November 2016

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Book Spotlight






Student Hacks


Current Events






GRAPHIC EDITOR: Daniel Carroll

Hello everyone, we are happy to bring you the third edition of The Pulse! This November issue consists of several seasonal articles and topics for your Thanksgiving. As we have released a few issues of The Pulse already, the writers have been more invested into their articles than ever. With this being the third issue, we have received feedback on our previous issues, and now are working to refine and perfect future issues. Keep in mind that any feedback we could get- WE WANT. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of the Pulse we had a blast writing it.If you have any suggestions, or questions email us editors

EDITOR: Sammantha Thorpe WRITERS: Sammantha Thorpe Tyler Herzan Kayla Buckner Jacob Yano Brendan Durham Kyndall Porter Kayley Harrison Amanda Pryor Katelin Pritchard Kaytlin Fitzwater

SPONSORS: Matthew Locke Nathan Harmon


Basketball tryouts (2nd day)


NHS induction ceremony (7pm-9pm)

Sttryke Nyghtfreshman only (6-8)

Wrestling (@ the H.S.) 9th grade Basketball (6-7) @ Branson 4

veterans ceremony (9am-11am) FCA ( in the gym)

Project Graduation fall concert meeting (7pm-9pm) @ (5:30-6:30) middle school

Project Graduation meeting (5:30-6:30)

FCA ( in the gym) Basketball-(5-9) Jamboree@Willard

FCA ( in the gym)

No School


No School


Kimberling city tree lighting (7-8)


Student Hacks

Have you ever had your favorite snack but you really don’t want to stick your hand all the way down in the bag? Here is a simple solution to help with sticky hands.

By: Kyndall Porter

Have you ever wondered why teaches always have certain things in their desk or always have extra of something. A top item that teaches will keep on hold are peppermint. Peppermint stimulates the brain and helps with concentration. A study in 2008 was published saying Peppermint increased alertness and helps with maintaining a sense of calm. Studies have also been shown that peppermint given to drivers showed that you could be less frustrated, anxious and fatigues and stayed more awake while diving for long period of time. Another article that was published in 2005 states, those participants that chewed peppermint flavored gum have improved memory. The explanation behind peppermint is that the scent increases oxygen saturation and blood pressure. Blood brings oxygen to our brain, so if peppermint increases the amount of oxygen in your blood and it increases your blood pressure, more oxygen travels to the brain. The more oxygen available to your brain the better you can concentration and focus will be. This is also the reason behind us as students getting mint during testing periods in previous years.



Take your favorite snack


Open the bag


Roll the bottom of the bag upward


Enjoy your instant snack bowl


Freshman Advice

“Take your grades seriously now, because your GPAs will change. And don’t forget to take pride in your work.” ~Mr. Drane

By: Kayley Harrison Hello Freshman, and welcome back to your advice article! Hopefully you found your last column for computer shortcuts to be helpful. Lately I’ve noticed that teachers pay a lot of attention to the seniors in particular, which is understandable considering they’re going to graduate at the end of this year. However, I feel that more of the senior class would be on track and taking their school work seriously if they had been taught as freshman how important it is for us to take our education seriously. Which is why for this month’s article I’ve decided that it would be best to inform you all of severity of the situation. If you don’t do well in high school you’ll have a harder time getting into college. If you do get into college it’ll only get harder from there, and if you don’t want to take my word for it, take it from the people you know who have already gone through that whole process, and know what needs to be done for you to be successful. That’s right; your teachers.

` “Find something that you will use to set yourself apart from the other students. Not athletically, but academically.” ~Mr. Asbill

“Don’t take for granted what the teachers and the upperclassmen may tell you. They know what they’re talking about and what needs to get done.” ~Ms. Kurtis. “Don’t fall behind, you’re going to need these courses for your required credits. You need these credits for graduation. And if you can’t get these required credits, you’ll have to retake them, or even be held back a year to get yourself back on track.” ~Ms. Lewis

“Four years goes by extremely fast and you don’t wanna look back on the first year and regret your mistakes, you wanna look back and be proud of yourself.” ~Mrs. Harrell

“Consider yourself a young adult, because you’re going to be required to take on more responsibilities. You say you want to be treated with respect, but you have to earn it. You’re not a little kid anymore, it’s time to try to conduct yourself in a more mature and productive way. It’s time to start taking yourself, as well as your education seriously.” ~Mr. Rollins

“Stay diligent, do your work, remain focused on the task at hand.” ~Mr. Rantz “Get your work turned in, don’t be like my senior classes.” ~Mrs. Kondro

“Learn the secret to each teacher you have, learn what you can and can’t do in each class.” ~Mr. Harmon

“I would tell freshman to be quiet, and listen to what goes on around you. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean that you need to necessarily share it. As freshman, you want to be seen and not heard. However, if someone asks for your opinion, give it. But until you’ve experienced a little bit more of high school, you don’t want to try to draw negative attention to yourself. So observing, learning, and paying attention to what goes on around you is a definitely wise.” ~Mr. Locke “Do your work and study diligently.” ~Mr. Davis



What Your Thankful For What I am thankful for? Usually people will put the typical family and health and education and sports but this question is much more meaningful then we realize. When really sitting down to think about what I am thankful for many things came to mind but I wanted to take it to a deeper level to show how much things really mean to me. I am thankful for my friends and not just because they are there and we can do things together but I am thankful for the fights that me and my friends have I know that sounds awful in all but really there is so much I have learned when it comes to fighting with a best friend. I see how much I really do care about them and I see how hard it might be without having them around. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is to do everything as Jesus would have done for me when it comes from my friendships. I am thankful for my parents and not just because they gave me life but because they are constantly looking after me, always asking how my day or week was, and making sure I am at practices or small group or athletic events. My parents working full time jobs still find ways to do incredible things. I am blessed to have parents with loving arms and their ability to open up our home. Your hear people always say my parents are the best but really they are the best for you. I am thankful for athletics and education. Not just because I get A’s on a report card for a varsity spot but because these are things I am able to enjoy. I love the aspect of a team, and it not just being all about one person but working together and competing. Education is something a lot of people take for granted and it’s a shame. Sure I love having “good grades” but it’s more than that. How I do academically from middle school through college will determine my future. I am thankful for the push that athletics give me to get my work done and have things turned in one time. I am thankful for my siblings not just because of the cute pictures but because they make me a better person. I look up to my siblings and adore their talents. There are times where I get jealous or I wish I could do something they could. I am thankful for older siblings who understand and listen when I have a problem.

I am thankful for a little sister who pushes me to do my best and a little brother who can crack a joke and make the whole room laugh. There are so many think that I could say that I am thankful for but there is one that can cover it all. I am thankful for the love, grace and mercy that the lord has for me. There is no other relationship that I cherish more than mine and God’s. For there are times when I don’t understand and am lost and he is always there to provide the light and way out. He blesses me with the things that I listed above and much more. I am truly thankful for the living creator of the world and all he has given to me. As the holidays roll around really think about what you are thankful for. - Kyndall Porter As I get older, I’m learning slowly but surely what is most important to me. When you have to experience rough times and heartache, no one will be there for you like your family will. I’ve realized the thing I’m probably most thankful for is the support and closeness of my family. There’s nothing that can compare to having people you can lean on and confide in. My Dad and I are best buds, and having that close relationship with him has really sculpted my childhood. Growing up with a prominent male perspective has taught me to be tough and realistic. I’m thankful to have my Dad on my team. I also cherish the bond I share with my friendships. I’m going to look back on the memories I’m making right now, and wish I were back here, with the same group of goofy kids. We pick on each other constantly, but there’s no one I would rather spend every day with. I’m thankful for my puppy Venus, he’s eight. I just adopted him and I thought it would be sick and different to pick out an older dog. He’s really quite the spunky character and I love him. I’m thankful for my conservative community, and having hard workers to look up to. I’m glad I was raised around a Christian belief system, and that I learned the words of Christ at a young age. I think it’s important to keep your faith and family close to your heart, and learning that is what I’m most thankful for. - Amanda Pryor Something that I am thankful for. I could go with all the obvious answers and say: my family, my friends, or even food but I think I’ll try something more outside of the box for this. I am thankful for the internet. Wait before you stop reading, I get that this is a really outlandish thing to be thankful for but just think about it. You use the internet every single day. It’s the only way most people keep in contact with their friends and it helps people their jobs, even our school is 95% internet based! The internet is probably one of the best things that has ever been created, next to me of course, but without it in our lives just imagine how many things you do right now that you couldn’t do or would exponentially harder. I know I can name like 20 things just off the top of my head. The internet is the way I do my job also, without it I couldn’t sustain myself in life, unless I got a job that requires me to come in person but who wants that. Though the internet can be a bitter mistress, I still couldn’t live without it, so that’s why it’s what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. - Jacob Yano


ENTERTAINMENT There are a lot of good things in my life that I am very thankful for. I have been given many blessings and I am very lucky. I sometimes take these things for granted and I should learn to appreciate all the good things that God has given me. I’m extremely thankful for God. Without Him I wouldn’t exist right now. God made me the way I am and He loves everything about me. He has blessed me with a good family, good friends, a great life, and many talents. Most of all, God blessed me with his son, Jesus. He gave His only son to be nailed to a cross to die for us so that we may have eternal life. I am most thankful for the love He shares and all the things He has given me. I am also very thankful for my family. I wouldn’t know what to do without them. I love my mom, stepdad, and brother a ton. They have helped me overcome adversities and been there through the tough times when I needed them most. They have also sacrificed a lot for me and been there during the great times to celebrate accomplishments and accolades with me. Without my parents, I wouldn’t have the knowledge I have today. They have parented me the right way and always want what’s best for me. Sports are also a big part of my life. I absolutely love sports. I watch sports, I play sports, I live and breathe sports. Without sports my life would be completely different and I really don’t know what I would do in my free time. Watching sports is an excessive thing for me. I watch football, basketball, baseball, and sometimes even hockey. When my friends and I hang out, we play sports for fun. I can’t imagine a world without sports. I have a crazy amount of knowledge about sports and this just attests to my obsession of sports. I can’t imagine sports not existing. I wouldn’t be me without them and I am so thankful for them. I’m thankful for all of my friends that are there for

me. Without my friends, I would be alone and have nobody to have fun and share the good times with, other than my family. Having good friends that have similar interests as you is a blessing. Friendships are a very underrated thing. Those friendships will last a lifetime and I am truly thankful for them. Sometimes I don’t appreciate them as much as I should, but I enjoy every moment I get to spend hanging out with my friends. It would be devastating to not have moments with friends that you will remember forever. There are a lot of memories and inside jokes that will never leave. I am very appreciative for the friendships I have and I will cherish them my whole life. I don’t always talk about it, but I’m immensely thankful for my life and everything it contains. Without all of these things I mentioned, I would not be the person I am today at all. These things are all a big part in my life. God, my family, sports, and my friends. I am super thankful all the time, not just during Thanksgiving. - Brendan Durham




By: Jacob Yano

This month for the movie section of the paper I’m going to try something a little different, I won’t be doing a top 5 this month, but it’’ll be back next month. This month I’m going to tell you about a class I’m in called, Critical Approaches to Film and later next semester Film ll but I won’t get into that the latter as much. So, the class itself is taught by Mrs. Kondro and takes place 2nd hour. The class is based around interpreting different films from old silent films to newer films like, Jaws and next semester you get to watch a lot of the new movies. The work in the class is far from hard since it’s all about your opinion on something and writing reviews on movies that you spend up to 3 days of class time watching! Though the class might sound easy and it is if you pay attention and just do your work then of course it you’ll be fine but if you fall behind it’s very easy to keep behind cause you have to watch an entire movie and then write your review. So it’s easy until it’s not. The movies that so far into the year that we have viewed are: A Trip to the Moon, Metropolis, Nosferatu, The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, Dracula, Frankenstein, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and Jaws! In the 2 months of school that we have had we’ve already watched 9 movies, we only had to write reviews on 6 total, so it’s not all reviews. If you enjoy movies and everything that involves them from directors to the screening of movies, then next year join this class and you’ll love it!



Two by Two

By: Kayla Buckner If you’re anything like me then you’re in love with not only Nicholas Sparks but his books as well! Nicholas’s newest book “Two by Two” is the perfect read for anyone! It’s a powerful story with unconditional love, risk, challenges, and a hint of mystery. He went a little out of his comfort zone and told us a story about a couple falling apart instead of together and that’s why this book is so amazing! At 32, Russell Green has it all: a dazzling wife, an adorable six year-old little girl, a fruitful profession as a publicizing official and a far reaching home in Charlotte. He is experiencing the fantasy, and his marriage to the charming Vivian is the focal point of that. Be that as it may, underneath the gleaming surface of this flawless presence, blame lines are starting to appear...and nobody is more shocked than Russ himself when he finds each part of the life he underestimated flipped around. In a matter of months, Russ winds up without work or a wife, administering to his young little girl while attempting to adjust to another and confounding reality. Devoting himself completely to the wild of single child rearing, Russ sets out on an excursion without a moment’s delay alarming and remunerating—one that will test his capacities and his enthusiastic assets past anything he ever envisioned. Other novels by Nicholas Sparks :



TV Shows By: Kayla Buckner Thanksgiving Day is not until Nov. 26, yet that doesn’t mean you can’t begin celebrating somewhat early. Before you eat yourself into a food coma, Netflix has a lot of Thanksgiving-themed TV episodes to get you in a bubbly mind-set. From a Thanksgiving in a doctor’s facility on “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Scrubs,” to the convention of “Slapsgiving” on “How I Met Your Mother,” the well-known gushing administration has an occasion scene for everybody. Get some turkey or some pumpkin pie while you kick off the holiday season with the top ten Thanksgiving-themed episodes on Tv and Netflix:

Coach Taylor and his family host the holiday dinner, while the Lions prepare to face-off against the West Dillion Panthers with a playoff berth on the line. 6. “Friends” Season 5, episode 8: “The One With All The Thanksgivings” The gang recalls their worst Thanksgiving memories, while Chandler reveals to Monica that he’s in love with her. 7. “Gilmore Girls” Season 3, episode 9: “A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving” Lorelai and Rory take part in four Thanksgiving celebrations. 8. “Grey’s Anatomy Season 10, episode 10: “Somebody That I

1. “American Dad” Season 6, episode 6: “There Will Be Bad Blood” Stan invites his half-brother Rusty to Langley Falls for Thanksgiving dinner and as usual he shows off his wealth. 2. “Bob’s Burgers” Season 4, episode 5: “Turkey In A Can” Someone is trying to ruin Bob’s Thanksgiving when they throw his cooked turkey into a toilet. 3. “Family Guy” Season 10, episode 6: “Thanksgiving” Lois cooks a big Thanksgiving dinner for the family, while Kevin Swanson returns.

4. “Scrubs” Season 1, episode 9: “My Day Off ”

Used to Know” Emma and Meredith plan Thanksgiving dinner, while Richard has a health issue. Ben confides in Derek that he thinks Bailey has OCD. 9. “House” Season 6, episode 9: “Ignorance Is Bliss”

House and his team take on the case of a brilliant physicist who decided to trade a successful career to be a courier so he can be with his wife. 10. “How I Met Your Mother” Season 3, episode 9: “Slapsgiving” The first “Slapsgiving” takes place when Lily and Marshall host their first Thanksgiving as a married couple. The 2007 episode focuses on Marshall cashing in one of his slaps he earned from a bet with Barney, who is terrified watching a countdown until he gets slapped in the face.

J.D. gets to see what it’s like to be in Sacred Heart after he’s admitted for appendicitis. The doctors later celebrate Thanksgiving together in a bar. 5. “Friday Night Lights” Season 4, episode 13: “Thanksgiving”




vember 13, 2015 is a album by American hip hop recording artist Logic. The Incredible true Story was characterized as an experimental musical work, sending attention to the running storyline details. The Incredible True Story hitting number three on the US Billboard 200 and sold 135,00 albums and 118,000 copies in its first week. “The album a success due to the way it was able to portray itself as polished and appealing material, in comparison to the overeager and overproduced nature prevalent in his previous releases.” Says MartÍn Caballero of The Boston Globe The album Hitting number one on US Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums and US Top Rap Albums. With the Singles “Young Jesus”, “Like Woah”, and “Face Away.” Logic explains his album to be set 10 years in the future and is set on “paradise.” He continues saying how we get to the “paradise,” saying Earth gets destroyed and we’re forced to leave the planet after everything is gone. Just a few of many amazing albums that have been

By: Kyndall Porter This month we are going to highlight popular albums that were released in November of 2015.

Music spotlight: Starting off our November spot light will Adele’s and her album 25 that was released on November 20, 2015. Being the fastest-selling album of all time; selling 2 million in the first three days. The singles from 25 are Hello, released on October 2015, When We Were Young, released on January 22, 2016, and Send my love, released on May 16, 2016. This album hitting Us Billboard and many others at number 1 weekly, and having United States 8x platinum with sales at 8,980,000. The big time themes of the album are Heartbreak. About 8 million copies have been sold of Adele’s 25 album. Justin Bieber’s Purpose is a learning lesson. Begging for forgiveness and vowing to be a better Bieber, earning his fifth million-selling album in the U.S. Justin Bieber scores sixth No. 1 album on Billboard 200 chart. Joining with Adele’s “25” album and Drake’s “If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late” album. Taking “purpose” about 5 weeks to hit one million, it is the quickest trip to a million for Justin Bieber so far. The last time he hit one million it took 7 weeks with his album “Under the Mistletoe.” The reason behind Justin writing Purpose was to express all of the emotions from his previous relationship with Selena Gomez. “It was a long relationship and a relationship that created heartbreak and created happiness, and a lot of different emotions that I want to write about. So there’s a lot of that on this album.” He said Being released on No-

released in the month of November. Each telling a different story and has a different meaning behind the lyrics. Some you will enjoy other you will hate, but i do encourage you to maybe listen to these albums or the songs within the albums!








have been getting into the groove- and are ready to push these guys to their limits. Coach Teed is the returning coach, and will dedicating himself these athletes as well. Come support at this home match!

By: Brendan Durham

Cross Country- The State cross country meet was held on November 5th. The competitors ran 3.1 miles. Out of the 168 competitors, Rachel Bagg placed 25th and Claire Hornibrook placed 116th. Rachel’s time was 20:04:95, which is very impressive, and this earned her the title of being the first girl to receive a medal at State, for the Reeds Spring cross country team!

Our fall sports, wrapped up their season, and we are cruising our way into the winter sports! These athletes are in a transitioning stage from football to basketball, or volleyball to basketball, possibly just offseason to wrestling. However these athletes are training everyday, and getting themselves into the mental, and physical condition to win.

Boys Basketball- The boys basketball team has their first action of the season in the jamboree Friday, November 11th, at Willard High-school. They kicked off the night around 7 p.m. The first team the guys faced were the Willard Tigers, and they opposed the Strafford Indians next. After speaking to a basketball team member to get this information, he said that this jamboree was a good chance to see where the team was, and where improvement was needed. I asked another team member Austin Bradfield what his thoughts were on the jamboree and he said, “The jamboree went well, especially with only ten days of previous practice. Right now, we have a lot to work on, but we performed well against Willard in the first quarter. It was a good experience for each of us, and I think we have a good season ahead of us.”

Girls Basketball- The Lady Wolves first time to see the court is also at the jamboree on Friday, November 11th. Also being located at Willard High school it was a good night for the girls. The jamboree started for the Lady Wolves around 5p.m. They played against Strafford first, which happened to be the state champions last season. The Lady Wolves went in with a positive mentally and worked through each play, with room for improvement as well, they have an opportunity to be a great team, and to work through their challenges. They need our student section there to support not only the boys, but the lady’s team too! Check out the calendar we change monthly by the office, but also right here in the Pulse! Wrestling- The wrestling team’s first match isn’t

any time soon, but season opening match is at home on November 29th at 5:30 against Marshfield and Logan-Rogersville. Our wrestling team has opened the floor to some new athletes who are ready to compete! New Coach White, and Coach Love






History of Thanksgiving

north latitude, north of the Virginia Company’s territory. Technically, the Mayflower colonists had no right to be there at all. In order to establish themselves as a legitimate colony, (“Plymouth,” named after the English port from where they had departed) under these circumstances, 41 of the Saints and Strangers drafted and signed a document they called the Mayflower Compact. This Compact promised to create a “civil Body Politick” governed by elected officials and “just and equal laws.” It also swore allegiance to the English king. The colonists spent the first winter, which only 53 passengers and half the crew survived, living onboard the Mayflower. Once they moved ashore, the colonists faced even more challenges. During their first winter in America, more than half of the Plymouth colonists died from malnutrition, disease and exposure to the harsh New England weather. In fact, without the help of the area’s native people, it is likely that none of the colonists would have survived. An English-speaking Pawtuxet named Samoset helped the colonists form an alliance with the local Wampanoags, who taught them how to hunt local animals, gather shellfish and

By: Amanda Pryor

In 1534, England broke ties with the Roman Catholic Church, due to Henry VIII’s political and marital issues. Protestant Reformers saw this as an opportunity to bring reform to the church in England. With time, the reformers came to be called Puritans, due to them wanting to purify the Church of England of Catholic traditions that they did not believe was biblical. However, after years of struggling for this change, some Puritans felt there hadn’t been much progress made toward the reform. They decided it was time to separate from the Church of England and start new, creating their own. This is what started the distinction between Puritans and the Separatists. At this time in England, though, the Church and State were not separate, so the Separatists were considered treasonous. The separatists lived in fear of imprisonment and persecution. For this reason, a group of Separatists from a village called Scrooby decided it was time for them to leave England and find a better life for themselves. For a decade, they enjoyed their religious freedom in Holland, and openly gathered for service under the Leadership of Pastor John Robinson. Although they enjoyed not living under England’s religion, life in Holland proved to be difficult. The only work available to immigrants was poorly paid jobs. Although they worked hard, they struggled constantly living in poverty. The pilgrim children worked to help their family, which in turn aged the family and caused tremendous stress. Due to the conditions, the separatists decided to get on a boat called the Mayflower, and sail off to find new land. After a 66 day voyage, the Mayflower hit Cape Cod on November 11, 1620. There, the Mayflower’s passengers found an abandoned Indian village. They also found that they were in the wrong place. Cape Cod was located at 42 degrees

grow corn, beans, and squash. At the end of the next summer, the Plymouth colonists celebrated their first successful harvest with a three-day festival of Thanksgiving. We still celebrate this feast today.




Thanksgiving Traditions I go to Springfield to my Aunt’s house. We play football and watch football. We eat dinner in the evening around 4 or 5. I eat a lot of food. Ham, turkey, cranberry, green beans, you name it. My favorite food is the ham. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is seeing family. –J.T. Bayliff We meet at Uncle’s house in Branson with family from all over the place. We eat rolls, gravy, green beans, carrots, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and cheeseburgers. Everybody brings a main dish and dessert. My favorite part about thanksgiving is getting to see family I don’t usually get to see. We watch football, play football, and shoot guns. –Joel Gertson I usually wake up around 2 P.M. I go and eat as much food as possible, foods like ham, turkey, and gravy. I watch the Lions vs. whoever it’s going to be. The Lions always lose though so it’s not any fun to watch. I play some backyard rugby with the boys and my mom. We also play Minecraft. Me and my family sing karaoke, too. I always sing ‘Beat It’ by Michael Jackson. Then I just go play Madden 17. My family and I always watch Dog the Bounty Hunter. My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is playing rugby with the fam. –Collin Briley I wake up around 6 A.M. and get my power walk in while I walk my dogs and my grandma. After that, I go home and we cook whatever food we haven’t cooked yet. We eat Thanksgiving dinner around 5 P.M. After we eat, we go outside and play tackle-football. Then, we go inside and watch the Cosby show. It’s a tradition at the Gronvold house. Then my family and I have a ‘whip’ contest. When it comes to whipping, just call me Odell. It is a very eventful Thanksgiving at my house. – Blake Gronvold Well, you see, I go over to my Grandma’s around 2 P.M. I eat turkey, ham, mashed potatoes; you know all that good stuff. Then, you know, we have dessert right after that cause my Grandma is crazy and she doesn’t let our tummies settle. I watch the pigskin being tossed around on T.V. then play soccer with Jose. Then I go pet the horses. My favorite horse is named, Jose. Then I go back inside and talk with my family about guns and politics. Then, we go home and I take a nap. What a day, man! -Logan Bauer



Student Motivational

motivate me to look at the positive things in life even in a rough time.

By: Kaytlin Fitzwater

In school there are plenty of times where I make mistakes, such as turning an assignment in late or even getting a B on my test. I can’t help but be so disappointed in myself even though it is a minor mistake. My older sister is a genius and I feel as if I have to live up to that which causes me to be super hard on myself. I have to continue telling myself that I am myself, not my sister, and not anyone else. I am full of mistakes and regret, but so is everyone else. I take a step back and really think about the situation I am in. I remember that I am blessed to even have an opportunity to have an education unlike many others in the world. I must open my eyes to look at the positive in every situation in order to motivate myself to keep pushing forward through thick and thin. When I make mistakes I will remember that “Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days”-Hannah Montana. Mistakes don’t define me, tough times don’t define me. Look for the positive because there is so much in our lives to be joyful about.

“Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days.” -Hannah Montana. This is a quote that keeps me pushing forward and thriving in my chaotic life. Ever since my sister has moved out I have taken the position of the oldest sibling in my household of seven. I have started working three nights a week on top of all of my school work. I have chronic headaches daily because of my Chiari Malformation (brain falling out of my skull). My anxiety is overwhelming because I tend to overthink every aspect of life. But does this stop me? No!!!!! My motivation in life comes from the Lord, not only that but my amazing friends and family that pushes me to strive for greatness. I was raised in a household that relied and trusted deeply in the Lord. I grew up going to church every single Sunday. That didn’t even mean much to me until I started my own personal relationship with Jesus. I relied on Jesus during the most difficult trials of my life and have not stopped having faith in Him. My family, friends, and boyfriend have also been some of my biggest motivators. No matter what mistakes I make or how stupid I can be, they always support me and encourage me to never give up. Special Education has always been a big aspect of my life. In preschool, my best friend had Down Syndrome. I would stay by his side and play with him every day. I fell in love with any child who had disabilities and have big dreams for my future career in special education. This pushes me because even when I think my little world is falling apart, I am able to look at these children who continue to put a smile on their faces even while having it way worse off than I could ever imagine. This helps to put things in perspective and




3 eggs, plus 1 egg yolk 1/4 cup of sour cream 1-1/2 cups sugar 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon of cloves, ground 2 tablespoon of flour 1 teaspoon of vanilla

Turkey Cookies By: Kayla Buckner Making these were almost as fun as making my candy apple ghost! They’re also so easy and quick to make for the little ones! What you will need is: • Pillsbury’s sugar cookies ready to bake • Betty crocker decorating cake icing (red) • Wilton’s candy eyeballs • Peanut butter candy corn

How to make them: Make sure you have a mixer at hand, in the bowl whip the cream cheese. Add in the pumpkin and whip with cream cheese. Add egg, whip. Add sugar and continue to whip the mixture. Add in the cinnamon, clove, flour, and vanilla. Whip until the mixture is thoroughly mixed, and a proper texture. Set out your desired amount of pie crust(s) and add in the pie filling. *note* they will rise, so leave a little space at the top. Place each of the pies on a baking sheet, and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

How to make them: 1. place the cookies on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Chocolate Crinkle

2. once the cookies have baked and cooled add icing to the back of the candy corns and place then pointing up on the top of the cookie around the edge and add the icing on the back of the candy yes and place them in the middle of cookie. The icing will help the candies stay in place.


By: Kyndall Porter

By: Sammantha Thorpe

½ cup of vegetable oil 4 sq (4oz) unsweetened chocolate melted 2 cups sugar (granulated) 4 eggs 2 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup powdered sugar


3. Use the drawing tip on the icing to draw an upside down triangle under the eyes for a beak and legs at the bottom! Once you’re done let the icing harden for a few minutes and enjoy!!

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie! These cheesecake pies are the sweetest and cutest thanksgiving treats! They are a mini delight! This is a family recipe that are always a treat, and it gives a cool twist on the traditional pumpkin pie. I hope this recipe is useful for you! To save time my family uses premade mini pie crust. If you wanted to make the crust yourself you would need: 1- ¾ ths cup of graham cracker crumbs 3 tablespoons of light brown sugar ½ teaspoon of cinnamon 1 stick of butter, melted This gives you enough crust to make one regular sized pies, or about 3-5 mini sized pies.

1. Mix oil, chocolate, and granulated sugar. 2. Blend in 1 egg at any time until well blended. 3. Add vanilla. 4. Stir flour, baking powder, and salt into oil mixture. 5. Chill several hours (or you can leave in freezer till ready to bake) 6. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Roll into ball and cover in powdered sugar 7. Bake about 10 to 12 minutes. DO NOT OVER BAKE (You can leave frozen dough in freezer for several months if it is wrapped well)

To make the filling you need: 3, 8oz. Packages of cream cheese softened 1, 1.5 oz can of pumpkin



Giving Back

were in need of a meal who were either not able to get out of the house or at work and not able to leave, so we came up with a plan. They decided to take the meals to them. Delivering around 400 meals last year to those who needed it most. From simply going to the local store and giving workers a hot meal to driving 20 minutes to someone’s house who was in need. Many people call ahead giving addresses and phone numbers to people’s houses that we can go to. Sending several car loads on delivers with an abundance of food is a blessing. Having sponsors donate money towards the meal or actually taking a car on a delivery.

By: Kyndall Porter Thanksgiving is something that people use to just have another get together with more good food, but how often do we really give thanks for the things we have and the people we have been blessed with. One family has come together to show the love and kindness to others. Starting seven years ago the West family created the opportunity to do something extraordinary. Shirley West’s husband Dale West has passed and his Birthday just so happened to fall right around thanksgiving, and as the gatherings got smaller and so much money was being spend on the family’s dinner, Kristal Porter has the idea to came up with a way to reach out to the community. “A free community Thanksgiving dinner,” that has come a long way, and has been hosted at the Intermediate school. There is a lot that that goes into making all this happen every year. The preparations start early, which includes lining out how much food will be needed, how many bags of groceries, how many household items to get, how many deserts need to be prepared, how many delivers need to go out and much more. “We do it just to give back and to show people how much we care and love them” Shirley told us.

Donations are a huge part that goes into making this happen every year. From donating time, to food, to money it all goes a long way. There is no donation that the family likes the most but the fact that someone is willing to give back and “serve him” is what really matters. There is not enough thanks that can be given to just those in the community or businesses that are always willing to put in also. Oakley Auto World a huge partner with the dinner donates every year which goes towards getting the supplies that is needed. Derek Ryan donating 15 turkeys all the way from Tyler, Texas. The giving of the people is something the family needs but doesn’t necessarily ask for. The love and compassion that is shown is just one thing people love to give.

This is a free meal that is given to all who would like it. Last year marking a total of 32 turkeys that were cooked and served Thanksgiving Day. Along with the turkey there is stuffing, vegetables, potatoes, and everyone’s favorite homemade hot rolls, the family getting most of the food from Springfield Grocer. The greatest thing about giving a meal is all of the people who come in early and those who put in extra time to give back to the one who gave it all to us. There is not a certain mark you have to meet to be eligible for the meal; this is for anyone who would like to have a hot meal they can enjoy. Families from all over come and fellowship with each other and enjoy the greatness of the holiday. Serving right around 250 meals are the school with preparing enough for around 425 meals each year. Part of the problem that they saw was people who

The needs of the community are the main thing that the family wants to cover on this holiday. The mean that is served during the day, can maybe take up the spot of two meals. The question came about was there something more that could be sent with the families or individuals? After getting all the donations in and paying for everything the West family decided to take the left over money to Aldi’s and buy groceries for the people to take home with them. In them there is a variety of things, from green beans, corn, potatoes, pastas and fruit. The bags are stuffed full of simply food items that can be taken home for whoever needs it, but this wasn’t covering all of the needs of the people. Household items are a must anymore. The need of soaps, toothbrushes, deodorants, shampoos and conditioners is just something some need help getting. The Family took it upon themselves to make a bag full of household items that can be taken as needed along with the bag of food.


FEATURE Having around 25 bags of each they were sent home with almost every family and individual family that came through the door that needed it. From student council members to just families wanting to help packing the bags takes a little under 30 minutes.

“Seeing the tears run down people’s face when we show up with a meal is a feeling that you can’t ever forget” says Kristal Porter, she also told us about a couple certain stories that stuck out to her. “I can remember going an older ladies house and as we started talking she then told us the only turkey she would have had would have been on a sandwich, another time we were making a delivery to a house and there were chickens everywhere, and they wouldn’t leave us alone. This meal is not based off income or anything else, we have a couple that comes and fellowships with us because there family isn’t around and they tell us it’s still like spending thanksgiving with my family. No matter the condition of the house or the business we will get a meal there and we will do it with love just as the Lord has shown us.” The West family is really taking the Thanksgiving spirit to heart. Sharing their gifts and kindness to those who wouldn’t usually see it. Partnering with many families and individuals and putting on a free meal for whoever is something the family wouldn’t have ever dreamed about. Little did they know that God was going to work in their lives. “I don’t know whose life god is really changing, those who come or me” says Kristal Porter. The family makes it a priority to keep be thankful for all they have, but this meal isn’t to prove to people that they can do this and they have the money and resources because that isn’t it. The West family is just like anyone else who would walk through the door, and they want to share that.




Student Spotlight

She even dabbles a bit in the world of 3D printing! She owns a Flashforge New Creator Pro. It’s a bit of an older model, but she says that it still gets the job done.

By: Kayley Harrison

Alanna is, and always will be one of the most creative people that I know. Truthfully, she’s an inspiration to aspiring teenage artists, and I’m sure that anyone who’s met her would agree.

Alanna Beavers is an eighteen year old girl and a senior at Reeds Spring High School. She was born and raised in Hastings, Nebraska (the city that Kool-Aid ™ was invented in.) until she was in the sixth grade. Her grandmother, who was an art teacher, was the driving force that brought her into the world fine arts; and at a young age too. Unfortunately her grandma died when Alanna was only in the third grade. However, her love for art still went on, and her skill has evolved dramatically over the years. For those of you who have seen her artwork, most people would say that it revolves around fanaticism. From dragons, to Star-Wars ™, most of Allana’s work is based off of anything fictional. More recently though, Alanna’s passion has piqued towards the art of paper folding. Also known as Origami. Alanna’s fascination with origami began six years ago when she was twelve years old. She recalls that the very first origami creation that she had ever built was a paper crane. Seeing what all she could do with a piece of paper, Alanna wanted to see what else she could fold and create. She has read and completed every basic origami pattern books in our library; and with the knowledge that she gained, she began to make her own patterns. Due to the complexity of the art skill, Alanna decided that it would be best for her to take several math classes, including geometry; because yes, creating your own folding patterns does require you to do some math if you want it to look good. She recently made an origami X-Wing based off of a giraffe pattern. Alanna claims that if you ask her to make anything out of origami, she can make it (within reasonable standards).

Without giving up on her love for origami, Alanna still wants to advance her skill in more traditional art. For instance, painting, sketching, sculpting with clay, the list goes on.



Current Events MLB

By: Brendan Duham The 2016 MLB season was a legendary one. It was very enjoyable and unpredictable. Many amazing things happened this year. From players retiring and walking off into the sunset to rookies making history, the MLB had it all. It was exhilarating to watch. Before the season started, Boston Red Sox DH, David Ortiz, announced that 2016 would be his final season. “Big Papi” was already considered one of the greatest designated hitters of all time, and then came out and had a career year in his age 40 season. He hit .315 with 38 homers and 127 RBI. Many players haven’t even put these numbers up in their prime, but Ortiz did it at 40 years old. He made his 10th all star game this year. The Red Sox won the American League East division. They played the Cleveland Indians in the ALDS and were swept. This unfortunately ended the career of David Ortiz. Ortiz wanted to go out with a World Series championship to his career and sadly, he didn’t. He has been there before, though, winning 3 World Series with the Red Sox in 2004, 2007, and 2013. Ortiz was the World Series MVP in 2013 when the Red Sox defeated the Cardinals. David Ortiz had a magnificent career and the game will miss him immensely. Ichiro Suzuki, an outfielder for the Miami Marlins, accomplished a career milestone this year. He eclipsed the 3,000 hit mark. In baseball, reaching 3,000 hits is one of, if not the most, prolific statistic accomplishments there is. Ichiro came over to the Seattle Mariners from Japan in 2001. He won the Rookie of the Year and MVP awards in his 1st year. He also led the team to a 116 win season, the most wins by any team in a single season in MLB history. Ichiro recently turned 44 years old. When asked about retiring, Ichiro said, “I want to play until I’m 50.” Ichiro is at 3,030 hits and isn’t stopping there. Congratulations to Ichiro Suzuki. The Yankees traded away most of their good players at the trade deadline in an effort to rebuild. The then called up some young players to the major leagues. One of these players was catcher, Gary Sanchez. Sanchez hit a homerun in his debut, and his talent looked promising. He was just getting started. The rookie catcher hit 20 homers and had 42 RBI in only 52

games. This is a historic pace. Sanchez hit more homeruns in his first 25 games (14) than anybody in MLB history. The Yankees who were thought to be well out of the postseason hunt, came within 2 games of a wild card spot with Sanchez leading the team. This man’s performance in his 2 plus months in the majors was unreal. Fans will be watching to see if his production continues in his first full year in the majors. Jose Fernandez, a pitcher for the Miami Marlins, was tragically killed in a boating accident at the age of 24. Fernandez was a fantastic pitcher. He won the N.L. Rookie of the Year Award in 2013. He went 38-17 with a 2.58 ERA in his career. Jose’s home record was an astounding 29-2 at home. He was an all-star twice in his 4 year career. Jose was one of baseball’s young superstars. He was one of the best pitches in the MLB. His personality couldn’t go unnoticed. He was always dominating but having fun. He had an ample amount of energy. Fernandez was one of the most charismatic and outgoing players in the game. Jose Fernandez will be missed dearly. The Chicago Cubs had a historic season. They won 103 games. They just kept winning. The Cubs had 7 all-stars this year. The 5 position players were all starters and the other 2 were pitchers. The Cubs have a legendary team. Kris Bryant, the third baseman for the Cubs, is favorite to win the National League MVP award after hitting 39 home runs and driving in 103 runs. Kyle Hendricks, one of the Cubs starting pitchers, is favorite to win the National League Cy Young award. This award is given to the best pitcher in each league (American and National). Hendricks went 16-8 with a 2.13 ERA. He was extremely dominant during the 2nd half of the season. The Cubs have all of the pieces and have a great chance to win it all. The playoffs are currently taking place. 4 teams from each league make the playoffs not counting the two Wild Card game losers. The 3 division winners from each league and the team that won the Wild Card game from each league. This year the American League teams are the Texas Rangers, Cleveland Indians, Boston Red Sox, and Toronto Blue Jays. The National League teams are the Los Angeles Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, Washington Nationals, and the San Francisco Giants. The American League Division Series contained the Rangers matched up against the Blue Jays and the Indians facing the Red Sox. The Blue Jays swept the Rangers so they move on to the American League Championship Series. As mentioned earlier, the Red Sox were swept by the Indians and this put an end to the illustrious career of David Ortiz.


LIFESTYLE The Indians now face the Blue Jays and the winner of this series will earn a World Series appearance. In the National League, the Cubs defeated the Giants in a thriller of a series. Also, the Dodgers defeated the Nationals 3 games to 2. The Dodgers and Cubs square off in the National League Championship series.

That’s so Raven By: Kayla Buckner

Did She predict this? Raven-Symoné will come back to one of the parts that made her renowned — psychic high schooler Raven Baxter — in a different take off of That’s So Raven which Symoné will create and star in over at Disney Channel, where her eponymous show initially publicized from 2003-2007. On the up ‘til now untitled turn off arrangement, Raven is presently a separated mother of two pre-adolescents, one of whom has really acquired mother’s capacity to see into the future (albeit, similar to Raven, the child can likely just observe sufficiently only of future occasions to amusingly confuse them).

The Blue Jays took the L against the Indians 4 games to one. The Cubs beat the Dodgers 4 games to 2. This meant a peculiar World Series matchup between a team that hasn’t won in 62 years, the Indians, and a team with a whopping 108 year drought, the Cubs. The series was one for the ages. The Cleveland Indians took a 3 games to 1 lead on the Chicago Cubs, but the Cubs didn’t give up.

Symoné will leave her co-facilitating part on The View in the not so distant future keeping in mind the end goal to build up the arrangement full-time. The performing artist tended to leaving the show on Thursday’s scene. “I’m energized and dismal, however for the most part energized. I have a declaration to make. No, I’m not pregnant… We’re doing a That’s So Raven II – There’s no title yet. I’m extremely energized.”

They rallied and won the next two games. This called for the best two words in all of sports: Game 7. This winner take all game was as exciting and intense as possible. The Cubs were raking early, taking the lead by a score of 5-1. The Indians got two runs back in the 4th inning making it 5-3. In the bottom of the 4th, David Ross came into the game to catch for the Chicago Cubs. This was his last year in the MLB, he announced before the season started that his plan was to retire after the season. This was his very last game. When he came up to bat in the top of the 5th, Ross hit a solo home run, a legendary moment for him and the Cubs organization. This made the score 6-3. With two outs in the bottom of the 8th, the Indians picked up another run. 6-4. They weren’t done yet, though. Outfielder Rajai Davis hit a 2-run homerun to tie the game at 6. Nobody scored in the 9th inning so it was on to the 10th. But, the rain picked up and it started pouring so the tarp came out and there was a rain delay. During the rain delay, the Cubs had a team meeting in the weight room and they rallied together and prepared themselves to win this game. After the delay, the Cubs came out and scored two runs in the top of the 10th to make it 8-6. The Indians scored a run in the bottom half of the inning, but it wasn’t enough. The Cubs won 8-7. The curse is over! The Cubs are world champs! This was considered the best game 7 of all time and it was a magnificent way to wrap up the 2016 season.


LIFESTYLE Last year, Barbie jeeps, Apple mac books, GPS Devices, and Kitchenware were extremely popular. The average amount of money spent per person in 2014 was $ 802.45. In 2015, we saw a 4.1% increase, with an average tab of $805.65. The national total spent in store in 2015 during $67.6 billion, while online mobile sales were $905 million.

Black Friday By: Amanda Pryor Black Friday is the time you steal deals right after chowing down on big meals. The Friday after Thanksgiving, retailers host the biggest sales of the year. They prepare their stores for greedy customers that are eager to raid. Ridiculous deals flood every shopping center, plaza, and mall. It’s the grand entrance for Holliday Shopping, with people hustling and busting to get their gifts bought. It’s become the day to throw elbows for a flat screen if you really want it. Black Friday is notorious for wild crowds and wild bargains, which can get dangerous in some situations. Many people end up spending hundreds of dollars on electronics primarily, but almost every store takes advantage of the day.

Popular Stores and Sales Target, Best Buy, and Walmart hit close to number one on most popular stores during Black Friday. People often camp out Thanksgiving night in order to get the bargains the next morning. Best Buy is infamous for setting extremely low prices on Gaming Systems, TVs, and Cameras. At Target, you can find home décor, movies, and video games. Target offers 25% discount on all orders over $25 online. At Best Buy, you can expect deals like last year’s $100 off Apples then new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Walmart is always super packed during Black Friday shopping. Similar to Best Buy, Walmart edged out its numbers of Editors’ Choice deals last year compared to 2014 and listed a substantial 68 top-shelf offers.

History of Black Friday The first use of “Black Friday” was applied in 1869, with the crash of the U.S. gold market. September 14, 1869, was a Friday when two ruthless Wall Street Financers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy as much of the Nations gold as they could. They hoped to set the price of the gold through the roof, for their outrageous profit. Many people became bankrupt, hence the beginning term of that “Black Friday”. More recently, people started calling this time after Thanksgiving Black Friday to mark the start of the Christmas holiday season. This started in the 1960s. It got the name by how retail accounting records were kept. Everything was written by hand, using red ink indicated a loss, while black indicated profit. So, retailers just refer to this time as a time of profit. Also during the 60s, Police held complaints about the crowded streets and sidewalks of the sea of people, so they referred to it as the Blackest Friday.

Dangers of Black Friday A lot of people opt out of Black Friday, Due to the swarm of people ready to do whatever necessary to make sure they get the deal they were looking for. There have been 11 deaths and 99 injuries overall. It’s common for people to be trampled while rushing into a store the moment it opens. Fights over the best deals out there have caused people to break out into fights, and cause security to get involved. To prevent these tragic incidents, many stores around the world start their Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving to lengthen the time shoppers have to buy what they need.

Black Friday Merchandise and Profit

If you’re going to cop these deals on Black Friday, make sure you’re staying safe and not getting trampled by the sea of people wanting the same thing you do. It’s a win -win for both the customer and the seller, we get good deals on Christmas Gifts, and they gain copious profits for about two weeks. So this year when you go out after Thanksgiving, keep in mind your list and also your safety.

Black Friday Merchandise and Profit Electronics seem to be the highest demand for products during the two week period after Thanksgiving. According to Adobe, the five best selling electronic products on Black Friday were Samsung 4K TVs, the Apple iPad Air 2, the Microsoft Xbox One, the Apple iPad Mini, and the Sony PS4. Toys come in a close second in the most purchased items during black Friday.



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