Halloween 2016
09 28 14
Book Spotlight
Student Hacks
Current Events
GRAPHIC EDITOR: Daniel Carroll
Hi guys! I am so happy to announce that our second issue of pulse has came through! As a whole our first issue went relatively well, and we want to continue to repeat our success. Our first issue of pulse was going to be rough around the edges, but we hope you all enjoyed something we had to offer. As a team we had to work together to fix problems at hand, and to respect differing opinions. I think I can speak on behalf of all of our team, and say that it wasn’t the easiest getting new material, that would keep a reader interested. I am extremely proud of all the writers, and their hard work. Keep in mind that any feedback we could get- WE WANT. I want to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy day to read our magazine, it means the world to the entire journalism staff. If you have any suggestions, or questions email us editors
EDITOR: Sammantha Thorpe WRITERS: Sammantha Thorpe Tyler Herzan Kayla Buckner Jacob Yano Brendan Durham Kyndall Porter Kayley Harrison Amanda Pryor Katelin Pritchard Kyle Modlin
sthorpe@s.rs-wolves.com therzan@s.rs-wolves.com
SPONSORS: Matthew Locke Nathan Harmon
Basketball tryouts (2nd day)
NHS induction ceremony (7pm-9pm)
Sttryke Nyghtfreshman only (6-8)
Wrestling (@ the H.S.) 9th grade Basketball (6-7) @ Branson 4
veterans ceremony (9am-11am) FCA ( in the gym)
Project Graduation fall concert meeting (7pm-9pm) @ (5:30-6:30) middle school
Project Graduation meeting (5:30-6:30)
FCA ( in the gym) Basketball-(5-9) Jamboree@Willard
FCA ( in the gym)
No School
No School
Kimberling city tree lighting (7-8)
Student Hacks
when you finish writing a paper or essay copy it and paste it into Google Translate, and listen to it. This is a good way to catch your mistakes or fix anything that sounds wrong. A perfect way to get a perfect score on your work.
By: Kyndall Porter
These are just a few hacks to keep in mind as you are falling behind or struggling. There are many more hacks that may help you better, but here there are just a few that seem reasonable enough and simple to get done to help you out.
Hacks are a must as we really get into the school year, time is flying but there are always those days that we really don’t want to get out of bed. Sometimes it takes everything we have to just shut off the alarm, well if you are having one of those morning and are having to rush to get ready then here is a solution to calm down the rush. Make a playlist of your favorite music to get you into a good mood that is as long as the amount of time you have to get ready. On Spotify there is a place when it tells you how long your playlist is, this is a huge help. If you then remember what song is last then you will know as soon as that song starts there is little time left. If you are really bad at taking too much time on something then make your playlist shorter so then you will get ready in that amount of time and still have enough time to make it to school without being late. This is a great way to not only give you a chance to listen to your favorite music but put you in a good mood. Writing‌ there will be at some point in your high school career when you are allowed to pick our topic for an essay. Some could pick a topic and write for days, others of us never can come up with something to write about. If you are someone who has lots of trouble finding something to write your paper on, then here is a student hack to help your problem. When searching look for a topic that either bothers you or that you have strong feelings for or against. Picking something that interests you or you can’t stand could let you rant on for hours. This is a good strategy when you have no idea what to do. There is always something that gets under your skin write about it, this not only helps you express your thought and feeling but gives you the opportunity to get your work done and share the things that get to you as a person. Here is another little hack for your writing,
Freshman Advice
Don’t share your laptop with your friends. Your computer is your responsibility; so even if they break your computer, you’ll still be the one paying for it in the end.
By: Kayley Harrison Hopefully the last Freshman Advice article has helped out a few of you, as far as getting around, or figuring out your place in the high school. However, a few of you have requested that I dedicate an article for computer hacks. Disclaimer: this article won’t teach you how to hack into systems, or other computers. It’s just a name. It will however teach you a few basic cheats, for things like google, your desktop, microsoft programs, etc.
Don’t wait to go to the ER to report a problem with your computer.
Closed out of a tab on Chrome? If you hit “Ctrl + Shift + T” at the same time, you can recover any window that you’ve closed yourself out of. If you walk away from your computer, and you wanna lock it up, hold down “Windows Key + L”. Now no one will be able to change your background while you’re away! If you don’t want to move the mouse to the upper corner of the screen to hit the back arrow, you can use “Alt + <-” to go back to the previous page that you’ve had opened. Want to make room for more than one window on your screen for a project? If you hold down the “Windows Key + (Any of the arrow keys)” you can move the selected tab around the screen. Nifty huh? Now you can multitask like a champ!
Always have two hands on your computer whenever it isn’t flat on your desk. Especially when you’re carrying it.
Never EVER carry your computer around by the top of the screen.
If your screen starts freezing up, don’t hit it. Seriously, don’t. It may fix your problem temporarily, but you’re hurting your computer even further in the long run. Keep your stylus and the tether attached to the computer. It costs around forty dollars to replace your stylus. I wasn’t very tech savy as a freshman. I only knew enough of the basics for me to get my work done, and that was it. However, I also wasn’t very safe with my computer when I was first starting out. My freshman year, I broke my computer screen, but refused to turn it in to get it fixed. Then shortly after, the computer stopped working altogether entirely. So when I finally took it in to get it fixed, the person running the ER told me that if I had turned my computer in right away, I probably wouldn’t have to pay for it to be fixed. I ended up paying one hundred dollars. Don’t be stubborn, just use your computer safely; and if you find any problems, report it to the ER immediately.
Want to make copying easier? Use “Ctrl + C” and it will copy any text that you have highlighted.
So hopefully you’ve found this article to be useful. Just in writing this, I’ve learned a few new helpful tips. If I’ve missed anything, please be sure to send your advice, via email, to kharri-
Want to make pasting your copied text or photos easier? Press “Ctrl + V” to paste any of your copied material into a search bar, document, etc. Want to make searching through your taskbar easier? By hitting “Alt +Tab” you can scroll through any of the applications that you have open on your taskbar.
son@s.rs-wolves.com. Thank you!
So there you go, those were a few tips to make your life a bit easier (Hopefully). But as for keeping your computer safe, here are a few more tips.
And extra thanks to Mr. Endecott, and Brandi Miller for helping me put together this month’s advice article!
When putting your computer into the sleeve, make sure to take the headphones cord out of the audio port, or else you could ruin it permanently.
Competitive Eating By: Jacob Yano
Whenever you think of competitive eating, what do you think of ? Most likely some giant fat guys who can just shove food down their face. Well, if you did think that you’d only be partially right. The majority of competitive eaters are normal weight or just slightly above, you won’t meet a overweight eater until number 15 on the power ranking, which is just crazy how someone who weighs 130 pounds can put down 60+ hot dogs in just 10 minutes. You may be asking yourself just how they do this, and for the answer to that question, you’re going to have to read on.
The history of competitive eating is a long one. Having first being introduced in Norse mythology, whenever the god Loki challenged another god Logi to a race to finish a trough of meat. The god’s had finished the meat at the same time but whenever Loki looked up to see how much Logi had finished. Logi had eaten all the bones and the trough itself, so in the record books the god Logi was the first winner of the competition. The world was first introduced to competitive eating as we see today in the late 1800’s at county fairs and such, but it first took off in 1916 at the very first Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, where the winner only ate 10 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Now compare that to last year’s winner, Joey “Jaws” Chestnut ate a record 73 hot dogs in just those 10 minutes. After the first hit in 1916, the sport had spread like wildfire and the world of competitive eating was born. Each year new people would come and test their stomach at the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest but outside of this even, many and many different foods are being eaten beyond human limit! Just to name a few different events that was born from this act of patriotism; pie eating contest, wings, watermelon, and many more.
Big Names in the Sport
Now that you have a little history to competitive eating, you now need to learn about the big names of the sport. My favorite eater and the number 2 ranked eater in the world, Matt “Megatoad” Stonie, is a huge name in the sport. He is considered one of the very best and holds 16 different eating world records. Though Matt is the number 2 he is a ridiculous force to reckon with and he’s considered the dark horse of Nathan’s Hot Dog
Eating Contest, he earned that title whenever he beat the number 1 ranked eater Joey “Jaws” Chestnut in the 2015 Nathan’s contest. Now onto the very best, the number 1 ranked eater in the world, Joey “Jaws” Chestnut. Joey is the undisputed best competitive eater in the world. He has a crazy 41 competitive eating records and had won the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest 8 times in a row from 2007 to 2014 before Matt beat him in 2015 but the very next year he came back with a vengeance and ate 70 hot dogs, only three away from his record he set in 2014. The last person we’ll talk about is the number 3rd ranked eater and this person is very different to the previous two we talked about for one huge reason, they’re a female. The person in question is Miki Sudo, is a star in the competitive eating world who destroys the women part of the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest and constantly comes in 2nd or 3rd in contests against the very best as a female. Which is impressive in itself but it doesn’t stop there she holds the record for kimchi eaten in 6 minutes at a remarkable 8.5 pounds! Don’t let her small stature and 2 X chromosomes fool you, she’s a real force in the field!
How They Do It
Now to what you all really want to know, how to do what they do. Well it’s a lot more than just eating really fast, there’s a ton of practice in it and little things to help you out along the way. The number one thing every single eater will tell you need (other than a mouth and a stomach) is water, or any kind of liquid. You may ask why you need the water if you’re just eating, but you have to wash it all down or you’ll only go half the speed you would with it. It is really that helpful. You also use the water for the number 1 used eating technique, water dunking, yes it is exactly what it sounds like they dunk the food (usually bread or dough foods) into the food to moisten it up and make it easier to get down fast. Then another strategy competitors use to get the food down quickly is breaking the food into smaller pieces so they can fit more into their mouth. One way this is used with hot dogs, they’ll break the hot dog in half then shove both of the pieces into their mouth because it’s a lot easier to fit the broken up hot dog in their mouth than a full hot dog because of the length of it. Those are the two real techniques you can do, the rest of competitive eating is just ignore your gag reflex and the feeling of being full. You can expand your stomach so you can eat more, to do this you either have to eat large meals a lot or through water training, which is where you drink a gallon of water in 30 seconds so it expands your stomach. That’s about all the things you can do to get better, now you just have to practice and practice the food you’re wanting to competitive eat. Competitive eating is a strange thing but it fascinates me and hopefully you now! This is only the tip of the iceberg and there’s so much more you could learn and try yourself! So go out there and watch a few videos or even try and see how fast you can eat a cheeseburger or a taco and see what you can do!
Music By: Kyndall Porter
As I have been thinking about music and the importance of it, I realize there is really no right answer. Music represents something different in each of our lives. It is something that just will always be around. If music didn’t exist then everyone’s lives would be so different, lives would be ruined. Artists would lose everything; we would do most things in silence. We all have different reason for the music we listen to, but no matter who you are we should be happy that there are those different genres that we have access to.
Music spotlight:
This month we will show you one song that has hit that charts and made it big. This month our featured song is Thriller by Michael Jackson. This song is of representation a night at the movies that turns into a nightmare that Michael and his date are attacked by a horde of bloodthirsty zombies. This song was released on December 2, 1983. This song was produced by 2013 Hall of Fame Inductee Quincy Jones. This movie t was filmed in Downtown Palace Theatre- 603 S Broadway, Los Angeles, California. On February 26, 1983 Thriller hit number one on the Billboard 200 chart. It spent 37 weeks in the number one spot and the album remained in the top 10 of the Billboard 200 chat for a full year. Thriller has sold between 65 and 110 million copies, worldwide. Thriller also won eight Grammys in 1984, including Best Pop Male performance, Best Rock Male Performance, Record of the Year and Album of the Year. The alum also won Jackson eight American Music Awards and three MTV Video Music Awards.
tober 24, 2006. Danny Elfman having 3 soundtracks hitting Billboards top 10 one being Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas special edition soundtrack. The Nightmare before Christmas hitting #98 on US Billboard 200, with covers from Fall out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Marily Mason, Fiona Apple, and She Wants Revenge. The total soundtrack lasting just over an hour and running about $11 each isn’t a bad deal. There are many things that get us excited for certain holidays or get together, but music is always going to be one of them. As you go placed you then realize that without music there is a lot missing. Without music there goes the good Halloween and scary movies. Let alone the haunted Houses or Corn Mazes that we all look forward to. Music is played everywhere so, this Halloween find your favorite songs and play them for this holiday.
Thriller has become such a success that people are making it in the Guinness Book of World Record for having 13,597 people dong the Thriller dance at once. People were so fascinated with what Michael Jackson had done. 27 years later Thriller still stands as the best-selling studio album In the United States. After Michael’s death sales went through the roof, outperforming the new real eased on Billboard album chart. 82 percent of Thrillers sales were CD’s Halloween is celebrated all over; there are many sons that put us in the mood. Such as This is Halloween by Danny Elfman. This song was covered and put it in the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. This is Halloween was released on October 12, 1993 and then released again on Oc-
ality, that may sound easy to some but no one wants to believe the kids that they are actually dying to this paranormal happening so, they have to actually take him down by themselves! The thing that really makes the movie is how hard the situation looks to yourself and just how powerful Freddy actually is. Freddy is so powerful and has cemented himself as one of the best slasher villains is because if you meet him in your dream you’re almost 100% dead and literally the only way to actually kill him is to meet him in your dream, grab him, which causes him to come to the real world with you, then you are actually able to kill him then. So let’s recap, you have to fall asleep, meet this crazy killer in your dream, actually grab him, then somehow kill him in the real world. That just sounds impossible to me and probably why he’s such a great slasher villain and why the movie is highly regarded by me and many others! This is definitely one of my favorite horror movies and a perfect movie to watch on Halloween!
By: Jacob Yano
Halloween is just right around the corner and if you’re like me then the best way to spend it is watching some scary movies! So instead of having to search for yourself, I brought the movies to you! With the top 5 scariest stories to watch on Halloween, it’ll for sure make you rethink sleeping after watching them. Number 5 Paranormal Activity. The movie to jumpstart the found footage movies ever since the major success of The Blair Witch Projects. The reason for the success of The Blair Witch Projects was due to the marketing team marketing as a true story and that they actually found the footage but the major success of Paranormal Activity was due to a different marketing approach. It never said it was anything but fiction but it would show people’s reactions to the movie itself and how scary it was to an entire theater making you actually want to see what all the scare was about. Now after all the backstory to why it’s so highly praised (or at least the first one is), the series has 6 completely different films but all relate to the overall story of the same family. The first movie, is a must watch for anyone who wants to get scared, if it tells you anything the first time I ever watched the first movie I didn’t want to walk to my kitchen because the lights were off and I was scared some demon would drag me to somewhere. The next couple movies of the series are alright, slowly getting worse each movie but they’re still worth a watch (except for 5th movie, it’s really that bad). Though the movies aren’t the greatest I still think of them as some of my favorites and obviously my 5th favorite movie for a great scare!
Number 3 Alien (1979) (R) (Rotten Tomato Score 97%) Alien has to be one of the movies that really doesn’t feel super outdated today even with all the special effects and props used in it. It really stands well to today’s standards and it has a great scary aspect to it. The movie entails a crew who are awaken from their cryosleep to answer a alien distress call. It then follows them trying to rid it of an alien who can turn invisible and is ready to murder anything in its path, after stalking its prey first of course. I had just recently seen this film for the first time and I didn’t believe all the hype around it but, I was so wrong. The quality is still really not outdated and the special effects are still really good even in an age of CGI (CGI is the special effects they do usually computers to implement them), the movie will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you not want to look away as the alien stalks his prey. This movie is a really great movie and I highly recommend it to everyone but be warned it is really scary.
Number 4
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) (R) (Rotten Tomato Score 93%) Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), the movie everyone views at one point just because of all the talk about it. It’s an amazing scary movie and an even better slasher film. The movie’s about a group of teens who fall victim to the paranormal killer, Freddy Krueger, whose M.O. is to come into people’s dreams and kill them, which in turn, kills them outside of the re-
Number 2 Exorcist (1973) (R) (Rotten Tomato Score 87%) Exorcist. This has to be the scariest movie I have ever seen and to make it even scarier it’s supposedly based on a true story, which freaks me out even more! The movie’s about a little
Sorrow’s Point
girl who is possessed and it shows a family’s struggle to help her and free her from the demon. You might say “Jacob, that doesn’t sound so scary.” Well yeah, you’re right it doesn’t, but if this tells you anything, this is the most profitable horror movie ever made and it’s everyone’s number 1 scary movie and I promise it will give you nightmares, just like me. So if you want to go without sleep for a week, this is the perfect movie for you!
By: MaKayla Buckner The perfect companion for a dark October night, Danielle Devor’s Sorrows Point doesn’t disappoint with each and every gruesome moment. However, this isn’t any ordinary haunted house story, and the reader should be prepared to turn on a light or two. With chilling eeriness that creeps into the reader’s mind, a tangible sense of dread and overall hopelessness for the main characters is par for the course.
At the point when defrocked ex-minister, Jimmy Holiday, consents to help an old companion with his wiped out little girl, he doesn’t expect the repulsions that anticipate him. Blackmoor, his companion’s new habitation, rests upon the edges of the town of Sorrow’s Point. The chateau’s history of enchantment, pandemonium, and demise makes it very nearly a living thing – a spooky house straight out of a Stephen King novel. Jimmy must choose if the young lady, Lucy, is just sick, or if the frequenting of the house and her clear ownership are genuine. After the house seems to influence him too with shades of enchantment moving before his eyes, rooms warded by a witch, and a ring of force in his voice, Jimmy is met by a transient who lets him know he has “the Mark.” Whatever being “stamped” implies, Jimmy couldn’t care less. All he needs to do is help Lucy. Yet, helping Lucy implies playing out an expulsion.
Number 1 Halloween (1978) (R) (Rotten Tomato Score 92%) Halloween. Even though I believe the exorcist is scarier (just by a little!). Halloween (1978) is the absolute perfect movie to watch on Halloween, it’s even shares a name! It stars one of the most famous and scariest slasher villain has to be Michael Myers. A little backstory on the movie is, on a Halloween night in 1963. Michael Myers murders his older sister and is locked away for many years. After a transfer gone wrong, he escapes the prison and goes back to his hometown looking for his next victim. The thing that makes this movie so scary is the fact of how Michael Myers seems to just always be there and ready to get you. Like he’s always over your shoulder but the second you look he’s now behind you. He’s just an unstoppable force, or is he?This is the absolute movie to watch on Halloween or any day! If you want to get into the scary mood for Halloween, any of these 5 movies are sure to do it for you! From ghosts to dream killers, you have to love one of these spooky movies, so make sure to watch them this Halloween, or any other day!
Look out Stephen King, Danielle Devor is working her way up to you!
TV Shows By: MaKayla Buckner This month is the perfect list and the ideal rundown for Halloween! Here i have made the best main ten things to watch with a giant bowl of candy and popcorn! Read down below for the perfect Halloween night!
Top ten creepiest/scariest Suggestions on Netflix for Halloween
Top ten Creepiest/Scariest things the watch on TV for Halloween
1. American Horror story 2. Twin Peaks
1. American Horror Story (Season 6)
3. The X-Files
2. Halloween (1 through 10)
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. HellRasier
5. The Walking Dead
4. House of Wax
6. Black Mirror
5. Haxan: Witchcraft through the ages
7. Bates Motel
6. The Shining
8. Dead Set
7. Trilogy of Terror
9. The Returned
8. The Imposter
10. Darknet
9. Freddy vs. Jason 10. Dracula
Wolves Football
and blaming everybody else for mistakes. If there is good camaraderie and teammates lift each other up, then that’s when the magic happens. If the Wolves play as a brotherhood, like Coach Gosch always says, then they will be golden.
By: Brendan Durham
The football team lost a lot of seniors, including quarterback, Nick Haddock. The Wolves have plenty of kids to step up and assume the roles left behind, though. The Wolves have the dudes to go far this year. They just have to work as a team and sacrifice themselves for one another and they will be successful. If they take it one week at a time, and don’t overlook any opponent, they will be something to hear about. The Wolves are very determined to prove their haters wrong. They are going to make a run this year and when they do, people will see the true talent of Reeds Spring.
The Reeds Spring Wolves are currently known for their football team, but it wasn’t always this way. From the early 2000’s (about 2003) to the early 2010’s, Reeds Spring football had a tradition of losing. They didn’t only lose, they constantly went 2-8, 1-9, 3-7, and had records of the such. The team struggled to even win three games. It’s not that those teams didn’t have talent, they just had a losing mentality because they were so used to losing. Things have really turned around in recent years. When the mentality changed to one that was of winning, then we actually started to win football games. All of the hard work out on the field and especially in the weight room is showing on Friday nights. Don’t forget the multitude of talent that this team has. The talented players are obviously a big factor in winning. The last few years have been good for Reeds Spring football. Last year the team went 10-2. That is a great record but they lost in the district championship game. This year they look to take the next step. The football team received NFL-grade turf and a new scoreboard. Their field has been completely remodeled. This raises the expectations that others have for the team. Multiple people have said, “Now that they have new turf, they better do something big.” It is time to see what the Wolves are made of.
The coaches, starting with head coach Lance Gosch, are doing a great job in coaching up these kids not only to win games and become great players, but to also become better men. The players are being taught life lessons and traits that will be valuable to them as adults. For example, some of these traits are accountability, teamwork, respect, and determination. Coach Gosch can’t stress enough how important each and every day is. Every day of practice has to be great or it is a day wasted. That is a day that the team won’t get back. That is the importance of each and every moment. Good preparation is also very vital. Watching film and having good practices go directly into the preparation for that Friday night. The coaches are always on the player’s case about watching lots of film, and for good reason. A lack of preparation could very easily result in a loss.
The Wolves trained hard in the offseason and have put in countless hours of work and endured tons of pain but it is all worth it. All of that work will translate to wins on Friday nights and ultimately allow the Wolves to do something they haven’t done in over a decade and a half. That is to win a district championship. It doesn’t stop there, though. The Wolves won’t just be satisfied with a district championship. Their goal is to win a state championship, nothing less. They believe that they can accomplish this feat if everybody does their job to the best of their ability. It will be a challenge, but it is a very attainable goal for this group of athletes. It’s going to take hard work, discipline, talent, and teamwork. The Wolves believe they have all of these components and that they will go a long way if they work as a team. That is an immense factor in football. Teamwork. It is a very big key if the Wolves want to win games. They can win a few games even if they don’t work as a team, but eventually the players will start bickering
The people of Reeds Spring love their football and would be ecstatic if the Wolves went deep into the playoffs this year. The team knows they aren’t just playing for their program. They are representing the city of Reeds Spring and they will do it with pride and a winning attitude.
Art Gallery
By: Kayley Harrison Hello art fanatics, and welcome back to the Art Gallery!
Origami Dragon 1
Origami Dragon 2
Work and School
it out get the hard stuff done first and relax and have fun later. If everyone does this there will be less stress and people will feel much better about themselves.
By: Katelin Prichard
Also, people will have more free time and be able to do all the things they have wanted to do. Plus if you keep putting things off and doing them at the last minute you could miss out on doing something more enjoyable. On the flip side people need to know how to time manage work too, since people have to also put most of their time towards work. The reason I say this is because many students like myself want to work many hours to make more money and have more money to spend. Be aware of too much stress.
Many people have busy lives, especially someone who has to juggle more than one task per day. The people in particular that I am talking about are college students. How some of us have jobs and need jobs that help keep us in school. The tough part is that we have to spend most of our time on school which leaves very little time for work, even though we do have to work to make a decent amount of money. So, since work and school are a part of everyone’s life, either if you just work or go to school they both involve a good amount of your life and time. On the other hand, going to work and school at the same time can make it tough to concentrate on one even though you have to do both. One thing that students need to know is time management. It is okay to work and go to school, but each person has to give a reasonable amount of time for both. Many students, like myself, like to work, and we will sometimes do that more than school. In contrast we have to give the same if not more time to school. The reason for this is because probably the job you are working now is not going to get you that high paying job that you will be looking for when you are out of school.
When you get irritability and moodiness, feeling of being constantly pressured and hurried, sadness and depression, problems sleeping and anxiety and panic attacks are some things you need to keep an eye on. Yes, working is important and something we have been told our whole lives we have to do, but focus on getting the education you need to keep that job a well. Manage your time, as in plan a schedule, have a to-do list first, set goals and deadlines, avoid perfectionism, break large tasks to smaller components, and honestly assess the amount of time you waste. Yes, doing amazing on a test and on homework is a job well done, but it doesn’t need to be spot on perfect. Here are some ways to relieve that stress, exercise, increase vitamin D like short walks in the sun, Laugh a lot, positive thinking and self-talk. Be optimistic, outlook and attitude. It’s okay to ask for help, from a teacher, parent or classmate.
Students have to remember that and not put all of their time into work. Some people like myself feel obligated to work more since we have bills. Another thing that I notice myself doing is going to work right after school which leaves only a little time to do homework and that is at like 10 o’clock at night. Most of the time that homework will not get done because we are too tired from working all night. So, we will put it off until the night before it is due.
Every one I’ve ever met always asked for help one time or another, and that’s okay. Nobody is that smart to know everything. Be human, it’s okay to be worried about everything, but manage everything well and everything will be okay.
I personally am a procrastinator, will put things off until the night before it is due and start it then. Everyone needs to know the value of time management. Not being able to put the right amount of time to the most important thing is not a good habit. Everyone needs to get their priorities in order, or toughing
Student Spotlight
mom on the other hand didn’t start to change until a few years later. When she did make that change she made a positive impact on my life really fast. I still remember when she came to my eighth grade graduation. My mom didn’t have much money but she found a way to drive five hours to come support me. Not only did my parents motivate me by their mistakes, they did it by being my best friends throughout life. I told myself to learn from my parents’ mistakes so I will never have to put my significant other and my children in the position my parents put my siblings and I. I focus on being successful and having the best possible future for me and my future family. So next time you get faced with a difficult time, find something that makes you want to push through. Never give up. Find your drive and succeed at whatever it is you want to accomplish in life.
By: Kyle Modlin WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? Have you ever thought to yourself, “This sucks… How can anything possibly get better?” or, “How am I going to make it through this?” I’ve asked myself similar questions at least once a month. Questions like those can generate from a heartbreak to trying to finish your lasts reps on bench press, and even a final that could either fail or pass you. So what drives you to push through the rough patches in your life? For me it could be my little brother, dad, girlfriend, or even ex-girlfriend. Different motivations help me to succeed and push through hard times. Right now I’m trying to find myself a motivation to write four-hundred more words to complete this article. Music isn’t helping at all, considering an ad plays after every two songs. So let me give you an example of motivation from my own life experience. Last year I was faced with many difficulties just like many of you. High school is about finding yourself and who you want to be. You hear it all the time, “Keep your grades up!” For me I get pushed to have good grades by my parents who can barely live on their own because of the things they did in high school. My parents got caught up in drugs and all other sorts of things. So why should I listen to them? At least that’s what I used to think to myself sometimes until I realized something that made me look at everything in a different perspective. I had finally found my motivation. My parents. I realized that because my parents used drugs that they didn’t have a happy and healthy lifestyle. They put me in a position that most would
find difficult to recover from. I still remember the night my dad left before he got arrested. I was five years old and he had said something to me that made a lot of sense. My dad told me to always do my best at everything I did in life and that nothing would come easy. He would call me every night before I would go to bed and motivate me to read and practice my handwriting. My
12. When icing is color then simply ice the top of the triangle white, the middle orange, and the bottom yellow
By: Kyndall Porter
13. When icing is on then you are finished
Candy Apple Ghost
Candy Corn Treats
By: Kayla Buckner
Ingredients 3 tablespoons of butter 6 cups of rice crispy treats (the cereal wo rks) 1 full pack of marshmallows ½ bag of powdered sugar ½ a cup of Crisco Vanilla This snack does take some time but is worth it in the end. We are making Candy Corn treats
Making these were a lot fun and so delicious! These are the perfect snack for a Halloween night and plus who doesn’t like candy apples? Here’s what you will need:
Easy stove directions
1. Apples 2. White chocolate 3. Candy color (black) 4. Squeeze Tube 5. Popsicle sticks 6. Cupcake liner (Optional)
1. You need to get all ingredients together to make sure everything is able to be gotten 2. Put your 3 tablespoons of butter in a pot and make sure to keep the heat on low so you don’t burn the butter
How to make them:
3. When butter is melted add your bag of marshmallows, keep heat at medium so the marshmallows will not burn. Stir constantly till all melted
First stick the stick through the top of the apple, Second, melt the white chocolate, until smooth, using a double boiler, Next, pour into two separate bowls, in one bowl add black food coloring, mix, and pour into the squeeze tube, in the other bowl dip the apple in the white chocolate, Then, draw a ghost face onto the apple using the black icing, And Last, take a cupcake liner, flatten it and place apple on top to make it look nice
4. When everything is melted together and stirred well then add your 6 cups of rice crispy treats 5. As everything mixes together then got your pan and butter the bottom so that the treats won’t stick a whole lot 6. Put butter on your hands when you move the rice crispy treats from the pot to the pan 7. After all of the treats are moved to the pan put spread them out to be even 8. Leave for 10 minutes 9. Cut rice crispy treats into small triangles 10. Get powdered sugar and Crisco and mix well, adding a few drop of vanilla and mixing well 11. After the icing is mixed put into separate bowls and put in food coloring to make the colors yellow and orange
Halloween Activities
By: Brendan Durham
If you don’t mind driving a bit, the Verona Corn Maze is a favorable option to those who aren’t sure what to do for halloween. There are many activities and fun things to do. You can go for a ride around on the hay wagon. There will also be a movie showing to allow you to sit down and relax. Now, the best part, is the Field of Screams. The Field of Screams is a haunted corn maze. It will be thrilling and exhilarating. Watch out for surprises around every corner and behind every shuck of corn. The cost is $8 per person. It is located on Spring River Dr, Joplin, MO.
Branson’s Haunted Scream Park
Branson’s Haunted Screampark is located in Branson West. There is a haunted house that contains scary movie characters such as Jason, Michael Myers, and more. You will journey through many shuttering scenes that include those characters. There is also a semi-new attraction called Toxic. Waste has seeped everywhere causing the dead to be revived. There are now zombies galore. The haunted house goes through basements, buildings, and outside as well. There are plenty of scares. There is also what is claimed to be the “most confusing maze in Branson.” There is also a new addition. A mirror maze has been added to the rigamarole. There is also a section called, Terror Tales. Only try this if you dare. Terror Tales is made up of crazy killer clowns chasing you and new frightening scenes everywhere.There is also a spinning vortex tunnel. The most intriguing part of Terror Tales is that it is in 3-D. Creepy things will pop out off the walls while you are wearing your 3-D glasses. There are many other attractions that you will have to check out first hand. The admission is costly at $18.95, but there are 12 total attractions that you will be able to enjoy. There is a variety of activities, so the cost is worth it. Branson’s Haunted Screampark is definitely a destination you want to visit this Halloween. It is located at 16430 Hwy 13 which is right before Mule Express and DD.
Verona Corn Maze
Exeter Corn Maze It is also a trek to the Exeter Corn Maze, but it is very much worth it. There is a large pumpkin patch where you can find the perfect pumpkin that can later become your very own jack-olantern. You can also participate in zombie paintball in which you get to shoot zombies with paintball guns. Everyone has wanted to be able to take out zombies, and now we get a chance to. There is also a 2-story haunted barn. Enter if you dare. The main attraction is the 9-acre haunted corn maze. The corn maze is already difficult to escape despite the scary creatures. These creatures will make the challenge even tougher. There are three different prices that depend on what activities you want to participate in. An orange armband is $10 and with this you can do any of the barnyard activities. You can purchase a yellow armband for $15. WIth a
Haunted House and Monster Asylum
The Haunted House and Monster Asylum is located next to Walmart on the strip in Branson. Be prepared to get scared as you enter in, as there are many spooky effects. There are realistic monsters such as ghosts, goblins, and more. There are sound effects that will give you chills and the lighting enhances the creepiness. This allows you to feel the tension, then….. BOO! If you like to be scared, this is the perfect Halloween destination for you.
FEATURE yellow armband you are able to do any of the barnyard activities along with the corn maze. The last armband you can buy is a $20 green armband. This includes the barnyard activities, the haunted barn, the haunted maze, and one 100 shot ride on zombie paintball. There is loads to do at the Exeter Corn Maze It is located off of State Highway MM in Exeter. Hotel of Terror The Hotel of Terror is located in Nixa at 334 N Main Avenue and admission is $14. Many spooky effects will be incorporated using sound from CDs to enhance the experience. As soon as you enter, you will want to turn back. Inside are many creepy creatures that
will give you nightmares for days. You will be anxious as all get out escape. The best part about escaping isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t getting away from the scary monsters, but the fact that you get to escape down a 96 foot slide. Trunk-or-Treat You are never too old to trick-or-treat! If you believe this motto and are going to go trick-or-treating, there are many places to go. Trunk-or-Treat will take place at Reeds Spring High School on halloween, October 31st, from 6-7:30 P.M. . You can go from car to car getting candy and showing off your creative costumes.
Current Events
1948 George Mikan rookie card, selling for $403,664! The crazy thing about the selling of this card is that the card is only 13 years old which is the youngest card sold for so much. This just proves that LeBron is definitely one of the greatest already.
Titanic Lunch Menu By: MaKayla Buckner
A lunch menu from the Titanic was up for auction in New York.
By:Kyndall Porter Marlins starting pitcher tragically killed in a boating accident. After defected from Cuba at 15 and then became one of baseball’s brightest stars, dead early Sunday, September 25, 2016. Only 24 years of age was discovered at the entrance of Miami Harbor. Coast Guard personnel on patrol noticed the boat upside down on rocks shortly after 3:15 am. Two victims were found under the boat and the other on the rocks. Autopsies have found the boat had to have hit the rocks going about fifty to sixty-five miler per hour. Drugs and alcohol didn’t appear to take place in the accident. This isn’t just your normal accident. There was something special about Jose Fernandez. Three times he tried to escape Cuba and failed, even spending months in a Cuban prison at just fourteen. When him and his mother made it to Mexico with choppy water and high waves, there was a scream of a passenger falling overboard. Fernandez jumping in to save the person, to find out that it was his own mother who he would be saving. Finally making it into the US and becoming a legend that will never be forgotten. After leaving behind his biggest fan, his grandmother when he came to the US, he got the surprise of a life time when she arrived at Marlins Park. Giving her a 2 year visa to the United Sates so that she could watch her grandson pitch for the first time.
The menu survived the sinking of the “unsinkable ship” rounds that a First class passenger, Abraham Lincoln Salomon, protected it in his pocket when he left the boat by means of the purported “Money Boat,” a raft that was sufficiently vast to hold 40 individuals yet conveyed to well being just five wealthy individuals and the seven Titanic crew members who did the rowing. The menu shows that the noontime meal that some of the passengers had on April 14, 1912, included corned beef, potted shrimp, and dumplings The menu is relied upon to offer for in any event $50,000, as indicated by the closeout coordinators, Lion Heart Autographs.Likewise on offer will be different things that Salomon spared, including a ticket from the boat’s Turkish showers measuring seat. The ticket is relied upon to offer for as much as $10,000, somewhat in light of the fact that it contains the names of three different travelers on the “Cash Boat”: Cosmo Duff-Gordon, an affluent landowner and previous Olympic medalist; Lucy Duff-Gordon, a style originator; and Mabel Francatelli, Lucy Duff-Gordon’s secretary. The auction was held on September 30, 2016.
Tim Tebow
By:Bredan Durham Tim Tebow, a former NFL quarterback, now a converted baseball player, was signed by the New York Mets organization. Tebow is now an outfielder in the Mets minor league system. Tim Tebow won the Heisman Trophy when he played college football at the University of Florida. He also led the Gators to two national championships. He is getting loads of attention and publicity for attempting to switch sports. After all he is the first to do so since the one and only Michael Jordan. Tebow is the first football player to do it since Bo Jackson went from being a running back for the Raiders to an outfielder for the Royals. When Tebow’s helicopter landed at the Mets minor league camp in St. Luscia, Florida, there were hundreds of cameras were in his face.
LeBron James Rookie Card By: Jacob Yano
Early October 2nd, a remarkable thing took place. That being a rookie LeBron James card sold for an impressive 312,000 dollars. The card in question is signed by James and contains the NBA logo from his jersey during the 2003-2004 season. This card is now the third most paid for basketball card ever only being beat by 1969 Lew Alcindor Topps rookie card, which was sold for a whopping $501,900 and a
Accidental Half Marathon
Media was everywhere and so were the fans, especially since the workout took place in the state of Florida. There was an immense amount of people present just to see Tim play catch, take batting practice, and perform fielding and baserunning drills. Tim Tebow got more publicity and attention in his first workout than he did in his NFL career. He said he isn’t doing it for the publicity, though. Tebow said his goal is to make it to the majors. When Tebow walked into the locker room, there was a jersey hanging in his locker with his number from the NFL and from college, number 15. Minor league jerseys aren’t usually for sale, but Tebow’s was made available on the market. Before his workout was finished, the number 15 jersey was a top seller. Everybody wanted to be rocking the 1-5. Tebow said that the support of the fans humbles him. He also said it’s his dream to make it to the MLB. He is working hard and doing everything he can to better his performance and follow his dream. Tebow was asked if he would consider joining an NFL team with a need at quarterback. His response was, “No, sir. I’m part of the Mets family.”
By: Katelin Pritchard There are extraordinary things and people in the world that completely surprise me. People with gifts, talents, and accidents apparently. As I was scrolling through my Facebook, I came across a picture of a little girl and found out she accidently finished a race. Lee Adianez Rodríguez, a 12-year-old student from New York was worried she was going to be late when she went to the starting line of her race. She set off with everyone else and started running. However, she accidentally left 15 minutes early – with a group of people running the Rochester Regional Health Flower City Challenge, which is over 13 miles long. The 5K she was due to embark on was a little over 3 miles – meaning she ran 10 miles extra without questioning it. She finished 13.1 miles in 2:43:31, according to race results. She placed 1,885th of 2,111 finishers and was among the youngest to run the race. Brendalee Espada, her mother, lost track of her daughter when she went to park the car. When she got to the starting line, her daughter was gone. She searched for her daughter for nearly two hours. “She just wanted to finish the race,” Espada said. “Two hours after I started looking for her, I see that one of the officers found her. And I see she has a medal”. She said her daughter loved the race and the support she got from fellow runners”. It was such a scary moment, but rewarding for her in the end, everyone is so very proud of her and her accomplishment to finishing the race and getting a medal for it. Knowing that she even attempted to run the race is fascinating to me. Everyday there are so many stories to tell and praise to be done, and this is one of them.
It is a big question on whether or not Tebow can perform at a high level on the baseball field. It is very obvious that he has plenty of raw talent, but abstaining from playing baseball since he was a junior in high school is a problem. It will take some hard work to get back into things, but it’s nothing that the one and only Tim Tebow can’t handle. Tim Tebow played in his very first instructional league game on September 28th. In his very first at bat on the very first pitch, he hit a homerun. Tebow definitely has the athleticism. Whether or not he can be consistent is unknown, but he was definitely worth taking a chance on.
LIFESTYLE Speeck and Debate By:Tyler Herzan Representing Reeds Spring, the Speech and Debate team has yet to disappoint. From Semi qualifiers to finishing in the top ten the upperclassmen team has been close to domination. Sarah Bishop and Blair Barnett were amongst the top in there event Duo, qualifying for Semifinals the two are very excited going into the next rounds facing some of the best. Sarah also placed in sixth place for Dramatic Interpretation, despite the late finals placement error for her not being eligible in the last second she was actually placed in the first place bracket to compete but finals had already started when the error had been discovered which made her ineligible to compete for her original placement with a score of three 1’s. Seniors Megan Dupas and Brennan Waters finished fifth in the bracket for Duo. Salma Sanchez the Tear jerking senior took third in Dramatic interpretation performing “Monster” based off of the female serial killer in the early 90’s. The team did very well in this tournament and coaches were very satisfied.
that happened we didn’t know about that happened the day of OMMF on Saturday, October 15th 2016. From Mr. Devos “As I shook the hands of the directors of the Finals bands at Retreat on Saturday evening, they all had something nice to say about your parents, you kids, the turf, the food, etc. But one stopped me and said, “John, I just want you to know that today meant more to me and my program than you could possibly imagine. We needed a time and a place to happen really soon that could help bring us together as a band. We have been having a horrible time getting along and working together all season so far and I think it would never have ended all year long. But today, my students watched yours put this thing on; they watched your families interact with caring for each other and your guests. My kids saw yours get on the field with no warm up and my drum majors watched you speak to them when it was time to perform and they said they could tell you all cared so much about each other. Then you did your show and it was the best we have ever seen you do. At dinner, everyone in our band sat and ate together with no cliques for the first time this season and talked about the day and how they wanted to be the way your kids are. They told each other to just do it - that’s what the Reeds kids are doing - they just do it. We had our best performance of the year at Finals, everybody clicked, and everybody did his or her job. And now we have something to hold onto for the rest of the year. I am determined not to lose the gift your students and their parents gave mine today. Thank you so much for what you did for us.” Yes. Thank you all so much for what you did for them.” There was a total of 17 bands, 10 of them went to finals. The Reeds Spring High School band didn’t compete since they were the hosting band, but they did preform at the end for all the other bands to see. The Reeds Spring band students played their heart out. I know this is the farthest and greatest the band has ever come together as a family and really made a positive influence on themselves and everyone around them. They count themselves as family that works together, as a band that’s one of the best things that you can do. Their last competition was Saturday 22nd, 2016 at 8:30 pm at St. Genevieve. The band got 9th place as the band itself. The percussion got 2nd place, and the guard got 5th place. This 2016 season has been a remarkable for the Reeds Spring band.
Bass Club By:Kyndall Porter There was a great start for Bass club as they participated in the SWMO tournament in Cape Fair. Participating in this showing was Kolby Stewart, Dalen Conrod, Colton Essick, Brittin Dover, Bradley Williams, Wyatt Akromis, and Bowen Gade. Kolby and Dalen winning the Big bass has a few things to say about Bass Club. “Bass Club is the best club there is!” said Dalen “the tournament was fun, partner caught the big fish not me” he added. Kolby told us this “the meaning of winning of the Big Bass is that even though we didn’t catch the biggest fish if we continue to catch big ones we can win things like rods, bail and reels” Brittin and Colton taking 2nd place in the whole tournament, in the boat with them in the boat was John Pumbly. Colton tell us “Join, if you are interested it is fun and you get to do something you enjoy” Bass club has taken part in the Southwest Missouri high school fishing association that took place October 10, 2016. Brittin and Colton winning first after having a tough day of fishing. Catching 9 fish all day they pulled out another win.
By: Katelin Pritchard One thing that all band students love and completely stress over is the band competitions and the traveling experiences that you go through within that journey. From the excitement from traveling and bus rides, to the stress of making sure your uniform is clean and you know what you’re doing. In all reality, band students really do care about getting a good score, and showing off everything they can. So man great memories come out of band competitions, here is something