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este 40 anos da Sayerlack criamos uma edição comemorativa nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon é especializada na fabricação de produtos que oferecem

proteção, durabilidade, manutenção e beleza a madeiras. Atende ao mercado madeireiro e moveleiro, produzindo centenas de produtos que compõem sua linha industrial. Fundada em 1968, a Sayerlack se destaca hoje por seus esforços em pesquisar e desenvolver novos produtos, sua presença nacional e internacional e sua parceria com seus clientes. Seu parque industrial está instalado em um terreno de 65 mil m2 que possui 27 mil m2 de área construída, localizado em Cajamar, município próximo à capital do estado de São Paulo. Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se à produção de matéria-prima para acabamento de superfícies de madeira, primeiramente, verniz de poliester. Diante das diferenças entre a madeira brasileira e a italiana e a dificuldade de aplicar produtos, tropicalizou-se a tecnologia italiana ontribuiu para a definição do conceito da empresa. Mais que produzir vernizes, proporcionar consultoria técnica para seus clientes. Nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono o nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono o Associou-se à empresa Renner fundado em 1927, e ao grupo americano ARCH Chemicals. Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space.



A SAYERLACK está completaNDO 40 anos de história e sucesso Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se à produ



Sayerlack é especializada na fabricação de produtos que oferecem proteção, durabilidade, manutenção e beleza a madeiras. Atende ao mercado madeireiro e moveleiro, produzindo centenas de produtos que compõem sua linha industrial. Fundada em 1968, a Sayerlack se destaca hoje por seus esforços em pesquisar e desenvolver novos produtos, sua presença nacional e internacional e sua parceria com seus clientes. Seu parque industrial está instalado em um terreno de 65 mil m2 que possui 27 mil m2 de área construída, localizado em Cajamar, município próximo à capital do estado de São Paulo. Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se à produção de matéria-prima para acabamento de superfícies de madeira, primeiramente, verniz de poliester. Diante das diferenças entre a madeira brasileira e a italiana e a dificuldade de aplicar produtos, tropicalizou-se a tecnologia italiana. Contudo, a experiência vivenciada na Olivetti contribuiu para a definição do conceito da empresa. Mais que produzir vernizes, proporcionar consultoria técnica para seus clientes. nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono o nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono o Associou-se à empresa Renner fundado em 1927, e ao grupo americano ARCH Chemicals. Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space.

Vista aérea de unidade fabril da Sayerlack, em Cajamar / SP


Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. We will also use the Exhibition Centre to launch a new show, Expo-Store, that will also use retail space downtown. Thus, we expect a total exhibition space of e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon.” Given its size and importance for the Asian region, e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, this exhibition compares to such shows as High Point and the Milan Furniture Fair. Major efforts will be made to increase the international reach of Furniture by accommodating more exhibitors and visitors from outside, in particular from South East Asia, although Eastern Russia and India will also be targeted with extensive promotions. The continuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture

Laboratório 12 - Qualidade

Laboratório 20 - Transparência


Programa de teste de cores


quipamentos de última geração e profissionais capacitados são a base para a elaboração de fórmulas e tonalidades capazes de suprir as necessidades dos clientes. Em sua trajetória histórica, o conceito de qualidade sempre esteve presente para a Renner Sayerlack. Continuamente os produtos são analisados em laboratório e rigorosamente testados. Isso faz da Renner Sayerlack uma empresa líder no Brasil em tintas para transformação de madeiras, com uma fatia superior a 50% de market-share. The continuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. Através de um catálogo de produtos completo, a Sayerlack oferece soluções em linhas industriais, profissionais e decorativas. São seladoras, vernizes, tingidores, diluentes, removedores, lâminas de madeira e outras soluções para proteção e embelezamento da madeira. Filiais e distribuidores autorizados em todo o território nacional e outros países da América Latina fazem da Sayerlack uma empresa ágil e presente em todos os segmentos de indústrias de transformação da madeira. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed.

Catálogo (impresso e internet) apresentando vários produtos.


A nossa história tem grandes heróis: os nossos colaboradores

Dos nononnon nono nnnon

nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono

nnnon nono onon, “The main

exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon



s políticas de Recursos Humanos da Sayerlack S/A são de valorização dos colaboradores e incentivo ao desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, buscando melhoria no relacionamento. “Buscamos o aperfeiçoamento através da melhoria contínua e, para tal, contamos com os cursos do CENEX, que são importantes na capacitação de nossas lideranças pela abrangência The continuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster.

A empresa está desenvolvendo um programa de endomarketing com dois focos distintos: informação e integração. Usa, para isto, canais corporativos, locais e diretos. “Entre várias ações, temos dois espaços interativos. The continuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. We will also use the Exhibition Centre to launch a new show, Expo-Store, that will also use retail space downtown. Thus, we expect a total exhibition space of e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon.” Given its size and importance for the Asian region, e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, this exhibition compares to such shows as High Point and the Milan Furniture Fair. Major efforts will be made to increase the international reach of Furniture by accommodating more exhibitors and visitors from outside, in particular from South East Asia, although Eastern Russia and India will also be.

Café com a diretoria


The continuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitors, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in design and creativity.”

Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage

Palestra nacional realizada em São Paulo


exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”. With Furniture Manufacturing Premium, another important event will be launched under the Furniture. Stepping into the footprints of the departed and taking place in Hall, Furniture Manufacturing Premium will be a high-end exhibition for the suppliers of basic materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers.

Confraternização e treinamento

Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”. O segundo, o “Café com o Presidente”, é uma reunião mensal do presidente com os colaboradores, na qual eles conversam pessoalmente sobre temas eleitos pelos próprios. A Sayerlack S/A preocupase em incentivar seus colaboradores


vocĂŞ vĂŠ a qualidade dos nossos produtos todos os dias

Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon

nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon



ão produtos desenvolvidos para solucionar todo tipo de necessidade ou problema de pintura. A Sayerlack tem na prevenção de falhas e no aperfeiçoamento contínuo os objetivos essenciais para alcançar seus propósitos. A qualidade de seus produtos e serviços e o respeito às pessoas e ao meio ambiente são os principais compromissos da empresa, que é certificada pela norma internacional ISO 9001:2000. As inúmeras ações sociais e de proteção à natureza fazem parte de uma política permanente. Alexandre Cenacchi, presidente da Renner Sayerlack, declara convicto que todas estas realizações estão alicerçadas no talento e qualificação de seus colaboradores que, com envolvimento e comprometimento com os objetivos da empresa, são sua principal riqueza. “Somente assim, podendo contar com estas pessoas, é que se pode traçar metas de crescimento ambiciosas, e ter certeza que serão atingidas com excelência”. Valorização e incentivo buscam melhoria no relacionamento. Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”. Design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the

Resistência a toda prova


Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. We will also use the Exhibition Centre to launch a new show, Expo-Store, that will also use retail space downtown. Thus, we expect a total exhibition space of e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon.” Given its size and importance for the Asian region, e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, this exhibition compares to such shows as High Point and the Milan Furniture Fair. Major efforts will be made to increase the international reach of Furniture by accommodating more exhibitors and visitors from outside, in particular from South East Asia, although Eastern Russia and India will also be targeted with extensive promotions. Dos nononnon 2008 - growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm Tipo de from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual vernizes upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitors, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in design and creativity.” Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by


Produção anual 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

139.744.595 167.295.962 185.694.839 236.069.681 243.545.956 366.558.513 381.324.802 396.331.006 388.081.212 415.202.520





2002 2003 2004 2005 2005

532.486.497 661.556.905 820.574.475 850.424.209 835.454.200

including their flagship stores. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show�. With Furniture Manufacturing Premium, another important event will be launched under the Furniture. Stepping into the footprints of the departed and taking place in Hall, Furniture Manufacturing Premium will be a high-end exhibition for the suppliers of basic materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers.


a sayerlack está sempre perto de você. É só olhar para todos os lados

Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se à produ



ecnologia para preservação do meio ambiente também é uma preocupação da empresa. Através de conhecimento técnico adquirido, a Sayerlack desenvolveu produtos para transformação de pinus em uma madeira muito mais durável que as matas nativas. Isto é aliar conhecimento à responsabilidade ambiental. A SayDos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. We will also use the Exhibition Centre to launch a new show, Expo-Store, that will also use retail space downtown. Thus, we expect a total exhibition space of e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon.” Given its size and importance for the Asian region, e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, this exhibition compares to such shows as High Point and the Milan Furniture Fair. Major efforts will be made to increase the international reach of Furniture by accommodating more exhibitors and visitors from outside, in particular from South East Asia, although Eastern Russia and India will also be targeted with extensive promotions. The continuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 ed. Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, non nono ono dos noon nonnon nono ono dos noon nonnon nono ono dos noon nonwhich will allow

Cuidado com você e com a natureza


ovar as madeiras queimadas pelo sol e intempéries, também usado para tingir e dar acabamento em madeiras novas. Verniz Polirex Imbuia - Verniz restaurador. Polirex é um verniz tingido nos tons Mogno e Imbuia, com filtro solar e acabamento brilhante, de alto desempenho e com grande resistência às intempéries. É indicado para acabamento de portas, batentes, beiras, janelas, esquadrias, etc. Também é recomendado para restauração de madeiras velhas, reavivando os veios e proporcionando um aspecto renovado. De uso em exteriores e interiores pode ser aplicado pincel, rolo ou pistola. Disponível nas cores; Imbuia e Mogno. Seladora Concentrada - Seladora extra, base nitrocelulose para interiores, secagem rápida e ótimo lixamento. Móveis em geral, armários embutidos, madeiras decorativas, lambris, etc. Apliado a pistola, o rendimento é, aproximadamente de 4 a 6m2/ litro/demão, dependendo do aplicador. A pincel o consumo é geralmente 50% menor e a boneca é ainda menor. O tempo de secagem é de aproximadamente 1 hora. Sayermassa - massa para madeira é compatível com quaisquer sistemas de pinturas, tais como poliuretanos, nitrocelulose, esmalte sintéticos, etc. As diversas cores en que a massa é produzida podem ser misturadas entre si para se obter diversas tonalidades. A pintura poderá ser aplicada diretamente sobre a massa lixada, dispensando o uso de seladores ou fundos especiais. Solúvel em água, em sua fase pastosa. Após a secagem, torna-se totalmente insolúvel. Tempo de secagem, de 2 a 4 horas.Corrige imperfeições e prepara superfícies de madeira para receber pinturas, vernizes, ceras, etc.Cores: Branca,Cerejeira, Imbuia, Ipê e Mogno.


Mantemos uma Parceria com o mercado. MAntemos uma Parceria, com vocĂŞ Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se Ă produ



long with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship smarketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their. A Sayerlack aposta nos colaboradores, empresa genuinamente brasileira, vem imprimindo dinamismo em suas operações, incorporando tecnologia de ponta, antecipando-se às tendências do mercado, inovando em produtos, serviços e atendimento a seus milhares de distribuidores e consumidores. Está presente no mercado de tintas imobiliárias, industriais, vernizes e soluções para proteção e embelezamento da madeira, atendendo no Brasil, Chile, Uruguai, Paraguai e outros países da América do Sul, Central, Estados Unidos, Europa e Ásia. O crescimento das atividades da empresa, a partir do Brasil, para diversos países, como, por exemplo,Estados Unidos, com a Sayerlack USA, Itália, com a Renner Itália, e Turquia, com a Genç Renner, que atende este país e outros do Oriente Médio, é uma realidade. Mais recentemente, seus produtos estão entrando também no México, onde atua no segmento de tintas industriais da área moveleira e metal-mecânica, atendendo clientes tradicionais da empresa no Brasil que estão atuando no país. Em Gravataí, no Rio Grande do Sul, está

Pesquisas intensa sobre novas tendências


a Evolução - nos colaboradores, empresa genuinamente brasileira, vem imprimindo dinamismo em suas operações, incorporando tecnologia de ponta, antecipando-se às tendências do mercado, inovando em produtos, serviços e atendimento a seus milhares de distribuidores e consumidores. Está presente no mercado de tintas imobiliárias, industriais, vernizes e soluções para proteção e embelezamento da madeira, atendendo no Brasil, Chile, Uruguai, Paraguai e outros países da América do Sul, Central, Estados Unidos, Europa e Ásia. A FAMÍLIA - growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitors, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in design and creativity.” Along with the - improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”. Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured


A nossa tecnologia É a mesma em qualquer parte do mundo Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se à produ



ontinuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We A Sayerlack fabrica a linha madeira comercializada pela Tintas Renner, hoje as duas são uma só empresa - Renner Sayerlack SA. Destacamos alguns produtos da linha Sayerlack, designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitors, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in design and creativity.”

Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. With Furniture Manufacturing Premium, another “important event will be launched under the Furniture. Stepping into the footprints of the departed and taking place in Hall”, Furniture Manufacturing Premium will be a high-end exhibition for the suppliers of basic materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”

Pesquisa e inovação


Dos nononnon - nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. We will also use the Exhibition Centre to launch a new show, Expo-Store, that will also use retail space downtown. Thus, we expect a total exhibition space of e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon.” Given its size and importance for the Asian region, e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, this exhibition compares to such

shows as High Point and the Milan Furniture Fair. Major efforts will be made to increase the international reach of Furniture by accommodating more exhibitors and visitors from outside, in particular from South East Asia, although Eastern Russia and India will also be targeted with extensive promotions. The continuing - growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitorson nono nnnonon nono nnnon, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in creativity.” Along with the - improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, wth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform


is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a wellknown design firm from Paris to help us with a compre-

hensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitorson nono nnnonon nono nnnon, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in creativity.” Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon.The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitorson nono nnnonon nono nnnon, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in creativity.”


A nossa preocupação É com a econOmia e a facilidade de uso Dos nononnon nono nnnon nono host e dos non nnnon nono ono dos noon nono nnnon nono onon, “The main exhibition venue, International Expo, will soon complete two additional exhibition halls, which will allow us to add 23,000 n space. dedicando-se à produ



articipants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship smarketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their.

“A Sayerlack aposta nos colaboradores, empresa genuinamente brasileira, vem imprimindo dinamismo em suas operações, incorporando tecnologia de ponta.” Serviços e atendimento a seus milhares de distribuidores e consumidores. Está presente no mercado de tintas imobiliárias, industriais, vernizes e soluções para proteção e embelezamento da madeira, atendendo no Brasil, Chile, Uruguai, Paraguai e outros países da América do Sul, Central, Estados Unidos, Europa e Ásia. O crescimento das atividades da empresa, a partir do Brasil, para diversos países, como, por exemplo,Estados Unidos, com a Sayerlack USA, Itália, com a Renner Itália, e Turquia, com a Genç Renner, que atende este país e outros do Oriente Médio, é uma realidade. Mais recentemente, seus produtos estão entrando também no México, onde atua no segmento de tintas industriais da área moveleira e metal-mecânica, atendendo clientes tradicionais da empresa no Brasil que estão atuando no país. Em Gravataí, no Rio Grande do Sul, está localizada a unidade onde são fabricadas as tintas imobiliárias e decorativas, a conhecida marca Tintas Renner,

Resistência e testado com uma grande variedade de madeira



ontinuing growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We A Sayerlack fabrica a linha madeira

comercializada pela Tintas Renner, hoje as duas são uma só empresa - Renner Sayerlack SA. Destacamos alguns produtos da linha Sayerlack, designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitors, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in design and creativity.” Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. With Furniture Manufacturing Premium, another “important event will be launched under the Furniture. Stepping into the footprints of the departed and taking place in Hall”, Furniture Manufacturing Premium will be a high-end exhibition for the suppliers of basic ation nononnon nonation nononnon nonation nononnon non materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”

Pesquisa classe social


PRÊMIO NONONON - nos colaboradores, empresa genuinamente brasileira, vem imprimindo dinamismo em suas operações, incorporando tecnologia de ponta, antecipando-se às tendências do mercado, inovando em produtos, serviços e atendimento a seus milhares de distribuidores e consumidores. Está presente no mercado de tintas imobiliárias, industriais, vernizes e soluções para proteção e embelezamento da madeira, atendendo no Brasil, Chile, Uruguai, Paraguai e outros países da América do Sul, Central, Estados Unidos, Europa e Ásia. PRÊMIO NONONNN - growth of Furniture and its transition from an export show to a regional trade platform is in line with trade statistics, which confirm that both importse dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon e dos nononnon nono nnnon nono onon ratively small, grew at a faster. The 2008 edition of Furniture will also see a range of novelties focussed on design and improved services. Explains: “We have commissioned a well-known design firm from Paris to help us with a comprehensive visual upgrade of the show. All of our print material and the public areas of the exhibition will be re-designed. On the one hand, this is aimed at creating a better look and feel combined with easier orientation for visitors, while, on the other hand, we are sending a signal to the Asian market to invest in design and creativity.” PRÊMIO NON PESQUISA - improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. PRÊMIO NONONNN - Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, we encourage exhibitors to make use of such tools and maximise their branding by including their flagship stores. This is a chance to offer customers hospitality that goes beyond the limitations of the traditional trade show”. Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors A casa do futuro


to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featured in a special publication nononnon nono nnnon nono ononbeing presented outside of the exhibition grounds. “The concept of flagship stores and event marketing are still very new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, PRÊMIO NONONNN -With Furniture Manufacturing Premium, another important event will be launched under the Furniture. Stepping into the footprints of the departed and taking place in Hall, Furniture Manufacturing Premium will be a highend exhibition for the suppliers of basic materials, chemicals, fittings and semifinished products to furniture manufacturers. PRÊMIO NONONNN - Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city centre as additional display and event areas. Participants in Expo-Store will be featur are still versic materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers.Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspecsic materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers.Along with the improved design is the launch nnon nono onon, an aspecy new. Wnononnon nono nnnon nono onon, PRÊMIO NONONNN - With Furniture Manufacturing Premium, another important event will be launched under the Furniture. Stepping into the footprints of the departed and taking place in Hall, Furniture Manufacturing Premium will be a highend exhibition for the suppliers of basic materials, chemicals, fittings and semi-finished products to furniture manufacturers. Along with the improved design is the launch nononnon nono nnnon nono onon, an aspect of that will encourage exunch nononnon nono nnunch nononnon nono nnhibitors to make use of their own showrooms in the city cent Premiado em todos os TOP MÓBILE 2008




Papel Reciclado

FILIAIS Renner Sayerlack S/A - AR R. Jurutau, 2250 - Parque Industrial II - Arapongas - PR Cep: 86703-070 Fone: 43 276-2829 Fax: 43 - 276-2959

Renner Sayerlack S/A - SV R. da Matriz s/n KM 13.50 - Valéria Salvador - BA Cep: 41300-600 Fone: 71 301-8255 Fax: 71 301-9079

Renner Sayerlack S/A - BN R. Antonio Lino Lessa, 553 CP 130 Bairro Rio Bonito Cidade Braço do Norte - SC Cep: 88750-000 Caixa Postal 130 Fone e Fax: 48 658-4099

Renner Sayerlack S/A - CH Av. Leopoldo Sander, 4475D Eldorado - Chapecó - SC Cep: 89810-000 Fone: 49 324-0304

Renner Sayerlack S/A - FO R. Herbene, 605 - Messejana Fortaleza - CE - Cep: 60863-370 Fone:85 276-8383 Fax: 85 459-0111

Renner Sayerlack S.A - GO Av.Pedro Ludovico Teixeira, 3810 Qd.70 Lt.0306 - Parque Oeste Industrial - Cep: 74375.400 Goiânia - GO Fone: (62) 259-9006 Fax: (62) 256-8114

Renner Sayerlack S/A - LH BR 101 Km 144 s/n - Palmital Linhares - ES Cep: 29900-000 Fone: 27 3372-1401

Renner Sayerlack S/A -UB Av. Dos Ex-Combatentes, 630 Santa Luzia- Ubá - MG Cep: 36500-000 Fone: 32 3531-1898 Fax: 32 3531-1653

UNIDADE INDUSTRIAL - SP Av. Jordano Mendes, 1500 - Cajamar – SP – 07760-000 Tel.: 11 2117-9000 • Fax: 11 4447-5489 •

Renner Sayerlack S.A - MT Av. Governador Júlio Campos, 4660 Jardim Glória - Cep: 78140.400 Várzea Grande - MT Tel.: (65) 684-7317 Fax.: (65) 684-7317 Renner Sayerlack S/A - NP Marg. Newton Flávio Silva Pinto, 24-61 - Celina Dalul - Mirassol - SP Cep: 15130-000 Fone: 17 242-6912

Renner Sayerlack S/A - BL Travessa Benjamin Constant, 174 Bairro: Reduto - Belém - PA Cep: 66053-140 Fone: 91 252-1800/ 252 -1855 Fax: 91 252-1893

Renner Sayerlack S/A - CB Av. Jucelino K. de Oliveira, 12453 CIC - Curitiba - PR Cep: 81170-300 Fone: 41 - 389-0200 Fax: 41 - 389-0014

Renner Sayerlack S.A - SB R. Alfredo Weiss, 240 Boehmerwald - Cep 89290.000 São Bento do Sul - SC Tel./Fax: (47) 635-1266

Renner Sayerlack S.A - MZ Av. Jordano Mendes, 1500 Jordanésia - Cep: 07760.000 Cajamar - SP Tel.: (11) 2117-9000 Fax.: (11) 2117-9097

Renner Sayerlack S.A - MR Av. Marginal Newton Flávio Silva Pinto 2461 - Celina Dalul Cep:15130.000 - Mirassol - SP Tel /Fax: (17) 242-6912

Renner Sayerlack S/A - CX R. Professor Luiz Facchin, 550 São José - Caxias do Sul - RS Cep: 95043-660 Fone: 54 - 224-1900 Fax: 54 - 224-2080

DISTRIBUIDOR - USA Renner USA Corporation 1200 C Corporation Drive P.O. Box 7172 High Point, North Carolina 27263 United States of America Fone: (00 1336) 431-1157 Fax: (00 1336) 431-1158

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