Reverend J-Anthony Dargan, Officiant (Dear Friend)
Senior Pastor, Congregational Church of God, Harlem, New York

Prayer of Invocation .......................................................................................................................
Hymn of Comfort .............................................................. “The Blood Will Never lose its Power”
Scripture Reading
Old Testament – Isaiah 40:28-31 Oveon Walker-Tew (Nephew)
New Testament – I Thessalonians 4:13-18 ......................

Kenneth Arthur Lee Jones (Nephew)
Prayer of Comfort .................................................................................
Reverend Anthony Herron
Solo .................................................................................................................... Katrina E. Spence
Reverend Garland Boyd
Words of Expression (Two minutes each, please) .............................................
Mother Woodside
Tracy Jones (Dear Friend)
Poem - “Still I’ll Rise” by Maya Angelou...........Naomi Maureen Jones (Niece)
Andrea Belcher (Dear Friend & Colleague)
Chanel Craft Tanner (Student Tribute)
Musical Tribute....................................... Charmise Desiré, Tabreeca Woodside & Katrina Spence
Tribute Godchildren (Two minutes each, please)...........................................................................
Poem...........................................................................................Otis Becoat
Video...........................................................................Tanisha Kolet Franklin
Family Words of Expression (Two minutes each, please)

Uncle Larry Jones
Aunt Janie Ferrell
Aunt Susie Jones-Thomas
Albert C. Tew, III (Nephew)
Dr. Kenneth Lee Jones (Brother)
Albert C. Tew , II (Brother-in-love) & Carol R. Jones-Tew (Sister)
Obituary ...................................................................................................
Eulogy .............................................................................................
Lady Madelin L. Dargan

Reverend Robert Reese Lowe
Final Viewing ............................................................................................. Immediate Family Only
Interment Prayer............................................................................................................................
Recessional - “Let the Church Say Amen” .................................. The Clergy Officials & The Family
Interment: Fairlawn Cemetery
Farmingdale, New York
The Good Lord on Sunday, April 17, 1966, gifted, the late Arthur Lee Jones and the late Reverend Maureen Louvenia Ferrell-Jones of Macon, Georgia, the second time with an extraordinary daughter, Cheryl Vernetta Jones. Cheryl was the middle child of three exceptional and gifted children.

With the Aid of The Holy Spirit, Arthur Lee, a skilled brick mason emphasized the importance of “hard work and building on a firm foundation” as Reverend Maureen Louvenia impressed “service, commitment, and compassion” on their three children, Carol Regina, Cheryl Vernetta, and Kenneth Lee Jones.
Cheryl, at an early age, recognized and accepted The Lord, and His Plan for her life.

Cheryl took great pride in her education and development. She was a high achieving scholar throughout her years of schooling. After the family moved to Cambria Heights, New York, Cheryl attended: Sacred Heart Catholic School from kindergarten to 8th grade; and Beach Channel High School in Far Rockaway. Upon her graduation, following the footsteps of her big sister Carol, an exuberant 18-year-old Cheryl, was granted admission to St. John’s University. It was there that she began to prepare for a successful professional career and servitude as a committed masterful educator. Cheryl earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a Minor in Science.
She didn’t immediately join New York City Department of Education, instead she opted to honor her loving mother, a Nursing Educator at North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, Long Island, by gaining employment from BOCES (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services) in Westbury, where she was a Teacher of Hospitalized Children.
In September 1989, Cheryl became employed as a teacher by NYCDOE, which was formally called, The Board of Education. Her first nine years were in Brooklyn at PS 67-The Charles A. Dorsey School and PS 3-The Bedford Village School, Cheryl taught grades 2-5. It is here that she honed in on her skills in pedagogy becoming a master teacher particularly in literacy and math. With patience, love, belief, and pride in every child she touched, Cheryl motivated her students to not just learn, but to yearn to learn. She bolstered their self-esteem, took stock in their interests, and generously devoted hours of her time to tutor or enrich students after school. Cheryl deposited in her students: faith, hope, and more importantly, love in themselves, their families, and community.

Cheryl was lead teacher for the Gifted and Talented Programs and achieved equal success with At-Risk students in the underserved communities that she serviced. Failure was no option for her or her students. In fact, there was no child that she could not teach to read. Each year, Cheryl and her scholars celebrated the students’ high academic achievement and above grade level standardized test scores.
Cheryl’s talent and love for music and particularly, musicals was discovered after Cheryl and the family saw, “Purlie” by Ossie Davis, which was a family holiday treat. As the family was exiting the theatre, 4-year-old Cheryl started singing with perfect pitch, “Skinnin’ a Cat”, one of the songs from the production. Everyone, who heard her voice that day, including the family was mesmerized as Cheryl glowed with youthful joy. From that moment forward, Cheryl started singing in the church choir, and in several musical groups such as “The Jones Sisters, The Woodsides, and so forth to the Glory and Praise of God.

Cheryl’s love for music and musical theatre flowed into her classroom. Cheryl not only emphasized the importance of education and commitment to her students, but she rounded their education and character with a visit to see a Broadway show. Every year, Cheryl, and her students performed production of the various Broadway productions. In fact, many of her students went on to become stars and actors on Broadway, Disney, and elsewhere.
In 1996, Cheryl earned her Master of Science Degree in Reading from her beloved, St. John’s University.

In 2000, Cheryl was called to serve at PS 36-The St. Albans School in Queens as a 4th grade teacher and once again during her students had high performance outcomes. During that time, she was being trained by the outgoing Reading Teacher to fill her position. The following year, Cheryl did just that. Being the Title l Reading Specialist was her first out of classroom assignment. She victoriously served her school community in that capacity for 4 years and the school benefited greatly from it.
God knew that as an administrator, Cheryl could reach far more students, teachers, and families. So, in obedience, she went back to St. John’s the third time, where she was granted a Professional Diploma in School Administration and Supervision.

With great aspirations and pride, Cheryl was elevated to the position of Assistant Principal of PS 37- The Cynthia Jenkins Elementary School from 2005 to 2012. She was an outstanding A.P. Any principal would have counted themselves blessed and highly favored for having her on their team. In addition to being her principal’s left and right hands, Cheryl fostered impeccable teacher pedagogy, chaired, and supported student support committees, served as the Special Education Liaison, used data from multiple sources in her skills as the Data Specialist to drive, inform and improve instructional practices. She wrote and was awarded many grants including: The Library Restoration, and After School program grants, crafted the School Safety Plan and the Comprehensive Education Plan, and served as the graduation coordinator for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and grade 5 moving up ceremonies and excursions.

In 2012, Cheryl, the daughter of Arthur Lee and Reverend Maureen Louvenia, reached the height of her service and profession when she became Principal of PS 118-The Lorraine Hansberry School, where she fulfilled her duties and calling for 4 years. She took her assignment very seriously and understood the magnitude of her position. She continued to serve her students, faculty and families with respect, love, and excellence. Cheryl maintained high expectations for herself and all stakeholders in their school community and beyond. Her goal was to create “The Village,” in which students were the center of focus. Her desire on this assignment was to ensure that students weren’t lacking because all efforts to ensure their safety, happiness and success took priority. They would prosper and have a future!
During her few years, prior to her retirement, Cheryl also served other school communities in District 29 including: IS 289- Queens United Intermediate School, PS 195- William Haberle School, PS 132- The Ralph Bunche School, and PS 147- The Ronald McNair School. She had the opportunity to collaborate with other principals and building leaders and shared/gained insights on productive practices in school leadership and student progress.
Cheryl retired from NYCDOE on November 1, 2021. Though retired, she continued to mentor others; provide assistance to families of students with disabilities; and keep current in her craft. One of Cheryl’s plans after retirement was to start up her own reading center. She never had the opportunity to do so, but if there is a school in heaven, Principal Jones is running one.
Cheryl Vernetta Jones leaves to cherish her memory: her siblings, Carol Regina Jones-Tew (Albert C. II) of New York and Dr. Kenneth L. Jones (Keisha) of Texas; nephews, Albert C. Tew III (Camille) and Kenneth Arthur Lee Jones; great nephew, Oveon Walker-Tew and Albert C. Tew IV; nieces, Naomi M. Jones, Nyah L. Jones, and Nicole N. Jones; great niece, Camryn A. Tew; godchildren, Otis Becoat, Sirea Copeland, and Tinisha Kolet Franklin; uncle, Larry B. Jones and Benjamin Mims both of Macon Georgia; aunts, Janie Ferrell of Virginia, and Susie Jones-Thomas of Georgia; the entire Mount Moriah AME Church Family; and a host of family and friends.

On Monday, June 5, 2023, Cheryl fulfilled her assignment, and delivered her ministry of service through education, music, and Servant Leadership.
* In memory of Cheryl V. Jones, Donate to stjude.org *

Your presence today honors me, and your expressions of love bring joy to my soul. Please don’t dwell too much on my passing. Some of you know firsthand how much pain I bore for such a long time. I prayed for “life”, I really didn’t want to die. Cancer and the heartbreak of losing my nephew Stephen were serious challenges in 2023. Know that through it all God remained beside me giving me protection, direction, comfort, and peace during the worst of it. By God I knew that whether earthbound or heaven bound I would come through just fine. Guess what? I did, it’s alright with me now. I cannot describe how great I feel, no pain, no sadness, just pure love and jubilation. Listen to Ms. Jones, your teacher and principal, I still want the best for you.
Heed my advice, Our Father knows what we’re in need of, He instructs us to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all of these things shall be added unto you.”
Chose to see God’s goodness in each day and trust Him. Look to God, embrace His love and you too will find peace. I want things to be alright with you too.”
Author: A&C Tew
Life is But a Stopping Place
Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what’s to be, a resting place along the road, to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way, We all were meant to learn some things, but never meant to stay… Our destination is a place, far greater than we know. For some the journey’s quicker, for some the journey’s slow. And when the journey finally ends, we’ll claim a great reward, and find an everlasting peace, together with the Lord.

Author unknown
Dear Family & Friends,

The family of the late Cheryl Vernetta Jones extend our sincere appreciation and thanks for the many spoken and unspoken expressions of sympathy extended to our family during our time of sorrow. Your many acts of kindness have given us comfort and strength for this journey of healing. Your love and compassion were heartfelt and will never be forgotten. May God Bless and keep all of you.
Professional Services Entrusted to: Sampson Funeral Home, Inc. 2601 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11208 Telephone: 1-718-277-8000 / sampsonfuneral.com

Program Design & Printing Entrusted To: MLD Communications

“The Very Best In Desktop Publishing and More For Over 30 Years”
Rev. J-Anthony & Madelin Dargan, 62 Maple Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042
Phone: (973) 783-6198 | Email: mldcomm@aol.com