Five Loaf House, located in Pocono Pines, PA, has been re-examining life in a post-COVID world. We have been isolated and disconnected. Five Loaf House is hoping to change that, as we emerge from COVID with something new for you. There are several things that people need to have to be fulfilled in life. They need to connect with others, get a little help along the way, and grow. Five Loaf House recognizes these basic needs in all of us, and we are putting together our Community Connections Program. Community Connections offers group gatherings in an effort to make people’s lives more fulfilling. Community Connections has four areas we are developing. First is our Connection Groups. These are groups that have one simple purpose in mind; to get people together. It may be a fun discussion group like our Lifetree Cafe, or just a time for people your age to gather, have coffee and talk, like our Senior Connection, or our Young Adult Connection. Community Connections also wants to help people grow, so we are developing classes for our Constant Learning Groups. Constant Learning is for those who like to challenge their minds. Do you want to
learn to cook, to quilt, learn to administer first aid or grow a garden in the Poconos? There are all kinds of things we hope to offer in our Constant Learning groups. Community Connections is also planning Self-Help Groups. These groups are designed to help you get past struggles and difficulties in your life. We all carry some baggage, but is that baggage from the past hurting your future? Then it needs to go. These groups will help with that. Community Connections is also seeking to partner with other local organizations and groups that can help others in our community. We are already hosting three self-help meetings each week. We are looking for other groups to partner with, that can provide a free service to help people in our community. How do I get involved? Simply go to Five Loaf House’s website at fiveloafhouse.org and look for the Community Connections page. It will be active sometime in late August 2021. Look through what we have, then sign up at the bottom of the page. Check back often as there will be new things popping up regularly. Also, we will be announcing new groups and events on our Facebook page so be sure to friend us. Get involved! We know it’ll be worth your while and you can make some new friends along the way.
MKR Magazine September 2021