Engagement Chairperson

Debra J. Chandler Civic Engagement Vice-Chairperson
Engagement Chairperson
Debra J. Chandler Civic Engagement Vice-Chairperson
Compiled by Civic Engagement Committee
We have personal rights that pertain to ourselves as individuals, our immediate and extended families and then we have rights that pertain to our relationship to the people who live within our same environment. With those rights also come responsibilities. Our humanity connection demands that we work together for the betterment of each of us.
Your Government & You! p. 1
Teacher Honor Roll! p. 2
2024 ACT-SO p. 2
Langston Hughes Reading p. 2-3
How To Maximize School Success p. 5
Example: We have the right to clean air and the responsibility to help keep it clean. Our government comes into the scenario when lawmakers determine that a business that will bring jobs but who also pollutes the air, should be regulated or not. Citizens have the responsibility to safeguard their rights by holding the lawmakers accountable for their decisions and laws.
We each have a role to play and the connector is the citizen’s right to participate in the ruling of his/her country by being actively involved through voting and paying attention to the actions of the people who are voted into office.
Government is an integral part of our lives. Governments establish rules and regulations, define the rights and duties of individuals, provide protection, give assistance and provide services to individuals and groups by legal authority given by the people who vote.
Political government includes local, state and national government. Each of these governments receives powers from the people through a manual called a constitution or charter.
The spirit of Democracy demands a fourth branch of government to be just as active as the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches. Like the fans at a game who become the extra player that encourages, and urges the team to play harder to win, what is the fourth branch of government?
You have Rights! And married to those rights are duties and responsibilities. A major right and duty are for you to be an informed VOTER and to VOTE in every election. You have a right and duty to participate in your government. You have the right to expect good government but you also have the responsibility to work to make it good by voting and participating whatever way you can. When you see a problem, it is your responsibility to say something via phone, letter, email or a visit to your representative or you can gather neighbors to make a difference about a local issue. Your activism has the power to make your community, city, state and country better or not.
Continues a Legacy of Excellence.
ACT-SO students and chaperones attended the HBCU Basketball Classic held at Prudential Arena.
In 2005, Janice Harris Jackson, former Education Chair for NJSCNAACP created the Langston Hughes Read-A -Thon on Feb. 1 in honor of his birthday and Black History Month. Newark NAACP kicked off Black History Month with a live reading of the works of Langston Hughes. You can see the video via YouTube by going to Newark NAACP @newarknaacpnj.
Education Committee hosted the 3rd Annual Teacher Honor Salutes to teachers who are infusing Black History into their lessons. While the Amistad law has been in effect for 22 years, it is still not implemented in all schools. The Education Committee, led by Dr. Leah Owens invites teachers to submit a lesson and student response. This year, the honorees were all males and ranged from PreK to high school. The video of their presentations can be viewed on our YouTube channel~ Newark NAACP @newarknaacpnj.
Mr. Devon Horton, Director of Early Childhood at the West Ward Center. (Photo) shown with students, parents and classroom staff.
Mr. Andrew Guglielmo teacher at West Orange HS shown with Principal, supervisors and Dr. Leah Owens, Education Chairperson.
Mr. Evan Dekens a student teacher at University High School (photo) shown with Mary Bennett, mentor, University Principal Hamilton and Deborah Smith Gregory.
Schools can benefit extensively from the use of a Parent - Teacher Association (PTA).
Compiled by The Education Committee
As the Newark school community continues to address the learning loss that impacted many students during COVID-19, we encourage parents and teachers to organize PTAs. The components listed below illustrate some of the numerous ways a PTA can help facilitate recovery from learning loss.
• Play a significant role in increasing parental involvement. They can help create a positive and supportive school environment; active parental participation is matched with improved academic performance, increased attendance, and a reduction in behavioral issues among students.
• Help address the increasing concern that students are reading below grade level. PTAs can collaborate with parents and teachers to implement programs that encourage regular reading sessions between parents and their children several days during the week.
• Serve as a vital communication tool connecting parents, teachers, administrators, and the entire community. Studies have shown that effective communication promotes academic achievement.
• Play an extensive role in fundraising. Addressing diverse needs and interest of children can contribute to a comprehensive educational environment.
• Serve as advocates, actively influencing positive changes. Working together to make improvements for the needs and interests of students, families, and schools can make a big difference.
• Advocate for learning experiences. Workshops, field trips, guest speakers and other enriching learning experiences are also important to a child’s education.
If you would like more information about the benefits of a PTA and/or how to organize one please contact Ms. Karen Diggs, Essex County PTA Regional Director, phone #: 862400-0503 or Juanita Hobbs former treasurer of Essex PTA, phone #: 862-216-1346.
Join a committee, get involved. The Newark NAACP is run entirely by volunteers. we are only as strong as our volunteer members. we need your support and want to hear from you. Email us: Newarknaacp@gmail.com. Like us on FB. Follow us @Newarknjnaacp YOUTUBE CHANNEL @newarknaacp visit www.NAACPnewark.org