We, the Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God, is a collaboration of 22 churches covering the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, Westchester, and Rochester, under the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, exist to:
1. Effectively build, strengthen, and plant churches,
2. Carry out the Great Commission of Christ,
3. Train and develop Godly servant leaders,
4. Equip through Biblical instruction,
5. Support each other in love by the sharing of available resources.
Reverend Kevin R. Osbourne (President/State Pastor)
Reverend Carlos Bannister (Vice Pres. State Administrator)
Reverend Laverne Mitchell (Executive Secretary – ENYGA)
Minister Matthew Gadsden (Executive Secretary – ENYMA)
Brother Lucious Morris (Treasurer – ENYGA)
Reverend Chenetta Hagin (Treasurer – ENYMA)
Brother Volney Squires (Member-At-large)
Credential Committee Members
Reverend Dr. Harold Banarsee
Reverend Michael Peynado
Reverend Clinton Pough
Reverend Virginia Robinson
Reverend Laverne Mitchell
On behalf of myself and the Executive Team of the Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the 80th ENYGA State Convention.
This convention was made possible by the work and dedication of our volunteers, who generously give their time, talent, and thought to produce an event meant to edify, encourage and equip the body of believers and member churches of the ENYGA.
This year’s theme, Wisdom for the Present Time, was strategically selected based on our theme scripture, 1 Chronicles 12:32, “From Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (Berean Standard Bible). After almost three years of a pandemic, we are now faced with the consequences that the pandemic presents to us. As the Church, we are called to rise to the challenge of being and living out the Kingdom here on earth.
This year, you will engage in conversation and receive content that may take you out of your comfort zone and even confront conventional wisdom. As we celebrate 80 years of a united fellowship in Eastern New York, let us look back with joyous introspection and intently forge a path forward for future generations. As the Psalmist admonishes in Psalm 48:13, “Take notice of the walls and examine the fortresses, so that you may tell the next generation” (Good News Translation). It is time we examine our stability as a church to ensure we are leaving a strong and vibrant church for future generations.
Beside you in Christ, Reverend Kevin R. Osbourne
State Pastor & President, ENYGAIn 1943, the late Dr. Evans Marshall, the beloved pastor of the Lafayette Avenue Church of God, Brooklyn, along with the late Reverend Hezekiah Green of Prophetic Church of God, Harlem, Reverend Dr. William Aaron of Congregational Church of God, Harlem, and Reverend Hallman, all deceased, had the vision of uniting ministers and workers in the metropolitan area of New York for the sole purpose of working together to promote and enhance the Work of the Kingdom of God.
Reverend Green was the first president of the Ministers and Workers Alliance of the Church of God. Dr. Marshall succeeded him and served faithfully for over 25 years. In the following years after Dr. Marshall, the Alliance has been blessed by the leadership of Reverend Dr. William Aaron, the late Reverend Dr. Levorn Aaron of Congregational Church of God, and the late Reverend Dr. John A. Bethea, the last president of the Alliance, who laid down the foundation and groundwork for the Eastern New York General Assembly.
The Eastern New York General Assembly has been wondrously blessed by the anointed leadership of Reverend Arthur W. Davenport, First Church of God Far Rockaway, Reverend Dr. Jefferson Bannister, Grace Church of God, Brooklyn, Reverend Dr. Harold Banarsee, Church of God of Freeport and our current State Pastor and President, Reverend Kevin R. Osbourne, Refuge Church of God, Brooklyn.
ThankGodforsuchwonderfuldisciples,whogatheredandsharedhistorical informationforthis80thAnniversaryJournal.
SpecialthankstoPastorJ-Anthony&LadyMadelinL .Darganof MLDCommunicationsfortheirexpertiseindesign&print!
“AndofthechildrenofIssachar,whichwerementhathadunderstanding ofthetimes,toknowwhatIsraeloughttodo...”IChronicles12:32
Friday,June2,2023@7:00PM OpeningService Speaker:BishopCalvinRice
Saturday,June3,2023@5:00pm Concert
Sunday,June4,2023@5:00PM ClosingService
Bishop Calvin Rice, a native of Union, South Carolina, was educated in the Union County public school system where he graduated in the last segregated class from the historic Sims High School. Additionally, Bishop Rice is a New York State Certified Chaplain and served as the Protestant Chaplain at the South Beach Psychiatric Center, Staten Island, New York.
On July 14, 2004, Bishop Rice was overwhelmingly elected to succeed New Jerusalem Founder, Rev. James C. Kelly, and began his pastorate on January 2, 2005. Since his installation, he has overseen the completion of construction and renovation of the Church’s multi-million dollars edifice. The Church’s membership has steadily grown; the result, the church has increased to two worship services on Sunday morning, instituted a monthly leadership development training series and expanded ministries that are committed to go “beyond the walls” to address the immediate needs of the community.
Bishop Rice is a “uniquely” gifted preacher and teacher and a highly respected civil, political and religious leader in New York City where he is active in many community organizations. He served as the Executive Director of Staten Island Communities United (SICU), a not-forprofit tasked with distributing State and City funds to five impoverished neighborhoods on Staten Island. He is/or has held leadership positions on the following organizations and boards. Second Vice President of the Baptist Ministers Conference of Greater NY and Vicinity, The New York Urban League, The American Red Cross, The College of Staten Island Advisory Board, The American Baptist Churches of Metro NY, The Black Leadership Commission on AIDS, Boy Scouts of America, Sisters of Charity Medical Center, Vice Moderator of Eastern Baptist Association, Vice President of New York State Progressive Baptist Convention, Chairman of Finance PNBC Eastern Region, A member of Mayor Bloomberg’s NYC Economic Development Task force and Staten Island Borough Presidents Anti-Bias Task Force.
In 1997 Rev. Bishop Rice received the distinct recognition as the only living African American to have a New York City Street in the Borough of Staten Island named in his honor. At the same time, he was inducted into the Staten Island College “Hall of Fame”. Dr. Rice has received nearly 100 plaques and certificates. He has also received proclamation from the Governor of New York, three NYC Mayors, one US Senator and two NYC Councilmen. In addition, he is the only Staten Islander to receive recognition from The New York Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators for Community and Economic Development for his work, while leading the eminent FCBC, New York from 1985 until December 2004. He along with Father James Dorney were designated Staten Island chairperson of President Bush’s Faith Based Initiative by Congressman Vito Fossella. In 2012, Dr. Rice received the Vernon M. Dougherty Distinction in Ministry Award; the highest award given by New York Theological Seminary to alumni who have distinguished themselves in lay or ordained ministry for at least fifteen years.
Rev. Rice has been featured in more than thirty Newspaper and magazine articles. He has appeared on ABC television and received their coveted “Living the Dream” Award. He was also featured in the Oxford Book of “Who’s Who” registry. He has preached throughout the north and southeastern states of America as well as in the Middle East. In September of 1999 Rev. Rice established the Genesis Bible Institute a school dedicated to the training of ministers and
lay people for effective work in ministry. The school is an accredited satellite of Virginia Union Seminary of Richmond, VA via Eastern Baptist Association of Brooklyn, NY. In addition, Rev. Rice has licensed, ordained and mentored 45 ministers, nine of whom are pastoring churches. He also helped to organize and establish two Liberian congregational churches. In addition, he has published a booklet entitled “This Is My Story”, excerpts and highlights of a unique and successful ministry spanning twenty-three years along with selected sermons.
In 2007, Dr. Rice was one of the original pastoral organizers of Empowered Queens United in Action and Leadership (EQUAL) a citizen’s power organization made up of congregations in Southeast Queens, Sunnyside and Woodside. Initiated through the IAF (Industrial Areas Foundation), EQUAL is a broad-based, multiracial, non-partisan, grassroots organization whose purpose is to assist people to engage in public decision-making- empowering them to improve the quality of life in their communities and strengthen their member institutions. EQUAL has won important victories in the areas of leadership development, social security service and road safety. EQUAL’s greatest accomplishment has been in the area of education, successfully organizing a charter school for children and families in Southeast Queens. Bishop Rice currently serves on the Executive Leadership Team of what is now known as Queens Power an organization comprised of faith communities, non-profit organizations, schools and unions. The member organizations possess a burning passion for justice and a moral calling to create the power to demand the resources required so that all residents of Queens can live with dignity and have equal access to opportunity.
In September 2010, Dr. Rice opened the doors to and currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Rochdale Early Advantage Charter School (REACS). REACS provides an Early College Preparatory program for students from Pre- Kindergarten through Grade 8 and is committed to a balanced multi-literacy approach, educating each student to “stand out from the crowd” intellectually, historically, culturally, digitally, economically, physically, artistically and civically, in an increasingly diverse and fast-changing global society. Driven by the principles of PURPOSE, PASSION and PROFICIENCY, REACS offers each student a challenging, collegebound education that develops character and critical thinking ability infused with family and social values to support life-long learning, leadership and productive citizenship. The school has a current enrollment of 319 students and was recently listed as a “Rewards School”, an honor given to only 155 schools in the entire state. He is currently overseeing a $5 million expansion project to increase the school’s enrollment to 430.
Dr. Rice is a highly sought after teacher. In 2011, the New York School of Divinity engaged him as a professor of expository preaching. He served in that capacity for two consecutive semesters.
In 2013, Dr. Rice travelled with a delegation of other distinguished clergy to the Republic of South Africa and Swaziland. The two-week missionary assignment coordinated through the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. included theological and pastoral care training for ministers of the gospel hungry for the Word and seeking education and resources to strengthen their ministries.
Pastor Rice’s academic achievements include a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the College of Staten Island and a Master’s in Religion from the New York Theological Seminary. He completed his graduate studies at the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health of NYC in conjunction with Hebrew Union Seminary. He has also attended The Catawba Bible College of Rock Hill, SC, and the National Theological Seminary of Baltimore, MD, and holds a certificate of study from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel.
Dr. Rice is married to Willie Mae Rice and together they have three adult children and five grandchildren.
Far Rockaway, New York
In 1909 a few consecrated saints began holding prayer meetings in their homes. The congregation that grew from these home meeting not only became the first Church of God congregation in NYC, but also the first African American church in Far Rockaway.
The first pastor, Reverend Enoch Evans, was ordained at the headquarters of the Church of God in Anderson, Indiana. Reverend Evans’ son-in-law, Reverend William Paschal, was the 2nd pastor. In 1947, Reverend James E. Cray became the pastor. The present edifice was built in 1959 and several pieces of property were acquired. When Reverend Cray retired in 1977 the church designated him as Pastor Emeritus.
In 1977, First Church unanimously voted Reverend Arthur W. Davenport as pastor. Today, under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Arthur W. Davenport, First Church of God is a thriving church whose primary mission continues to be reaching the lost, developing mature Christians and providing resources to our community.
Under Pastor Davenport’s leadership, a clear vision to the members of our church continues to be realized. We continue to provide spiritual guidance to our members, our community and regions beyond. The church is open seven days a week. Our discipleship, cell and prayer ministries are central to our mission. Since 2017 a 6:30 AM prayer service meets every week s. Evangelism is at the heart of our church’s life. New members are celebrated, and our members are encouraged to “go therefore and make disciples…”
In October 2012, the church faced a major challenge. Super Storm Sandy hit the East Coast of the United States and Far Rockaway was significantly affected, leaving
unprecedented mass destruction. Even though we knew we had the arduous task of restoring the church, we recognized that our first responsibility was to serve the community. In the initial stages of the disaster, with no heat or electricity, First Church became a healing station - a place of spiritual and emotional support, a source for information for needed services and a distribution center for food and basic necessities. The church grounds became the basecamp for the Mennonite Disaster Repair Services and other organizations, which would help rebuild our community.
As our community around us returned to a level of normalcy, we started to plan our own restoration. An architect, an owner representative and general contractor was hire and the church renovation of the lower level included new bathrooms, a state of the arts kitchen (in partnership with Samarian Purse, Inc.), a baptismal pool, elevator and a new basement. The sanctuary and the exterior were also beautifully designed. With prayer, fasting, sacrificial giving, hard work, the favor of the Lord and the help of our community partners, we can rejoice in the completion of our renovated church.
Holistic Concerns, the Not-for-Profit arm of the church is currently working on an exciting project, to develop affordable and intergenerational housing. Although this project is on the ground floor, the committee is partnering with a builder and will present this project to the church, in the near future.
In 2017 Pastor Davenport and congregation approved Reverend John W. Grable to Assistant Pastor. This powerful pastoral team is working closely with the other associate ministers: (Reverend Norma Gean Bethea Davenport, Reverend Elder Vernet Brown, Reverend Sharon George, Minister Virginia Atkinson, Minister Laverne Mitchell, and Minister Pauline Anderson Brown) to continue to develop the members of First Church of God into worshipping, praying, giving, and praising disciples of God.
On Sunday, May 15, 2022, Reverend John W. and Sister Caroline Grable were installed as Senior Pastor and First Lady.
“Being con dent of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” Phil 1:6
President Osbourne, Vice President Bannister and the entire Eastern New York General Assembly as we celebrate our
Praying the Lord's continual blessing and favor as we advance His Kingdom through ministry, outreach and fellowship.
e Church of God of East New York celebrating 93 years of ministry in Eastern New York 1930 - 2023
Verbal Mission A rmation
We Are A Great Commandment Community of Faith, Committed to Ful ll the Great Commission of Making Disciples of the nations.
Reaching Upward in Worship---Inward in Community---Outward in Making Disciples. Forward in Developing Leaders---Downward in Li ing the Fallen.
Li ing Christ, Raising up Generations of Disciples
Pastor Cli on & Lady Deborah McDowell, Ministry Leaders, O cers and Members of the Church of God of East New York
Commemorating o past, cebrating o present,
Reverend Dr. John A. Bethea
From -
Blessings & Congratulations
Grace and Peace
The Sanders family would like to congratulate the Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God for 80 years of dedicated service to God’s work. Your efforts are truly inspiring and a testament of your unwavering faith. May God continue to bless your mission now and always.
WE HONOR THE MEMORY OF DEACON JAMES SANDERS, SR., AND SISTER LOIS SANDERS, who were devoted members of First Church of God in Far Rockaway, New York for more than six decades.
Submitted With Love By
Ralph Sanders; Mr. & Mrs. Naomi and Erick Drouillard; Mr. & Mrs. Charlena and Fred D. Carney, Jr., Esq.; Senator James Sanders, Jr.; and Jeffrey Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Nakia and Tiser Turner; Mrs. Nzinga and Dr. Brian Dawson; Sergeant First Class Phenize Howell and Mrs. Shanae Howell; Shanece Campbell; Fred D. Carney, III; Malik Sanders; Mr. & Mrs. Yolanda Carney and Matthew Wiesemann; and Mr. & Mrs. Erick and Lormisha Drouillard
Destinee Howell, Brian Dawson, Jr., Louis Stewart, and Nia Dawson
For your many years of outstanding service
Mamie J. Wilson
— Sending blessings for many years to come.—
Grace and Peace
Pastor Tyrone and Rev. Susan Bethea
595 Quincy St, Brooklyn, New York, 11221 (718) 574-0040
We, the Membership of the Refuge Church of God
80 years of faithful service by the Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God to the churches and communiQes of Eastern New York
Refuge Church of God, Inc.
Established on Wednesday, July 15, 1959 Brooklyn, New York
The late Rev. Lionel Yearwood and the late Lady Edna Yearwood
The late Rev. Alfred Sealy and the late Lady Mary Sealy
Rev. Dr. Harold Layne and the late Lady O<s Layne And the many faithful saints that now rest from their labor who sacrificed to help build God’s Church, known as Refuge Church of God
Rev. Kevin R. Osbourne and Rev. Tatum Osbourne Pastor and First Lady
The Eastern New York General Assembly (ENYGA)
For 80 Years of Service
The mission of the state CWC is to equip, encourage, and empower local women for Christ-centered service within Eastern New York area and beyond. We have been thoroughly blessed to continue to serve in this capacity with our weekly Conference Call where we enjoy a time of Worship, the Word, Prayer, and Fellowship.
As we celebrate this milestone, we want to pause to honor, appreciate, and salute the countless gifted and anointed women who have served faithfully in this ministry, and upon whose shoulders we now stand.
We pray for God’s continuous blessing upon our leaders as we work together to accomplish our mandate of reaching our communities for Christ.
Minister Pam Gilkes, President
Reverend Chenetta Hagin, Vice President
Reverend Sandra Morris, Spiritual Advisor
DearEasternNewYorkGeneralAssembly, PraisetheLordourGod!PraiseHimforHismightydeeds, goodgrace,divinefavorandbountifulblessings.
Congratulationsonyour80thyearinministryandservice. Lookingatyourjourney,growthandlongevity,youstand asatrueambassadorcarryingoutthegreatcommission fromourHeavenlyFather.WestburyDivineChurchofGod celebrateswithyouatsuchatimeasthis.Mayyour assemblycontinuetobeheavenlywateredasyoucontinue toserve,worshipandfulfillGod’sglory.MayourSaviorin Hisinfinitemerciescontinuetoshowyoumoreblessingsin theyearstocome.
Mission Statement: “Our mission is to bring people into a personal relationship with Christ and incorporate them into the community of believers to be loved, nurtured and developed into Christ-like maturity.”
• Founded in 1944 in Jamaica, New York
• Founders: Reverend Ivory Downer; Sisters: Irene Henry, Sarah B. Grant, Patsy Bonaparte, Mabel Antonio, Elizabeth Whaley and Mabel Burrell.
• Founding Pastor: Rev. Otis Wilson, Sr. (1944-1969)
• Other Pastors: Rev. Lloyd B. Jones (1969-1972); Dr. Emery C. Williams (1972-1977); Rev. Roy Lee Conwell (1980-1983); Rev. Ben Gibson (1985-1998); Rev. Virginia Robinson (2000-2021), and presently, Rev. Jason Sylva (September 2021-present).
BenjaminGarrison (1923-2018)
The Church Beginnings
The Williamsburg Community Church of God, Inc.
The Cathedral of Joy Church of God, Inc.
The Cathedral of Joy Christian Center, Inc.
Reverend Ivory Downer organized her first church at 21 Sumpter Street, Brooklyn, New York in a storefront building. The church flourished in the early days of the depression. In the summer of 1950 at the age of 75, Reverend Ivory Downer erected a” Big Tent” on Moore Street feeling led by the Lord, to the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York. A loan was obtained from the Church of God Mission Board and Mother Ivory Downer called her vision “Gospel Tent for All Nations.” (See picture)
It was in this “Gospel Tent for All Nations,” that Mother Ivory Downer began to preach to all who came to hear the Word of God. As the weather grew cold, a storefront was secured and eventually a permanent place of worship was found, and Mother Ivory Downer named it “The Williamsburg Community Church of God, Inc., located at 105 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.
The mission church also flourished during the early days of the depression. The church was a great help to many families who needed food and clothing. The church received donated clothing and assistance from many Churches of God (WCG) groups. Three separate storefront missions were developed in three different locations: the mission center for worship and classes, a thrift store for those in need, and a recreation and craft center in another store.
Mother Ivory Downer got a young pastor named Benjamin Garrison, to assist and serve as a minister in the church and he stayed and ministered for two years before God called him to another church. Additionally, other guest ministers were called in to assist in the mission and its ministries. In July of1973 Mother Ivory Downer went home to be with the Lord, her labors here on earth, were ended.
The Church Ministry and all the work it entailed, fell on the shoulders of her daughter, Reverend Hattie Downer, who was ordained in 1955. Rev. Hattie Downer became a fixture in the Bushwick and Williamsburg communities assisting in whatever way she could to help families. Her pioneering spirit and unrelenting dedication, particularly with children and focusing on education and youth development, continued in the spirit of the church’s Urban Outreach Program she started in 1975. She carried on the work with the help of several ministers and lay persons. Reverend Downer was the first African American woman to serve the Church of Gid as a home missionary.
The Williamsburg Community Church of God located at 105 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, became too small to accommodate the congregation. Therefore, in keeping with her vision and through her dedicated service, relentless faith, and trusting God, her prayers were answered. On June 16, 1974, Reverend
Hattie was told by God what to do and was given a sizable and centrally located facility in Bushwick at 43 George Street, Brooklyn. God gave her the building even before the owner Mr. Nuttman signed the Deed over.
On May 14, 1975, with rejoicing and praising God for what He had done, Reverend Hattie Downer, Pastor, marched her congregation to its present location. God answerers prayers.
Reverend Downer said, “as she was walking through the building on the second floor, God told her that this is none other than “The Cathedral of Joy”. Reverend Hattie Downer retired October 4, 1984, and from Vision to Victory March 27, 2017, after 72 years in Ministry. The Reverend Dr. Hattie L. Downer Scholarship Grant was established in her name in 2002, to honor her love for young people to further their education.
The Legacy Continues ... Under with Revered Norma Canty’s vision and leadership.
Before and after Reverend Downer’s retirement in 1985, other ministers and laypersons came to help carry on the vision:
Reverend David Cotto, as an Associate Pastor, “he said Reverend Downer gave him his start out of seminary back in the late 70’s and shared a passion for people in need with me that still informs my ministry today.” Reverend David Cotto is Senior Pastor at Clifton Avenue Church of God, Springfield, Ohio. He remembered that Reverend Hattie drove her car like a New York City Cab Driver.
Reverend Norma K. Canty, on May 14, 1976, gave her heart to the Lord at Williamsburg Community Church of God. - September 8, 2001 - The Eastern New York Ministerial Association of the Church of God, official installed Reverend Canty as Senior Pastor of Williamsburg Community/ Cathedral of Joy Church of God.
I will forever honor and cherish how Reverend Downer mentored, encouraged, and taught me how to trust in God and move forward in my Christian Calling. Proverbs 3:5. Her trust in God led her to help and support me in being what and where I am today. She was my first Bible Teacher. What an awesome privilege to be able to carry on her visions and be a part of her legacy at “The Cathedral of Joy”.
Minister Julio Diaz, 1984 to present, as the Assistant Minister, Board of Trustee Member, Director of Compassion House CDC. He said God told him to be a Pillow to the Church. He is a faithful member of the ministry and has lived up to that calling and much more.
Minister Terrence L. Canty, Assistant Minister, helps in the capacities as a Board of Trustee Member and Facility Project Manager. From the young age of six he and my other children grew up under the ministry of Reverend Hattie Downer at Williamsburg Community/Cathedral of God Church of God. At the age of sixteen he drove Reverend Downer to Freeport Church of God where she taught Bible Classes.
Reverend Andrew Jennett, as the Senior Pastor from 1988-1991, Reverend Jimmy 0. Terry a faithful worker as an Associate Pastor -1995-2000. Sister Gladys Davis, and Sister Emma Davis were faithful workers with Reverend Hattie Downer and a host of other ministers and laypersons.
In honor of the previous visions of Reverend Downer, The Cathedral of Joy Church of God name was amended in January 2011 to “The Cathedral of Joy Christian Center,” an extension to the Church that would highlight more on its mission and vision for extended humanitarian outreach services to our multi-cultural community and surrounding areas. Reverend Downer laid the foundation for the Church and the Building to keep helping those who needed spiritual salvation, physical support, compassion, and love.
This building became a redemptive haven for the powerless, hopeless, and homeless and continues to operate as a Mission Chapel Ministry Center for prayer, Bible study, assist our community as a Compassion Community Pastor, donate space for other churches to have services in Spanish, and assist Riseboro Community Partnership vans deliver food to the sick and shut in. The Event Dining Hall is a host site that is used for multi-purposes ministries.
“And of some have compassion making a difference” (Jude 22)
1996 - Present - This Agency has made a difference in so many lives. Therefore, in keeping the vision alive from Reverend Hattie Downer, The Urban Outreach Program, 1975, at Williamsburg Community Church of God, Reverend Norma K. Canty, Founder and Executive Director, founded what would become the Compassion House Community Development Corporation in 2007. The CHCDC is a 501©3 notfor-profit entity that extends its humanitarian outreach by serving as a reliable and centralized agency that operates as a Social Service/Referral and Client-Choice Emergency Food site that serves hundreds of clients monthly. It is also a Referral Site to varies Agencies for additional services. Host site for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Referral Site for New York City Courts for Community Service Sentences for youths. The Compassion House Lord’s Soup Kitchen has served thousands of men, women, and children with food, clothing, and compassion. In addition, all of this is made possible because of the many faithful volunteers that are vital to the success of Compassion House.
Ivory Downer
Ivory Downer called her vision “Gospel Tent for All Nations”.
Mother Ivory Downer named it Williamsburg Community Church of God located at 105 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, New York.
Reverend Dr. Hattie Downer
September 21, 1914 - March 28, 2017
72 Years in Ministry
On behalf of my family and myself, I can only express my sincere thanks to you for trusting the Lord to use and lead me to carry on your vision, grown from The Urban Outreach Ministry (1975), to a Christian Ministry Center for City/Urban Missions. You blessed me over thirty (30) years ago to go ahead with a vision I had for a Compassion House Community Development Corporation, Inc. which is now serving our community in several social services. Thank you.
I praise God for being obedient to Him to have this Centennial Birthday Celebration and recognize the Cathedral of Joy Church of God’s Fortieth (40th) Church anniversary. One day last year, as I was in the Sanctuary coming out of the library of Remembrance, the Lord impressed in my heart and spirit to commit the next year (2014) to plan this occasion. This is a once in a lifetime event, and I am very glad to have been an inspiration in helping this to be a wonderful time for you. God has truly supplied our every need because it is His will to give others an opportunity to be part of your history and legacy.
We give all the Glory for the great things He has done. We love you.
Prayerfully Submitted,
Pastor Norma K. Canty Senior Pastor, Cathedral of Joy Christian Center, Inc.December 17, 1952 - January 10, 2022
Reverend Benjamin Santiago, - 1979 - Before his Homegoing Reverend Santiago served as Sr. Chaplain, Madison County Sheriff’s Department, Anderson, ID. He got saved and delivered from drugs, gangs, a life of crime, and the streets of Brooklyn, NY on Good Friday, 1979. He said “Rev. Dr. Hattie L. Downer met me where I was at in life during that time. I cannot say enough about how the ministries of Rev. Dr. Hattie Downer have impacted my life. I want to thank God for her and her family for being the first African American family to have the courage to come into a Hispanic neighborhood that was full of crime and drugs to work with the children and families of this community. I met my wonderful wife at Williamsburg Church and moved to Anderson, Indiana”.
March 9, 1911- June 26, 2014
Psalm 91
At the age of 80, Reverend Bessie moved back to New York where she lived with her sister, the Reverend Dr. Hattie Downer. She attended the Cathedral of Joy Church of God in Brooklyn, where she played the piano every Sunday. Reverend Covington is well known for her favorite song, “I Am Resolved” and would sing it along with “Let the Lord Have His Way” all over the church of God Movement. “Blessed Quietness” is another song she loved to sing and play on her piano at home as well as all the old songs of Zion. She was a very strong woman of God, who often prayed and fasted on behalf of others. She was a very strong woman of God, who often prayed and fasted on behalf of others. Reverend Covington served also as the pastor of two churches located in Wateree, South Carolina and Orangeburg, South Carolina.
Reverend Dr. Hattie L. Downer
TheBozemanLawFirm,PLLC MayGodcontinuetoblessyou.
SeniorPastor GarvenA.Graham
DeaconBoard -DeaconAubreyOgle BoardofChristianEducation
BoardofEvangelism -DeaconessEvelynDyce
MusicMinistry- Sis.RubyRicketts
BenevolenceMinistry -Sis.BarbaraLindo
Ushers’Ministry -Sis.DeniseA.Topey
YouthMinistry -Dr.MatthewOgle
Women’sMinistry -Sis.LavernTaylor-Meeks
Men’sMinistry -Br.RichardRobinson
TrusteeBoard -DeaconAubreyOgle Treasurer -Br.NavonLindo Secretary -Sis.DeniseA.Topey
“So,ChristHimselfgavetheapostles,theprophets,theevangelists, thepastorsandteachers,toequipHispeopleforworksofservice, sothatthebodyofChristmaybebuiltup”.
Reverend Dr. John A. Bethea
We Celebrate The 80th Anniversary of The Eastern New York General Assembly of the Church of God Congratulations and Continued Blessings!
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 - Love -
Reverend Kevin R. Osborne, President
Reverend Carlos W. Bannister, Vice President
Mount Vernon, New York
Chairperson Dorian Samuels; Treasurer, Janet Graham Johnson Secretary, Tania O’Connor; Trustee, Laura Pires-Hester, Ph.D.
“Be still, and know that I am God...” (Psalm
Bronx Westchester Community Church began its journey in 1993: from a Weekly Bible Study in August to incorporation in November, then to a “House Church” in January 1994, to worship in rented space at The Free Synagogue in Mount Vernon in May 1994, and purchasing its present facility in Mount Vernon in August 1998. God’s unexpected blessings and grace guided the small founding group, led by Founding Chairperson* Sidney Hines and Founding and Senior Pastor Rev. Melvyn F. Hester and including Avis* and Roy* Campbell, Babatunde David, Hermine Hines*, Jeredith James*, Constance King, Hope Lawrence, Laura Pires-Hester, Myrtle Scott*, Winifred Reid*, Elerece Thomas*, Regina Thomas*, and Rev, Ira Walters. Except for the Hesters, most members of the Founding Group had worshipped at Evangelical COG (Bronx, NY). BWCC established its Mission Statement shortly after incorporation:
The Bronx Westchester Community Church seeks to be an international, interracial, and intercultural congregation fully dedicated to the lordship of Jesus Christ and the fellowship of all believers in affiliation with the Eastern NY General Assembly of the Church of God and the Church of God of Anderson, IN.
On October 3, 1998, we dedicated our new church home and newly purchased Rogers organ. The church had been Little Friendship Baptist Church, which, in turn, purchased a local Synagogue building, reflecting a municipal demographic shift. This purchase was made possible by a generous gift from CoFounder Myrtle Scott (which later became a “debt”), a Building Fund campaign, and a mortgage from Anderson Church of God. Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. James Forbes (then-Senior Minister of Riverside Church) led the Service, and the BWCC Choir blessed us along with the Ebony Ecumenical Ensemble. We are thankful that others soon joined the congregation, helping to develop several ministries, including Angel Tree Ministry, Food Pantry, Sanctuary Choir, Visitation, Prayer Retreats, Youth Fellowship, and continuing Weekly Bible Study and Prayer Meetings.
During the week after the Dedication Service, Rev. Hester was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and Sidney Hines died after a long illness. While continuing his ministry, Pastor Hester invited Rev. Dr. Ennis Edmonds (from Bronx Bethany Church of the Nazarene and teaching at Barnard) to become Associate Pastor. Rev. Hester resigned in March 2000 as General Manager of the NYC United Federation of Teachers; in May 2000, he received the Honorary Doctorate at Anderson University and was the Baccalaureate Speaker. He died on July 4, 2000. We named Dr. Edmonds (COG-ordained in 2001) Senior Pastor in August 2000, with First Lady Donnaree and daughter Donnisa joining the congregation.
Dr. Edmonds’ compassionate leadership guided the congregation through the grieving process. He helped us expand ministries with Outdoor Revivals, Sunday School, and bi-monthly Food Pantry for the community (organized by First Lady Edmonds and later continued by Regina Thomas). Rev. Ronald Benjamin assisted Pastor Edmonds briefly. Pastor Edmonds also helped us deal with the unexpected “giftbecome-a-debt” situation, reminding us that “God is still in charge.” After a special fundraising Campaign, we retired the new “debt” within a year. In early 2003, Dr. Edmonds accepted a Faculty position at Kenyon College (OH). After a search process led by Hope Lawrence, we selected Rev. Lennox O’R. Martin and Rev. Dr. Faudel Blair Martin as Senior and Associate Pastor, respectively. On June 8, 2003, we said farewell to the Edmonds family and installed our new Pastors.
Senior and Associate Pastors Martin worked together to help strengthen our Prayer and Bible Study commitments and initiated Vacation Bible School and community outreach efforts. Senior Pastor
especially emphasized “worship as a lifestyle.” They were ordained as COG clergy in 2011. Minister Annette Thomas, who coordinated Sunday School for adults and children/young people and a Missions team, served as Assistant Pastor from 2008 to 2013 and was ordained in 2013. During the tenure of the Senior and Associate Pastors, Martin, we became aware that the church building front needed to be replaced. We launched another Capital Campaign and obtained refinancing loans first from Church Builders Plus (CBP, Anderson, IN) and in 2014 from Disciples of Christ (Indianapolis, IN), with the help of CBP’s President, Rev. Dr. Charles Shumate. The Pastors, Martin, resigned their positions in October 2013.
Between 2013 and 2017, we continued the various ministries as much as possible, with leadership by various members. We started the building reconstruction in 2014. We were blessed to be able to arrange for Guest Preachers from our “sister churches” in ENYGA and other clergy friends. In 2015 we began a Pastoral Search process, and this led to the selection of Rev. Paul Cooper, who had worked briefly with Pastor Hester and was no stranger to BWCC. We installed him as Senior Pastor in October 2017, and First Lady Dahlia Cooper and children Alanna, Zooey, and Christian were welcomed into the congregation. Pastor Cooper performed several baptisms and expanded the Bible Study ministry. We are grateful for his preaching and teaching of the Word and for encouraging member engagement in BWCC ministries. As with all churches, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the congregation. Besides closure for a couple of months with phone access to Worship Service and Bible Study, we also suffered the untimeliest deaths of Co-Founder Elerece Thomas and member Girlie Thomas. Pastor Cooper resigned from his position in November 2022.
BWCC has been mightily blessed over these 30 years. God’s grace and the energy, time, and dedication of so many have brought us through. Like perhaps many other congregations, we are in transition and moving ahead, knowing and trusting in His power and His faithfulness.
“Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.” (Lam 2:22-23 NIV)
Written by Laura Pires-Hester, Ph.D.Board of Trustees: Chairperson Dorian Samuels; Treasurer Janet Graham Johnson; Secretary Tania O’Connor; Trustee Laura Pires-Hester
“IamfullycommittedtotheLordshipofJesusChristinmylife,andself-consciouslyseeking toliveoutmyconfessioninobediencetohiminmyspiritualandinstitutionalcommitments” (9/30/1993)
FoundingandSeniorPastor,BronxWestchesterCommunityChurch1993-2000 GeneralManager,NYCUnitedFederationofTeachers.1990-2000
“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”
The ENYGA Music Ministry celebrates the pastors, clergy, laypeople and congregants who have sacrificed and laid a foundation to continue God’s work for over 80 years. Thank you for allowing a space for those in the arts to share their gifts and talents to edify the kingdom of God.
We stand on the shoulders and remember the indelible legacy of this great body of believers, stand firm in the present work God has calls us to take on, and expectantly walk in faith for a bright future in Jesus Christ that is to come.
EasternNewYorkGeneral AssemblyoftheChurchofGodand Godblessyouasyoucelebrateyour 80thanniversary.
ThankGodforaffordingmean opportunitytoservetogetherwith youduringtheyearspriortothe Covidpandemicasourchurch delegate!
1425BeachChannelDrive, FarRockaway,NewYork11691
“Takeheedthereforeuntoyourselves,andtoalltheflock,overthe whichtheHolyGhosthathmadeyouoverseers,tofeedthechurchof God,whichhehathpurchasedwithhisownblood.”–Acts20:28
Pastor Renecca H. Pinnock and Min. Arthur L. Pinnock, Sr. followed the word of God from Habakkuk 2:2 “Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision and make it plain…” This led them to collaborate with Pastor H. Banarsee and plant the first New Hope Mission in the country of Guyana as well as a United States based branch in the Hempstead, New York area, where they received 501C3 status to be an incorporated non-profit religious entity in 2004. As a team in life and in Christ, they were able to purchase a building to solidify New Hope Mission’s permanent home in Uniondale, New York. Their tireless dedication to the work of God was cut short by the passing of Pastor Renecca H. Pinnock on February 24, 2008 and Min. Arthur L. Pinnock, Sr. who followed his beloved wife, four years later, on April 3, 2012.
Reverend Dr. John A. Bethea
Former Pastor of Prophetic Church of God
130 West 129th Street New York New York
-FromMegan E. Gray, Tenisha Surgeon, Justin E. Gray, Blake A. Gray, Dana M. Hilliard, Lewis H. Bethea, Markus & Ashley Graves, Darnisha Graves, Tyane Bethea, Olyvia K. Beard & Lauryn Beard
FromMr. Saneek Beard & Mrs. Latosha BeardK. Darsan &
The Lafayette Avenue Church of God Congregation Congratulates!
The Eastern New York General Assembly
Lafayette Avenue COG will be celebrating, 95th Year of Ministry in July of 2023.
On your 80th Anniversary & God’s Blessings to President, Rev. Kevin Osbourne Vice-President, Rev. Carlos Bannister
Rev. Michael E. Hughes
“Gone but not forgotten, Rest in Peace.”
(Former Assistant Pastor of Lafayette Avenue COG)
Sunrise: January 27, 1947 -Sunset December 18, 2022
The Lafayette Avenue Church of God Family
Thank God for every remembrance of you, we love and miss you!
Honorable Mentions of Our Past & Present
Elder Mary Fludd – Rev. William Hull – Rev. Alex Williams – Rev. John G. Lytle
Rev. John Hickman – Rev. Margaret S. McCardy – Rev. Linette Clarke
Rev. Cleveland Cummings Sr. – Rev. Jonnie Mae Hill – Min. Morris Carter
Rev. Abram & Pernell Bethune – Rev. Ruth Mayo – Rev. James & Daisy Hatterson James Simmons Sr.
Harold & Brownie Simmons - Ruby Williams – Rev. Alonzo Douglas – Constance Johnson
Jessica Sparrow – Marion Moore – John Clark – Ada Colter Peoples – Benjamin Simmons
Rev Delores Douglas Richo – Rev. Jeanette Richo – George Clarke – Loucius & Rev. Sandra Morris
Emma Lee – Min. Mattie Flowers – Isaac Lee Jr. – Herbert & Geneva Parish
Melissa Parish Lawrence & Asalee Powell – Leona Shand – Mary Hewitt – Bessie Smith
Eugene Anderson – Robert & Jean Tucker – Louise Morris – Myrtle Moring
Rev. Dr. Harold & Sheila Banarsee
Mission Church of God Psalm 100:1-2 (NIV)
112 Buckley Street, Liberty, New York
Reverend Ruth H. Sellers-Ward, Senior Pastor
From Reverend Norma Gean Bethea-Davenport
Bro. Paul & Rev. Virginia Atkinson
Elder Vernet & Rev. Pauline Anderson Brown
Bro. Ezra & Rev. Sharon George
Min. Garland & Rev. Laverne Mitchell
Sis. Lena Williams
Sis. Sylvia Nicholson
Sis. Frances Preston
Rev. Dr. Leacroft & Sis. Marleen McKenzie
Mr. Arthur & Rev. C. Jeannette Chenoweth Sweet Harmony
Min. Lillie Barnett
Dr. William S. Barnett
Touch of Grace
Heavenly Excos.
Bishop & Mrs. Whitfield Blenman (PRAISE DANCERS MINISTRY)
Mrs. Ilene Granderson
Mrs. Yvette Liddie
Mrs. Ruby Ricketts
Mrs. Gretella Brown
Mrs. Rose Duncan
Mrs. Bessie Smith
Mr. Laurie Gill
Rev. Lennox & Rev. Faudel Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Sunny Irons
Mrs. Eugenia Angel
Deacon Mervin Leader
Deacon & Mrs. Chester Gill
Mrs. Ruby Allen
Pastor Keevi Hooks
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Cooper
Pastor Andrew Jennette
Pastor & Mrs. Carlisle Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Ron St. Furcy
Rev. Dr. James & First Lady Mary Dargan
Sister Ruby Walton
Mrs. Beverly Taylor
Mr. Gene Butler
Deacon Vincent & Sis. Lavern Hall
Sis. Findi & Sis. Jennifer Kallon
Deacon Barrington & Sis. Angela Parkinson
Deacon Wilbert & Sis. Beverly Parker
Deacon Nathaniel & Sis. Maria Darby
Deacon Renford & Sis. Jeanette Green
Sis. Betty Hunt
Sis. Cathryn Williams
Trustee JoAnne Martinez
Sis. Gerri Whitfield
Deaconess Emmet Harrison
Deaconess Iolette Lewis
Sis. Marcilyn Sisnett
Sis. Cinderella Badroe
Mr. Rick & Mrs. Lana Warren
Sis. Edna McQueen
Bronx Deliverance Church of God - Pastor: Vacant
3071 Olinville Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467
EM: bxdeliverancechurchofgod@gmail.com
Bronx Westchester Church - Pastor: Vacant
358 S. 9th Avenue, Mt Vernon, NY 10550
EM: bwccinny@yahoo.com
Evangelical Church of God - Pastor: Vacant
1205 Washington Avenue, Bronx, NY 10456
EM: evangchurch@aol.com
Gospel Trumpet Church of God - Reverend James Cadle, Pastor
3642 Laconia Avenue, Bronx, NY 10469
EM: gtcog3642@gmail.com
Cathedral of Joy Christian Center - Reverend Norma K. Canty, Pastor
43 George Street, Brooklyn, NY 11206
EM: cathedralofjoy@aol.com
Church of God of East New York - Reverend Clifton McDowell, Sr., Pastor
905 Sutter Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11207
EM: eastnyadmin@cog-eny.com
WB: www.cog-eny.com
Discipleship Faith Church of God - Reverend Clinton Pough, Pastor
120 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212
EM: dfcog@verizon.net
Grace Church of God - Reverend Carlos Bannister, Pastor 35 Blake Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212
EM: gracechurchofgod@gmail.com
WB: gracecog.org
Lafayette Avenue Church of God - Reverend Charles K. Darsan, Pastor 404 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238
EM: cogincny@aol.com
New Testament Church of God - Reverend Dr. Don Bethany, Pastor
904 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206
EM: newtestamentone@verizon.net
Refuge Church of God - Reverend Kevin R. Osbourne, Pastor
595 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221
EM: general@refugechurch.net
WB: www.refugechurch.net
Church of God of Freeport - Reverend Dr. Harold E. Banarsee, Pastor
580 Babylon Turnpike, Freeport, NY 11520
EM: freeportcog@optonline.net
First Church of God - Reverend Cleveland Cummings, Pastor 96 Cedar Road, Amityville, NY 11701
EM: fcogamityv@optonline.net
Westbury Divine Church of God - Reverend Michael Peynado, Pastor 911 Brush Hollow Road, Westbury, NY 11590
EM: info@wdcog.org WB: www.wdcog.org
Congregational Church of God - Reverend J-Anthony Dargan, Pastor 1889 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10032
EM: ccognyc@aol.com WB: ccogny.com
Prophetic Church of God - Pastor: Vacant 130 W. 129th Street, New York, NY 10027
Agape Church of God - Reverend Garvin Graham, Pastor 13835 Springfield Boulevard, Queens, NY 11413
EM: info@agapechog.org
Community Church of God - Pastor: Vacant 35-10 103rd Street, Corona, NY 11368
EM: liddieesq@gmail.com
First Church of God - Reverend John W. Grable, Pastor 1425 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaway, NY 11691
EM: firstchog@yahoo.com WB: www.fcogny.org
First Church of God - Reverend Jason Sylva, Pastor 11010 167th Street, Jamaica, NY 11433
EM: fcogjamaica@gmail.com
United Community Church of God - Reverend Dr. David Collymore, Pastor 13724 229th Street, Laurelton, NY 11413
EM: unitedcommunitycog@gmail.com
Mission Church Of God - Reverend Ruth H. Sellers-Ward, Pastor 112 Buckley Street, Liberty, New York 12754
First Church of God - Reverend Dr. Dwight Fowler, Pastor 334 Clarissa Street, Rochester, NY 14608
EM: fcogrochester@gmail.com WB: firstchurchofgod-rochesterny.org
AnniversaryJournalDesign&PrintingEntrustedTo: Rev.J-Anthony&MadelinDargan,MLDCommunications"Over30YearsofPrintingExcellence", 62MapleAvenue,Montclair,NJ07042.Email:mldcomm@aol.com.Phone:973-783-6198