Reeds Spring PULSE

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Contents September Edition. Vol 2. Issue 2

Coffee Craze! page 16

High schoolers love caffeine, so we reviewed some favorite local coffee shops!

Get To Know Your foreign exchange students, Judy page 24 (pictured above) and Evisa!

Departments 6. Recipes

Healthy and affordable recipes!

7. Crafts

Do-It-Yourself projects

8. Sports

A look at school sports

12. Entertainment

Movies, music, and hang out spots

18. Reviews

Student review of a local eatery

22. Student Life

Clubs, spirit, and insight on classmates

26. Games

Answers to August are on page 25

28. Fiction

The continuation of Memento Mori

Hey! There are TWO hidden wolves on the cover; can you find them both? Cover picture is of Kent Morrison, owner of Classic Rock Coffee Co.


Fall Fashion

page 20 Fashion trends for both boys and girls to follow, no matter what the occasion is!

Video Game Reviews page 10 Reviews of some of the most popular games on the market.



Let’s Get Cooking! By Emily Gilderson


Make something quick and easy AND keep it healthy! I’m sure the last thing on your mind this summer was eating healthy, but now that school has started it isn’t a bad idea to start. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be gross or so-called rabbit food; you can make a lot of your favorites healthy by switching ingredients with healthier ones or eating them in moderation. Also, healthy foods don’t have to take forever to make either! You can make some in less than a minute. You shouldn’t dread eating healthy; it should be a happy lifestyle you choose to keep yourself in the best conditions possible. School just started and you’re not in the swing of things yet, right? But you should never skip a meal! Most high school students think that skipping breakfast is a quick-fix to buying them time in the morning and that the energy they end up missing out on is okay. Wrong! Here’s a recipe for a quick, delicious breakfast that could also double as a snack that you can make yourself in a matter of… Only a minute! Less Than a Minute Breakfast Pizza 1 English Muffin, Sliced 4 tbsp Pizza Sauce ¼ C Cheese (*EXTRAS* you can add deli ham and pineapple for more flavor!) Directions: 1. Toast the muffin 2. Spread 2 TBSP of sauce per muffin half 3. Top with cheese (And Extras!) 4. Microwave for 30 seconds or until cheese is melted Wash down with 8 oz of low-fat milk or 100% juice for even more nutrition! Nutritional Facts: 225 Calories 5.5 g Total Fat 3 g Saturated Fat 30 g Carbs 2.5 g Dietary Fiber 12 g Protein *Good source of Calcium, Iron, and Potassium! Coffee is a very popular drink with the students in high school! At any time, you can see people carrying a variety of different coffee cups. A lot of teens like cold coffee drinks or iced coffees. Instead of paying up to $5 for a standard 16 oz cup, you can make your very own for under $0.50! Here’s how… Iced Mocha Java

8 oz Low-Fat Chocolate Milk OR Soy 6 oz Strong Brewed Coffee, Cooled 5-6 Ice Cubes Directions: Place milk, coffee, and ice cubes in blender; Process until well-blended, icy, and thick. *No blender? Place ice cubes in a tall, 20 oz, glass; pour milk and coffee over ice and stir until well-blended. Nutritional Facts: 160 Calories 4 g Total Fat 1.5 g Saturated Fat 10 mg Cholesterol 150 mg Sodium 26 g Carbs 8 g Protein *Excellent source of Calcium (30% Daily Value) Compare to: 16 oz Mocha Frappe @ Starbucks… 480 Cals 16 oz “Mocha Cooler”… 410 Cals 16 oz Mocha Frappe @ McDonald’s… $1.09 +tax Coffee Facts! Did you know that coffee is made up of caffeine, antioxidants, and minerals? Drinking coffee can reduce your risks of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, colon cancer, and gallstones. Also, coffee can stop headaches and enhance athletic performance. However, too much caffeine can cause sleep disturbance, nervousness, hand trembling, rapid heartbeat, and an increase in blood pressure. Drink coffee in moderation and get all the benefits and avoid the negatives by keeping your daily intake to about three regular cups of coffee a day. Having a simple recipe to a delicious meal would be fantastic, right? Even the most inexperienced cook can make this 4-ingredient recipe for a homemade tortilla. This recipe might take a

little longer than a microwave burrito but it is definitely worth it! Homemade Tortillas 3 C Flour 1/3 C Vegetable Oil 1 C Warm Water 1 tsp Salt Directions: Mix all four ingredients in a bowl until doughy. Roll balls of dough out into a tortilla-like shape on a floury surface. Cook on a skillet, medium heat, until golden on both sides. Voilà! Nutritional Facts: 144 Calories 4 g Total Fat 1 g Saturated Fat 293 g Sodium 24 g Carbs 4 g Protein *6% Calcium and 9% Iron (% Daily Value) Try This! Everybody knows tortillas are a main ingredient in quesadillas. With just a few extra minutes and a few more ingredients you can make freshly made tortillas for a quesadilla of your own! By adding some cheese and some meat you can have a masterpiece, and here’s how! On the skillet you just used to cook your tortillas, put just enough vegetable oil on the skillet to lightly cover the bottom. Next, put your tortilla in the skillet and add your cheese onto to half of the tortilla. (If you want to add chicken or beef, cook that beforehand and add with your cheese.) Fold over the half of the tortilla that does not have the cheese, making a sort of pocket or half circled shape. Cook on this side until you can lift up the half on the side nearest the burner and it is golden brown. Then, flip. Repeat these steps for more quesadillas! Also, the unused tortillas can be stored in a Ziploc baggie and put in the refrigerator until desired use.


Do It Yourself! By Autumn Ward If you’ve been on the internet, watched your favorite talk shows or read the news, you’ve probably seen something about the phenomena known as DIY, Do-It-Yourself. This article is dedicated to the DIY projects that students can easily manage and are easy on the wallet! -Transferring a Photo to a Wooden Slab Materials: -Wooden Slab -Photo -Mod Podge Antique Matte -Gel Medium (Liquitex Acrylic Matte Gel 8 Fl. Oz.) Process: 1. First things first; cover the wooden block with the gel medium to prep it for the photo 2. Place the photo you’ve chosen upside down on the wooden block 3. Smooth out all the bubbles on the photo (I recommend using a credit card) 4. Let it dry overnight 5. The next day wet the photo on the wooden block and gently rub the wet paper off 6. Clean all of the paper residue off 7. Cover the wooden block with Mod Podge and let dry! Voila! You’ve got a trendy piece to display anywhere in your home! This next project is for the ladies! (Guys, you can try it… if you really want to.) -Homemade Facials Bran Scruffin’ Materials: -1 Tbsp plain yogurt -1 Ts brower’s yeast -1 Ts finely ground bran -1 Ts sugar Oil of Ole Materials: -2 Tbsp of fresh avocado, smashed -1 Ts honey -1 Ts full-fat plain yogurt -Green Tea

-½ Ts lemon juice Just mix the set of ingredients together and apply to your face! These all-natural mixtures are much better than anything you could buy from the store. -Customized Coffee Mug All you need for this one is a plain coffee mug (preferably white), a sharpie and an oven! Simply write a personalized message on the mug with sharpie and pop it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. -Magnetic Wall This project requires a little more from your wallet (and even some tools!) but the end product is worth it. Materials: -One custom sheet of metal -Nails -Hammer -Cardboard -Anything magnetic you care to stick on the wall! Process: 1. Make holes in the sheet metal. Lay the metal on top of the cardboard. Take a nail and hammer it into the sheet metal until you’ve created a hole. Repeat this on the corners and every few feet along the edges. 2. Have your friend or parent hold the sheet metal up to the wall and starting at the bottom put a nail into each hole until it is snug against the wall. Move up the wall making sure you aren’t getting any gaps or holes between the sheet metal and the wall 3. Add all the magnetic things you have to the wall! -Clothespin Herb Planters Materials: -One 5 Oz. Tuna Can -21 clothespins -Dark Walnut Stain Marker -Oil-Rubbed Bronze Spray Paint Process: 1. First, take each clothespin apart. This way you can get the stain easily in the nooks

and crannies. It also avoids staining the silver spring 2. Color! Stain each clothespin 3. Put all the clothespins back together. 4. Let the clothespins dry for a few hours 5. Coat the tuna can in the oil-rubbed bronze spray paint 6. Clip the clothespins on the tuna can so that they are touching on the INSIDE (This will keep them evenly spaced on the outside) 7. Plant your herbs in the tuna can! (If you don’t want to put herbs in the cans, you can use them as candle holders!) -Tie Dye Denim Materials: -A pair of white jeans -RIT Dye (in any colors you would like) -Foam brush Process: 1. Follow the steps on the RIT dye package to create your dye baths. (I recommend only making half of the dye simply because you won’t need it all and it makes the project more manageable.) 2. Use your sponge brush to paint strokes on the front side of the denim. Be sure to start with the lightest color. 3. Next brush on the next lightest color 4. Paint on the darkest shade. Continue with this until you’ve used all desired colors. 5. Once the front side of the denim is completely dry, flip the denim over and repeat steps 2-4 for the back side. Be sure to paint on seams! Connect the strokes from the front to the back for a smooth transition. 6. Let dry If you mix the Mod Podge you purchased for the wooden slab project with glitter, you can glitter-ize anything you desire! You can spice up the keys on your lanyard to distinguish your house key from the post box office key or even paint some glitter on that photo frame of you and your best friends from the last football game. The possibilities are endless! Don’t be afraid to try some of these projects out! You can easily modify each one to make it your own.



Fall Sports By Eden Branstetter

Sports at Reeds Spring High School have always, and will always, be a big thing here. We may be a small school compared to others around us, but we do have many talented athletes! Our fall sports include football, volleyball, tennis, cross country and softball. Our football team has had some rough times, but I believe they will come back and do great this year. Volleyball lost only one senior last year and they’re ready to go win districts and advance to state. Tennis has a new coaching system and they believe they will do better because of it. Cross Country had 3 runners go to state last year, and they’re hoping for more this year. Softball also only lost one starter last year, so they’re very experienced and ready to win! Read on and you will find out actual player’s perspectives on how their season will go in 2012 and what they’re most excited for. First of all we are going to talk about the big sport of football. At the Jamboree, basically our first game of the season, our wolves showed up to play and showed every team there that they’re not the same team as they were before. They worked together very well and it’s obvious they will do great things this 2012 season. Talking to a few football


players I realized that a lot of them had some of the same goals. But James McFerron stuck out. I asked him how he

thinks this season will go, he said, “I think that we will do great. The kids are more dedicated, and we play for each other instead of ourselves.” I also asked him what game he is most excited for and he said, “Definitely Hollister. It’s the homecoming game and I want to keep our perfect record of beating them every year.” Our football team seems to have good attitudes about this 2012 season, so come out to support our boys on a football Friday! Our volleyball team has been working really hard over the summer. Waking up every morning for weights at 6:30 and going to plenty of camps, they are determined to win this year. Megan Rasmussen is very confident about her last year of high school volleyball. I asked her how well she thinks they will do this year and she said, “Really great. We plan on winning districts and going to state!” The game she’s looking forward to the most is Logan Rogersville because it’s always a close game and they are their rivals. The lady wolves have worked really hard on being where they’re at this year. Another highly anticipated fall sport is tennis. Josie Boice has been playing tennis since her freshman year and she loves it. I asked her why and she replied with, “It gets you into shape and it’s just so much fun. I also really like that it can be a team or an individual sport. I think everyone will do a lot better this year because we have a better coaching system.” Have you ever wondered why people run for fun? I never understood why, but now I know thanks to Joey Ash. She told me, “I run because it relieves stress and gets you in shape. It also helps with other sports quite a bit.” In cross country, all you do is run. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. You have to train hard for your position on the team, and you can tell that the cross country runners do that well every day. Softball is a good sport to play because not only do you learn base run-

ning, hitting, fielding, and pitching, you also develop teamwork and confidence. Marley Harmon has a strong love for softball, and anyone that watches her can see that. I asked her how well she thinks they will do this year and her response was, “Very well. We only lost one starter, so everyone is very experienced and it helps out a lot.” The game she said she was most excited for was Branson, because she loves to beat them. As you can see, our fall sports are more than ready for their season. You can support the volleyball team in the main gym, the football team on the football field, the tennis team at the courts, cross country runners on their course, or the softball team at the softball field. School spirit is very important because it improves the emotional connection between the school, and helps build relationships throughout the school. Our player’s have to have school spirit to win games and you have to think about the

positives. Yeah, your coaches make you work hard, but in the end, it’s all worth it. It’s worth the feeling of winning, or even defeat because you learn from those mistakes and you work on it the next day at practice. School involves tests and grades, but it also involves the relationships you build and the lessons you learn through sports. Our sports aren’t only just for fun for our player’s, it’s also taken seriously. I can’t wait to see how our fall sports do this season, and I bet I’m not the only one!



Gamer’s Digest By James McFerron

Video games are a way for us to escape away from the real world. At one point you could be a professional football player scoring a critical touchdown to win your team the Super Bowl. At the next, you could be a super hero saving the world or an undercover cop traveling across America tracking the nation’s top criminals. Video games are a great way to let your imagination flow and here are a few of the top games out right now for your entertainment.

NCAA 13 Rating: 6.5 out of 10


NCAA Football has been around for twenty years now, and it is safe to say that it is the top college game out on the market every year. With over twenty years of production, you would think that they would be able to refresh the game with tons of new modes and new animations, right? Well you will be disappointed to know that despite one new gameplay mode and a new passing game, everything is the same as it has been in the past with a few other slight moderations. Gone are the days of throwing a pass and the defender, who has his back turned away from the ball, blindly sticking his hands up in the air and mak-

ing an impossible interception. Now the defense actually reads the offense and plays off the ball while it’s in the air. You need to be smart and precise with passes or else the defense will read the play and intercept it. Another great thing about NCAA 13 is the new Heisman challenge mode. This is a great new mode where you step into the shoes of past Heisman trophy winners like Robert Griffin III and the legendary Barry Sanders. Your objective is to choose a new team for your athlete and beat all the records they set when they were in college. This is sure to keep you occupied for a while, but when you get bored of that, there is nothing else. There are bunch of small problems with the game that won’t ruin your entire experience but will annoy the heck out of you. There will be points in the game where you are in the middle of a play and the game will just freeze for 3 to 5 seconds, now that’s not that big of a deal, but it could play a major factor in a close game. The next drawback is the absolutely horrible commentating. The broadcasters give it their all, but there is a great possibility that you will hear one line over 4 times a game, and there are times where you can see through the crowd. Also, unless you have exceptional internet connection, you cannot play this game online. To sum it up, if you are a diehard college football fan, go ahead and pick this game up, but if you would rather wait for Madden 13, I would pass on NCAA 13. Batman: Arkham City (game of the year edition) Rating: 9.5 out of 10 For a game that has been out for nearly over a year, Batman: Arkham City still remains one of the top games on the market. You play as the caped crusader trying to stop the Joker and Dr. Hugo Strange from tearing Arkham City and Gotham City apart. The best thing about this game is the incredible story

and voice acting. Another cool feature is the fighting style. The combat is simple and effective; it’s so simple you can fight more than ten enemies at a time. The game of the year edition includes an extra disc with all downloadable content, a free animated movie and new costumes that batman can wear. The only downside in this game is that there are a few pop in textures every now and then but overall this game is still absolutely amazing. I can’t go into too much detail over this game without giving it away, so I’ll let you judge it for yourself, but I will guarantee that most of you will love it. Super Mario Bros 2 Rating: 8.5 out of 10 Mario is back and at his best in Super Mario Bros 2. This game is a classic scrolling platformer, but this time, unlike in the first Super Mario Bros., your primary focus is coin collecting. Also new to the game is the fire-flower-like power-up which turns Mario’s enemies into blocks that are guarding the coins ahead. All of Mario’s friends return in this game, too, including Luigi, Yoshi, and the Koopas, plus a few new faces. The 3D for this game is nothing compared to the great 3D that was in Super Mario 3D Land. There was clearly no time taken to focus on the 3D in this game, so I would just lower the 3D slider. Another small problem is that all the boss battles seem

familiar and are kind of boring. A plus to this game, though, is the new co-op play available. This is classic Mario at his best, and only if they would have paid more attention to the 3D and the boss battles then this would have been a near perfect game. Darksiders 2 Rating: 7 out of 10 When I played Darksiders 2, I loved and hated it at the same time. At times, Darksiders could do no wrong, but at other times, it could not do anything right at all. In Darksiders 2, you play as Death, and your overall goal is to restore humanity to the world. Darksiders 2 borrows a lot of things from other games. You will notice that the combat is really similar to the combat in God of War. In God of War, Kratos fights with two giant swords. In Darksiders 2, Death fights with two giant scythes. The game is primarily a role-playing game (RPG). You go from place to place talking to different people, trying to accomplish your goal. You could just spend hours exploring this giant world around you and not pay attention to the story at all. The next great thing in this game is the boss battles. You will battle enemies about one hundred times your size and every battle is an extreme challenge. When you do defeat the bosses, you feel a great sense of accomplishment and relief. However, the game is not all

good. The story, graphics, and controls could use some improvement. The story in this game is kind of hard to follow. Unless you played the first game, the threeminute opening to the game doesn’t really help much. The graphics of the game may look good at times, but more often than not, the game looks dated. The controls, however, are the most frustrating thing about the game by far. On the platform segments in the game, there are times when you will spend over 15 minutes trying to jump on different ledges but the controls are out of sync and the jumping lags behind, so when you want to go into a running jump you will just run off the edge and fall to your death. Overall, if you can get past the major frustration of the controls and some similarity to other games, Darksiders 2 is a fun game to play.

Spec Ops – The Line Rating: 7.5 out of 10 When I first played Spec Ops – The Line, the game bored me because it seemed like every other third-person shooter, but once I got past the beginning, Spec Ops - The Line transformed into an intense and powerful story. The game is set in Dubai after a series of extreme sandstorms. The city is a great and beautiful setting for the game and a perfect place for the delta squad – a

three man group sent into Dubai after they received a distress call. The team is forced to make decisions that will question their stability and their own sanity. One of the few setbacks to the game is when your character gets caught on an object if you are trying to run from one cover to another. This usually leads to the death of the character. Another small thing is the graphics. The city of Dubai looks pretty great overall, but the animators clearly did not spend time on the faces of the characters. However, the most disappointing thing in this game is by far the multiplayer. If you are a big fan of Call of Duty or Battlefield, you should probably just stick to those games for multiplayer. In Spec Ops – The Line, the animators imitate the style of those other multiplayer games, but they do not have nearly as good ammunition, maps, or rewards. The multiplayer in this game feels rushed and undone. However, all these problems are overshadowed by how interesting the story is. The game is focused around decision making. In the end, I would recommend this shooter because it does what other shooters don’t do very well, and that’s telling an intense and thought provoking story. I hope that after reading these reviews, you will go by your local videogame distributor and try one or all of them out. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.



September Releases By Lacey Curtis

house thriller, House at the End of the Street. When a mother and daughter move to a new town, the last thing they would have suspected was to be next door to a house where a girl murdered her parents - or to become involved with the surviving son. An old baseball scout in his twilight years, who could be played by nobody else but Clint Eastwood, brings his daughter (Amy Adams) along with him on one last recruiting road trip in Trouble with the Curve. Any baseball fanatic should make time to see this movie, as well as any Clint Eastwood fan - it is supposed to be his final acting role.

Being teenagers in a small town, one of the things we do for entertainment is go to movie theaters. They are relatively inexpensive and a good way to spend some time with friends. The only problem is deciding what movie to watch. So, I am here to help. Below is a list of some of the movies that are coming out in the month of September. Do not miss any of these releases! September 7th The Words is a drama starring Bradley Cooper, Olivia Wilde, Jeremy Irons, Zoe Saldana, and Dennis Quaid. In it, Cooper plays a wannabe writer that finally makes it big when he publishes a manuscript. The only problem is that he was not the one that wrote it. The fame soon changes him in ways that he would have never imagined, and he must deal with the steep price of stealing another man’s work. An action packed thrilled, The Cold Light of Day stars Henry Cavill (also casted to play Superman in the upcoming reboot of the franchise) as a young Wall Street trader whose family is kidnaped when they are on their family vacation in Spain by intelligence agents who are looking to recover a mysterious briefcase. Some of the others acting alongside Cavill are Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Echegui, Bruce Willis, and Roschdy Zem.


September 14th For those of you that are fans of this ‘videogame gone movie’ series, Resident Evil: Retribution will be released on this date. Milla Jovovich (famous mostly from this series, as well as other sci-fi films) returns to play the lead role in this fifth installment to the movie franchise. It continues where the previous film, Resident Evil: Afterlife, left off; a resistant movement against the Umbrella Corporation and the undead. Stolen is an action thriller in which Nicolas Cage plays a thief recently released from prison after robbing a bank. Since he has not seen her since he was convicted, he decides to visit his estranged daughter. However, his old partner (played by Josh Lucas) is under the belief that he still has the $10 million from the robbery, so he kidnaps his daughter and puts a ransom on her. Nicolas Cage’s character has twelve hours to

find his daughter, all while being tracked down by the detective that put him in jail, played by Danny Huston. 10 Years is a comedy romance film that stars the popular ladies’ man Channing Tatum, as well as Rosario Dawson, Justin Long, Kate Mara, and Channing’s wife, Jenna Dewan-Tatum. The movie follows a group of friends who, on the night of their ten year high school reunion, realize that they still haven’t quite grown up. They each have their own crazy revelation stories about the days since they separated after high school. Josh Radnor, Zac Efron, and Elizabeth Olsen all play in this comedy drama, Liberal Arts, about a newly single, uninspired, introverted man who jumps at the chance to return to his old college to speak at his favorite professor’s retirement party. What he doesn’t expect is to fall in love with a college sophomore along the way. Josh Radnor’s character must learn how to deal with his long dormant feelings and the powerful attraction he feels towards her. September 21st Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a comedic coming-of-age movie that stars the Harry Potter heroine, Emma Watson, and the two leading boys Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller. In this film adaption, two seniors take an introvert freshman under their wing and introduce him to the real world. Jennifer Lawrence, best known for her role in the Hunger Games, acts alongside Elisabeth Shue in this haunted

September 28th A group of comedians - Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Fran Drescher, and David Spade - all voice characters in the animated kid’s film, Hotel Transylvania, concerning a hotel that caters to monsters. Everything changes when Dracula, who owns the high-end resort kept secret from the human world, finds out that a boy has discovered it and fallen for his young daughter. Based in the year 2072, Looper is an action film with a sci-fi plot. It centers around a man who works for a section of the mob called the ‘Loopers’ who kill people that are sent back in time. His perspective changes, however, when he recognizes his victim as himself. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis star.


Interesting Movie Facts By Mackenzie Mattix

How much do you know about your favorite movies and TV shows? Turns out a lot of things change during the filming process, unintended lines end up in the finished product, and objects on set move and change all the time!

Did you know…

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere. Turns out that Jerry Seinfeld is a huge Superman fan, as it states in many episodes. Whether it is a poster in the background or the colors that Seinfeld is wearing, you can always find something Superman in the episodes. Donald Duck was banned from Finland because he doesn’t wear pants. Mel Blanc, the man who is the voice of Bugs Bunny, was allergic to carrots. The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing their hands in Jell-O. In most movies, mainly animated movies, all the everyday sounds have to be added in by Foley artists. Foley artists imitate all sounds from footsteps to anything that is needed in the scene. We don’t notice this though because they make the sounds so realistic that we believe it to be real. They might use corn starch in a leather pouch to make a walking in the snow sound or twisting raw spaghetti makes a breaking bone sound. The name Oz for the Wizard of Oz was thought up when the creator was looking at a filing cabinet and saw A-N and O-Z. In Toy Story the carpet design in Sid’s hallway is the same as the carpet design in The Shining. The only Disney movies that have both parents present during the whole movies are 101 Dalmatians, Peter Pan, and Mulan. There is a lot of debate as to why pretty much all Disney movies have either one or both of the parents die in the movie. Some say that it is just to

create a longer and more dramatic story line. If Cinderella had a mother then she wouldn’t have had evil step sisters, a step mother that works her like a slave, and she probably could have gone back for that shoe. Others say that it is because Walt Disney himself didn’t have a mother due to her early death. Regardless of the reason, everyone still gets their happily ever after. In one afternoon’s Casino Royale film shooting three Aston Martin DBS cars, each valued at $300,000, were destroyed for the car roll sequence.

apple juice, Bender- Nothing. The ocean that the people in the movie Titanic were jumping into was actually three feet deep and the ale that they drank in the below deck party scene was root beer. Also, in the engine room scenes, the men working in the engine room were only about five feet tall in order to make the overall room appear larger than the set actually was.

The janitor from Scrubs was originally a figment of J.D.’s imagination. The Millennium Falcon, Han Solo’s ship in Star Wars, was inspired by a hamburger with a single bite taken out of it. The light sabers in Star Wars were actually fiberglass rods coated with a highly reflective material. Light was reflected onto the rods by mirrors in front of the camera lens and color was later enhanced by animation In Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl there is a jet contrail in the sky in one of the scenes; obviously jets had not yet been invented way back then. And there is clearly a crew member behind Captain Jack Sparrow in a different scene. The crew member is wearing a white t-shirt, a cowboy hat and sunglasses. The apple pie in the movie American Pie was purchased by Costco. In the movie The Breakfast Club, the students ate the following for lunch: Andrew- A bag of chips, chocolate cookies, three sandwiches, milk, a banana and an apple, Claire- Sushi, Allison- Sandwich with Pixie Stix and Captain Crunch cereal, Brian- Soup, peanut butter and jam sandwich and

Planet Vulcan in Star Trek is actually Yellowstone National Park. In the 1985 horror film Day of the Dead, zombies are feasting on turkey legs that were barbecued in a special way to look like human flesh. In Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Elijah Wood had Alka Seltzer tablets in his mouth so he’d foam when Shelob stabbed him.



Music Discovery By Sabrina Duran

Music seems to have a grip on humanity’s daily life. With new album releases every day, it may be difficult to keep up with your favorite artists and discover new artists as well. Acoustic: Jack Johnson, a well-known musician and songwriter, stole people’s attention with his popular album, You and Your Heart, released in 2010. Currently he has released five solo albums and has reached commercial success. City and Colour is sthe alias for Dallas Green, more commonly known as the guitarist and vocalist of the posthardcore band, Alexisonfire. An active solo artist since 2004, City and Colour has released a total of fourteen albums, each one better than the last. Many might be familiar with City and Colour’s popular song, Fragile Bird that made No. 1 at the top of the Canadian Rock/Alternative chart. Alternative: The White Stripes were a duo in which the members, Jack White and Megan Martha White, were married but divorced in February 2011 resulting in an end to the White Stripes. The single, “Fell in Love with a Girl”, and its music video, won three awards at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards and pushed the White Stripes into public’s eye. Coldplay, once known as Starfish, is a British band formed in 1996. With a total of nine awards, Coldplay has brought some of the best alternative music of all time. Their newest album Mylo Xyloto, with hit singles “Paradise” and “Princess of China,” charted at number one in thirty-four countries.

Indie Rock: Broken Bells is the product of Brian Burton, also known as Danger Mouse, and The Shins vocalist and guitarist, James Mercer. They met each other at the Roskilde Festival in 2004 and collaborated to create Broken Bells after discovering they were both fans of each other. They are currently working on a new album, as of February 2012. We Are Scientists is an indie rock band that formed in California in 2000. With the four members, Keith Murray, Chris Cain, Andy Burrows, and Michael Tapper, working diligently in the studio, We Are Scientists have released a total of five albums as well as a hit TV Show on MTV. Hardcore/ Screamo: Memphis May Fire was the name that members, Cory Elder, Jake Garland, Kellen McGregor, Matty Mullins, and Anthony Sepe, settled for after previously going by, Oh Captain, My Captain! Ryan Bentley, Memphis May Fire’s previous guitarist, parted ways in April and was soon replaced by their current guitarist, Anthony Sepe. Challenger is their most recent album and the only one Anthony Sepe has recorded with Memphis May Fire so far. Escape the Fate is a post-hardcore band from Las Vegas, Nevada. With Ronnie Radke as the vocalist, Escape the Fate’s first album was Dying is Your Latest Fashion(2005). 2007 was a rough year for them. They lost two members, Omar Espinosa the rhythm guitarist due to personal issues and Ronnie Radke the vocalist due to multiple run-ins with the law involving narcotics and battery for a fight that led up to the death of Michael Cook. Ronnie Radke was released from

prison in December 2010 and joined the band Falling in Reverse. Hip Hop/ Rap: Lil Wayne is Dwayne Michael Carter’s stage name. At the age of nine, Lil Wayne became the youngest member of Cash Money Records. In 2004, with his release of his album Tha Carter, Lil Wayne reached a higher popularity. Tha Carter IV, was released on August 29, 2011. The album includes the songs “6 Foot 7 Foot” and “How to Love”. It sold 964,000 copies in the U.S. its first week out. Wiz Khalifa, also known as Cameron Jibril Thomaz, was Best New Artist according to 2012’s Billboard Music Awards. Well known for his single “Black and Yellow”, which peaked at number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, Wiz Khalifa released the album Rolling Papers in March of 2011. Pop: KE$HA, a familiar pop artist often compared to Lady Gaga, gained popularity in 2009 after appearing on rapper Flo Rida’s number-one single, “Right Round.” Her album, Animal, debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 when it was released in January 2010. Kesha is currently working on an album as of June 2012 but the release date is unknown. Rihanna, born in Barbados, moved to the United States at age 16 to pursue a recording career. Obviously successful, Rihanna is currently worth over 72 million dollars. In 2005, Rihanna released her first album, Music of the Sun, which featured the Billboard Hot 100 top five hit single “Pon de Replay”. Soon Rihanna released her second album in 2006 A Girl Like Me her first Hot 100 number one single, “SOS”. Her latest album is Talk That Talk which was released in November of 2011. Electronic/ Dubstep: Skrillex, or Sonny John Moore, is an American electronic music producer commonly known for his Dubstep music. Some might also recognize Sonny John Moore as the lead singer of post-hardcore band, From First to Last, in which he recorded two albums. In late 2010, Skrillex released his most popular album, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.



Popular Hangout Spots By Callie Thomas Have you ever been stumped on where to go when hanging out with friends? Well here are some ideas that can help you out, so you’ll never have to ask that question again! Although there are not many places in Reed’s Spring to hang out, we make the most of it. Mostly we go into Branson or Springfield, but there are actually a lot of places closer you can go, as well. Summer hang out spots are different than ones during the school year, but both are just as fun. With the summer being so hot, most kids do anything they can to stay cool. Anything involving water is pretty popular; lying out at the pool, playing sand volleyball at Moonshine Beach, going to the Rec Plex or White Water, practically living on your boat - I mean I know I did! Along with the lake, movie theaters, Battlefield Mall, and any restaurant - not forgetting Andy’s or Coldstone - are popular places. Now I know we all miss summer; the clothes, music, bonfires, staying up late, hanging out with friends as much as you want, some of us might even miss work. Don’t get too upset just yet though, you can still have just as much fun during the school year! The best place to meet to hang out or carpool is definitely Wal-Mart or Country Mart. It’s in the middle of everything and you never know who you’ll see there, but parking there puts your car in high risk of getting tagged. Now that we’re back at school, sports are an awesome place to socialize. The best part about being in school is that you always have the chance to make new friends and hang out with people you aren’t too entirely close to. That’s the hard part about summer, you pretty much hang out with the same people for that whole time, only some people get out of their comfort zone to hang out with new people, but that’s the best way to make new friends. It’s a bit of a change, refreshing actually. If you’re new here, you don’t want to miss out on your chance to go see any of the fall sports such as softball games, football games, tennis matches, or cross country races. You can hang out with your friends there and

support your Wolves! Friday night football games are my personal favorite. It’s even better if there’s a dance afterwards! One dance I will never forget is the black light dance we had freshman year. Dances are highly anticipated here because it pumps everyone up for the weekend. It’s even better when we win the game right before, and Friday being the best day of the week makes it even better! During the school week, a popular place to hang out is McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Sonic, Tequlia’s or Chopstix. These are popular at any time of day, for a quick bite before school on Thursdays, a snack after school, not to mention happy hour at Sonic! Or even dinner after practice or a game. All of these places are ideal to go to for hanging out. On the weekends students go to the Landing to walk around or shop, Branson Meadows or Imax to see the latest movies, they also tend to venture out more to restaurants outside, or inside Reeds. Some of the best places to go are: Olive Garden, Reeds Spring Pizza Company, Pizza By The Chef, Panera, Cantina Laredo, Orange Leaf, Pizza World, any Chinese place, Andy’s Frozen Custard, Hu Hot, and plenty more. I Interviewed Autumn Ward to see where she likes to go hang out, this is what she said. Pulse: Where would you say that your favorite place to hang out over the summer was? Autumn: Well basically anywhere was fun. I hung out at my best friend’s house a lot, went wakeboarding and tubing at the lake, had bonfires, anything would keep us entertained. Pulse: What were some of your favorite things to do when you hung out?

Autumn: We would always do the stupidest stuff. Pulse: What do you mean? Autumn: Nothing bad at all. By stupid stuff I mean, anything kept us entertained. We would pull pranks on each other a lot, and play sardines and truth or dare. Pulse: Ohh I gotcha. I know that you worked at White Water, did you ever hang out with your work friends? Autumn: Yeah we would go hang out occasionally, I worked with a bunch of my friends so it was no different than hanging out with the people I normally do really. Pulse: Where do you plan on hanging out during the school year? Autumn: Well usually we go out to eat a lot, or to movies. Actually, one of the prime hang out spots around here is Wal-Mart. We would go to Wal-Mart and sit in the back of the truck and chill, it was just as fun as hanging out anywhere else because we’re with each other, and that’s all that really matters. Besides there, we go to football games every Friday and the mall on the weekends. So there you have it boys and girls. This is where you students like to hang out. Now go and have a great time! You don’t always have to go places to have a good time though, just invite some friends over! There are plenty of things to do there as well. You could go for a walk, bake something, paint something or have a paint fight, host a movie marathon with a bowl of popcorn and your favorite movies, play video games, heck, if it’s a nice day or night go outside and do stuff! Camp under the stars, have a bonfire, cook out, play hide and seek or capture the flag. Be creative, I know you can! Don’t worry; you’ll come up with something. And remember, it doesn’t matter where you go, and how long you’re there if you just have each other, you’ll have fun. Until next time, Reeds Spring.



Classic Rock Coffee By Kristin Minturn Upon entering Classic Rock Coffee, I was enrapt with a barrage of classic rock songs from the 60’s, 70’s, and the 80’s. While one who has no love for rock may fear this kind of ambience, myself and other classic rock enthusiasts, enjoy the sweet medley of what made today’s music great, whilst sipping any number of rock-themed drinks. From their coffee drinks, with names such as Sweet Emotion (a chocolate and caramel blend) and Sister Hazelnut (a hazelnut coffee drink) to their Italian sodas with names like Here Comes the Sun (a raspberry orange flavored soda); everything is unique and well made. They even a drink titled Any Way You Want It (which, just as the name implies, allows you to make your drink any way you desire it), and it’s the same price as all the other coffee drinks. For a dollar extra, you can make any drink Dazed and Confused by adding an extra shot of espresso. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the shop was the coffee bar attended by about two to three servers who took my order once I had decided what I wanted from their wide selection. After a few minutes, the barista completed my order, just in time for me to have adjusted to the atmosphere. My first trip to Classic Rock Coffee Co. was over the summer, the Journalism class went as a group. As Mr. Lynch, Mr. Locke, and I were discussing the greatest band of all time, one of the workers came over to see that we were doing well with our coffee. By now she had heard our discussion and had gone to the upper floor of the shop. A few minutes later, we were joined by the owner of the shop. It was at this point that we met Kent, the owner of Classic Rock. We sat in the shop for about an hour more and discussed bands and which ones were


worthy of being placed in the top ten (We never did end up coming to a conclusion, though he was convinced that Led Zeppelin took first place). A week later, we came back to the shop, and let Kent know that we wanted to interview him for the magazine. He consented to this, so we came back a few months later and asked Kent and a few of his employees some questions, the interview went as follows: (Melissa, Barista) Q: What are some of your personal favorite drinks? A: Dirty White Boy, Sweet Emotion, Raspberry Beret, No-Bake Cookie Protein Shake, Fuzzy Navel Smoothie Q: What do you think sets Classic Rock Coffee apart from others? A: Definitely our coffee. We blend it right here ourselves. Of course, the atmosphere is different from other coffee shops, so that’s a big part as well. (Liz, Barista) Q: How is working at Classic Rock Coffee compared to other coffee shops? A: The people are all really great here, like all of my fellow employees make it fun. We have a lot of creative freedom to express ourselves artistically, but we still have the discipline and structure needed. It’s like having really good parents. (Kent, Manager/Owner) Q: How did you decide you wanted to open a classic rock themed coffee shop? A: I own a Nutrition Bar called “Shake This”, for health clubs and gyms, and we create protein shakes. Eventually, some of the gyms wanted to add coffee in there, so we helped them set up coffee as well and soon we realized that we wanted to set up a standalone coffee shop. I’m good at themes and coming

up with things like that, I designed the place, so they came to me. Think about Hard Rock Cafe and other coffee places centered around music, and Classic Rock Coffee just sounds right, it has a nice ring to it. Really, we centered coffee more around classic rock than classic rock around coffee. I wanted to put two fun things together. Q: Do you plan on expanding Classic Rock Coffee? A: We’re actually getting to sell franchises in 60 days. Obviously, we opened it up to be a franchise, not just one little coffee shop. All in all, Classic Rock is a great little coffee shop, and personally, I can’t wait until they start expanding. Their drinks are all well-made because they brew everything themselves, and their food is decent as well, though if you want a real meal, I’d go somewhere else afterwards, it’s not a diner. The food selection is limited unlike their coffee, but overall they serve a decent selection of sandwiches and several different types of salads. They also have a small shop section in the back left corner. They sell t-shirts and sweaters with the coffee shop logo on them, so if you felt like you liked them enough you can go to the back and buy a souvenir to profess your love of Classic Rock Coffee to the world. Kent owns a nutrition bar as well as his coffee shop, so you can expect to find protein mix in their selection of various coffees available, if you feel like taking a bag home for yourself. If you enjoy classic and coffee, then you’re sure to enjoy Classic Rock Coffee Co. The people are great and the atmosphere is wonderful.

Coffee Craze: Reviews Heroes Coffee

By Mackenzie Mattix

Heroes Coffee is just your average coffee shop, located in the Music City Centre on the strip in Branson. It’s a nice place to hang out, really sunny and open with lots of table and a few couches. This would definitely be a place to get some work done. There is free Wi-Fi and it has a peacefulness to it, but that’s mainly because the owner is awfully grouchy and scares off all the teenagers. So, if you’re looking for a place to get together with your friends, I would recommend going somewhere else. They do have food there; the normal cookies, scones, and other pastries are frequently on the menu. I have noticed that they don’t normally have a wide selection on display and run out of them really quickly, though. If you’re not a coffee fan there are sodas, teas, milk, and juices available for purchase. They also make 100% fruit smoothies, hot chocolate, and Italian Creamosas. I have to admit, those Italian Creamosas are pretty darn good. As for the coffee, I don’t have anything that good to say about it, except that there are a lot of interesting flavors and special drinks. I had a cup of black coffee because if the basics of it are good then chances are the rest can’t be too bad. It was bad though, it tasted like a cup of that crappy instant coffee. Not enjoyable at all and ridiculously priced for the horrid taste. You could easily spend over five dollars on a single drink and that’s a little crazy. You’re probably better off skipping Heroes Coffee and hitting Starbucks instead.


By Marrissa Peebles

Starbucks is a place that almost every high school student knows. I can honestly say I probably had two or three every week during the summer. It was just really easy access for me because it was right across the street from where I work. Starbucks are popping up everywhere across America. In Branson alone, there are three that I can think of off the top of my head. We sadly don’t have one yet in the Reeds Spring area, but we’d all be broke if we did. The atmosphere that Starbucks has is so intimate, but not quite like cafes are. You can tell that it comes from a chain. Still though, it’s an easy go-to place for dates, get togethers, or just to go and finish your homework. They offer free Wi-Fi so it’s a good spot to visit if you like coffee and are in need of internet. As far as pricing goes, it’s a tad on the expensive side if you go there on a regular basis. I’ve heard a few people refer to it as “Five-Bucks.” Sadly, it’s had no effect on my addiction. The cheapest thing on the menu is just plain coffee, for a venti (the largest size on the menu) it’s just $2.25. The average pricing for hot and iced coffee is around $3.75 for a tall (the smallest size). The bakery items depend completely on where you go. At the actual locations, they have almost every pastry they offer. If you go to the one in Barnes and Noble, they also offer New York Cheesecake Factory cheesecake along with sandwiches, soup, and even pizza. Each location also has coffee cups and other gifts to buy for yourself or others. You’re not required to be a coffee addict just to go to Starbucks; they also offer crème-based frappuccinos, refreshers, teas, lemonades, and juices. I decided that I had enough coffee today,

so when I visited, I ordered the iced chai tea latte. The best way for me to describe it is to say it’s Christmas in a cup. The website describes it as being “fresh, spicy, sweet, and milky,” which is what it tastes like. Starbucks is definitely my go-to coffee shop right now. Is it expensive? Yes. Is it tasty? Yeah! Will I continue to go there? Every time I’m craving it. I can almost guarantee you, once you start going here, it will be hard to stop.

Vintage Paris

By Callie Thomas

Vintage Paris is a quaint little coffee shop in downtown Hollister. The atmosphere is cozy, and relaxed, and people rave about it. Keesha Maynard, a senior at Reeds Spring High School, states that is her favorite place to go get coffee. She claims that “It just feels like you’re at home there. The owners live right above the shop, and the way it’s set up is really nice. There’s a patio outside with twinkly lights everywhere. You actually feel like you’re in a coffee shop in Paris. Inside there are couches everywhere, so there’s always a place to sit. I like it because I know where my money is going, compared to Starbucks. I may be biased, but I even think the coffee here tastes better than Starbucks.” The price of the coffee is still more expensive than McDonald’s, but not quite as expensive as Starbucks; you get more than what you pay for. A $5 grande sized coffee from Starbucks would be the largest sized cup of coffee [at Vintage Paris], with a lot more flavor options. If you stay and drink the coffee there, you get a huge coffee mug filled to the brim, instead of some Styrofoam cup. The owners like to make sure you have your coffee exactly how you want it; if not, they’ll remake it for free. They come around and talk to you too; they love all of their customers and enjoy meeting the new people. If you’re looking for a great coffee shop, this is definitely the place to go.



Coyote’s Dockside Café and Pub


By Joey Longstreet A few nights ago, I took my notebook and my appetite to a local favorite of many; Coyote’s Dockside Café and Pub. Being that we are at the offseason, I had no problem finding a good parking spot and a nice booth seat with a great view of Table Rock Lake. A very pleasant hostess seated me and I looked around bit, taking in the place. It was well decorated with a wharf theme but not a family restaurant, very much a dockside café with a kind of diner look. I looked over the ample choices on the menu handed to me by a fellow classmate, who waitresses there. The menu had many options such as tacos, pizza, burgers, appetizers, salads, pastas, chicken, prime rib, wraps, sandwiches and baskets. Being a somewhat picky eater myself, and on a budget, I went with a couple of basics which also were a decent value compared to some of the other dishes. It was recommended that I try the squigglers, fish tacos, or the doubloons. Squigglers are calamari battered and golden fried served with our dill dipper. Doubloons are a bounty basket loaded with crispy pickle coins served with spicy doubloon dipping sauce for dunking. I do not really eat calamari, fish, or any kind of pickles no matter what you cook them in or dip them in. I started with an appetizer of chips and salsa for a low price of 3.95, which I knew would help fill my big appetite and not break my wallet. I also ordered the chicken bobbers which are sold by the dozen for 8.95 and they came with my choice of dipping sauce. There were several interesting choices, but I do not take chances and stuck with the old standby of golden buffalo sauce. The sauce was just hot enough for me but did not force me to buy three extra drinks. To finish off my meal, I had to try dessert. For dessert I opted for another old standby, a single scoop of chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone and boy was it a big scoop. I was glad I did not order the double scoop or else I would not have

been able to eat some of the cone. If you are scheduling to visit Coyotes Dockside Café and Pub, you might want to check out the entertainer for that night’s service. The Low-Down Generous Kitties are a decent blues band during dinner service. Ellis is a country singer who sometimes has a good sense of humor. The Fishin Magician is a very entertaining illusion act. Some of the acts are like making a penny look 5 times bigger than usual and the oldest trick in the bag, the old ‘how many balls do you see, now look how many.’ Bobo is an excellent country singer, so if you’re going to eat at Coyotes and you are a fan of country music then I recommend going on a night that Bobo is there. John Miner and his partner are also an excellent country duo. Be careful when he performs, the restaurant is usual very crowded. Jason Wharlow is a pretty good piano player. When I spoke to Kerrigan Arnold about the restaurant she had some very interesting comments. When asked what they are known for, she answered “Definitely our chicken wings, from my view behind the ice cream shop, I can peer out over the restaurant and usually see quite a few people have chicken wings on their plate.” When I ate their fish tacos, I thought they were very good. That made me start to think what other tacos are this good? I went back to Kerrigan, and she quickly replied, “The South Carolina tacos are a step above delicious.” The tacos are two grilled flour tortillas with seasoned shrimp, white fish, coleslaw, pepper jack cheese, tomatoes and chipotle dill sauce. When I asked her what I should not order she replied in a cautious manner, “The

salads are not the best thing in the world. They are not bad, they are just not great. There is one salad that I would recommend and that is the Edmond Fitzgerald salad.” I asked Kerrigan if she would like to include anything and she said that “We aren’t just a dinner place, we sell breakfast.” All in all, Coyote’s Dockside Café and Pub was a pleasant surprise. I had never been there before. It is located in a prime location for tourist and locals both. The service was very splendid and the atmosphere was amazing, and the restaurant offers something for everyone to eat. There is often entertainment there in the evenings from magicians to musicians. The place was upbeat, cheery and well maintained. The staff seems to enjoy working there and the meal I had was pretty darn good. Coyote’s Dockside

Café and Pub has a varied menu, plenty of seating with amazing views of Table Rock Lake and a bar. They offer several different and interesting sauces and have various forms of entertainment. The prices are just a tad bit higher than your basic café or eatery but most of them you cannot get to by boat after a long day on the lake. Depending on what you order can also help with the cost of the food items. I left with a full belly, still a couple of bucks in my pocket, half an ice cream cone and a smile on my face. I am sure I will be back someday for any meal during the day.



Fall Fashion By Marrissa Peebles

As much as I hate saying this, fall is just around the corner. I know, I’m crying too. Soon, we’re all going to be putting those cool swim suits away, and bringing out those hot leather boots in return. The way I look at it is - new season, new style. A great way to save some money is to put some of those tank tops you loved during the summer under cardigans or jackets. Just recycle everything that you can! You’ll save a minimum of twenty dollars just by doing that. Same goes with summer dresses; those tank top and strapless dresses might be cute and cool, but they’re not school appropriate. You also have to consider how cold it is in all the classrooms. Honestly, it feels like Antarctica in all of mine. Fall is a favorite season for most just because of the clothes. All you really have to do is put on a shirt, a scarf, skinny jeans, and boots. Softball senior, Andrea Studer, says her favorite part about fall fashion is breaking out her rock revivals and boots. You can even still get away with short sleeves since it’s still a little warm! Although, you should try to change it up and bring out those signature fall colors that are constantly in style, like brown, red, and orange. Any warm colors are absolutely perfect. Other colors that are in right now are purples (bright or maroon), green (deep and hunter), and pastels (think light and bright.) It’s also the easiest time for shoes! The boots that are in this year are riding, motorcycle, ankle, and leather. Just about the same as last year, just a few newer styles. Ugg is advertising some leather boots also, so if you love Ugg boots, check them out! Gladiators and sandals do go with jeans, but make sure you have closed toed shoes for days you may have labs in science class; no one likes losing points just because of an outfit mistake. Ripped jeans for girls are making a slight comeback, that laid back style is really in and those scream not trying too hard. Skinny jeans are and always will be the best kind of jeans to wear with boots. They don’t bunch up at the top or make it uncomfortable to move around in. Hollister and American Eagle always have cute and cheap skinny jeans. Let’s talk about the easy clothes to throw on in the morning when your hand just keeps accidently hitting that snooze button. You can always tell when


this happens to me because I’ll throw my hair up in ponytail, toss on whatever t-shirt I find first, some kind of pants that look comfy, and shoes that kind of match. I barely even do my make-up. It’s perfectly acceptable to do that in high

school! Girls, embrace Nike athletic shorts, yoga pants, tee shirts, and Pink Brand hoodies - all of that is always in style. Guys, same goes to you; just wear a t-shirt and athletic shorts. No one will judge you. If they do, then it’s just because they’re jealous of how comfy you look. Hoodies are also always an easy go to for everyone. Next up, you’re going to a football game? Hello jeans and school colors. During the month of September you should be good without a hoodie, but I would suggest either leaving one in your car or bringing one in with you. Guys, if you’re not on the field, then wear jeans and some kind of Reeds Spring shirt. This is the time that girls find it perfectly acceptable to wear whatever you choose. There’s a dance afterwards? Don’t dress up for the school dances unless it’s advertised as being formal. You’ll completely regret it. A t-shirt with shorts is perfect, and you’ll still be sweating from all the dancing. Pool parties will soon start turning into bonfires. Don’t wear anything you plan on not washing because your clothes will reek of smoke until you wash them a couple of times. Denim shirts have been showing up a lot in fashion magazines recently, but I haven’t seen them too much around school; however, those would be a great shirt for those nights. Just wear comfy warm clothes and you’ll be good. American Eagle is a great store to look at for this type of event, along with PacSun. Both are located at the Tanger, Landing, and Battlefield Mall, so next time you’re at one of those places be sure to check them out! Date nights are always a girls favorite night to get ready for. Just now started talking and decided to go somewhere else besides football and softball

games? Girls, wear a maxi dress with either wedges or sandals. Is maxi not your kind of cute? Try a skirt from PacSun, they are often on sale for ten dollars; if not then you can get them for about twenty. Then pair it with light weight tank and a cardigan fit for the weather. If it starts cooling down though, look towards stripped sweater dresses. Guys, v-necks and jeans are your best friend on these nights. It’s perfectly casual but it at least looks like you tried. Trust me, girls notice how much effort you put into your appearance. She already likes you for your personality, but lock her down with your perfect style. Also, wear cologne, but don’t make it smell like you took a bath in it. If you’ve been dating each other for a while and dressing up to impress has worn off, then you should at least still put in some effort. Just wear some jeans with Sperry’s and a shirt that fits just right and call it a night! High school is all about finding your own style. Dress for yourself, not for your friends. Chances are if they’re actually good friends, they’re not going to care what you wear. Beware though, certain items may go missing from your closet. Be prepared to never see them again. No, your friend did not buy it at the same store. That’s the great thing about friends though; I have plenty of my friend’s clothes from them just leaving them at my house. I kind of hold them hostage until they choose to actually come get them. Most high schoolers aren’t into heels, but if you are, look for ankle-strapped heels. If you’re the chic fashionista, I’m here to help you. Fossil watches are in. So many people work there that go to our high school or have

gone here in the past, so ask them what kind of style is new right now. The outlet is the best place to go because they’re cheaper, but if money isn’t an issue then you should look at Dillard’s. Chanel also has a brand new perfume out, along with Coach. Coach’s smells so great! It has fall accents in it. O.P.I Nail polish has come out with a new line for fall, called the German Collection. I’m sure our former foreign exchange student would be proud to know you’re supporting his country. I went to Buckle to find out what jeans are in now because I want something other than Rock Revivals since that’s what everyone has. Diesel is the ‘now’ jean brand. Juicy Couture had an advertisement recently that showed gold jeans; they may be hard to pull off around here, but if you’re fearless then I’m sure somewhere like Forever 21 has them in stock. One of the differences from last year and this year are hair accessories. Hair feathers are pretty much out now unless they’re just clip in ones that match your outfit or you feel like dressing like an Indian, which is still in style! The feathers are just more shown in the shirts or bags rather than hair. Metallics have been in for years, so keep going strong with those. In fact, my go to thing right now is my metallic clutch; it even has a holder for my iPhone. It doubles as a wallet as well. Bows are going from preppy hair accessories to loosely tied bows on shirts. Lacey pants are now coming in to offer a girly edgy look for those girls who want to be a little different. Throw lace and leather together and you’ve got a new look most haven’t started using yet. Animal prints were very in last year, and they still are but not like last year. Now you’ll want

to go for hair bands, and accessories with print rather than jeans and shirts. Rather than cheetah look for snake also. There are things that are pretty much out, but remember you can still wear them; no one will judge you. Thigh-high boots are out and boots that hit above the knee are the go to boots. Let’s talk beauty and hair! Waves are and will be in for a long time, and the same with curls. You’re one of the lucky ones if your hair is naturally like that; if not you may want to look into getting a ‘Wand’. Fuller eyebrows are also a yes, but make sure they look kept and tidy. Braided up-dos are kind of a new thing. Try braiding the sides and put the back in a low bun. If you need help try either looking it up on YouTube or Google. Rosy cheeks give you a soft girly look. Fresh looking faces always look pretty, earth colored eye shadows help make that look easy. Love painting your nails as much as the senior girls do? Dark blue and burgundy look good with any outfit. Here’s a few final tips - accessorize. Wearing a necklace or bracelet can make an outfit complete. The feeling you get when you know you’ve picked out the perfect outfit is equivalent to victory. Vans are coming into the ‘Back to School’ style strong. I’ve seen sequin ones, plain, personalized; you should definitely look into buying a pair! Cuff your jeans to show off your new shoes too! It works for how warm it is outside and how cool it is inside. If you’re ever in doubt, just look through a couple of fashion magazines before going shopping, or look at mannequins and ask store associates for help. Bring your phone along and take snap shots in the dressing room for quick texts to friends on second opinions. One thing I try to do before I go shopping is clean out my closet and take everything up to Plato’s Closet for some extra cash. The worst thing they can do is give you some of the shirts back, and then you can either take them to Christian Associates or keep them just in case they make a comeback. If you ever need any advice, don’t be afraid to send me a text or an e-mail. I’m here to help!


Student Life

Hidden Talents By Kerrigan Arnold


Have you ever wondered what great talent is in this school? You could be eating lunch with the next Taylor Swift, playing football with the next Cam Newton, or even have a math class with the next Albert Einstein! You never know what talents are hiding in your classmates. Well, I got the chance to look around and find some of the many talents we have in this school. As I was looking around, I stumbled upon Tyler Pressley. Tyler is new this year, and he is a junior. I found out that Tyler plays piano and guitar. He started playing guitar about 9 years ago, and piano 2 years ago. Tyler got interested in music because he grew up in a musical family. His grandpa used to be in a band back in the day. I guess that’s where he picked up his musical talent! He decided to play piano because he loves the way it sounds, and it has a lot of emotion. Tyler plans on making a career of music once he’s graduated. He wants to go to college for music production, but he’s not entirely sure where yet. He has also been thinking about writing music of his own, because as of right now, he only plays songs by other artists. That’ll be changing soon! Some people who have influenced Tyler’s music are his favorite composer, Beethoven; his favorite musician, Stevie Ray Vaughan; and of course his family, who have been a major part on Tyler’s music career. When I asked Tyler who he would want to perform with if he got the chance, he said “Definitely Jason Mraz or John Mayer. I love all of Jason Mraz’s music, and they’re pretty easy on guitar. I also really like John Mayer’s music, he’s crazy good.” Tyler Pressley is an extremely talented person and everyone should definitely keep their eye out for him in the future, because he’s going to be doing great things in the music world! The next person I discovered on my search for hidden talent was Ryan Carnelison! Ryan’s hidden talent is rapping! Ryan started rapping when he was only 12 years old. When asked why he got into rapping, he replied with, “Well, at the time it was just something fun to do.” Well, that fun that began when he was 12 is now becoming Ryan’s plan for the future! Ryan said that he definitely plans on making rapping a career someday. He told me that he wants to go to college for music, but when I asked where, he said “I’m not too sure yet, maybe start at Julliard, or you know, maybe finish there.” Wherever Ryan ends up go-

ing, he’ll do amazing, that’s for sure! Ryan and I got to talking about where he got his inspiration, and he told me, “My inspiration is Tech 9. They’re from my hometown.” When I asked who he would want to perform with he answered with the famous Justin Bieber. Needless to say, he has great taste in music! Another awesome thing about Ryan is he writes his own raps. So alongside being a rapper, he is also a songwriter. As we were talking, Ryan mentioned he would love to be a music producer as well as a rapper. When I asked why he wanted to be a producer he replied with, “I feel like it would bring a lot of experiences, and opportunities.” Some activities Ryan does in school are concert choir. He told me that he is in choir because he really wants to work on improving his singing voice, so that maybe he can incorporate some singing in his raps. As of right now, Ryan is working on getting his songs professionally done, so you should definitely keep an eye out for Ryan! Who knows, he could be helping out Justin Bieber with his next hit song! The last person that I had the privilege of interviewing about their hidden talent was Dakota Jackson. Dakota is quite the gymnast! Dakota started with cheerleading in 2nd grade, and continued all the way to Freshman Year. From all the cheerleading that Dakota was involved with, it got her very interested in gymnastics! She realized in middle school that she had a real passion for gymnastics! She wanted to be able to do those amazing tricks that you always see in the Olympics. It was very obvious when she was in cheerleading that she had a knack for all the gymnastic parts of cheering! Dakota is taking gymnastics classes around 2 times a week, and the progress she is making in such a short time is outstanding! Dakota took quite the fall her freshman year when she was doing a stunt in cheerleading. She had broken her ankle, which as you can imagine, was a huge disappointment for her. She had to put a hold on all of her cheering and gymnastics. But that didn’t stop her!

Right when she was healed and cleared by a doctor, she got back into gymnastics! She was a little hesitant about her cheering after the accident, though. She took a year off from her cheering, but has been considering getting back into it! When I asked her if she was planning on making gymnastics a career, she replied, “No, I plan on becoming a dentist. This is just a hobby of mine.” Well, whatever Dakota ends up doing, she’ll do great! If Dakota does end up changing her mind and making her talent as a gymnast a career, who knows, we could see her on the Olympics! Dakota’s gymnastics isn’t all talent though; she puts in a lot of hard work! There is talent everywhere in this school; the only problem is that people don’t want to express their talent. So, what we need to do is step out of our comfort zones and express ourselves. Hopefully after reading this you’ll find the courage to go out and express yourself!

Student Life

School Clubs and Organizations By Emily Highfill

For any student looking for something to get involved in, our school provides an opportunity to join many clubs, organizations, and even sports for students. Joining an extracurricular activity can make your time here in high school much more fun and it’s a great way to meet new people. Plus, being in extracurricular activities looks great on college applications and can give you an upper hand on another applicant. One of our most popular organizations is the National Honor Society, or NHS. NHS is an organization focused on building a better community and volunteering in our area. NHS is also special because you can’t just join the club, you have to be asked to join based on your academics. You must maintain a 3.25 grade point average and have a 95-percent attendance rate. Incoming sophomores must have two and a half service hours, but juniors and seniors must complete five service hours per semester. Not all of your hours have to come from outside of school. Volunteering to work concessions stands at sports games, helping with the Golden Friends Luncheon, and checking out books for other students at the beginning of the year are great opportunities to get service hours. NHS is a great organization and a good way to build your leadership and service skills. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month. Any student who wants to know more can visit the sponsoring teachers, Mrs. Holt and Mr. Lynch, for more information. Another popular club here is Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). This year we have a new sponsoring teacher, Ms. Todd. FCCLA is for students looking to build their leadership and career skills. Every year our region has a meeting, normally held at Silver Dollar City. We get to listen to great guest speakers and then go out and have fun exploring the rest of the park. FCCLA also gets to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House, adopt a family at Christmas time, and compete in STAR Events, which are different competitions designed to build teamwork and leadership skills. FCCLA meets on the first Friday of every month in Ms. Todd’s room. Another great organization we have at Reeds Spring High School is Student Council. StuCo is for students looking to build their skills in leader-

ship and government. It’s a great way to get involved and make sure that your voice is heard. In Student Council we do everything from planning homecoming themes, hosting dances, and setting up for Courtwarming. The teacher that sponsors StuCo is Mr. Johnson. We meet on Wednesdays during guided study hall in his classroom. You must campaign and be voted in to be a representative or hold an office in StuCo, so students looking to join should start thinking about their campaigns for next year. Youth Empowerment program (YEP) is for students looking for more opportunities to volunteer and build a better community. If you’ve ever seen the flower bed out front, you’ve seen a project done by YEP students. YEP students also get to give grants at the end of the year to teachers and other groups that need help with funding for their supplies or projects. Around Christmas time, students also adopt a few children and get them Christmas gifts that they might not be able to afford themselves. Mrs. Allen and Dee Comeaux are the sponsors for the Youth Empowerment Program and if you would like more information you can visit with them. One of the organizations we have here also doubles as a class. Stream Team is a dual-credit class taught by Mrs. Lewis that you can take seventh hour, but also counts as a club as long as you are enrolled in the class. The members of Stream Team #432 go to specific sites near the spring and test water quality, identify macro-invertebrates,

and survey the land around the stream. They will go out to test the stream about once a month, gather information, analyze it, and send it in to the Missouri Conservation Department. Stream Team does many projects, reports, and presentations as well. Anyone interested in preserving our streams should look into taking the Stream Team class next year. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is for students looking to build their business skills. Any student interested in a career in business should look into joining. Mr. Davis, the teacher who sponsors FBLA, has meetings on Tuesdays in his room during guided study hall. During the school year, FBLA students host the coolest class contest and other fundraisers that allow them to adopt families at Christmas and help other organizations in the community. Members also get to compete at a district and state level. Competitive events are divided into three categories: individual, team, and chapter. Individual events focus on leadership and career activities, whereas chapter competitions focus on the achievements of your chapter as a whole. Another great group to be in is our band. The Wolf Pride Band is directed by Mr. Devos and Miss Vondrasek. They perform at concerts, football games, basketball games, competitions, and various festivals throughout the year. Anyone in band must be in the class held first hour in the band room. The theme for this year is “Stay Classy” and their playlist will include classical music. The band practices during and after school to get ready for their performances during marching season. They also march during our homecoming parade and other parades throughout the year. Any student wanting to join band can sign up for the class when making their schedules at the end of the year. As you can see, we have many different clubs and organizations here at school that you can join. Whether you want to build a better community, work on your leadership skills, fine tune your business skills or even help conserve our streams, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved.


Student Life

Getting To Know You By Glenna Dement

The school bell rings. As the doors open wide, the smell of school permeates the air - even though none of us can put our finger on what it actually smells like. Most of us routinely walk to our lockers and drop off our books and backpacks. Several of us, however, stand in the doorway instead, looking at the new environment around us that is thrumming with life; a new environment that is astoundingly different from what they’re used to. The definition of culture shock is “a state of bewilderment and distress experienced by an individual who is suddenly exposed to a new, strange, or foreign social and cultural environment.” This is exactly what plagued our newest foreign exchange students upon their arrival in America. Judy Kang from Germany and Evisa Zyka from Albania both said that America is very different from their homes. Can you imagine living in a different country that speaks a different language with a host family that is made up of strangers? The program that brought Judy and Evisa to the United States – Ayusa - does just that. Ayusa kicks open a


door of opportunity for students who want to learn about different cultures and gain the skills it takes to be a leader. Each participant completes paperwork, which they then turn in to Ayusa. In return, Ayusa makes all of the necessary arrangements, including informing the host family of their foreign exchange student’s arrival in America. Ayusa offers students the ability to build enduring, long term friendships and to grow and heighten their language proficiency as well as leadership skills. Despite Ayusa’s preparations, there isn’t much that can prepare someone for the extreme culture shock that floods their senses upon their arrival in the United States. Judy, who first arrived in New York, says that she was surprised by the “crowds and technology in Times Square”. After staying in New York for three days before coming to Missouri, Judy’s shock eventually wore down, and after the first couple weeks of school, her perception of America changed slightly. “New York is cool, but Galena is better.” she says, noting that Missouri is the polar opposite of New York in that we have an ample amount of trees everywhere.

After being born on April 19, 1996 and raised in Berlin, Germany, coming to America was a serious, yet pleasant, change of pace for Judy. “Everyone is so nice. The classes are interesting and the teachers are also very nice.” says Judy. “I would love to go to college here.” At the relatively young age of 16, Judy has high aspirations and dreams, just like many of us do. With a prospective career as not only a violinist but an English teacher, music teacher or a professional musician as well, there’s no doubt that any one of these careers will take plenty of time and effort. Judy has already come this far, though, so what’s to stop her from achieving her goals? After all, she is already preparing herself for several promising career fields. Not only does she play piano and violin, but she is also in band and concert choir, and she is multi-lingual. By growing up in Germany, she learned to speak German, but she has also learned to speak bits and pieces of Korean and French. Along the way, she has picked up a few words in Japanese, and she has also learned to speak English. Maybe someday, Judy’s love for different languages will

blossom into a successful and prospering career for her. Judy is not our only foreign exchange student with high aspirations this year, however. Evisa Zyka, from Fier, Albania, has also come to us through the Ayusa program. She and Judy live with the same host family and have many things in common. Like Judy, Evisa is also in concert choir. She is not in band, however. Instead, Evisa opts for the Drama class. At 15 years old, Evisa has already acted in England, and now she has come to America. This is remarkable, considering that schools in Albania do not offer classes such as drama or choir. Despite that, Evisa says that she “likes all classes here” and that she doesn’t have a favorite class here as of yet. Evisa is not only a diligent drama devotee, but she expresses a love for chemistry and biology as well as a love for music that comes from playing piano for three years. With such a wide variety of interests, how could a person choose only one career? Like many of us, Evisa hasn’t yet made a decision regarding which career path she would like to choose. Instead, she has a wide range of occupational fields to choose from, just like Judy does, and just like most of us do. Though there are many similar aspects between the lifestyle of our lovely foreign exchange students and our lifestyle here, there are also many differences. “All of America is different from Albania.” says Evisa. According to Judy, the strangest things she has seen so far are New York and the schools here. Even Evisa admits that our American schools are bizarre in comparison to the schools in Albania. “There,” she says, “the teachers move from class to class, not the students.” After growing up in Albania and being used to that school system, coming to America provided not only a different cultural experience, but a new learning experience as well as a new environment to adapt to. Even though she must adapt to a new culture, Evisa is still in touch with her own. Otherwise known as “Evi” to her friends, Evisa was born to her parents, Ylli and Fabjola, on February 17, 1997 in Feir, Albania. With a 20 year old sister named Kaltra and a 14 year old brother named Biloin, she has lived as the middle child in her family. After leaving her family and her home of 15 years to come to America, she says “At first I was a little

bit sad and I missed my family but then it was alright.” Can you imagine living in the same home for your entire life, then suddenly leaving to go live in a country on the other side of the world? That couldn’t be very easy. Evisa says that she enjoyed school in Albania and she misses her family in friends. Despite this, she enjoys all of her classes here and looks forward to football games and choir.

Answers To August’s Game Page


Game Page

Find The Differences!




Memento Mori By Kristin Minturn

September 24, 2012 (continued) A lump grew in my throat as the pressure from the knife increased. Time seemed to come to a standstill as a million scenarios passed through my mind all at once; all the ways that this would end. Each scenario concluded with my life being cut short by the knife at my throat. All because I had to try playing the hero. That was my number one rule for surviving - never be a hero. Because in real life, all it does is get you killed. All for a god-forsaken can of corn. Corn isn’t even that good. If, in that moment ,you were to ask me if my life was worth it in exchange for that child’s, I would say no. Even now, if you were to ask me that, I’d still say no. That sounds terrible, I know. But that’s the way I am. I’ve an incredibly strong sense of self-preservation, and I firmly believe in the motto “every man for himself”. But when I’d attacked the man to save the child, it’d been reflex. Had I taken the time to think about it, I probably would have just continued on my way and attempted to ignore it, hoping that no lasting harm came to the child. I’m a horrible person, and I’ll readily admit it. I pulled myself together and looked around, hoping for some sort of distraction I could use to escape his hold without cutting myself. The search had been in vain, though, because there was literally nothing that I could use that would hold his attention long enough to get rid of him. Everyone was squabbling like chickens over various items, trying to claim them for themselves. Any hope that I possibly had of attracting someone’s attention was dashed because they were all so absorbed with what they were doing. I couldn’t turn around for fear of the man reacting to my movements. I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, unsure of what to do because there wasn’t anything to do. I tensed myself and began to look around one last time in desperation, once more in vain. Suddenly the pressure on my neck was released and I heard a crash behind me. I fell to the floor in a mess and turned around to find my attacker crumpled on the ground at the feet of an older man who struck him several times in the face. I sat there in a daze and listened to the hypnotic sound of his fist hitting the other man’s face. He punched the man one last


time in the face, turned him over and pulled a zip tie from his shirt pocket. He then tied his hands behind his back, and kicked him one last time for good measure before turning him over once more and whispered something in his ear. The man’s eyes widened and he gave the older man a fearful look. The old man looked at him and smiled, and picked the pocket knife up off the ground. He gave it an approving look before closing it and sticking it in his pocket. He was an older man, and was taller; he had a Clint Eastwood demeanor about him. He looked very hardened, whether by war or life in general, I didn’t know, but I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to find out “Well are ya get up or what?” He gave me a glance before walking away, he put a good fifteen or twenty feet between us before looking back once more. He looked a bit annoyed. “Come on, I’m not going to spend all day waiting for you.” He said crossly. I scrambled to get up, and gathered my wits about me. He wasn’t someone that I wanted to make angry, especially after he’d saved my life. I ran to catch up with him; he gave me a one over and then turned around and continued walking. “So what’re you lookin for?” I struggled to form words; I was still startled by my encounter with the other man. “Oh, I was really just hoping to find anything, really, I mean, especially after what’s happened-“ He cut me off and looked me in the eye “Right, right so what is it exactly that you need?” I struggled to come up with an

answer, I knew that I needed supplies; I mean, more than likely a major war was about to start, and nothing this bad has happened since the forties. And even then it wasn’t to this degree; there had never been such an aggressive attack on the United States before. “I honestly don’t know” I sighed and looked up at him. “Alright then” He nodded as if he’d known that this would be my response. He pulled a cart from a side aisle that someone was using but wasn’t particularly paying attention to. He began walking around, pulling various items from shelves and giving people dirty looks whenever they had something to say about him going after the same item as them. Quickly he filled up the cart with various items, and made his way to the front of the store, there were cashiers stationed at several of the registers, but they looked like they were at a loss as to what to do, because people were just taking the items in their shopping carts, completely disregarding the alarms wailing in protest. The older man pulled into the nearest checkout lane and looked at the cashier. “Two hundred dollars for the lot of it.” The cashier looked at him for a moment, about to protest, he then looked towards the exit, and sighed. “Alright that’ll do” I began to pull my wallet out of my pocket, but stopped when the older man pushed it towards me roughly, “Don’t bother, I’ve got it.” He mumbled. He took out a wallet full to the brim with cash and passed the money

over the counter. The cashier sighed and took the money, “Have a nice day” He muttered. I started to take the cart from the older man, but he continued pushing it towards the exit. “I’m not letting you walk out of the store by yourself when you’ve got a cart this big full of supplies. You’re going to get mugged.” With a sigh, I let him lead the cart. “Where’s yer car?” I looked around, remembering that I’d parked more towards the back. A wave of panic washed over me. I sprinted towards the back of the lot, looking this way and that, hoping to spot the piece of junk that was my car. It wasn’t there. Presumably, someone had stolen it. I looked up at him “It’s not here, I think-“ He turned the cart around and started towards the front of the lot again. “What’re you-“ He stopped in front of a large red truck and began loading everything into the back. “Get inside.” He dug around in his pocket a bit before pulling out a set of keys, and tossing them over the cart. I fumbled a bit before catching them. “It’s the silver one with the ford logo on it” The keys jangled in an annoying manner as I searched for the correct one; upon finding it I unlocked the car and got in. For a while I sat there and pondered whether or not I should lead him directly to my house, or have him stop somewhere near it so that I could walk home with all of the items. As much as I appreciated everything that he’d done so far, -because he had gone above and beyond what was called for whilst helping me- I still was weary about leading someone whose name I didn’t even know to my home. My thoughts were disturbed when he got into the car. “Keys.” I handed them over and watched as he put them into the ignition. “Where to?” “Egh, I-” “You can tell me where you live, I’m not going to come and kill your family in the middle of the night kid.” Realizing that I had no other choice, I gave in and gave him the street address. Gravel crackled and crunched loudly in protest as he pulled into the driveway.

“This it?” “Yeah, the last house on the left”. He guided the car to a gradual stop in front of the house and began unloading everything from the car. “What the hell are you doing?” My mother game out of the house with a loud crash as the door smashed against the inside of the house. “You’re accepting rides from complete strangers now? Do you know how stupid that was? Do you?” I rolled my eyes and got out of the car to help him unload the grocerys from the car. “What’s this? What is all of this?” She began rummaging through all of the bags. The man acquired a tic in his left eye. In a fit of rage, she then began throwing everything to the ground. Careless of what it was. “Where the hell were you? Do you know how stupid you were to go out into town? Especially at a time like this!” She threw a package of eggs to the ground. “And where is your car? Did you get it stolen? Serves you right for your stupidity.” The man lost it. He grabbed my mother by the arm and held it in mid-air, can of corn still in her grasp. “You think it’s stupid? Getting supplies? Food, to feed your face? While your daughter was in town, what were you doing? Sitting in front of the television watching the screen? Tell me, is that your idea of intelligent?” He scoffed. “At least your daughter’s got a brain. That’s more than you can say.” He dropped her arm, which now hung limply at her side. She simply looked at him, mouth gaping open. He quietly began collecting the things he could salvage from the ground. Those that he couldn’t, he merely glared at with disgust. After a few moments of silence I began collecting things as well. Wondering what would happen after he left. Quietly, I took the items in hand and led him to the front door, which was still open and dropped the items in the middle of the floor. I turned to him, “Thank you, for everything-” I paused, I still didn’t know his name. “Roger, and anytime. Listen,” he rummaged around in his pocket and once more brought out his wallet.

“If you need anything, anything at all, just call this number.” He pulled out a crisp business card and handed it over. “And listen, I’m sorry about your mother, you’re not gonna get any help from her kid, she’s one of those people.” I nodded. I knew this, I’d known this for a long time, and it was one of the reasons I’d left this morning. “I know. Thanks Roger.” He nodded and walked out the door. I heard his engine start and the gravel crackle once again as he pulled out of the drive.


Student Life

School Spirit By Tyler Miller

Wolf pack! Wolf pack! Let me hear you cry! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!! The chant yelled at every one of our pep rallies here in Reeds Spring just brings out our school spirit. Here in Reeds Spring we have tons of ways to show our support for our fellow wolves: there is the victory chant, The Bam danced by the band when the football team scores a touchdown and now the new addition of the lyrics to our school fight song. Thanks to our very talented English teacher, the one and only Mr. Lynch, he was asked to come up with some lyrics to sing along with when our fight song is played, and with the help of Ms. Oliver, Mr. Devos, and Coach Moler, he had no problem in doing so. The words go a little like this: “We are the Wolves and we’ll fight again and again” “We are the Wolves and we will win” ‘We will defeat our rivals without mercy” “We will achieve our victory” “Our banner’s raised” “Red and white” “We are loud and proud when we shout out” “Go Wolves! Fight! Fight! Fight! “W-O-L-V-E-S” “Let’s go, Wolves! “We are the Wolves and we’ll fight again and again” “We are the Wolves and we will win” “We will defeat our rivals without mercy” “We will achieve our victory” “Our banner’s raised” “Red and white”


“We are loud and proud when we shout out” “Go Wolves! Fight! Fight! Fight! The school band is one of the most outgoing and spirit-filled bands you will find around, and they seem to take it upon themselves to make sure our school stays that way. After sitting down with Mr. Devos and asking a little about his band, I found out just how spirit filled they are. Q: “So is it hard to get the kids into the spirit when playing or at games?” A: “Oh goodness no, these kids come in filled with spirit from day one and it stays with them all the way till the last day.” Q: “How did the idea of getting lyrics for the fight song come about?” A: “Well Ms. Mallard came to me one day and asked if we had lyrics and as far as I knew we didn’t have any so we thought it would be a great idea to right some. Thanks to the help of Mr. Lynch, students and teachers came up with some and we hope to carry them for a very long time.” Q: “When did we originally get our fight song?” A: “We had that song way before I was here, I’d say at least ten years ago.” Q: “So as you know the fight song isn’t the only song that the band likes to play, there is a song you guys play called “The Bam” and there is even a little dance that goes along with it, were you the one who came up with that?” A: “No no no no no, again that was way before I ever got here. In fact I tried to get rid of it at one point but the students said they would not spot “The Bam.” Q: “When ‘The Bam’ first

came out, did they play just the words first or did the dance come along with the song?” A: “I believe the percussion section got together and made all it up on their own, I could be wrong though because I wasn’t here when it was made.” Q: “Is there a time you guys take to teach them the dance or do they already know it as freshmen?” A: “It’s the easiest dance to learn but most kids have it down before they get to me.” Q: “Do you guys have a favorite time to play and dance to the song?” A: “Whenever, it’s just a thing we like to do when something good happens or even if we start to get a little bored we just do the bam.” Q: “Now you said that that dance/song was made by the kids themselves, do you ever have kids come up to you now and say ‘hey I’ve got this that I think would be fun to do.’” A: “All the time, now if it’s good, we mess around with it and then of course there are the ones that have no chance of us ever doing, but they just love goofing around with stuff like that.” Q: “Are there any new things we can expect this year?” A: “You know I’m not really sure, I never know what to expect from my kids when it comes to stuff like that.” Just that little ten-minute talk I had with Mr. Devos showed me how much school spirit the band and how much fun they have doing so. The community and students spirit and love for this place is what holds Reeds Spring together and I don’t see that changing any time in the future.



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