Ka La May 2012

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A Student Publication of the University of Hawai`i • Honolulu Community College • May 2012

War of words

Dozens of students participate in HonCC's intramural debate challenge. Page 2

A new life

Outgoing ASUH-HCC President Ryan Adverderada survived a heart attack at 24. Now he's on his way to a new college experience in Arizona. Page 3

Graduates speak

Some of this year's graduates share their thoughts on what made their HonCC experience special. Page 9

Fashion, fashion

Students in Fashion Technology show off their skills in an annual show of talent and style. Page 11

Best of HonCC

Our special 4-page pullout section celebrates some of the best photography and writing that HonCC has to offer. Pages 5-8

KaLā photo by Matthew Ursua Retiring chancellor Mike Rota relaxes in his office during the last few weeks of his time at Honolulu Community College.

Chancellor's legacy: 'We know how to build things' By Adina Murakami

Ka Lā Editor

It was a warm afternoon toward the end of April. Through the open door of his office, Chancellor Mike Rota could be seen busy typing at his work station, completing the day's work. He greeted us with a warm and gracious smile and encouraged us to make ourselves comfortable. His casual presence at once set us at ease. It is easy to see why he was first asked to fill in as interim chancellor of Honolulu Community College in July 2008. “I was all set to retire, and accepted the interim position on fairly short notice, saw there was need and agreed to stay until the position could be filled,” Rota said. After conducting a search, the University of Hawai`i Board of Regents then appointed Rota as chancellor of Honolulu Community College for a two-year term in 2009. And again finding no viable replacement, they asked him to stay through June 2012. “It will be strange leaving for

the last time, I will miss being Hawai`i at Hilo. here,” Rota said. During his tenure at HonoOriginally from the U.S. northlulu Community College, Rota east, Rota received his bachelor's has been instrumental in several and master's degrees from the projects including resolving the University of Maryland. accreditation issues of 2006, deHe has been a part of the velopment of a strategic plan for University of Hawaii for over 40 improvements at the school and years. Prior to his appointment at developing an effective planning Honolulu Community College, process which incorporates the Rota was associate vice president new facilities master plan. He for academic affairs for the Unialso has worked to implement a versity of Hawai`i Community transparent budget process at the Colleges where his responsibilities college. Several included acaprojects grew demic program from his dedicat“It will be strange planning. These ed enhancement leaving for the last time, I skills were utiof the campus. will miss being here." lized with his “Students appointment are not well Chancllor Mike Rota as the chair of equipped when the Accrediting they enter the Commission of system,” he said, a fact which led Junior Colleges of the Western As- to development of the Essential sociation of Schools and Colleges. Skills Center. The portables on the Additionally, Rota has served corner of Dillingham and Kokea as vice chancellor for academic af- Street were home to the Employfairs for the University of Hawai`i ment training center for more than Community Colleges and held 50 years. “In just under a month, various teaching and administradedicated faculty and staff tive positions at Hawai`i CommuContinued on Page 2 nity College and the University of

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