UWCID Masterplan - 03 Appendix Engagement

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Appendix Community Engagement Summary Summer 2021

community engagement Shaping Place, Building Community Central to the Upper Westside CID Masterplan is the notion that those who live or work in the Upper Westside cannot be viewed simply as stakeholders, but must be engaged in a way that creates civic pride, identity and ownership. The Masterplan process is an opportunity to foster stewardship, investment, and involvement from the ground-up. Through this process, the neighbors of the Upper Westside are simultaneously shaping place and building community. To cultivate this sense of stewardship, the planning team embraced an approach to community engagement that was sustained and inclusive. Throughout the planning process the team talked, listened, explored, and collaborated with community members in a variety of ways. The following pages summarize the engagement performed during this process and how the planning team adapted it’s strategy to prioritize the health and well-being of the Upper Westside community in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. Detailed summaries of the community engagement results can be found in the Appendices. The following pages provide an overview of the ways in which community members and stakeholders were engaged throughout the process.

The Masterplan was a collaborative process that included:



Neighborhood Workshops

UWCID Board Workshops





Wikimap Comments

Online Survey Respondents

Stakeholders Interviewed





SMS Survey Text Messages

Postcards Mailed to Residents

Unique Visitors to the Website

Page Views on the Website

of Multi-colored Yarn

2month 6

150ft ~1k

Asynchronous Workshop

Long Childrens Cycle Track

Upper Westside Mailboxes

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Pins, Pom Poms, and Sticky Dots

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

My Upper Westside Masterplan: Community Engagement Toolkit District Tour & Audit On January 22nd, the planning team hopped in a passenger van and explored the district with 9 Upper Westsiders to kick things off. Project Website Finding a digital home for the Masterplan was a critical part of ensuring the process was accessible and transparent. The website was updated at key milestones and included project announcements, presentations and digital engagement activities. Since launching on February 17th, 2020 it has been viewed by 9,700 times by 4,600 unique visitors. Email List Masterplan updates and invitations to participate were sent to Upper Westside CID's active newsletter list which includes residents, all commercial property owners who joined the CID, business owners, employees, students, and visitors. During each engagement activity, participants were invited to share their email to stay in the loop as the plan progressed. Stakeholder Interviews On February 26th & 27th, 2020 the planning team sat down with 51 individuals from 42 organizations to explore the dynamics of the Upper Westside and share ideas for its future. Public Meeting #1 - Gone Analog Out of the blue, a pandemic took hold of the world so the planning team pivoted the planned in-person St. Patrick’s Day event into a series of digital and analog exercises that introduced participants to the planning study while providing a space to share ideas. These exercises included a visioning postcard campaign mailed to nearly 6,000 residents complete with custom “Upper Westside Mailboxes” installed in each of the CID’s neighborhoods where postcards could be returned. This analogue activity was accompanied by an online vision survey and a series of printable children’s activities (Bingo, Draw Your Park) available on the My Upper Westside project website. Neighborhood Visioning Workshops During the month of June, we hosted Neighborhood Visioning Workshops for each of the six Upper Westside communities: Berkeley Park, Blandtown, Channing Valley, Howell Station, Marietta Street Artery, and Underwood Hills. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak these gatherings were conducted digitally via Zoom and featured a variety of interactive exercises to explore a collective vision for how each neighborhood wished to grow over the next decade and discuss the transportation, greenspace, and land-use strategies needed to achieve it.

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Online Interactive WikiMap Throughout the months of May, June, & July a digital web-based interactive map allowed participants to share their go-to-spots, desired routes, and big ideas for the Upper Westside. During this period 155 comments were shared. SMS Intercept Survey In June, the planning team placed temporary yard signs at key locations across the Upper Westside asking passersby to share their thoughts about the district by texting a keyword to a dedicated project phone number. The signs asked residents and visitors alike to answer simple questions focused on neighborhood pride, transportation & mobility, and public greenspace. During the comment period 62 unique respondents joined the conversation. Public Meeting #2 - Asynchronous Masterplan Workshop A retail space in The Works was transformed into a community space featuring installations on the history of the Upper Westside, an introduction to the Upper Westside Improvement District, and a series of interactive activities designed to solicit input on the future of public space, transportation and mobility, and development character in the district. The space also featured an installation of exclusive Upper Westside photography and a Traffic Garden where children could practice observing stop signs, crosswalks, oneway signs, and railroad crossings. The space was open weekdays 10a-6p and weekends 10a-4p through the months of August and September. UWCID Board Engagement Throughout the planning process the project team engaged with Board Members via interviews (March 16th & 17th) and workshops (May 20th, June 17th, September 16th, & October 21st) to learn from their experience, explore plan ideas, and establish capital project priorities. Agency Partner Engagement At various points during the planning process the team engaged agency partners representing key stakeholder groups across the Upper Westside. This included meetings with Altanta BeltLine Inc. and various offices within the City of Atlanta's Department of City Planning, including the Office of Zoning & Development and the Atlanta City Studio. Draft Masterplan Outreach Throughout the months of March and April 2021 a digital web-based outreach platform, Konveio, allowed participants to review the draft My Upper Westside Masterplan and share their feedback. The draft Masterplan page was viewed almost 1,750 times during this review period.


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #1 Out of the blue, a pandemic took hold of the world so the planning team pivoted the planned in-person St. Patrick’s Day event into a series of digital and analog exercises that introduced participants to the planning study while providing a space to share ideas. These exercises included a visioning postcard campaign mailed to nearly 6,000 residents complete with custom “Upper Westside Mailboxes” installed in each of the CID’s neighborhoods where postcards could be returned. This analogue activity was accompanied by an online vision survey and a series of printable children’s activities (Bingo, Draw Your Park) available on the My Upper Westside project website.

l Mill Rd wel Ho

dN Roa W er lli



d NW tta Blv

Matissa Underwood Street Park Hills Park

Underwood Hills

Northside Dr

my vision for the UPPER WES TSIDE IS

Channing Valley 75

Ch at tah oochee Ave NW Topgolf

Berkeley Park






West M arie tt

14th St

Provisions District


Howell Station

Draw stars over your go-to places in the Upper Westside!

The Goat Farm Arts Center Westside



Knight Park


lvd N


Write down your vision above! To share it: drop it off at an Upper Westside mailbox [ ] near you, post a picture of it on our Facebook page, or email it to hello@upperwestsideatl.org


Huff Rd NW


Westside Park

Atlantic Station


Waterworks Greenspace

N Rd

Pe rr

10th St

Marietta Street Artery Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW Maddox Park

Screenshot and Photo of the My Upper Westside Mailbox Exercise

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Photo of the My Upper Westside Mailbox in Channing Valley & a Sample of the Postcards Received

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #1 Vision Survey Responses

My vision for the Upper Westside is...

A walkable,

bikeable, public-transportation connected urban area

A place where our family can live, play, eat, shop and be

with plenty of parks, community events, locally-owned business and progressive, inclusive residents.

entertained. I see a redevelopment and urban resurgence catalyzed by proper

planning and strategic zoning on the Westside.

Walkable, urban, artful!

A mix of residential, commercial, small business and recreation living in harmony together. A thriving atmosphere of being active and having an entrepreneurial spirit.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Contemporary design, green spaces, sidewalks



Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Public Meeting #1 Vision Survey Responses

What do you love about the Upper Westside? Share what you consider to be the Upper Westside’s strengths.

We can be a model for Atlanta moving forward if we do it right. I love the diverse restaurants and shopping, beautiful old homes and new developments. It’s turning into a true destination for


Funky and unique. Awesome design district rooted in industrial context.

I love that it is convenient to every part of Atlanta.

The people. The community is

so involved and ready to help. The history is awesome and

I love the history and sort of underdog tone. I think people are

rooting for us like we are rooting for ourselves, and

should be appreciated.

that feels good.

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #1 Vision Survey Responses

What about the Upper Westside needs improvement? Share what you consider to be the challenges facing the Upper Westside.

We need better public

Pollution of various kinds, heavy traffic, affordability pressures and poor infrastructure are major issues. Massive real-estate development has proceeded without addressing

transportation, roads, bike lanes and sidewalks.

these adequately.

Controlling the deforestation and

replacing some of the lost tree canopy...

Potholes, potholes and more


Safety - there are still some more commercial areas on Howell Mill that are run down, and can attract crime like car break ins or robberies at gas stations.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Infrastructure. Why do we continually build nice, shiny, new buildings on top of rotten sewers, waterlines, etc. ?


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Public Meeting #1 Vision Survey Responses

What would make the Upper Westside more livable and welcoming? Share what you think is missing from the Upper Westside.

Intentional connectedness: Broader walkability and sidewalks. And in the long term, mass transit. More places to gather, more parks. Most people don’t know what the Upper Westside is. Signage would help let visitors know where they are.

Open park space, more food options, another grocery store.

More restaurants and shops - but not chain

Having a cleaner feel visually on Howell Mill. Improved air

restaurants or strip malls.

quality and traffic issues addressed.

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #1 Vision Survey Responses

What is the one thing you’d like to see happen in the Upper Westside? Share what you think we should prioritize in the Upper Westside.

SIDEWALKS. Get the BeltLine done... and everything (restaurants, businesses and art) else that goes with it. Continue to prioritize locally

owned businesses.

We need more community parks that can cater to the growing family population. We need more of the area to be walkable.

Maintain neighborhood aesthetics with a diverse Traffic management. One the construction is done, PLEASE

blend of high quality, affordable housing stock + cultural and historic resources.

PLEASE PLEASE FIX OUR ROADS!!! It is insane right now!

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Public Meeting #1 Vision Survey Responses

What is the most underappreciated asset of the Upper Westside? Share what you think should be celebrated about the Upper Westside that isn’t today.

The...adaptive reuse of industrial buildings has really given the area its sense of place and helped it become the “design district” of the city.

We should celebrate the history of the old neighborhoods in the Upper Westside.

The family-owned businesses. They give the neighborhood

The residents really care about the growth of this area and often are willing to volunteer to help clean up the area.

I wish I could say the reservoir park, but if only they’d take the fence down.

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

strong character.

Its natural beauty. I’d love to see more green spaces.


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

SMS Intercept Survey In June, the planning team placed temporary yard signs at key locations across the Upper Westside asking passersby to share their thoughts about the district by texting a keyword to a dedicated project phone number. The signs asked residents and visitors alike to answer simple questions focused on neighborhood pride, transportation & mobility, and public greenspace. During the comment period 62 unique respondents joined the conversation.

Photos of signage installed as part of the SMS Intercept Survey

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

SMS Intercept Survey Responses

How can we make our streets safer & friendlier?



especially bikesidepaving Northside cool Huff sidewalk dont Maybe crosswalk lane good continuous Create lanes west

Howell go

Just etc parks Peachtree


safer everyone hard cars

area star Mill walking see Ellsworth Marietta 75 dangerous 17 Collier sure 17th provisions Chattahoochee corner



I want to safely bike to_____.

campus marked Proctor white belt often prefer Publix start






stating much Cantina bikes crosswalks cyclists dont true manhole St

Night roads North overpass

Ponce hour

designated Bankhead need ride monk walk impossible makes help Lights

Street road Collier Avana

turn line Georgia Park 10th also Rd Tech Ave

desperate Piedmont already pedestrians







yoga next

around solid Chattahoochee hard good Wide Scofflaw

Mill provisions 14th lanes Brewing Beltline want Huff route cars onto shared go westside lane Biking



particular loose curve

Ellsworth work tothe


Nuevo rush toward Battle

Quarry Avenue

way Starting

fast clear


downtown even



Sidewalks Greenway bicycles standard station potholes stay difference Laredo extrawife look thought sidewalk Bold sure protected Breweries logos

Howell Bike right Creek safely






Northside rocks Yes



well thing green

Trail share along



Yonder large Industrial


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

everyone plausible

scary big


really Drivers


market Midtown Works gotta


Marta City painted


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

SMS Intercept Survey Responses

I want a trail that connects _____ to _____.


Niles want NW bike proctor


village also along

Park Reservoir creek Brady

Marietta Beltline ave


Ellsworth needs

Hills Huff

sidewalks lanes everywhere bridge

trail Westside Quarry Rd Provisions throughout Thank



Howell Knight blanks

West access

Boulevard Connectivity





Parkthe 1079 smoother Absent


power WorksBold Monk belt crosswalk backside happy better Underwood Fill Industrial

Station protected line drive Northside Channing Perhaps awesome Avenue easement like


Dream Id




I want a park with _____ in my neighborhood.

Picnic well area


trails playground

feature Hockey


park want Covered




walking possibly

fenced pool neighborhood space



Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Roller run








Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Online Interactive Wikimap Throughout the months of May, June, & July a digital web-based interactive map allowed participants to share their go-to-spots, desired routes, and big ideas for the Upper Westside. During this period 155 comments were shared.

Screenshot from the Online Interactive Wikimap Exercise

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Online Interactive Wikimap Exercise Composite Map

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Online Interactive Wikimap Go-To Spot Responses What is a go-to spot? These are places people visit regularly, and have come to love. They are a part of what makes the Upper Westside feel like home.

Hills Park

234 Go-To Spots




Pe rr

N Rd

noted by map respondents, including restaurants, parks, breweries and districts



lvd N



Westside Par Bellwood Qua

G Go-To Spot

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Road NW

ell Mill Rd


Underwood Hills Ch a

Channing Valley

75 Berkeley Park


rie W

dN Blv

Loring Heights


Atlantic Station

17th St NW Huff Rd NW

West M ariet t

14th St NW aS

Home Park

W tN

Grove Park

Collier Hills

tta hooc ee Ave NW h


rk at arry

Northside Dr


er lli

Howell Station

10th St NW

33% of Go-To Spots are within this circle

Marietta St Artery

Georgia Tech

Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

vd NW tta Bl Marie

Online Interactive Wikimap Desired Route Responses What is a desired route? These are the ways people would like to get around the Upper Westside if it were safe and friendly to do so.



Pe rr

N Rd

focused on some form of walking, biking, and transit connection.


100% of Routes



lvd N


Improved Pedestrian + Bike Connection New Pedestrian/Bike Connection Improved Transit + Pedestrian + Bike Connection

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Road NW

Northside Dr

er lli


Ch a

tta hooc ee Ave NW h


ell How

West M ariet t

Mill Rd

Huff Rd NW

17th St NW

14th St NW routes Half of all desired include Howell Mill,


W tN

Huff Road & West Marietta Street 10th St NW

Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

vd NW tta Bl Marie

Online Interactive Wikimap Big Idea Responses What is a big idea? These are the ideas people have for how to make the Upper Westside more livable.



Pe rr

N Rd

were shared for how the Upper Westside could become more livable.


47 Big Ideas



lvd N


Transportation Ideas Green Space Ideas Safety Ideas

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Road NW

Northside Dr

er lli


Ch a

tta hooc ee Ave NW h


ell How

West M ariet t

17th St NW

Mill Rd

Huff Rd NW

14th St NW aS

W tN

10th St NW

Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Online Interactive Wikimap Big Idea Responses Big Idea Word Cloud

47 Big Ideas

d NW tta Blv

Sidewalks to get between all of the new breweries popping up in the area. There isn't a safe option to walk/bike between Fire Maker, Steady Hand, Bold Monk, Dr. Scofflaw (soon!), Second Self, and Round Trip.


a tt aho ochee Ave NW


W dN aR ett

Huff Rd NW


lvd N

Mill Rd

Pe rr

ell How

Create a multi-use trail that crosses the train tracks and allows access to Monday Night & other things on Howell Mill

oad NW rR

ri Ma

Ellsworth needs sidewalks, bike lanes, speed bumps to slow traffic, non-crossing double yellow line, dedicated turn lanes, a stop light at Elaine, crosswalks, and better street lights.

e lli Co

Northside Dr


Big Ideas: Transportation


Keep the right-turn slip lane closed. The wider turns are slower, and safer for everyone involved. Especially given the heavy freight traffic on this road.

West M a


17th St NW

14th St NW


W tN

The big idea is to remove these parking spots (they just built an entire parking garage right next to here, they can afford to lose 10 spaces!) and replace it with a pedestrian plaza in front of all these restaurants.

10th St NW

Transportation Ideas Green Space Ideas Safety Ideas

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Turn this vacant lot into a pocket park! It could also act as a path between Collier and the shopping center.

e lli Co

Work with GA Power to connect Howell Mill to Tanyard Creek Beltline spur by creating paths and parks on their right of way.


a tt aho ochee Ave NW



One or more pollinator gardens along Ellsworth to serve as more productive speed reducers for the street.

tta rie W


ell How

Pe rr

N Rd

lvd N

Huff Rd NW


Push back the fence around the water reservoir to create a dog park between Berkeley Park, Monday Night and the Water works park

West M a


17th St NW

Mill Rd

Connect the future Beltline corridor to the Arts Center Marta Station with a Gondola that utilizes vertical space over the water reservoir and 17th street. It could also connect to the Westside Quarry Park.

oad NW rR

Northside Dr

d NW tta Blv Marie

Big Ideas: Greenspace

14th St NW


W tN

Trail from Trabert Ave to the new Waterworks public greenspace at 17th Street.

10th St NW

Transportation Ideas Green Space Ideas

Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW

Safety Ideas

Work with the property owner of the Publix shopping center to move an entrance to align with Emery St.

e lli Co

Crosswalks and signals at the Chattahoochee/ Ellsworth intersection. I *think* this is already in the plan, but definitely needs to be done by the time The Works really opens.


a tt aho ochee Ave NW



lvd N

ell How

Pe rr

W dN aR ett

ri Ma

TURN VISIBILITY! For cars to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists!

Huff Rd NW


West M a


Mill Rd

Traffic calming measures. Through-traffic speeding and ignoring stop signs increases risk of serious injury and discourages walking, biking and other welcoming outdoor activities.

oad NW rR

Northside Dr

d NW tta Blv


Big Ideas: Safety

17th St NW

14th St NW


W tN 10th St NW

Transportation Ideas Green Space Ideas Safety Ideas

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #2 Asynchronous Masterplan Workshop Open weekdays 10am-6pm and weekends 10am-4pm through August and September, the Upper Westside Workshop was conceived as a community space designed to foster connections and solicit feedback on greenspace, trails, and transportation improvements. Visitors were invited to walk through an exhibit on the history of the district, learn about the Upper Westside Community Improvement District, and participate in the masterplan process through a series of interactive engagement exercises. Additionally, the workshop featured a Traffic Garden and wall of exclusive Upper Westside photography for visitors to explore.

Photos of the Masterplan Workshop

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #2 Public Amenity Exercise

Place stickers next to the amenities you care about the most


44 41

38 40

34 30




Bike Repair

Grilling Area

Skate Park

Sports Courts

Game Table

Fitness Stations


Event Pavilion

Picnic Areas

Native Habitat


Community Gardens


Open Lawn


Tree Groves

Shade Structures

Public Art

Dog Park

Stream Restoration

Nature Playground

Splash Pad



Photo & Quantification of the Public Amenity Exercise Responses

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Public Meeting #2 Transportation & Mobility Exercise

Very Comfortable

Somewhat Comfortable

Very Comfortable

Somewhat Comfortable

Multi-Use Trails (Off Street) Uncomfortable

Very Comfortable

Somewhat Comfortable



Very Comfortable

Protected Cycle Tracks

Multi-Use Paths (Adjacent to Street) Very Comfortable

Somewhat Comfortable

Raised Bike Paths

Somewhat Comfortable

Very Comfortable

Somewhat Comfortable



Conventional & Buffered Bicycle Lanes

Bicycle Boulevards


Drop a token into the container that best describes your feeling towards each facility type

Photo & Quantification of the Transportation & Mobility Exercise Responses

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #2 District Character Exercise

Urban Core Heat Map

Neighborhood Center Heat Map

I-Mix Heat Map

Urban Core

Neighborhood Center


Urban Core Heat Area

Neighborhood Center Heat Area

I-Mix Heat Area

Public Open Space Heat Map

Main Street Heat Map

Mixed-use Complex Heat Map

Public Open Space

Main Street

Mixed-use Complex

Public Open Space Heat Area

Main Street Heat Area

Mixed-use Complex Heat Area

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary




Ma Rd th




Pe rr


14th St

10th St Urban Core Neighborhood Center I-Mix Main Street Public Open Space Mixed-use Complex Study Area District Character Exercise Composite Map

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Public Meeting #2 My Park Exercise

Photo & Enlargement of the My Parks Exercise Responses

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Public Meeting #2 My Vision Exercise

Photo & Enlargement of the My Vision Exercise Responses

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops During the month of June, we hosted Neighborhood Visioning Workshops for each of the six Upper Westside communities: Berkeley Park, Blandtown, Channing Valley, Howell Station, Marietta Street Artery, and Underwood Hills. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak these gatherings were conducted digitally via Zoom and featured a variety of interactive exercises to explore a collective vision for how each neighborhood wished to grow over the next decade and discuss the transportation, greenspace, and land-use strategies needed to achieve it.

Screenshot from the Underwood Hills Neighborhood Visioning Session

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

75 Vision Workshop June 16, 2020 5:30p to 7:00p

Collier Rd

Vision Workshop June 18, 2020 7:00p to 8:30p


Channing Valley


a Ch

tt ah oo


Underwood Hills

Vision Workshop June 24, 2020 7:00p to 8:30p

ch ee Ave




Northside Dr

Berkeley Park

Vision Workshop June 30, 2020 7:30p to 9:00p

d Blv



Ma Rd



Marietta Street Artery 10th St






Howell Station

Vision Workshop June 23, 2020 14th St 7:00p to 8:30p






Rd Huff

Vision Workshop June 17, 2020 6:00p to 7:30p



ill Rd ll M


we Ho

Pe rr


J Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy

Neighborhood Boundary NPU Boundary Neighborhoods & Neighborhood Planning Units (NPU) of the Upper Westside

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Channing Valley Neighborhood Vision

My vision is... "to make it feel like one cohesive community."

Neighborhood Character I’m proud of Channing Valley because… The People & Character: Channing Valley is a warm and welcoming community with a beloved neighborhood park that serves as the heart of the neighborhood. Transportation & Mobility Getting around Channing Valley would be easier & safer if… Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure: There is a strong call for more & higher quality sidewalks, improved bike facilities, and off-street trail connections linking Channing Valley to surrounding neighborhoods, amenities, and destinations. Destinations of note include the Tanyard Creek Trail, the retail development along Howell Mill Rd & Collier Dr, the Westside Provisions District, and the Waterworks Greenspace. Streets of note include Howell Mill Rd and Northside Dr. Traffic Calming Measures: There is a desire for more traffic calming measures to slow speeds and reduce cut through trafffic along Channing Dr. Parks & Public Space I want [blank] in Channing Valley. Leverage the Georgia Power Easement: Adjacent to Channing Valley Park is a Georgia Power easement that holds great open space and trail connectivity potential. Potential programming ideas include, dog park, trails, and a water feature. Foreground Connections to Nature: There is a desire to improve health & quality of the stream corridor running through Channing Valley Park. There is also a desire to explore development of hiking and nature trails within the neighborhood. Neighborhood Vision My vision for Channing Valley is… Cohesive, Connected, & Safe: There is a desire for Channing Valley to retain its intimate and friendly neighborhood feel. while improving connections to a diverse mix of community serving amenities and regional destinations.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Channing Valley Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot

Channing Valley Park Enhancements

Improved Connectivity to the Tanyard Creek

Collier Rd

Neighborhood Serving Retail District

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Walking & Biking Routes Defoor Ave

C ha t

tahoochee Ave

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Walking & Biking Routes

Northside Dr


ill R

ll M

we Ho

Intersection Improvement Road Improvement Vehicular Route

Sidewalks along 17th St

Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection Trail Route Needs Improvement Asset Big Idea


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Howell Station Neighborhood Vision

My vision is... "a walkable, inclusive, community driven neighborhood with great access to West Midtown."

Neighborhood Character I’m proud of Howell Station because… The People Howell Station is a civically active, community focused, and inclusive neighborhood. The Character Howell Station is a historic intown neighborhood with diverse housing options and a cherished mature tree canopy. Transportation & Mobility Getting around Howell Station would be easier & safer if… Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure There is a strong call for more & higher quality sidewalks, improved bike facilities, and off-street trail connections linking Howell Station to surrounding neighborhoods, amenities, and destinations. Destinations of note include the Bankhead MARTA Station, the future Westside Reservoir Park, the Proctor Creek Greenway, the Westside Provisions District, Blandtown, and the future Betline. Traffic Calming Measures There is a desire for more traffic calming measures to slow speeds throughout Howell Station and reduce truck traffic through the residential core of the neighborhood. Church St, Rice St, Marietta Blvd, and W Marietta St were identified as streets in need of improvements. Parks & Public Space I want [blank] in Howell Station. Celebrate Knight Park Knight Park is a beloved community space in the heart of Howell Station. It is in the midst of a transformation guided by the Knight Park Vision Plan. Community gathering space and a dog park topped the list of desired park amenities. Find Hidden Nature Opportunities to create public space exist within Howell Station that leverage underutilized and undevelopable land. Parcels along Foster Pl were identified as potential new community open space. Neighborhood Vision My vision for Howell Station is… Diverse, Inclusive, & Inviting There is a desire for Howell Station to retain its charming neighborhood feel and be recognized as a community where people of all ages and cultures can call home. Connected, Accessible, & Safe There is a call for Howell Station to be a connected community where residents can easily and safely access nearby destinations by foot, bike, and transit.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Howell Station Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot

tt rie Ma lvd aB

Improved North/ South Connections

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Transit Infrastructure

West Marietta St

Connections to Westside Park Church St

Neighborhood Traffic Calming & Streetscape Improvements

Rice St



West M


a St

Jefferson St

Joseph E. Lowery Blvd

Connections to Bankhead MARTA & Proctor Creek Greenway

Marietta Blvd

Pocket Parks & Neighborhood Greenspaces

Intersection Improvement BANKHEAD MARTA STATION

Donald Lee Hollowe

ll Pkwy

Road Improvement Vehicular Route Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection Trail Route Needs Improvement

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Walking & Biking Routes Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Asset Big Idea



Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Howell Station Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Howell Station Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Howell Station Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Howell Station Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Howell Station Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

This Page Left Intentionally Blank

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Underwood Hills Neighborhood Vision

My vision is... "a familyfriendly, diverse, affordable community with connected sidewalks."

Neighborhood Character I’m proud of Underwood Hills because… The People Underwood Hills is a diverse and engaged neighborhood with a strong sense of community. The Character Underwood Hills is an accessible, walkable in-town community with attainable housing options, quality schools and a feeling of being “nestled in the forest.” Transportation & Mobility Getting around Underwood Hills would be easier & safer if… Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure There is a strong call for more & higher quality sidewalks, improved bike facilities, and off-street trail connections linking Underwood Hills to surrounding neighborhoods, amenities, and destinations. Desired on-street routes of note include Chattahoochee Ave, Defoor Ave, Howell Mill Rd, and Collier Rd. Desired off-street connections include bridging over the rail near the terminus of Mantisa St to connect to the development wave occuring along Ellsworth Industrial Blvd & Chattahoochee Ave. Traffic Calming Measures There is a desire for more traffic calming measures to slow speeds throughout Underwood Hills. Collier Rd, Defoor Ave, Howell Mill Rd, and Chattahoochee Ave were identified as streets in need of improvements. Parks & Public Space I want [blank] in Underwood Hills. Celebrate Underwood Hills Park Underwood HIlls Park is a beloved community space in the heart of the neighborhood. A community gathering space, water feature, nature playground, additional walking trails and a pedestrian bridge to connect to Howell Mill Rd topped the list of desired park amenities. Activate the Public Realm A desire for public art and placemaking at high visibility intersections (including Collier Rd & Defoor Ave and Collier Rd & Hills Ave) and at transit stops was expressed. Neighborhood Vision My vision for Underwood Hills is… Vibrant, Friendly, Connected, & Safe There is a desire for Underwood Hills to be a welcoming, family-friendly community with vibrant destinations along the edges of the neighborhood easily accessible by foot and bike from the residential core.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Underwood Hills Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Transit Infrastructure

Collier Rd

Neighborhood Serving Retail District

Walking & Biking Loops Through the Neighborhood

Improved East/ West Walking & Bike Routes UNDERWOOD HILL PARK

Improved East/ West Walking & Bike Routes



ttah ochee



Howell Mill

Ellsworth Industrial Blvd

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Walking & Biking Routes

C ha

foo r


Intersection Improvement Road Improvement Vehicular Route Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection Trail Route Needs Improvement Asset Big Idea


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Underwood Hills Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Underwood Hills Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Underwood Hills Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Underwood Hills Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Marietta Street Artery Neighborhood Vision

My vision is... "to be one of the most walkable and bikable neighborhoods in Atlanta while retaining [our] industrial character."

Neighborhood Character I’m proud of Marietta Street Artery because… The Character & Community The Marietta Street Artery is a historic, diverse, and mixed neighborhood with an industrial character and urban quality that makes it special. Transportation & Mobility Getting around Marietta Street Artery would be easier & safer if… Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure There is a strong call for more & higher quality sidewalks, improved bike facilities, and off-street trail connections linking the Marietta Street Artery to surrounding neighborhoods, amenities, and destinations. Routes of note include Howell Mill Rd, Northside Dr, 10th St, 14th St, and W Marietta St. Improved Street Network There is a desire for a more robust and connected street network to relieve traffic on major streets like Howell Mill Rd, 14th St, & 10th St. Opportunities to bridge the rail and establish connections to Howell Station and Blandtown were desired. Parks & Public Space I want [blank] in Marietta Street Artery. Finding Hidden Nature A desire for green space, large and small, was expressed. Ideas included adding sidewalk buffers with shade trees along streets, finding opportunities for pocket parks, and creating a public space with views of the train tracks. Neighborhood Vision My vision for Marietta Street Artery is… Connected, Green, & Gritty There is a desire for the Marietta Street Artery to retain its industrial heritage and sense of place, while embracing the wave of development and density that will welcome the next generation of residents, workers, and visitors. It has the potential to be one of the most walkable, bikeable, and transit connected neighborhoods in the city.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Marietta Street Artery Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot

Access and Amenities at the Waterworks



th St

Huff Rd

14th St

Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Walking & Biking Routes Opportunities for Public Spaces with Views of the Trains

New Connections to Adjacent Communities

Northside Dr



rietta S

ill R

ell M


West M a

10th St

8th St




M St

Intersection Improvement Road Improvement Vehicular Route Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection

Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy

Trail Route Needs Improvement Asset Big Idea


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Marietta Street Artery Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Mentimeter Results

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Marietta Street Artery Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Marietta Street Artery Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Mentimeter Results

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

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Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Berkeley Park Neighborhood Vision

I'm proud because... "there is a sense of community that is evident as you walk down the street."

Neighborhood Character I’m proud of Berkeley Park because… The People Berkeley Park is a well located, close knit, and friendly neighborhood with a strong sense of community. Transportation & Mobility Getting around Berkeley Park would be easier & safer if… Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure There is a strong call for more & higher quality sidewalks, improved bike facilities, and off-street trail connections linking Berkeley Park to surrounding neighborhoods, amenities, and destinations. Routes of note include the Northside Dr, Howell Mill Rd, Chattahoochee Ave, & 17th St. Traffic Calming Measures There is a desire for more traffic calming measures to slow speeds throughout Berkeley Park and reduce cut-through traffic in the residential core of the neighborhood. Antone St, Holmes St, Howell Mill Rd, and Northside Dr were identified as streets in need of improvements. Expanded Street Network There is a desire to extend Trabert Ave to connect Howell Mill Rd to Northside Dr and Deering Rd and connect Berkeley Ave to Trabert Ave across the rail corridor. Parks & Public Space I want [blank] in Berkeley Park. Put the “Park” in Berkeley Park Opportunities to create public space exist within Berkeley Park that leverage underutilized and undevelopable land. A paper street running parallel to Howell Mill Rd was identified as potential new linear community open space. The Hemphill Water Treatment Plant reservoirs were identified as an opportunity for a new signature open space. A native flower garden, dog park, community garden, and walking paths topped the list of desired park amenities. Neighborhood Vision My vision for Berkeley Park is… Charming, Connected, Mixed There is a desire for Berkeley Park to retain its charming neighborhood feel while improving its connectivity to all of the amenities and vibrancy nearby.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Berkeley Park Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot

Streetscape & Traffic Calming Improvements

D ef oo r A ve

Chatt ahochee Ave

Holmes St

Ellsworth Industrial Blvd

Opportunity for Redevelopment with Community Serving Housing & Retail

Improved Connectivity to Adjacent Communities

Antone St

e rt Av

e Trab

Safe & Comfortable Pedestrian & Bike Infrastructure

Access and Amenities at the Waterworks


Howell M

Northside Dr

17th St

ill Rd

Huff Rd

14th St Intersection Improvement Road Improvement Vehicular Route Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection Trail Route Needs Improvement Asset Big Idea

10th St


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Berkeley Park Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Berkeley Park Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Berkeley Park Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

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Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Blandtown Neighborhood Vision

My vision is... "a walkable, diverse, connected community that fosters neighborhood interaction & a sense of community"

Neighborhood Character I’m proud of Blandtown because… The History Blandtown is an up and coming neighborhood with a rich history and a bright future. Transportation & Mobility Getting around Blandtown would be easier & safer if… Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure There is a strong call for more & higher quality sidewalks, improved bike facilities, and off-street trail connections linking Howell Station to surrounding neighborhoods, amenities, and destinations. Routes of note include Chattahoochee Ave, Ellsworth Industrial Blvd, and Huff Rd. Expanded Street Network There is a desire for a more integrated street network to improve connectivity and alleviate traffic in the neighborhood. Potential connections of note include the extension of Culpepper St to connect from Ellsworth Industrial Blvd to Howell Mill Rd, the extension of Fairmont Ave to connect to Huber St, the extension of Morris St to connect to Enlish St, and the extension of Bowen St to connect to Fairmont St. Parks & Public Space I want [blank] in Blandtown. Find Hidden Nature Opportunities to create public space exist within Howell Station that leverage underutilized and undevelopable land. The Woodall Creek and its environs were identified as potential new community open space(s). The Hemphill Water Treatment Plant reservoirs were identified as an opportunity for a new signature open space. Pocket Parks, an amphitheater, farmers market, trails, recreation spaces, walking trails and dog parks topped the list of desired park amenities. Neighborhood Vision My vision for Blandtown is… Connected, Diverse, Inclusive There is a desire for Blandtown to be a connected community where residents can easily and safely access both neighborhood serving retail and nearby destinations by foot and bike. The rich history of the community should be celebrated and made visible through programming and design.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Blandtown Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot

Safe & Comfortable Pedestrian & Bike Infrastructure

D ef oo r A ve

Ellsworth Industrial Blvd

Chatt ahochee Ave

New Connections to Adjacent Communities

Parks & Greenspace Along Woodall Creek


ta B



Access, Amenities & Art at the Waterworks Howell Mill Rd


Huff R

Parks & Public Spaces at Existing Civic Assets

Intersection Improvement Road Improvement Vehicular Route Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection Trail Route Needs Improvement Asset Big Idea


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Blandtown Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Blandtown Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Blandtown Neighborhood Vision

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Mentimeter Results


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Blandtown Neighborhood Vision

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Mentimeter Results


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Neighborhood Visioning Workshops Summary Vision Statements

Neighborhood Vision My vision for Channing Valley is… Cohesive, Connected, & Safe: There is a desire for Channing Valley to retain its intimate and friendly neighborhood feel. while improving connections to a diverse mix of community serving amenities and regional destinations. My vision for Howell Station is… Diverse, Inclusive, & Inviting There is a desire for Howell Station to retain its charming neighborhood feel and be recognized as a community where people of all ages and cultures can call home. Connected, Accessible, & Safe There is a call for Howell Station to be a connected community where residents can easily and safely access nearby destinations by foot, bike, and transit. My vision for Underwood Hills is… Vibrant, Friendly, Connected, & Safe There is a desire for Underwood Hills to be a welcoming, family-friendly community with vibrant destinations along the edges of the neighborhood easily accessible by foot and bike from the residential core. My vision for Marietta Street Artery is… Connected, Green, & Gritty There is a desire for the Marietta Street Artery to retain its industrial heritage and sense of place, while embracing the wave of development and density that will welcome the next generation of residents, workers, and visitors. It has the potential to be one of the most walkable, bikeable, and transit connected neighborhoods in the city. My vision for Berkeley Park is… Charming, Connected, Mixed There is a desire for Berkeley Park to retain its charming neighborhood feel while improving its connectivity to all of the amenities and vibrancy nearby. My vision for Blandtown is… Connected, Diverse, Inclusive There is a desire for Blandtown to be a connected community where residents can easily and safely access both neighborhood serving retail and nearby destinations by foot and bike. The rich history of the community should be celebrated and made visible through programming and design.

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Neighborhood Vision: Interactive Mapping Snapshot Composite Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Transit Infrastructure

Neighborhood Retail Districts & Redevelopment

Collier Rd

CHANNING VALLEY UNDERWOOD HILLS Safe, Friendly, & Comfortable Walking & Biking Routes

Parks & Public Spaces Leveraging Natural Resources

D ef oo r A ve att aho chee A ve


Access, Amenities & Art at the Waterworks



ta B



Ellsworth Industrial Blvd


Catalytic Redevelopment Opportunities

New Community Connections Northside Dr

Howell Mill Rd

Huff Rd

14th St

West M


Park & Public Space Enhancements

ta St

Green Streets & Pocket Parks


10th St

MARIETTA STREET ARTERY Parks & Public Spaces at Existing Civic Assets

Intersection Improvement Road Improvement Vehicular Route Transit Connection Bike Connection Pedestrian Connection Trail Route Needs Improvement Asset Big Idea


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Connections to Regional Transit Systems 71

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

Draft Masterplan Outreach Throughout the months of March and April 2021 a digital web-based outreach platform, Konveio, allowed participants to review the draft My Upper Westside Masterplan and share their feedback. The draft Masterplan page was viewed almost 1,750 times during this review period. A selection of comments received during the engagement period appears on the following page.

Love this vision for this [Big Idea: Reclaim the Waterworks]! This land could easily be the some of the most scenic in Atlanta.

I like how the actual zoning suggestions are focused on a mixed use future.

Screenshot from the Online Draft Masterplan Outreach Exercise with Quotes

Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan


Appendix: Community Engagement Summary

Draft Masterplan Outreach

Responses Please ensure these trails have lighting and are open 24/7. Trails that are only open limited hours can be great for recreation, but they do not serve as transportation corridors.

Sidewalks here [17th St].... So badly needed!!!

This would be amazing [Big Idea: Reclaim the Waterworks]! Fence appearance should be a priority, so we don't end up with more chain link fence.

Another good place for a pocket park might be near Huff and Earnest St, across and just east of Westside Heights apartments

A better connection between the Marietta Street Artery and Georgia Tech would also be useful. Maybe via connecting the segments of 8th Street.

Please include parking maximums and incentives towards shared parking. E.g., a new business buys into an existing parking garage rather than build new parking.

Can we get a crosswalk somewhere around here [Huff Rd & Fairmont Ave]??

Leveraging private dollars and private development in this way [requiring new streets as properties redevelop] are creative and fiscally smart way to improve better our public space. Though I hope these streets will then be turned over to the city to manage afterwards rather than allow them to be private. This [Trabert Ave Extension] could help lower Berkeley Park cut through traffic, encourage new development on Trabert, and help the visibility of existing businesses. Really like this idea!

This intersection [Huff Rd & Ellsworth Industrial Blvd] is terrible for pedestrians who are trying to cross over from Top Golf/Star (on the left side of the street) to Huff Road

Appendix: Community Engagement Summary


Upper Westside Improvement District Masterplan

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