Starting from the traditional methods of communication (prints, press Ads, radio Ads,..) to modern methods including digital media Ads and campaigns.

From UX to UI, we have what it takes to design a full website with the new standards and trends.

Social Media Our team is fully prepared to develop contents and execute plans to manage social media accounts and increase brand engagement with the brand targeted audience on all social media platforms.

Bee Lance

Bee Lance

Bee Lance

“Products are made in the factory, but brands are made in the mind� - walter landor




“Branding is deliberate differentiation� - Debbie millman




“What the nervous system is to the body, the brand is to a healthy organisation� - Terry Tyrell


Lucidya Op 01

Lucidya Op 01

The cercle was the main elemnt of the design. All Letters

Easy To understand

Simple .. Easy .. Understandable. ÒEasy to understandÓ word LUCID, Which the brand truly stands for. The main porpuse of LUCIDYA and its services is to help the users view the market with the right perspective so i t is ÒEasiert o undestandÓ. Thus, the whole brand m ust adopt t his concept s tarting f rom the brand i dintaty ( Logo & S tationary), spreading i t to all of LUCIDYA so each brand aspect will be simple, smooth, and ÒEasyt o understandÓ. When establishing t he m ain concept of t he l ogo (easy t o understand), Word M arkÓw as f ound t o be t he b est m ethod o f design t o execute such a concept. since the concept of this direction is Òeasy to understandÓ, what w ould be a b etter way of delivering the meaning of this concept but by having the name of t he b rand easily d isplyed a s a logo i n a very simple yet a ttractive way. keeping i n mind that t he b rand i s Sage, coorporate, p ractical, and sophisticated. Keywords associated with this direction: Easy, Simple, No bother, Coorporate, Practical, Sophisticated.

For design porpuses and to balance the wight of the Letters before and after the Letter I, the letter U and the Letter C was cut.

When the Letter U was cut, it was found to be shorter than the other letters. Therefore all letters followed the Letter U in hight.

The spacing between the letters was shortened so all letter will have even spacing between them.

Lucidya Op 02

Lucidya Op 02

Crystal Clear See Through.

Clarity is one of the main concepts LUCIDYA follows. And it is what the users are looking for ÒClearview of the marketÓ. It also is the core of any social media analytics and the end results of its services. ÒCrystalC learÓi s a well known phrase used t o describe clear visions. And the logo design was fully inspired by i t. The l ogo w as d esigned as a n icon ( symbol) representing a crystal , adopting the main characteristics o f a crystel: merged t ogether, transparent, shiny. All of these characteristics were applied into the logo. However, makes i t LUCIDYA r elated i s the transparecy . No matter how many layers are in this logo, you will be able to see though it . Which is essential to LUCIDYA since no matter where the information come from or what the platforms are, you still will be able to get a clear Òsee throughÓi mage o f the market. Keywords associated w ith t his direction: Fair, Unblurred, Transparent, Clarion, Neat, Clear-cut, Coorporate, Practical, Sophisticated.

Lucidya Op 02

Logo Shapes

Regular Black, White

Flat Colored, Black, White

Other colors might be used in the future for sub brands of LUCIDYA

“When you look at a strong brand, you see a promise� - Jim Mullen





Cemetric Cut

Creating the Letter M

Final Shape

Brand Shapes


Bank AlJazeera

- Shaje’a Min Galbak Campaign

This Art work was designed to present the teams affeliated with “shaje’a min galbak” credit card program. These teams are ranked top 7 (from right to left) in Saudi Arabia. And each team is representing thier best player to attract the audiences (both Al-Jezeera bank clients and other clients) to join “Shaje’a Min Galbak” credit card program.

Bank AlJazeera

- Match announcement

AlJazeera bank announces the matches through thier facebook page. In this art work, challenge is the main concept. therefore, the whole visual adopted the feeling of challenge and competition.

Bank AlJazeera

- Smart phones campaign

90 phones are waiting for you, is the main idea of this visual. everytime Aljazeera bank clients use “Aljazeera app” or “Aljazeera online” they higher their chances of winning a smart phone (90 iphone 5s 90 Samsung Galaxy S4). So don’t hold back, the phones are waiting for you.


- Saudi national day

This art work was designed to celebrate the “Saudi National Day”. The main concept of the visual was driven from the name of the company “Waqood”. Waqood in Arabic means Fuele. And “Fuele” is the source of energy. When the battery is full and green it means that the phone has been energized.


- Jeddah Report traser

Closet World

- 2013 offer ad

in 2013, Closets World had enter the saudi Market with a big collection of closets and a bigger price reduction to gain a bigger market share . The ad was driven from the concept of the huge price reduction offered by Closets World. The artwork then adopted the concept by showing the offer tag bigger than the closet itself.

tahweel pipe

- pipes catalogue

Tahweel’s main competitive advantage other than strenght and long lasting was that thier pipes are Eco-Freindly and made from sustainable materials. A bamboo was found to be the perfect likening to their pipes and the easiest way to explain Tahweel’s strenght point.

qatarat -

ramadan greeting card 2014

qatarat -

lilat al-qadr greeting card

Lexus -

ramadan Posts

In Ramdan 2015, Lexus has started a series of posts highlighting the importance of this holy month. Each post was posted on their social media pages (facebook & Instagram). The Total number of posts was 12.

Lexus -

Eid Alfitr

This Artwork was designed for Lexus to celebrate Eid Al-fitr 2015. It was used in different mediums including social media and website.


Web Design

Web Design


app Design

OneGram App

app Design

Design process




Never sattle ... go “beyound” Please don't hisitate to contact us for further information Mohamed khan Managing Director +966555059308 ‫مؤسـسـة أروع الـمقــام للدعــاية واإلعــالن‬ ٤٠٣٠٤٦٦٨65

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